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  • I sometimes avoid skills that relocate my character's position in battles that have poorly defined edges. Notably, Crescendo will place me outside the map with no way back inside if I use it while backed up against a wall. This becomes an issue in things like Ballad o' Baph because of how much he enjoys relocating himself.…
  • This reminds me: can someone tell me if it's a bug or not that sometimes I move forward in a short lunge when I stab over my shield, and sometimes I don't? It sort of seems like enemy unit blocking is meant to prevent me from moving forward, and scooting forward is what the attack does when no enemy is close enough to hit…
  • Valid point. I am, after all, only describing my personal experience. 5-man content hasn't been my focus, so much as all solo content I can get my hands onto so far. I've played for, what, close to a week? Not a huge sampling. I actually appreciate you reminding me of this, since I've been meaning to circle back and tour…
  • As long as we're getting this off our chests, here's my beef: I'm level 51. I've seen about 6 mimics. I've seen ONE gelatinous cube. I've seen no mind flayers, beholders, and only glimpsed a dragon in a cutscene. Were our servers named like this in honor of their extinction, or something? I've seen no displacer beasts,…
  • When did pointing out Straw men, specifically, become the latest internet fad? I've seen, like, 15 of these in the last hour. Can we sometimes at least use a synonym or something? Please?
  • I believe you get your first companion for free at 15 in a quest, so hang in there, you're almost there. Horses are similar, and you get the ability to rent them around the same time.
  • In my experience, unless someone else (player or NPC) intervenes, once you've alerted an enemy to your presence they're pretty much yours to keep. We've got fast movement skills, but by design they only move us towards the enemy, and not away. If you absolutely have to lose an enemy, I've found that scraping them off on…
  • I'd love to see what they do about the extremely class-specific gear, in that case. I'd love it, for instance, if a warrior was treated a little more traditionally and could simply wear everything, and not just their specific flavor of a particular kind of platemail that nobody else in turn can wear. Add 16 more class…