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Avoiding certain powers in specific fights



  • gabrieldourdengabrieldourden Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,212 Arc User

    Area effects that persist like Pillar of Power on my SW. The color of the effect overlaps any red marks (incoming damage) during a boss fight and causes deaths to party due to inaccurate information.

    Same for Icy Terrain and the Paranoid Delusion area power
    Le-Shan: HR level 80 (main)
    Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
  • archangelzorak01archangelzorak01 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 324 Arc User

    Here comes the can of worms - smoke bomb.

    I avoid it like the plague. The particle effect causes lag and for my build it doesn't work. It's not worth it.

    I would cite the case where shortly after Tiamat came out with Tyranny of Dragons there were the "25 of one class" runs being tested, and having 4-20 TRs drop a smoke bomb at once made the screen freeze for me. This also can occur on "5 of a kind" epic runs, or "10 of a kind" on a side in Demogorgon.

    One smoke bomb may not be much, but it adds up. When you get a TR on the team that drops a smoke bomb every single time it resets the timer you notice it.

    No, it's not my graphics card. No, It's not my connection. No, it's not an old monitor unable to keep up. No, it's not the Pally or the Cleric or the Warlock you'd like to point out.

    Yes, my main is a TR.

    I find it interesting that you mention this. I was there for the 25 TR Tiamat and had no issues whatsoever with the blanket of smoke bombs we laid down.
    I've heard people mention 'smoke bomb causes lag', 'smoke bomb hurts my fps', etc. I've been maining a TR since launch and I've never had any performance issues related to smoke bomb, ever.
    Neverwinter Module 6: The only MMO expansion in the history of MMO's to remove more content than it added.

  • archangelzorak01archangelzorak01 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 324 Arc User
    What I have noticed, more-so in recent times than in days gone by; is a strange delay when using my abilities when I'm in a max-buffs group. Its become more noticeable of late since we run more buff-groups in Tong than most other places.

    It seems the more buffs/debuffs are going on in a multi-target setting that something somewhere in the process line is struggling doing the calculations. It frustrating because when you have the most power/buffs/debuffs etc. is when you want to be able to take full advantage of them.

    As an example, and when it seems to happen most, is when I use Dazing Strike from stealth while I'm at the highest power I can get from buffs and there are multiple debuff's running from multiple sources etc, etc. I will go from a smooth, lagless experience one moment to a delay of almost 1 second between when my animation plays and when the damage floaters actually appear. This will often-times end up with missed encounters or animations that play without the power actually activating resulting in wasted time with no damage done and often-times will also trigger the cooldown.

    Another thing that happens more often than it should are double animations. This seems to happen most with my Paladin but also on my TR, just to a lesser extent. Sometimes I even end up with animations for abilities I didn't even use playing alongside other abilities. Whirlwind of blades animation playing when I use smoke bomb, or smoke bomb animation playing but not actually triggering or playing twice for no apparent reason. On my pally its radiant strike animation playing twice or playing after I've used Smite. I guess what I'm getting at is that many animations are really... really janky sometimes. What results is a less than fun gaming experience.

    In fast-paced combat where every second counts (and I only have a window of about 6 seconds of maximum buffs) every tiny bit of time counts, and when things start to get choppy and don't react at an appropriate speed I know I'm losing efficiency... and that just feels bad.
    Neverwinter Module 6: The only MMO expansion in the history of MMO's to remove more content than it added.

  • icarlcicarlc Member Posts: 33 Arc User

    you should ask people to post their pc spects who are having performance issues . I have an I 7 3.6ghz 8 core 16 gig of ram I have no performance issues. And I would also have them do an internet speed test. If your upload and down load sux , well what can you expect.

    Mine almost mirrors yours, mine is 3.4ghz and there are times when I have problems. I run the test when I started having problems and there are times when it is my connection, then there are times when I am guessing that the hamster running the server is tired. I do suggest that people run diagnostics as it helps others get a better insight into what the issues are. Now, when I see several people complain about the same issue that I am having, you can deduce that there could be a slight issue in the server that affects certain computers and not others as the resource usage is different for different computers.
  • tornnomartornnomar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 399 Arc User
    I agree with adinosii. This is really not an issue that requires immediate attention. Beside we all know the way they will fix it...NERF.

    Out of respect for other players who do lag from certain powers being used, I avoid the No-No's in a large grouping like Tia/Edemo and the like. But in a 5 person dungeon I will run whatever I choose that will help the group in the best way possible, because if a rig can't handle these powers in a 5 person run, then its become time to give serious consideration towards upgrading the equipment that your using.

    Turning off all other players floaters and companion floaters helps too.
    Branch Lead
  • preechr#2215 preechr Member Posts: 488 Arc User
    Devoted Cleric Break the Spirit in divinity mode is simply useless... it interrupts itself if you don't wait through the entire animation, which is not how it behaves out of divinity when followed by another encounter
    Same thing goes for Prophecy of Doom
    ...seems a shame to avoid a thing you could be doing (if you wanted to) just because of a technical reason
  • nirafelosnirafelos Member Posts: 113 Arc User

    SW Pillar of Power can have similar effect as icy terrain making red markings hard to see

    The biggest encounter-offenders here (note: no force on this earth will prevent me from using Pillar of Power, but these are encounters where it makes red indicators hard or impossible to see. Most of them are non-lethal, but it can be annoying.):
    • Lostmauth fight, when he takes off at 50% HP, it is *very* difficult to see the red circles indicating where stones are about to drop, on the already-red/gold center medallion, underneath a Pillar of Power. This is the only place I've been yelled at for having an active Pillar of Power, because this is the only near-always-lethal one on this list.
    • EToS Last boss (i've killed spider-lady 926318725 times and I have no idea what her name is): Pillar of Power centered on her human form makes seeing her "I'm transforming into a spider now and going to knock you over unless you back up!" indicator nearly impossible to see. Not a big deal; it doesn't kill anyone, but it absolutely takes people by surprise and knocks them over when Pillar of Power is under her.
    • Pillar of Power is almost exactly the same size as the indicator for the "purple fist rising from the ground and knocking you over" power that is prevalent from Yuan-Ti in Chult, including the boss of the Weekly House of the Crocodile. Also maybe worth mentioning that the frequency with which that boss uses this power (and other powers) is incredibly annoying. Much like the No Sympathy and Bickering Beholders stronghold heroics, it turns the fight into "attack once, dodge, attack once, dodge, attack once, dodge, attack once, dodge, attack once, dodge," which is not a particularly interesting combat flow (and, for some classes like Combat HRs, basically destroys their dmg rotation).
    • The aforementioned No Sympathy stronghold heroic: The demons alternate between a line-attack and a small circle that knocks you up. Pillar of Power makes it nearly impossible to see/dodge the small circles.
    • The Green Dragon in the Stronghold Dragonflight event throws down circles of green poison on the ground. Unsurprisingly, it's difficult to see green circles underneath green circles.
    Lag-wise, others are spot-on with their lists. I don't pretend that my software development experience means I automatically know why these abilities are lag-inducing, but in some of these cases, I do have theories that may or may not be helpful.
    1. CW Icy Terrain: In addition hiding red on the same list above, IT can severely impact performance when an area is crowded. It's very unclear if this is a local or a server issue.
    2. HR Careful Attack: This looks to me like a server / communications issue. It appears to need to check the 1.5s cooldown per attacker each time they attack, which with 25-40 people (Tiamat, Well of Dragons Dragon Runs) can be several hundred calculations per second. I suspect that the triggered damage instances could be batched in a manner that reduced server load and client communication requirements. With 5-10 people, it's totally fine.
    3. HR Slasher's Mark: I have literally never heard a complaint about it or experienced lag as a result of it, so I'm a bit surprised to see it on some people's lists. Still, feel free to take it and CA's presence as a reason to take a look at Pathfinder. CA and Slasher's Mark are literally the only two not-unusably-bad abilities/features that Pathfinder offers, and they're still (reportedly) unusable in some situations because they cause lag.
    4. Astral Seal, Prism: kind of a similar issue. These abilities produce no lag when used with a "normal" number of people, but 25-40 people cause a significant slowdown. Neither ability is so powerful that the "correct" solution is to nerf them by giving them a target cap, but that would be better than their current unusable-in-crowded-encounters state.

    I have one other (related) tangent:

    Way back when (before mod 10), the Temptation Warlock capstone feat Soul Bonding used to be able to proc the boon Burning Guidance (Dread Ring Campaign Capstone) and (exclusively on Mod 10 PTR) Healing Warmth (SKT Campaign Capstone), which each deal flat damage in an AoE around a healed target.

    At the time, neither of these boons had a target cap or an internal cooldown.

    When Mod 10 reworked the Warlock's trees and changed this capstone from an on-lifesteal-triggered effect to a consistent heal on every hit (as well as Mod 10 adding the second of these Boons), the frequency with which these effects were being triggered and the number of mobs they were being triggered on was causing a lot of lag, so subsequently Soul Bonding healing was flagged ineligible for triggering these boons.

    Since that time (I cannot immediately find a source or date for this), a target cap of 10 enemies has been implemented for each of these boons, and as of 7/1/2017 (according to the Burnadin guide), a 1 second internal cooldown per ally has been added to each of these effects as well.

    As such, would y'all be willing to re-test enabling Soul Bonding healing to trigger the BG and HW boons? With both a target limit and internal cooldowns, the lag created should be significantly less substantial. With the impending OBC nerf in 12B, Templocks could stand to see a DPS increase, and this would be a relatively easy / fun one.
  • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
    I don't use gloating cut vs fast players in pvp. It just won't hit them, the activation time needs to be shortened.
    I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
  • aldonesxrcsaldonesxrcs Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    I sometimes avoid skills that relocate my character's position in battles that have poorly defined edges. Notably, Crescendo will place me outside the map with no way back inside if I use it while backed up against a wall. This becomes an issue in things like Ballad o' Baph because of how much he enjoys relocating himself. I almost always end up sandwiched with my back to the wall against him, and crescendo pops me out the wall and into the lava below. I've caught other skills doing this, but none quite so reliable.

    Also, in the same vein as the people who don't enjoy using icy terrain or pillar in groups because it covers enemy damage circles, I tend to avoid entire dungeons that have floors that behave the same way. There are certain dungeons that have floor surfaces that are above the surface at which any AoE markers are displayed. About halfway into Karrundax you can find one such space. AoE from both enemies and myself are engulfed in overly tall floor topography and the entire experience becomes a comedy slapstick battle as if the floor were covered in invisible bananna peels.
  • gabrieldourdengabrieldourden Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,212 Arc User
    Well, thinking about this I can mention Slasher's Mark and the Turtle fight in FBI. Depending on what the turtle is doing you may find yourself standing over her back or you may fly straight across her and land into the waters.
    Le-Shan: HR level 80 (main)
    Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
  • hawkeyelhawkeyel Member Posts: 389 Arc User
    As a GF tank I find that Knights Valor seems to be a very hated encounter from every class I have ever been with. I have tried to bring this issue up on the October bug fix topic with only a very small amount of support .And have also gotten zero feedback from any of the Devs. So I have decided to make Knights Valor a pro- tip .Any time a GF wants to avoid doing something just turn on Knights Valor and wait for the coming free vote kick the team will soon be giving you. It also works great in PE because the only thing not running from you will be the NPCs so you never hate to wait for someone to move when you are near because they will be running long before you get to them.
  • judiodeplomojudiodeplomo Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 13 Arc User
    hawkeyel said:

    As a GF tank I find that Knights Valor seems to be a very hated encounter from every class I have ever been with. I have tried to bring this issue up on the October bug fix topic with only a very small amount of support .And have also gotten zero feedback from any of the Devs. So I have decided to make Knights Valor a pro- tip .Any time a GF wants to avoid doing something just turn on Knights Valor and wait for the coming free vote kick the team will soon be giving you. It also works great in PE because the only thing not running from you will be the NPCs so you never hate to wait for someone to move when you are near because they will be running long before you get to them.

    I don't see why anyone would mind Knight's Valor in a dungeon. It's a legitimately useful ability. Sure, it causes a slight framerate issue which might be noticeable on lower end systems, but it's really not that bad.
    However, having Knight's Valor on in public and in solo areas is honestly rude and insulting. Not only are you causing performance issues for players with lower end systems, you are also annoying the hell out of everyone else with that blue glow. And to add insult to injury, you are openly wasting a slot on your action bar on an ability that does absolutely nothing in solo content. Nothing.

    This is why we hate you. Not because you use it in dungeons.

  • thanatos#1110 thanatos Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    its not about powers but can you add a hide players option in protector's enclave because I get like 5-20 fps when I travel there and its kinda annoying (I'm used to lag I have like Intel Pentium... i'm serious)
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User

    Are there certain powers you or your group avoids during certain fights because it causes performance issues?

    • Does it involve one class?
    • A combo of classes using powers?
    • Is it during specific times in a fight?

    We want to know!

    We have heard concerns and stories in the past about players avoiding using certain powers during certain fights. We are looking for detailed info on the top 5-10 of these to help us identify and prioritize power fixing needs. This thread is just to share specific examples. Discussions regarding those powers or other tangential conversations will make it more challenging for us to locate the info at this time so please refrain from such discussions and debates here.

    Thank you!


    Aura of Solitude Paladin Class Power : Right now for the longest time if you have anyone even an Companion nearby within 30' it will never PROC. Even if this companion is an AUGMENT with no attack abilities - so why have a completely USELESS CLASS power?


    Then at least if you're adventuring in CAMPAIGN AREAS ALONE with NO FRIENDS you gain the damage boost; that be extremely helpful for Paladin's in CHULT. This class power has been broken since Paladin's Class was first introduced. :'(
  • rannxeroxxrannxeroxx Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    strathkin said:

    Aura of Solitude Paladin Class Power : Right now for the longest time if you have anyone even an Companion nearby within 30' it will never PROC. Even if this companion is an AUGMENT with no attack abilities - so why have a completely USELESS CLASS power?


    Then at least if you're adventuring in CAMPAIGN AREAS ALONE with NO FRIENDS you gain the damage boost; that be extremely helpful for Paladin's in CHULT. This class power has been broken since Paladin's Class was first introduced. :'(

    Ha, I would say that about half the powers on most classes are either broken or extremely underused because they are basically useless. Instead of new content the devs really need to just go back and update the classes and maybe add one or two new ones. Not talking about nerfs or buffs, just make some powers that are interesting. Some of the play style of the classes are getting a bit boring since if you, say, play a TR you do x, y, z in that order over and over again.

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