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  • I run a 3,3k Soulbinder Fury SW and never hit like that, buffs or no buffs. Where do you get those numbers? If it's to do with the puppet, then let them fix the puppet. But we all know, as soon as they set out to fix something, they break the whole class. I'd rather they left us warlocks the heck alone, to be honest.
  • Not sure if it's a glitch or not, but with a greater dread I'm able to pull a 1+million crit every few minutes on Orcus. With vorpal that never happened. So yeah, this new thing is real good. Including pve outside of that glitchy Castle Never.
  • Not just you. I saw them earlier today after the maintenance, but then they vanished.
  • OWLBEAR TO THE RESCUE Nice puzzle thingy
  • +1 on the suggestions Even if the only buff would be lifting the healing depression, it'd be much better for SWs. Faster casting would be awesome, no two ways about it. As for now, the only way SW play in PvP is as a support. And it's Fury path. Temptation ones indeed do worse there.
  • Low GS does not necessarily mean the player is bad or not experienced - no way. Sometimes you can meet bad players with high GS, as well as vica versa. It's all individual, we can't speak generally about this aspect. But as for the GS requirements concerning Tiamat, it has nothing to do with how good a player is. No matter…
  • I've bought the Neverwinter Guardian pack for just the account-unlock Dire Wolf companion. One of the best combat companions out there, imho, with proning the foes feature alone, plus decent damage and interrupting. Not sure if the panther is better or equal, but that wolf is almost a life-saver sometimes. And I'd totally…
  • True, even while shadowslipping, TRs can daze and kill us like there's nothing simpler in the world. If we take PvP, SWs have the least survivability in these conditions. It has to change, and giving us more chances against a cc effect could be a good start. It's frustrating enough when you can't hit a perma-invisible TR…
  • If PvE is that easy, why is there always so many "lfg" in chat for any normal PvE lair? Why not do it alone if PvE is just that easy? Or maybe people say it's easy because they're not accustomed to actually do the quests alone. Perhaps what we already have up to the new module can stay that way in difficulty - let those…
  • I would be very much onboard with that. Life Steal in pvp seems almost nonexistent, and swallowing potions all the time... I don't know, never did that. There's only so much time to press all the bazillion buttons we need to press to get our powers working and no leftover seconds to bother with pots buttons.
  • I can one-shot a mob of those when my fiery bolt or killing flames crit, which is often. SW Fury Hellbringer 17 GS. I'm sure other classes can too with a proper build.
  • Lol, yeah, we do, and actually kill things still. But mainly we turned into a support class in PvP these days. Most success comes from pairing up with another class on a node. Which still isn't a perfect situation and needs fixing.
  • Having tried Temptation (being Hellbringer since I didn't bother with new paragon at all), I can say my survivability was at its highest, as well as me outhealing any cleric on any skirmish-dungeon runs. But damage wasn't too high, and I wanted more, so I respeced for Fury and pressed on Life Steal a bit more. Having…
  • Too far apart. You get into one group and only focus on one head for the rest of the fight. And on surviving. Life steal and the healing daily might be nice + the flames of ... - can't spell the name of that green skull daily to save my life xD - it's a nice one for it.
  • +1 on this. Too much imbalance among the ones we have already and all the efforts seem to be flowing towards one class recently.
  • It's a total failure when you can't enter the temple with the party you've joined in advance. How can we hope to be anyhow organized when this happens? we can't. Especially when your new group doesn't talk or read the chat at all or cares to do so because all they care about is what to do and where to run next, which…
  • I'm afraid that's true. 25 people with GS around 15k sounds like a way to go if one wants to finish it with a success. The amount of damage the dragon's heads do and the amount it takes to finish her off demands a higher DPS output from each individual player + self-healing and life steal to be high as well. Otherwise just…
  • Haha, THIS, pretty much. Although there are some overpowered DCs who can almost one-shot you. When I can with more probability kill a GF than a DC, I sense something is rotten in this realm. But I haven't seen it too often just yet.
  • Stamina regeneration isn't the fastest, I agree. But with the last boon of Sharandar it's better while in battle. As for the rest of it, casting and no survivability in PvP = AGREED. In PvE we are killing machines, terminators IF it's single target - mostly when you're crowded and surrounded, you're a dead SW, no matter…
  • When I increased my damage output, I started getting some on the usual dragons. But still it's just a chance. High damage increases the chance somewhat, but doesn't guarantee squat.
  • True, SWs are in the deepest hole of bad luck in PvP arena right now. Being one, I can say I can protect myself against another unfortunate SW better than against any other class as of now. Especially since the new mod. Sometimes DCs still, but not as much anymore. I wish with new paragon path they would actually care to…
  • Aside from players who get lots of loot or none whatsoever there is a middle category, I suppose, whose luck is really random. I might fit in that category since I got an artifact drop once on Rothe Valley dragon - the rod of imperial restrain - and that's the only artifact drop ever on any map or mod. Yes, I got quite a…
  • It's simultaneously funny and sad for me to read all these things from each class that they got either nerfed or intimidated by new TRs - and it's all true, I see that in PvP all the time. But you know what, there is no class (except for DCs - not sure if they got much better or just a bit to better to merely last a sec or…
  • There's a huge difference between putting up a good fight and perma-stun any opponent to three-strikes kill them. After the fix, I still see this on every PvP match. I rarely see any tanks in random teams these days. It's always at least two TRs and 1-2 HRs. Because those classes got ridiculously OPed regardless of any…
  • Actually, for a Temptation warlock with 13% Life Steal, he wasn't too hard for me. The boss in the prison was a bit harder, and this one died quickly since I focused mostly on him with as much Dreadtheft as I could put on him + Killing Flames, Curses and Fiery bolt since it really refills my health perfectly. Once the boss…
  • It's always a surprise of a kind for me to read about HRs not being able to score in PvP when they perma-stun and slice me up in a few seconds with my SW not being able to do squat. Being lower GS than me, too. Almost the same ridiculous OP level as TRs who oneshot me all the time after the module came on. If before that I…
  • Actually, HRs are stunning-stomping my SW into the pvp grounds about the same as TRs, so it's weird to read how hard it is for a HR. But with the opinion on how things are I can agree fully. The amount of DPS output for TRs, CWs, many HRs and GWFs is utterly ridiculous in PvP now, especially after mod 5. (DCs are still…
  • I'm not sure about Fury build but Temptation - which I am - is the easiest kill in PvP these days among all classes. Even ridiculously so by 11k GS TRs and HRs. With 27% ArPen and 30% Defence they slice me up like I'm GS-less with my 16k. The contrast with my high survivablility in PvE is just depressing.
  • I have yet to experience a normal fight with a dragon in the new zone when I don't freeze and see flashes of pixels instead of the dragon and other players fighting. I only see the dragon (glitchy-colored like I showed on the attachment pic in earlier post) when it's long dead and people are gone. This was totally…