Thes new areas are just clusters of random encounters that renew every hour. After 2 to 3 hours it is very numbing. I was expecting actual story lines like Black Lake thru Whispering Cavern, not simple randomnes that is easy to program. Very disappointed!
Will there Paladin get a mount? It has been iconic to paladins from the begining. Maybe a special one from the mount vender at 20 that increases tiers as the paladin gains levels. Just saying. :)
At the cost of 2K AD, 10K XP, an ardent coin, and a celestial coin. Not even close to a good trade off. The drops are assets I will never use. I wiill stop invoking unless I happen across a healing fire with nothing else to do. They should to eliminate it completely, save them some programing issues.
The invoke system does nothing on the rework. It shows 6 level of invokeing, all 10 sec apart, bur does not show anything for rewards and gives nothing, not rewards, xp, or AD.
Divine Judgment is doing too much damage. Smite sound effect is going off well before any action. Burning light does not last 4 seconds under ant circumstance.
Drowned Shore quests are using the same dungeons with the same monster in the same place over and over and over. It is getting tedious and monotonous already and I am only ½ way to level 62. It seems almost the lazy way to put in as much content with the least amount of work possible. I am all for reusing dungeon maps, you…
The Half-Elf ability Dilettante does not add +1 to an ability score. The Dragonborn race is not unlocked for me in the test shard but is in the play shard. There is no damage bonus applied to any ability score as in the other classes. The class mechanic Divine Call does nothing when used at 10-13 level.
Just started the Paladin (6th level) but thought I would share some comments and questions: Question 1) No ability score has a Damage Bonus tied to it like all the others but the damage seems fine, will all class trend this way and will damage bonus go away as an ability score bonus? Question 2) The Half-Elf Dilettante…