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Patch Notes: NW.45.20150515a.3



  • zurimorzurimor Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    okay lets see, imagine your are a devotion light paladin, with recovery based armor, the most dmg encounter your got is a encounter that knockbacks that deals only 10k dmg vs pve with no defense mobs how you think that can i kill someone in pvp vs people with defense and my only dmg daily now does around 10k dmg? pls think about it i will NEVER get something from next pvp event.

    Paladins aren't supposed to kill anyone, they are a support class and were introduced as a support class. So time to start playing them as a support class, nothing wrong with it.
  • unabletodisplayunabletodisplay Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Thx devs for the patch!
    I expect you guys think hard before a nerf ... however ... these really big nerfs to a class' valued powers are very demoralizing, please consider buffs to other classes to help balance when it is necessary. (example the nerf for SW heals (like 90% which completely breaks the tempation tree) or the nerf for OP Divne Judgement (67%)) I expect less complaints about buffs ... and honestly, with the MOBs as-is, this is a great opportunity to introduce buffs rather than nerfs!

    Looks like down time was extended, please post an update if you have one!
  • neverwinter12112neverwinter12112 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    • Black Ice Sets: There are now sets of Black Ice gear for trade of Black Ice at the Black Ice Forge that is ilvl 122. It can also be upgraded with Black Ice Shaping.

    Just took off my T3 BI gear set (inc gloves) and refined them in the BI profession. Level 2 and level 3 tasks to produce the lvl 122 set. Fantastic.

    Then I went to put it on to see what it did to my stats and IL. YOU CANNOT EQUIP.

    No warning, no tooltip - even tried buying some BI boots from IWD store - same thing - YOU CANNOT EQUIP.

    I hope you fix this - soon or there will be some very annoyed NAKED toons unable to pick a fight with the smallest of mobs. Oh, wait. No change there! :)

    You are level 70, right? Those new IL122 puppies require 70 instead of 60 now.
  • hokybangethokybanget Member Posts: 6
    edited June 2015
    zurimor wrote: »
    Paladins aren't supposed to kill anyone, they are a support class and were introduced as a support class. So time to start playing them as a support class, nothing wrong with it.

    LOL. so dont roll pally if u want pvp according to zurimor =). surely u havent reach lvl 61 plus pvp...
  • zurimorzurimor Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    hokybanget wrote: »
    LOL. so dont roll pally if u want pvp according to zurimor =). surely u havent reach lvl 61 plus pvp...

    Watch some pure PvP games, there are plenty of support classes. PvP isn't about getting kills, it's a team game and pretty strategical.
  • mattachinemattachine Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    arcanaxe wrote: »
    And everybody is missing one of the most waited change in a long time, the voting kicking has been improved a bit. So now these people that complains oh my class is not working properly blah blah blah this is the kind of people that normally abused the vote kick options.

    These changes are great in the long run for the game as a whole and thank you for that. It's a pity these changes came to late for many as a lot of people have already migrated to other pastures. But for those who stayed this is great news. Thank you for all the positive feedback or changes to thus far keep it up, and in doing so you will stop people from leaving.

    The only thing that needs to change is the difficulty, because as things stands that is one of the biggest reason people are leaving the game at the moment.

    What I'm not sure is, does it fix the problem with players loot stealing (picking need on purple loot instead of the agreed greed option) and kicking them? Or will they still be able to loot and get the reward from the chest? Or leaches that only stand there doing nothing. Because that is a problem too. Not only the problem of people getting kicked for being the "wrong" class (because I agree that, that is a problem too).
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    zurimor wrote: »
    Watch some pure PvP games, there are plenty of support classes. PvP isn't about getting kills, it's a team game and pretty strategical.

    this is how abomination like AP soraka born LOL
  • champs35champs35 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Any views as to when will the game be brought back online? The maintenance windows was extended by an hour and now we are 35 minutes beyond that?

    Thanks in advance.
  • ph33rm3ph33rm3 Member Posts: 549 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    arcanaxe wrote: »
    The only thing that needs to change is the difficulty, because as things stands that is one of the biggest reason people are leaving the game at the moment.

    I agree totally. I'm a 4.4k CW. All content is doable for me, but every bit of it is too difficult to be fun. I can do it. Sure. But it's not fun. The only reason I'm playing at all right now is that it's raining RP in IWD right now. I realize others like it difficult. I don't. I like a cakewalk. I upgraded to get a cakewalk and instead, they've put me to work.
  • hokybangethokybanget Member Posts: 6
    edited June 2015
    zurimor wrote: »
    Watch some pure PvP games, there are plenty of support classes. PvP isn't about getting kills, it's a team game and pretty strategical.

    ..hehe.. surely you dont know about PvP campaign and how to get max point =). its oke.. get to lvl 70 first next time before commenting. Dont watch pvp video =)
  • jezgafysjezgafys Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Tbh the game is difficult, for it to be difficult would mean with skill and practice you progress. In end game content (baring the mass of ******s that seem to play) it is all down to pure luck if you survive.

    I am not exactly high gs, just 2300 but in a somewhere like The Shores of Tuern which requires a min of 1600 I can be one shotted by an add. I have like 105k HP I should never get one shotted by a standard attack (non red), an especially not by an add, that is not difficult that is stupid and imho a way to try and get gamers to buy Zen in a false pretense that it will help.
  • vadi88gvadi88g Member Posts: 54
    edited June 2015
    72nd and 73rd level mobs in ice wind are easy with a group.. many players are much stronger... ice wind shouldnt be easy mode also the mobs are now also a defense for lower players.

    the problem ice wind become a RP farming rush.. so ice wind pvp area has so many instances that there is no pvp anymore almost... the players who want pvp are sepreated and you arent allowed to change the map !

    at least allow limited change map button
  • picar66picar66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    jezgafys wrote: »
    I have like 105k HP I should never get one shotted by a standard attack (non red), an especially not by an add, that is not difficult that is stupid and imho a way to try and get gamers to buy Zen in a false pretense that it will help.

    you found the defense bug.
    instead of reducing damage your defense pushes up damage from everyone.
    This was reported, calculated (with logs) weeks ago and no dev could find this bug.
    Its game breaking and one of the top reasons why people leave game.
    But no patch...
  • archanarchistarchanarchist Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    jezgafys wrote: »
    Tbh the game is difficult, for it to be difficult would mean with skill and practice you progress. In end game content (baring the mass of ******s that seem to play) it is all down to pure luck if you survive.

    I am not exactly high gs, just 2300 but in a somewhere like The Shores of Tuern which requires a min of 1600 I can be one shotted by an add. I have like 105k HP I should never get one shotted by a standard attack (non red), an especially not by an add, that is not difficult that is stupid and imho a way to try and get gamers to buy Zen in a false pretense that it will help.

    what class are you, im guessing gwf or gf or pally with that much con for hps, if your a gwf, you probably need to move defiant shout into bar, its a go to power now, if gf or pally then it relys a lot more on proper feat selection and blocking, but you shouldnt be able to be 1 shot by any minion at 100k not even in tos or cc you must have 0 resist or be geting hit by more then one thing at once or your being hit by the green dragon snipe shots which have like a 5 second telegraph.. im not so good with pally feats and my gf hasnt been lvled past 60 but my gwf dose fine in dungeons at 2200 gs with the right skill choices, even has lvl 61 blue boots and a pvp chest plate and blue pvp helmet. Due to the meta change a number of barely used powers and feats and especialy a few new feats are much more powerfull then they were and are the difernce between easly completing content and feeling like its random chance if you die, proper companion selection to task is also important and upgrading those companions with the new companion gear most augments are giving 7k or so stats that arnt in gs ect also, just like gear score before it item level is no indication realy of how well a character will perform or what roles it performs feating power selection and geting a hang of how each of the new mobs behave and their rotations helps a lot also. my second time thru spinward was somuch easyer then first and even though my third time was a tr rather then a cw is took me all of 5 hrs to get my arty, my gwf spent like 10hrs working on it and was much beter geared as my main but i didnt know how the enemys behaved first time and i was still adjusting to new meta, had low hps high dps still rather then high hps a defencive encounter and one or 2 key feats i didnt have acess to till i respeced

    any word on how long dt is being extended, ps. the 1hr difernce between utc and pacific time on launcher was also confusing :)
  • ph33rm3ph33rm3 Member Posts: 549 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    picar66 wrote: »
    you found the defense bug.
    instead of reducing damage your defense pushes up damage from everyone.
    This was reported, calculated (with logs) weeks ago and no dev could find this bug.
    Its game breaking and one of the top reasons why people leave game.
    But no patch...

    WHAT?? The reason my CW is still Human is because I want the extra 3 feat points and the 3% defense. Are you telling me that the game is harder for me as a human, than an equally geared Tiefling for example?
  • ryuk2323ryuk2323 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    it is really takeing alot of time today to gt in to the game what a joke
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    ph33rm3 wrote: »
    WHAT?? The reason my CW is still Human is because I want the extra 3 feat points and the 3% defense. Are you telling me that the game is harder for me as a human, than an equally geared Tiefling for example?

    its not additive...its 3% more of your defense...if you have 5k defense its like 150 more..which is less than 0.3%
  • giggi91giggi91 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    really???? it's all ench still bugged and u introduce a new mounth that makes useless our mounts????
    how i'll farm the lots of astral diamonds that the new mount need to be buyed?????(24k ad a day....wow!!!!) or are joking with the players or u want to lost ALL the hardcore gamers of this game.... with all the new (boring) mods people are only waiting to make equip having fun but u introduce only someting that u can shop because the game can't give a give to make astral diamond...so if admin of nw want that players play for long and donate to this game, they are have to stop fapping and start working, making this game less boring, pay to win and more funny
  • ph33rm3ph33rm3 Member Posts: 549 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    rayrdan wrote: »
    its not additive...its 3% more of your defense...if you have 5k defense its like 150 more..which is less than 0.3%

    Irrelevant. More defense = weaker?
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    ph33rm3 wrote: »
    Irrelevant. More defense = weaker?

    doesnt seem to me.
  • giggi91giggi91 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    go farm tiamat u should get enough in a week from item drops to buy new mount man

    with what u can farm more 10m ads in a week???
  • archanarchistarchanarchist Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    you spent those 3 feat points on that? if i had 3 more feat points it would be in something like arcane damage or something, basicly every other feat theie apart from ap gain one which is on par in cw heroics is beter then the defence feat, o and the reduced threat feats also pretty pointless but still so many options...
  • seviennesevienne Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    alkemist80 wrote: »
    No, it means it is now best as an AoE hitting multiple targets. It got nerfed hardcore for a single target.

    Also I tested on preview this morning and each target being hit has it's own chance at being critically hit. Not if you crit once, they all get hit by crit damage.

    Well here it is again another nerf albeit somewhat needed; however this is overboard....I mean do you even play this game? or compete? obviously not....you have taken the one chance we have as a pally to recover after a cc perma lock or whatever and officially made it like every other skill with a cool down....and how long will the TR last I mean they have needed a nerf or review since day 1....time to switch toons again or maybe that was the point wreck a toon make em switch and spend more on a new one 0.0 yeahhhhhhhhhhh.


  • vadi88gvadi88g Member Posts: 54
    edited June 2015
    picar66 wrote: »
    you found the defense bug.
    instead of reducing damage your defense pushes up damage from everyone.
    This was reported, calculated (with logs) weeks ago and no dev could find this bug.
    Its game breaking and one of the top reasons why people leave game.
    But no patch...

    This cant be true... else the stat Defense would harm parpable
  • aidek0aidek0 Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    vadi88g wrote: »
    This cant be true... else the stat Defense would harm parpable

    It is not true, as far as I know. There are just some cases where DR, no matter how high or low, just dont seem to work. Death solves it (for a while).

    I'm curious about DJ on my pally, but the dmg was way to high for just support class. My own dmg record was over 1.1m during a herald run. Wish they would just add all that dmg to uhm... a dmg class.... like maybe a SW?
  • mrimsogoodmrimsogood Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Have the servers come back online yet?
  • mrimsogoodmrimsogood Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    yea the first thing I remember happening to paladins was they increased their overall damage by 50% and now they are going the wrong direction 67% yea that's less damage by a lot , so its back and forth wish they would make up their minds

    Wait! First they increased it by 50% and now they decreased it by 67%? WTF?!?!? kind of sense does that make
  • rufiorufioorufiorufioo Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    That's insane. 67% reduction. The one skills that does any damage for the paladin ruined. Horrible.

    How about a free Respec now? thanks....
  • randomdiscordrandomdiscord Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Did we get a fix for the fix that should have done away with the Fey Seals ?
  • bgraubgrau Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Wow 67% decrese in paladin daily. Only thing that does any real damage with the paladin.

    But I'm mostly dissapointed about no fix to the dragon's hoard enchantments. I have 5 greater, and get NO drops. Maybe 1-5 drops in an entire evening......
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