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PvP - Fix Shadow Opportunity-Shadow of Demise and TR Daze Duration. They are breaking PvP balance

azuosed89azuosed89 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
edited July 2015 in Player Feedback (Xbox One)
The problem with rogues is armor piercing damage that can ignore damage resistance, deflection, and tenacity on PvP.
the feats that give rogues armor piercing are: Shadow opportunity from Sabouter paragon, and Shadow of Demise from Executioner paragon.
The next problem is skullcracker from scoundrel tree dazing for too long also.

those feats above need to be nerfed asap. look at the leaderboards are only being played by rogues mostly, and a lot people and friends considering quit the game because no fun when leaderboars came out people running 3, 4 rogues team smashing everyone. specially as fighter or warlock, you have 0% chance to counter a rogue. they have too much survivality with their class features and too much damage.

I know it is probably the 100th topic about it, but I believe the more feedback, the more it is likely that it is fixed.
In fact, TR in this mod has been overpowered for sure. Their DPS is a little bit too high when you already balance all their survival skills altogether (high deflect severity, 2 dodges, Impossible to catch, and stealth).

As everyone knows, shadow of demise is not working properly. I believe it has to be fixed, or is it intended to be this way since the beginning?

I recorded a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wA3OIyFylHY
As you can see, the TR hits me for 22,000+ damage ON ONE SINGLE Encounter. Let's face it, I am not super geared at this point, but I am not undergeared as well. I got about 4k defense stats, 40%+ deflection chance, 42,000+ hp, high Damage resistance, and 25% pvp resistance. Yet, a TR can hit me with 22,000+ in one single hit. Not only that, the Shadow of Demise later on just make the remaining 50% hp just go to 0 in an instant. Is that intended to be this way crypit?
I remember on PC destroyers were nerfed to the grown when people were complaining it was overpowered. You guys removed the ROOT from Roar, removed the prone from takedown, and removed the unstoppable resistance from destroyer paragon to balance the game. Yet, I see so many people complaining on xbox one how TRs are overpowered and it seems that you guys have not said to do anything about it so far.

Not to mention the dazed build, in which their CC takes several seconds in which players are slowed unable to use their sprint/dodges or any skill.

I would like an answer if possible. I know except the trs (which population is insane big thanks for their OPness in the game), everyone in the game want balance asap and that the DPS/SoD/Dazed duration is possibly fixed.

Thank you.

some edits to be added:
look this leaderboards screenshot: http://xboxclips.com/Gannicus1389/screenshots/43bfd347-2eb7-433b-af42-31173c762fca
pretty much tells it all, almost only rogues on it. look their kill death ratio how insane it is.
now look at the next top pages and you will see the same high concentration of trickster rogues. this tells that this class is broken.

now look this video against a trickester rogue: on pvp
he is killing me using his at wills so fast, and yet he deflects most of my attacks, and is very hard to hit him anyway because of the dodges and stealth. Plus you add a necklace that builds AP, and wolaaa. shocking execution every 20 seconds.
see shadow opportunity is also broken, and before someone say it: my gwf is very geared, 52,000 hp, 45% deflection, 43% defense, but guess what? piercing damage and shocking execution ignores all of that:)

let me remind the people in this forum, that shadow opportunity is nerfed on mod 6 on PC along with armor piercing damage, YET not here on xbox...
honestly, I am the kind of player that likes to spend money, have fun, and support the game. but there is no point to me do that if the devs have no considerations for the other classes or balancing the game. there is no point in playing or supporting a game that takes months and months for balance. specially when some of the trs fixes were addressed at the end of mod 5 on PC (tiamat update on pc for fixing shadow of demise and dazed) yet they did not bring this here when they gave us the update...
It is simply logic, trs were nerfed on pc for a reason, what you guys waiting to fix it here? look at the leaderboards, it makes no sense how some people running premades of 4 rogues and a cleric, or eve you solo q always have a team with 2 rogues against a team with two rogues, and a executioner sabotuer low geared can take you if you are very geared, makes no sense.
please fix it, don't make the same mistake you guys did on pc that was waiting 4 months to balance a game and make a lot people quit (trs because the game got boring) and other classes because it was unplayable on pvp.
Gannicus GWF PvP
Post edited by azuosed89 on


  • lvlkarmalvllvlkarmalvl Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I agree that TR's seem OP in PVP just due to several combinations. When you can get ahold of one, they die faster than they kill but that itself is difficult to due for the reasons you listed as well. I get the whole "first strike" idea behind them, but the other powers combined make little to no sense. Of the three listings you mention (one shot, defense abilities, stun chain build) I would be fine if only one was present at a time, but it often feels like (if not is) all three are present at any moment.

    That all said, I've seen several responses from PC players saying this has been an ongoing issue for some time and no changes have been made. Other classes have been nerfed or had "exploits/bugs" fixed over that same time. I didn't play PC so I can't comment directly on this, but if the posts I've seen are true (and not simply QQ) then I wouldn't hold my breath about any incoming changes. The only way we'd ever know is if the changes were made to PC first.

    My advice would be to find ways in your build to mitigate the TR's abilities (thus probably limited your own effectiveness against other classes) or simply sigh and move on every time a TR nails you. If the former is your choice, I've seen several things (and use a few) that can help versus TR's.
  • alisi1alisi1 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Hate to break it to you, but they get even worse next mod.
  • respectpaysrespectpays Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    make sure your healer uses astral shield takeing away their combat advantage and have a ranger/control wizard stun them after and u can kill them all day long :-) hope this helps I have a rogue as well I know its overpowered my highest crit so far is 125673 I have a 15.3k gs with 31 dex/ have legendary dex belt/5500 power or so and 2600 crit id look but atm sever down to be exact :/ my str is 23 I have a dragonborn
  • respectpaysrespectpays Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    oh and I have a perfect vorpal probly shoulda put that in post above
  • celicoscelicos Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    lol. ive been killed from 100 to 0 in 2 seconds while stunned the whole time from a guardian fighter... at 13k GS with good tenacity. get better gear, every class is viable if played right. Now my rogue is over 16k GS and yeah I tear people up... but I tear people up nasty on my control wizard who is 13k even more, I can clear a whole base. or my GWF.. who can charge in and take most a team to 30% health and still sit at 80% hp with the whole enemy team on him. Hunters have it real good too right now, with amazing damage but squishy once theyre targeted. Only REAL class who doesn't have it well in PVP is SW... and that's because of their survivability issue... however their damage easily makes up for it. scourge warlocks have THE HIGHEST dps in pvp. period
  • azuosed89azuosed89 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I hope they do something. I remember in PC people complained and gave feedback when GWF were too strong. they removed the prone from GWF, they made Frontline surge damage halved, they removed unstoppable resistance from instigator and destroyer, they removed the root from roar, and added charges to threatening rush. Basically they removed all the skills a GWF had to get close to an opponent. In this mod GWF can still pull up a good fight but is very gear dependent, and has zero change against TRs. we have one attack that can prone that is easy to dodge every 17 seconds. takedown was good, but with stun TRs, leave it easy from itc, and stun cc is much shorter than prone. Also, Tr HIGH deflection severity, since GWF hit less because of obvious reasons, it is frustrating when you can finally close the gap and hit an IBS of 200 damage because of their absurd deflection severity. Summing up, two equally geared tr gwf, the tr can attack the gwf and get cc immunity on his at will and tank better than the GWF. I dont see much sense in it at all.
    Gannicus GWF PvP
  • blueberry1973blueberry1973 Member Posts: 58
    edited May 2015
    I agree with the author. TR are a complete and utter joke. So overpowered they are pointless and completely ruin pvp. CW have similiar issues.

    The effect of the lack of balance for both TR and CW basically just make it so less people play the game. It is so obvious that TR are broken OP the fact people actually defend this is both sad and pathetic.

    Only a matter of time.
  • firesforever2firesforever2 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    make sure your healer uses astral shield takeing away their combat advantage and have a ranger/control wizard stun them after and u can kill them all day long
    Just shows how overpowered they are when you need to use 3 people out of a team of five to take down one rogue.
  • daimyondaimyon Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 49
    edited May 2015
    There are a few things about Rogues that I think really underline the problem. I don't have a problem with rogues doing the most single target damage of all the classes, that's what the class does in almost every MMO I've ever played. However, a few glaring issues make them appear to be worse than they are.
    1. Lashing Blade: This ability does an insane amount of damage. What's worse is most PVE rogues don't even use it, it sees most use in PVP. When you get hit by it, you're dropped a significant portion of your health before the fight even starts.

    2. Their roll is bugged: The window to evade an attack is much larger for rogues, so much so that they can actually avoid an attack that has already landed if they roll as soon as they see the effect. This also counts on the end of the roll, there appears to be an extended period after the roll for a few frames when they still avoid attacks.

    3. Unhindered CC: Their Daze is not reduced in PVP like most other CC effects in the game. When playing against a Scoundrel rogue, you can literally be dazed the entire time and never have a chance to strike back.

    4. Stealth Cancels Attacks: Much like an evasion roll, if a rogue goes into stealth as an attack lands, it negates the effects of the attack.

    5. Perma-Stealth: This is just stupid.

    6. Daggers from Stealth: Rogues can throw a certain number of daggers before stealth breaks, which means you can be taking damage before you can even see them.

    7. Stealth Regeneration: Since Rogues regenerate stealth so rapidly, they almost always have the option to just run from combat and stealth. There should be more of a penalty for engaging in combat with another player. You should not be able to simply stab someone with lashing blade, daze them, then run away and wait for your cooldowns to reset.

    Anyways, these are just a few of the things I've noticed.
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Just shows how overpowered they are when you need to use 3 people out of a team of five to take down one rogue.
    It's strange that so many people claim parties need a balance of classes to run PvE content, but think every class should, regardless of its role, function equally as well as any other class in every situation in PvP. If we need tank, healer/leader, and DPS classes in PvE, doesn't it stand to reason that those classes would function in their respective roles in PvP as well? I don't think it's realistic to expect 1-on-1 parity across all classes.

    That said, my whole argument that class-based PvP could be very fun if people stuck to their roles completely falls apart when the matchmaking system will put five TRs on one team and three GFs and two DCs on the other. That, however, is a completely different problem and I don't think any class is OP in PvP... they're just all different.
  • tommiekeplertommiekepler Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Basically nobody wants to get killed in less than 3 hits. It's not fun and doesn't take any skill. Everyone wants a fair shot to 1 v 1
  • azuosed89azuosed89 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    It's strange that so many people claim parties need a balance of classes to run PvE content, but think every class should, regardless of its role, function equally as well as any other class in every situation in PvP. If we need tank, healer/leader, and DPS classes in PvE, doesn't it stand to reason that those classes would function in their respective roles in PvP as well? I don't think it's realistic to expect 1-on-1 parity across all classes.

    That said, my whole argument that class-based PvP could be very fun if people stuck to their roles completely falls apart when the matchmaking system will put five TRs on one team and three GFs and two DCs on the other. That, however, is a completely different problem and I don't think any class is OP in PvP... they're just all different.

    that statement would be true if they were easy to kill. the point is, the population of the game tells it all.
    the pc community also agrees trs are op in mod 5, and tr was nerfed for mod 6 in pc. This is necessary. the nerf is coming soon or late, but the problem is: if the update is coming in a year, we will have to endure 1 year of unbalanced? that is the point
    Gannicus GWF PvP
  • azuosed89azuosed89 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    daimyon wrote: »
    There are a few things about Rogues that I think really underline the problem. I don't have a problem with rogues doing the most single target damage of all the classes, that's what the class does in almost every MMO I've ever played. However, a few glaring issues make them appear to be worse than they are.
    1. Lashing Blade: This ability does an insane amount of damage. What's worse is most PVE rogues don't even use it, it sees most use in PVP. When you get hit by it, you're dropped a significant portion of your health before the fight even starts.

    2. Their roll is bugged: The window to evade an attack is much larger for rogues, so much so that they can actually avoid an attack that has already landed if they roll as soon as they see the effect. This also counts on the end of the roll, there appears to be an extended period after the roll for a few frames when they still avoid attacks.

    3. Unhindered CC: Their Daze is not reduced in PVP like most other CC effects in the game. When playing against a Scoundrel rogue, you can literally be dazed the entire time and never have a chance to strike back.

    4. Stealth Cancels Attacks: Much like an evasion roll, if a rogue goes into stealth as an attack lands, it negates the effects of the attack.

    5. Perma-Stealth: This is just stupid.

    6. Daggers from Stealth: Rogues can throw a certain number of daggers before stealth breaks, which means you can be taking damage before you can even see them.

    7. Stealth Regeneration: Since Rogues regenerate stealth so rapidly, they almost always have the option to just run from combat and stealth. There should be more of a penalty for engaging in combat with another player. You should not be able to simply stab someone with lashing blade, daze them, then run away and wait for your cooldowns to reset.

    Anyways, these are just a few of the things I've noticed.
    i think i read the stealth issue is also addressed in mod 6
    Gannicus GWF PvP
  • jrourkejrourke Member Posts: 60
    edited May 2015
    azuosed89 wrote: »
    i think i read the stealth issue is also addressed in mod 6

    And in the meantime they let the rest of us suffer..........
  • lemonknuckleslemonknuckles Member Posts: 62
    edited May 2015
    daimyon wrote: »
    There are a few things about Rogues that I think really underline the problem. I don't have a problem with rogues doing the most single target damage of all the classes, that's what the class does in almost every MMO I've ever played. However, a few glaring issues make them appear to be worse than they are.
    1. Lashing Blade: This ability does an insane amount of damage. What's worse is most PVE rogues don't even use it, it sees most use in PVP. When you get hit by it, you're dropped a significant portion of your health before the fight even starts.

    2. Their roll is bugged: The window to evade an attack is much larger for rogues, so much so that they can actually avoid an attack that has already landed if they roll as soon as they see the effect. This also counts on the end of the roll, there appears to be an extended period after the roll for a few frames when they still avoid attacks.

    3. Unhindered CC: Their Daze is not reduced in PVP like most other CC effects in the game. When playing against a Scoundrel rogue, you can literally be dazed the entire time and never have a chance to strike back.

    4. Stealth Cancels Attacks: Much like an evasion roll, if a rogue goes into stealth as an attack lands, it negates the effects of the attack.

    5. Perma-Stealth: This is just stupid.

    6. Daggers from Stealth: Rogues can throw a certain number of daggers before stealth breaks, which means you can be taking damage before you can even see them.

    7. Stealth Regeneration: Since Rogues regenerate stealth so rapidly, they almost always have the option to just run from combat and stealth. There should be more of a penalty for engaging in combat with another player. You should not be able to simply stab someone with lashing blade, daze them, then run away and wait for your cooldowns to reset.

    Anyways, these are just a few of the things I've noticed.

    Yeah, get rid of all of those things, plus their ability to move and wear gear. Then you'll have created the practice dummy. That should be about your speed.
  • afoster85afoster85 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    The devs probably use that character is why nothing is being done about it. PVP needs to be balanced based on gear score as well.
  • lemonknuckleslemonknuckles Member Posts: 62
    edited May 2015
    afoster85 wrote: »
    The devs probably use that character is why nothing is being done about it. PVP needs to be balanced based on gear score as well.

    STFU and grind through it like the rest of us. Tackling a bit of adversity will help you grow some friggin' backbone. Seriously... go out and actually EARN your glory rather than *****ing that it's not handed to you on a velvet platter.
  • greatg1gintheskygreatg1ginthesky Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I do agree that there should be some balancing with gears score though. A team of 9k GS are simply just not going to live going against a team of 15k+ GS.
  • lemonknuckleslemonknuckles Member Posts: 62
    edited May 2015
    When I first turned 60, I was nervous that I was going to get wrecked in PvP. I won my first 4 matches, finishing top in 2 of them, against guys double my gs. I then got absolutely destroyed in the next 2. And so it goes.

    I'm still just a shade under 10k, and i honestly don't give it a second thought. You'll win some, you'll lose some. Just battle through it and come out stronger.
  • azuosed89azuosed89 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    When I first turned 60, I was nervous that I was going to get wrecked in PvP. I won my first 4 matches, finishing top in 2 of them, against guys double my gs. I then got absolutely destroyed in the next 2. And so it goes.

    I'm still just a shade under 10k, and i honestly don't give it a second thought. You'll win some, you'll lose some. Just battle through it and come out stronger.

    not asking to make TR useless, just to be fair, no one wants to make TR useless . I think the problem is all these things alltogether in one class.
    Gannicus GWF PvP
  • azuosed89azuosed89 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I noticed one thing. As a fighter I have a high DR, as gf or gwf. plus the pvp res, and also unstoppable suppose to give me 40~80% dr, still get melted down by sod, or other tr skills, there is a new sabo build that has high dmg too. and the thing is these feats are armor piercing feats. So all my resistance is useless. What is the point of being a fighter class and try to be tank if they give a class skills that ignore so much or all my dr and even my unstoppable dr? it is like they can even stack power on their offense slot since they dont need to worry about dark enchants for armor pen... I wonder if they removed the armor pen of these feats if it would be enough to fix these broken skills...
    Gannicus GWF PvP
  • azuosed89azuosed89 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    apparently the TR skills that have armor piercing features besides ignoring completely the DR and unstoppable DR. also ignores TENACITY. Even on mod6 it was not fixed. i don't think it was intentend huh. so devs made trs in a way they hit people as hitting mobs?
    when is it going to be fixed?
    Gannicus GWF PvP
  • cummins12vcummins12v Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    daimyon wrote: »
    There are a few things about Rogues that I think really underline the problem. I don't have a problem with rogues doing the most single target damage of all the classes, that's what the class does in almost every MMO I've ever played. However, a few glaring issues make them appear to be worse than they are.
    1. Lashing Blade: This ability does an insane amount of damage. What's worse is most PVE rogues don't even use it, it sees most use in PVP. When you get hit by it, you're dropped a significant portion of your health before the fight even starts.

    2. Their roll is bugged: The window to evade an attack is much larger for rogues, so much so that they can actually avoid an attack that has already landed if they roll as soon as they see the effect. This also counts on the end of the roll, there appears to be an extended period after the roll for a few frames when they still avoid attacks.

    3. Unhindered CC: Their Daze is not reduced in PVP like most other CC effects in the game. When playing against a Scoundrel rogue, you can literally be dazed the entire time and never have a chance to strike back.

    4. Stealth Cancels Attacks: Much like an evasion roll, if a rogue goes into stealth as an attack lands, it negates the effects of the attack.

    5. Perma-Stealth: This is just stupid.

    6. Daggers from Stealth: Rogues can throw a certain number of daggers before stealth breaks, which means you can be taking damage before you can even see them.

    7. Stealth Regeneration: Since Rogues regenerate stealth so rapidly, they almost always have the option to just run from combat and stealth. There should be more of a penalty for engaging in combat with another player. You should not be able to simply stab someone with lashing blade, daze them, then run away and wait for your cooldowns to reset.

    Anyways, these are just a few of the things I've noticed.

    This right here sums it up.
  • azuosed89azuosed89 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    So. when will criptic take a look at this thread and reply us?
    now with leaderboards, the other classes can barely play pvp. look at the leaderboards andsee how many trs and how easy is to rank up with this class
    you guys gave a class too much damage, too many dodges, too much deflection chance, too much deflection severity (does nto make sense tr have 75% when everyone else has 50%), stealth, too much mobility. and then this broken armor piercing features of shadow of demise and shadow opportunity, and/or this broken long duration of dazes that make any Control Wizard jealous of crowd control.

    In mod 5 on PC, you guys nerfed shadow of demise and the daze by 50%, and on mod 6 you guys nerfed shadow opportunity and armor piercing damage. Why is it taking so long to come here?
    honestly it is getting frustrated. So many people running 3, 4 trs. makes no sense, where is thebalance on pvp?
    Gannicus GWF PvP
  • azuosed89azuosed89 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    jdnutz wrote: »
    i would like to know why i take damage after i kill or avoid a TR, no one is near and i,m still taking damage, from what?
    because rogue...
    seriously, the leaderboards tell it, all. people running 3~5 trs to smash everyone. they want to keep it fine, but it is best on the long term. the other classes will get frustrated and evetunally the own rogues will quit also because of boring gameplay... i dont get why they nerfed tr on the end of mod5 and begin of mod6 on pc but they didn't do it here when they already knew it was an issue. honestly I have less and less desire to play
    Gannicus GWF PvP
  • kairaterakairatera Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    I thought I was seeing things when I kept dying in one-hit KOs. I'm glad someone else noticed the 22k hits. I'm just frustrated that the game doesn't sort through the pvp'ers and balance out the teams. I've gone against a full team of TR and we were extremely diverse and still lost. They have too much power and there should only be one per team.
  • kairaterakairatera Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    > @jdnutz said:
    > i would like to know why i take damage after i kill or avoid a TR, no one is near and i,m still taking damage, from what?

    TR can cause bleeding. But, one thing that always happens to me is they rise from the dead magically. o-e
  • azuosed89azuosed89 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    Some edits to be added:
    look this leaderboards screenshot: http://xboxclips.com/Gannicus1389/screenshots/43bfd347-2eb7-433b-af42-31173c762fca
    pretty much tells it all, almost only rogues on it. look their kill death ratio how insane it is.
    now look at the next top pages and you will see the same high concentration of trickster rogues. this tells that this class is broken.

    now look this video against a trickester rogue: on pvp
    he is killing me using his at wills so fast, and yet he deflects most of my attacks, and is very hard to hit him anyway because of the dodges and stealth. Plus you add a necklace that builds AP, and wolaaa. shocking execution every 20 seconds.
    see shadow opportunity is also broken:

    let me remind the people in this forum, that shadow opportunity is nerfed on mod 6 along with armor piercing damage, YET not here on xbox...
    honestly, I am the kind of player that likes to spend money, have fun, and support the game. but there is no point to me do that if the devs have no considerations for the other classes or balancing the game. there is no point in playing or supporting a game that takes months and months for balance. specially when some of the trs fixes were addressed at the end of mod 5 (tiamat update on pc for fixing shadow of demise and dazed) yet they did not bring this here when they gave us the update...

    please fix it, don't make the same mistake you guys did on pc that was waiting 4 months to balance a game and make a lot people quit (trs because the game got boring) and other classes because it was unplayable on pvp.
    Gannicus GWF PvP
  • codher0codher0 Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    The rogues are doing millions of damage in one proc hit in pve why?
  • azuosed89azuosed89 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    codher0 wrote: »
    The rogues are doing millions of damage in one proc hit in pve why?

    because their armor piercing damage. per se, rogues always had already a high dps output. armor piercing damages deals extra damage based on their already high damage output, but ignores armor from mobs. In pvp, this same piercing damages ignores deflection, damage resistance from all enchantments, armor, and feats. This makes the class broken in both pve and pvp.

    I was told this stuff was added on pve to balance out trs damage on pve. But I ran a dungeon the other day with 3 dps classes and a tr everyone made 3million dps damage, including me set up on dps build. the tr on our group made 25million. they really need to remove armor piercing out of the game.
    Gannicus GWF PvP
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