Im really happy that you finally decided to bump up difficulty was long overdue, everything starting from mod 2 was waaay to easy and posed no challenge
This is solo part of endgame content, it should be challenging to endgame players, like Biggrin its a pathetic excuse of a fight comparing to how hard it was to kill him in books by legendary characters. i dont have great gear, and its laughable. Prison in WoD is a bit better, though its mostly cause of the knockbacks from those 2 dragons. its nice that HE's finally need more than 1 person(though they can still be soloed) instead of 5man he being easy solo content
leave dr and sharandar for beginners and increase difficulty of IWD and WoD, the boons from there arent as important and it would give players a nice place to challenge themselves, and feel like having an impactful fight where every kill counts not mobs dying just from looking at them.
Hard content forces ppl to improve and will make it easier to run dungeons
Problem is in balance between classes- it is much easier for some classes and more difficult (annoying) for others.
For example with my CW WoD feels same as it was at pre-mod6. But with other classes difference is quite visible.
magnusolamMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 82
Problem is in balance between classes- it is much easier for some classes and more difficult (annoying) for others.
For example with my CW WoD feels same as it was at pre-mod6. But with other classes difference is quite visible.
only class i think of that would have problems is SW, tr should be fine, gwf/gf too, combat hr shoul be fine, archer has problems but a class having only 1 viable path is nothing new, dc should be fine and for pala its a piece of cake
Yes this matter a lot for all the people who got everything before the mod6.
got what ? artifacts and enchants, everything else changes, and im running lesser enchants and r7 so stop crying about other ppl gear
kind of sick ppl crying about
2)bugs everywhere
3)devs/cryptic/pw/whatever suck for _____ reason
4)its too hard
5)they have too good gear
6)it takes too much time
7)everything that i dont play is OP
...well if you got no job and no life, sure. Stuff dies... ...eventually. Like in Mod 3 - epic dodge orgies, and that's for RiDO. And the undead Giants OSK when they sneak up from behind because they just killed or got aggroed by SB else. Dunno how long it'll take when and if I'm respecced to Healer...
...well if you got no job and no life, sure. Stuff dies... ...eventually. Like in Mod 3 - epic dodge orgies, and that's for RiDO. And the undead Giants OSK when they sneak up from behind because they just killed or got aggroed by SB else. Dunno how long it'll take when and if I'm respecced to Healer...
paladins arent much faster, only you can gather a bunch, slot the aura that damages nearby enemies and go to sleep, when u wake up they are usually dead that is if you can make your keyboard press templars once every 15 sec or so and the damage on my 30k hp lvl 63 CW didnt seem so high, but i had shield on tab, problem was lack of life steal and damage(still in the gear i left him at mod2)
hp part is ok, though with smth like GWF stuff still blows up FAST, special attacks might use some more damage, with normal attacks being same/lower
Despite my disagreement on the OPs opinion on difficulty in the daily campaign areas, and my distaste for his attacking comments on the forums, I do think the expert players (as he claims to be) deserve some incredibly challenging zones that test their skills, gear, and teamwork to the utmost. I don't see why we mere mortals (who are also long time players and paying customers), can not have our little sandbox to play in that we can solo in for an hour or two when we have time off from the real world, and can accomplish with mid range gear, while the top end players have an area for uber heros.
Once you hit lev 70 or what ever the top level is there will be a wide disparity of players with different skills, gear, play styles, and preferences to challenge. The more people you make happy the more spend money on the game and the better all of those areas become. There are several campaigns, and several dungeons and skirmishes at the 70 level. Plenty to make an area for everyone to enjoy.
Im really happy that you finally decided to bump up difficulty was long overdue, everything starting from mod 2 was waaay to easy and posed no challenge
This is solo part of endgame content, it should be challenging to endgame players, like Biggrin its a pathetic excuse of a fight comparing to how hard it was to kill him in books by legendary characters. i dont have great gear, and its laughable. Prison in WoD is a bit better, though its mostly cause of the knockbacks from those 2 dragons. its nice that HE's finally need more than 1 person(though they can still be soloed) instead of 5man he being easy solo content
leave dr and sharandar for beginners and increase difficulty of IWD and WoD, the boons from there arent as important and it would give players a nice place to challenge themselves, and feel like having an impactful fight where every kill counts not mobs dying just from looking at them.
Hard content forces ppl to improve and will make it easier to run dungeons
Get out. Immediately.
Hard content is fine. However, we don't have hard content. We have ridiculous content with class imbalance.
Hard Content: Guys the boss spawned adds, we have to take them down now!
Mod 6 Content: The adds spawned and 1-shotted everyone in the party. Better get an AP DC to stand a chance.
Broken mechanics, broken class designs, lack of actual content, and over zealous, bronze-age moderation?
Go Cryptic!
PS - I quit.
urlord283Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,084Arc User
Hard content is fine. However, we don't have hard content. We have ridiculous content with class imbalance.
Hard Content: Guys the boss spawned adds, we have to take them down now!
Mod 6 Content: The adds spawned and 1-shotted everyone in the party. Better get an AP DC to stand a chance.
we havent had hard content in this game since mod1, and that was more bad gear issue than hard content
you really consider
"boss spawned adds
where ?
ohh theyre dead"
being hard ?
Somehow this community is breaking into 2 different camps.
Its a bit sad to see. Before Mod 6 it was mostly the community vs cryptic, the developers or whatever the player base chose to oppose (It seems that people here need to oppose sth in general).
Now its the hardcore dudes against the people that think content is too hard or imbalanced. Somehow i have the feeling that this community is becoming increasingly volatile. Mayb this will create a new breed of players and we just have to be patient. Idk just weird feeling atm
Somehow this community is breaking into 2 different camps.
Its a bit sad to see. Before Mod 6 it was mostly the community vs cryptic, the developers or whatever the player base chose to oppose (It seems that people here need to oppose sth in general).
Now its the hardcore dudes against the people that think content is too hard or imbalanced. Somehow i have the feeling that this community is becoming increasingly volatile. Mayb this will create a new breed of players and we just have to be patient. Idk just weird feeling atm
ppl were complaining about content being waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to easy for ages, the old dungeons were solo/duo content, that needed 5 ppl to enter for some stupid reason
ppl were complaining about content being waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to easy for ages, the old dungeons were solo/duo content, that needed 5 ppl to enter for some stupid reason
Thats not my point. I didnt say nobody cared about difficulty before. I am just saying that this argument about difficulty within the community hasnt been that toxic up unitll now and that this argument is dividing the community. Neither am I saying content actually is too easy or too hard.
magnusolamMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 82
Somehow this community is breaking into 2 different camps.
Its a bit sad to see. Before Mod 6 it was mostly the community vs cryptic, the developers or whatever the player base chose to oppose (It seems that people here need to oppose sth in general).
Now its the hardcore dudes against the people that think content is too hard or imbalanced. Somehow i have the feeling that this community is becoming increasingly volatile. Mayb this will create a new breed of players and we just have to be patient. Idk just weird feeling atm
Both camps need to be catered to for the game to thrive. Implementing difficulty levels would allow for that as well as providing a way for newer players to gradually move up through difficulty levels when and if they wanted to. Those who wish to play a more challenging game with like minded players would be able to do so when they wanted to without being plagued by 'lesser' players. Similarly, those who want a more relaxed gaming experience (grouped or solo) could also enjoy the content and progress/gear up. One thing is certain, if it ain't fun people won't put money into it.
kaiserschmarrnMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 390
edited April 2015
There is a difference between hard and unfair. Currently the boss fights are so hard that if you miss a single dodge you are dead. Often you also get knocked from one aoe into another without a chance to evade.
This is not difficult but just silly and the player often finds himself completely at the mercy of the RNG gods. Also keep in mind that most parties currently profit from 2 major bugs and they would probably fail without these bugs.
I like a challenge and there are several good players in my guild. Yesterday we finished CC twice, but it was way too much time and difficulty for little reward and the boss fight is just stupid and unfair, this has nothing to do with challenging.
Currently the boss fights are so hard that if you miss a single dodge you are dead. Often you also get knocked from one aoe into another without a chance to evade.
and that is what makes your blood pumping for many players i really enjoyed some solo fights in another mmorpg when if you make a single mistake in 30 min fight youre out, yes failing is annoying, but the feeling when you get it right trumps it by far
im not saying there shouldnt be easy content(there is plenty already with sharandar, tod, dr and 3mans), but there needs to be hard content also. if not both maps, at least one of them should be kept as the hard one, that rewards players for being good, working on their skill, build and gear and dungeon content should have some hardcore dungeons, mabe t1 is too hard since there is a big difference between 3mans and t1 (though i dont find them hard), but t2 should be kept really hard, for casuals t1 gear is more than they need, when they add new dungeons, previous ones might be made a bit easier as the new ones would take hc spot
the only change i would make atm is to make tanks to be able to tank better, since atm there is not that much difference between a tank and dps in terms of squishiness, maybe add PvE aoe resist to AC, increasing DR from AC would just ruin pvp, or rebalance HP on tank gear with heavier armor giving more hp, though i would like to see mob armor pen, scaling and other mechanics that might be creating these 1shots as a tank should be 1shot only in special cases, while dps being oneshot is normal
previously there was nothing challenging except for running dungeons solo, and even that was ruined by being unable to enter the dungeon solo, and i dont want the game to return to that, and the CW CW CW GWF GWF party comps
ppl were complaining about content being waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to easy for ages, the old dungeons were solo/duo content, that needed 5 ppl to enter for some stupid reason
I disagree. There were lots of posts from people not able to finish the first boss in Karrundax or beat the Spider Queen e.g. Maybe things got easier over the years or better equipment made a difference, but it is not that long ago that average geared players had a hard time in some of the dungeons - or were not able to finish them.
Sure, you can blaim the players and just pretend they all don't know how to play.
My point in this discussion is that there is a wide variety of players of different skill levels and differently geared toons. They all want to have fun in the game. Problem is that some find fun in hard content and some don't. People leave because the get too bored or too frustrated.
You just cannot have one PVE which will make everyone happy.
I disagree. There were lots of posts from people not able to finish the first boss in Karrundax or beat the Spider Queen e.g. Maybe things got easier over the years or better equipment made a difference, but it is not that long ago that average geared players had a hard time in some of the dungeons - or were not able to finish them.
Sure, you can blaim the players and just pretend they all don't know how to play.
My point in this discussion is that there is a wide variety of players of different skill levels and differently geared toons. They all want to have fun in the game. Problem is that some find fun in hard content and some don't. People leave because the get too bored or too frustrated.
You just cannot have one PVE which will make everyone happy.
i never got to be geared enough to complete karrundac and now im not gonna get the chance.
I disagree. There were lots of posts from people not able to finish the first boss in Karrundax or beat the Spider Queen e.g. Maybe things got easier over the years or better equipment made a difference, but it is not that long ago that average geared players had a hard time in some of the dungeons - or were not able to finish them.
ppl did CN naked, i think a CW soloed it at 13k gs, so its not really a gear issue is it ?
and as ive said may times before - for ppl who find 5mans too hard there are 3man dungeons that i can even imagine being hard to anybody(above a turnip)
Thats not my point. I didnt say nobody cared about difficulty before. I am just saying that this argument about difficulty within the community hasnt been that toxic up unitll now and that this argument is dividing the community. Neither am I saying content actually is too easy or too hard.
Which serves the developers just fine, because it gets them off the hook. I myself have stopped playing until the patch for the 23rd. Started playing a different mmo. If they dont make life better for the SW at the 23rd, I'll pull my guild leader aside and let him know I'm jumping ship permenently. I dont want to do that, my guild is the only reason I've stayed in this stupid game so long. But when a level 63 CW in purple gear with blue artifacts and artifact weapons can perform better then my level 70 SW with all legendary equiptment....It's time for me to go.
For example with my CW WoD feels same as it was at pre-mod6. But with other classes difference is quite visible.
Please implement a difficulty level so that this chap can play at extreme difficulties and improve as a person.
only class i think of that would have problems is SW, tr should be fine, gwf/gf too, combat hr shoul be fine, archer has problems but a class having only 1 viable path is nothing new, dc should be fine and for pala its a piece of cake
got what ? artifacts and enchants, everything else changes, and im running lesser enchants and r7 so stop crying about other ppl gear
kind of sick ppl crying about
2)bugs everywhere
3)devs/cryptic/pw/whatever suck for _____ reason
4)its too hard
5)they have too good gear
6)it takes too much time
7)everything that i dont play is OP
and whatnot
...well if you got no job and no life, sure. Stuff dies... ...eventually. Like in Mod 3 - epic dodge orgies, and that's for RiDO. And the undead Giants OSK when they sneak up from behind because they just killed or got aggroed by SB else. Dunno how long it'll take when and if I'm respecced to Healer...
paladins arent much faster, only you can gather a bunch, slot the aura that damages nearby enemies and go to sleep, when u wake up they are usually dead
hp part is ok, though with smth like GWF stuff still blows up FAST, special attacks might use some more damage, with normal attacks being same/lower
you want challenge they gave it to you, come back when you did a non- exploited CC.
Landscape pve isnt challenging in any mmo in the last ten years, and you want to make it so. blah is my answer to that.
Once you hit lev 70 or what ever the top level is there will be a wide disparity of players with different skills, gear, play styles, and preferences to challenge. The more people you make happy the more spend money on the game and the better all of those areas become. There are several campaigns, and several dungeons and skirmishes at the 70 level. Plenty to make an area for everyone to enjoy.
Get out. Immediately.
Hard content is fine. However, we don't have hard content. We have ridiculous content with class imbalance.
Hard Content: Guys the boss spawned adds, we have to take them down now!
Mod 6 Content: The adds spawned and 1-shotted everyone in the party. Better get an AP DC to stand a chance.
Go Cryptic!
PS - I quit.
WOD is just too much
Don't solo.
I'm not trying to be difficult or dense....
For the daylies in WOD and the Ring we should form a group?
we havent had hard content in this game since mod1, and that was more bad gear issue than hard content
you really consider
"boss spawned adds
where ?
ohh theyre dead"
being hard ?
Its a bit sad to see. Before Mod 6 it was mostly the community vs cryptic, the developers or whatever the player base chose to oppose (It seems that people here need to oppose sth in general).
Now its the hardcore dudes against the people that think content is too hard or imbalanced. Somehow i have the feeling that this community is becoming increasingly volatile. Mayb this will create a new breed of players and we just have to be patient. Idk just weird feeling atm
ppl were complaining about content being waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to easy for ages, the old dungeons were solo/duo content, that needed 5 ppl to enter for some stupid reason
Thats not my point. I didnt say nobody cared about difficulty before. I am just saying that this argument about difficulty within the community hasnt been that toxic up unitll now and that this argument is dividing the community. Neither am I saying content actually is too easy or too hard.
Both camps need to be catered to for the game to thrive. Implementing difficulty levels would allow for that as well as providing a way for newer players to gradually move up through difficulty levels when and if they wanted to. Those who wish to play a more challenging game with like minded players would be able to do so when they wanted to without being plagued by 'lesser' players. Similarly, those who want a more relaxed gaming experience (grouped or solo) could also enjoy the content and progress/gear up. One thing is certain, if it ain't fun people won't put money into it.
This is not difficult but just silly and the player often finds himself completely at the mercy of the RNG gods. Also keep in mind that most parties currently profit from 2 major bugs and they would probably fail without these bugs.
I like a challenge and there are several good players in my guild. Yesterday we finished CC twice, but it was way too much time and difficulty for little reward and the boss fight is just stupid and unfair, this has nothing to do with challenging.
and that is what makes your blood pumping for many players i really enjoyed some solo fights in another mmorpg when if you make a single mistake in 30 min fight youre out, yes failing is annoying, but the feeling when you get it right trumps it by far
im not saying there shouldnt be easy content(there is plenty already with sharandar, tod, dr and 3mans), but there needs to be hard content also. if not both maps, at least one of them should be kept as the hard one, that rewards players for being good, working on their skill, build and gear and dungeon content should have some hardcore dungeons, mabe t1 is too hard since there is a big difference between 3mans and t1 (though i dont find them hard), but t2 should be kept really hard, for casuals t1 gear is more than they need, when they add new dungeons, previous ones might be made a bit easier as the new ones would take hc spot
the only change i would make atm is to make tanks to be able to tank better, since atm there is not that much difference between a tank and dps in terms of squishiness, maybe add PvE aoe resist to AC, increasing DR from AC would just ruin pvp, or rebalance HP on tank gear with heavier armor giving more hp, though i would like to see mob armor pen, scaling and other mechanics that might be creating these 1shots as a tank should be 1shot only in special cases, while dps being oneshot is normal
previously there was nothing challenging except for running dungeons solo, and even that was ruined by being unable to enter the dungeon solo, and i dont want the game to return to that, and the CW CW CW GWF GWF party comps
I disagree. There were lots of posts from people not able to finish the first boss in Karrundax or beat the Spider Queen e.g. Maybe things got easier over the years or better equipment made a difference, but it is not that long ago that average geared players had a hard time in some of the dungeons - or were not able to finish them.
Sure, you can blaim the players and just pretend they all don't know how to play.
My point in this discussion is that there is a wide variety of players of different skill levels and differently geared toons. They all want to have fun in the game. Problem is that some find fun in hard content and some don't. People leave because the get too bored or too frustrated.
You just cannot have one PVE which will make everyone happy.
ppl did CN naked, i think a CW soloed it at 13k gs, so its not really a gear issue is it ?
and as ive said may times before - for ppl who find 5mans too hard there are 3man dungeons that i can even imagine being hard to anybody(above a turnip)
Which serves the developers just fine, because it gets them off the hook. I myself have stopped playing until the patch for the 23rd. Started playing a different mmo. If they dont make life better for the SW at the 23rd, I'll pull my guild leader aside and let him know I'm jumping ship permenently. I dont want to do that, my guild is the only reason I've stayed in this stupid game so long. But when a level 63 CW in purple gear with blue artifacts and artifact weapons can perform better then my level 70 SW with all legendary equiptment....It's time for me to go.