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what do you think of mod 6? (player feedback)



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    mdavis09mdavis09 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Ever since the update, every time the login screen comes up, I get a 'Verify' box that tells me that an error was detected, and if I would like to verify all files. I click yes, then I log into the game, and just before getting to the character select screen, I get a 3DX error.

    And when I DO get into the game, queues for places like Cloak Tower and others are not functioning.

    Look, I understand that there were going to be some issues. Frankly, I have been impressed with much of the gameplay so far, but these issues are beginning to turn me off of the game!

    It gets frustrating...
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    dewwhiskersdewwhiskers Member Posts: 45
    edited April 2015
    mdavis09 wrote: »
    Ever since the update, every time the login screen comes up, I get a 'Verify' box that tells me that an error was detected, and if I would like to verify all files. I click yes, then I log into the game, and just before getting to the character select screen, I get a 3DX error.

    And when I DO get into the game, queues for places like Cloak Tower and others are not functioning.

    Look, I understand that there were going to be some issues. Frankly, I have been impressed with much of the gameplay so far, but these issues are beginning to turn me off of the game!

    It gets frustrating...

    I have had the exact same thing happen to me when I try to login now. I usually have to make 10 attempts to log in to the game before it will finally let me do it without the game crashing.
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    darkareliusdarkarelius Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    The game has so many issues at the moment since the module was implemented that personally the fun factor is on a major decline for me. Really enjoyed the dungeon delves with 5 players but cant play this game in its current state. May try again in a month or so and evaluate if its worth continuing with.
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    grimwolf512grimwolf512 Member Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I hate it and this is why:

    I hate being one shotted by a mob that has a single heath bar. Period. I admit I like a challenge but when you get one shotted by a crab you know that the game is borked. The difficulty level went from hard to "ARE YOU INSANE!?!"

    Games are meant to be fun not work. The new mod made playing this game work for any class past level 60. This was a major step backwards for this game and I hope it will be fixed soon.
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    wintersmercywintersmercy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Voted that I can't stand it. It's a sad module in many ways, since I'm attached to the game and have had a huge amount of fun in it, and met some awesome people. I don't care about the balance mechanics so much (anything's better than Module 5, where about 70% of the top 5 PVP leaderboard screens were TRs), but Module 6 is a "circling the drain" module. It proved that:
    1) Cryptic won't invest in NWO's "unique selling point", the Foundry, which they originally planned to use to beat the content-vs-investment curve that so many MMOs flounder on ... because it doesn't generate direct income. It's the indirect income that matters from a feature like that.
    2) Cryptic can't afford to create their own new content - staff layoffs, not a huge staff to begin with.
    3) Cryptic therefore made the game far more "grindy" with everything designed to slow you down (think of how you can refine five individual items instead of a whole stack, despite having to refine hundreds of millions of points into your artifacts and enchantments) - they're basically choosing to give you RSI or carpal tunnel in order to slow down your ability to get through the game.
    4) Cryptic have therefore reused old content and put an artificially large number of grinds and repeated quests in the old content.
    5) Even when you do find a way to grind it out, the lag is ridiculous and disconnects are frequent.

    All that together is bad. Not insurmountably bad, as long as tougher dungeons are more fun and they achieved some better balance (a bit too early to tell). And any use of jumping puzzles is good. But the worst thing is what Module 6 represents: a company that's lost its ability to make long term decisions and investments and will just spit out something, no matter how bad it is, to meet a deadline (delayed though Module 6 was it should have been delayed for longer). As someone who loves the FR and likes what Neverwinter used to be, that's a real concern.
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    dewwhiskersdewwhiskers Member Posts: 45
    edited April 2015
    I hate it and this is why:

    I hate being one shotted by a mob that has a single heath bar. Period. I admit I like a challenge but when you get one shotted by a crab you know that the game is borked. The difficulty level went from hard to "ARE YOU INSANE!?!"

    Games are meant to be fun not work. The new mod made playing this game work for any class past level 60. This was a major step backwards for this game and I hope it will be fixed soon.

    JESUS CHRIST I know what you mean about the crabs, just one of those would kill me and they are always in a cluster. I was able to defeat them but it takes a little too much effort for a cluster of minions. Things have gotten better since I bought a full set of level 70 blue but a cluster of those crabs can still kill me real quick(instantly if more than one hits at the same time), along with numerous other even more op monsters.
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    mehguy138mehguy138 Member Posts: 1,803 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    JESUS CHRIST I know what you mean about the crabs, just one of those would kill me and they are always in a cluster. I was able to defeat them but it takes a little too much effort for a cluster of minions. Things have gotten better since I bought a full set of level 70 blue but a cluster of those crabs can still kill me real quick(instantly if more than one hits at the same time), along with numerous other even more op monsters.

    It's funny that it's easier to fight 1-3 tough mobs (trolls, fomorians) at once then 4-6 thrash mobs (quicklings, powries), especially ranged.
    M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
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    blanndeblannde Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Noticed in quite a few places it is the lowly mobs that come close killing you in a final area..... not the boss and most times I'm not even sure where the damage came from... eg lack of nasty red glow
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    ayahsheartayahsheart Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Ditto ditto and ditto. It's ridiculous. I was really enjoying the game until mod 6. It is irritating to put money into a "but it's a free to play game stop whining and learn to adapt" game, uh no thanks. My IRL is a serious daily challenge, I play for fun. The game used to be fun, now it is not. I no longer play. They are not the only MMORPG out there. The recent giveaway was hilarious, like that would fix things. Husband gets a code for a freebie in his email goes to redeem it and finds out they screwed that up too.
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    korinth777korinth777 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I voted Hate it.

    First I will say, I rolled a paladin and its fun to play the early quests.

    My main is an SW. They have nerfed me in so many ways I am verging on quit this game. I've tried switching various powers around to find something, anything, that will let me survive. The only thing I have found that consistently lets me survive is BOVA, Harrowstorm and Curse Bite. My build is based on Cursing and Necro damage. So thanks for nerfing TT and creeping doom as well. So now i'm sort of a mid range, almost hand to hand (of blight) crazy i dont know what .... Previous to mod 6 I knew I had to take a pounding because i had to deliver damage for Lifesteal to work. Now thats a suicidal playstyle, and there is nothing I can find to make me less than a squish.
    I haven't done the respec yet, waiting until i get to lvl 70 and maybe have a better feel for what is going on.

    Beyond the sadness of being an SW, there are a lot of rubber band and lag going on. A lot of server not responding. Mysterious damage when no where near a red zone.

    Then, having to repeatedly go into these areas for repeat quests - I finally gave up on most of that and simlpy went into 3 man dungeons to level up as much as possible.

    I do like the fiery pit area, and also have begun the SR area, which also seems much nicer.
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    userutf8userutf8 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I highly doubt that developers/stuff read this, but in case they do, here's my subjective feedback:
    - leave dungeons alone, all is ok there
    - rework and return other dungeons asap
    - FIX BUGS. BUGS ruined PVP and damage PVE as well.

    thanks for making dungeons more challenging and thanks for lifesteal nerf
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    hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,462 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Copying to the appropriate thread...

    I haven't played in a week, but today I made an exception. I primarily logged on just to let guildmates know that I'm alive (which is important since I'm a guildmaster), but while I was there I decided to try another experiment.

    I took my HR up to the vendor and got that shiny new eternal gear to replace my Draconic Templar. Now, before any contemptuous elitists start popping off with, "get better gear, ****", let me start right off the bat with some of what I had equipped after this:

    Level: 70
    HP: 79k
    Item level: 3190
    Power: > 10k
    Defense: >10k
    Enchantments and runestones: R10's and R11's
    Perfect Terror Enchantment
    Augment: chicken
    Legendary Lathander's Cloak
    Legendary Lathander's Belt
    Mythic Token of Chromatic Storm
    Legendary Emblem of the Seldarine
    Mythic Eye of Lathander
    Mythic Heart of the Red Dragon

    HR's don't get much tankier than mine, and I proceeded to do some Sharandar and Dread Ring dailies. So, how did it go?

    The experience was about the same in all respects as when I last tried this at level 62. The critters took forever to kill and did brutal damage. Even with the graphics settings turned all the way down, performance was terrible, such that stuttering and lag nearly got me killed twice. A stutter of one second enabled three Thayan Servitors to get me from 100% health down to 20%. That is what happens when you amp up enemies so much: you make the game so unforgiving that the slightest hiccup gets you killed.

    As for Sharandar, it was much the same, though slightly easier of course due to the lower enemy level. It's worth noting that it is impossible to take out four Powries without losing all of your AP. Well, if you're a control class like a CW maybe it's possible, but if you're an HR you are totally screwed. Be prepared to lose your AP every single time, because there is no killing them fast enough.

    Okay, Lew, let me put it this way: I cannot overstate the importance that I'm placing on what comes out of the 4/23 patch. I consider its content, in relation to what I've related above, to be critical in the strongest possible terms. Does that communicate the gravity of my concerns?
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
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    dewwhiskersdewwhiskers Member Posts: 45
    edited April 2015
    hustin1 wrote: »
    Copying to the appropriate thread...

    I haven't played in a week, but today I made an exception. I primarily logged on just to let guildmates know that I'm alive (which is important since I'm a guildmaster), but while I was there I decided to try another experiment.

    I took my HR up to the vendor and got that shiny new eternal gear to replace my Draconic Templar. Now, before any contemptuous elitists start popping off with, "get better gear, ****", let me start right off the bat with some of what I had equipped after this:

    Level: 70
    HP: 79k
    Item level: 3190
    Power: > 10k
    Defense: >10k
    Enchantments and runestones: R10's and R11's
    Perfect Terror Enchantment
    Augment: chicken
    Legendary Lathander's Cloak
    Legendary Lathander's Belt
    Mythic Token of Chromatic Storm
    Legendary Emblem of the Seldarine
    Mythic Eye of Lathander
    Mythic Heart of the Red Dragon

    HR's don't get much tankier than mine, and I proceeded to do some Sharandar and Dread Ring dailies. So, how did it go?

    The experience was about the same in all respects as when I last tried this at level 62. The critters took forever to kill and did brutal damage. Even with the graphics settings turned all the way down, performance was terrible, such that stuttering and lag nearly got me killed twice. A stutter of one second enabled three Thayan Servitors to get me from 100% health down to 20%. That is what happens when you amp up enemies so much: you make the game so unforgiving that the slightest hiccup gets you killed.

    As for Sharandar, it was much the same, though slightly easier of course due to the lower enemy level. It's worth noting that it is impossible to take out four Powries without losing all of your AP. Well, if you're a control class like a CW maybe it's possible, but if you're an HR you are totally screwed. Be prepared to lose your AP every single time, because there is no killing them fast enough.

    Whoa. If these monsters are still hard for someone as well geared as you then mod 6 really is as insane as I think it is. I am significantly weaker gearwise, I grind hard but I've never tasted the sweeter side of gs even in mod 5 though I did have a complete set of profound gear. I'm a level 70 TR MI executioner with the following:

    cheapest level 70 blue gear that could hold enchantments and had good stats I could find over auction(mixed sets)

    A blue quality lantern of revelation

    A green quality vanguard's banner

    1 rank 8 dark enchantment in an offense slot(I'm proud of this, raising the AD for it was quite the achievement for me). My other 5 offense slots hold rank 7 darks and radiants

    Rank 6 and 5 darks in my utility slots.

    Rank 6 and 5 azures in all defense slots

    green quality elemental fire stiletto, recently acquired.

    Somewhere around 50k hp

    I stack armor pen, power, movement speed, recovery, and crit severity heavier than anything else for my build. I actively try to avoid taking crit strike unless I can't take something better. I have a little over 40% armor pen bonus, 15% power bonus(I am struggling to get this stat to go up in any significant way), 3.5% movement speed bonus(I'm struggling to get this stat to go up in any significant way), and I don't remember how much recovery and crit severity I have but I know its a lot less than I want it to be.

    I do not have all my boons yet and with how difficult mod 6 is, its gonna be a while before I can get the rest of my boons. I can survive in the dread ring and tyranny of dragons and defeat the basic monsters but I do still die a lot and these fights are mostly won through strategy and well timed powers. I always have to hit from stealth and then run around in circles until my stealth comes back up. If I don't do that, I die. I'm no permasteath rogue and don't want to be but this new mod seems to be pushing more rogues towards going permastealth.
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    dewwhiskersdewwhiskers Member Posts: 45
    edited April 2015
    hustin1 wrote: »
    Copying to the appropriate thread...

    I haven't played in a week, but today I made an exception. I primarily logged on just to let guildmates know that I'm alive (which is important since I'm a guildmaster), but while I was there I decided to try another experiment.

    I took my HR up to the vendor and got that shiny new eternal gear to replace my Draconic Templar. Now, before any contemptuous elitists start popping off with, "get better gear, ****", let me start right off the bat with some of what I had equipped after this:

    Level: 70
    HP: 79k
    Item level: 3190
    Power: > 10k
    Defense: >10k
    Enchantments and runestones: R10's and R11's
    Perfect Terror Enchantment
    Augment: chicken
    Legendary Lathander's Cloak
    Legendary Lathander's Belt
    Mythic Token of Chromatic Storm
    Legendary Emblem of the Seldarine
    Mythic Eye of Lathander
    Mythic Heart of the Red Dragon

    HR's don't get much tankier than mine, and I proceeded to do some Sharandar and Dread Ring dailies. So, how did it go?

    The experience was about the same in all respects as when I last tried this at level 62. The critters took forever to kill and did brutal damage. Even with the graphics settings turned all the way down, performance was terrible, such that stuttering and lag nearly got me killed twice. A stutter of one second enabled three Thayan Servitors to get me from 100% health down to 20%. That is what happens when you amp up enemies so much: you make the game so unforgiving that the slightest hiccup gets you killed.

    As for Sharandar, it was much the same, though slightly easier of course due to the lower enemy level. It's worth noting that it is impossible to take out four Powries without losing all of your AP. Well, if you're a control class like a CW maybe it's possible, but if you're an HR you are totally screwed. Be prepared to lose your AP every single time, because there is no killing them fast enough.

    Okay, Lew, let me put it this way: I cannot overstate the importance that I'm placing on what comes out of the 4/23 patch. I consider its content, in relation to what I've related above, to be critical in the strongest possible terms. Does that communicate the gravity of my concerns?

    Also, which vendor did you get the eternal gear from and where do I find this person? It sounds like you still have a weapon enhancement slot and my current gear does not have one. I even had to sell my lesser vorpal since I needed the AD back and could not use it until I got better gear.
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    hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,462 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Also, which vendor did you get the eternal gear from and where do I find this person? It sounds like you still have a weapon enhancement slot and my current gear does not have one. I even had to sell my lesser vorpal since I needed the AD back and could not use it until I got better gear.

    The ToD dwarf across from Harper Boward in PE, around the corner from the Vault of Piety.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
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    kosmos1988kosmos1988 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Before this module, new players struggled to get RP for their artifact gear. It looked promising on the test server with RP, but now when it's live the problem is still there. New players have no way of getting their artifact gear refined.
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    suicidalgodotsuicidalgodot Member Posts: 2,465 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    hustin1 wrote: »
    The ToD dwarf across from Harper Boward in PE, around the corner from the Vault of Piety.

    ...or the one in the WoD central hub - both have it.

    Problem: You need 60 Dragon Fangs (and 200 Dragon Coins + 80k AD). But it's a resolveable problem.
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    dewwhiskersdewwhiskers Member Posts: 45
    edited April 2015
    hustin1 wrote: »
    The ToD dwarf across from Harper Boward in PE, around the corner from the Vault of Piety.

    I'm afraid that does not help me much. I am not familiar with those acronyms. I don't know what ToD is, I don't know what PE is short for, and I'm not sure what the vault of piety is either. What map is he on? Protector's enclave? Also what is WoD stand for?

    Edit, just looked up vault of piety, I already knew what it was, I just did not know that is what it was called. The only thing I'm confused on is whether this place is physical, I only have ever accessed it by clicking spend for my coins.

    Edit nevermind, I just thought about it for several minites and I have a guess of what those acronyms are with the exception of WoD and ToD. I may be able to find the merchant with my guess.
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    dewwhiskersdewwhiskers Member Posts: 45
    edited April 2015
    Ignore this extra post.
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    dewwhiskersdewwhiskers Member Posts: 45
    edited April 2015
    ...or the one in the WoD central hub - both have it.

    Problem: You need 60 Dragon Fangs (and 200 Dragon Coins + 80k AD). But it's a resolveable problem.

    Not too bad, I might have the dragons fangs but I'd have to check, I know for sure I have the AD, and the dragon hoard coins are easy.
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    hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,462 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I had about an hour-and-a-half to kill after dinner, so I decided to check out Well of Dragons with my Stormwarden archer and gather some more information. Before I continue, a quick recap of the important stats:

    Level: 70
    HP: 79k
    Item level: 3194
    Power: > 10k
    Defense: >10k
    Armor: Eternal set
    Damage Resistance: 33.9%
    Enchantments and runestones: R10's and R11's
    Perfect Terror Enchantment
    Augment: chicken
    Legendary Lathander's Cloak
    Legendary Lathander's Belt
    Mythic Token of Chromatic Storm
    Legendary Emblem of the Seldarine
    Mythic Eye of Lathander
    Mythic Heart of the Red Dragon

    For what follows, gear is not the issue. To put things in perspective, on the day before Mod 6 her GS was 25.5k. When it comes to gear, Thia is no slouch.

    First I went and killed a few assassin drakes. No problem there. I can't one-shot them, but they were pretty easily killable.

    Next I took the Fools Gold quest (where you replace treasure chests with mimics). Let's just say that it was problematic. Except for the chests that you can sneak up on, I decided that perhaps the easiest chest to get to that was guarded was the one up top with the four black dragonwings. Well, guess what: fighting them is certain death.

    The black dragonwings are killable in their normal form, but if just one drinks his growth potion, he will kill you. Each time he stabs it takes between 65k and 70k off your HP. Two shots and you are dead. Don't bother doing the quest; it's not worth it. I direct you to my stats above. The first hit knocks you down to 15% and the next one kills you -- even if you get a healing potion down your throat first.

    I figured I was done, but some guildies saw that I was on and wanted to see if they could help me get a T1 gear piece. Okay, so we gave it a shot. They recommended VT and that's where we went.

    It was crazy hard, and then we ran right into a brick wall -- not at the first boss, but long before: right after the fight with the howlers. We turned the corner to the left, and there was no getting past the conjurer and his buddies.

    How many times did we wipe over the course of the run? I don't know, somewhere between 20 and 30. Definitely more than 20.

    Everyone was getting one- and two-shotted. Someone accidentally opened a mimic earlier on and that was one-shotting me -- not with the AoE jump, just with his quick bite! (think about that for a second -- one snap of his jaws did at least 79k damage!). As for the conjurer and his friends, there was absolutely no beating them. The mythic Token of Chromatic Storm might as well have been a pea shooter. Speaking for myself, Fox's Cunning, Constricting Arrow, Rain of Arrows, Thorn Ward, even the new Cordon of Arrows: nothing would help (including their melee variants -- I shift stances regularly). One hit from anyone knocks you down to 10% and the next annihilates you. The servitors and conjurer kill you with ease no matter where you are. As for the conjurer, no way to kill him quickly enough. Not only not doable, not worth the frustration.

    The only good thing, if you can call it that, is that I had the full Lathander set and didn't have to burn up healing kits.

    This doesn't require "tweaks". Calling the required remedy a "tweak" doesn't do justice to just how bad this all is. This is a major screw-up and the required remedy is whatever you use to fix major screw-ups. Those sure aren't "tweaks". It's truly hard for me to put into words just how incredibly off-base the underlying reasoning must be. The playability is that broken.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
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    suicidalgodotsuicidalgodot Member Posts: 2,465 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Not too bad, I might have the dragons fangs but I'd have to check, I know for sure I have the AD, and the dragon hoard coins are easy.

    PE = Protector's Enclave, ToD = Tyranny of Dragons, WoD = Well of Dragons :^)

    Also, it's 15 Fangs per piece, so you can start out with chest armour and bracers or somesuch to buff you present gear.
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    blanndeblannde Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    As per the entries above, this is the sort of OP npc that seems to exist all through the maps at this point. A challenge is one thing, impossible something else. People play for fun, and sadly the fun has gone out of this game. I am seriously hoping this upcoming patch will do something to remedy this current situation.
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    twilightwatchmantwilightwatchman Member Posts: 2,007 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    unangwata wrote: »
    I am waiting for announced big patch in few days (when is it exactly ?)..
    It's supposed to be this Thursday (23rd) but no test build has been pushed to Preview yet. Sometimes that doesn't happen until the last minute though.

    This patch should be all the things they didn't have time to put into the live build on module launch, so what it contains depends on how much of the feedback from Preview they listened to and decided to implement.
    Jenna Sunsoul - Justice Tankadin
    Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
    Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
    Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
    Darquess - Soulbinder
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    haelrahaelra Member Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I suspect they feel this is all short-term complaining. They may expect that most people will simply gear up on the new mod 6 far enough and quickly enough to be satisfied customers again in short order. I believe the massive reduction in normal player's combat potential was intentional to make room at the top for ever higher performance. I think this was a terrible mistake, too.

    The change in the curves alone makes me feel like my, say, entry to level 70 defense or deflect bonus is translating into no more actual damage mitigation than I had at a much lower level before Mod-6. The old curves had diminishing returns 'humps' to them which the developers linearized in this Mod to push those diminishing returns of output capability out to much higher levels of input stats. The curves couldn't really go much higher, or everyone would have ridiculous levels of performance, and they wanted the new levels and gear to have noticeable effect. So, the curves had to flatten out, which means the humps got shaved off. We were on those humps, and were happy there. Now any of us feel like the game's not fun anymore. I don't want to play a character that's performing no better than a level 30 used to.
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    hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,462 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    haelra wrote: »
    I suspect they feel this is all short-term complaining. They may expect that most people will simply gear up on the new mod 6 far enough and quickly enough to be satisfied customers again in short order. I believe the massive reduction in normal player's combat potential was intentional to make room at the top for ever higher performance. I think this was a terrible mistake, too.

    The change in the curves alone makes me feel like my, say, entry to level 70 defense or deflect bonus is translating into no more actual damage mitigation than I had at a much lower level before Mod-6. The old curves had diminishing returns 'humps' to them which the developers linearized in this Mod to push those diminishing returns of output capability out to much higher levels of input stats. The curves couldn't really go much higher, or everyone would have ridiculous levels of performance, and they wanted the new levels and gear to have noticeable effect. So, the curves had to flatten out, which means the humps got shaved off. We were on those humps, and were happy there. Now any of us feel like the game's not fun anymore. I don't want to play a character that's performing no better than a level 30 used to.

    Even if all that is true, it would only make sense if they never planned to release any more content and intended the current "end-game" areas to remain that way forever. Otherwise, there is no reason to make everyone so fragile relative to the PvE enemies already out there.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
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    gruliagrulia Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    i don't like it at all. to me playing neverwinter currently feels like it is gone into open beta again. for obvious reasons.

    while getting my main from 60 to 70 was not too difficult or something, it definitely was the least enjoyable experience i had in a mmorpg for a very long time. and just thinking about the refining marathon that'd be the next logical step makes me cringe.

    i'll wait for the patch and then decide how much time i'll invest into this game in the future.
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    mortitiapmortitiap Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    the question is in the title. please vote honestly and comment down below why.

    Hello, I actually really miss old dungeons. New 60ths doesnt have any chance of getting old epic armor for being able to face new threads from 60-69level. Also there is not much possibilities for them to gain some astral diamonds this way, so they cannot buy neccessary things like weapon enchantments and other items that are really usefull in fight. I understad the reason why there is not much ways to get AD, but still it would be nice. The new dungeons might have been a legendary dungeons and still keep the epic ones. Like this there are either too easy dungeons or too hard ones for people ( students :D ) who cannot pay much money into game.

    Thank you sincerely, I still love my Dev-Gods :D
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    rversantrversant Member Posts: 896 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Maybe PW feels that way - not me as an individual gamer. Well, sort of, I guess. This is my one and only complaint - it's only short-term, because I'm not sticking around to complain further.

    Back earlier this year (pre-Mod 6) they offered a "one time deal" on special packs that guaranteed a fully upgraded black ice armor piece - at a "mere" $15/1500 zen price tag. I saw that and knew - just knew in my gut - aw, man - anyone buying those is going to get REAMED.

    When that sale was announced back in February, I decided to wait and see how the new mod would treat those fans, who TRUSTED the PW masters to be fair to them when mod 6 dropped...and the answer was - boooyaaa- thanks for the extra scratch, SUCKERS. All that BIS black ice gear you spent 35+ days earning and/or paying MONEY for? WORTHLESS against level 70 end of game enemies! Now go back and earn/buy that stuff ALL OVER AGAIN (insert evil laughter here).

    Which is why I've stopped playing Neverwinter. Trust is earned by trustworthy behavior. When you violate someone's trust - as PW has done with their fans, BIG TIME, with Mod 6 - they do not deserve to be trusted anymore. I will shamefacedly admit to spending way, way, way more on this game than on any 1 time purchase for a video game in my life, ever. So PW - hope you are happy. Great monetizing event. This is one REAL MONEY paying fan who is out.


    Well. to be fair. the black ice gear isn't worthless at 70. You need it to make the upgraded black ice gear rank 4. which is a decent gear option untill you can afford to make elemental alliance gear and such. So it might not be good as gear at 70, but it is a good reagent for a decent set until you farm the burning PVP / elemental alliance gear. Personally I never used profound PVP on my GWF, I used full grim ( 2 piece insti 2 piece sentinel for +3600 hp) untill I got my black ice pieces. I've got enough glory to get the full burning, but not enough triumph. I think the "Genie's Gift's" should be able to be used to skip through the Black ice reputation timegate , But I also thing that they should also give more sharandar regents. (I mean, the sharandar bags are the worse of the lot)
    People are way too negative, Why cant we just all get along.

    Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
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