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PVP/PVE Hunter Ranger build

j0kerspsychoj0kerspsycho Member Posts: 139 Arc User
edited June 2015 in The Wilds
DISCLAIMER!: this build is only good at level 50 and great at level 55, you will fill the first 2 teirs how you want then choose swiftness of the fox, throned roots, then biting snairs at 50 go back and choose ancient roots for 55 and serpents bit for 60. Untill 50-55 ur damage will be bad. The powers i chose in this are for my build not pathfinder, if you want to know anything about that you can ask in the comments below.

Build in action!: https://account.xbox.com/en-us/gameclip/08a077c5-835c-464c-bdcb-3b5db3e277a2?gamerTag=J0kerscyc0&scid=8dd60100-6cc0-42f2-bb3e-c47b184a79f5 My group ends up wiping and i do that for around 20min longer solo.

My name is Aldren Boweing (GT: J0kerscyc0) and I have put a lot of time in on my Hunter Ranger. Often times in pve I am top of the charts, by millions more often than not, and in pvp I am almost always top kills, even vs premade teams I can get as many kills as their top guys. Over these last few days of me being level 60 I have gotten a lot of messages over XBL asking about my build, so much so i had recorded a clip of me looking at my abilities and my feats so people could copy them. One example of this is when I was pvping and i kept killing a back capping rogue. After the game he messaged me asking my build, we got in a party and chatted it up, him saying he was an archer on his HR and I told him that there was his problem. Most HRs believe that they should only be combat or archery, while this is a build option hour damage as HRs is split between our two stances (a rogue lashing blade will do around 4k tool tip while hindering shot will do 1.5-2 in ranged and 1.5-2 in melee thus evening out our damage but we have to use both stances) so ignoring one stance potentially ignores half of the damage potential of our class. With that in mind I believed that trapper was the only feat tree that would have the most damage potential because it requires one to switch stances often. This coupled with thorned roots and ancient roots can make for some very large aoe damage in pve and very strong cc and damage in pvp.

Race: Imo the wood elf is the best. This being because in mod 6 con doesnt have the potency it has now, thus the 1% crit chance is better along with the +2 Wis.

Starting Stats: I started with 20 dex and 16 wis then get con as high as you can with that and dumping points into Dex and Wis every 10 lvls for pve OR Dex and Con for pvp (until mod 6)

Companion: I think the healer is fantastic leveling up and if your dungeon has no healer, BUT having the Ioun Stone companion is the best. The reason being that it is a stat stick, meaning whatever rune you put in it, you get the full benefit from it.

Paragon paths:
This can be a difficult choice seeing as there is only one good ability in both trees (my opinion ofc) which is pathfinders hunters teamwork and stormwardens twin-blade storm. With this in mind imho hunters teamwork is better for single target damage/pvp because of the dot damage and the damage reduction it gives where stormwardens TBS is much better for pve because it will basically increases your damage by a flat 12% because you will always be attacking at least 2 mobs even on bosses cause of adds. So when you choose do what you prefer, both are viable for pvp and pve so spec what you do more, i was pveing more so i went SW for TBS, i may respec once again for hunters teamwork and to switch my feats between fleet and readied stance, but thats a later discussion.

PVE: In this aspect I am always the top of the charts compared to other classes. The reason is as i said above with thorned and ancient roots. This coupled with Constricting arrow and hindering strike which both apply aoe strong grasping roots will perma root and destroy mobs health in instance so much so that my guild groups have taken to pulling anywhere from 10-20 mobs at once because i can control most of them.

Features: Aspect of the Serpent, Twin-Blade Storm
At-Wills: Rapid Strike, Aimed shot (for the dot)
Encounters: Constricting arrow, Hindering Shot, Fox Shift
Dailies: Seismic Shot, Disruptive Shot

Serpent and TBS both increase your damage and you will be stacking serpent in both stances to 2 stacks (max stacks) each switch and TBS is great because you will always be hitting 2+ enemies.

For the at wills, i chose these two because aimed shot has a dot in melee which is a hit it and forget button and rapid strike is nice for a few attacks to be a filler if you need (which you wont because swiftness of the Fox makes it so you wont have cooldowns)

The best encounters imo are Constricting arrow/steel breeze for the aoe graping roots and the melee stam refil, use this on 5+ ppl and you can shift all day. Hindering shot ranged ability is, meh to say the least, but the melee aoe applies roots and hits very hard so again beautiful for groups of mobs. Finally Fox's Cunning/Shift, this skill is what is the bread and butter of any builds. Although it doesnt apply roots having the dodge from cunning is fantastic, you can use it every time you switch and i have avoided countless one shot boss abilities when i screw up (a lot) and same with my party. Fox shift is what i love about this ability. It give you immunity frames basically removing you from the same for .5-1second which when you are using it every 3-5seconds is a lot of dodging. I have used this build in the last boss of plague caverns tanking all the adds, killing them all and only getting hit a hand full of times when i mess up (thank god for soulforge)

When it comes to dailies we have a small choice of GOOD dailies when you are Stormwarden, you have forest ghost, seismic shot, and disruptive shot. Seismic shot will deal the most damage in aoe as well

PVP, Since i started pvping at max level i have been top of the list in almost all of my games, this is the main reason i have made this guide is to help other HRs who have been having a hard time in pvp

Features: Aspect of the serpent/lone wolf/pathfinders action (PF waiting for 4 set to test)/TBS/Stormstep Action (SW)
At-wills: Rapid, Aimed
Encoutners: Constricting, Hindering, Fox
Dailies: Seismic shot/Forest Ghost, Disruptive shot

I dont have a set feature setup because i change to what i need. When the enemeis group constantly i will use TBS, if i am being focused i use lone wolf, if i need more damage i use serpent, if i need less cds (if someone dodges an encounter you will have cooldowns) i will use stormstep action. Adapt to the situation at hand!

At wills is the same concept as pve, aimed shot for hit it and forget it and rapid to fill

Encounters, constricting will root them for about 3 seconds follow with hindering for cd, switch, fox shift (has a bit of a lunge) hindering for more roots and steel breeze for more stam, switch and do it again! in 3v3/4v4/5v5 i can do this around 6 times constantly with no cd before i start missing because people aren't there anymore cause dead or I went to far out of the group and missed an ability.

<Pointed out by Katozee, "Hindering Shot leaves a double arrow animation in the target for 1-2 seconds. The appear dark in colour but positioned almost on top of one another. The reason why this is important is because if a class stealths the arrows do not disapear with the character. If the timing is just right i.e a TR trying to make a get away, use hindering shot then dash towards the magical moving arrows and use hindering strike to reveal a rather confused looking TR wondering how on earth you knew where he was +rooting him or at least applying the dot." this can help if you get a attack off on a rogue before he stealths, i have avoided many openers because of this potentionally saving my life (cause 20k lashings blade crits are cool)>

Dailies, for this i use forest ghost and disruptive shot in 90% of cases. Forest ghost is perfect for pesky rogues when they back cap, u get the drop on them and its laughable how ez they can melt, this with disruptive shot makes for crazy engage, usually if one rotation doesnt kill, you will start the second one before they can attack back. I placed seismic shot in there because in premade vs premade with really good dc's having seismic shot can help with damage and grouping your enemies.

Feats and choices: Heroic feats-
Toughness and weapon mastery are no brainers, one for more hp the other for more damage. The two points in predatory action is just filler, better than battlewise and swift footwork imo. Agile combatant bc we will be constantly switching stances so thats a 3% flat increase on damage. Endless assault and lucky skirmisher for more damage and survivability. Finally disciple of dexterity for more damage.

Epic Feats-For us this is a bit easier, you almost want everything in the trapper tree because it is all so good, your only choices are in the first and second teir. I chose Fleet stance because our pvp 4 set increases run speed by 20% so with switching stances thats 30% total, for a pure pve build i would do readied for more ap regen cause you really wouldnt need the run speed. For the second teir we have Deft strikes which is nice but it only effects one ability (to my knowledge, if this is untrue plz let me no) so you can skip over this for the paragon epic feature, i would only do this for pathfinders though because slashers mark is a good ability and having it only take 75% ap is nice. But i took deft strikes because i believe cold steel hurricane is in a bad spot and needs a buff and rework to become a useful daily.

If you have any questions or comments about how to better the build or why x > x ask away

Thanks for reading and have a nice day!

The build: http://nwcalc.com/index.html#/x/hr?b=2xgc:zbus6k:8f57:45q,1fi3iii:100000:100000:15u5zv&h=0&p=swd stormwarden for pve set up

http://nwcalc.com/index.html#/x/hr?b=2xgc:zbprbt:9f2y:3x2,1fi3iii:100000:100000:1uu5zv&h=0&p=pfr Pathfinder for pvp set up

PvP Clips:
https://account.xbox.com/en-us/gameclip/89dc33ff-61fb-4200-8e04-8dfc6c134f58?gamerTag=J0kerscyc0&scid=8dd60100-6cc0-42f2-bb3e-c47b184a79f5 (Dodging Ice Knife OP)
https://account.xbox.com/en-us/gameclip/271bc2cc-fd50-49a7-9c53-92d9f2fb4124?gamerTag=J0kerscyc0&scid=8dd60100-6cc0-42f2-bb3e-c47b184a79f5 (New clip)
https://account.xbox.com/en-us/gameclip/1cbab0b7-28da-445f-81af-bf36d387f4b9?gamerTag=J0kerscyc0&scid=8dd60100-6cc0-42f2-bb3e-c47b184a79f5 (NEW CLIP 4V1)
https://account.xbox.com/en-us/gameclip/b689864f-c1ec-4120-bd31-d4cbe52a4ba4?gamerTag=J0kerscyc0&scid=8dd60100-6cc0-42f2-bb3e-c47b184a79f5 (Mr.SW no escape)


Plenty more pvp clips on my page for examples, as well as a few screenshots of end scores usually in the 20's or more. These are just the ones that I enjoyed.

Respected to pathfinder for Hunters teamwork, the build is basically the same but instead of aimed shot you would use hunters teamwork, it reduces damage done in its ranged ability and adds a bleed every 1.5sec to the melee mark. Ive begun hard pvping to get my pvp sets going so this is why i respec.

I will randomly be editing this to add clips of pve/pvp (mostly pvp cause i think its entertaining) and random info i think will be useful.
Step into the madhouse
Aldren Boweing - 60 HR
Post edited by j0kerspsycho on


  • katozeekatozee Member Posts: 42
    edited April 2015
    Thanks for your comments the other day, I have since made a rather large overhaul on my build and in doing so have found out something rather novel about playing as a buffer for the party and yet still topping the Dps charts that may be of interest to you.
  • j0kerspsychoj0kerspsycho Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Tiz no problem, always here to help :D
    Step into the madhouse
    Aldren Boweing - 60 HR
  • dolemite08dolemite08 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I play mostly alone no guilds or parties jst daily dungeon delves. Are these builds good 4me? Whats best class for game and what tellme about scourgemage class?
  • j0kerspsychoj0kerspsycho Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    HR has what ive seen the highest aoe damage in the game so yes the build would do what you want. "Best" is subjective, hunter ranger (HR) trickseter rogue (TR) and control wizard (CW) have the higest damage for single target and aoe in my opinion so would be good to pick, great weapon fighter can be tanky and still dish out good damage, same with the guardian fighter and ofc cleric is great for healing. Scourge warlock atm isnt that good, not terrible but just doesnt do what other classes can do, or even close to.
    Step into the madhouse
    Aldren Boweing - 60 HR
  • kotonk1kotonk1 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    This is amazing information. I respec-ed my Hunter Ranger to almost identical specifications as listed above. I favor the bow (I'm a longbow archer in real life), so I adjusted accordingly. But my build will end up nearly word-for-word like yours. Thanks for this! Much appreciated!

    I have to ask though, purely out of curiosity; since your build favors melee so heavily, why not go Trickster Rogue? I haven't played nor researched Trickster Rogue at all, so I've no clue regarding the pros or cons. But does the Trapper Hunter Ranger build have something that Trickster Rogue does not?

    Anyway, thanks again for this information. As I said, your efforts are much appreciated! Good luck and good hunting!
  • j0kerspsychoj0kerspsycho Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Its no problem my friend :D.

    I wouldn't say the build favors melee heavily, it is a synergy between both melee and ranged. I do not find myself in one stance more than the other, i would say my right bumper gets used hundreds of times in an instance (especially Fkn castle never).

    The trickster rogue part is a bit more of me not wanting to play a broken class, because i wanted to play a rogue like i did on the PC till like level 20, but i didnt want people to credit my doing well with my class being broken in its current state, that and because the HR game play is so fast paced that you don't have any downtime in your game play because you are switching so often so i dont ever get bored. I never played high level rogues but i can say for sure that 8/10 rogues in pvp i can easily kill and in pve rogues dont even come close to my damage, if this screen shot shows up im top dps and my guildie whom is a rogue is second on the list.

    And as i said its no problem, im here for the people who enjoy being at the top of the lists in all aspects of the game, pve or pvp, so if you ever have any questions that the original post doesnt answer feel free to ask :D


    these are also some SS's to show examples of my effectiveness in pvp, these are all taken one match after another and was 2 solo Q and 2 with my brother.
    Step into the madhouse
    Aldren Boweing - 60 HR
  • kotonk1kotonk1 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Am I reading that right? 148 (in Dr. Evil voice, with pinky gesture) MILLION!?!?! You're OVER TWICE the next player!!!! That's incredible!

    Well, again, thanks for all the info. While I'm loving this game, all these decisions about where to put what where and when confuses me. All games like this have me second-guessing my every level-up decision, only to find out later it was the wrong move. Me am dumb.

    Stuff like Crit Strike over Armor Penetration, Defense over Deflection, etc. I've been poking around the InterWebs and no one seems to agree.

    One guy listed the soft caps for everything, so I think I'll aim for those. Basically he said, "They're all important."

    Thanks again! Good luck fellow Ranger!
  • j0kerspsychoj0kerspsycho Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    kotonk1 wrote: »
    Am I reading that right? 148 (in Dr. Evil voice, with pinky gesture) MILLION!?!?! You're OVER TWICE the next player!!!! That's incredible!

    Well, again, thanks for all the info. While I'm loving this game, all these decisions about where to put what where and when confuses me. All games like this have me second-guessing my every level-up decision, only to find out later it was the wrong move. Me am dumb.

    Stuff like Crit Strike over Armor Penetration, Defense over Deflection, etc. I've been poking around the InterWebs and no one seems to agree.

    One guy listed the soft caps for everything, so I think I'll aim for those. Basically he said, "They're all important."

    Thanks again! Good luck fellow Ranger!
    Lol yes you are, ranger aoe is completely unmatched from what ive seen so far (a full aoe speced CW could prolly make a good challenge) N np, i know the feeling and it can be a bit overwhelming at first. From what ive seen for mod 5 you want:

    Critical Strike: 2,800~3,200
    Armor Penetration: 2,400~2,600
    Recovery: 2,600~2,800
    Defense: 2,400~2,800
    Deflection: 2,000~2,200
    Regeneration: ~1,000
    Life Steal: ~1,400

    Use power as a "dump stat" when you are in those areas if you have extra stats to get rid of.

    Np and happy hunting good sir!
    Step into the madhouse
    Aldren Boweing - 60 HR
  • iliketurtles444iliketurtles444 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015

    I'm still fairly new to the game. Is there any chance you would be able to post screen shots of your feats, and your stats.. Dex, Charsima..etc. I'm just trying to figure out if I'm on the right path. My Hunter is about lvl 40 right now. I plan on respecing to what you said above. Thanks for any help. Take care.
  • j0kerspsychoj0kerspsycho Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    For the feats and powers the link will go to that http://nwcalc.com/hr?b=p9r:25amdc:14jqa4,1fi3iii:100000:100000:15u5zv&h=0&p=swd

    For stats, i did a elf with +2 to wis and dex, roll 20 to start dext and high wis. I went into con and dext for pvp during my level ups.
    Step into the madhouse
    Aldren Boweing - 60 HR
  • kotonk1kotonk1 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    j0kerspsycho, dude, you're a genius! I hate to sound like a commercial, but, BEFORE I respec-ed my Hunter Ranger according to your build, I was struggling to stay alive. It was frustrating. I was avoiding confrontation, trying to sneak by enemies. But no more! Now, following your build, I actually go out of my way to pick off every enemy, or better yet, GROUPS of enemies!

    As you pointed out, this build does not favor melee or bow. With this build, I can root groups of targets, and whittle down their HP from max distance. It's so awesome!

    Thanks again. You really turned this game around for me. Very much appreciate!

    Now, if only you could figure out what to do with all these stupid Tryannical Lockboxes I'm accumulating. I was thinking, we could combine all our our stacks, and use them as bricks to build a Hunter Ranger Headquarters.

    Thanks to j0kerspsycho, I'm a Stormwarden Hunter Ranger (Trapper), and I fully endorse this build!
  • ancojoancojo Member Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    This is the build I'll be using but as Ive used a few feats in the wrong place does it matter so much? I asked about respeccing in my first thread as i dont know how you go about doing it, also enchanting!

    Thanks for this info, I'm the type of player who realy does need all the help i can get!

  • j0kerspsychoj0kerspsycho Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    kotonk1 wrote: »
    j0kerspsycho, dude, you're a genius! I hate to sound like a commercial, but, BEFORE I respec-ed my Hunter Ranger according to your build, I was struggling to stay alive. It was frustrating. I was avoiding confrontation, trying to sneak by enemies. But no more! Now, following your build, I actually go out of my way to pick off every enemy, or better yet, GROUPS of enemies!

    As you pointed out, this build does not favor melee or bow. With this build, I can root groups of targets, and whittle down their HP from max distance. It's so awesome!

    Thanks again. You really turned this game around for me. Very much appreciate!

    Now, if only you could figure out what to do with all these stupid Tryannical Lockboxes I'm accumulating. I was thinking, we could combine all our our stacks, and use them as bricks to build a Hunter Ranger Headquarters.

    Thanks to j0kerspsycho, I'm a Stormwarden Hunter Ranger (Trapper), and I fully endorse this build!
    Im glad that you are starting to like the class again. In this game build is 70% of your damage and effectiveness, bad build, bad time :P hope you continue to do well!
    ancojo wrote: »
    This is the build I'll be using but as Ive used a few feats in the wrong place does it matter so much? I asked about respeccing in my first thread as i dont know how you go about doing it, also enchanting!

    Thanks for this info, I'm the type of player who realy does need all the help i can get!

    It really doest matter much as long as your epic feats are in the trapper tree and nowhere else (less you like to min max). To respec you could buy a 5$ respec token which lets you redo all your power points, skill points, and feats or you can just respec your feats for 78k diamonds. Im still trying to figure out what enchants are best, my suggestion, armor pen till you get to 2.2k. Hope this helps
    Step into the madhouse
    Aldren Boweing - 60 HR
  • madmoxxifavgunmadmoxxifavgun Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    what's your take on the royal guard set vs the grand warden set?
  • j0kerspsychoj0kerspsycho Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    what's your take on the royal guard set vs the grand warden set?
    I would probably go with the Royal Guard set. The reason being that i never use my at wills less im using hunters teamwork as pathfinder (once every 3-5 rotations) or aimed shots melee for the dot if im stormwarden (again 3-5). And although we dont need cdr much it is nice for straight single target fights or if you mess up a skill (i do this, A LOT) and switch only to find you screwed your rotation up and now have cooldowns. So IMHO having the chance to reduce all cooldowns by 30% by just doing damage (which trapper hr does so well lol) is much better than a damage increase of 1700ish for critting with an at will which if you are playing right you shouldnt even need to use all that often so the 4 set would be somewhat void. On top of that the 2 set for RG set is armor pen which is more important than crit in my book.
    Step into the madhouse
    Aldren Boweing - 60 HR
  • latinlegendlatinlegend Member Posts: 43
    edited April 2015
    I'm guessing that you were quite far ahead of the competition gear/spec wise because I'm running a similar build to yours atm & it gets shredded easily on the PvP end. Considering that I do have a lot of knowledge with more complex PvP mechanics of other MMORPG's, I know the skill side of things is not the issue. Granted that I just got to level 59 recently & do not have myself geared for PvP atm because honestly, the PvP in this game is laughably bad. The DAOC player in me though always makes me competitive when it comes to PvP, even when it's obviously bad so I will keep at it. Build is a beast on the PvE end though so no issues at all there. I do wonder however if you plan to expand further on the initial post. Such as companions, gear sets, etc. So it can have some more depth :).
  • j0kerspsychoj0kerspsycho Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I'm guessing that you were quite far ahead of the competition gear/spec wise because I'm running a similar build to yours atm & it gets shredded easily on the PvP end. Considering that I do have a lot of knowledge with more complex PvP mechanics of other MMORPG's, I know the skill side of things is not the issue. Granted that I just got to level 59 recently & do not have myself geared for PvP atm because honestly, the PvP in this game is laughably bad. The DAOC player in me though always makes me competitive when it comes to PvP, even when it's obviously bad so I will keep at it. Build is a beast on the PvE end though so no issues at all there. I do wonder however if you plan to expand further on the initial post. Such as companions, gear sets, etc. So it can have some more depth :).
    I have a 10.7k ish gear score in pvp (all pvp gear except for belt and weapons, waiting for prideful, have 2/4 pride n 2/4 battle and a 10.4k Gs I pve) so I am a bit ahead of the curve. My suggestion is pve till u get some good gear and do ur pvp dailies every day, nets like 2k glory per per day and 8k AD. As for gear sets, companians, etc., honestly I started playing this game when it was released and only dabbled on PC (on and off for 1year and only hit 60 right before release) so I have like zero info of that kind of stuff, from what I've gathered for companians I heard the stone is best BC u get what put onto it, so give it a 145 ArP enchant, it gives u that armpen, I will put the stat soft caps on the main post when I get to a PC, on phone atm, n when the gf is going homework lol priorities xD. But glad u like the build n feel free to suggest or ask anything bud, cheers!
    Step into the madhouse
    Aldren Boweing - 60 HR
  • madmoxxifavgunmadmoxxifavgun Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    is it me or does plague fire enchantment sound too for us. 15% debuff and decent dmg. seems to be the way to go
  • j0kerspsychoj0kerspsycho Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    is it me or does plague fire enchantment sound too for us. 15% debuff and decent dmg. seems to be the way to go

    I run plague fire atm, in pve it is king. In Pvp i need to do some testing, in mod 5 i think it will be fairly even, maybe favoring vorpal because of how short fights are and how important bursting can be. in mod 6 with the introduction of Armor penetration reduction, plague fire will be best imo.
    Step into the madhouse
    Aldren Boweing - 60 HR
  • madmoxxifavgunmadmoxxifavgun Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    could you explain exactly how aspect of the serpent works? and how you approach dragon fights? i know i should be using melee encounters against them but more often then not get one shot by them. im a pathfinder so i been using hunter's teamwork and careful strike then using aimed shot, constricting arrow, and hindering shot and fox cunning when i can.
  • j0kerspsychoj0kerspsycho Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    could you explain exactly how aspect of the serpent works? and how you approach dragon fights? i know i should be using melee encounters against them but more often then not get one shot by them. im a pathfinder so i been using hunter's teamwork and careful strike then using aimed shot, constricting arrow, and hindering shot and fox cunning when i can.

    Serpent, u start with no stacks, u attack once at range and gain one stack of melee serpent, 2 ranged attacks give you two stacks which is as high as it goes, each stack increases your damage for that stance. So when u have 2 melee stacks change from ranged to melee and use one ability and lose one stack, use a second ability and ur neutral use ur third and u generate a,ranged stack the one melee at will if u want more than one, I usually just change and let the feature b a passive boost lol. For drag fights, learn their attacks and use fox cunning, I've dodged many tail swipes with it preventing my death. Aside from that, if u want to just sit back n play safe, dragon fights are usually done with 10-15ppl so not like if aren't going hard it will still live lol, so till u want to learn sit back n use aimed shot.
    Step into the madhouse
    Aldren Boweing - 60 HR
  • solist117solist117 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    The link to nwcalc doesn't appear to be populating the calculator since they did their module 6 update yesterday. Could you perhaps repost the build using the new calc?
  • j0kerspsychoj0kerspsycho Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    solist117 wrote: »
    The link to nwcalc doesn't appear to be populating the calculator since they did their module 6 update yesterday. Could you perhaps repost the build using the new calc?

    I will update a few things within the week when I find time (will do the feats when I get off work n I get my PC to stop acting up), its getting close to finals week so btwn catching up in my classes, work, n girlfriend, I haven't as much time as I would prefer to keep tabs on this and playing. Heck I've only looked at this on my phone since the last update lol. But yes I will try to fix the build tonight, if. Anything u can add me on live and I have a vid of my feats n powers.

    Step into the madhouse
    Aldren Boweing - 60 HR
  • trappy1026trappy1026 Member Posts: 147 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2015
    Hey guy,

    I run basically the same build, except pathfinder. It's epic. I take dumps on dps charts. Dropped something like 45 mil on frozen heart the other night with the 2nd most damage around 11 mil.

    But my real question here is about gear. I have full royal guard right now. I'm wondering what you wear for pvp? Do you go for pvp gear? I'm feeling that royal guard's cd effects are too hot to keep off, so I might try to slot pvp main/off hand and rings/neck, as I have dex belt already.
  • j0kerspsychoj0kerspsycho Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    trappy1026 wrote: »
    Hey guy,

    I run basically the same build, except pathfinder. It's epic. I take dumps on dps charts. Dropped something like 45 mil on frozen heart the other night with the 2nd most damage around 11 mil.

    But my real question here is about gear. I have full royal guard right now. I'm wondering what you wear for pvp? Do you go for pvp gear? I'm feeling that royal guard's cd effects are too hot to keep off, so I might try to slot pvp main/off hand and rings/neck, as I have dex belt already.

    Pvp gear is better for pvp, tenacity reduces damage, crit damage, n cc durations making u harder to kill and our 4 set heals u for 2% of hp every time u deflect (I have almost 50% deflect atm without 4 set
    Step into the madhouse
    Aldren Boweing - 60 HR
  • j0kerspsychoj0kerspsycho Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    A few updates, made a SS for feats instead of a link, powers are much simpler to point out. Also added about my prefered race and companion stuff.
    Step into the madhouse
    Aldren Boweing - 60 HR
  • a0umia0umi Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    since your link with your powers isn't working anymore, can you please repost it ? It will help me a lot ! =)
    And thank you again for posting your build !
  • madmoxxifavgunmadmoxxifavgun Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    i forgot to ask i rolled 17 str, 12 con, 24 dex, 12 int, 19 wis, 13 cha. im a human. is it too bad?
  • katozeekatozee Member Posts: 42
    edited April 2015
    Because more people will flock towards this post since it has PvP in the title, please could you add this tid bit of testing that I have done that would benefit the more hawk eyed hunter.

    Hindering Shot leaves a double arrow animation in the target for 1-2 seconds. The appear dark in colour but positioned almost on top of one another. The reason why this is important is because if a class stealths the arrows do not disapear with the character. If the timing is just right i.e a TR trying to make a get away, use hindering shot then dash towards the magical moving arrows and use hindering strike to reveal a rather confused looking TR wondering how on earth you knew where he was +rooting him or at least applying the dot.

    Edit: Also i'm under the impression players cannot turn around whilst rooted, though its difficult to tell in PvP. PvE mobs definately cannot turn around on the spot. May be something useful to know since I found that:

    Forest Ghost > Fox Shift > Steel Breeze > Hindering Strike > Standing behind them, has one me many 3v1 encounters. It may be because they have given up?
  • j0kerspsychoj0kerspsycho Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    i forgot to ask i rolled 17 str, 12 con, 24 dex, 12 int, 19 wis, 13 cha. im a human. is it too bad?
    It seems ok, as long as you have high dex and wis the build is good for pve (u want dex and con for pvp but not worth remaking the class plus con loses its potency in mod 6)
    Step into the madhouse
    Aldren Boweing - 60 HR
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