I really like the HR Class (am playing on the Xbox One) but now I am level 60 I am thinking about recpeccing because the damage seems to be lacking compared to my CW and TR. I was really intrigued by your build Joker, however I was also a little disappointed to see your build does not include Split The Sky which is my favorite encounter power and has saved my bacon more often than not. I don't know about the PC but on the XBox One (where we have a serious lack of builds posted on websites) it seems to do awesome damage.
Of course my other problem (and I take your point about the 50% damage loss) it that I much prefer Archery Stance rather than switching between the two so I put most of my points into the Archer Paragon.
Finally being a noob when it came to picking Epic HR armor at level 60 I seem to have wasted my coveted Astral Diamonds on a full set of Forest Warden's Armour and now I realize that the power rating of that set is lacking. So what Armour set should I have gone for?
I haven't seen joker post in a while but I modeled my build after this guide so I will try to help some.
This is a trapper build not an archery build. Trapper damage comes from switching stances and rooting. It's primarily AoE damage and single target is ok but not great. With this type of build you can run through your encounters and rarely have to use your at-wills. If you don't want to use your melee encounters then this build is not going to work well for you.
For your armor, the best set is actually a mix of 2 T2 sets so you get 450 arpen and 450 crit. Or you can go with a mix of t1 and t2 to maximize your arpen OR crit bonuses. Your choice. I went with 2 royal guard and 2 grand warden initially.
The other option is to go with a full draconic templar set but I would only do this with an augment companion. The reason being is that the templar set has 0 arpen and you need to set up your augment to compensate. You want to have an RI of 24%. This is my current set of armor.
However I recommend not spending any more AD on armor. In a few more weeks we will be at mod 6 and better armor will be available. If you can just run some dungeons to complete your split set, or farm Tiamat for the Draconic Templar set.
As for power, don't worry too much. You want to get your other stats up first and put everything extra in to power. Power is useless without getting your RI % and crit up. Also some life steal will keep you alive making your neverwinter life much less stressful. I have a post not far back in this thread asking for help because I was dealing so much damage and drawing aggro and dying. That problem disappeared once I got my life steal up.
This seems to be a very similar if not exactly the same build as Joker's but done on the Xbox One. The only difference I noticed is that he uses Marauder's Rush / Retreat for engaging / disengaging mobs rather then Fox's Shift. I'll try his way then try Fox's shift.
I have played with it last night and I am truly amazed at the damage output while taking very little incoming damage (I am using the Priestess of Sune Companion) but it will take me a while to get used to the switching in the rotation. Half of the time when I start a battle I'm in ranged and starting with Aimed Shot but forget to switch before hitting marauder's and end up flying backward well out of range instead of rushing in to engage with melee. I'll get used to it.
Also, the youtube guide did not seem to go into Equipment so you armour set advice was spot on. In fact having recently equipped my CW and SW with armour sets after researching those classes on the web, I started looking again at HR armour and saw the Grand Wardens / Royal Guard sets (now that I know what I'm looking for regarding stats and set bonuses). The only thing I was still wondering about was whether a set of four or two sets of two would be better and you have answered that perfectly and I see the wisdom of it. I'm guessing having both +450 Crit and +450 Arm Pen will result in a much better gear score.
Weaponwise I'm just using Royal Guard's Bow (Burning Flame Enhancement) and Blades as I'm still learning about the tyranny of Dragons Campaign and don't know how to get a Golden Dragon Bow yet.
I was thinking of salvaging the armor I currently have and then going for Royal Guard's / Grand Wardens, but after the recent double AD event, people have HAMSTER all the cheap armour off the Tarmalune House to salvage it so eveything is very expensive right now.
I know, I know, patience Padawan, patience.
Thanks again for your help. Much appreciated and hope to see you in game soon.
P.S. I hate PVP in every game I play (Destiny etc,) so I only use PVE builds when I can find them.
I should have commented on this post a long time ago as I had quite a few issues with TC build. It no longer matters as mod 6 is out and so many changes to test before saying anything.
One big thing I will point out is what TC posted about using Twin Blade Storm. By using this power you actually gimped yourself for damage as well as making the teams damage lower when running in any groups.
You should have used Aspect of the Pack when running with either a Companion, 1 or more other people or generally just around other players. AotP would have given you a flat 15% damage increase against EVERYTHING using EVERY POWER (as long as you were near to other characters which is nearly always). Then you add more damage depending on your Charisma stat, then you have artefacts and weapons which increase combat advantage damage, my 15% was increased by like another 10-15% back then.
Using TBS you only received a 12% damage increase and that was only with certain powers, you are also not giving your entire team perm combat advantage just by being near you.
Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only Alts : Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
you are also not giving your entire team perm combat advantage just by being near you.
Double check the skill description. "If you are within a 10' radius of an ally, you and your ally gain Combat Advantage". Ranking up the skill simply increases the radius by 5'. So you only buff one party member, not everyone. Still an amazing skill but some may disagree simply due to the fact that (especially in a party of 5) you can easily get combat advantage without using AotP.
you are also not giving your entire team perm combat advantage just by being near you.
Double check the skill description. "If you are within a 10' radius of an ally, you and your ally gain Combat Advantage". Ranking up the skill simply increases the radius by 5'. So you only buff one party member, not everyone. Still an amazing skill but some may disagree simply due to the fact that (especially in a party of 5) you can easily get combat advantage without using AotP.
Yes and I have asked the question before on these forums, the skill AotP effects any ally that is within that distance from you. It will effect you companion (if you have one) and other players. There is such a noticeable difference without it equipped. You can see the blue parts around the enemies feet where you need to stand to get combat advantage, even with 5 players you don't often get the circle blue all the way round an enemy. I`ve been advised in the past that the skill works for all nearby not just 1 ally.
With the skill equipped there is a blue circle around every enemies feet (as long as someone is near by), you do not have to worry about where to stand to obtain CA, it just a flat 15% increase in damage then all the CA increases as well, plus you are giving allies CA and all their boosts to their own CA increases damage even more.
Honestly TBS was only worth using when running on your own with an Augment Companion and no players anywhere near by.... Oh and only with certain powers equipped.
Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only Alts : Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Well aware of how CA works in the game and is shown through the blue indicator on mobs and the sword symbol beside your damage numbers. If it's true that AotP does run on ALL party members then yeah, no doubt its a passive all HR should run. Clearly they need to fix the skill description as well as it is very misleading.
Cool, I was just adding a little more info in case people come to this thread and do not know a lot about CA etc
Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only Alts : Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
I'm rather surprised this is still on the front page after all these months. Figured someone would have taken over my work and created a new guide haha
I am looking forward to next week, 2x Enchant/Runes, EXP, RAD, Refining!! Perfect timing with all that I have hoarded for my Ranger. Might have to use another character and start filling its bags.
I'm kind of back to NW, if this guide keeps getting attention I may lvl the hr to 70 and revamp the guide. Till then I'm playing OB so can try n answer questions anyone has.
Main - Rydia (HR70) - Xbox One Player only Alts : Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
I'm enjoying pally very much ATM. May switch if I feel like pvping more since HR is completely broken in PvP. Though Siege is coming out soon lol. Will see. Will prolly just answer questions from here on out on here.
I really like the HR Class (am playing on the Xbox One) but now I am level 60 I am thinking about recpeccing because the damage seems to be lacking compared to my CW and TR. I was really intrigued by your build Joker, however I was also a little disappointed to see your build does not include Split The Sky which is my favorite encounter power and has saved my bacon more often than not. I don't know about the PC but on the XBox One (where we have a serious lack of builds posted on websites) it seems to do awesome damage.
Of course my other problem (and I take your point about the 50% damage loss) it that I much prefer Archery Stance rather than switching between the two so I put most of my points into the Archer Paragon.
Finally being a noob when it came to picking Epic HR armor at level 60 I seem to have wasted my coveted Astral Diamonds on a full set of Forest Warden's Armour and now I realize that the power rating of that set is lacking. So what Armour set should I have gone for?
Any advice greatly appreciated.
This is a trapper build not an archery build. Trapper damage comes from switching stances and rooting. It's primarily AoE damage and single target is ok but not great. With this type of build you can run through your encounters and rarely have to use your at-wills. If you don't want to use your melee encounters then this build is not going to work well for you.
For your armor, the best set is actually a mix of 2 T2 sets so you get 450 arpen and 450 crit. Or you can go with a mix of t1 and t2 to maximize your arpen OR crit bonuses. Your choice. I went with 2 royal guard and 2 grand warden initially.
The other option is to go with a full draconic templar set but I would only do this with an augment companion. The reason being is that the templar set has 0 arpen and you need to set up your augment to compensate. You want to have an RI of 24%. This is my current set of armor.
However I recommend not spending any more AD on armor. In a few more weeks we will be at mod 6 and better armor will be available. If you can just run some dungeons to complete your split set, or farm Tiamat for the Draconic Templar set.
As for power, don't worry too much. You want to get your other stats up first and put everything extra in to power. Power is useless without getting your RI % and crit up. Also some life steal will keep you alive making your neverwinter life much less stressful. I have a post not far back in this thread asking for help because I was dealing so much damage and drawing aggro and dying. That problem disappeared once I got my life steal up.
SoonerGM - HR Trapper
Haven - Righteous Cleric
Ethereal Justice - OP Paladin
I did go ahead and respec following this youtube guide I found:
This seems to be a very similar if not exactly the same build as Joker's but done on the Xbox One. The only difference I noticed is that he uses Marauder's Rush / Retreat for engaging / disengaging mobs rather then Fox's Shift. I'll try his way then try Fox's shift.
I have played with it last night and I am truly amazed at the damage output while taking very little incoming damage (I am using the Priestess of Sune Companion) but it will take me a while to get used to the switching in the rotation. Half of the time when I start a battle I'm in ranged and starting with Aimed Shot but forget to switch before hitting marauder's and end up flying backward well out of range instead of rushing in to engage with melee. I'll get used to it.
Also, the youtube guide did not seem to go into Equipment so you armour set advice was spot on. In fact having recently equipped my CW and SW with armour sets after researching those classes on the web, I started looking again at HR armour and saw the Grand Wardens / Royal Guard sets (now that I know what I'm looking for regarding stats and set bonuses). The only thing I was still wondering about was whether a set of four or two sets of two would be better and you have answered that perfectly and I see the wisdom of it. I'm guessing having both +450 Crit and +450 Arm Pen will result in a much better gear score.
Weaponwise I'm just using Royal Guard's Bow (Burning Flame Enhancement) and Blades as I'm still learning about the tyranny of Dragons Campaign and don't know how to get a Golden Dragon Bow yet.
I was thinking of salvaging the armor I currently have and then going for Royal Guard's / Grand Wardens, but after the recent double AD event, people have HAMSTER all the cheap armour off the Tarmalune House to salvage it so eveything is very expensive right now.
I know, I know, patience Padawan, patience.
Thanks again for your help. Much appreciated and hope to see you in game soon.
P.S. I hate PVP in every game I play (Destiny etc,) so I only use PVE builds when I can find them.
Kind Regards.
One big thing I will point out is what TC posted about using Twin Blade Storm. By using this power you actually gimped yourself for damage as well as making the teams damage lower when running in any groups.
You should have used Aspect of the Pack when running with either a Companion, 1 or more other people or generally just around other players. AotP would have given you a flat 15% damage increase against EVERYTHING using EVERY POWER (as long as you were near to other characters which is nearly always). Then you add more damage depending on your Charisma stat, then you have artefacts and weapons which increase combat advantage damage, my 15% was increased by like another 10-15% back then.
Using TBS you only received a 12% damage increase and that was only with certain powers, you are also not giving your entire team perm combat advantage just by being near you.
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
.. Teucer (HR) / Maximus Decimus (DC) .. GT: ApexDemon
With the skill equipped there is a blue circle around every enemies feet (as long as someone is near by), you do not have to worry about where to stand to obtain CA, it just a flat 15% increase in damage then all the CA increases as well, plus you are giving allies CA and all their boosts to their own CA increases damage even more.
Honestly TBS was only worth using when running on your own with an Augment Companion and no players anywhere near by.... Oh and only with certain powers equipped.
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
Aldren Boweing - 60 HR
.. Teucer (HR) / Maximus Decimus (DC) .. GT: ApexDemon
Aldren Boweing - 60 HR
.. Teucer (HR) / Maximus Decimus (DC) .. GT: ApexDemon
Aldren Boweing - 60 HR
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
Aldren Boweing - 60 HR