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Mod 6 feedback



  • soltaswordsoltasword Member Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I am going to agree with the OP on the new level of the campaigns now. I am very upset that they took content I/we were working on and made it unavailable to anyone below level 70. Make new content. Don't take existing content that we have been working through for months now and make it unavailable until we level up. This is an epic fail in my book. I was actually excited that I might now get to do some of the quests in Tyranny of Dragons that my squishy hunter ranger could not do before. But not now. And worse, that area is now 3 levels higher than level 70. Even Dread Ring is higher than level 70. Why is that. If you are going to make enemies level 73, then make us level 73 as well. It just doesn't make sense. I liked the game until M6 but not sure at all now. What a really bad idea that was.
  • soltaswordsoltasword Member Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Just wanted to add another thanks in here for the fact I can't even do the daily skirmishes now. They say level 60-70 but are really just level 70 or more. Thanks for more stuff I can't do anymore that I could and was doing before M6. What a croc.
  • cornflakes2014cornflakes2014 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    sianeka wrote: »
    So if you miss a day, which CAN easily happen for casual players, you are TRULY f*#@d. You lose 11 celestial points not 7, nearly two weeks of praying instead of a week's worth.

    One of the good changes with the expansion is that celestial coins no longer expire.
  • sparmoursparmour Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Normally I don't complain about new conent however this new mod is not new at all. The zone's I've been grinding daily I can't even do now since the patch. Can't even finish one quest for rep in Ice wind. I mean come on...the npc are lvl 73 and one shot me now how is that even fair. I've been grinding daily for a equipment set that now I can't even finish. I can't finish the capaings because I get on shotted. I don't want to have to constantly lfg just to complete a daily. It's was a freaking nightmare just to do a dungeon run. How in the world are we supposed to get dailies done now. I don't want to have to group up...I like to solo play and just do my thing. Seriously taken the fun out of this. Sigh...big disappointed sigh.
  • darklotusdarklotus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    2 days of hunting sea hags has gotten boring, and cant I do anything else,

    full draconic templar armor complete ring and necky set from shores of turen and 3 trash mobs kill my warlock in seconds lol lame
  • santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I spent $80 earlier THIS month buffing up my character. After the Elemental Evil rework (not expansion) he gets slaughtered by zombies and wolves. I'm still testing, but have certainly spent much less time in the game. Never bothered to spend time reading and posting in the forums. Unlikely to continue playing.

    Considering what they've done, it was certainly a waste of cash to bother. Clearly there are no returns, so good for them. Who knows what the next expansion/re-work/do-whatever will come to.

    ogarious wrote: »
    Well, I am posting on the forums instead of playing the game. I think that in and of itself should tell you how I feel about Mod 6.

    I am opposed to everything they've done with my main, the Scourge Warlock. I've tested it out before hand on the test server, made plenty of posts saying how I felt the changes were wrong and why, when that didnt work I expressed my anger and received plenty of responses by other SW's who were just as confused and angry as I was. And yet nothing was done.

    Is the game unplayable? No. Is my class unplayable? No. But honestly the whole thing I find lacking, they really did nothing worthwhile for a class that probably needed the biggest boost, but also nerfed the few things that actually made it worth playing.

    So yeah, disappointing would probably be the kindest thing I can say about my feeling concerning mod 6.
  • instynctiveinstynctive Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,885 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    b0ltcutter wrote: »
    Some of us have been trying really long and hard to gather enough LINU's to get our last piece of templar draconic gear. I was within 1 Linu of getting my top armor (14/15) and now it will be months and months again before I will be able to try and get it. you changed the market so now I cant buy the piece, so I am without a complete set with almost no way of getting it. That part should have been left alone so we could at least complete our gear sets... I am VERY disappointed !!!

    You'll never finish your set. Draconic Templar is no more. But like all the helpful posts have been pointing out "get yourself some level 70 blue gear instead! Great.

    Wearing a complete set of Draconic Templar would have gone a long way towards survivability while "upgrading" to my new blue armor.

    Don't get too discouraged, most people complaining about the content being "too hard" are just under geared for the areas they should be in. You really shouldn't return to the level 70 areas until you reach 70 and have level 70 gear. Go run around with Minsc in the new areas for a few days and you should be back up to 70.

    Please note that I'm not complaining that level 70 areas are "too hard". Of course they're too hard. It's level 70.

    My complaint is that the areas that are suddenly too hard are the same areas that I've already been playing in for months, and now I have to go grind pointless quests that add nothing to the story, to upgrade my purple gear to level 70 blue gear, in order to resume playing where I left off yesterday morning.

    In whose world does this make any sense? Not mine.

    Regardless... I still have a Guild to run, and am fortuate to be surrounded by brilliant and creative people. We will figure out a way to make this thing fun again.... especially once the Foundry starts working, and I'll be able to really start working on my own stuff again, since I won't be playing as often.
    "...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
  • rversantrversant Member Posts: 896 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I feel like us PC players aren't as important anymore. they have Xbox players who have nothing but praise for the game to nurture and give content too that we have "bug-tested" for them. While mod 6 had some good changes, It was obviously not yet ready for release and having a strict schedule on releasing content is NOT good for a MMORPG, it has the potential to ruin it. Content should only be released when it is ready.
    People are way too negative, Why cant we just all get along.

    Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
  • walk2kwalk2k Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    learch123 wrote: »
    i was on test server and continusly said i did not like the way mod 6 was headed i do not like it i felt they could have done better by just changing the stat curve and adding a new tier to dungens a leganday tier

    as it is now everything is broken
    qft ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  • aliradreamwalkeraliradreamwalker Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    One of the good changes with the expansion is that celestial coins no longer expire.

    That's probably the ONLY decent change they made. Everything else is just a slap in the face IMO.
  • rversantrversant Member Posts: 896 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    That's probably the ONLY decent change they made. Everything else is just a slap in the face IMO.

    Hey, they added a crab mount.
    thats pretty cool.
    People are way too negative, Why cant we just all get along.

    Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
  • aliradreamwalkeraliradreamwalker Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    rversant wrote: »
    Hey, they added a crab mount.
    thats pretty cool.

    I'll admit, the Crab looks pretty cool. I really wanted a bulette for a pet though, not a mount. *sighs*
  • blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    i just want to be able to wear some gear i have and use my rp on my arti equipment.
  • theastromachinetheastromachine Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    My complaint is that the areas that are suddenly too hard are the same areas that I've already been playing in for months, and now I have to go grind pointless quests that add nothing to the story, to upgrade my purple gear to level 70 blue gear, in order to resume playing where I left off yesterday morning.

    In whose world does this make any sense? Not mine.

    So, you're complaining about having to grind in an area because you can't return to the area where you have been grinding in for the last months? This just doesn't make sense to me, the entire game is a grind, Tiamat it a grind, WOD is a grind, everything is a grind, where you have to do it doesn't make a difference because when you return to those old areas its just another grind.

    And how can you say this doesn't add anything to the story, what story? Valindra's story? IWD, Tiamat and Sharandar don't advance these stories either. There is plenty of story here, you get to meet and adventure with an epic hero (Minsc is one of my favorite characters from my childhood) Drowned Shore, Reclamation Rock, Fiery Pit & Spinward Rise give you new areas to explore.
  • feehlourenco1feehlourenco1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    My feedback about Mod 6? Well, I hate what you did with TRs... seriously, lately it looks like you are forcing us to play the way you want, chars have three ways to make builds, let it be.... you destroyed perma-stealth, now you did the same with executioner... any char could be strong if the player invest in it, you shouldn't judge based in what some players complain about. I play with TR, CW and DC, and both were great to me, now my TR is bad, I don't like to play with it anymore, because i liked of executioner... now I have to change my build, to play in a way that I don't fell good but I won't.. I don't have pleasure in play with TR anymore, I play for fun, and if it's not funny for me, I won't play anymore... sorry... the team Neverwinter needs to learn that it's impossible make everyone happy, just let the game happen.
  • instynctiveinstynctive Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,885 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    There will be no rollback. No one is going to admit they screwed the game up.

    I just hope that come future mods, this won't be the trend.. raising the level cap, then knee-capping players by setting them back 10 levels. It should ALWAYS be a linear progression towards bigger and better, not this "rubberbanding" tactic.

    In theory, this game can expand infinitely. This is, after all, the internet. By continuing to add and expand to existing content, there would not be these dissenting outcries. Make new "endgame" content, don't just add multipliers to existing monsters in existing content. Create Sharandar II, Dread Ring II, Tyranny of Dragons II, Icewind Dale II campaigns. Add the Elemental Evil campaign. Make those the new "endgame". Make those the hard/difficult levels.

    I'm not sure why some people can't understand my disappointment in how Mod 6 was handled. I'm not complaining because things are "harder" (in this case, "harder" = "impossible". I haven't been one-shotted since I was a 10.5k GS at the start of Temple of Tiamat), my complaint is simple: they should have left existing content alone and made the expansions more difficult.

    But, as I've said in another thread, I am not going to spend another penny on this game (my partner and I have sunk probably $300 into it... that's not as much as some people have, but that's more than we ever spent on Diablo and Diablo II..) until we get past this inane Mod 6 and the quality of the content significantly increases.
    "...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
  • phargynphargyn Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    +1 to the comments on mod 6 implementation. To wait this long,... and this is what we get?...

    OK,.. if you are going to 're-baseline' WoD,... ok,.. just tell us. This game, in its simplest form, is about character creation and progression. The stat system,.. the boons,.. everything is about how you 'build' your character and then, go see if it works. A huge portion of this is gear. The largest portion of this is gear.

    Mod 6, effectively 'changed the rules', on people who play for end-game content. Not by creating a new (higher level) end game, so you could progress from the mod 5 endgame to the mod 6 endgame. but by rewriting the rules for everyone and every area mid-play!

    It's not just that my character can't one-shot that villain,... [in 'normal' circumstances, that's no problem. I can level, and find another way to beat him.] It's that, with the change in Mod 6, leveling my character is no longer worthwhile. my 'design' for my character that I was working to complete is no longer valid, not because it was faulty, but because you changed the rules, mid-game, with no transition plan for moving from Mod 5 to mod 6.

    So,... now,.. if I continue playing,... it's essentially, a start over,... not just a full respec of the character... but a full redesign of the plan to reach end-game content. The intermediate steps to get there are now different from Pre-mod 6. Most of the grinding to get the intermediate steps to develop the character to the point it's at now,... worthless. It can't be measured by level, but by all the stats that now have to be reworked to compensate for the changes to end-game content. It's gear, boons, powers, everything.

    Having said all that,... which is WAY more than I intended, where PwE has actually 'extended' content,.. like in the powers trees, I like it.

    Had they left all the old gear in place,... I would have liked most of this mod. Had they simply put another level on top of the existing artifact gear instead of creating 'Greater' artifact gear,.. I would have like it. If they had put leveling requirements on artifacts like green = any level; blue = 30+; Purple = 50+; Orange = 60+; Transcendant = 70+, I would have liked it. (It would have also helped with character development, and opened new options for lower level characters.)

    Mod 6 feels like they released a mod,... just to release a mod, and changed the game to create a longer timeline to encourage people to spend more. Sorry if that isn't the case, but it is what it feels like. It feels like (to me - one persons opinion), that this mod is more about 'reconfiguring' the game (including the baseline rules) to enable more future content, but not about content itself?...... Oh well,.. I've said way too much,..... I should have just stopped at '+1 from me',..... =/
  • instynctiveinstynctive Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,885 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    phargyn wrote: »
    +1 to the comments on mod 6 implementation. To wait this long,... and this is what we get?...

    OK,.. if you are going to 're-baseline' WoD,... ok,.. just tell us. This game, in its simplest form, is about character creation and progression. The stat system,.. the boons,.. everything is about how you 'build' your character and then, go see if it works. A huge portion of this is gear. The largest portion of this is gear.

    Mod 6, effectively 'changed the rules', on people who play for end-game content. Not by creating a new (higher level) end game, so you could progress from the mod 5 endgame to the mod 6 endgame. but by rewriting the rules for everyone and every area mid-play!

    It's not just that my character can't one-shot that villain,... [in 'normal' circumstances, that's no problem. I can level, and find another way to beat him.] It's that, with the change in Mod 6, leveling my character is no longer worthwhile. my 'design' for my character that I was working to complete is no longer valid, not because it was faulty, but because you changed the rules, mid-game, with no transition plan for moving from Mod 5 to mod 6.

    So,... now,.. if I continue playing,... it's essentially, a start over,... not just a full respec of the character... but a full redesign of the plan to reach end-game content. The intermediate steps to get there are now different from Pre-mod 6. Most of the grinding to get the intermediate steps to develop the character to the point it's at now,... worthless. It can't be measured by level, but by all the stats that now have to be reworked to compensate for the changes to end-game content. It's gear, boons, powers, everything.

    Having said all that,... which is WAY more than I intended, where PwE has actually 'extended' content,.. like in the powers trees, I like it.

    Had they left all the old gear in place,... I would have liked most of this mod. Had they simply put another level on top of the existing artifact gear instead of creating 'Greater' artifact gear,.. I would have like it. If they had put leveling requirements on artifacts like green = any level; blue = 30+; Purple = 50+; Orange = 60+; Transcendant = 70+, I would have liked it. (It would have also helped with character development, and opened new options for lower level characters.)

    Mod 6 feels like they released a mod,... just to release a mod, and changed the game to create a longer timeline to encourage people to spend more. Sorry if that isn't the case, but it is what it feels like. It feels like (to me - one persons opinion), that this mod is more about 'reconfiguring' the game (including the baseline rules) to enable more future content, but not about content itself?...... Oh well,.. I've said way too much,..... I should have just stopped at '+1 from me',..... =/


    (10 chars)
    "...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
  • matadragonmatadragon Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Lets make this very simple... all the previous level 60 campaign areas should be level 70 only. If your not level 70, do not go to Sharandar, Dread Ring, IWD or WoD. If the Developers want to make it even easier... just make it impossible to enter until your level 70. Yep, they lose the time and effort to scale the zones... oh well. It was a poor decision made by someone. Now its time to fix it.

    There are plenty of things to outside the old campaign zones. Do those things, get to 70 then pick up where you left off.
  • learch123learch123 Member Posts: 514 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2015
    matadragon wrote: »
    Lets make this very simple... all the previous level 60 campaign areas should be level 70 only. If your not level 70, do not go to Sharandar, Dread Ring, IWD or WoD. If the Developers want to make it even easier... just make it impossible to enter until your level 70. Yep, they lose the time and effort to scale the zones... oh well. It was a poor decision made by someone. Now its time to fix it.

    There are plenty of things to outside the old campaign zones. Do those things, get to 70 then pick up where you left off.

    its not that simple i do think there needs to be more of a lader to get to new zones so
    dread ring shrader lv 71
    iwd lv 72
    wod lv 73
    that gives everyone a some progresion towards a goal
  • twilightwatchmantwilightwatchman Member Posts: 2,007 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    matadragon wrote: »
    There are plenty of things to outside the old campaign zones.
    No there aren't. There are a relative handful of things you get to do 100's of times.
    Jenna Sunsoul - Justice Tankadin
    Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
    Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
    Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
    Darquess - Soulbinder
  • sirpickleturdsirpickleturd Member Posts: 35
    edited April 2015

    So well said.

    Bravo. I completely agree.
  • instynctiveinstynctive Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,885 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    matadragon wrote: »
    Lets make this very simple... all the previous level 60 campaign areas should be level 70 only. If your not level 70, do not go to Sharandar, Dread Ring, IWD or WoD. If the Developers want to make it even easier... just make it impossible to enter until your level 70. Yep, they lose the time and effort to scale the zones... oh well. It was a poor decision made by someone. Now its time to fix it.

    There are plenty of things to outside the old campaign zones. Do those things, get to 70 then pick up where you left off.

    Still not understanding my point.

    Existing content should have been left alone.

    New endgame content for higher/increasingly more difficult encounters should have been provided.

    "...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
  • msmeaniemsmeanie Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I have not been able to purchase zen with ARC since the new mod. I hope this is fixed soon.
  • kr0nixx#5213 kr0nixx Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    You guys should not be doing the level 70 areas yet til you are 70. Its an exp waste and its likely you will have a hard time there. Go check it out, screw around a bit w/e, but stick with the new quest line and new zones for now and you will find the lvl 70 zones much easier later on.

    We are just in an awkward transitional phase right now, and they did ok on trying to scale us with the 70 areas, but by design we should not even have access to them yet.

  • instynctiveinstynctive Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,885 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    kr0nixx wrote: »
    You guys should not be doing the level 70 areas yet til you are 70. Its an exp waste and its likely you will have a hard time there. Go check it out, screw around a bit w/e, but stick with the new quest line and new zones for now and you will find the lvl 70 zones much easier later on.

    We are just in an awkward transitional phase right now, and they did ok on trying to scale us with the 70 areas, but by design we should not even have access to them yet.


    Still not understanding my point.

    Existing content should have been left alone.

    New endgame content for higher/increasingly more difficult encounters should have been provided.

    "...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
  • mehguy138mehguy138 Member Posts: 1,803 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    This mod sucks sooo bad. There are literally not a single new piece of content. Old campaigns people are fed up with were made into new lvl 70 areas, lol. No new dungeons, no new campaigns, no new pvp. Even 'new' leveling areas are the old ones with little to no visual distinctions. Oh, we got one absolutely new area for doing what? Unoriginal BS 'kill 100 mobs' and 'bring n pieces of this and m of that'?

    All these new levels are just a cheap excuse to sell blood rubies and coalescent wards.
    M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
  • theastromachinetheastromachine Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited April 2015

    New endgame content for higher/increasingly more difficult encounters should have been provided.

    I would normally agree with you, except for one thing. The end game content, as it was, was laughably easy. I'm a DC main, and don't even have BIS gear and I was able to solo many heroic encounters, my greatest enemy being the time limit. End game content should challenge the players. I'm glad they are fixing that. Just give it a week or two, the game from start to finish will benefit from these changes, not just the level 60's who got caught in the awkward transition.
  • instynctiveinstynctive Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,885 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I would normally agree with you, except for one thing. The end game content, as it was, was laughably easy. I'm a DC main, and don't even have BIS gear and I was able to solo many heroic encounters, my greatest enemy being the time limit. End game content should challenge the players. I'm glad they are fixing that. Just give it a week or two, the game from start to finish will benefit from these changes, not just the level 60's who got caught in the awkward transition.

    So we who got stuck in the transition, who have already anted up money to work towards items and equipment sets that we'll never be able to finish, it's a big old "eff you" to us, just so it can make sense for fresh players coming in?

    Yeah, no.

    Had they expanded difficulty (there was the dev blog about scaling difficulty of place to character level), that would have not made existing places so "easy". ("Easy", of course, being relative. There were very few dungeons that a party of 12k-16k were able to actually finish)... Tiamat was tough enough with AFKers and dropouts. The rest of the WoD could have been easily scaled up.
    "...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
  • theastromachinetheastromachine Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    So we who got stuck in the transition, who have already anted up money to work towards items and equipment sets that we'll never be able to finish, it's a big old "eff you" to us, just so it can make sense for fresh players coming in?

    Well, it was either deal with the transition, or deal with the fact that Dread Ring, Sharandar, etc., if made at a level where 60's could play, would no longer be end game content. If they didn't scale the difficulty up in those areas you would be a level 70 god running over everything in those areas, and what, maybe one module to do stuff in. Lots of people would be level 70s forced to go back into level 60 zones to do their daily missions there for their boons. How ****ty would that be? I suspect that they will eventually restrict those places to level 70s only, problem is there were lots of level 60s who would have been just thrown out on their ears from those areas without the ability to get back. Also, consider if they add a new mod and restrict it to level 70, leaving the old areas for 60s, where do you go to increase your levels? Grind out more and more daily missions that give you nothing to look forward to because you already have those boons/equipment? At least in the 60-70 transition content they are doing we get artifact main and off hands to look forward to. A module launched under those circumstances would have 0 people playing it on launch day.

    And don't complain about equipment, with every expansion of every MMO the old gear gets more and more useless as time goes by. People want expansion BECAUSE they want more gear to earn and work for.

    The game is not broken, the devs aren't telling you to eff yourself, the sky is not falling. The amount of people wining here because they have to earn 10 more levels is astounding.
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