Sorry, I didn't read this thread. I just wanted to leave my experience for the dev's that might read through.
1 The frame rate plummets or even freezes at times, (usually when you'd expect it to, using daily's...)
2 The lack of a mini-map is saddening, but not a deal breaker
3 The control layout seems about right
4 The pop up notifications last too long and impede too much visibility. (being able to select them to close is my proposal)
5 THANKS for this port!!!
Well, as beta closes, I think overall it's a decent game with some solid MMO aspects. But it needs work and I think you can gather by the feedback where that work resides.
To me it just feels like elements of D&D were just tossed into a blender, mixed up, then taste tested....hmm not enough salt? Throw in more D&D elements without considering what's already there. Examples....
- Currency is out of control. To many forms of currency. I counted over 10...
- Ppwers, boons, feats, abilities, paragons.....I know I'm forgetting something else....I mean customizing is one thing, confusing is another.
- No minimap....what?
- Did you know there were about 40 emotes in the game? Yea...buried in that cumbersome to use chat system.
There is a reason WoW gained back almost a million subscribers, it's because they simplified things, got back to basics.
It might be worth taking a look at how ESO is doing their port to console, or what WoW did when their currency got out of control...just a thought.
First off... thank you for allowing me to participate in the closed Beta on Xbox One. Second let me say thank you for bringing Neverwinter to the Xbox One. Over the weekend I have a blast playing. No real issues other than some lag here and there but over all the game played smoothly. I can't wait for release. Please feel fee to call on me again if you do another beta. One last thing... when is release? (I'm sure it says somewhere but I haven't looked it up.
hey! it is my very first feedback so be gently
first on first im new (short of) player in neverwinter i played on pc to 12? maybe 13lvl then when i get inve to close beta on my x1 everything was change.... gameplay is so smooth i really enjoy beta! the best mmo so far on konsol at the moment and it is free! OMG!
i dinged to 31 this is my touch
1) farme rate drops sometimes...
every log on there is lag spike? or something in 2-3s game complete frozen at this time
in cmentary where is first dragon raid when i come closer to him fps drops a bit
city well that why ppl playing right a huge number of ppl
rest work just smooth! keep doing that!
2)quest log
my little suggestion can we have more then 2quest track?
3)ui and font size
on my 48tv font and ui looks huge can we have options for size of them?
rest is amazing! keep doing great job! you buy me with this
ps sorry for my bad english
I LOVED the beta. The only problems I had is when I first booted up the beta it froze on the loading screen, Only a few lag spikes and I NEED IT TO RELEASE SOONER.
Issue: Game bug
Location: Shops and inventory screen
Details: At one point during gameplay the item stats for items to be bought, items equipped and item stats in your inventory would not appear if you just scrolled over them. To get any info on the item you had to go into the details tab and even then it does not compare to the item you have equipped. Overall great game though.
Thank you for the port, keep up the good work! Looked very much like the PC and other than the multiple button mashing to bring up menus it was great to play on console. After using the controller for a while it was nice to find that the button combinations were not too hard to comprehend.
Overall: The experience was very positive, I've played NW on the PC before but lost interest fairly quickly, I played through the beta much further (ran out of time after getting my Mount, lvl 23/24). The game play itself is the same, graphics were similar... so I'll focus on whats new... controls, UI, and hardware
Controls: Very good, I was impressed at how well the controller was mapped to the core functionality and how easy everything was to get to with out a lot of difficulty. Taking a game that uses a lot of keys and reducing it to a few buttons isn't easy, but it was well done. Serious polishing and testing is needed still to work out the mechanics fully though
When using a spell like entangle that lifts enemies off the ground, it would often result in breaking my attack strings because I would now be "off" the target, even though I was still on the same mob
Similar issues occur from moving across terrain.
Big issue with trying to "click" (A button) on something when someone was following you, happened every time there was an escort quest, you had to basically run away from them to get to the point/item/lever before they caught up to be able to perform an action
Issue with trying to interact with vendors if players were near by them, became very difficult to speak with the vendor instead of the players
None of these are game breaking, and I found using the controller a very enjoyable experience
Hardware / Graphics: Graphics looked similar to PC version and it ran the same. It was fairly smooth experience with only limited graphical issues, its definitely not "next gen" graphics but it ran well and looked good
there was several times where I almost "lagged" out, no idea if it was server or my Xbone but it happened at least 10 times, one time it seemed to lock up my console for 30+ seconds before finally catching back up. This was purely random, not during crazy graphics or battles. Most freezes occurred for < 5 second periods, however that could easily have gotten a player killed
I did experience several areas where I would lose all textures for a few seconds, doors / windows from houses would vanish, etc. It wasn't game breaking and normally only lasted a second or two, but still annoying
UI - The other big changes are in the form of the updated UI, its easy to use, works fairly well and is fairly intuitive to navigate through, I didn't have to look up help on how to do anything and they kept the most recent messages on how to perform new actions in the chat window for a while which helped
The ability to put stuff in your left hand, and wear a ring on your left hand seems to be a miss in the development. You are able to go into char sheet and add the item that way, however it is quite a change from everything else, i have no idea why this works the way it does
Menus are straight forward and easy to navigate normally however it can become a bit frustrating trying to scroll through journal and quest entries, especially if there are a lot.
Pop up messages such as player invites are very intrusive and appear directly in the middle of the screen, requiring a manual action (menu > accept / decline) which can become quite annoying in the middle of a battle
There were some typo's in the system generated email, just looks lazy (teh instead of the) and symbols instead of letters
Conclusion: I really enjoyed it and the F2P model is great, I'm hoping this will be successful as I'd love to see more MMO type games coming to consoles. I think Neverwinter has proven that a controller is able to be mapped correctly to allow a game like this to work well and be successful
I'd give it a solid 8 / 10 on Console from what I played and would absolutely give it a "must play" rating, just because there is nothing else out there on the XBone market today that is the same type of experience. Bringing quality F2P games to the console is a great move, and I personally love how the Pay content is later on in the game, so you know before you sink money into it if this is something you will enjoy playing long term.
Hopefully this breathes new life back into Neverwinter, the servers were always full and NW was always populated with players during the beta, I definitely anticipate this being a success on a console that is used to being given 60.00 bull**** with very limited options, especially for RPG fans
Suggestion: Skill tree at next 'section' (requires 5 points, requires 15, etc) doesn't activate the skill until you upgrade.
Location: Power / skill tree
Detail: You can't assign the skill until you initially upgrade it. It's slightly confusing. You have all these points, and you've spent way over 5 points, yet the skills remain Grayed out unless you upgrade them to rank 1 first.
it means you have to be lv 15 to access those abilities. each tier opens up for use after reaching the required character lvl
one thing that bothered me was when trying to pickup items on the ground, i often got an interact menu for the character ib front of me...could you please make the button for picking up loot and interacting with another character a different button....otherwise a fantastic game...CAN'T WAIT TO GET THE FULL !!!!HURRY UP!!!!
In first you guys have made a great job on this portage console of this game ( sorry for my language i'm french )
Issue/Suggestion: Script sound FR on tutoriel phase
Location: Begin start questline tutoriel
Detail: All the script sound tutoriel was referencing to the PC control ( press qsdz to walk ; double click ; press F ) it's a little to hard to listen one thing, read an other thing on screen, and looking the controller to try ... After that some of the tutoriel phase for power and abylities was hard to understand .
Issue/Suggestion: hair floatting in the air
Location: everywhere ( character player / body corpse )
Detail: - Character player : Sometimes when you run your character become bald and your hair float by your side
- Body corpse : most of the human dead body corpse have their hair floating upside their corpse, looks like hair-ghost
It was the less bugged beta i've played in the 5 years, i already say it but once again you did a very great job guys. Can't wait to play the whole game. I have just one question, when the game release can we keep the characters we create for beta or they'll be delete ?
Issue: Item pick up and character interaction
Location: everywhere
Detail: The issue I have is the A button does interactions with characters, objects and loot pick up.
Suggestion: Use an auto loot feature, this way it will cut out the annoying task of making sure your lined up right. Or use another button..
I have a handful below. I actually really liked the game and found myself trying different classes before really getting to far in the game, so please don't think i'm just picking it apart. It has a lot of potential and I really enjoyed it. I have been MMO gaming for about 10 years so I am offering my feedback based off things i liked and didn't like from other gaming experiences in comparison with this one.
Issue/Suggestion: Massive Video Lag Spike
Location: Beginning area >>>> where you start to fight the Rotten. There is a Warlock on a hill<npc> and he is casting some sort of spell with skeletal bones and green gas...
Detail: Looking in this direction makes me feel like my Xbox One is going to crash and explode. It's hard to turn the camera angle away and you HAVE to look in that direction when you approach the first campsite.
Issue/Suggestion: NPC/Video vocals
Location: Random/Everywhere. They make me take my headphones off and throw them, while I curse up a storm... while other voices require me to push the headset to my ear to hear it better. I am not sure if this is because it's a CB... But these volume levels need to be addressed. I am a gamer of immersion and If I can't "feel" the enjoyment by feeling as if i'm a part of this grand world, I won't play the final product.
Issue/Suggestion: LAG... LAG... LAG... LAG
Location: everywhere
Detail: I understand, again, that this is just a closed beta but it's really frustrating to be playing other blockbuster-hit games at max FPS but I cannot enter a city without lagging for 10 seconds followed by a frame rate of barely 30. A seamless frame rate would be lovely in the finished product. Which I assume is the case. But I figured I should add to the lag complaint.
Issue/Suggestion: Button Layout/hud
Location: n/a
Detail: Most games offer a transparent icon next to the action icons for the controller. for example, the first skill you receive is used by pressing the X button on the xbox controller... The issue is that you guys don't offer a layout for this on the HUD. some sort of overlay or something that tells players what buttons activate each skill would be nice. I spent 15 minutes just getting to know the controller. The guessing game with the buttons, without having to pull up a controller guide, makes this seem poorly designed and almost drove me away. However, I will say that once i got used to the controls, it feelt very natural and I like it. but please... PLEASE... add this.
Issue/Suggestion: Map? /hud
Location: Everywhere
Detail: I played for 4 hours and I didn't even know I had a usable map. I just followed the sparkling road set by the quest giver. Though this rainbow road is helpful, I'd much rather have a minimap. Having to hold one button and push another to pull up a map in the center of my screen is frustrating. I would much rather be able to use this button combo to attach a minimap somewhere on my overlay. This way I can glance at it if I need to. Maybe an option of, pressed once: attach minimap, pressed twice: Full map, Pressed three times: Hide mapping.
Issue/Suggestion: Zen Market Beta bug? maybe?
Location: everywhere
Detail: So this isn't really a gripe but I figured you guys should know if you choose to do a second run for the closed beta. When you open the zen market and decide to purchase multiple pets, Like I did, not knowing they cannot be discarded or sold, you soon realize how precious bag space is. Either make it so ONLY ONE of each companion can be purchased or allow them to be discarded. i'm gonna be honest here, I bought(actually free in CB) a bunch of the Iron Warriors just to level UP the stone they give you... Though I was able to cap it, I couldnt get rid of the other 9 Iron Warriors stuck in my inventory. So I made a new character...
Issue/Suggestion: Hud
Location: everywhere
Detail: It's just massive. An option to turn things off or change the transparency and shrink it down would be nice.
Issue/Suggestion: Tooltips
Location: Everywhere
Detail: Normally I hate tooltips but I have never played a console MMO before and honestly I've never played Perfect world OR Dungeons &Dragons so almost all of the content in this game was confusing. When I picked up or received a Dungeoneering Kit, Nature kit or other kits I sold them or got rid of them... Or I broke them and didn't have enough of them... etc. This kind of stuff would help with immersion. I like to understand what I'm picking up and if it's useful. Tooltips for this kind of unique-to-the-game type gear is kind of lacking information for players. I mean, even a little window that pops up when I pick it up that says "This is a Nature kit. It's used for blah blah. Would you like more info?" would be amazing.
Issue/Suggestion: Massive Video Lag Spike
Location: Beginning area >>>> where you start to fight the Rotten. There is a Warlock on a hill<npc> and he is casting some sort of spell with skeletal bones and green gas...
Detail: Looking in this direction makes me feel like my Xbox One is going to crash and explode. It's hard to turn the camera angle away and you HAVE to look in that direction when you approach the first campsite.
Yeah, the game's frame rate is very much not optimised at present. In some areas like the one above, it's downright awful and unacceptable.
There's a clip of what the OP describes. I laughed it was that bad.
The frame rate dips considerably in cities as well. This definitely needs some work guys. Your game doesn't look like it's pushing the envelope on graphics, I don't know why it's so **** choppy at all.
Issue/Suggestion: Lag Spikes
Location: Everywhere
Detail: Regular and yet erratic, you'll get constant spikes of inactivity which at the wrong moment is a completely gameplay ruining experience.
Doesn't happen in any specific situation, looks like a network buffering issue? Anyway, it locks the entire game up and then swing back several seconds later.
Issue/Suggestion: Stuck in match made parties when returning to game world
Location: Everywhere
Detail: When doing match made content with a group and on completion you return back to the instance you were in before, if you're with a group... you're still stuck with the other party members from the match made instance, blocking you from doing group content.
Our local group just did a dungeon and upon exit, there's a party member still in our party. Obviously disconnected and the leader, so we cannot kick. So we're stuck waiting for the group to be all together to progress.
Only fix for us was to disband the group completely and reform - every - single - time
Issue/Suggestion: Cannot kick deleted players from group
Location: Everywhere
Detail: Yeah, this one is a little deep but tested none the less. We had a group and decided that I'd log off one member and delete the toon. Did that and came back in an alt and you couldn't remove the deleted player from the group :
Issue/Suggestion: No unique achivements
Detail: you should keep up with your professional player base and add unique achivements like the WorldFirst Slayers, WorldFirst lvl 60, I know for most casuals this is irrelevant, but your hardcores will appreciate it a alot and in the end, they are all that matters
Note: Loved playing this on XB1, excellent port in general and gave me a much needed and sorely missed MMO fix on console -- can't wait to play the full version.
Issue/Suggestion: Local and world map view (not minimap)
Location: All
Detail: My only big nit is that the map view needs a lot of improvement. Everything is great when I'm chugging along from quest to quest, but as soon as I needed to find somewhere off-quest, set a waypoint, and so on ... it was just way to too hard and clumsy. Recommend making map more detailed, easier to navigate, able to be zoomed, and more views - such as a quest giver view and a key NPC view so it's easy to find important NPCs in the game as a beginner. This will also help with uncluttering the icons and making them easier to decipher, which is especially important for the 10 foot experience. In terms of the quest giver view, for example, I really like to go into a new area map and just explore around and open it up and get all the new quests and side quests at the start, then when my quest list is really full, I start out and do them one by one. Having a quest-giver view would allow players to set a waypoint to each new quest giver or key NPC, run to them, get the quest or do the action, and move on. Also, I'm hoping a better map would allow fast travel ... was surprised a little annoyed the system didn't allow this, or maybe I just never figured out how to use it due to the map system being a bit "messy", but running across an entire map to a gate in order to travel to another zone was particularly cumbersome. Side note, the lack of mini map didn't bother me, and as a person who is entirely new to the game, I really appreciated the "skittles" guided paths to quest objectives and never turned it off. For an example of a map that almost nails it, take a look at the DragonAge Inquisition mapping systems -- although certainly not perfect, it was much more useful and intuitive for me.
issue/Suggestion: Beta time and/or More Beta's.
Detail: Would really have loved to play for longer, managed to get to lvl 47, however never really got to the higher level maps to test the beta fully.
Would be great if you guys opened the Beta up for a second weekend so we could go all the way to 60 and fully test the game.
Any news on a second beta ?
Issue/Suggestion: Skirmish being a pain.
Detail: Going to quests - Que's and selecting what you wanted to que for.. Didn't ever work for me, not once did it work.
Only the orc assault worked.
Other than going to the actual NPC which game you the que, the quest option didn't work.
Issue: the quest sharing tab and show path options, this area needs work.
Location: Quests tab / Quest Show Path
Detail: numerous messages about unable to share quests, or certain people have it or this quest can't be shared. This takes away from the Xbox party based social gaming aspect.
If I find a lich phylactery, why can't my party join me and do the quest? If all areas of the game are accessible in the beginning (difficulty not withstanding) then all quests should be easily shared with party (Xbox and Neverwinter) much more easily.
Suggestion: We should be able to share any quest at anytime with your raiding party at anytime a little more flawlessly. Perhaps introduce different XP rates based on character and quest level to reduce the "power leveling" aspect of MMO? We just want to play with our friends, regardless of our level differences.
So first off this is the first time I've played Neverwinter, And I am impressed. I had a lot of fun and can't wait for it to come out in the final version. I only really had a few issues or really suggestions.
Suggestion: Add a minimap, like you stated originally, I 100% agree with that.
Location: Everywhere
Details: Maybe even an opaque map I can pull up and still move around with it active.
Issue: Some audio issues, the dialogue would sometimes spike in volume and although it definitely isn't game changing, it did almost make me defecate upon myself several times.
Location: Random Instances.
Details: Shut up Pvt. Wilfred!!!
Issue: Some audio issues, the dialogue would sometimes spike in volume and although it definitely isn't game changing, it did almost make me defecate upon myself several times.
Location: Random Instances.
Details: Shut up Pvt. Wilfred!!!
This was one of my biggest game breakers actually. I always game with my headset on and I like my volume loud so I can hear the ambiance and as soon as the intro scene started with the screaming and flashbacks I honestly ripped my head set off and screamed obscenities... Certain vocals are just ...way... too.... LOUD.... then the main quest giver, the captain? he was too soft spoken. him and wilfred obviously never got along.
1 The frame rate plummets or even freezes at times, (usually when you'd expect it to, using daily's...)
2 The lack of a mini-map is saddening, but not a deal breaker
3 The control layout seems about right
4 The pop up notifications last too long and impede too much visibility. (being able to select them to close is my proposal)
5 THANKS for this port!!!
To me it just feels like elements of D&D were just tossed into a blender, mixed up, then taste tested....hmm not enough salt? Throw in more D&D elements without considering what's already there. Examples....
- Currency is out of control. To many forms of currency. I counted over 10...
- Ppwers, boons, feats, abilities, paragons.....I know I'm forgetting something else....I mean customizing is one thing, confusing is another.
- No minimap....what?
- Did you know there were about 40 emotes in the game? Yea...buried in that cumbersome to use chat system.
There is a reason WoW gained back almost a million subscribers, it's because they simplified things, got back to basics.
It might be worth taking a look at how ESO is doing their port to console, or what WoW did when their currency got out of control...just a thought.
first on first im new (short of) player in neverwinter i played on pc to 12? maybe 13lvl then when i get inve to close beta on my x1 everything was change.... gameplay is so smooth i really enjoy beta! the best mmo so far on konsol at the moment and it is free! OMG!
i dinged to 31 this is my touch
1) farme rate drops sometimes...
every log on there is lag spike? or something in 2-3s game complete frozen at this time
in cmentary where is first dragon raid when i come closer to him fps drops a bit
city well that why ppl playing right
rest work just smooth! keep doing that!
2)quest log
my little suggestion can we have more then 2quest track?
3)ui and font size
on my 48tv font and ui looks huge
rest is amazing! keep doing great job! you buy me with this
ps sorry for my bad english
Location: Shops and inventory screen
Details: At one point during gameplay the item stats for items to be bought, items equipped and item stats in your inventory would not appear if you just scrolled over them. To get any info on the item you had to go into the details tab and even then it does not compare to the item you have equipped. Overall great game though.
Controls: Very good, I was impressed at how well the controller was mapped to the core functionality and how easy everything was to get to with out a lot of difficulty. Taking a game that uses a lot of keys and reducing it to a few buttons isn't easy, but it was well done. Serious polishing and testing is needed still to work out the mechanics fully though
When using a spell like entangle that lifts enemies off the ground, it would often result in breaking my attack strings because I would now be "off" the target, even though I was still on the same mob
Similar issues occur from moving across terrain.
Big issue with trying to "click" (A button) on something when someone was following you, happened every time there was an escort quest, you had to basically run away from them to get to the point/item/lever before they caught up to be able to perform an action
Issue with trying to interact with vendors if players were near by them, became very difficult to speak with the vendor instead of the players
None of these are game breaking, and I found using the controller a very enjoyable experience
Hardware / Graphics: Graphics looked similar to PC version and it ran the same. It was fairly smooth experience with only limited graphical issues, its definitely not "next gen" graphics but it ran well and looked good
there was several times where I almost "lagged" out, no idea if it was server or my Xbone but it happened at least 10 times, one time it seemed to lock up my console for 30+ seconds before finally catching back up. This was purely random, not during crazy graphics or battles. Most freezes occurred for < 5 second periods, however that could easily have gotten a player killed
I did experience several areas where I would lose all textures for a few seconds, doors / windows from houses would vanish, etc. It wasn't game breaking and normally only lasted a second or two, but still annoying
UI - The other big changes are in the form of the updated UI, its easy to use, works fairly well and is fairly intuitive to navigate through, I didn't have to look up help on how to do anything and they kept the most recent messages on how to perform new actions in the chat window for a while which helped
The ability to put stuff in your left hand, and wear a ring on your left hand seems to be a miss in the development. You are able to go into char sheet and add the item that way, however it is quite a change from everything else, i have no idea why this works the way it does
Menus are straight forward and easy to navigate normally however it can become a bit frustrating trying to scroll through journal and quest entries, especially if there are a lot.
Pop up messages such as player invites are very intrusive and appear directly in the middle of the screen, requiring a manual action (menu > accept / decline) which can become quite annoying in the middle of a battle
There were some typo's in the system generated email, just looks lazy (teh instead of the) and symbols instead of letters
Conclusion: I really enjoyed it and the F2P model is great, I'm hoping this will be successful as I'd love to see more MMO type games coming to consoles. I think Neverwinter has proven that a controller is able to be mapped correctly to allow a game like this to work well and be successful
I'd give it a solid 8 / 10 on Console from what I played and would absolutely give it a "must play" rating, just because there is nothing else out there on the XBone market today that is the same type of experience. Bringing quality F2P games to the console is a great move, and I personally love how the Pay content is later on in the game, so you know before you sink money into it if this is something you will enjoy playing long term.
Hopefully this breathes new life back into Neverwinter, the servers were always full and NW was always populated with players during the beta, I definitely anticipate this being a success on a console that is used to being given 60.00 bull**** with very limited options, especially for RPG fans
it means you have to be lv 15 to access those abilities. each tier opens up for use after reaching the required character lvl
Issue/Suggestion: Script sound FR on tutoriel phase
Location: Begin start questline tutoriel
Detail: All the script sound tutoriel was referencing to the PC control ( press qsdz to walk ; double click ; press F ) it's a little to hard to listen one thing, read an other thing on screen, and looking the controller to try ... After that some of the tutoriel phase for power and abylities was hard to understand .
Issue/Suggestion: hair floatting in the air
Location: everywhere ( character player / body corpse )
Detail: - Character player : Sometimes when you run your character become bald and your hair float by your side
- Body corpse : most of the human dead body corpse have their hair floating upside their corpse, looks like hair-ghost
It was the less bugged beta i've played in the 5 years, i already say it but once again you did a very great job guys. Can't wait to play the whole game. I have just one question, when the game release can we keep the characters we create for beta or they'll be delete ?
Location: everywhere
Detail: The issue I have is the A button does interactions with characters, objects and loot pick up.
Suggestion: Use an auto loot feature, this way it will cut out the annoying task of making sure your lined up right. Or use another button..
Issue/Suggestion: Massive Video Lag Spike
Location: Beginning area >>>> where you start to fight the Rotten. There is a Warlock on a hill<npc> and he is casting some sort of spell with skeletal bones and green gas...
Detail: Looking in this direction makes me feel like my Xbox One is going to crash and explode. It's hard to turn the camera angle away and you HAVE to look in that direction when you approach the first campsite.
Issue/Suggestion: NPC/Video vocals
Location: Random/Everywhere. They make me take my headphones off and throw them, while I curse up a storm... while other voices require me to push the headset to my ear to hear it better. I am not sure if this is because it's a CB... But these volume levels need to be addressed. I am a gamer of immersion and If I can't "feel" the enjoyment by feeling as if i'm a part of this grand world, I won't play the final product.
Issue/Suggestion: LAG... LAG... LAG... LAG
Location: everywhere
Detail: I understand, again, that this is just a closed beta but it's really frustrating to be playing other blockbuster-hit games at max FPS but I cannot enter a city without lagging for 10 seconds followed by a frame rate of barely 30. A seamless frame rate would be lovely in the finished product. Which I assume is the case. But I figured I should add to the lag complaint.
Issue/Suggestion: Button Layout/hud
Location: n/a
Detail: Most games offer a transparent icon next to the action icons for the controller. for example, the first skill you receive is used by pressing the X button on the xbox controller... The issue is that you guys don't offer a layout for this on the HUD. some sort of overlay or something that tells players what buttons activate each skill would be nice. I spent 15 minutes just getting to know the controller. The guessing game with the buttons, without having to pull up a controller guide, makes this seem poorly designed and almost drove me away. However, I will say that once i got used to the controls, it feelt very natural and I like it. but please... PLEASE... add this.
Issue/Suggestion: Map? /hud
Location: Everywhere
Detail: I played for 4 hours and I didn't even know I had a usable map. I just followed the sparkling road set by the quest giver. Though this rainbow road is helpful, I'd much rather have a minimap. Having to hold one button and push another to pull up a map in the center of my screen is frustrating. I would much rather be able to use this button combo to attach a minimap somewhere on my overlay. This way I can glance at it if I need to. Maybe an option of, pressed once: attach minimap, pressed twice: Full map, Pressed three times: Hide mapping.
Issue/Suggestion: Zen Market Beta bug? maybe?
Location: everywhere
Detail: So this isn't really a gripe but I figured you guys should know if you choose to do a second run for the closed beta. When you open the zen market and decide to purchase multiple pets, Like I did, not knowing they cannot be discarded or sold, you soon realize how precious bag space is. Either make it so ONLY ONE of each companion can be purchased or allow them to be discarded. i'm gonna be honest here, I bought(actually free in CB) a bunch of the Iron Warriors just to level UP the stone they give you... Though I was able to cap it, I couldnt get rid of the other 9 Iron Warriors stuck in my inventory. So I made a new character...
Issue/Suggestion: Hud
Location: everywhere
Detail: It's just massive. An option to turn things off or change the transparency and shrink it down would be nice.
Issue/Suggestion: Tooltips
Location: Everywhere
Detail: Normally I hate tooltips but I have never played a console MMO before and honestly I've never played Perfect world OR Dungeons &Dragons so almost all of the content in this game was confusing. When I picked up or received a Dungeoneering Kit, Nature kit or other kits I sold them or got rid of them... Or I broke them and didn't have enough of them... etc. This kind of stuff would help with immersion. I like to understand what I'm picking up and if it's useful. Tooltips for this kind of unique-to-the-game type gear is kind of lacking information for players. I mean, even a little window that pops up when I pick it up that says "This is a Nature kit. It's used for blah blah. Would you like more info?" would be amazing.
Yeah, the game's frame rate is very much not optimised at present. In some areas like the one above, it's downright awful and unacceptable.
There's a clip of what the OP describes. I laughed it was that bad.
The frame rate dips considerably in cities as well. This definitely needs some work guys. Your game doesn't look like it's pushing the envelope on graphics, I don't know why it's so **** choppy at all.
Location: Everywhere
Detail: Regular and yet erratic, you'll get constant spikes of inactivity which at the wrong moment is a completely gameplay ruining experience.
Doesn't happen in any specific situation, looks like a network buffering issue? Anyway, it locks the entire game up and then swing back several seconds later.
not acceptable.
Examples :
Please note guys, these are game breakers. Can lead to wipes and big frustration with the game...
Location: Everywhere
Detail: When doing match made content with a group and on completion you return back to the instance you were in before, if you're with a group... you're still stuck with the other party members from the match made instance, blocking you from doing group content.
See this clip :
Our local group just did a dungeon and upon exit, there's a party member still in our party. Obviously disconnected and the leader, so we cannot kick. So we're stuck waiting for the group to be all together to progress.
Only fix for us was to disband the group completely and reform - every - single - time
Location: Everywhere
Detail: Small quality of life thing. The default jump animation looks... bad
Location: Everywhere
Detail: Yeah, this one is a little deep but tested none the less. We had a group and decided that I'd log off one member and delete the toon. Did that and came back in an alt and you couldn't remove the deleted player from the group :
Only fix was to disband the group and reform.
Location: Everywhere
Detail: Crafting options look to be unavailable in dungeons? This on purpose?
Location: Starter zone
Detail: Rangers don't 'roll'
Location: Turtorial mission
Detail: See clip below
Detail: you should keep up with your professional player base and add unique achivements like the WorldFirst Slayers, WorldFirst lvl 60, I know for most casuals this is irrelevant, but your hardcores will appreciate it a alot and in the end, they are all that matters
Issue/Suggestion: Local and world map view (not minimap)
Location: All
Detail: My only big nit is that the map view needs a lot of improvement. Everything is great when I'm chugging along from quest to quest, but as soon as I needed to find somewhere off-quest, set a waypoint, and so on ... it was just way to too hard and clumsy. Recommend making map more detailed, easier to navigate, able to be zoomed, and more views - such as a quest giver view and a key NPC view so it's easy to find important NPCs in the game as a beginner. This will also help with uncluttering the icons and making them easier to decipher, which is especially important for the 10 foot experience. In terms of the quest giver view, for example, I really like to go into a new area map and just explore around and open it up and get all the new quests and side quests at the start, then when my quest list is really full, I start out and do them one by one. Having a quest-giver view would allow players to set a waypoint to each new quest giver or key NPC, run to them, get the quest or do the action, and move on. Also, I'm hoping a better map would allow fast travel ... was surprised a little annoyed the system didn't allow this, or maybe I just never figured out how to use it due to the map system being a bit "messy", but running across an entire map to a gate in order to travel to another zone was particularly cumbersome. Side note, the lack of mini map didn't bother me, and as a person who is entirely new to the game, I really appreciated the "skittles" guided paths to quest objectives and never turned it off. For an example of a map that almost nails it, take a look at the DragonAge Inquisition mapping systems -- although certainly not perfect, it was much more useful and intuitive for me.
Detail: Would really have loved to play for longer, managed to get to lvl 47, however never really got to the higher level maps to test the beta fully.
Would be great if you guys opened the Beta up for a second weekend so we could go all the way to 60 and fully test the game.
Any news on a second beta ?
Issue/Suggestion: Skirmish being a pain.
Detail: Going to quests - Que's and selecting what you wanted to que for.. Didn't ever work for me, not once did it work.
Only the orc assault worked.
Other than going to the actual NPC which game you the que, the quest option didn't work.
Location: Quests tab / Quest Show Path
Detail: numerous messages about unable to share quests, or certain people have it or this quest can't be shared. This takes away from the Xbox party based social gaming aspect.
If I find a lich phylactery, why can't my party join me and do the quest? If all areas of the game are accessible in the beginning (difficulty not withstanding) then all quests should be easily shared with party (Xbox and Neverwinter) much more easily.
Suggestion: We should be able to share any quest at anytime with your raiding party at anytime a little more flawlessly. Perhaps introduce different XP rates based on character and quest level to reduce the "power leveling" aspect of MMO? We just want to play with our friends, regardless of our level differences.
Suggestion: Add a minimap, like you stated originally, I 100% agree with that.
Location: Everywhere
Details: Maybe even an opaque map I can pull up and still move around with it active.
Issue: Some audio issues, the dialogue would sometimes spike in volume and although it definitely isn't game changing, it did almost make me defecate upon myself several times.
Location: Random Instances.
Details: Shut up Pvt. Wilfred!!!
This was one of my biggest game breakers actually. I always game with my headset on and I like my volume loud so I can hear the ambiance and as soon as the intro scene started with the screaming and flashbacks I honestly ripped my head set off and screamed obscenities... Certain vocals are just ...way... too.... LOUD.... then the main quest giver, the captain? he was too soft spoken. him and wilfred obviously never got along.