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Rise of Tiamat Preview Patch Notes NW.35.20141208a.4



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    dante126pldante126pl Banned Users Posts: 257 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    panderus wrote: »
    This is going to Preview right now. There will be one more smaller build to address a couple more things for next week, including a surprise for PvPers!

    drow pvp set?!?!?!?!?1111!11!?

    about GWF destroyer changes

    thats a good start however instead of 20% dmg to encounters only while in unstoppable change it to +10% base dmg while picking capstone something instigator capstone alike,also destroyer purpose could grant 1% crit chance per stack

    and also a change to focused destroyer feat would be nice like 100% chance to stack at max rank and incrase buff duration by 5 seconds.
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    caexarcaexar Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    This is why I didn't invest too heavily in my trickster rogue character. Anybody who couldn't see the nerf coming was simply delusional. These changes I imagine won't be all that gets fixed in order to bring the rogue back in line.

    for those that are preaching doom and gloom for the trickster rogue class in player versus player content I would say don't despair. In fact what you will more than likely see is a massive increase in the amount of gloaming cut spamming dodging TR's. 2 seconds of visibility is around the same time frame that the road gets for immunity while dodging so envision if you will getting hit with a 7 K 2 10 K gloaming cut, the rogue becoming visible, then the rogue dodging which makes them immune for approximately one and a half seconds and then vaporizing into thin air once again.

    I will reserve my final judgment on this change until after I see how it plays out on live but I don't think this was the correct direction to go towards fixing the problem.
    Threat level 60 Guardian Fighter
    Gloom level 60 Control Wizard
    Dusk level 60 Trickster Rogue
    Dawn level 60 Devoted Cleric
    Eclipse level 60 Hunter Ranger
    Wrath level 60 Great Weapon Fighter
    Jinx level 60 Scourge Warlock
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    panderus wrote: »
    Classes and Balance
    • General
      • Tenacity: Points in Tenacity are now worth roughly 36% more. Base Tenacity for all players remains unchanged at 10%.
      • Great Weapon Fighter
        • Destroyer's Purpose: Determination gain from this feat has been increased.
        • Destroyer's Purpose: Now caps at 10 stacks (down from 20) and grants 5% per stack (up from 2%).
        • Destroyer's Purpose: Now increases the damage of encounter powers by 20% (up from 10%).
      • Trickster Rogue
        • Stealth: Striking a player while you are stealthed will temporarily reveal you to the target you strike. This reveal lasts 2 seconds.

    1) Tenacity doesnt need to be INCREASED you just need to significantly INCREASE the "softcap" ie - provide MUCH MUCH higher returns for stacking more of it.

    Basically much less like crit chance and MORE like the ARP graph. ACtually id prefer you just copy the ARP graph as it seems close to what you ideally want.

    2) STOP increasing damage so much. If you want to boost Destroyer Ive already told you what you need to do and you can even KEEP this how you have it here:

    [*]Great Weapon Fighter
    • Unstoppable: Increased BACK to 35-50% DR.
    • Destroyer's Purpose: Now caps at 10 stacks and grants 5% per stack. Each Stack REDUCES the effectiveness of Unstoppable by 5% (Multiplicative). MEANING at 10 stacks Unstoppable is 50% as useful as "BASE" (so it would be reduced to 17.5%-25% DR.
    - What this MEANS is while a destroyer has NO stacks, their unstoppable is just as good, or if they have very few stacks, they can tank hits. They now truly sacrifice DR for damage. Also PLEASE remove "DoT" stacking these.

    3) TR "visability" lasting TWO seconds is FAR too much. This needs to be dropped to ATLEAST 1 second and maybe even half a second. This needs to be a quick "indicator" for those that are hit in stealth to see the direction its coming from NOT a "cancellation" of stealth - which is what it is now (basically).
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Oh and if you want to make other builds more viable for GWFs you need to give them ALOT more impactful "slows" rather than just pure "prone/stuns"

    Perfect Example: "Allied Opportunity" *REWORD* Mighty Leap and Not so Fast should have their BASE damage increased 30% for ALL builds (remove it here) and INSTEAD grant Mighty Leap a 1 sec AoE stun and Not So Fast given a MUCH higher impact on movement impairment when hitting targets so their movement speed is ~50% for atleast 5-6 seconds.

    This combined with Unstoppable BACK to its previous base value will make Instagator much more viable.

    Also, you should CONSIDER looking at adding a feat. Chance on hit: Daze the target for 1 second.
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    effectensteineffectenstein Member Posts: 1,031 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    Well i am happy with the changes for GWF, destroyer now got what he deserved.

    faster stack system.
    and overall it outdamages the sentinel with intimidation.

    now i wish someth for Instigator, a better unstopable for example or determination gain .
    as for intimidation sentinels
    i wish instead of 35% out of power,it should do 350% out of weapon damage, with CAGI/DARINGSHOUT havin a better animation and shorter cooldowns.

    the tenacity gear /sets is the best thing for PVP, just because you guys dont think, dont drag other people out.

    the drow gear set will help the new commers to play at the same levels as us.
    how's that?

    well on my gwf i checked the sets and i've seen that
    gettin drow gear + all boons + legendary off/belt/weapon/neck and artefacts, i wont need to add anything else tahn radiants.
    so a pvper will probably have radiant enchanments on both off/def slots.
    so the drow gear will get the new commer to a closer level of BIS.
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    mehguy138mehguy138 Member Posts: 1,803 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Stealthed Duelist's Flurry doesn't proc Shadow Opportunity with each hit anymore. I don't know if it's intended, but it works strange: DF's flurry component procs Shadow Opportunity multiple times, but not with each hit and the amount of procs varies. And if it's actually intended, it will reduce saboteur TR's damage in PvE by at least 40%.

    Please, reconsider this nerf, DF is not easy to hit with in PvP unless you're scoundrel and use Deft Strike, especially with recent stealth changes, using stealthed DF means suicide in most cases.
    M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    mehguy138 wrote: »
    Stealthed Duelist's Flurry doesn't proc Shadow Opportunity with each hit anymore. I don't know if it's intended, but it works strange: DF's flurry component procs Shadow Opportunity multiple times, but not with each hit and the amount of procs varies. And if it's actually intended, it will reduce saboteur TR's damage in PvE by at least 40%.

    Please, reconsider this nerf, DF is not easy to hit with in PvP unless you're scoundrel and use Deft Strike, especially with recent stealth changes, using stealthed DF means suicide in most cases.
    i suggest you to send a pm to gentleman crush, that behaviour is definitely not intended
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    freshourfreshour Member Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Crush still does changes?
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    mehguy138mehguy138 Member Posts: 1,803 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    rayrdan wrote: »
    i suggest you to send a pm to gentleman crush, that behaviour is definitely not intended

    I'm afraid that it's intended, because

    Shadowy Opportunity: This feat no longer improperly triggers multiple times on channeled powers such as Bloodbath.

    DF is actually a channeled power.
    M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
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    swarfega27swarfega27 Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    mehguy138 wrote: »
    DF is actually a channeled power.

    Not sure why it doesnt have a channel progress bar like other channeled abilities like BB then.
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    mehguy138 wrote: »
    I'm afraid that it's intended, because

    Shadowy Opportunity: This feat no longer improperly triggers multiple times on channeled powers such as Bloodbath.

    DF is actually a channeled power.

    it does not count as a channeled power for stealth depletion purposes tho.
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    mehguy138mehguy138 Member Posts: 1,803 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Ok, so

    Bug: Duelist's Flurry and Shadowy Opportunity interaction

    Duelist's Flurry's flurry component doesn't proc Shadowy Opportunity.
    M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
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    effectensteineffectenstein Member Posts: 1,031 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 6728 (11212) Hit Points to you.
    i have 44.000 HP
    and the rank3 ferocious reacion class feat states that i get 40% as healing back

    so 20% out of 44k hp is around 11.2k hit points , right?
    so why did i get only 6.7k HP ?

    even if shadowtouch applies i should get 8.2k health.

    btw: it still proccs multiple times, is this intended? :)

    i've done some testing. so yea

    healing depresion applies 2 times on ferocious reaction

    first is cuttin in half the 40% and gettin 20% and after that when i recive the HP
    Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 6728 (11212) Hit Points to you.

    i have to mention that i have 20% incoming healing bonus
    so half of that 11k it's like 5.5k + incoming healing bonus, resulting 6.7k

    si it should give the HP as intended, instead of being HD 2TIMES.

    and it still proccs multiple times.
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    taznimtaznim Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    The 2 second visibility pretty much renders stealth useless against control classes. 2 seconds is way too much time and as TR has most of its burst dps coming frm stealth its only normal tht the class will try to break stealth as little as possible. Bt making them visible to target fr 2 secs not only does cancel stealth fr the time, bt it also diminishes stealth as further attacks taken will render stealth loss + stealth loss frm at wills. i am not against the idea of making TRs visible fr a flash when they attack frm stealth. it happens anyhow when the TR comes close to a player. bt the time is way too long and will again bring TR down to a disadvantage against all classes tht are now mostly capable of 1 hit a TR at sight.
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    effectensteineffectenstein Member Posts: 1,031 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    taznim wrote: »
    The 2 second visibility pretty much renders stealth useless against control classes. 2 seconds is way too much time and as TR has most of its burst dps coming frm stealth its only normal tht the class will try to break stealth as little as possible. Bt making them visible to target fr 2 secs not only does cancel stealth fr the time, bt it also diminishes stealth as further attacks taken will render stealth loss + stealth loss frm at wills. i am not against the idea of making TRs visible fr a flash when they attack frm stealth. it happens anyhow when the TR comes close to a player. bt the time is way too long and will again bring TR down to a disadvantage against all classes tht are now mostly capable of 1 hit a TR at sight.

    the TR still has daze , so for those 2sec the enemy can be dazed.. so yea.. on 1vs2 he will need to struggle more.
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    kweassakweassa Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 6728 (11212) Hit Points to you.
    i have 44.000 HP
    and the rank3 ferocious reacion class feat states that i get 40% as healing back

    so 20% out of 44k hp is around 11.2k hit points , right?
    so why did i get only 6.7k HP ?

    even if shadowtouch applies i should get 8.2k health.

    btw: it still proccs multiple times, is this intended? :)

    i've done some testing. so yea

    healing depresion applies 2 times on ferocious reaction

    first is cuttin in half the 40% and gettin 20% and after that when i recive the HP
    Combat (Self)] Your Ferocious Reaction gives 6728 (11212) Hit Points to you.

    i have to mention that i have 20% incoming healing bonus
    so half of that 11k it's like 5.5k + incoming healing bonus, resulting 6.7k

    si it should give the HP as intended, instead of being HD 2TIMES.

    and it still proccs multiple times.

    Sounds like heal depression.

    Let's see now... 11,212 x 0.6 = 6727.2

    Yup. Heal depression. At least considering the figures, your 6728 is exactly 60% of 11,212.

    Dunno how the initial amount is determined in the first place, tho. Hard to determine without knowledge if exactly what buffs/debuffs you have, or how your other stats are.

    11,212 is 25% of 44,000 HP... so maybe GWFs also got a some sort of ninja-nerf like TRs did? "Heals for less in PvP" or something?
    Stop making excuses. Be a man.
    If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
    Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
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    kweassakweassa Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    taznim wrote: »
    The 2 second visibility pretty much renders stealth useless against control classes. 2 seconds is way too much time and as TR has most of its burst dps coming frm stealth its only normal tht the class will try to break stealth as little as possible. Bt making them visible to target fr 2 secs not only does cancel stealth fr the time, bt it also diminishes stealth as further attacks taken will render stealth loss + stealth loss frm at wills. i am not against the idea of making TRs visible fr a flash when they attack frm stealth. it happens anyhow when the TR comes close to a player. bt the time is way too long and will again bring TR down to a disadvantage against all classes tht are now mostly capable of 1 hit a TR at sight.

    Let's first try it.
    Stop making excuses. Be a man.
    If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
    Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    kweassa wrote: »
    Let's first try it.

    Its already on ptr kweassa, scoundrel is ok, exe is cheese and useless as always, sabo is dead.
    At will usage in stealth is no longer a thing.
    Duelist flurry no longer procs shadowy opportunity.
    No more 1 shot bloodbath, thanks god.
    Shocking js hitting about 20k critted a bit more for Executioner and seems to be affected by DR in a strange way: i hit 18k on unstoppable gwf, 8k on purple shield cw
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    wisam187wisam187 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Speaking of things that should be nerfed for PvP only, Shard of endless avalanche on the CW should do less damage to players, since it's almost useless in terms of dps, even with tons of power and buffs.
    Shocking execution already goes through tenacity, nerfing it won't solve a thing. So that's 2 issues yet to be fixed. Nerfing SE hurts PvE players as well, which is the case with many previously-nerfed dailies / encounters / class feats.
    One thing that I'm always hoping to see fixed is this: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?763711-CW-Eye-of-the-Storm-Class-feat-bug
    If you're too busy to read through, here's a summary:
    Spell Storm Control Wizards:
    Eye of the storm class feat bug: allows the transfer of this class feat's benefits to enemies, so they have crit time as well.
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    3 Things Id like to see:

    1) Unstoppable no longer grants Temp HP upon use. You also no longer LOSE attack strength during unstoppable (meaning the increase in attack speed is a DPS boost). Now, while unstoppable is active, each time you strike a target gain ~3% Temp HP (cannot proc more than once per second).

    2) Drow GWF 4pc set bonus: 9.5% Deflect and 10% chance upon striking an enemy to daze for 1 second. (Not DoTs, just physical damage. You can use the "Destroyer" feat for the coding on this given that IT only procs off physical damage and not DoTs somehow.)

    3) Destroyer's Purpose: Use the coding from "Destroyer" as well so this feat no longer procs off DoTs. Now that its easier to stack.
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    freshourfreshour Member Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I would say a 10% chance for a 1 second daze may end up being a litttttle much. I think it would be cool if the 10% chance had a 3 second ICD or something. So you can stun for 1 second, so in pvp it'd be like .6 seconds with that stun nerf, but then they can't be stunned for maybe another second or two to give them a chance to do something. Because in unstoppable you can lay out some hits and they could literally have to eat ALL of it lol. Granted, I don't think GWF's at-wills hurt that bad anymore, I think this idea is 100% in the right direction.

    GWF's have the least control and the hardest moves to land by far of any class. TRUE - they can 1 shot an entire node if a GF casts ITF on them lol. But this would be awesome if a threat rush could proc it and that target is stunned for 1 second. I would also vote for it to be a 1 second stun regardless of if they deflect or not :D
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    farfig1337farfig1337 Member Posts: 108 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    Overall greatly disappointed with changes to the GWF. Crypitc is just not putting any thought into it at all. Yes the bigger numbers are nice and needed. The destroyer capstone was the first big change to a class to get a huge +% damage and it fell behind the other classes that came after. HR, and DC.

    But my biggest complaint is that Crypitc is completely ignoring the many GWF powers that are never used. And are viewed as **** tactics by anyone that even tires to use them. This makes the GWF the least versatile and the most pigeonholed class of all of them in Neverwinter. I'm not asking for GWF's to become "better" just for there other powers to actually make a difference compared the Staple. Indomitable Battle Strike, Restoring Strike, Frontline Surge/Flourish standard.

    Lets start the List shall we.

    Reaping Strike: The Oldest complaint ever since Beta is that this at Will is useless. And has been buffed a bit but it is still far from usable for the GWF. Making it's associated Artifact weapon aslo just as Useless. Mainly because this attack attacks too slow for what its worth. Charge at wills are pretty much fail for Neverwinter accept for HR. The reason why HR's charge power is good is because it's tap is usefull and it has a different use compared to its charge. HR tap for low damage big area and charge for High damage low area.

    I suggest the GWF reaping strike has a buff to its tap damage, or attack speed making it as viable as an attack to wicked strike or WMS. and have the charge effect increase in area the longer you charge. IE You dash at the end of the charge hitting all enemies in a Line more like Punishing Charge. So a GWF can choose to tap and hitt targets close or charge and hit more targets further away.

    Not So Fast: Even with the feats from the Instigator tree this move you rarely eve see used and it is considered the best of GWF area encounters next to frontline surge from IV GWF only. The damage is barely noticable as being more than an At will hit from Wicked strike. Because of the diminished damage from multiple targets hit. Why does an attack that deals so little damage have this limitiation. Get rid of it and maybe up the base damage a bit as well.

    Mighty Leap: This move deals even less damage than not so fast and it is the slowest encounter power in the game. Since this move attacks so slow for damage purposes it is better to just hit twice with Wicked or WMS than to ever use this when surounded by mobs. And the dodge portion of it has such a small window it is pointless to even try to time this to dodge red zones. It has one use only. Jumping over pits that other class can dodge roll/teleport over. The damage of this move needs to be doubled at the very minimum for anyone to consider using this. But I would prefer seeing it become an Aoe stun or kockdown. GWF needs more options than just damage and defense let them have some control and party assist.

    Come and Get it: The move needs a root component to pulled targets. Right now it is only useful to Sentinel specced GWF that feat it. And still it is not that useful It often looses out to daring shout. If it gave GWFs a couple seconds of holding mobs next to them before they simply run off it would give GWF a much needed control option

    Savage Advance: When the Daily options for both the GWFS paths deal 30-40% more damage than this move and also have a comparable control effect. It is easy to see why this move is never used. This move needs to be reworked to hit all targets in a line in from of the GWF. One of the things a GWF lacks is an instant high damage area daily. Slam and Avalanche of steel are slow. This could fill a much needed niche in the GWF's arsenal if it was change to damage and knock prone multiple targets

    Battlefury: This move was buffed long ago and it is still dead weight in the GWF's power list. Just look at the newly improved GF and DC moves. These classes have tons of options that help out a party all much better than this one. The damage boost should apply to all powers (Like Into the Fray) not just encounters and At-wills. And it should effect the entire party at full effect not just the GWF. This move is never used because it does not give a significant damage boost to the GWF that is worth replacing any other damaging move for. Make it about buffing the party and not the GWF. Just to give the GWF more options in ways he can play.

    Punishing Charge: This 3 charge encounter deals the same damage as Wicked strike. So obviously it is not about the damage it deals. It must be about the movment? Maybe this could of been important back when sprint was by far the worst shift power of all classes. And even back then it had an AP building advantage that is lost. Still it was never a popular move. As you see all movmenet powers of the GWF made this list.. Why? you ask because when a GWF is surrounded by mobs the last thing he wants to do is move. And that is the only way Punishing charge is useful. You deal damage only to mobs you move through. And it is a bit slower than wicked strike. So it means the GWF looses damage to use this move. If punishing charge had an additional effect like Defense down to mobs you punish with it then it may have a use. Or you would simply need to up the damage alot. Probably by double considering the slow recovery time on this move.

    So please consider these suggestions GWF's at lv 60 want reasons to earn more power points. And so far it is the only class that really could care less about that reward.
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    wentriswentris Member Posts: 542 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Shadowy Opportunity works randomly with DF - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt. I really hope it will eventually work, its not broken in pvp and this would be a serious nerf in pve. 1s of being visible after hit from stealth would be enough, as other people said. 2s is way too much for any class that has some form of hard cc. I guess many people who hate fighting against stealthed TRs forget about 1 important thing - what happens when TR makes a mistake and looses his stealth in the middle of combat? Answer - he dies. Unless his enemy is too slow to catch him before he starts rolling, but usually he just dies.
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    destinyknightdestinyknight Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    farfig1337 wrote: »
    Overall greatly disappointed with changes to the GWF. Crypitc is just not putting any thought into it at all. Yes the bigger numbers are nice and needed. The destroyer capstone was the first big change to a class to get a huge +% damage and it fell behind the other classes that came after. HR, and DC.

    But my biggest complaint is that Crypitc is completely ignoring the many GWF powers that are never used. And are viewed as **** tactics by anyone that even tires to use them. This makes the GWF the least versatile and the most pigeonholed class of all of them in Neverwinter. I'm not asking for GWF's to become "better" just for there other powers to actually make a difference compared the Staple. Indomitable Battle Strike, Restoring Strike, Frontline Surge/Flourish standard.

    Lets start the List shall we.

    Reaping Strike: The Oldest complaint ever since Beta is that this at Will is useless. And has been buffed a bit but it is still far from usable for the GWF. Making it's associated Artifact weapon aslo just as Useless. Mainly because this attack attacks too slow for what its worth. Charge at wills are pretty much fail for Neverwinter accept for HR. The reason why HR's charge power is good is because it's tap is usefull and it has a different use compared to its charge. HR tap for low damage big area and charge for High damage low area.

    I suggest the GWF reaping strike has a buff to its tap damage, or attack speed making it as viable as an attack to wicked strike or WMS. and have the charge effect increase in area the longer you charge. IE You dash at the end of the charge hitting all enemies in a Line more like Punishing Charge. So a GWF can choose to tap and hitt targets close or charge and hit more targets further away.

    Not So Fast: Even with the feats from the Instigator tree this move you rarely eve see used and it is considered the best of GWF area encounters next to frontline surge from IV GWF only. The damage is barely noticable as being more than an At will hit from Wicked strike. Because of the diminished damage from multiple targets hit. Why does an attack that deals so little damage have this limitiation. Get rid of it and maybe up the base damage a bit as well.

    Mighty Leap: This move deals even less damage than not so fast and it is the slowest encounter power in the game. Since this move attacks so slow for damage purposes it is better to just hit twice with Wicked or WMS than to ever use this when surounded by mobs. And the dodge portion of it has such a small window it is pointless to even try to time this to dodge red zones. It has one use only. Jumping over pits that other class can dodge roll/teleport over. The damage of this move needs to be doubled at the very minimum for anyone to consider using this. But I would prefer seeing it become an Aoe stun or kockdown. GWF needs more options than just damage and defense let them have some control and party assist.

    Come and Get it: The move needs a root component to pulled targets. Right now it is only useful to Sentinel specced GWF that feat it. And still it is not that useful It often looses out to daring shout. If it gave GWFs a couple seconds of holding mobs next to them before they simply run off it would give GWF a much needed control option

    Savage Advance: When the Daily options for both the GWFS paths deal 30-40% more damage than this move and also have a comparable control effect. It is easy to see why this move is never used. This move needs to be reworked to hit all targets in a line in from of the GWF. One of the things a GWF lacks is an instant high damage area daily. Slam and Avalanche of steel are slow. This could fill a much needed niche in the GWF's arsenal if it was change to damage and knock prone multiple targets

    Battlefury: This move was buffed long ago and it is still dead weight in the GWF's power list. Just look at the newly improved GF and DC moves. These classes have tons of options that help out a party all much better than this one. The damage boost should apply to all powers (Like Into the Fray) not just encounters and At-wills. And it should effect the entire party at full effect not just the GWF. This move is never used because it does not give a significant damage boost to the GWF that is worth replacing any other damaging move for. Make it about buffing the party and not the GWF. Just to give the GWF more options in ways he can play.

    Punishing Charge: This 3 charge encounter deals the same damage as Wicked strike. So obviously it is not about the damage it deals. It must be about the movment? Maybe this could of been important back when sprint was by far the worst shift power of all classes. And even back then it had an AP building advantage that is lost. Still it was never a popular move. As you see all movmenet powers of the GWF made this list.. Why? you ask because when a GWF is surrounded by mobs the last thing he wants to do is move. And that is the only way Punishing charge is useful. You deal damage only to mobs you move through. And it is a bit slower than wicked strike. So it means the GWF looses damage to use this move. If punishing charge had an additional effect like Defense down to mobs you punish with it then it may have a use. Or you would simply need to up the damage alot. Probably by double considering the slow recovery time on this move.

    So please consider these suggestions GWF's at lv 60 want reasons to earn more power points. And so far it is the only class that really could care less about that reward.

    I agree with most of this. I would say Come and Get it should get a rooting component for Instigator, and the damage remain the same for Sentinel.

    Punishing Charge I think would be good with a knock back function like what Sunburst has. Knocking back targets that get hit by it. (would actually make it punishing.)

    Reaping Strike needs a considerable damage increase for fully charged. Double the damage at full charge and increase the base damage at partial charge so it isnt miserable when needing to use it quickly. The determination gain while charging just doesnt justify the damage it does. You're leaving yourself open for a mighty swing, except that swing isnt so mighty once its released and you was better off just using... anything else.

    Not so fast's slow needs to be doubled in its duration. Its hardly noticable when its inflicted. The damage isnt worth jack either, and never has, especially due to the damage reduction per target.

    Spinning Strike as an AOE daily is very weak, for an AOE daily theres no reason to use this over Avalanche of Steel really unless everything is going to die fast anyway.
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    k9madrushk9madrush Member Posts: 534 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    Control Wizard
    Chilling Advantage: The material components have been found and this feature now works correctly. Chilling.

    CW is a cookie cutter class it has everything a player can ask for melee class is having a had time dealing with range class due to their unlimited dodge/teleport and 3-6 encounters and at-wills full of crown control
    1. Increase stamina consumption of teleport
    2. decrease range
    3. place casting time

    If you truly want balance in this game then you should address this things

    DC also is a monster in pvp it can 1vX because its tanky can heal tons and tons of damage and can kill anyone with its dps
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    freshour wrote: »
    I would say a 10% chance for a 1 second daze may end up being a litttttle much. I think it would be cool if the 10% chance had a 3 second ICD or something. So you can stun for 1 second, so in pvp it'd be like .6 seconds with that stun nerf, but then they can't be stunned for maybe another second or two to give them a chance to do something. Because in unstoppable you can lay out some hits and they could literally have to eat ALL of it lol. Granted, I don't think GWF's at-wills hurt that bad anymore, I think this idea is 100% in the right direction.

    GWF's have the least control and the hardest moves to land by far of any class. TRUE - they can 1 shot an entire node if a GF casts ITF on them lol. But this would be awesome if a threat rush could proc it and that target is stunned for 1 second. I would also vote for it to be a 1 second stun regardless of if they deflect or not :D

    Here is why I think 10% is fair (although I do like 3 sec ICD and maybe just moving this to 7.5% fixes it without ICD).

    Even in Unstoppable you hit about every .4-.5 seconds. so a full 4 hits in 2 seconds ISH. At 10% chance to daze (you can still move while dazed) 10% is one in 10 hits. GWFs at will combo is 4 hits. So a chance youll get even ONE proc inwithin 4 hits is pretty rare (around 35%) to see ONE proc per unstoppable. This is while IN unstoppable by the way. Out of Unstoppable you attack MUCH slower so itll have much less effect.

    so 1 of 3 full "combos" youd have a chance to daze them for about .6 seconds of that 2 sec combo. They can still blink/dodge/roll away within that, and the other 2 "combos" they may not even get dazed once.. Youll also have people who are immune to those effects such as TRs using ITC or GF blocking, or another GWF in his unstoppable.

    ALSO in tandem with my other suggestion that Unstoppable no longer grants Temp HP upon activation but you gain temp HP while hitting IN unstoppable, I think this has some merits and as one put it "its a step in the right direction".

    Basically what it does, in the end, is actually makes you think twice about having a GWF Unstoppable right next to you and you "eat" the damage. Like I said before as well. Maybe a 7.5% Chance to daze makes more sense. However, now the chance youll see even ONE proc in 4 hits goes to about 1 in 4 FULL "combos" of 4 hits. Most of the time you wont even see 1.
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    dante126pldante126pl Banned Users Posts: 257 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    GWF right now need more base dmg maybe 2% damage bonus per str point and more survaviblity maybe bring back old unstoppable gain/DR and also change unstoppable recovery feat to grant 20-25% hp over 10 seconds while using unstoppable and does not stack.
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    k9madrushk9madrush Member Posts: 534 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2014
    Trickster Rogue
    Stealth: Striking a player while you are stealthed will temporarily reveal you to the target you strike. This reveal lasts 2 seconds.
    Fine with me but give us something to battle the OPness of other class. Reduce the cooldown of our encounters and give us better stats from CON and INT.

    Last Moments: Now correctly benefits from putting points in this feat and correctly activates in all cases.

    Master Infiltrator: Shocking Execution: Damage reduced by roughly 20%.
    Can you make this pvp only?
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    dante126pl wrote: »
    GWF right now need more base dmg maybe 2% damage bonus per str point and more survaviblity maybe bring back old unstoppable gain/DR and also change unstoppable recovery feat to grant 20-25% hp over 10 seconds while using unstoppable and does not stack.

    I agree with this.

    -2% per STR point.
    -More "DR" while in Unstoppable. Id rather see Unstoppable grant DR AND Deflect so maybe 15-30% increase on BOTH DR/Deflect when popping unstoppable. This meets in the "middle".
    - Rather than put HP/Time IN unstoppable. Id rather see some type of mechanic where you gain HP or Temp HP per hit while IN unstoppable. This means you have to use it more skillfully and chain attacks better to get more result, rather than roll face on keyboard.
    - remove the damage reduction on hits(at wills) while in unstoppable. Its just silly and pointless. If you NEED to, reduce the attacks speed increase instead, but attacks should not be reduced damage wise and SHOULD get a small attack speed increase.

    Id like to see Unstoppable given some great offensive focus and not just used as a crutch. Give it some defensive "utility"(aka - heal) when used offensively - base on a per attack basis.
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