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Official Feedback Thread: Devoted Cleric Changes



  • bvirabvira Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! ***** deals 6211 (22218) Radiant Damage to you with Break the Spirit.

    [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! ***** deals 6941 (22927) Radiant Damage to you with Break the Spirit.

    [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! ***** deals 19475 (25428) Radiant Damage to you with Break the Spirit.

    Supposed to have 5 ticks, but I died after the 3rd.

    Pretty sure there is something wrong with the feats, I'm guessing the debuff of one or more of the following feats stack even they aren't supposed to:

    -Bear your Sins
    -Condemning gaze
    -Righteous Suffering
  • lerdocixlerdocix Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    bvira wrote: »
    [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! ***** deals 6211 (22218) Radiant Damage to you with Break the Spirit.

    [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! ***** deals 6941 (22927) Radiant Damage to you with Break the Spirit.

    [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! ***** deals 19475 (25428) Radiant Damage to you with Break the Spirit.

    Supposed to have 5 ticks, but I died after the 3rd.

    If you were hit by divine version, then its not a DoT anymore, but upfront nuke with stun effect.
    Can't imagine what would cause 3rd crit to be so much bigger then previous two.
  • bvirabvira Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    lerdocix wrote: »
    If you were hit by divine version, then its not a DoT anymore, but upfront nuke with stun effect.
    Can't imagine what would cause 3rd crit to be so much bigger then previous two.

    My Astral Shield wore off before the 3rd hit. Anyway, just focus on the pre-mitigated damage (the one in parentheses) , 5 ticks add up to ~100k damage, that's just insane.

    I'm gonna reproduce the result myself and record it soon.
  • fusionawesomefusionawesome Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I have been following this thread for a while in lurking mode because big parts of my opinions were voiced by others. And would like to compliment everyone that is involved for listening and acting to our feedback, A lot has been dealt with. Still would like to bring this up:

    Better mobility:
    We have 2 big dodges and most of the time that gets more in the way then helps us, when Valindra cast lightning in Malabogs Castle is a good example. And after those 2 we have to wait a good amount of seconds before we can go again which can get us into trouble sometimes. CW has it easier because they have 3 smaller ones 1 is enough to get you out of red zones and when you have done 3 the fourth one is or almost is ready again so that gives a lot more mobility same with HR and TR. GWF, SW can choose how much to spend on stamina and GF has its block. So to me the DC is worst off and giving the changes and that we are casting a lot more (so no time to walk out of the way) extra stamina would be nice. I like how you are going to speed up divine casting maybe you could add to that. When in divine mode your stamina regenerates 25% or 50% faster. In this case while we are casting in divine mode there is a good chance a dodge is ready so we can position ourselves to drop the empowered version.

    Heroic feats:
    Its been very silent on this subject maybe you don’t have time to look at this, I don’t know. But It would be a nice step if you just looked at the ones that no one uses and buff these so no rework but just make the bad ones a bit better.

    Our daily's are a nice extra but always felt liked an extra encounter. Now that its harder to gain ap I would like to see the damage daily’s getting a bit more powerful. So your more inclined to save up your daily for that big guy on the horizon :p

    Normal daunting light 13.000
    Empowered daunting light 40.000
    Guardian of faith 13.000
    Hammer of faith 20.000 (total of 3 hits)
    Flame strike 20.000 (but at least its aoe)

    Bigger Boom from daily's
  • shadowbladegrshadowbladegr Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Edit: Nvm.Posted some results but I cant reproduce them reliably enough.
  • blackjackwidowblackjackwidow Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 424 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    lagrillade wrote: »
    Feedback: speed
    Nobody cares it seems, but it's painfull to be the sluggish priest running so slow after crazy GWF, among others. Do we really NEED to be that slow in class balance ? What is the point of that slowness in a computer game, except being boring. I mean, is it really weighted somewhere in balance that we have such advantages that make a slower movement speed a requirement ? What if we had an average speed, would that change anything except the fun part of playing, pve even, or most importantly in donjons ?
    By the way, our "esquive" (swift movement) is very limited, and can even drive us in holes. CW are slow too I think, but their move is quicker, and they can't teleport in a hole. Is it something that has been actually thought through ? It makes no sense to me.

    I thought I must be doing something wrong with my build, but this drives me crazy too! Glad to know I'm not the only one. :)
  • galacticgushgalacticgush Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Feedback: I, for one, love how DP is gained now. I've seen a lot of people complain about it, but it's much easier to gain. You get way more with one hit than you used to.
  • amadaylateamadaylate Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Is anyone else having an issue getting their feat points to stay? I have logged in on the test server several times with my cleric. I have deleted and re-imaged her there several times. Every time I try to adjust my feat points, they reset again. It's quite annoying! I really want to check out the new changes, but I am not really able to get a fair shot at it.
  • skinlikewinterskinlikewinter Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Update 4

    By the way,without responding to anyone in specific,I would like to give a few...."reminders":

    -Soothing light has not changed.It still doesn't require a target to cast,you can cast it on yourself.The last update was to SEARING light,the encounter power.It added healing to it.

    I'm responding to you specifically, shadowbladeg

    I know the difference between Soothing Light and Searing Light. I tested Soothing light in preview server and you did not, at the time of your post, else you would not have posted the above.

    I once again tested SOOTHING LIGHT and it does in fact, now require a target to heal. You can no longer use it on yourself for emergency heals. You need another to heal them and yourself at same time. I asked 4 other DCs in Preview server and they too said they saw the "Target Required" (or something like that), floater when attempting to use Soothing Light on themselves.

    I do not like the new way this is implemented, having to now need a target to use it. This was an emergency heal for us when we needed it.

    Return it to how it is being used in live server, we can use it on a target and/ or we can use it on ourselves if we want.

    There is a speed difference that I do notice, especially when Prophecy of Doom is concerned. Good job on that.

    I forget who posted about this (sorry about that) but there was mention of strengthening our Offensive (damaging) Dailys, seeing as we can no longer gain AP when our Defensive Dailys are up. I think this is a good idea.

    EDIT: Almost forgot

    Still hate the added mechanic, it wasn't necessary to increase DCs potential in healing, buff/debuff, or in DPS.
    I show player support, by only playing Neverwinter as F2P
  • godhricgodhric Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 437 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2014
    I do not like the new way this is implemented, having to now need a target to use it. This was an emergency heal for us when we needed it.
    That's odd... i tested it @ preview yesterday and it is able to heal altho there is no target. I have to lose some HP though.. if my health is full, yes i cant cast it on myself.
  • masizin777masizin777 Member Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    godhric wrote: »
    Bug Report : Feat Interaction = Burning Guidance + Astral Seal
    There is something funny that will happen when we cast Astral Seal if we have Burning Guidance boon. I have it produced while having the faithful tree... The insane damage procced from Astral Seal + Burning Guidance mostly. Righteous spec may or may not boost the dmg, but I believe the root bug stems from feat interaction... If we spam Astral Seal multiple times to different targets while having just 1 person near us (for Burning Guidance to activate), the bug will occur... During the bug, there will be many dmg floaters ever increasing that it causes your PC to freeze

    This is part of the synergy build that needs to be fixed with a soft cap, it seems to have not taken well with the new feats.

    Here is the info on one way:
    (Although the specific method was previously unclear to me I do believe I have isolated the main chain of events which create the feasible build. Starting with the proc itself, astral seal with a player attacking the target also is the most prevalent, but the feat shared burden can increase the proc rates. Of course any other heal does work and that is situationally good but on a single target astral seal is best. As for increasing damage output the combination of astral fury and using brand of sun to proc bear your sins is a sufficient feat buff. Excluded response feats would potentially be righteous suffering because if the player was being attacked burning guidance would proc, like previously in the game, and this would greatly increase the output again. If this build is set to the standards the avatar of the divine would be not be outweighed by shared burdens making the build a variant based on how hard you want it to hit or how often. As for existing encounter powers divine glow is decent along with hollowed ground and terrifying insight. The aspect of gear what I have noticed is the high prophet set is specifically the best choice. Factoring in an ioun stone would only be relevant if a lesser Rune stone of bonding and a lesser indomitable Rune stone would affect the situation. This method renders healing diminished and other forms of damage diminished also and must the character had previously acquired other gears to compensate. Further perpetuating the fact that this is a feasible build that could expand class variety without creating an overpowered area of ability, if properly soft capped.)

    It is a part of live now but uses a slightly different method.
    (It needs a 30- 40 second build up and resets every 60 IMO)
  • godhricgodhric Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 437 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2014
    One thing to add before i forget.. does anyone else experiencing this while using DC @ preview?

    Bug : green HP bar unfilled (not the red HP bar at the bottom of the screen)
    While testing things @ dread ring.. when i lost HP and regained some using the healing (most probably test of faith buff stack, but i cant be sure), the green part of the health bar wont fill up .. There will always be a white part of the bar that just wont get filled. The white can be replaced by temp HP, but once the yellow bar is expended, the white bar will still be there without any hope of increasing back up.. it can only make the hp bar decrease , probably until it the bar is empty with white

    Thing is, it's not only the proc rate that is increasing.. but also the amount of damage dealt.. from the normal 120.. to become 240, then 360.. then djdlasjdlksamxlkzjxijasdj idk what happens the damage become 22k+ .. yes, the dmg of burning guidance.. I have this produced while specced the healing tree faithful... Altho i dont think the bug is paragon tree specific...

    Killed the poor dummies very easily during this feat damage loop
  • shadowbladegrshadowbladegr Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I'm responding to you specifically, shadowbladeg

    I know the difference between Soothing Light and Searing Light. I tested Soothing light in preview server and you did not, at the time of your post, else you would not have posted the above.

    I once again tested SOOTHING LIGHT and it does in fact, now require a target to heal. You can no longer use it on yourself for emergency heals. You need another to heal them and yourself at same time. I asked 4 other DCs in Preview server and they too said they saw the "Target Required" (or something like that), floater when attempting to use Soothing Light on themselves.

    I do not like the new way this is implemented, having to now need a target to use it. This was an emergency heal for us when we needed it.

    Return it to how it is being used in live server, we can use it on a target and/ or we can use it on ourselves if we want.

    There is a speed difference that I do notice, especially when Prophecy of Doom is concerned. Good job on that.

    I forget who posted about this (sorry about that) but there was mention of strengthening our Offensive (damaging) Dailys, seeing as we can no longer gain AP when our Defensive Dailys are up. I think this is a good idea.

    EDIT: Almost forgot

    Still hate the added mechanic, it wasn't necessary to increase DCs potential in healing, buff/debuff, or in DPS.

    1) On my original post,I was posting feedback,plus a note on the bottom pointing out some wrong facts others had posted,so that they don't base their feedback on wrong assumptions.

    2) I said "without responding to anyone in specific" because there were multiple people saying things in that list and I didn't feel there was a point in quoting everyone.Plus,this is a feedback thread,so my intention was to avoid discussions such as this one.Not sure why you got offended by that.

    3) Soothing light does not require a target.You can heal yourself, just like on Live.You can't do it if you are full hp,but that is true on live as well.Yes I did test it at the time and I tested it again right after seeing your post,just to make sure it wasn't bugged.I log on preview daily anyway.Go ahead and try again,lose some hp and use soothing light.If this still happens,this is not a general bug,so please post a video or something so we can see what is going on.

    4) The faster animations have not been added yet.They will be updated on the next patch,probably on Friday.
  • arcanaxearcanaxe Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Most of the changes they have implemented to date is a huge step forward.

    Is it possible to increase the casting time of normal daunting light by increase %, and increase AOE of the encounter by a small %?
  • lihin23nihillihin23nihil Member Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Do Daunting Light and Flame Strike proc Repurpose Soul yet? Couldn't see it proc in my testing.

    Bug: Repupose Soul feat
    Repurpose does not proc from all DC spells, most notably Daunting Light and Flame Strike do not proc it.
    Additionally, spells that do proc RS do not appear to give 15% (for 3 pts spent) of the spells effect as a heal as stated.
  • lihin23nihillihin23nihil Member Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    arcanaxe wrote: »
    Is it possible to increase the casting time of normal daunting light by increase %, and increase AOE of the encounter by a small %?

    Yes please. Either make it cast quicker or give it the same radius hit area as the divine version.
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    amadaylate wrote: »
    Is anyone else having an issue getting their feat points to stay? I have logged in on the test server several times with my cleric. I have deleted and re-imaged her there several times. Every time I try to adjust my feat points, they reset again. It's quite annoying! I really want to check out the new changes, but I am not really able to get a fair shot at it.

    If you are just trying to assign the points that were automatically refunded, I think it won't work. You need to hit the "respec character" button and redo everything.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

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  • kacsanwkacsanw Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    bvira wrote: »
    My Astral Shield wore off before the 3rd hit. Anyway, just focus on the pre-mitigated damage (the one in parentheses) , 5 ticks add up to ~100k damage, that's just insane.

    I'm gonna reproduce the result myself and record it soon.

    As lerdocix wrote, you were hit so hard by the divine version of BtS not by the normal version ticks. I am waiting for your test, but by my experience it is impossible to get such high (base) ticks even in PvE. W/ divine version I could achieve ~20k on training dummy and my highest was ~22k on the field (PvE, base damage).
  • masizin777masizin777 Member Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    godhric wrote: »
    Thing is, it's not only the proc rate that is increasing.. but also the amount of damage dealt.. from the normal 120.. to become 240, then 360.. then djdlasjdlksamxlkzjxijasdj idk what happens the damage become 22k+ .. yes, the dmg of burning guidance.. I have this produced while specced the healing tree faithful... Altho i dont think the bug is paragon tree specific...

    Killed the poor dummies very easily during this feat damage loop

    The Cross procing is glitched, it is not supposed to be exponential per tick, it is meant to go off of the buffs/items/boons/feats/enchant not the effect of the hit from burning guidance.
  • dizonyxdizonyx Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    FEEDBACK: Prophetic Action
    Now PA worst class feature in game, because PA can block 100 dmg from At-will or DoT's(Plague Fire), then PA will be on cooldown (40 sec). I think Prophetic Action must be block encounter power or reduce PA cooldown by 25(up from 10) per rank.
  • brush4toiletbrush4toilet Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    FEEDBACK: we still need our heroic eats to be reworked! thanks in advance
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    FEEDBACK: we still need our heroic eats to be reworked! thanks in advance

    Sadly doubt they'll get to that... maybe next time, for mod 10........
  • mrvincent1959mrvincent1959 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    adinosii wrote: »
    But it has already been stated that "hybridization" is considered a problem. That premise, combined with totally ignoring what most DC players (apart from the PvPers) were asking for resulted in this....well, what we got.

    The fundamental idea behing the DC redesign is to make the DCs better at some single thing...at the cost of making hybrid builds much less feasible and weaker than before.

    Quite frankly, I see no reason why anyone should want to bring a DC along for 5-man skirmishes and dungeons after mod 5 goes live.

    Good post! Also, we lost some feats that buffed our stats and group support like Moontouched, Rising Hope, and one that gave us a % power based on our Recovery stat. Also, Action Points wont build until Hallowed Ground has finished. These are all nerfs to the class.

    I am going to have a huge problem with this in dungeons with adds all over the place as well because we have to spam the keyboard now.

    Yes, its true, the developers premise in these changes was that hybrid builds on a DC was bad. That premise is wrong IMO. We just needed some changes to make us more effective with what we had. I am still not sure if I will keep playing my DC. I might try a different class, but it will be hard because the DC felt so natural to me before.
  • lococatt91lococatt91 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 162 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2014
    The wind up time a DC needs is just too much. By time you get your spells casted the fights over.
    Removing all the passive heals and buffs just kills the DC. Playing a DC well is not easy but it feels good when you have mastered the abilities. The new DC is just not fun, it really is as simple as that.
  • destinyknightdestinyknight Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    lococatt91 wrote: »
    The wind up time a DC needs is just too much. By time you get your spells casted the fights over.
    Removing all the passive heals and buffs just kills the DC. Playing a DC well is not easy but it feels good when you have mastered the abilities. The new DC is just not fun, it really is as simple as that.

    Basically what all my feedback has summarized up to.
  • hefisdohefisdo Member Posts: 709 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2014
    I just tested the latest version of the DC and... I just want to say that I didn't like the capstone of the Righteous tree.

    After 25s you'll deal 40% less damage for 35s, and that's just depressing imo. I'd rather have a 25% damage buff that stacks or you have to build instead of helplessly proccing and waiting for it again.

    Besides that, I liked every rework you did in the trees I'll use (Righteous and Virtuous). I disliked the effect of the Faithful capstone too because you can still get one-shoted, and then you healed 50% less for nothing... but I won't use that tree regardless of that.
    (´・ ω ・`)
  • styley177styley177 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    The new changes look ok generally except for the empowerment feature, its not really needed tbh, keep it as is is now, non divine and divine only. Newish DC's will really struggle with it, enough cant play the class properly now let alone when its made more complicated with trying to manage empowerment stacks (prob including me too)

    I will really try to keep on playing my Dc as i love the class, but these new changes may very well make me put her out to pasture as my GF was untill mod 4 came out.
  • godhricgodhric Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 437 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2014
    Feedback : the 3 orbs VFX
    I think the orbs are really like plaguefire, feels somewhat undead / dark... they dont feel DIVINE at all. Consider replacing how the orbs look with something holier.. probably like wisp's glow.. or the divine mode glow on the weapon..
  • free2payfree2pay Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    As long as the VFX is NOT visible to PvPer. We are already taking too much heat and aggro from PvPer. Better still, make our blue torch in divinity mode invisible to PvPer as well.
  • izatarizatar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,161 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I tried some more DPS (righteous) cleric vs wizard duels with today's new patch.

    I found that even with the clipped animations, empowerment is too slow and complicated to be really viable.

    So first, here is what my CW buddy is doing:strumming his qer1[tab] keys, and spamming the mouse button. So he is doing the proverbial mindless face-roll. The order of attacks is totally random, even his ice knife is going off randomly.

    I on the other hand have a precise list of operations I have to pull off in order to even get empowered.
    First, I found that the fastest way to get to 3 pips of divine power is to use brand of the sun 4 to 5 times (depending on which gear set I am using), then to get empowered, press [tab] to get into divine mode, then press r 3 times to fire off an encounter in divine mode and trigger 3 stacks of empower, then hit tab again, and then hit q to bring up the astral shield retical, then click to land it in empowered mode.

    A few times today I managed to pull off this 11+button combo, but never managed to win from the success, because as a DPS spec I cannot take as many hits as the old tanky style. [I also tried with other encounters empowered, but all are too little too late]

    I don't see why it has to be so complicated!
This discussion has been closed.