It's me!
What does this mean? Well, it means I get the job of collecting your feedback on the Scourge Warlock each week, compiling it into one place and sending it upward to be reviewed.
I promise to be diligent and unbiased in my collecting of feedback, however I would like to put forward a few ways to make this a little easier for me.
1.) You can make a new thread if you have an issue, however it would make things easier for me if you write it in this thread as well so I can spot it faster.
2.) You can mail me in game. Please refrain from using tells as a mail would make it simpler to get your point across and give me more time to take that point and note it down. I am
3.) You can also mail your issue to me using the forum mail.
Thank you for your time and I am looking forward to working with everybody making the Scourge Warlock the best it can be!
And how is that relevant? If he was selected, he was selected for a reason. Questioning it will only cause flame wars and pointless discussions.
After all, class advocate only collects his own class feedback, sums it up and forwards to the devs.
@mittensofdoom, congrats and good luck collecting all the feedback! :cool:
I mean no disrespect in asking and it is relevant. It helps people understand what is being championed and where some potential weakness in feedback would be. I myself would like to help fill those gaps.
Keep in mind, not everyone that posts on the forums is a troll.
And @mittnsofdoom, congrats! I should I put that in my original post!!!!
It's a secretarial position. The job goes to the person most suited to collate a crapton of info and not lose their cool.
None of the stuff you're asking about is remotely relevant. There is no "championing".
Congrats. I think you'll do a good job.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
WTB Class Reroll please
To answer a few question raised so far:
I believe I was selected on the basis that I have promised to take this role seriously and that I believe in this class wholeheartedly. Whether my character is any good or not doesn't necessarily come into it. I want to be a part in exploring all that the Scourge Warlock can become. I was incredibly excited when this class was announced and I was testing on preview extensively with the idea that I could make this class my main, which I have.
My personal goals are to improve my own warlock by collecting the sets of gear, tweaking stats and providing my own feedback to everybody via my guide which is located here. Hopefully that should answer a few questions about my character as well.
Now, while my own views will be put forward, I'm more interested in what you think. Any feedback, either positive or negative will be submitted regardless of what my own opinion is. I only ask that we keep things respectful and constructive.
I would agree if it weren't for this one bullet in the advertisement for the class advocate extracted form this link
-In what direction do you want to see this class go?
Maybe I'll just send my feedback more directly to the Advocate and avoid the drama of the forums.
Congrats! I didn't realize until I clicked on your build link who you were
issue: Tyrannical Threat doesn't benefit from Armor Pen stat. This didn't matter before the change, but now that it only affects SW damage this skill needs to be fixed to use our Armor Pen.
Thanks in advance
Venril- SW
Lurch- GF
Mini Ven- DC
Class advocates won't matter in the grand scheme of things. They just pick people who they know won't cause any trouble if a class is imbalanced or not
@inthere23 I'm sure Akro has selected the other advocates as well, I'm not privy as to who they are any more than you are. If they haven't set up threads I'm sure they are just doing things their own way.
~ Possible issue where armor penetration is not being applied to Tyrannical Threat.
~ Damnation path seeming lackluster due to soul puppet mechanics.
~ Wording on Auras (Aura of cruelty, draconic sets) seems to confuse people in regard to whether they are an ally or not.
~ Warlocks curse fades too fast when cast on mobs not already in combat.
~ The tooltip for the SW Purified main hand is incorrect (496). The Corrupted shows the correct damage (827).
~ There is no SW weapon for Ardant coins.
~ Issues with dreadtheft firing off at all angles (though still damaging the target)
~ Clunky mechanics using curse bite, too much delay between when you curse a target and curse bite can be used.
If there is anything I missed or anything you want brought up next week let me know!
Just a few issues I would like to bring up:
This at-will seems sluggish to cast and has a slight delay after the casting animation that keeps you rooted in place. I would like to see this one cleaned up a little for the animation and casting time.
This causes me several issues. I realize that if you could slip while you jump, this might cause a few issues for the developers; however, how is that much different than the CW, and DC ability? I know they 'blink' or whatever a shorter over all distance than the SW can Shadow Slip but something I think they should look into letting us a least jump some distance while using this ability. I want no unfair advantage over other classes...just the same advantages they have.
When in a group with more than on SW, it's hard to tell who's curse is on what mob! And it's worse with TT curses on something. I really need to know which mob has MY curse on it, not someone else's curse. I don't think curses benefit anyone else other than the SW that cast it anyway.
Our CC casting mechanic and cast times are to long to execute. They required a two to three step process using curses to CC someone. In PvP, it takes to long to get Harrowstorm off. Now, I realize it does a prone vs a stun for CC, which is more powerful, but in high end PvP, you'll never get it off before you are CC'ed to death by other classes unless you totally surprise them. I think a slight reduction in cast time is needed for a better risk/reward.
This seems to be to high up the tree for SW. I compare this with Severe Reaction (SR) for the CW. Now, I now the difference might be that SR only has a chance to work and ours is 100%. But eldritch EM doesn't cause a push either like SR does nor does it fill 100% of the stamina bar if activated. I think Severe Reaction is more powerful than our feat by far and it's really Shadow Walk that people take notice of more with it's really fast run speed.
That's what I have for now. I hope this is helpful and my intent is to get some good constructive conversation on these topics I raise! I know these items are how I feel about the skills/features/powers and I welcome others feedback on them as well.
Isn't the fact it's high up the tree a good thing? Surely, anything that makes path choices meaningful should be celebrated in this game? I wouldn't hold up the CW trees as something to aspire too in that regard.
Oh and gz to mittensofdoom.
Second, I feel that the "nearby targets" range for Relentless Curse is too small to be of much value. Also, while I have not tested it extensively, I do not feel it triggers consistently (even though tooltip says it should trigger 100% of the time at 5/5). I'm guessing part of this is that you have a curse on a target, use an encounter that "consumes the curse," but at the same time kills them (I.e. Fiery Bolt) and so they are not deemed to have been "killed while afflicted by Warlock's Curse." If that is the intent, and I suspect it likely is, I feel like it really dilutes the purpose/impact of this feat since most of our encounter powers consume curses. That is one of the prime character mechanics. So, it feels like these two things are workings crosswise.
I don't know if you recall that bug or not but it puts the SW's at a disadvantage on the leader board.
That's pretty lame. IMO.
Maybe this can get a real skin unique skin for it?
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder
Now. I'd like to see the warlock's Encounter powers to be more affective. Right now, there is only about 3 that are effective enough to use.
Killing Flames, Vamperic Embrace, and Dreadtheft are the only Encounters useful enough to use. The rest of them don't really excite me.
How about beefing the other encounter powers up a bit? Thanks in advance. If you need anything else from me , please let me know!
VE is a crutch for PvE. You should be using Warlock's Bargain instead, or you are most certainly Doing It Wrong. Curse your target, Bargain them, and then Dreadtheft. You'll be doing much better DPS then.
Tyrannical Threat: The damage from this power should now benefit from Armor Penetration correctly.
Creeping Death Feat: Almost all powers that deal Necrotic Damage are now correctly identified as such, and should activate this feat much more reliably.
Fiery Bolt: The Curse Consume portion of this power will now work far more consistently and should always deal the correct damage now.
Tyrannical Threat: You can no longer incorrectly generate AP while Tyrannical Threat is affecting you.
We seriously need to brainstorm about how to spice up some of the encounters so that EVERY SW isn't running the same loadout... (IE DT, HS or WB and FB)
Spheres was cool... when that's all you had... Just too weak plus you can't refresh it.
Curse Bite? Why? Can use AoEs to hit more targets. 150 range makes no difference when you can't outrun anything.
Pillar of Power. Never bothered. Way too much of a hassle with LITTLE benefit.
Hellish Rebuke: Weaker than DiS and BotS, even smolder, and longer delay in casting. Either buff it and reduce it to only affect 1 target or something.
Wrath's shadow: Too awkward to use and end up using Bargain for better benefit. Don't even like in pvp.
Blades of VA: Should be able to cast while moving like Spheres. You have to run up to something, agro, take multiple hits before activating. Fiery Bolt seems to hit slightly harder anyway. Range is flatout awful for not being able to cast while moving.