Those enchantments are the jam man. Too bad I can't get those gloves so I can actually do a gear rebuild. Perhaps I'll be able to do something with the new armor sets. I'll get my tenacity from rings and things
I'm not sure if I'm going to respec (go scoundrel) to fight these CWs. I just feel the whole state of affairs is a load of HAMSTER (CWs are, by far, not the whole problem.) I'm pretty much calling this Mod a total loss and I'll put my efforts into testing TR changes when they drop.
In the meantime, progress through campaign and farm for gear.
The way I see it, mod4 clearly shows just where the TR is at right now.
We're basically strained out here, stretched as thin as it can get in terms of performance. rust's build is a good, unique build, but it is a very acutely toned, specialized build. The amount of investment it takes is just way too high to consider it a 'universal' tactic/build type IMO.
In that sense, I don't see it really becoming something that will replace the 'traditional' perma/semi-perma builds. No disrespect to the build, nor to rustlord. No negative comments whatsoever in as to how it performs. It's just that its not something that could be widely spread and be considered a 'paradigm'.
Permas or semi-permas just don't cut it now. I know the top-level TRs are still competent, but they're like what, 0.01% of the entire population? Those are the people who'll be at the top no matter what they play, so its hardly a compliment to the class itself.
In terms of average performance, us TRs are now generally behind the item curve, behind the mod/patch curve, and we're using tactics/builds that's been around for more than a year.
We're basically dinosaurs. We've hit the end of our evolutionary line, and the great meteor is about to shake the ground.
What we need, is an evolutionary break-through. We need to evolve into birds, or else just become extinct. The perfromance, the tool's we've been given, we've exploited it as much as we can. Can't do anything more with it now. Tweaks and patches can go only so far.
We, really, need a class redesign. For instance the GF has been basically given a total redesign of how the class works, since their shield mechanic has totally changed. IMO what the TRs need is a total redesign in how the class stealths, fights, defends itself.
Stop making excuses. Be a man. If you know something to be broken, stop using it. Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
We're basically strained out here, stretched as thin as it can get in terms of performance. rust's build is a good, unique build, but it is a very acutely toned, specialized build. The amount of investment it takes is just way too high to consider it a 'universal' tactic/build type IMO.
This is true in all cases. When I created it I wanted something unique, but not universal, for other players to expand on.
I'm on page 7 of the Leaderboard without R10 enchantments. I don't know how more top-end 0.01% of the playerbase I can be. Insofar I've seen some of the best players spec'd into hard hitting LB; Others into Smoke Bomb; Corrupted/Purified Black Ice; Some using Impact Shots again; Even Courage Breaker! I've proven by myself that alternative methods do work when the odds were against me. That's all I intended. And I succeeded in inspiring that diversity.
I will keep this build specialized and challenging to prevent it from becoming a META.
This is true in all cases. When I created it I wanted something unique, but not universal, for other players to expand on.
I'm on page 7 of the Leaderboard without R10 enchantments. I don't know how more top-end 0.01% of the playerbase I can be. Insofar I've seen some of the best players spec'd into hard hitting LB; Others into Smoke Bomb; Corrupted/Purified Black Ice; Some using Impact Shots again; Even Courage Breaker! I've proven by myself that alternative methods do work when the odds were against me. That's all I intended. And I succeeded in inspiring that diversity.
I will keep this build specialized and challenging to prevent it from becoming a META.
Apologize for the thread-jack - no offense intended.
As a matter of fact I myself hold the exact same ideal as you. That's what got me started in this whole business back in the day when mentioning even the possibility of a different build/tactic would earn you nothing but scorn, ridicule and (yes, even) hate mails. Boy have things moved along a lot since then -- for the better.
Was just merely stating a general, "total" crisis is at hand for TRs, in that the more game seems to progress, the less impact we have in any sort of way.
Stop making excuses. Be a man. If you know something to be broken, stop using it. Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
This is true in all cases. When I created it I wanted something unique, but not universal, for other players to expand on.
I'm on page 7 of the Leaderboard without R10 enchantments. I don't know how more top-end 0.01% of the playerbase I can be. Insofar I've seen some of the best players spec'd into hard hitting LB; Others into Smoke Bomb; Corrupted/Purified Black Ice; Some using Impact Shots again; Even Courage Breaker! I've proven by myself that alternative methods do work when the odds were against me. That's all I intended. And I succeeded in inspiring that diversity.
I will keep this build specialized and challenging to prevent it from becoming a META.
I had played some games using reflect, high health build playing with temporary HP and AP gain (and loaded with tenebrous), but i still feel that Corrupted build semi permanent stealth hardhiter with Impact shot/Lashing Blade, ITC and shadowstrike is the way to go. It doesn't generate as much AP as the scoundrel does, but i am frequently using "Tactics" pasive for more AP and it gets me to 15-20 seconds intervals between WB spam, but with much more punch added to it. Until the CW rules i think deflect build might not be the best of all (by the way Blue Glyphs are just irritating addition to that fact). You want to cut the CW asap. To do that you want a punch, and with perfect vorpal you are in the right spot. If the CW would not be that much present i would take purified gear with tenebrous, and scoundrel just for those sweet >10 seconds whirlwinds (which is possible when you play tactics pasive).
We are not in a bad shape, but we need some of our main features, whether they are feats or powers, to be redone and fixed, because right now, they are not acceptable as they are.
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!" pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all." looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
I just wanted to post back an update on how this build worked for me... It was really fun for PvE, since I could tank (tho poor aggro generation) and stand in the midst of mobs and laugh as they ticked me, but with PvP it was horrible 90% of the time.
I don't know if this is because of the GF reflect problems, but basically if I jumped into the middle of 3 peeps, it felt like I was fed into a buzzsaw. The reflects were insane.... my reflect procs would proc their reflect so if I attacked a few people, they could stand their and watch my life drain for 50k HP to nothing jsut from all the glyphs and GFs out there...
I want to point out, that I didn't give this build a lot of time... maybe if the devs turn down all the reflects or maybe I just wasn't playing correctly & if I L2P a bit more things might have turned around, but I went from top 10 pages to ~70, before I gave up in impotent frustration.
I went back to my WK build, but honestly all the fun of PvP is gone... everybody is reflect now & its very hard to maintain permastealth even at 27% recharge... The only reason I haven't quit yet is the glimmer of hope from the redesign... if it looks crappy I think I'm done... if I can even wait that long...
I'm not a big fan of Saboteur tree. But i really like the spirit of a High deflection+High Hp pool+Blacksmith+Fey Thistle+Purified absorption way.
With new belts/necks/Rings from the new profession, it's more easy to increase HP pool, and with the 2 enchanting slots, increase deflection from silvery high ranks enchants.
Rustlord build focus on non-critical damages and new scoundrel tree is a non-critical damages tree, as the old scoundrel, but in better.
If devs not increase survivability of TR before november 18, high deflect+HP build stay maybe a good way for scoundrels and, even for executionners ?
The way I see it, mod4 clearly shows just where the TR is at right now.
We're basically strained out here, stretched as thin as it can get in terms of performance. rust's build is a good, unique build, but it is a very acutely toned, specialized build. The amount of investment it takes is just way too high to consider it a 'universal' tactic/build type IMO.
In that sense, I don't see it really becoming something that will replace the 'traditional' perma/semi-perma builds. No disrespect to the build, nor to rustlord. No negative comments whatsoever in as to how it performs. It's just that its not something that could be widely spread and be considered a 'paradigm'.
Permas or semi-permas just don't cut it now. I know the top-level TRs are still competent, but they're like what, 0.01% of the entire population? Those are the people who'll be at the top no matter what they play, so its hardly a compliment to the class itself.
In terms of average performance, us TRs are now generally behind the item curve, behind the mod/patch curve, and we're using tactics/builds that's been around for more than a year.
We're basically dinosaurs. We've hit the end of our evolutionary line, and the great meteor is about to shake the ground.
What we need, is an evolutionary break-through. We need to evolve into birds, or else just become extinct. The perfromance, the tool's we've been given, we've exploited it as much as we can. Can't do anything more with it now. Tweaks and patches can go only so far.
We, really, need a class redesign. For instance the GF has been basically given a total redesign of how the class works, since their shield mechanic has totally changed. IMO what the TRs need is a total redesign in how the class stealths, fights, defends itself.
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
This is true in all cases. When I created it I wanted something unique, but not universal, for other players to expand on.
I'm on page 7 of the Leaderboard without R10 enchantments. I don't know how more top-end 0.01% of the playerbase I can be. Insofar I've seen some of the best players spec'd into hard hitting LB; Others into Smoke Bomb; Corrupted/Purified Black Ice; Some using Impact Shots again; Even Courage Breaker! I've proven by myself that alternative methods do work when the odds were against me. That's all I intended. And I succeeded in inspiring that diversity.
I will keep this build specialized and challenging to prevent it from becoming a META.
Apologize for the thread-jack - no offense intended.
As a matter of fact I myself hold the exact same ideal as you. That's what got me started in this whole business back in the day when mentioning even the possibility of a different build/tactic would earn you nothing but scorn, ridicule and (yes, even) hate mails. Boy have things moved along a lot since then -- for the better.
Was just merely stating a general, "total" crisis is at hand for TRs, in that the more game seems to progress, the less impact we have in any sort of way.
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
I had played some games using reflect, high health build playing with temporary HP and AP gain (and loaded with tenebrous), but i still feel that Corrupted build semi permanent stealth hardhiter with Impact shot/Lashing Blade, ITC and shadowstrike is the way to go. It doesn't generate as much AP as the scoundrel does, but i am frequently using "Tactics" pasive for more AP and it gets me to 15-20 seconds intervals between WB spam, but with much more punch added to it. Until the CW rules i think deflect build might not be the best of all (by the way Blue Glyphs are just irritating addition to that fact). You want to cut the CW asap. To do that you want a punch, and with perfect vorpal you are in the right spot. If the CW would not be that much present i would take purified gear with tenebrous, and scoundrel just for those sweet >10 seconds whirlwinds (which is possible when you play tactics pasive).
We are not in a bad shape, but we need some of our main features, whether they are feats or powers, to be redone and fixed, because right now, they are not acceptable as they are.
Ouch. Nice touch
Hit Points mate.
You even made it into a PDF!
Mod 12.5 PvP Power/Crit/Arp Optimization
Youtube channel (PvE/PvP)
Kirby Nightmare in Dream Land!
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
The build was archived here:
I don't know if this is because of the GF reflect problems, but basically if I jumped into the middle of 3 peeps, it felt like I was fed into a buzzsaw. The reflects were insane.... my reflect procs would proc their reflect so if I attacked a few people, they could stand their and watch my life drain for 50k HP to nothing jsut from all the glyphs and GFs out there...
I want to point out, that I didn't give this build a lot of time... maybe if the devs turn down all the reflects or maybe I just wasn't playing correctly & if I L2P a bit more things might have turned around, but I went from top 10 pages to ~70, before I gave up in impotent frustration.
I went back to my WK build, but honestly all the fun of PvP is gone... everybody is reflect now & its very hard to maintain permastealth even at 27% recharge... The only reason I haven't quit yet is the glimmer of hope from the redesign... if it looks crappy I think I'm done... if I can even wait that long...
There is a future for this build in mod 5 ?
With new belts/necks/Rings from the new profession, it's more easy to increase HP pool, and with the 2 enchanting slots, increase deflection from silvery high ranks enchants.
Rustlord build focus on non-critical damages and new scoundrel tree is a non-critical damages tree, as the old scoundrel, but in better.
If devs not increase survivability of TR before november 18, high deflect+HP build stay maybe a good way for scoundrels and, even for executionners ?