To OP, pvp is not a horrible scenario flooded with tons of A-holes like you mentioned. You can see it from a different perspective where pvp is actually pve with mobs of extremely high AI to some dumb no brainers. If you know how to pve and excel in it, you will have no problem doing pvp as you got a high gs and quite little skill in playing. Go try open pvp zone, although i dislike chased by 2 GWFs from pvp zone till outside the pvp area and chain-proned to death in this morning but i will still pvp. However, those who killed me is on my blacklist and i will pay them back 100 times. This is called good attitude and sportsmanship.
"You two assaulted a cleric who didn't offend you at all and just run away instead of fighting back. Then you insult him again for being killed too easily? Shut up, if you feel amazed by using 2 GWFs to gank just to successfully kill a cleric after running a quarter of the map, why not you try and roll a cleric and kill tons of GWFs??"
hexanna22Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 204Bounty Hunter
edited May 2014
Hmm just about every Event with all those tasty skins and special companions--is PVE.
I think it's fair...
And really, after the first few days of people who have to have everything yesterday, it prob wont be that hard for you to get the scrimshaw.
Heck I went with a buddy of mine and we couldn't even find ONE enemy to kill in our instance....So we switched, and tagged around with a group of people that we didn't know, and it was quite easy.
If Cryptic is listening, why not make these Vanity weapon skins available in the Zen store? You're missing out...I'd happily pay for them.
You need to reward these PVPers with exclusive vanity items. You need to reward accomplishments and goals. If you make everything available on the zen store, it would greatly diminish the value.
So yes, it is a horribly tragic idea because I (and others like me) will likely never get that gear. I would have to subject myself to the endless a-holery that transpires daily in the PvP rounds, and it simply isn't worth my mental health.
You say you actively dislike PVP, well a lot of PVPers actively dislike PVE. So where does that put us? Should Fomorian and Dread gear drop off the highest scorer in PVP matches? With your logic, PVPers should then have equal access to ALL PVE gear without having to do PVE.
If, as PvP folks are fond of saying, your PvP makes you such awesome PvE'ers as well, then obtaining all that PvE gear should not be an issue for you.
And then you go on about saying how PVPers can easily obtain PVE gear. Through what method? PLAYING PVE. So how does that entitle you to get PVP gear by not playing PVP?
kiruh71Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2014
See, I'd like to say "yeah make them PvE accessible" strictly because having PvE players in PvP leads to terrible teams and boring, one-sided matches. BUT I like the fact that if you can't hack it in a certain aspect of the game, you aren't inherently deserving of the content within that aspect of the game.
And by the way, I'm one of those PvPers that despises PvE, but guess what, I get to grind Sharandar and/or Dread Ring so that I can enjoy the Icewind Dale PvP content. Am I crying about it? No, I sucked it up, put my nose to the grind stone, and I'm getting it done.
I don't care for PvP (I suck at it terribly and when I do -rarely- make a kill it is stolen), but I think unique gear for different aspects of the game is fair Maybe if it is not BoP you can find it on AH though you'd have to ignore the Tenacity boon. If it is BoP then try to find a decent group. I did try it a few times and might even try it again in IWD just to explore.
~EDIT~ Just like a cop in uniform can help against a crime. A PvPer with gear stating they are PvPers might just help you with it. I doubt they are all a-holes. Not like they can stand over your corpse until you return only to kill you again... like in WoW
Learn to love PVP, people. In fact, your PVE skills will increase if you PVP a lot. Why? There's nothing more challenging than fighting a fellow player. They're not a program: they think, react and attack. Talk to some PVP guilds or your friends who PVP a lot, learn builds and learn which powers are most effective.
It's all fun and you'll learn to love it.
This is actually true, this coming from someone who isn't big into pvp.
However the injury on death mechanic does NOT belong in an open map pvp environment.
In Lotro for example they have a buff that disables equipment wear on death. This allows people to enjoy PvP without being discouraged by multiple deaths.
It is even worse in neverwinter. Quickly your injury kits will disappear. The casuals, and non-hardcore pvpers will stop coming to open world pvp area because they will not want to spen all their resources on injury kits. This means less density, which is bad.
You want a fun open environment where people can jump in and rumble, without slapping a huge death penalty on them. For a true pvper, their PvP stats (deaths, kills, ratio, etc) are enough of an encouragement to avoid defeat.
tang56Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2014
Suck it up buttercup. If you want PvP rewards you should PvP, just like when I want PvE rewards(or indeed, campaign progression) I have to PvE.
See, I'd like to say "yeah make them PvE accessible" strictly because having PvE players in PvP leads to terrible teams and boring, one-sided matches. BUT I like the fact that if you can't hack it in a certain aspect of the game, you aren't inherently deserving of the content within that aspect of the game.
And by the way, I'm one of those PvPers that despises PvE, but guess what, I get to grind Sharandar and/or Dread Ring so that I can enjoy the Icewind Dale PvP content. Am I crying about it? No, I sucked it up, put my nose to the grind stone, and I'm getting it done.
You'd do it anyway for the stats the boons give you Pvpers have to grab every advantage they can get.
Learn to love PVP, people. In fact, your PVE skills will increase if you PVP a lot. Why? There's nothing more challenging than fighting a fellow player. They're not a program: they think, react and attack. Talk to some PVP guilds or your friends who PVP a lot, learn builds and learn which powers are most effective.
It's all fun and you'll learn to love it.
Totally agreed. I find doing PvE much easier after I PvP alots. The only challenge I faced in the older PvE contents are Boss with "unlimited" respawn adds. :rolleyes:
You say you actively dislike PVP, well a lot of PVPers actively dislike PVE. So where does that put us? Should Fomorian and Dread gear drop off the highest scorer in PVP matches? With your logic, PVPers should then have equal access to ALL PVE gear without having to do PVE.
If you do not like PvE ... what are you doing in this game anyway?
Nope. Over the course of seven years of various MMO's and I still rabidly hate PvP as much as ever. It has nothing to do with the system, either...I am good at figuring out what works. It is because the vast majority of hardcore PvPer's are A-HOLES. Plain and simple. It brings out the worst in people and even in small doses it makes my blood pressure rise. So no thank you, I'll happily abstain and be satisfied with the gear available to me out here in PvE land.
you are not alone with that opinion.
Just look at the flames of hate when someone dares to go AFK in a PvP domination match ...
If you do not like PvE ... what are you doing in this game anyway?
I was not talking about myself specifically on that post, but I will talk about what some of the PVPers in this game feel.
They used to be PVE players, high end ones. However, the past 2 dungeons, the past 2 modules introduced crappy crappy PVE rewards. The dailies are too grindy and a burden. Valindra's Tower and Castle Malabog give people little incentive to go back to them due to the BOP stuff. Why would a lot of people even bother going back?
Castle Never is the last bastion unfortunately, it was the last bastion for the past 12 months. Give players a new dungeon that is actually worth running after the first 2 weeks, and you'll see a lot of these PVP players go back to PVE.
While I understand your Point of View, I loathe pvp as well, why shouldn't there be some sort of vanity reward for doing pvp?
It takes time and effort and the people that like it should be able to distinguish themselves just as the people who like and do the high level top tier dungeons can distinguish themselves with there gear and the people that do all those mindlessly repetitive daily grind quests can distinguish themselves.
And it should be kept completely separate from PvE, just like it has been up to this point!
Therefore the developers are FORCING ME to do task Y.
Uh...No. No they are not. Your desire for item X is what is what is driving you to do Y. You're going to have to decide if you WANT item X so much that you're willing to do Y to get it. That's no one's dilemma but your own--and no one is forcing you to choose either way.
Wrong! The only thing PvE players want is to be completely separated from PvP. Get a clue. We don't like it, we don't want to participate in it, and we don't want to hear the obnoxious trash talk constantly from people who are pay to win sociopaths!
Learn to love PVP, people. In fact, your PVE skills will increase if you PVP a lot. Why? There's nothing more challenging than fighting a fellow player. They're not a program: they think, react and attack. Talk to some PVP guilds or your friends who PVP a lot, learn builds and learn which powers are most effective.
It's all fun and you'll learn to love it.
When will you ganksters understand that most PvE players want nothing to do with PvP. It is disgusting, sociopathic behavior!
Wrong! The only thing PvE players want is to be completely separated from PvP. Get a clue. We don't like it, we don't want to participate in it, and we don't want to hear the obnoxious trash talk constantly from people who are pay to win sociopaths!
Okay. I get that most of them act obnoxious and trash talking comes with the territory for a lot of them. I don't think most of them are P2W players though. Their halfling alt toons might be. But a lot of these PVP players have conquered PVE. They switched to PVP because endgame PVE is neither challenging nor rewarding (cough Valindra's Tower and Malabog Castle cough)
Okay. I get that most of them act obnoxious and trash talking comes with the territory for a lot of them. I don't think most of them are P2W players though. Their halfling alt toons might be. But a lot of these PVP players have conquered PVE. They switched to PVP because endgame PVE is neither challenging nor rewarding (cough Valindra's Tower and Malabog Castle cough)
Really??? How do you think they got a handful of purple pets with their active bonus!
Really??? How do you think they got a handful of purple pets with their active bonus!
By farming castle never for weeks last year? Like I said, a lot of these PVP players were the best PVE players who quit due to crappy rewards/challenges
Also, realize that PVP domination doesn't allow pets so your claim is not necessarily applicable to all
Wow, all PVPers are sociopaths now? That's a huge generalization.
Although saying that PVE players don't want to get mixed with PVPers is also another generalization. there's tons of people (probably the majority of players that do a bit of both.
Second, if PVE has its own rewards, why can't pvp have its own rewards too?
Wrong! The only thing PvE players want is to be completely separated from PvP. Get a clue. We don't like it, we don't want to participate in it, and we don't want to hear the obnoxious trash talk constantly from people who are pay to win sociopaths!
You speak for every single PvE player in the game right? If you don't want to be ganked, don't enter the PvP zone. There are plenty of BI nodes outside that area.
BUT. If you want the PvP specific rewards, then tough luck, it's only right and fair that PvP has it's own unique rewards just like PvE(see, dungeons, every CTA ever, etc).
When will you ganksters understand that most PvE players want nothing to do with PvP. It is disgusting, sociopathic behavior!
There are plenty of games out there with very easy PvE that anyone with a pulse can do (I'm assuming you have a pulse... But not much else) that do not have PvP. This includes MMOs and single player adventures!
Bye! Best of luck!
P.S. We have to do your ****ty PvE to get our boons and whatnot, don't hear us complaining do you?
"You two assaulted a cleric who didn't offend you at all and just run away instead of fighting back. Then you insult him again for being killed too easily? Shut up, if you feel amazed by using 2 GWFs to gank just to successfully kill a cleric after running a quarter of the map, why not you try and roll a cleric and kill tons of GWFs??"
I think it's fair...
And really, after the first few days of people who have to have everything yesterday, it prob wont be that hard for you to get the scrimshaw.
Heck I went with a buddy of mine and we couldn't even find ONE enemy to kill in our instance....So we switched, and tagged around with a group of people that we didn't know, and it was quite easy.
You need to reward these PVPers with exclusive vanity items. You need to reward accomplishments and goals. If you make everything available on the zen store, it would greatly diminish the value.
You say you actively dislike PVP, well a lot of PVPers actively dislike PVE. So where does that put us? Should Fomorian and Dread gear drop off the highest scorer in PVP matches? With your logic, PVPers should then have equal access to ALL PVE gear without having to do PVE.
And then you go on about saying how PVPers can easily obtain PVE gear. Through what method? PLAYING PVE. So how does that entitle you to get PVP gear by not playing PVP?
And by the way, I'm one of those PvPers that despises PvE, but guess what, I get to grind Sharandar and/or Dread Ring so that I can enjoy the Icewind Dale PvP content. Am I crying about it? No, I sucked it up, put my nose to the grind stone, and I'm getting it done.
~EDIT~ Just like a cop in uniform can help against a crime. A PvPer with gear stating they are PvPers might just help you with it. I doubt they are all a-holes. Not like they can stand over your corpse until you return only to kill you again... like in WoW
This is actually true, this coming from someone who isn't big into pvp.
However the injury on death mechanic does NOT belong in an open map pvp environment.
In Lotro for example they have a buff that disables equipment wear on death. This allows people to enjoy PvP without being discouraged by multiple deaths.
It is even worse in neverwinter. Quickly your injury kits will disappear. The casuals, and non-hardcore pvpers will stop coming to open world pvp area because they will not want to spen all their resources on injury kits. This means less density, which is bad.
You want a fun open environment where people can jump in and rumble, without slapping a huge death penalty on them. For a true pvper, their PvP stats (deaths, kills, ratio, etc) are enough of an encouragement to avoid defeat.
You'd do it anyway for the stats the boons give you
Jugger Conq GF
Totally agreed. I find doing PvE much easier after I PvP alots. The only challenge I faced in the older PvE contents are Boss with "unlimited" respawn adds. :rolleyes:
Ebony (Whisperknife)
Just look at the flames of hate when someone dares to go AFK in a PvP domination match ...
Simple yet eloquent, proverbial "hit the nail on its head".
You want something done, do it. Don't beg for it.
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
I was not talking about myself specifically on that post, but I will talk about what some of the PVPers in this game feel.
They used to be PVE players, high end ones. However, the past 2 dungeons, the past 2 modules introduced crappy crappy PVE rewards. The dailies are too grindy and a burden. Valindra's Tower and Castle Malabog give people little incentive to go back to them due to the BOP stuff. Why would a lot of people even bother going back?
Castle Never is the last bastion unfortunately, it was the last bastion for the past 12 months. Give players a new dungeon that is actually worth running after the first 2 weeks, and you'll see a lot of these PVP players go back to PVE.
Most people in the game want nothing to do with pvp!
And it should be kept completely separate from PvE, just like it has been up to this point!
The pirate costume is merely cosmetic. It is neither integral to any content nor does it affect game balance one bit
Wrong! The only thing PvE players want is to be completely separated from PvP. Get a clue. We don't like it, we don't want to participate in it, and we don't want to hear the obnoxious trash talk constantly from people who are pay to win sociopaths!
When will you ganksters understand that most PvE players want nothing to do with PvP. It is disgusting, sociopathic behavior!
Okay. I get that most of them act obnoxious and trash talking comes with the territory for a lot of them. I don't think most of them are P2W players though. Their halfling alt toons might be. But a lot of these PVP players have conquered PVE. They switched to PVP because endgame PVE is neither challenging nor rewarding (cough Valindra's Tower and Malabog Castle cough)
Really??? How do you think they got a handful of purple pets with their active bonus!
By farming castle never for weeks last year? Like I said, a lot of these PVP players were the best PVE players who quit due to crappy rewards/challenges
Also, realize that PVP domination doesn't allow pets so your claim is not necessarily applicable to all
Although saying that PVE players don't want to get mixed with PVPers is also another generalization. there's tons of people (probably the majority of players that do a bit of both.
Second, if PVE has its own rewards, why can't pvp have its own rewards too?
You speak for every single PvE player in the game right? If you don't want to be ganked, don't enter the PvP zone. There are plenty of BI nodes outside that area.
BUT. If you want the PvP specific rewards, then tough luck, it's only right and fair that PvP has it's own unique rewards just like PvE(see, dungeons, every CTA ever, etc).
Or you could learn to not be terrible at PvP.... I would recommend that.
There are plenty of games out there with very easy PvE that anyone with a pulse can do (I'm assuming you have a pulse... But not much else) that do not have PvP. This includes MMOs and single player adventures!
Bye! Best of luck!
P.S. We have to do your ****ty PvE to get our boons and whatnot, don't hear us complaining do you?