rickcase276Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,404Arc User
edited March 2014
1. I do not PVP, so nothing really excites me about it
2. 100% PVE
3. More relevant (i.e. to your level) rewards in gear/enchants, or even random unique gear
4. Not really a problem with that
5. keys mostly and character slots. would buy companions/ mounts if they were a little cheaper and too if the companions were for the entire account characters like mounts
6. New zones to travel in, new boons, new content. I do not care about the PVP zones, and hope that the boons/rewards from it are not significantly different than those in the PVE area.
7. I would make a Druid then a Paladin. I would also rework the GF to make it more viable in all content situations, even morph it into a paladin, maybe
8. I would reduce the amount of XP you get from the foundry, skirmishes etc. But I would increase the XP from the dungeons, that way more people would do them as they are leveling
9. Running a lair with 4 clerics and a control wizard. It was funny to see 4 astral shields down at the same time.
10. The RNG drop rate is one thing that would make me walk away, especially for things that are character bound (and really should not be i.e. artifacts)
Bonus: I would love to see artifacts that are based on our choices of Gods. Make a quest related to each God to receive the artifact. It would give more flavor and more of a decision on the gods we choose. Now it is really just whatever choice, as it makes little to no difference which god we have.
Didn't/Don't care about it. I only PVP enough to meet Rhix's daily requirement & my only interest is getting it over with as quickly as possible.
2. PvP Before and After.
D. I don't enjoy PVP and don't see that changing, participation will be kept to the minimum amount to meat daily quest requirements
3. The Foundry.
Maybe add some relevant loot for L60 or somehow make give the capacity for branching storylines. My guild (only 5 of us) had some fun with foundry quests before we were at level cap but interest quickly fell away from it. The useless loot, linearity, and generally being even easier than other content just wasn't as attractive once capped.
4. The Rotation.
I mostly play with a small group of local friends, only 5 of us in the guild with limited but elastic play times. This hasn't been much of an issue for us, when we have a night we can get together we've usually been able to work with the cycle of the dungeon delves.
5. Neverwinter is F2P.
Well, I don't and can't foresee ever paying anything for neverwinter. That said, my guildmates haven't been nearly as shy. Companions were probably the biggest draw for my friends. Mounts, keys, enchantments, and zen for the exchange market all saw money spent. The only thing I can think of they seemed hesitant to spend money on was more storage space.
6. Icewind Dale.
Honestly nothing I've read sounds really exciting. Sounds like a new campaign area that will quickly become nothing more than reflexive like the others. New PvP content isn't attractive to someone who finds no entertainment in PVP.
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.
Monk, beyond that I'm not particularly inclined to one class or another. I've yet to play trickster rogue but beyond that I'm OK with most classes. The only thing that particularly strikes me as wrong is what is expected of a guardian fighter at end game, becoming an add kiter is about as far from being a tank as I can imagine.
8. Character Progression.
Neverwinter has extremely quick level progression, with limited end game content too boot. It seems like a bad combo offhand, especially for someone like me who's spent way too much time playing with end game raiding guilds since the days of Neverwinter. Except this is first game I've been able to play with my local friends in which we could all manage to stay at the same level range and play through the all the PVE content together. 5 of us with greatly mismatched video gaming skill sets finally landed in an MMO we got to play together, something we've been trying to do since Everquest. I think the game's current pace had a lot to do with that.
9. What's the most fun you had...
Playing through the game with long time local friends.
10. #1 concern.
I could be wrong here but it seems like just about everything in this game can be bought with cash one way or another which for me ends up cheapening the experience, makes me less interested in repeat plays of content, and completely shuts down my will to spend any money on the game although I will admit if my guildmates are any close judge of the population I am the odd man out in this respect.
So far so good, not a huge pvper so I'll leave it at that.
2. PvP Before and After.
Some classes are feeling the changes more then others.
3. The Foundry.
I think some of Foundry missions are pretty fun, but there is no draw to play them. The item rewards at the end are trash. Sometimes I can get a bunch of stones and ID scrolls which is nice, and the daily AD, but when its not from Lord Neverember I don't bother.
4. The Rotation.
Kinda hate it, to long in-between dungeon delve, and to short on GG pvp. I hope the dungeon key help fix dungeons and lets people go to get gear when they have the time rather then try and cram it in.
5. Neverwinter is F2P.
I've bought some retraining tokens, the Ioun Stone companion and keys before, but I will be limiting my spending to just retrain tokens for now, nothing else seems useful for the price. I'd spend some money on a race change token if wasn't stupidly expensive, like something in 5-10 dollar (US) range sounds ok.
I'd like to see things like mounts, bank slots, bags and companions to be account wide rather character bound. They are to expensive to justify spending that much money for one character.
Also way do I have to spend real money on bank slots and bags for my character that really pisses me off actually.
6. Icewind Dale.
Looks cool, can make a better judgment call on it when it comes out.
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.
Personally, I'd like to have a dual wielding fighter class, so Tempest Fighter. As for another class, maybe Paladin or Bard, actually I'll go with Bard another support (healing/buffing) class is always welcomed.
TR and HR fall pretty flat on the dual wielding weapons front to me. Both classes seem pretty shoehorned into one thing only. HR are way better at range, their melee needs a buff and TR if you're not prema-stealth you're doing it wrong.
GF need some loving, more threat/damage I guess, not to sure people with more experience in them then me can flesh them out.
CW seem like they need to be more forced on control and less on DPS.
GWF, I love my GWF but if I had to make changes to him I'd give up some tankyness for more damage. I feel they should be a tough DPS rather then taking over the tank role like they are now.
8. Character Progression.
I'm fine with it being fast, but I'd like dungeons and skirmish to give more EXP.
9. What's the most fun you had...
The storyline, partying up with guildies, and getting to beat down giants.
10. #1 feature.
Class balance, bugs, exploits, and really bad drop rates.
Class balance, class balance, class balance. All the classes should be useful in end game dungeons rather then just 2, sometimes 3. I'd really like a reason to bring GF, HR, and TR to dungeons with me other then they are part of guild/friends and I feel sorry for them or need them for some cheap tactic.
1. The "PvP Patch".
I could care less about this pvp patch with HD and Tenacity. I don't pvp that much, but when I do, I just do it for the daily.
2. PvP Before and After.
I almost always do dungeons and other PVE content, but as mentioned above, I only pvp for the dailies
3. The Foundry.
No offense, but I really don't care much for the Foundry. I never do it and will never in the future.
4. The Rotation.
I like the rotation established right now. I understand there's 6 hours worth of events so it divides evenly into 24 and that would mean the same event for each hour everyday. I like that you try to keep the rotation interesting by repeating some events.
5. Neverwinter is F2P.
I have boughten some things from the zen shop including a mount, a stone and a decent amount of keys. I will never buy any other companion besides the stone and MAYBE the Galeb Duhr because of all the good things I hear about it.
6. Icewind Dale.
I am extremely excited for this new module. Even though I don't necessarily like pvp, I will participate in the new pvp aspects introduced.
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.
I would really like to see another tank and healer introduced. I've heard about possibly a Druid or paladin coming eventually and I think hose would suit perfectly.
2 classes I would renovate are the GF (this one needs it the most) and probably the CW. GF I just very lackluster in PVE and only decent in PVP. I'd like to see them with better agro control and new and improved abilities. The CW needs some of its abilities nerfed in damage because they deal way too much of it.
8. Character Progression.
I really like the leveling system in Neverwinter. It's very fast paced and gets you to max level as fast as possible. However, I've heard complaints about how fast it is and maybe we should implement a system where you could purposefully lower the expierience gained. But make sure to add some quests to compensate.
9. What's the most fun you had...
I always have the most fun fighting bosses in dungeons, ESPECIALLY Fulminorax the dragon and Valindra. Those fights are always so exhilarating.
10. #1 feature.
The feature that repels me the most is the lack of endgame content. Don't get me wrong, I like the endgame content, it's just we get a dungeon and then spend the next 4-5 months farming it. And what happens when we're done farming the gear or whatever we want?
Same thin with the campaigns.
One thing that I would absolutely love is Raiding. Whether it's 10 man or 40 man, I'd really love to be in a raid.
1. The "PvP Patch". - I've participated in 5v5 matches every time now. No one else leaves anymore. I was the idiot playing 1v5 and reporting AFKs a long time ago. I'm now very happy.
2. PvP Before and After. - I'd have to answer (puts on sunglasses) ... D & D ... YEEEAAAAHHH! But seriously, it's the same.. I'm currently working on catching up with a main and 2 ALTS.
3. The Foundry. - I think I'd try to have a go at the Foundry if there were better story structuring tools and the WYSIWYG interface was easier for novices to navigate. I haven't looked at it in months, though.
4. The Rotation. - I like it as it is. The keys will make scheduling 'raid time' even easier than ever before.
5. Neverwinter is F2P. - I like it as it is. I'm working on getting my toons in a position to farm content that others will buy from auction; otherwise I just load ZEN. I've spent hundreds of dollars supporting the developers. I'm still only around a 10.5K gear score so I would definitely say this game is not Pay-To-Win.
6. Icewind Dale. - Having never read the books, I must say I am excited about the storyline.
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update. - Oh man, I have no idea. I only have one extra character slot left. PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE!
8. Character Progression. - If anything, I'd lower the XP gain. By the time I'm in the Chasm, I'm pushing the level cutoffs in every queue and I am only talking about PvE progression. Why should I get so much XP just for meeting someone?
9. What's the most fun you had... - I didn't know there was such a thing.
10. #1 feature. - When I walked away 6 months ago, I was pissed off about the Gauntlegrym exploits being unaddressed and the AFK PvP. It appears that everything I didn't like about the game has been resolved. I'm back, baby!
Bonus: ONE THING. - I am currently frustrated by the text box I am typing in right now; it can't keep up with my speed and misses key presses CNSTANTY!!
Master of Monsters - Caturday Survivor 2013 - Master Scryer
1. The "PvP Patch". The most recent patch includes Class balance issues, bug fixes, and the largest PvP update ever. Are you excited about PvP additions to the game such as Tenacity, Healing Depression, Leaver Penalties, and Matchmaking, Epic and rare PvP gear?
I like the majority of the additions. The one I have mixed feelings about is PvP gear. Game development-wise they serve as a carrot to make players want to PvP (have goals to reach). The tiered PvP gear system though introduces the gear factor into PvP, reducing the player skill factor and causes new players to give up in utter frustration when they're pitted against fully decked players. Additionally it becomes almost impossible for them to catch up as they need wins that they can't get unless they're lucky enough to end up in a decked party versus the opposite. This in turn causes a decline in PvP participation. Gear has always been the bane of all PvP systems.
A flat reduction in damage, control power duration etc etc when vs player and other kinds of rewards for pvp (like quests with Astral Diamonds (not a single daily), mounts, unique costumes etc etc would be so much better than having PvP gear. It would provide the balance that Tenacity brings and the carrot without the nasty side-effects of PvP gear.
The rest of the changes were absolutely needed but this one not so much.
I will have to see the new PvP Campaign system though. If it allows new players to gather tokens for PvP gear without "winning" fights, perhaps things will work out.
2. PvP Before and After. From your perspective, how much time do you spend PvPing now, compared to how much time you see yourself PvPing in the future, post PvP update? Will the update change your current habits and why?
Playtimes currently:
a. 100% PvE
b. 100% PvP
c. 50%-50% PvE - PvP
d. PvE mostly, dabble in PvP
e. PvP mostly, dabble in PvE
f. Im a FOUNDRY designer first. PvE or PvP when I have time.
I will continue to PVP because I enjoy PvP in anyway possible. I'm a 75% PvP/ 25% PVE player. Repetitive PVE content becomes boring for me after a while. The human opponent is always the endgame for me. The changes will not affect my playstyle anyhow but my answer above covers what I think about it. Perhaps my opinion is somewhat biased due to being an indie game/software developer and having a background of studying such systems for more than 2 decades but you're asking for opinions so there it is.
3. The Foundry. Let's not fool ourselves. After heavy Foundry promotion pre-game launch, we have seen few updates, besides sound fixes and a few bugs. The UGC dreamweavers have spoken, "The Foundry NEEDS SOME LOVE!" If you were in charge of an upcoming major Foundry update, in 5 sentences or less, please describe what changes you would make to spur the player community's interest in designing, and/or playing custom generated content in Neverwinter.
I have only dabbled with the Foundry for like 10 hours. I had a lore based concept in mind but I found the editor somewhat limiting so I dropped it for "later". I would like to see boss encounters made possible and more powerful scripting system in general. Also I would love to see the ability to use a premade map as a template to load and completely edit the geometry at will. Right now, I believe if you load a premade map you're stuck with it as it is. My experience with it is limited though so I may have not figured some things about it.
4. The Rotation. I've heard quite a few guild leaders' frustrations with the Rotation over many months. They speak of difficulty in scheduling weekly content for their guildies, and long deadzones of inaction in between delve slots. Has your guild managed to work around the rotation? Or do you actually like the rotation? Are you looking forward to the key system upcoming? How do you see this helping guilds out there that have these concerns? In 5 sentences or less, please.
I actually like the rotation. It gives you incentive to do other things than grind dungeons all day long. I personally hate "Raiding" systems with a passion and I'm glad there is no such thing on Neverwinter. The key system sounds great for those that need gear and can't make the rotation times work, or guilds that only want to do dungeons etc.
5. Neverwinter is F2P. Cryptic makes a living off the cash shop. What items do you pay for in the cash shop? What items you absolutely will not pay for? What item(s), if lowered in price, would you potentially buy?
I would pay for companions, mounts and vanity items if they were a lot cheaper. I would not pay 3500 zen for a single companion. I would pay 4000 zen for 8 though. Right now I'm not buying those items at all so I'm not spending. I could be spending more than requested if the prices were cheaper. That's my point. The majority of players I know agree to this/share the same mentality.
6. Online Ranked Siren Backlash. Akar Kessell and Crenshinibon. The anagram sparked one of the most popular threads in recent Neverwinter forum history. What are the top 3 things you are looking forward to in the new Icewind Dale update? Any parts you don't care about?
Those and the lore stuff and the top of my list although the update in general looks very very nice. I don't see anything that I wouldn't care for in the announced changes.
7. You have been hired once again by Cryptic to produce a mod, this time pegged to design two new classes by Q4 2014, and enhance the current classes. What two classes will you pick, and what changes/additions would you make to any of the current classes?
Changes to current classes:
One. Further more character design diversity. More skills, more synergies, more combinations. Allow player to design/customize the class further more according to his playstyle. Diversity. D&D is known for just that. The ability
to create very custom characters etc. Bring the game closer to that. My personal all time favorite character design system in an MMO, was (and now that I think of it, still is) Anarchy Online's.
8. You are asked to look at the XP Curve in relation to character level progression. Would increasing xp needed to level make your character's journey feel more fun? Would you be able to run more quests, such as Foundry missions, without skipping any of the storyline content?
No. Period. XP grinding is not fun. At all. One thing that is very very good about Neverwinter is that it doesn't have a huge xp grind. You follow a nice progression through the areas doing quests that is just about right in size. Don't touch it. If you want players doing Foundry missions, give better tools to the Foundry authors and more freedom. Let them make a REAL dungeon. Or a deep involving campaign. Let them do their thing. If they can create "Epic" stuff, all you have to do is expose it to the player. Advertise it to the player and the player will certainly jump on it because it would be great. Unless they're not interested in PVE content of course. Also better loot drops in Foundry missions would also help. Even if it's vanity stuff. For example make costumes etc that drop only in Foundry missions. Make foundry missions have a 1/1000 chance of dropping an Enchanted Key...something. Give incentive. I play foundry missions from time to time because there are some really good ones out there. Very creative. But different players want different stuff. Some want loot, some want challenging combat, others want storylines, etc etc.
Bottomline: Give the tools to the authors to make them and enrich the loot tables with something unique.
9. Neverwinter is Social fare. What's the most fun you had to date in Neverwinter?
Walking around in one of my 6 alts, a dwarf GF, dressed like a hippy and riding a unicorn..
10. In one sentence please name the #1 feature/concern that you dislike to the point of possibly walking away from Neverwinter? Or, name one feature that you love about the game enough, that you see yourself playing Neverwinter for many years to come.
Not that I would walk away from Neverwinter because I do like the game but what I dislike to no end is character appearance/morphing system produces characters that look all the same no matter what you tweak.
Bonus Question: Name ONE THING you'd love to see added or improved in Neverwinter before the end of 2014. Come on... just One Thing!!
1. The "PvP Patch".
The leaver penality helped a lot, most of the game are played till the end finaly! Tenacity work as intended, still have to work the class around and fix some bug but all in all a perfect adittion. Gears are awesome, nice choice of different build. Matchmaking work like a charme better and better every day. This patch tho made the rogue quit weird... The non perma is even more powerfull due to his defense and the old one (burst damage rogue) is even weaker due to all the nerf made to his damage.
2. PvP Before and After.
C- 50/50 (before and after)
3. The Foundry.
What is the foundry? (just kidding but i dont do foundry nor do i do foundry quest)
4. The Rotation.
We have a very populated guild and very diversified player that are realy dedicated to the guild we have more and more player going into Gautlgrymm since the new patch and it make the guild way more active in between the delves.
5. Neverwinter is F2P.
I mostly buy keys from the zen store. Would love to buy more pets and mount to build up my collection but they are expensive and require lot of farming to get that many zen. I dont mind putting real money in the game but i aint gonna pay 40$ for a companion...
6. Icewind Dale.
I SIMPLY CANT WAIT! More boons is quite weird tho, we already clear content way to fast with the strengh given to us... Cant wait to see open world pvp....
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.
PSYON!!!!! Would LOVE to see this class.. never seen before in any mmorpg.. Please cryptic!!!!!
The other one i couldn't care much, please just do not do a paladin.
8. Character Progression.
You can already do lot of froundry/pvp while progressing to me, and nothing prevent you from finishing story line after lvl 60. The progression is just perfect as it is.
9. What's the most fun you had...
Guild community is what bring the best of this game. The content is nice all in all but w/o my people it wouldn't be the same.
10. #1 feature.
The customer support ticket system... These agent need some civility. They close ticket w/o even answering hopping you only check your mail.. Hoping you dont check the website to see a ''solved'' ticket that was not supossed to be solved as they did not answer it... that game is amazing, the compagny that work with the support of the game need a drastic change.
More DD dungeon!!!
Founder back a week ago, already pissed by cryptic ''no roll back'' decision
1. The "PvP Patch". The most recent patch includes Class balance issues, bug fixes, and the largest PvP update ever. Are you excited about PvP additions to the game such as Tenacity, Healing Depression, Leaver Penalties, and Matchmaking, Epic and rare PvP gear?
I have no interest in PVP. IF you want true PVP, give two characters the same stats and a stick. Repeat as necessary. That is true balanced PVP. Otherwise, its just complaining about "balance" that will never come.
2. PvP Before and After. From your perspective, how much time do you spend PvPing now, compared to how much time you see yourself PvPing in the future, post PvP update? Will the update change your current habits and why?
I play no PVP. No interest at all, other than to get the artifact...which makes me sad just to queue up PVP...which has literally been 5 times since beta.
Playtimes currently:
a. 100% PvE
3. The Foundry. Let's not fool ourselves. After heavy Foundry promotion pre-game launch, we have seen few updates, besides sound fixes and a few bugs. The UGC dreamweavers have spoken, "The Foundry NEEDS SOME LOVE!" If you were in charge of an upcoming major Foundry update, in 5 sentences or less, please describe what changes you would make to spur the player community's interest in designing, and/or playing custom generated content in Neverwinter.
No comment on Foundaries. I have played a few but I don't feel competent to discuss it as a designer.
4. The Rotation. I've heard quite a few guild leaders' frustrations with the Rotation over many months. They speak of difficulty in scheduling weekly content for their guildies, and long deadzones of inaction in between delve slots. Has your guild managed to work around the rotation? Or do you actually like the rotation? Are you looking forward to the key system upcoming? How do you see this helping guilds out there that have these concerns? In 5 sentences or less, please.
5. Neverwinter is F2P. Cryptic makes a living off the cash shop. What items do you pay for in the cash shop? What items you absolutely will not pay for? What item(s), if lowered in price, would you potentially buy?
I mostly buy pres wards and sometimes a companion. I will not buy mounts but I do use the free ones that will drop in the game sometimes.
6. Online Ranked Siren Backlash. Akar Kessell and Crenshinibon. The anagram sparked one of the most popular threads in recent Neverwinter forum history. What are the top 3 things you are looking forward to in the new Icewind Dale update? Any parts you don't care about?
No comment
7. You have been hired once again by Cryptic to produce a mod, this time pegged to design two new classes by Q4 2014, and enhance the current classes. What two classes will you pick, and what changes/additions would you make to any of the current classes?
Anything for the guardian fighter
8. You are asked to look at the XP Curve in relation to character level progression. Would increasing xp needed to level make your character's journey feel more fun? Would you be able to run more quests, such as Foundry missions, without skipping any of the storyline content?
Yes increase the time to level.
9. Neverwinter is Social fare. What's the most fun you had to date in Neverwinter?
When my friends would play with me. My RL friends all hate this game now.
10. In one sentence please name the #1 feature/concern that you dislike to the point of possibly walking away from Neverwinter? Or, name one feature that you love about the game enough, that you see yourself playing Neverwinter for many years to come.
Any reliance on PVP for items for my PVE progression or any way to make me PVP, I will leave in a hot second.
Bonus Question: Name ONE THING you'd love to see added or improved in Neverwinter before the end of 2014. Come on... just One Thing!!
WHAT HAPPENED TO GNOMES!!!! Dangit they are a viable race but we get drago born, half minotaurs, blah blah blah...why was the gnome kicked out as a race???
1. The "PvP Patch".
Healing depression is extremely unfair on clerics. For higher end teams, without healing is ok, but low to medium teams with less than 15k GS suffer... My major character is a 15k DC. I see people die around me all the time not being able to help. Also, I can't keep myself up as well as before the patch. GWF with 12 GS can easily take me down (I am not the most skillful player but I am more skillful than most people I met in pvp).
Tenacity is a good stat. I really appreciate this change. However, it is kind of a waste when I have to keep two sets of armors in my bag. Oh, not just 2, but 3, since some teams want MH for healing and others want HP for debuffing. It would be nice if tenacity can be purchased as an add-on and appended to the current armor. I would anticipate that this could cause some problems with balance or other aspects, but I am sure players will come up with better ideas over time.
Leaver penalties are working for some, but not for everyone. I personally do not care about leaver penalty. Better pvp experience is the factor that keeps people in the match.
Match making is working fine sometimes and not some other times. I am not sure the reason... but it definitely works better than having nothing at all.
I have not tried rare pvp gears. The epic ones for DCs work better than MH in pvp, but those for CWs are not worth it at all. I would just hope the set bonus for DCs can be reworked to increase damage or CC resistance instead of increasing healing. Since healing depression and righteousness makes the bonus completely useless. For squishes, damage increase would be nicer instead of stacking tenacity. I've tried with T1 pvp gear and compared with HV and the former does not match with the later, not even close.
2. PvP Before and After.
Playtimes currently: e. PvP mostly, dabble in PvE
I would say the latest changes in pvp rewards are awesome. I love the idea of new gears to try out. I am grinding pvp to get my profound gears now, but I'm not sure if I would play pvp more after I got my gear. I really look forward to balance rework in Module three and open map pvp. Among the current pvp options, GG pvp is the one that I definitely do not want to miss. Five men pvp is dominated by GWF and HR. CWs are absolutely miserable.
3. The Foundry.
As many other players suggested, giving foundry some unique awards would help attract more players. There are many posts on this already and I found many of them quite intriguing, like unique items for transmutation and unique potions.
4. The Rotation.
I personally have no big problem with the rotation. I just hope that the professions events can be replaced by something else or get rid off as it does not give anything, or at least anything noticeable. I have tried killing mobs and looting skill nodes. None of them yield anything new.
5. Neverwinter is F2P.
I think unique items for people who pay would work. The stone of radiance offering was very attractive, but I would suggest, as many players have already done so, to make the offer available to everyone. I assure you that you will see many people who have been playing for free would love to have it.
6. Online Ranked Siren Backlash. Akar Kessell and Crenshinibon.
I look forward to all the new changes in pvp as I mentioned before. Regarding pve, I hope some boss mechanism that require collaboration more than insanely high gs would attract me more. GS has kept many people out of the high end dungeons. This may make more people to pay for better gears, but some may leave the game when they see no hope of advancing.
7. New classes
I have no opinion on new classes. I hope the existing ones can be balanced better before any new ones come out.
8. XP Curve
Leveling has not been a pleasant experience for me because it was way too fast. It makes reaching end game the only thing I was looking forward to and I wore really bad gears throughout leveling. Also, low level pvp is very unfair even with the level scaling since 9 levels are a great gap between gears that people use. Level 11s against Level 19s are usually a landslide even with the scaling.
9. Neverwinter is Social fare. What's the most fun you had to date in Neverwinter?
Running dungeons and pvping with guildies. Also, meeting some good pugs. I have two suggestions for further improving experiences in this.
First, give guilds a communal place where members can stay, like a guild hall in a building or a cave somewhere in the wild. Right now, there is no sense of community in a physical sense in guilds. It would be even better if you can offer some guild specific activities such as raids and dailies for people in a guild.
Second, to increase the chances of finding good pugs and not flooding the lfg clat that many people have complained about, please rework the find party panel by: (a) Only include parties that are actually looking for new members. Please make this adjustable in the "my party" panel; (b) make parties showing up in the "find party" panel include all parties looking for members worldwide; and (c) Allow party leaders to specify the class and minimal gs she wants on her team.
10. In one sentence please name the #1 feature/concern that you dislike to the point of possibly walking away from Neverwinter?
Game-breaking mechanisms such as five GWFs can take over the world in pvp... Unless is one with 10k gs fighting a 14k gs team, even one gwf can stand for quite a while against five men.
Bonus Question
I would love to see raids of some kind.
1. The "PvP Patch".
In my experience, PvP has been much more engaging since the recent changes. I've had fun matches before the patch, but now they are more frequent.
2. PvP Before and After.
PvE mostly, dabble in PvP
I'll probably PvP as much as before, if not a little more once Mod 3 is released.
3. The Foundry.
If the Foundry could support quest objectives that weren't so linear, I think it would be more enjoyable for players and designers.
4. The Rotation.
I don't have much of an opinion on this other than I'm really looking forward to the upcoming key system.
5. Neverwinter is F2P.
So far, I've bought character slots, bags, keys, and the occasional dye. I'm not averse to buying most things in the Zen shop, it's just a matter of saving up.
6. Icewind Dale.
I'm always up for new content, whatever it may be.
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.
I'd like to see a druid class...maybe a bard class. I'm not that picky, but I definitely want more.
8. Character Progression.
I think leveling may be a little too fast.
9. What's the most fun you had...
Several things come to mind...winning a 1 on 1 against the same class in PvP is pretty satisfying. A well coordinated attack in a skirmish or dungeon always makes me smile, too.
10. #1 feature.
There's nothing I dislike enough to make me consider walking away. In general, the thing I love most about Neverwinter is the combat.
The ability to unbind things, or at the very least, to make things account bound.
1. I like the update very much, but there is still work to be done, bugs to be fixed. I very much miss the use of Steel Defense for the GF in PvP and the way it works for PvE. TRs can cloak forever and the GF cannot even have 3s-5s invulnerability.
2. (c) - 50:50, I try to keep it balanced. After all, without PvE can one not improve on the PvP gear.
3. Foundry quests, while some are pretty awesome are others just HAMSTER and should not even have survived the review. Like, what is one supposed to do with those 20 cheat quests intended to get the achievements?! Also no skill nodes and no ordinary chests makes foundry quests unattractive.
4. The rotation of events? ... I hop on and off as I see fit. It is either take it or leave it, and I do not see a problem with it. You could add server downtime into it though. Would be nice if those regular downtimes were visible as events.
5. Please get rid of the Unearthed Lockbox. They are really just bait to get players to buy Enchanted Keys. Leave baiting and phising practises out of your business and distinguish yourself from the dishonest elements of the economy.
6. Uhm, what?
7. The summoner, the summoner and the summoner.
8. I enjoyed the fast pace of level progression. This I see as one of the best features of Neverwinter. It puts an end to mindless level grinding and feels more like an extended and thorough tutorial phase that one is going through.
9. Some foundry quests were pretty funny. The humour some authors have shown needs special recognition. Nothing is more exciting than another adventure in the village of Dumbedalot... It is so refreshing and awesome.
10. Lack of depth, and the daily quests. It is like a hamster wheel. Do 4 of this, 4 of that and do 3 of those. It is mind-boggling dull.
Bonus: give professions a purpose. So far have I only been grinding professions to get more profession slots and the only thing I get out of it thus far are rough astral diamonds. Anything I can produce right now is far below my level and I just do not see when I can make something that is of value to myself. It seems pretty much pointless to me all.
2. PvP Before and After. 1 and 2 can be answered together. I don't PVP all that much to really make an appropriate comment. TBH if I want PVP, I'll go play a game that was designed for it.
3. The Foundry. Its fine for what it is, a break from the main game. It could do with some love though to make it more attractive for players. At any rate, I'm sure the Authors will have much better ideas than I could come up with.
4. The Rotation. I'd like to see alternative activities to the GG hours for people that are not in a guild. The new upcoming keys will help those that seem to never catch a DD event. Some of the other events, like Professions, need scrapped. All the skill nodes should just randomly drop needed materials at any time.
5. Neverwinter is F2P. I have purchased character slots and have some Zen set back for anything else that tickles my fancy. I have Stones for 3 of my 4 characters and I have an account-wide mount. There are some though who have not dropped a dime on this game and do quite well. So buying stuff is really a preference and this is also one of those few F2P games where you have access to all of the content, your not gated because you don't want to, or can't spend any money on the game.
6. Icewind Dale. The Dungeon keys are a welcome addition. Hopefully some foresight was exercised with the new PVP zone but I fear your going to have to create a whole new forum just to deal with the backlash thats going to result. Hopefully the new PVE content isn't the same old tried and true formula of "Boss that just stands there and then ADDS, ADDS, ADDS, big red circle, ADDS, ADDS, ADDS!"
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update. This is going to garner some heat, but do not release any new classes until the ones you have all work correctly. This includes Armor set bonuses, broken feats, and everything else that is broken with them
8. Character Progression. Currently, its burn through the story as fast as possible to get to 60 so one can begin playing the game. Some level through PVP once that is available, and others may get to level 11 and invoke and profession their way to 60.
But as it is I think its fine. You can take your time and explore every nook and crannie or you can burn through it. Your choice.
9. What's the most fun you had...Riding my horse down the Slalom in the Winter Festival. Seeing those Sleds still being used gets me everytime too. That animation, little dust trail, LOL! Group wise, it was finding and using the NW Legit Channel. Lastly, the Festivals.
10. #1 feature, like/dislike. The constant balance issue in PVP bleeding over into PVE.
Bonus: ONE THING. New dungeons that don't require adds to dictate difficulty.
willsommersMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 103
edited March 2014
Undo TR nerfs in PVE to make it viable again. That is all.
I like tancity, the ElO system IMO seems not to work very well, maybe it needs more time as many ppl say.
2. PvP Before and After.
3. The Foundry.
Maybe add a chest with better rewards and a low drop rate for something very good, but it would need a key to open which would be rawarded for the daily 4 foundry quests anr purchased for AD..
4. The Rotation.
Can't say i like the whole idea of rotation, players should be able to run dungeons and events as they see fit,
not everyone can manage to be online on a specific time of a day.. so i look forward fro the new key system but i do expect a catch in this too..
5. Neverwinter is F2P.
I mostly buy keys and respect tokens, dyes sometimes.. bags should cost less, and single coloured dyes + dye removers
6. Icewind Dale.
I like the idea of the pvp zones and pvp quests.
I'm also looking forward for the paragon path of HR and i hope there will be a new class...something dark...magic...and sinister...warlock...?
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.
Class 1: Warlock one paragon path for dark/negative energy or poison dmg and one paragon path for DOT and summons
Class 2: Bard one paragon path for light/divine buffs and mild dmg and one paragon path for dark/negative debuffs and mild dmg.
Class update: necromancy paragon path for CW (I WANT WAIL OF THE BANSHEE DAILY)
8. Character Progression.
YES!! Make lvling up need much more exp or increse the level cap.. it would be more fun to run the dread ring, sharandar and any future module dailies while still leveling up..it would also motivate ppl to do more foundry quests.
9. What's the most fun you had...
Besides the 'main' game, i liked the midsummer festival (sadly i missed the winter and spring festivals so i cannot have an opinion about them)
10. #1 feature.
I can't say that i dislike the 'powers tree' but i believe it should have more options so that not (for example) all CW use mostly the same powers etc..
Pets.. (some) companions to be more like pets..
for example the beasts and domestic animals companions could have an intercation tab when the player could play minigames to keep it happy,feed it, pet it etc..more ways to spend some time while you wait for a group or a queve or just killing time untill an event starts...
Companion pit fights... an arena where comapnions would fight against eath other and the players can watch, maybe bet (only gold not AD) or participate (send their companions to fight)
1. The PvP Patch has been fantastic so far. Tenacity and Healing Depression have noticeably helped balance issues. Leaver Penalties and Matchmaking has made competitive matches more frequent. The new rare gear has been a great incentive to dig into some 1-59 PvP on my alts. The epic gear looks great and I think is serving its purpose well in rewarding PvP players and nudging PvE players into battle.
2. I've always enjoyed both PvP and PvE content in the game. How much I play of either really just depends on my mood, but I can definitely say when I'm in a PvP mood its great knowing that I can expect more frequent competition.
3. -I've always been a very big supporter of allowing Foundry authors to make PvP battlefields/instances, even if it is just new domination maps. In a perfect world (wait...) Foundy PvP would allow for limitless modifications.
-I would love to see a type of Foundry currency and vendor with unique rewards, similar to the CTA/Event currencies.
-Foundry rewards (gear, XP, other) need to reflect the challenge of/time invested into the Foundry, which it currently does not come close to doing.
4. I like The Rotation. When most of the population is doing one thing, it makes the game feel larger. I look forward to the new key system accommodating people who cannot play at certain hours, but I am concerned that it might take away from this positive aspect of The Rotation.
5. I have bought a mount, Ioun stones, dyes, and some of the services from the Zen shop. The only items I would never pay for are the expensive fashion items and companions. I would like to see account-wide companions that I could share with my alts, even if it were only a select few. I find that a lot of the companions are useless at 60 beyond their active bonus and would love if I could pass them down as a leveling buddy to my alts.
6. -PvP Campaign. Can't wait.
-Factions. GG Factions are a mess, hopefully this will add some competitive spice to the population
-New dungeon. Valindra's Tower was a step in the right direction for innovating the general combat strategy for epic dungeons, I hope the new dungeon builds off the idea of team coordination and class diversity over quadruple wizard nuke fests.
7. I'd like to see an engineer/builder type of class that utilizes things like turrets/totems/bots/whatever you want to call them. I'd also like to see a class that can go underground .
As a GWF, I'd love for my GF brothers to get a boost. I don't know how you do it, but I just think its a shame that people rarely want them in groups for T2+ dungeons. Also, I think CW's need a true "defensive" option when choosing a build, whether it be a new Feat tree or paragon.
8. Not without some serious additions to the following: XP gained for normal dungeons, XP gained for Foundry quests, additional 1-59 zones and questlines, more captivating quest lines (like the Linkletter quests). As it stands, leveling becomes quite dry around lvl 30, the rest of the journey to 60 is quite a drag already.
9. That's too tough to pick one. Some of the best times were tackling the endgame content when Epic Bosses were still wrecking most of the playerbase. Guild Events have created some great times as well and would be a nice thing to improve on.
10. I think something that might make me lose interest would be if the expansion rate were to slow down significantly. Keep pumping out new stuff and I'll keep adventuring.
Bonus Question: I need a Guild House and I needed it yesterday.
--- Ranked matches need to be solo-queue only
Enforce rainbow parties in PvP ---- 10v10 PvP ----
In an abbreviated form:
1-2. I don't PvP so won't voice my thoughts on that.
3. non-linear, branching objectives/storyboard would be indeed interesting.
4. Not in a Guild.
5. Not sure. I think the current mix of free/pay is pretty good. I'd like to see some items come down in price such as Mount Training. I've become attached to my steads. They're part of the persona of my characters so paying nearly twice as much (in AD) to train them up (as opposed to buying new mounts) is stressful because I would like to move faster and stay mounted longer in those near misses.
6. Not sure how the factions will work out. Hopefully this is a character decision and not account wide. I most look forward to seeing the (re)imagined places I've been to in Icewind Dale and Icewind Dale II.
7. I'm pretty happy with the classes that are. Been having fun with a new HR as I solo quite a bit (would like to see the Split Shot ramp up faster). Maybe something from the PoV of the Dark Side? All these creatures in PvE must have a story or good reason for being there other than as a 'scratching post' or as loot/drop vessels.
8.My first two characters I tried to do some of everything but quickly found myself OUT-LEVELED and so missed quite a bit. Rather than increase the rate of XP gain, make it modifiable per character to fit a players style/wishes. So if your intent is to enjoy 1-hit kills then by all means level as fast as you can, say 8-12 hours of game time, to 60 and have no restrictions on where you can go. If you enjoy having that hourly invocation buff but don't want to level out of your current area then allow for NO XP gain for invocation. Same is true for Profession tasks as well. If a character is MEANT to be a skilled craftsman then why give them XP outside of the Profession XP?
9.It is? I rarely have time to socialize here.
10.When the in-game economy inflates to the point where tiresome grinding fails to meet needs is when I'd leave. Inconsistent Server and technical infrastructure or viruses, etc., would do this too.
The one thing I'd like most to see added is the ABILITY TO SIT IN A CHAIR or ON A STOOL, rather than cross legged on the ground. Having a Beer would be nice too.
I like the direction, but I don't like how it's affected some classes, like my CW. They got hit on damage and CC at the same time.
2. PvP Before and After.
Matches are better and much less leaving (I swear I couldn't go a match without people giving up almost instantaneously before), so that's a big improvement.
Still some thing's to iron out like how I mentioned CW's were nerfed hard and abilities like shocking execution ignore tenacity (when the whole point of tenacity was to avoid "exceedingly long or short fights"). Also perma-stealth rogues in general make pvp unfun, but that's an old issue and there's more wrong with them than just stealth (invulnerability in ITC, ignoring tenacity, able to fight mostly at range while being a melee class etc.)
3. The Foundry.
I played a couple and enjoyed them. If there was a way to make them have decent rewards without people abusing it, I'd play many more.
4. The Rotation.
It's all good except the professions one does nothing but support gold-spamming bots. Put in another DD in it's place as someone suggested.
5. Neverwinter is F2P.
If mounts were cheaper, I'd probably buy them from the shop.
6. Icewind Dale.
Looking forward to the expansion of pvp in this game, although I hope issues like I mentioned are still worked on. Otherwise, perma-stealth rogues are going to annoy the hell out of everyone even more than they do now.
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.
I'd totally rework rogues. They are awful in PVE because most of PVE is AOE fights, and they are awfully unbalanced in PVP using perma-stealth.
Two new classes- I'm not all that familiar with D&D so I wouldn't know what to pick.
8. Character Progression.
I like how fast you can get to 60 in this game. I just wish queues in dungeons would work well and people would be encouraged to use them because it's hard to find groups sometimes.
9. What's the most fun you had...
Probably close PVP matches.
10. #1 feature.
Perma-stealth rogues are the bane of PVP in this game. Nothing worse than fighting someone that you can't see and when you can, they just pop Impossible to Catch and are invulnerable.
I'd say an expansion of PVP into a conquest type thing, but that's already coming, so I'd say maybe housing.
My Harem: Dawn HR, Erin CW, Piper TR, Zoe GWF
mittensofdoomMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 247Arc User
edited March 2014
1. The "PvP Patch". Healing depression is killing me as a DC
2. PvP Before and After. C 50% PVE 50% PVP I live in hope.
3. The Foundry. I dabble a bit but I am not very good, it is very hard and imeconsuming to get everything just right, especially making indoor areas from scratch.
4. The Rotation. I have no opinion, I do events as they come up.
5. Neverwinter is F2P. I buy dye, character look changes, respecs, outfits. I would buy things like companions (beside stone) if they were cheaper. Also things like mount and companion upgrades need to be cheaper. Also in the wonderous bazaar the transmute armor needs to be cheaper. Im not paying 1.5mil+ for any of it.
6. Icewind Dale. Bit aprehensive of the open world pvp, whats to stop me (as a DC) having a TR drop on my head and killing me? Everything else seems ok tho.
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update. I hear Warlock and Druid are next in line so I wont say those (psyched btw) so I will say Avenger and anything else really.
8. Character Progression. I dont mind skipping dungeons and skirmishes levelling, u can go back to dungeons and there are CTA's (pls do Garrundar the Vile soon)
9. What's the most fun you had... laughing with guild mates on TS or vent as we attempted dungeons back when they were still hard.
10. #1 feature. Please buff clerics back up please, they are starting to verge on useless
Bonus: ONE THING. More char customisation ie outfits/transmutes/dye/toggle off shirts and pants and enchants
rufiousMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited March 2014
1. The "PvP Patch".
I don't PvP!
2. PvP Before and After.
I don't PvP. I have listened to my guild mates and they all seem to have mixed feelings. Some like the changes and some don't.
3. The Foundry.
The foundry is a waste of time in my opinion.
4. The Rotation.
The rotation sucks. The implementation of a key system will be welcomed. I won't hold my breath as to how great it will be though.
5. Neverwinter is F2P.
No it isn't. I have spent more money than I should on my little addiction. Better than drugs though.
6. Icewind Dale.
I hope it is an image of Icewind Dale and not something thought to be icewind dale in the mind of someone who doesn't know and turns out to be a big let down.
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.
Paladin and Warlock. Cast times for CW and DC are slow. DC should be able to select avatars to click heal instead of trying to find the single target in the middle of a huge mob. Armor Pen should not increase threat. HR should be nerfed. GF should be able to actually hold aggro from HR and CW.
8. Character Progression.
We should have the ability to turn off all tutorials. 8 times going through them and it is a bore. I should have the choice after my 2nd lvl 60 to to bypass all 1-60 content and enter the game immediately at lvl 60.
9. What's the most fun you had...
The most fun I have had has been with my guildies. In contrast the least fun I have had is going though that annoying quest "SpellBurst". I really wish I could skip it and Josefs annoying mutant wife.
10. #1 feature.
The art of the game. I find that the scenery in this game is amazing. I love the vibrant colors of Sharandar and the Ice Spire. My favorite areas.
All classes should be given free respecs at lvl 60 to include ability scores.
The "PvP Patch". The most recent patch includes Class balance issues, bug fixes, and the largest PvP update ever. Are you excited about PvP additions to the game such as Tenacity, Healing Depression, Leaver Penalties, and Matchmaking, Epic and rare PvP gear?
The changes are very good and see longer and better fights.
2. PvP Before and After. From your perspective, how much time do you spend PvPing now, compared to how much time you see yourself PvPing in the future, post PvP update? Will the update change your current habits and why?
I like PVP. I suck at it but I play it often.
3. The Foundry.
Foundry developers should be encouraged to make longer and better modules. Create a Hall of Fame and attach some great stuff for them to use to make better modules. Perhaps have a competition for the best module that is voted on by fans and developers for its skill. I have run some excellent foundry missions. There is real talent out there. Find a way to tap into it.
4. The Rotation.
Rotation sucks. I would love the chance to win keys to run dungeons (once a day) at my own time.
5. Neverwinter is F2P. Cryptic makes a living off the cash shop. What items do you pay for in the cash shop? What items you absolutely will not pay for? What item(s), if lowered in price, would you potentially buy?
The prices are too high generally. I would like the ability to customise my character more. For example, design my own tattoos. And I am a sucker for the clothes.
6. Online Ranked Siren Backlash. Akar Kessell and Crenshinibon. The anagram sparked one of the most popular threads in recent Neverwinter forum history. What are the top 3 things you are looking forward to in the new Icewind Dale update? Any parts you don't care about?
Open PvP zones to see how that works. Will this means blobs will run around crushing lone players? What is the reward for zone pvp play? Please NO more grinding; make the missions a very extended lengthy task that is quite hard. The quests should be more immersive through requiring puzzles and clues to be found and then put together. CLASS SPECIFIC MISSIONS would be cool.
I have been a follower of the FR for decades. The lore is an interest of mine.
7. You have been hired once again by Cryptic to produce a mod, this time pegged to design two new classes by Q4 2014, and enhance the current classes. What two classes will you pick, and what changes/additions would you make to any of the current classes?
CW do too much damage. Their control aspect is fine but with the incredible amounts of damage they do; they are simply overpowered.The Master of Flame path needs a lot of work. Replace all ice aspects with flame. Basic power - chill strike = fireball. Delayed blast fireball for avalanche. Meteor storm for conduit of ice.
TR have been nerfed too much. They should be glass cannons. At they moment they are glass popguns. Permastealth is a bad mechanic but it has evolved because of the damage nerf. TR should be stealth, max alpha and then die if they cannot escape. BUT nothing should die to one shot powers. More dazing etc could be an option.
GF need the ability to drag aggro from everything. Perhaps making marks work better through a power like Warrior's Urging.
GWF's are about right.
New classes:
Warlords - tactical buffing ; tanking ability and medium damage.
Warlocks - Need another arcane option - Two paragon paths - Infernal - dps and Fey - control - the paragon paths should require a pact mission to be sealed and it should be a serious part of their path development.
More options for current classes - each class should have three viable paragon paths.
8. You are asked to look at the XP Curve in relation to character level progression. Would increasing xp needed to level make your character's journey feel more fun? Would you be able to run more quests, such as Foundry missions, without skipping any of the storyline content?
There is an imbalance in the leveling. It is too easy to level at certain stages which leaves the higher level content attainable at too high a level.I would reduce the invocation experience down substantially during leveling. The mid range missions seem to be worth too much.
Is it possible to make professions better .... better leveling.
9. Neverwinter is Social fare. What's the most fun you had to date in Neverwinter?[/COLOR]
Dungeons. They make for great team play.
10. In one sentence please name the #1 feature/concern that you dislike to the point of possibly walking away from Neverwinter? Or, name one feature that you love about the game enough, that you see yourself playing Neverwinter for many years to come.
Lore. The ability of the game to expand in so many directions. Different nations; underdark; planes etc.
Bonus Question: Name ONE THING you'd love to see added or improved in Neverwinter before the end of 2014. Come on... just One Thing!!
Classes. You must roll out all the baseline class first and foremost. At least 3 paragon paths for each class. Druids, Warlocks, Warlords, Templar clerics; Barbarians; Psions; Monks; Sorcerors and of course; the two weapon wielding ranger. (Put a title on ANYONE who becomes a drow two weapon wielding ranger (Drizzt wannabe))
Lairs. Imagine a guild being able to develop its own city. First it builds a wall, then mages towers, then temples to gods, then a castle, then a foundry. Bit by bit it makes a small city. With all the problems. When the lair reaches a certain level - it can be raided by dragons, orcs etc and if it isn't defended; well it gets damaged if not ruined and has to be rebuilt. Link this to professions to bring them into the game.
1. The "PvP Patch".
A PvP specific stat is a bummer. Now I must run 2 complete sets of gear for PVE/PVP with expensive enchants :-( Healing depression and tenacicity has had a nice side affect though; I don't run any more blue gear really because regen is so useless in combat. Now I buy the triumph seal gear (purples). Kind of cool to see angelic bracers for DC's and greater rings of health lose their solvency.
2. PvP Before and After.
answer: E
3. The Foundry.
The foundry ideas are covered by many other threads-my main and biggest wish is for additions to the moonstone mask for roleplaying by way of foundry. One of your CM's totally agree :-)
4. The Rotation.
Rotation doesn't concern me very much because so much of it is rubbish to me. GG should be cycling all the time not just on rotations. Foundry slot is useless as is-it should grant a foundry only companion or gear when slot is open not XP for now. Maybe after MOD 3 it will be more relevant with XP progression for your post 60 characters. Professions slot is acomplicated answer because professions in general need an overhaul. Love the DD key idea. Skirmishes for rough AD, not relevant to me.
5. Neverwinter is F2P.
Bought a purple mount as a gift to myself when started game. Account wide-do not regret that in the slightest. Highly suggest everyone who is starting do that. You can justify this to yourself by thinking that this is action is "buying the game". The biggest thing that makes me literally Laugh Out Loud in the zen store is Coalescent Ward prices. We need so many of these in game 1000 zen is beyond ridiculous. This really needs to be like 300 zen. No kidding. Since we get a .0001% drop rate from prayers and nerfed tarmalune bars from boxes the zen store figures on coal wards need to drop dramatically. I would actually buy them.
6. Icewind Dale.
I'm going to assume the PVE content will be fun for a week or two just like the other mods and then became flat and a chore. The PvP content has me so super psyched. Open world PvP and campaign....oh YES!! Now please make 1v1 challenges available in most areas (except auction house/bank areas). It would add much depth to roleplaying and grudge matches. :-) But seriously way to go team with the PvP activities!
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.
This is a massive question. I will try to be concise. I am a D&D Insider member on the Wizards of the Coast official site. I have far too many ideas for this that relate to what is actually in the rules/player handbooks. I am a massive Leadership class fan.
A.) Warlord. Tactical orders/shouts, medium damage. There is a melee warlord, and a crossbow warlord in D&D 4E. Use those templates. Leadership class.
B.) Artificer. Can heal/augment/control. So awesome in so many ways. Ultimate Leadership class.
Changes/additions to current classes: Way too big of a topic. I'll sum it up as best I can;
Rogues: I don't play one but they need to be much more relevant. Let them use ranged weapons like in 4E. Needs more damage.
Control Wizards: in 4E they do not do very much damage. Control is great in this game. Nerf damage in spell storm paragon and even add more control to it. Flame paragon needs to turn all ice skills into fire skills and needs much more damage.
GWF: Great MOD 3 changes. Should never have gotten iron vanguard paragon, there is SO many paths in 4E. Like pick a different one.
Hunter Ranger: Bummer to the upcoming split shot and storm step nerf :-( yucky. The upcoming paragon seems...interesting.
Devoted Clerics: Mod 3 really takes a sweet swipe at righteousness. Couldn't get here soon enough.
Guardian Fighters: Recent buffs make it so much more fun. Tab skill is legit now. BUT, knee breaker should be deleted for any other AOE power from 4E. This class needs more AoE/speed in PVE. PVP we're awesome. Sword master path was a disaster. Needs to be majorly buffed to even work for the GF.
8. Character Progression.
The only disappointment is that each character goes through the same progression. Wish the starting areas were different or race/class changed the sequences.
9. What's the most fun you had...
There were some PVP victories that were matched PERFECTLY with the recent ELO system. We won by 10 or less points and boy was that fun.
10. #1 feature.
My real response is far too big to put in this query. To be succinct I will say this: This game has strayed far away from so much that is the actual D&D game I love with friends and family around a table. It has gravitated too much to other MMO's identities. Please read Insider articles, Dragon Magazine articles, and player handbooks/dungeon master guides. There is SOOO much depth there.
A real balancing of the classes would be OH SO SWEET.
Many good observations all around, and I posted my thoughts earlier also. But I had a thought recently that another "what I'd really like to see" improvement is:
Additional ways to view your completed quests. I'd like to see a sort by level, a sort by zone and a sort by quest giver. I mean, who remembers the name of a quest they did, or perhaps didn't, do.
1. The "PvP Patch".
I don't PVP so no, not excited.
2. PvP Before and After.
A: 100% PVE, forced PVE or mixing PVP into PVE content is a big no-no for me.
3. The Foundry.
Great system but I don't have the time to get into it. Better tutorial system perhaps (I haven't looked since launch, if this has been addressed advertise it better!)
4. The Rotation.
A lot of the Dungeon Delve times are either way too early or too late for UK/CET time zones - 18:00 is too early, 22:00 is too late. Can we double up on these to have more options for different time zone-based guilds?
5. Neverwinter is F2P.
Mostly bank space, a few character slots and the middle-price pack. I liked the recent ioun stone promotion, but the upcoming 4-day purchase thing is far too expensive for me.
6. Icewind Dale.
I love the setting within the wider Realms so looking forward (I hope) to lots of good story and lore! The campaign will extend my interest in the game that much longer of course.
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.
Don't know classes well enough to give balance options, though some of the paragon paths could be more differentiated (Fire vs Lightning for Wizard, what about Illusions or Necromancy as something more interesting!?).
New classes I'd like to see are Warlord (healer/buffer) and Paladin (tank with heals). I love the druid class in earlier editions of D&D but the 4ed version is a horrible clone of the WoW class. I prefer my druid to be a caster/summoner first and a shapeshifter as a distant second.
8. Character Progression.
I'm neutral on this. The current leveling speed allows you to skip a few zones, which makes alt leveling more fun. If you change the leveling speed make it *optional*, either through a tickbox setting or an item you equip (such as the pocket item in LOTRO). Don't enforce a big change like this on all players!
9. What's the most fun you had...
Small group leveling with friends. The story dungeons are always a great laugh. The Sharandar campaign so far is also pretty awesome, I love the twisted-fey theme.
10. #1 feature.
The companion system is truely a delight. I love leveling and equipping them and using them in PVE content.
The cost of upgrading companions is far too high. Make it affordable so not only the whales and time-rich can make use of more companions!
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2014
The "PvP Patch". The most recent patch includes Class balance issues, bug fixes, and the largest PvP update ever. Are you excited about PvP additions to the game such as Tenacity, Healing Depression, Leaver Penalties, and Matchmaking, Epic and rare PvP gear?
I'm overall disappointed with the PVP patch. GWFs are still just as Tanky and difficult to take down. The PVP sets leave much to be lacking (no Regen on GWF sets, no Deflect on CW sets). The four-set bonuses are limited. I would have preferred an overall 20% Tenacity instead of piddling with new gear. The queue was extremely slow for a couple of weeks now. I'm not even sure if ELO match-making is currently working. Profound gear is too expensive and doesn't drop anywhere. There are no new PVP maps after almost a year of requesting them. Glory rewards are less.
PvP Before and After. From your perspective, how much time do you spend PvPing now, compared to how much time you see yourself PvPing in the future, post PvP update? Will the update change your current habits and why?
I used to PVP a TON, for hours each day. Because of current queue times and diminished Glory I simply do my dailies then log off. Also, I find zero reason to run PVE now that I'm sixty. I'll need to get my Dread Legion offhand for my HR. Otherwise, Cryptic has all of this amazing content and I have no reason to run it. The PVP patch has created a strong division between PVE and PVP players, which is a shame. A person should be able to bring their PVE/PVP character to each interchangeably. Now, that's less realistic.
Neverwinter is F2P. Cryptic makes a living off the cash shop. What items do you pay for in the cash shop? What items you absolutely will not pay for? What item(s), if lowered in price, would you potentially buy?
I don't pay for anything I don't own, and Cryptic owns everything about my character and Neverwinter. I'm F2P for life because making AD is so easy in this game.
Online Ranked Siren Backlash. Akar Kessell and Crenshinibon. The anagram sparked one of the most popular threads in recent Neverwinter forum history. What are the top 3 things you are looking forward to in the new Icewind Dale update? Any parts you don't care about?
Haven't tried it out yet, but I'm hopeful.
You have been hired once again by Cryptic to produce a mod, this time pegged to design two new classes by Q4 2014. What two classes would you suggest are added next, and what changes/additions would you make, if any, to any of the current classes?
In this order: Swordmage, Monk, Warlock, Druid, or Bard.
Neverwinter is Social fare. What's the most fun you had to date in Neverwinter?
PVPing before the recent changes.
In one sentence please name the #1 feature/concern that you dislike to the point of possibly walking away from Neverwinter? Or, name one feature that you love about the game enough, that you see yourself playing Neverwinter for many years to come.
Painfully long queue times and the ELO ranking system is a mess. I'd love a queue for premades (4-5 players), and a solo (ish) queue (1-3 players). Otherwise, I love D&D so I'll most likely stick around.
Bonus Question: Name ONE THING you'd love to see added or improved in Neverwinter before the end of 2014. Come on... just One Thing!!
Fixing crafting to have a x3 or xALL buttons. It's extremely tedious to do those piecemeal.
Rarely played before, barely played after. Not excited, but not a PVP'er. Tenacy just seems to make another layer between the haves/have-nots in the no-gear/gear and class imballance.
3. The Foundry.
I've noticed people who publish sequential foundary missions only get 1 overall review, and I assume 1 chance at AD rewards. So feedback and rewards to them are lacking. Other than that, perhaps educate foundary authors not to make hour long quests? Try to add auto foundary balancing for groups and large 60x power differencial. Or make that option easier for the author. (Too many good missions are being stomped down below the reward limit, or excessivly padded to make up for this)
4. The Rotation.
Not a fan of playing on "cryptic's clock" but at least it rotates. No rotation leaves some time zone locked out of events.
I'll wait till the key system is live to comment, it could go either way. If keys are minimal, DD-chests need a *large* drop buff increase. Or an additional system put in place
5. Neverwinter is F2P.
Thanks for at least lowering some of the terribly high prices, and having sales. It's a step in a right direction.
Right now I'm not interested buying do to other problems with the game
6. Icewind Dale.
Content x3, Content is King Baby!
Not excited? As STO realized more boons/upgrades really isn't maintanable in the long run. I'd look into "fixing" this now, less people complaining about waisted AD/time.
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.
I'd Open up a DND manual and pick 2 and random. Druid/Monk perhaps. They're the next two obvious
8. Character Progression.
Seems decent. Needs to be fast due to single repetative storyline
9. What's the most fun you had...
10. #1 feature.
I'll go dislike here, my 1 sentance: "Solo vs. Group Content Imballence"
Now can I expand? Shar/Dread is an improvement (including giving some Ok solo gear), but I'd like the devs to play solo for a day, even with Shar/Dread solo content runs out quickly, access to same quality rewards are lacking. Examples: Shar/Dread group dungeon gives you *multiple seals*, solo dungeon gives you a very poor chance at having 1 seal (Even 1 seal would mean 4 months to get the item). GG: Honestly, it's just an 1/2 hour to hour long queue, neither solo or group get any GG seals, so it's the idle event. 1 or 2 seals / 100 score won't break the system. And so on, even Peg/Drake seals are imballanced (and the items)
I see the devs want to encorage group play, but fixing the imbalance would improve the QOL here. Additional power creep will just lead new players in the dust, and ubers endless crying about pulling "noobs" through "dungeons they have no right to be in" even with the minimal, but technically appropriate, solo gear as old dungeons get abbandoed. (T1 already mostly abbandoned due to poor drop rate and system)
RNG/Dropo-Gear-CTA sytem. Change be lucky into be able to earn.
1. The "PvP Patch".
The new PvP gear looks great for transmutation, as well as the base 10% resists for PvP which are good as well. Other than that, I'm not really favorable of the introduction of Tenacity and Healing Depression since there might be better workarounds for those issues. Clueless about the Leaver Penalties and Matchmaking though.
2. PvP Before and After.
Before: PvE mostly, dabble in PvP
After: 100% PvE
3. The Foundry.
Not really familiar with The Foundry, but there could be better rewards in the end chest to complement the great storyline in the one completed.
4. The Rotation.
The Rotation seems to be fine, but I feel that the Skirmish and the Professions events could be permanent throughout the game and thus can be replaced with other events such as granting access to special PvE/PvP content or even some roleplay aspects. (not a roleplayer but still it's better than those)
5. Neverwinter is F2P.
Bought just a Galeb Dhur when there was that 50% discount off all companions and that's about it. Some items in the cash shop seem to be really unappealing, especially the Idle and Active Companion Slots. I believe the Coalescent Ward in the Zen Store could be bought more often if the price is lowered significantly.
6. Icewind Dale.
Looking forward to class changes, new PvE content and maybe the new Artifacts.
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.
Not really familiar with the D&D but Bard/Summoner would be nice to see. (not much hope on them being the next two though)
8. Character Progression.
Seems to be reasonably paced, no comments about that.
9. What's the most fun you had...
Fun times in dungeons... such as seeing a player getting eaten up by a Mimic he opened (not sadistic but it's hilarious), and so on.
10. #1 feature.
The combat system is definitely amazing compared to the other MMOs I've played so far, the limit of powers, the fast pacing, etc.
Improvements on the Profession system could be helpful, such as an increase to the Profession level cap or convenience features. Adding new ones like Fishing (like the Winter Festival's which was cool) and Cooking would also be awesome.
First, sorry for my bad english, it's not my native tongue. But i like your post, then i will give you my feelings.
1.The "PvP Patch". The most recent patch includes Class balance issues, bug fixes, and the largest PvP update ever. Are you excited about PvP additions to the game such as Tenacity, Healing Depression, Leaver Penalties, and Matchmaking, Epic and rare PvP gear?
It’s a good start, but lot of works is still needed.
I don’t like tenacity, just pull the need of a second set of stuff if you do PvE and PvP. And when all have 30% resist, what's difference with all 0% resist ? Prone are still too long, and damage burst too effective.
Healing depression is ok.
Leaver penalty sounds cool at first but people just disconnect for avoid it, wait some minutes or just log on another account.
Matchmaking is better but GS difference still exist and class balance in teams is something too horrible (2 GWF+2 GF in one team and none in others is pointless). But, it’s very difficult to have a good balance while having little queue time.
I just looked new stuff of class I play in PvP and I was not impressed, same bonus for the 3 epic set, and while there is 3 set stats was not very good for me.
Oh and Premade vs PUG is still meh most time.
I just want to add something. For me, the main problem of PvP is probably the chain control. Most of time, there is no fight, you are proned/controlled, take a burst and die without possibility to do anything (or you're barely living). You should get a immune of few seconds after being controlled.
2. PvP Before and After. From your perspective, how much time do you spend PvPing now, compared to how much time you see yourself PvPing in the future, post PvP update? Will the update change your current habits and why?
I like PvE more but wait 1 hour for a dungeon (if I log while event is on) is often too much for me. I do few PvP matchs and farm campaign for things I need, on different characters.
Then, it’s like 50%-50% PvE – PvP, patch didn’t change anything for that, but without patch I would have stopped PvP cause too much class balancing problems (GWF for most part).
3. The UGC dreamweavers have spoken, "The Foundry NEEDS SOME LOVE!" If you were in charge of an upcoming major Foundry update, in 5 sentences or less, please describe what new addition or changes you would make to increase the player community's interest in designing, and/or playing custom generated content in Neverwinter.
I don’t design Foundry content, and I usually don’t like it so much. I’m not the best for answer this question, sorry.
4. The Rotation. I've heard quite a few guild leaders' frustrations with the Rotation over the past year, most frequently the difficulty in scheduling weekly content for their guildies, and long deadzones of inaction in between delve slots. Has your guild managed to work around the rotation? What is your opinion (or you guild's opinion) of the rotation? Are you looking forward to the key system upcoming? In 5 sentences or less, please.
In pick up situation, rotation is good thing cause that make more player who look for a group at the same time. But on guild perspective, it’s not a good thing. The key system sounds cool, but the price of keys will be the key of the success. It's a very good thing to add that for give more possibilities to players.
5. Neverwinter is F2P. Cryptic makes a living off the cash shop. What items do you pay for in the cash shop? What items you absolutely will not pay for? What item(s), if lowered in price, would you potentially buy?
Actually, cash shop is often just giving a new currencies for Pay2Win players (enchanted keys, coalescent wards). I would pay for cosmetic items for support game developpement, or useful account stuff (character slot for exemple). I would even buy enchanted keys if price would be lower and stuff in chest was account bound.
6. Online Ranked Siren Backlash. Akar Kessell and Crenshinibon. The anagram sparked one of the most popular threads in recent Neverwinter forum history. What are the top 3 things you are looking forward to in the new Icewind Dale update? Any parts you don't care about?
I just like new content, and I like to play all things the game offer.
7. You have been hired once again by Cryptic to produce a mod, this time pegged to design two new classes by Q4 2014. What two classes would you suggest are added next, and what changes/additions would you make, if any, to any of the current classes?
Obviously, it’s pointless to add classes while desirability balance is still wrong. Rangers have been added, and in PvE almost no group want them.
Actually, GWF and CW desirability is just too high in PvE. Module 3 will hopefully change things for GWF. But CW changes will probably need some changes in epic dungeon design (almost always the same model : ton of mob everywhere, no need others things than heavy CC and AoE damage class). If all a class do, another class do it better, there is a problem.
Once all class are wanted, with a goal and job for them, i would see :
- A support class, not dps oriented, like a bard
- Another tank style, like a crusader or paladin
- Another heal, who heal differently
I know, that make 3 but for the last 2 i like the idea of differents groups setup and not just dps spots.
For current classes :
- GF : need more job for them in instances, they are the less wanted class. Give them things to tank
- GWF : Less tanking abilities, more aoe damage, less one target damage.
- TR : Their damages were nerf, they don’t do aoe much, they now do too less damage for being wanted vs GWF or CW. If other class are fixed, they will be ok like that.
- CW : CC part if ok, but with so many targets hits they do way too much damage. Should be a control class for the most part, not a control class and the best dps class in pve at the same time.
DC : Healing part should be necessary and not replaced by heavy CC/Lifedrain
HR : Melee/range was a good idea, but most people who play them only do range. They pull mass agro and just spread mobs everywhere. I think they could do the job like a rogue, but range would help with aoe. It’s mostly fights design who can give them a real goal.
8. You are asked to look at the XP Curve in relation to character level progression. Would increasing xp needed to level make your character's journey feel more fun? Would you be able to run more quests, such as Foundry missions, without skipping any of the storyline content?
I guess xp is good at this time, but if you do extra things other all quests, you gain too much xp (foundry, skirmish, …). Maybe a way to block xp would be cool for make all things without gaining too much xp and skip some parts of the game.
Have more maps would be ok too. For exemple, for levels 15-20 you will choose to do quests in map A or map B. Then, 2 characters will have different experiences in levelling, now if you level 3 characters, they do always the same quests (just 3-4 class quests are different), it’s not fun.
9. Neverwinter is Social fare. What's the most fun you had to date in Neverwinter?
I try to have fun everytime I play in group, I had fun during leveling (best part of game actuelly in my opinion).
10. In one sentence please name the #1 feature/concern that you dislike to the point of possibly walking away from Neverwinter? Or, name one feature that you love about the game enough, that you see yourself playing Neverwinter for many years to come.
Class desirability : Pointless to invest time in a character none want in group.
Bonus Question: Name ONE THING you'd love to see added or improved in Neverwinter before the end of 2014. Come on... just One Thing!!
Dual spec possibility, i hate change manually my PvE skills each time i go PvP.
1. The "PvP Patch". The most recent patch includes Class balance issues, bug fixes, and the largest PvP update ever. Are you excited about PvP additions to the game such as Tenacity, Healing Depression, Leaver Penalties, and Matchmaking, Epic and rare PvP gear?
Classes are wildly unbalanced in PvP, D&D really isn't designed for it. I do enjoy PvP, played thousands of hours of it in WoW in 2k+ rated arena. However, if you're on a team of CW, DC, and GF and see a team of GWF, TR, and HR, you might as well wait by the fire and do professions on your alt on the gateway. Don't have any guild mates interested in it, or I'd premade.
2. PvP Before and After. From your perspective, how much time do you spend PvPing now, compared to how much time you see yourself PvPing in the future, post PvP update? Will the update change your current habits and why?
I do the dailies only. Glory gain is so low it's really not worth my time. Once geared, I would certainly play more, but the grind is bad enough just on the dailies.
3. The UGC dreamweavers have spoken, "The Foundry NEEDS SOME LOVE!" If you were in charge of an upcoming major Foundry update, in 5 sentences or less, please describe what new addition or changes you would make to increase the player community's interest in designing, and/or playing custom generated content in Neverwinter.
The foundry desperately needs a DM mode, just like in Neverwinter Nights, with the ability to interact with players, control creatures and drop them on the fly,and teleport party to different areas. Queue system for DM'd modules with a rating system for DM's. This would increase foundry play more than anything, as a DM would only really need to design maps beforehand. Better rewards as well, though not controlled by the DM.
4. The Rotation. I've heard quite a few guild leaders' frustrations with the Rotation over the past year, most frequently the difficulty in scheduling weekly content for their guildies, and long deadzones of inaction in between delve slots. Has your guild managed to work around the rotation? What is your opinion (or you guild's opinion) of the rotation? Are you looking forward to the key system upcoming? In 5 sentences or less, please.
The rotation is interesting, but I see long stretches of time where nothing interests me. Yes, very interested in the key system.
5. Neverwinter is F2P. Cryptic makes a living off the cash shop. What items do you pay for in the cash shop? What items you absolutely will not pay for? What item(s), if lowered in price, would you potentially buy?
I have bought character slots, appearance changes, respec tokens, keys, and a few companions. I bought the guardian pack because the companion was account wide (in fact you could increase the price of companions and I would buy them if account wide). I will not buy a coal ward, because it's essentially pay to win. I'd rather lose than support a model where an enchant upgrade costs $250 in real money.
6. Online Ranked Siren Backlash. Akar Kessell and Crenshinibon. The anagram sparked one of the most popular threads in recent Neverwinter forum history. What are the top 3 things you are looking forward to in the new Icewind Dale update? Any parts you don't care about?
The scenery is gorgeous. Been on the preview shard and I love it. Did some world pvp and some of the encounters, and it's going to be great.
7. You have been hired once again by Cryptic to produce a mod, this time pegged to design two new classes by Q4 2014. What two classes would you suggest are added next, and what changes/additions would you make, if any, to any of the current classes?
Barbarian is a must. You're in the North. It's a staple of the region and you even have an entire zone devoted to them (Vellosk).
Druid would be my second choice, as Neverwinter is surrounded by woods.
You need to do something about GFs for PvE. Nigh worthless compared to running CW+GWF. You know what I mean.
8. You are asked to look at the XP Curve in relation to character level progression. Would increasing xp needed to level make your character's journey feel more fun? Would you be able to run more quests, such as Foundry missions, without skipping any of the storyline content?
It feels about right to me.
9. Neverwinter is Social fare. What's the most fun you had to date in Neverwinter?
Soloing the end boss of GWD from 25% to 0% on a GF.
10. In one sentence please name the #1 feature/concern that you dislike to the point of possibly walking away from Neverwinter? Or, name one feature that you love about the game enough, that you see yourself playing Neverwinter for many years to come.
I dislike the cost of coal wards. I love the FR setting, own all the source books.
Bonus Question: Name ONE THING you'd love to see added or improved in Neverwinter before the end of 2014. Come on...
How about a PvP outfit button, similar to the armor/fashion toggle but that actually equips the stat items? I'd pay you the bag space's worth in zen plus 500 zen for the convenience.
2. 100% PVE
3. More relevant (i.e. to your level) rewards in gear/enchants, or even random unique gear
4. Not really a problem with that
5. keys mostly and character slots. would buy companions/ mounts if they were a little cheaper and too if the companions were for the entire account characters like mounts
6. New zones to travel in, new boons, new content. I do not care about the PVP zones, and hope that the boons/rewards from it are not significantly different than those in the PVE area.
7. I would make a Druid then a Paladin. I would also rework the GF to make it more viable in all content situations, even morph it into a paladin, maybe
8. I would reduce the amount of XP you get from the foundry, skirmishes etc. But I would increase the XP from the dungeons, that way more people would do them as they are leveling
9. Running a lair with 4 clerics and a control wizard. It was funny to see 4 astral shields down at the same time.
10. The RNG drop rate is one thing that would make me walk away, especially for things that are character bound (and really should not be i.e. artifacts)
Bonus: I would love to see artifacts that are based on our choices of Gods. Make a quest related to each God to receive the artifact. It would give more flavor and more of a decision on the gods we choose. Now it is really just whatever choice, as it makes little to no difference which god we have.
Didn't/Don't care about it. I only PVP enough to meet Rhix's daily requirement & my only interest is getting it over with as quickly as possible.
2. PvP Before and After.
D. I don't enjoy PVP and don't see that changing, participation will be kept to the minimum amount to meat daily quest requirements
3. The Foundry.
Maybe add some relevant loot for L60 or somehow make give the capacity for branching storylines. My guild (only 5 of us) had some fun with foundry quests before we were at level cap but interest quickly fell away from it. The useless loot, linearity, and generally being even easier than other content just wasn't as attractive once capped.
4. The Rotation.
I mostly play with a small group of local friends, only 5 of us in the guild with limited but elastic play times. This hasn't been much of an issue for us, when we have a night we can get together we've usually been able to work with the cycle of the dungeon delves.
5. Neverwinter is F2P.
Well, I don't and can't foresee ever paying anything for neverwinter. That said, my guildmates haven't been nearly as shy. Companions were probably the biggest draw for my friends. Mounts, keys, enchantments, and zen for the exchange market all saw money spent. The only thing I can think of they seemed hesitant to spend money on was more storage space.
6. Icewind Dale.
Honestly nothing I've read sounds really exciting. Sounds like a new campaign area that will quickly become nothing more than reflexive like the others. New PvP content isn't attractive to someone who finds no entertainment in PVP.
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.
Monk, beyond that I'm not particularly inclined to one class or another. I've yet to play trickster rogue but beyond that I'm OK with most classes. The only thing that particularly strikes me as wrong is what is expected of a guardian fighter at end game, becoming an add kiter is about as far from being a tank as I can imagine.
8. Character Progression.
Neverwinter has extremely quick level progression, with limited end game content too boot. It seems like a bad combo offhand, especially for someone like me who's spent way too much time playing with end game raiding guilds since the days of Neverwinter. Except this is first game I've been able to play with my local friends in which we could all manage to stay at the same level range and play through the all the PVE content together. 5 of us with greatly mismatched video gaming skill sets finally landed in an MMO we got to play together, something we've been trying to do since Everquest. I think the game's current pace had a lot to do with that.
9. What's the most fun you had...
Playing through the game with long time local friends.
10. #1 concern.
I could be wrong here but it seems like just about everything in this game can be bought with cash one way or another which for me ends up cheapening the experience, makes me less interested in repeat plays of content, and completely shuts down my will to spend any money on the game although I will admit if my guildmates are any close judge of the population I am the odd man out in this respect.
PVE raids.
So far so good, not a huge pvper so I'll leave it at that.
2. PvP Before and After.
Some classes are feeling the changes more then others.
3. The Foundry.
I think some of Foundry missions are pretty fun, but there is no draw to play them. The item rewards at the end are trash. Sometimes I can get a bunch of stones and ID scrolls which is nice, and the daily AD, but when its not from Lord Neverember I don't bother.
4. The Rotation.
Kinda hate it, to long in-between dungeon delve, and to short on GG pvp. I hope the dungeon key help fix dungeons and lets people go to get gear when they have the time rather then try and cram it in.
5. Neverwinter is F2P.
I've bought some retraining tokens, the Ioun Stone companion and keys before, but I will be limiting my spending to just retrain tokens for now, nothing else seems useful for the price. I'd spend some money on a race change token if wasn't stupidly expensive, like something in 5-10 dollar (US) range sounds ok.
I'd like to see things like mounts, bank slots, bags and companions to be account wide rather character bound. They are to expensive to justify spending that much money for one character.
Also way do I have to spend real money on bank slots and bags for my character that really pisses me off actually.
6. Icewind Dale.
Looks cool, can make a better judgment call on it when it comes out.
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.
Personally, I'd like to have a dual wielding fighter class, so Tempest Fighter. As for another class, maybe Paladin or Bard, actually I'll go with Bard another support (healing/buffing) class is always welcomed.
TR and HR fall pretty flat on the dual wielding weapons front to me. Both classes seem pretty shoehorned into one thing only. HR are way better at range, their melee needs a buff and TR if you're not prema-stealth you're doing it wrong.
GF need some loving, more threat/damage I guess, not to sure people with more experience in them then me can flesh them out.
CW seem like they need to be more forced on control and less on DPS.
GWF, I love my GWF but if I had to make changes to him I'd give up some tankyness for more damage. I feel they should be a tough DPS rather then taking over the tank role like they are now.
8. Character Progression.
I'm fine with it being fast, but I'd like dungeons and skirmish to give more EXP.
9. What's the most fun you had...
The storyline, partying up with guildies, and getting to beat down giants.
10. #1 feature.
Class balance, bugs, exploits, and really bad drop rates.
Class balance, class balance, class balance. All the classes should be useful in end game dungeons rather then just 2, sometimes 3. I'd really like a reason to bring GF, HR, and TR to dungeons with me other then they are part of guild/friends and I feel sorry for them or need them for some cheap tactic.
I could care less about this pvp patch with HD and Tenacity. I don't pvp that much, but when I do, I just do it for the daily.
2. PvP Before and After.
I almost always do dungeons and other PVE content, but as mentioned above, I only pvp for the dailies
3. The Foundry.
No offense, but I really don't care much for the Foundry. I never do it and will never in the future.
4. The Rotation.
I like the rotation established right now. I understand there's 6 hours worth of events so it divides evenly into 24 and that would mean the same event for each hour everyday. I like that you try to keep the rotation interesting by repeating some events.
5. Neverwinter is F2P.
I have boughten some things from the zen shop including a mount, a stone and a decent amount of keys. I will never buy any other companion besides the stone and MAYBE the Galeb Duhr because of all the good things I hear about it.
6. Icewind Dale.
I am extremely excited for this new module. Even though I don't necessarily like pvp, I will participate in the new pvp aspects introduced.
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.
I would really like to see another tank and healer introduced. I've heard about possibly a Druid or paladin coming eventually and I think hose would suit perfectly.
2 classes I would renovate are the GF (this one needs it the most) and probably the CW. GF I just very lackluster in PVE and only decent in PVP. I'd like to see them with better agro control and new and improved abilities. The CW needs some of its abilities nerfed in damage because they deal way too much of it.
8. Character Progression.
I really like the leveling system in Neverwinter. It's very fast paced and gets you to max level as fast as possible. However, I've heard complaints about how fast it is and maybe we should implement a system where you could purposefully lower the expierience gained. But make sure to add some quests to compensate.
9. What's the most fun you had...
I always have the most fun fighting bosses in dungeons, ESPECIALLY Fulminorax the dragon and Valindra. Those fights are always so exhilarating.
10. #1 feature.
The feature that repels me the most is the lack of endgame content. Don't get me wrong, I like the endgame content, it's just we get a dungeon and then spend the next 4-5 months farming it. And what happens when we're done farming the gear or whatever we want?
Same thin with the campaigns.
One thing that I would absolutely love is Raiding. Whether it's 10 man or 40 man, I'd really love to be in a raid.
2. PvP Before and After. - I'd have to answer (puts on sunglasses) ... D & D ... YEEEAAAAHHH! But seriously, it's the same.. I'm currently working on catching up with a main and 2 ALTS.
3. The Foundry. - I think I'd try to have a go at the Foundry if there were better story structuring tools and the WYSIWYG interface was easier for novices to navigate. I haven't looked at it in months, though.
4. The Rotation. - I like it as it is. The keys will make scheduling 'raid time' even easier than ever before.
5. Neverwinter is F2P. - I like it as it is. I'm working on getting my toons in a position to farm content that others will buy from auction; otherwise I just load ZEN. I've spent hundreds of dollars supporting the developers. I'm still only around a 10.5K gear score so I would definitely say this game is not Pay-To-Win.
6. Icewind Dale. - Having never read the books, I must say I am excited about the storyline.
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update. - Oh man, I have no idea. I only have one extra character slot left. PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE!
8. Character Progression. - If anything, I'd lower the XP gain. By the time I'm in the Chasm, I'm pushing the level cutoffs in every queue and I am only talking about PvE progression. Why should I get so much XP just for meeting someone?
9. What's the most fun you had... - I didn't know there was such a thing.
10. #1 feature. - When I walked away 6 months ago, I was pissed off about the Gauntlegrym exploits being unaddressed and the AFK PvP. It appears that everything I didn't like about the game has been resolved. I'm back, baby!
Bonus: ONE THING. - I am currently frustrated by the text box I am typing in right now; it can't keep up with my speed and misses key presses CNSTANTY!!
I like the majority of the additions. The one I have mixed feelings about is PvP gear. Game development-wise they serve as a carrot to make players want to PvP (have goals to reach). The tiered PvP gear system though introduces the gear factor into PvP, reducing the player skill factor and causes new players to give up in utter frustration when they're pitted against fully decked players. Additionally it becomes almost impossible for them to catch up as they need wins that they can't get unless they're lucky enough to end up in a decked party versus the opposite. This in turn causes a decline in PvP participation. Gear has always been the bane of all PvP systems.
A flat reduction in damage, control power duration etc etc when vs player and other kinds of rewards for pvp (like quests with Astral Diamonds (not a single daily), mounts, unique costumes etc etc would be so much better than having PvP gear. It would provide the balance that Tenacity brings and the carrot without the nasty side-effects of PvP gear.
The rest of the changes were absolutely needed but this one not so much.
I will have to see the new PvP Campaign system though. If it allows new players to gather tokens for PvP gear without "winning" fights, perhaps things will work out.
I will continue to PVP because I enjoy PvP in anyway possible. I'm a 75% PvP/ 25% PVE player. Repetitive PVE content becomes boring for me after a while. The human opponent is always the endgame for me. The changes will not affect my playstyle anyhow but my answer above covers what I think about it. Perhaps my opinion is somewhat biased due to being an indie game/software developer and having a background of studying such systems for more than 2 decades but you're asking for opinions so there it is.
I have only dabbled with the Foundry for like 10 hours. I had a lore based concept in mind but I found the editor somewhat limiting so I dropped it for "later". I would like to see boss encounters made possible and more powerful scripting system in general. Also I would love to see the ability to use a premade map as a template to load and completely edit the geometry at will. Right now, I believe if you load a premade map you're stuck with it as it is. My experience with it is limited though so I may have not figured some things about it.
I actually like the rotation. It gives you incentive to do other things than grind dungeons all day long. I personally hate "Raiding" systems with a passion and I'm glad there is no such thing on Neverwinter. The key system sounds great for those that need gear and can't make the rotation times work, or guilds that only want to do dungeons etc.
I would pay for companions, mounts and vanity items if they were a lot cheaper. I would not pay 3500 zen for a single companion. I would pay 4000 zen for 8 though. Right now I'm not buying those items at all so I'm not spending. I could be spending more than requested if the prices were cheaper. That's my point. The majority of players I know agree to this/share the same mentality.
1)PvP Campaign.
2)Post-60 Advancement
3)Heroic Encounters
Those and the lore stuff and the top of my list although the update in general looks very very nice. I don't see anything that I wouldn't care for in the announced changes.
Changes to current classes:
One. Further more character design diversity. More skills, more synergies, more combinations. Allow player to design/customize the class further more according to his playstyle. Diversity. D&D is known for just that. The ability
to create very custom characters etc. Bring the game closer to that. My personal all time favorite character design system in an MMO, was (and now that I think of it, still is) Anarchy Online's.
No. Period. XP grinding is not fun. At all. One thing that is very very good about Neverwinter is that it doesn't have a huge xp grind. You follow a nice progression through the areas doing quests that is just about right in size. Don't touch it. If you want players doing Foundry missions, give better tools to the Foundry authors and more freedom. Let them make a REAL dungeon. Or a deep involving campaign. Let them do their thing. If they can create "Epic" stuff, all you have to do is expose it to the player. Advertise it to the player and the player will certainly jump on it because it would be great. Unless they're not interested in PVE content of course. Also better loot drops in Foundry missions would also help. Even if it's vanity stuff. For example make costumes etc that drop only in Foundry missions. Make foundry missions have a 1/1000 chance of dropping an Enchanted Key...something. Give incentive. I play foundry missions from time to time because there are some really good ones out there. Very creative. But different players want different stuff. Some want loot, some want challenging combat, others want storylines, etc etc.
Bottomline: Give the tools to the authors to make them and enrich the loot tables with something unique.
Walking around in one of my 6 alts, a dwarf GF, dressed like a hippy and riding a unicorn..
Not that I would walk away from Neverwinter because I do like the game but what I dislike to no end is character appearance/morphing system produces characters that look all the same no matter what you tweak.
My answer to question 10.:)
The leaver penality helped a lot, most of the game are played till the end finaly! Tenacity work as intended, still have to work the class around and fix some bug but all in all a perfect adittion. Gears are awesome, nice choice of different build. Matchmaking work like a charme better and better every day. This patch tho made the rogue quit weird... The non perma is even more powerfull due to his defense and the old one (burst damage rogue) is even weaker due to all the nerf made to his damage.
2. PvP Before and After.
C- 50/50 (before and after)
3. The Foundry.
What is the foundry? (just kidding but i dont do foundry nor do i do foundry quest)
4. The Rotation.
We have a very populated guild and very diversified player that are realy dedicated to the guild we have more and more player going into Gautlgrymm since the new patch and it make the guild way more active in between the delves.
5. Neverwinter is F2P.
I mostly buy keys from the zen store. Would love to buy more pets and mount to build up my collection but they are expensive and require lot of farming to get that many zen. I dont mind putting real money in the game but i aint gonna pay 40$ for a companion...
6. Icewind Dale.
I SIMPLY CANT WAIT! More boons is quite weird tho, we already clear content way to fast with the strengh given to us... Cant wait to see open world pvp....
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.
PSYON!!!!! Would LOVE to see this class.. never seen before in any mmorpg.. Please cryptic!!!!!
The other one i couldn't care much, please just do not do a paladin.
8. Character Progression.
You can already do lot of froundry/pvp while progressing to me, and nothing prevent you from finishing story line after lvl 60. The progression is just perfect as it is.
9. What's the most fun you had...
Guild community is what bring the best of this game. The content is nice all in all but w/o my people it wouldn't be the same.
10. #1 feature.
The customer support ticket system... These agent need some civility. They close ticket w/o even answering hopping you only check your mail.. Hoping you dont check the website to see a ''solved'' ticket that was not supossed to be solved as they did not answer it... that game is amazing, the compagny that work with the support of the game need a drastic change.
More DD dungeon!!!
I have no interest in PVP. IF you want true PVP, give two characters the same stats and a stick. Repeat as necessary. That is true balanced PVP. Otherwise, its just complaining about "balance" that will never come.
2. PvP Before and After. From your perspective, how much time do you spend PvPing now, compared to how much time you see yourself PvPing in the future, post PvP update? Will the update change your current habits and why?
I play no PVP. No interest at all, other than to get the artifact...which makes me sad just to queue up PVP...which has literally been 5 times since beta.
Playtimes currently:
a. 100% PvE
3. The Foundry. Let's not fool ourselves. After heavy Foundry promotion pre-game launch, we have seen few updates, besides sound fixes and a few bugs. The UGC dreamweavers have spoken, "The Foundry NEEDS SOME LOVE!" If you were in charge of an upcoming major Foundry update, in 5 sentences or less, please describe what changes you would make to spur the player community's interest in designing, and/or playing custom generated content in Neverwinter.
No comment on Foundaries. I have played a few but I don't feel competent to discuss it as a designer.
4. The Rotation. I've heard quite a few guild leaders' frustrations with the Rotation over many months. They speak of difficulty in scheduling weekly content for their guildies, and long deadzones of inaction in between delve slots. Has your guild managed to work around the rotation? Or do you actually like the rotation? Are you looking forward to the key system upcoming? How do you see this helping guilds out there that have these concerns? In 5 sentences or less, please.
5. Neverwinter is F2P. Cryptic makes a living off the cash shop. What items do you pay for in the cash shop? What items you absolutely will not pay for? What item(s), if lowered in price, would you potentially buy?
I mostly buy pres wards and sometimes a companion. I will not buy mounts but I do use the free ones that will drop in the game sometimes.
6. Online Ranked Siren Backlash. Akar Kessell and Crenshinibon. The anagram sparked one of the most popular threads in recent Neverwinter forum history. What are the top 3 things you are looking forward to in the new Icewind Dale update? Any parts you don't care about?
No comment
7. You have been hired once again by Cryptic to produce a mod, this time pegged to design two new classes by Q4 2014, and enhance the current classes. What two classes will you pick, and what changes/additions would you make to any of the current classes?
Anything for the guardian fighter
8. You are asked to look at the XP Curve in relation to character level progression. Would increasing xp needed to level make your character's journey feel more fun? Would you be able to run more quests, such as Foundry missions, without skipping any of the storyline content?
Yes increase the time to level.
9. Neverwinter is Social fare. What's the most fun you had to date in Neverwinter?
When my friends would play with me. My RL friends all hate this game now.
10. In one sentence please name the #1 feature/concern that you dislike to the point of possibly walking away from Neverwinter? Or, name one feature that you love about the game enough, that you see yourself playing Neverwinter for many years to come.
Any reliance on PVP for items for my PVE progression or any way to make me PVP, I will leave in a hot second.
Bonus Question: Name ONE THING you'd love to see added or improved in Neverwinter before the end of 2014. Come on... just One Thing!!
WHAT HAPPENED TO GNOMES!!!! Dangit they are a viable race but we get drago born, half minotaurs, blah blah blah...why was the gnome kicked out as a race???
Healing depression is extremely unfair on clerics. For higher end teams, without healing is ok, but low to medium teams with less than 15k GS suffer... My major character is a 15k DC. I see people die around me all the time not being able to help. Also, I can't keep myself up as well as before the patch. GWF with 12 GS can easily take me down (I am not the most skillful player but I am more skillful than most people I met in pvp).
Tenacity is a good stat. I really appreciate this change. However, it is kind of a waste when I have to keep two sets of armors in my bag. Oh, not just 2, but 3, since some teams want MH for healing and others want HP for debuffing. It would be nice if tenacity can be purchased as an add-on and appended to the current armor. I would anticipate that this could cause some problems with balance or other aspects, but I am sure players will come up with better ideas over time.
Leaver penalties are working for some, but not for everyone. I personally do not care about leaver penalty. Better pvp experience is the factor that keeps people in the match.
Match making is working fine sometimes and not some other times. I am not sure the reason... but it definitely works better than having nothing at all.
I have not tried rare pvp gears. The epic ones for DCs work better than MH in pvp, but those for CWs are not worth it at all. I would just hope the set bonus for DCs can be reworked to increase damage or CC resistance instead of increasing healing. Since healing depression and righteousness makes the bonus completely useless. For squishes, damage increase would be nicer instead of stacking tenacity. I've tried with T1 pvp gear and compared with HV and the former does not match with the later, not even close.
2. PvP Before and After.
Playtimes currently: e. PvP mostly, dabble in PvE
I would say the latest changes in pvp rewards are awesome. I love the idea of new gears to try out. I am grinding pvp to get my profound gears now, but I'm not sure if I would play pvp more after I got my gear. I really look forward to balance rework in Module three and open map pvp. Among the current pvp options, GG pvp is the one that I definitely do not want to miss. Five men pvp is dominated by GWF and HR. CWs are absolutely miserable.
3. The Foundry.
As many other players suggested, giving foundry some unique awards would help attract more players. There are many posts on this already and I found many of them quite intriguing, like unique items for transmutation and unique potions.
4. The Rotation.
I personally have no big problem with the rotation. I just hope that the professions events can be replaced by something else or get rid off as it does not give anything, or at least anything noticeable. I have tried killing mobs and looting skill nodes. None of them yield anything new.
5. Neverwinter is F2P.
I think unique items for people who pay would work. The stone of radiance offering was very attractive, but I would suggest, as many players have already done so, to make the offer available to everyone. I assure you that you will see many people who have been playing for free would love to have it.
6. Online Ranked Siren Backlash. Akar Kessell and Crenshinibon.
I look forward to all the new changes in pvp as I mentioned before. Regarding pve, I hope some boss mechanism that require collaboration more than insanely high gs would attract me more. GS has kept many people out of the high end dungeons. This may make more people to pay for better gears, but some may leave the game when they see no hope of advancing.
7. New classes
I have no opinion on new classes. I hope the existing ones can be balanced better before any new ones come out.
8. XP Curve
Leveling has not been a pleasant experience for me because it was way too fast. It makes reaching end game the only thing I was looking forward to and I wore really bad gears throughout leveling. Also, low level pvp is very unfair even with the level scaling since 9 levels are a great gap between gears that people use. Level 11s against Level 19s are usually a landslide even with the scaling.
9. Neverwinter is Social fare. What's the most fun you had to date in Neverwinter?
Running dungeons and pvping with guildies. Also, meeting some good pugs. I have two suggestions for further improving experiences in this.
First, give guilds a communal place where members can stay, like a guild hall in a building or a cave somewhere in the wild. Right now, there is no sense of community in a physical sense in guilds. It would be even better if you can offer some guild specific activities such as raids and dailies for people in a guild.
Second, to increase the chances of finding good pugs and not flooding the lfg clat that many people have complained about, please rework the find party panel by: (a) Only include parties that are actually looking for new members. Please make this adjustable in the "my party" panel; (b) make parties showing up in the "find party" panel include all parties looking for members worldwide; and (c) Allow party leaders to specify the class and minimal gs she wants on her team.
10. In one sentence please name the #1 feature/concern that you dislike to the point of possibly walking away from Neverwinter?
Game-breaking mechanisms such as five GWFs can take over the world in pvp... Unless is one with 10k gs fighting a 14k gs team, even one gwf can stand for quite a while against five men.
Bonus Question
I would love to see raids of some kind.
In my experience, PvP has been much more engaging since the recent changes. I've had fun matches before the patch, but now they are more frequent.
2. PvP Before and After.
PvE mostly, dabble in PvP
I'll probably PvP as much as before, if not a little more once Mod 3 is released.
3. The Foundry.
If the Foundry could support quest objectives that weren't so linear, I think it would be more enjoyable for players and designers.
4. The Rotation.
I don't have much of an opinion on this other than I'm really looking forward to the upcoming key system.
5. Neverwinter is F2P.
So far, I've bought character slots, bags, keys, and the occasional dye. I'm not averse to buying most things in the Zen shop, it's just a matter of saving up.
6. Icewind Dale.
I'm always up for new content, whatever it may be.
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.
I'd like to see a druid class...maybe a bard class. I'm not that picky, but I definitely want more.
8. Character Progression.
I think leveling may be a little too fast.
9. What's the most fun you had...
Several things come to mind...winning a 1 on 1 against the same class in PvP is pretty satisfying. A well coordinated attack in a skirmish or dungeon always makes me smile, too.
10. #1 feature.
There's nothing I dislike enough to make me consider walking away. In general, the thing I love most about Neverwinter is the combat.
The ability to unbind things, or at the very least, to make things account bound.
2. (c) - 50:50, I try to keep it balanced. After all, without PvE can one not improve on the PvP gear.
3. Foundry quests, while some are pretty awesome are others just HAMSTER and should not even have survived the review. Like, what is one supposed to do with those 20 cheat quests intended to get the achievements?! Also no skill nodes and no ordinary chests makes foundry quests unattractive.
4. The rotation of events? ... I hop on and off as I see fit. It is either take it or leave it, and I do not see a problem with it. You could add server downtime into it though. Would be nice if those regular downtimes were visible as events.
5. Please get rid of the Unearthed Lockbox. They are really just bait to get players to buy Enchanted Keys. Leave baiting and phising practises out of your business and distinguish yourself from the dishonest elements of the economy.
6. Uhm, what?
7. The summoner, the summoner and the summoner.
8. I enjoyed the fast pace of level progression. This I see as one of the best features of Neverwinter. It puts an end to mindless level grinding and feels more like an extended and thorough tutorial phase that one is going through.
9. Some foundry quests were pretty funny. The humour some authors have shown needs special recognition. Nothing is more exciting than another adventure in the village of Dumbedalot... It is so refreshing and awesome.
10. Lack of depth, and the daily quests. It is like a hamster wheel. Do 4 of this, 4 of that and do 3 of those. It is mind-boggling dull.
Bonus: give professions a purpose. So far have I only been grinding professions to get more profession slots and the only thing I get out of it thus far are rough astral diamonds. Anything I can produce right now is far below my level and I just do not see when I can make something that is of value to myself. It seems pretty much pointless to me all.
2. PvP Before and After. 1 and 2 can be answered together. I don't PVP all that much to really make an appropriate comment. TBH if I want PVP, I'll go play a game that was designed for it.
3. The Foundry. Its fine for what it is, a break from the main game. It could do with some love though to make it more attractive for players. At any rate, I'm sure the Authors will have much better ideas than I could come up with.
4. The Rotation. I'd like to see alternative activities to the GG hours for people that are not in a guild. The new upcoming keys will help those that seem to never catch a DD event. Some of the other events, like Professions, need scrapped. All the skill nodes should just randomly drop needed materials at any time.
5. Neverwinter is F2P. I have purchased character slots and have some Zen set back for anything else that tickles my fancy. I have Stones for 3 of my 4 characters and I have an account-wide mount. There are some though who have not dropped a dime on this game and do quite well. So buying stuff is really a preference and this is also one of those few F2P games where you have access to all of the content, your not gated because you don't want to, or can't spend any money on the game.
6. Icewind Dale. The Dungeon keys are a welcome addition. Hopefully some foresight was exercised with the new PVP zone but I fear your going to have to create a whole new forum just to deal with the backlash thats going to result. Hopefully the new PVE content isn't the same old tried and true formula of "Boss that just stands there and then ADDS, ADDS, ADDS, big red circle, ADDS, ADDS, ADDS!"
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update. This is going to garner some heat, but do not release any new classes until the ones you have all work correctly. This includes Armor set bonuses, broken feats, and everything else that is broken with them
8. Character Progression. Currently, its burn through the story as fast as possible to get to 60 so one can begin playing the game. Some level through PVP once that is available, and others may get to level 11 and invoke and profession their way to 60.
But as it is I think its fine. You can take your time and explore every nook and crannie or you can burn through it. Your choice.
9. What's the most fun you had...Riding my horse down the Slalom in the Winter Festival. Seeing those Sleds still being used gets me everytime too. That animation, little dust trail, LOL! Group wise, it was finding and using the NW Legit Channel. Lastly, the Festivals.
10. #1 feature, like/dislike. The constant balance issue in PVP bleeding over into PVE.
Bonus: ONE THING. New dungeons that don't require adds to dictate difficulty.
I like tancity, the ElO system IMO seems not to work very well, maybe it needs more time as many ppl say.
2. PvP Before and After.
3. The Foundry.
Maybe add a chest with better rewards and a low drop rate for something very good, but it would need a key to open which would be rawarded for the daily 4 foundry quests anr purchased for AD..
4. The Rotation.
Can't say i like the whole idea of rotation, players should be able to run dungeons and events as they see fit,
not everyone can manage to be online on a specific time of a day.. so i look forward fro the new key system but i do expect a catch in this too..
5. Neverwinter is F2P.
I mostly buy keys and respect tokens, dyes sometimes.. bags should cost less, and single coloured dyes + dye removers
6. Icewind Dale.
I like the idea of the pvp zones and pvp quests.
I'm also looking forward for the paragon path of HR and i hope there will be a new class...something dark...magic...and sinister...warlock...?
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.
Class 1: Warlock one paragon path for dark/negative energy or poison dmg and one paragon path for DOT and summons
Class 2: Bard one paragon path for light/divine buffs and mild dmg and one paragon path for dark/negative debuffs and mild dmg.
Class update: necromancy paragon path for CW (I WANT WAIL OF THE BANSHEE DAILY)
8. Character Progression.
YES!! Make lvling up need much more exp or increse the level cap.. it would be more fun to run the dread ring, sharandar and any future module dailies while still leveling up..it would also motivate ppl to do more foundry quests.
9. What's the most fun you had...
Besides the 'main' game, i liked the midsummer festival (sadly i missed the winter and spring festivals so i cannot have an opinion about them)
10. #1 feature.
I can't say that i dislike the 'powers tree' but i believe it should have more options so that not (for example) all CW use mostly the same powers etc..
Pets.. (some) companions to be more like pets..
for example the beasts and domestic animals companions could have an intercation tab when the player could play minigames to keep it happy,feed it, pet it etc..more ways to spend some time while you wait for a group or a queve or just killing time untill an event starts...
Companion pit fights... an arena where comapnions would fight against eath other and the players can watch, maybe bet (only gold not AD) or participate (send their companions to fight)
2. I've always enjoyed both PvP and PvE content in the game. How much I play of either really just depends on my mood, but I can definitely say when I'm in a PvP mood its great knowing that I can expect more frequent competition.
3. -I've always been a very big supporter of allowing Foundry authors to make PvP battlefields/instances, even if it is just new domination maps. In a perfect world (wait...) Foundy PvP would allow for limitless modifications.
-I would love to see a type of Foundry currency and vendor with unique rewards, similar to the CTA/Event currencies.
-Foundry rewards (gear, XP, other) need to reflect the challenge of/time invested into the Foundry, which it currently does not come close to doing.
4. I like The Rotation. When most of the population is doing one thing, it makes the game feel larger. I look forward to the new key system accommodating people who cannot play at certain hours, but I am concerned that it might take away from this positive aspect of The Rotation.
5. I have bought a mount, Ioun stones, dyes, and some of the services from the Zen shop. The only items I would never pay for are the expensive fashion items and companions. I would like to see account-wide companions that I could share with my alts, even if it were only a select few. I find that a lot of the companions are useless at 60 beyond their active bonus and would love if I could pass them down as a leveling buddy to my alts.
6. -PvP Campaign. Can't wait.
-Factions. GG Factions are a mess, hopefully this will add some competitive spice to the population
-New dungeon. Valindra's Tower was a step in the right direction for innovating the general combat strategy for epic dungeons, I hope the new dungeon builds off the idea of team coordination and class diversity over quadruple wizard nuke fests.
7. I'd like to see an engineer/builder type of class that utilizes things like turrets/totems/bots/whatever you want to call them. I'd also like to see a class that can go underground
As a GWF, I'd love for my GF brothers to get a boost. I don't know how you do it, but I just think its a shame that people rarely want them in groups for T2+ dungeons. Also, I think CW's need a true "defensive" option when choosing a build, whether it be a new Feat tree or paragon.
8. Not without some serious additions to the following: XP gained for normal dungeons, XP gained for Foundry quests, additional 1-59 zones and questlines, more captivating quest lines (like the Linkletter quests). As it stands, leveling becomes quite dry around lvl 30, the rest of the journey to 60 is quite a drag already.
9. That's too tough to pick one. Some of the best times were tackling the endgame content when Epic Bosses were still wrecking most of the playerbase. Guild Events have created some great times as well and would be a nice thing to improve on.
10. I think something that might make me lose interest would be if the expansion rate were to slow down significantly. Keep pumping out new stuff and I'll keep adventuring.
Bonus Question: I need a Guild House and I needed it yesterday.
Enforce rainbow parties in PvP ---- 10v10 PvP ----
1-2. I don't PvP so won't voice my thoughts on that.
3. non-linear, branching objectives/storyboard would be indeed interesting.
4. Not in a Guild.
5. Not sure. I think the current mix of free/pay is pretty good. I'd like to see some items come down in price such as Mount Training. I've become attached to my steads. They're part of the persona of my characters so paying nearly twice as much (in AD) to train them up (as opposed to buying new mounts) is stressful because I would like to move faster and stay mounted longer in those near misses.
6. Not sure how the factions will work out. Hopefully this is a character decision and not account wide. I most look forward to seeing the (re)imagined places I've been to in Icewind Dale and Icewind Dale II.
7. I'm pretty happy with the classes that are. Been having fun with a new HR as I solo quite a bit (would like to see the Split Shot ramp up faster). Maybe something from the PoV of the Dark Side? All these creatures in PvE must have a story or good reason for being there other than as a 'scratching post' or as loot/drop vessels.
8.My first two characters I tried to do some of everything but quickly found myself OUT-LEVELED and so missed quite a bit. Rather than increase the rate of XP gain, make it modifiable per character to fit a players style/wishes. So if your intent is to enjoy 1-hit kills then by all means level as fast as you can, say 8-12 hours of game time, to 60 and have no restrictions on where you can go. If you enjoy having that hourly invocation buff but don't want to level out of your current area then allow for NO XP gain for invocation. Same is true for Profession tasks as well. If a character is MEANT to be a skilled craftsman then why give them XP outside of the Profession XP?
9.It is? I rarely have time to socialize here.
10.When the in-game economy inflates to the point where tiresome grinding fails to meet needs is when I'd leave. Inconsistent Server and technical infrastructure or viruses, etc., would do this too.
The one thing I'd like most to see added is the ABILITY TO SIT IN A CHAIR or ON A STOOL, rather than cross legged on the ground. Having a Beer would be nice too.
I like the direction, but I don't like how it's affected some classes, like my CW. They got hit on damage and CC at the same time.
2. PvP Before and After.
Matches are better and much less leaving (I swear I couldn't go a match without people giving up almost instantaneously before), so that's a big improvement.
Still some thing's to iron out like how I mentioned CW's were nerfed hard and abilities like shocking execution ignore tenacity (when the whole point of tenacity was to avoid "exceedingly long or short fights"). Also perma-stealth rogues in general make pvp unfun, but that's an old issue and there's more wrong with them than just stealth (invulnerability in ITC, ignoring tenacity, able to fight mostly at range while being a melee class etc.)
3. The Foundry.
I played a couple and enjoyed them. If there was a way to make them have decent rewards without people abusing it, I'd play many more.
4. The Rotation.
It's all good except the professions one does nothing but support gold-spamming bots. Put in another DD in it's place as someone suggested.
5. Neverwinter is F2P.
If mounts were cheaper, I'd probably buy them from the shop.
6. Icewind Dale.
Looking forward to the expansion of pvp in this game, although I hope issues like I mentioned are still worked on. Otherwise, perma-stealth rogues are going to annoy the hell out of everyone even more than they do now.
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.
I'd totally rework rogues. They are awful in PVE because most of PVE is AOE fights, and they are awfully unbalanced in PVP using perma-stealth.
Two new classes- I'm not all that familiar with D&D so I wouldn't know what to pick.
8. Character Progression.
I like how fast you can get to 60 in this game. I just wish queues in dungeons would work well and people would be encouraged to use them because it's hard to find groups sometimes.
9. What's the most fun you had...
Probably close PVP matches.
10. #1 feature.
Perma-stealth rogues are the bane of PVP in this game. Nothing worse than fighting someone that you can't see and when you can, they just pop Impossible to Catch and are invulnerable.
I'd say an expansion of PVP into a conquest type thing, but that's already coming, so I'd say maybe housing.
2. PvP Before and After. C 50% PVE 50% PVP I live in hope.
3. The Foundry. I dabble a bit but I am not very good, it is very hard and imeconsuming to get everything just right, especially making indoor areas from scratch.
4. The Rotation. I have no opinion, I do events as they come up.
5. Neverwinter is F2P. I buy dye, character look changes, respecs, outfits. I would buy things like companions (beside stone) if they were cheaper. Also things like mount and companion upgrades need to be cheaper. Also in the wonderous bazaar the transmute armor needs to be cheaper. Im not paying 1.5mil+ for any of it.
6. Icewind Dale. Bit aprehensive of the open world pvp, whats to stop me (as a DC) having a TR drop on my head and killing me? Everything else seems ok tho.
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update. I hear Warlock and Druid are next in line so I wont say those (psyched btw) so I will say Avenger and anything else really.
8. Character Progression. I dont mind skipping dungeons and skirmishes levelling, u can go back to dungeons and there are CTA's (pls do Garrundar the Vile soon)
9. What's the most fun you had... laughing with guild mates on TS or vent as we attempted dungeons back when they were still hard.
10. #1 feature. Please buff clerics back up please, they are starting to verge on useless
Bonus: ONE THING. More char customisation ie outfits/transmutes/dye/toggle off shirts and pants and enchants
I don't PvP!
2. PvP Before and After.
I don't PvP. I have listened to my guild mates and they all seem to have mixed feelings. Some like the changes and some don't.
3. The Foundry.
The foundry is a waste of time in my opinion.
4. The Rotation.
The rotation sucks. The implementation of a key system will be welcomed. I won't hold my breath as to how great it will be though.
5. Neverwinter is F2P.
No it isn't. I have spent more money than I should on my little addiction. Better than drugs though.
6. Icewind Dale.
I hope it is an image of Icewind Dale and not something thought to be icewind dale in the mind of someone who doesn't know and turns out to be a big let down.
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.
Paladin and Warlock. Cast times for CW and DC are slow. DC should be able to select avatars to click heal instead of trying to find the single target in the middle of a huge mob. Armor Pen should not increase threat. HR should be nerfed. GF should be able to actually hold aggro from HR and CW.
8. Character Progression.
We should have the ability to turn off all tutorials. 8 times going through them and it is a bore. I should have the choice after my 2nd lvl 60 to to bypass all 1-60 content and enter the game immediately at lvl 60.
9. What's the most fun you had...
The most fun I have had has been with my guildies. In contrast the least fun I have had is going though that annoying quest "SpellBurst". I really wish I could skip it and Josefs annoying mutant wife.
10. #1 feature.
The art of the game. I find that the scenery in this game is amazing. I love the vibrant colors of Sharandar and the Ice Spire. My favorite areas.
All classes should be given free respecs at lvl 60 to include ability scores.
The "PvP Patch". The most recent patch includes Class balance issues, bug fixes, and the largest PvP update ever. Are you excited about PvP additions to the game such as Tenacity, Healing Depression, Leaver Penalties, and Matchmaking, Epic and rare PvP gear?
The changes are very good and see longer and better fights.
2. PvP Before and After. From your perspective, how much time do you spend PvPing now, compared to how much time you see yourself PvPing in the future, post PvP update? Will the update change your current habits and why?
I like PVP. I suck at it but I play it often.
3. The Foundry.
Foundry developers should be encouraged to make longer and better modules. Create a Hall of Fame and attach some great stuff for them to use to make better modules. Perhaps have a competition for the best module that is voted on by fans and developers for its skill. I have run some excellent foundry missions. There is real talent out there. Find a way to tap into it.
4. The Rotation.
Rotation sucks. I would love the chance to win keys to run dungeons (once a day) at my own time.
5. Neverwinter is F2P. Cryptic makes a living off the cash shop. What items do you pay for in the cash shop? What items you absolutely will not pay for? What item(s), if lowered in price, would you potentially buy?
The prices are too high generally. I would like the ability to customise my character more. For example, design my own tattoos. And I am a sucker for the clothes.
6. Online Ranked Siren Backlash. Akar Kessell and Crenshinibon. The anagram sparked one of the most popular threads in recent Neverwinter forum history. What are the top 3 things you are looking forward to in the new Icewind Dale update? Any parts you don't care about?
Open PvP zones to see how that works. Will this means blobs will run around crushing lone players? What is the reward for zone pvp play? Please NO more grinding; make the missions a very extended lengthy task that is quite hard. The quests should be more immersive through requiring puzzles and clues to be found and then put together. CLASS SPECIFIC MISSIONS would be cool.
I have been a follower of the FR for decades. The lore is an interest of mine.
7. You have been hired once again by Cryptic to produce a mod, this time pegged to design two new classes by Q4 2014, and enhance the current classes. What two classes will you pick, and what changes/additions would you make to any of the current classes?
CW do too much damage. Their control aspect is fine but with the incredible amounts of damage they do; they are simply overpowered.The Master of Flame path needs a lot of work. Replace all ice aspects with flame. Basic power - chill strike = fireball. Delayed blast fireball for avalanche. Meteor storm for conduit of ice.
TR have been nerfed too much. They should be glass cannons. At they moment they are glass popguns. Permastealth is a bad mechanic but it has evolved because of the damage nerf. TR should be stealth, max alpha and then die if they cannot escape. BUT nothing should die to one shot powers. More dazing etc could be an option.
GF need the ability to drag aggro from everything. Perhaps making marks work better through a power like Warrior's Urging.
GWF's are about right.
New classes:
Warlords - tactical buffing ; tanking ability and medium damage.
Warlocks - Need another arcane option - Two paragon paths - Infernal - dps and Fey - control - the paragon paths should require a pact mission to be sealed and it should be a serious part of their path development.
More options for current classes - each class should have three viable paragon paths.
8. You are asked to look at the XP Curve in relation to character level progression. Would increasing xp needed to level make your character's journey feel more fun? Would you be able to run more quests, such as Foundry missions, without skipping any of the storyline content?
There is an imbalance in the leveling. It is too easy to level at certain stages which leaves the higher level content attainable at too high a level.I would reduce the invocation experience down substantially during leveling. The mid range missions seem to be worth too much.
Is it possible to make professions better .... better leveling.
9. Neverwinter is Social fare. What's the most fun you had to date in Neverwinter?[/COLOR]
Dungeons. They make for great team play.
10. In one sentence please name the #1 feature/concern that you dislike to the point of possibly walking away from Neverwinter? Or, name one feature that you love about the game enough, that you see yourself playing Neverwinter for many years to come.
Lore. The ability of the game to expand in so many directions. Different nations; underdark; planes etc.
Bonus Question: Name ONE THING you'd love to see added or improved in Neverwinter before the end of 2014. Come on... just One Thing!!
Classes. You must roll out all the baseline class first and foremost. At least 3 paragon paths for each class. Druids, Warlocks, Warlords, Templar clerics; Barbarians; Psions; Monks; Sorcerors and of course; the two weapon wielding ranger. (Put a title on ANYONE who becomes a drow two weapon wielding ranger (Drizzt wannabe))
Lairs. Imagine a guild being able to develop its own city. First it builds a wall, then mages towers, then temples to gods, then a castle, then a foundry. Bit by bit it makes a small city. With all the problems. When the lair reaches a certain level - it can be raided by dragons, orcs etc and if it isn't defended; well it gets damaged if not ruined and has to be rebuilt. Link this to professions to bring them into the game.
A PvP specific stat is a bummer. Now I must run 2 complete sets of gear for PVE/PVP with expensive enchants :-( Healing depression and tenacicity has had a nice side affect though; I don't run any more blue gear really because regen is so useless in combat. Now I buy the triumph seal gear (purples). Kind of cool to see angelic bracers for DC's and greater rings of health lose their solvency.
2. PvP Before and After.
answer: E
3. The Foundry.
The foundry ideas are covered by many other threads-my main and biggest wish is for additions to the moonstone mask for roleplaying by way of foundry. One of your CM's totally agree :-)
4. The Rotation.
Rotation doesn't concern me very much because so much of it is rubbish to me. GG should be cycling all the time not just on rotations. Foundry slot is useless as is-it should grant a foundry only companion or gear when slot is open not XP for now. Maybe after MOD 3 it will be more relevant with XP progression for your post 60 characters. Professions slot is acomplicated answer because professions in general need an overhaul. Love the DD key idea. Skirmishes for rough AD, not relevant to me.
5. Neverwinter is F2P.
Bought a purple mount as a gift to myself when started game. Account wide-do not regret that in the slightest. Highly suggest everyone who is starting do that. You can justify this to yourself by thinking that this is action is "buying the game". The biggest thing that makes me literally Laugh Out Loud in the zen store is Coalescent Ward prices. We need so many of these in game 1000 zen is beyond ridiculous. This really needs to be like 300 zen. No kidding. Since we get a .0001% drop rate from prayers and nerfed tarmalune bars from boxes the zen store figures on coal wards need to drop dramatically. I would actually buy them.
6. Icewind Dale.
I'm going to assume the PVE content will be fun for a week or two just like the other mods and then became flat and a chore. The PvP content has me so super psyched. Open world PvP and campaign....oh YES!! Now please make 1v1 challenges available in most areas (except auction house/bank areas). It would add much depth to roleplaying and grudge matches. :-) But seriously way to go team with the PvP activities!
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.
This is a massive question. I will try to be concise. I am a D&D Insider member on the Wizards of the Coast official site. I have far too many ideas for this that relate to what is actually in the rules/player handbooks. I am a massive Leadership class fan.
A.) Warlord. Tactical orders/shouts, medium damage. There is a melee warlord, and a crossbow warlord in D&D 4E. Use those templates. Leadership class.
B.) Artificer. Can heal/augment/control. So awesome in so many ways. Ultimate Leadership class.
Changes/additions to current classes: Way too big of a topic. I'll sum it up as best I can;
Rogues: I don't play one but they need to be much more relevant. Let them use ranged weapons like in 4E. Needs more damage.
Control Wizards: in 4E they do not do very much damage. Control is great in this game. Nerf damage in spell storm paragon and even add more control to it. Flame paragon needs to turn all ice skills into fire skills and needs much more damage.
GWF: Great MOD 3 changes. Should never have gotten iron vanguard paragon, there is SO many paths in 4E. Like pick a different one.
Hunter Ranger: Bummer to the upcoming split shot and storm step nerf :-( yucky. The upcoming paragon seems...interesting.
Devoted Clerics: Mod 3 really takes a sweet swipe at righteousness. Couldn't get here soon enough.
Guardian Fighters: Recent buffs make it so much more fun. Tab skill is legit now. BUT, knee breaker should be deleted for any other AOE power from 4E. This class needs more AoE/speed in PVE. PVP we're awesome. Sword master path was a disaster. Needs to be majorly buffed to even work for the GF.
8. Character Progression.
The only disappointment is that each character goes through the same progression. Wish the starting areas were different or race/class changed the sequences.
9. What's the most fun you had...
There were some PVP victories that were matched PERFECTLY with the recent ELO system. We won by 10 or less points and boy was that fun.
10. #1 feature.
My real response is far too big to put in this query. To be succinct I will say this: This game has strayed far away from so much that is the actual D&D game I love with friends and family around a table. It has gravitated too much to other MMO's identities. Please read Insider articles, Dragon Magazine articles, and player handbooks/dungeon master guides. There is SOOO much depth there.
A real balancing of the classes would be OH SO SWEET.
Anyone else would like to give Cryptic your glimpse on these various topics? Let's hear!
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Additional ways to view your completed quests. I'd like to see a sort by level, a sort by zone and a sort by quest giver. I mean, who remembers the name of a quest they did, or perhaps didn't, do.
I don't PVP so no, not excited.
2. PvP Before and After.
A: 100% PVE, forced PVE or mixing PVP into PVE content is a big no-no for me.
3. The Foundry.
Great system but I don't have the time to get into it. Better tutorial system perhaps (I haven't looked since launch, if this has been addressed advertise it better!)
4. The Rotation.
A lot of the Dungeon Delve times are either way too early or too late for UK/CET time zones - 18:00 is too early, 22:00 is too late. Can we double up on these to have more options for different time zone-based guilds?
5. Neverwinter is F2P.
Mostly bank space, a few character slots and the middle-price pack. I liked the recent ioun stone promotion, but the upcoming 4-day purchase thing is far too expensive for me.
6. Icewind Dale.
I love the setting within the wider Realms so looking forward (I hope) to lots of good story and lore! The campaign will extend my interest in the game that much longer of course.
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.
Don't know classes well enough to give balance options, though some of the paragon paths could be more differentiated (Fire vs Lightning for Wizard, what about Illusions or Necromancy as something more interesting!?).
New classes I'd like to see are Warlord (healer/buffer) and Paladin (tank with heals). I love the druid class in earlier editions of D&D but the 4ed version is a horrible clone of the WoW class. I prefer my druid to be a caster/summoner first and a shapeshifter as a distant second.
8. Character Progression.
I'm neutral on this. The current leveling speed allows you to skip a few zones, which makes alt leveling more fun. If you change the leveling speed make it *optional*, either through a tickbox setting or an item you equip (such as the pocket item in LOTRO). Don't enforce a big change like this on all players!
9. What's the most fun you had...
Small group leveling with friends. The story dungeons are always a great laugh. The Sharandar campaign so far is also pretty awesome, I love the twisted-fey theme.
10. #1 feature.
The companion system is truely a delight. I love leveling and equipping them and using them in PVE content.
The cost of upgrading companions is far too high. Make it affordable so not only the whales and time-rich can make use of more companions!
I'm overall disappointed with the PVP patch. GWFs are still just as Tanky and difficult to take down. The PVP sets leave much to be lacking (no Regen on GWF sets, no Deflect on CW sets). The four-set bonuses are limited. I would have preferred an overall 20% Tenacity instead of piddling with new gear. The queue was extremely slow for a couple of weeks now. I'm not even sure if ELO match-making is currently working. Profound gear is too expensive and doesn't drop anywhere. There are no new PVP maps after almost a year of requesting them. Glory rewards are less.
PvP Before and After. From your perspective, how much time do you spend PvPing now, compared to how much time you see yourself PvPing in the future, post PvP update? Will the update change your current habits and why?
I used to PVP a TON, for hours each day. Because of current queue times and diminished Glory I simply do my dailies then log off. Also, I find zero reason to run PVE now that I'm sixty. I'll need to get my Dread Legion offhand for my HR. Otherwise, Cryptic has all of this amazing content and I have no reason to run it. The PVP patch has created a strong division between PVE and PVP players, which is a shame. A person should be able to bring their PVE/PVP character to each interchangeably. Now, that's less realistic.
Neverwinter is F2P. Cryptic makes a living off the cash shop. What items do you pay for in the cash shop? What items you absolutely will not pay for? What item(s), if lowered in price, would you potentially buy?
I don't pay for anything I don't own, and Cryptic owns everything about my character and Neverwinter. I'm F2P for life because making AD is so easy in this game.
Online Ranked Siren Backlash. Akar Kessell and Crenshinibon. The anagram sparked one of the most popular threads in recent Neverwinter forum history. What are the top 3 things you are looking forward to in the new Icewind Dale update? Any parts you don't care about?
Haven't tried it out yet, but I'm hopeful.
You have been hired once again by Cryptic to produce a mod, this time pegged to design two new classes by Q4 2014. What two classes would you suggest are added next, and what changes/additions would you make, if any, to any of the current classes?
In this order: Swordmage, Monk, Warlock, Druid, or Bard.
Neverwinter is Social fare. What's the most fun you had to date in Neverwinter?
PVPing before the recent changes.
In one sentence please name the #1 feature/concern that you dislike to the point of possibly walking away from Neverwinter? Or, name one feature that you love about the game enough, that you see yourself playing Neverwinter for many years to come.
Painfully long queue times and the ELO ranking system is a mess. I'd love a queue for premades (4-5 players), and a solo (ish) queue (1-3 players). Otherwise, I love D&D so I'll most likely stick around.
Bonus Question: Name ONE THING you'd love to see added or improved in Neverwinter before the end of 2014. Come on... just One Thing!!
Fixing crafting to have a x3 or xALL buttons. It's extremely tedious to do those piecemeal.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
Rarely played before, barely played after. Not excited, but not a PVP'er. Tenacy just seems to make another layer between the haves/have-nots in the no-gear/gear and class imballance.
3. The Foundry.
I've noticed people who publish sequential foundary missions only get 1 overall review, and I assume 1 chance at AD rewards. So feedback and rewards to them are lacking. Other than that, perhaps educate foundary authors not to make hour long quests? Try to add auto foundary balancing for groups and large 60x power differencial. Or make that option easier for the author. (Too many good missions are being stomped down below the reward limit, or excessivly padded to make up for this)
4. The Rotation.
Not a fan of playing on "cryptic's clock" but at least it rotates. No rotation leaves some time zone locked out of events.
I'll wait till the key system is live to comment, it could go either way. If keys are minimal, DD-chests need a *large* drop buff increase. Or an additional system put in place
5. Neverwinter is F2P.
Thanks for at least lowering some of the terribly high prices, and having sales. It's a step in a right direction.
Right now I'm not interested buying do to other problems with the game
6. Icewind Dale.
Content x3, Content is King Baby!
Not excited? As STO realized more boons/upgrades really isn't maintanable in the long run. I'd look into "fixing" this now, less people complaining about waisted AD/time.
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.
I'd Open up a DND manual and pick 2 and random. Druid/Monk perhaps. They're the next two obvious
8. Character Progression.
Seems decent. Needs to be fast due to single repetative storyline
9. What's the most fun you had...
10. #1 feature.
I'll go dislike here, my 1 sentance: "Solo vs. Group Content Imballence"
Now can I expand? Shar/Dread is an improvement (including giving some Ok solo gear), but I'd like the devs to play solo for a day, even with Shar/Dread solo content runs out quickly, access to same quality rewards are lacking. Examples: Shar/Dread group dungeon gives you *multiple seals*, solo dungeon gives you a very poor chance at having 1 seal (Even 1 seal would mean 4 months to get the item). GG: Honestly, it's just an 1/2 hour to hour long queue, neither solo or group get any GG seals, so it's the idle event. 1 or 2 seals / 100 score won't break the system. And so on, even Peg/Drake seals are imballanced (and the items)
I see the devs want to encorage group play, but fixing the imbalance would improve the QOL here. Additional power creep will just lead new players in the dust, and ubers endless crying about pulling "noobs" through "dungeons they have no right to be in" even with the minimal, but technically appropriate, solo gear as old dungeons get abbandoed. (T1 already mostly abbandoned due to poor drop rate and system)
RNG/Dropo-Gear-CTA sytem. Change be lucky into be able to earn.
The new PvP gear looks great for transmutation, as well as the base 10% resists for PvP which are good as well. Other than that, I'm not really favorable of the introduction of Tenacity and Healing Depression since there might be better workarounds for those issues. Clueless about the Leaver Penalties and Matchmaking though.
2. PvP Before and After.
Before: PvE mostly, dabble in PvP
After: 100% PvE
3. The Foundry.
Not really familiar with The Foundry, but there could be better rewards in the end chest to complement the great storyline in the one completed.
4. The Rotation.
The Rotation seems to be fine, but I feel that the Skirmish and the Professions events could be permanent throughout the game and thus can be replaced with other events such as granting access to special PvE/PvP content or even some roleplay aspects. (not a roleplayer but still it's better than those)
5. Neverwinter is F2P.
Bought just a Galeb Dhur when there was that 50% discount off all companions and that's about it. Some items in the cash shop seem to be really unappealing, especially the Idle and Active Companion Slots. I believe the Coalescent Ward in the Zen Store could be bought more often if the price is lowered significantly.
6. Icewind Dale.
Looking forward to class changes, new PvE content and maybe the new Artifacts.
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.
Not really familiar with the D&D but Bard/Summoner would be nice to see. (not much hope on them being the next two though)
8. Character Progression.
Seems to be reasonably paced, no comments about that.
9. What's the most fun you had...
Fun times in dungeons... such as seeing a player getting eaten up by a Mimic he opened (not sadistic but it's hilarious), and so on.
10. #1 feature.
The combat system is definitely amazing compared to the other MMOs I've played so far, the limit of powers, the fast pacing, etc.
Improvements on the Profession system could be helpful, such as an increase to the Profession level cap or convenience features. Adding new ones like Fishing (like the Winter Festival's which was cool) and Cooking would also be awesome.
1.The "PvP Patch". The most recent patch includes Class balance issues, bug fixes, and the largest PvP update ever. Are you excited about PvP additions to the game such as Tenacity, Healing Depression, Leaver Penalties, and Matchmaking, Epic and rare PvP gear?
It’s a good start, but lot of works is still needed.
I don’t like tenacity, just pull the need of a second set of stuff if you do PvE and PvP. And when all have 30% resist, what's difference with all 0% resist ? Prone are still too long, and damage burst too effective.
Healing depression is ok.
Leaver penalty sounds cool at first but people just disconnect for avoid it, wait some minutes or just log on another account.
Matchmaking is better but GS difference still exist and class balance in teams is something too horrible (2 GWF+2 GF in one team and none in others is pointless). But, it’s very difficult to have a good balance while having little queue time.
I just looked new stuff of class I play in PvP and I was not impressed, same bonus for the 3 epic set, and while there is 3 set stats was not very good for me.
Oh and Premade vs PUG is still meh most time.
I just want to add something. For me, the main problem of PvP is probably the chain control. Most of time, there is no fight, you are proned/controlled, take a burst and die without possibility to do anything (or you're barely living). You should get a immune of few seconds after being controlled.
2. PvP Before and After. From your perspective, how much time do you spend PvPing now, compared to how much time you see yourself PvPing in the future, post PvP update? Will the update change your current habits and why?
I like PvE more but wait 1 hour for a dungeon (if I log while event is on) is often too much for me. I do few PvP matchs and farm campaign for things I need, on different characters.
Then, it’s like 50%-50% PvE – PvP, patch didn’t change anything for that, but without patch I would have stopped PvP cause too much class balancing problems (GWF for most part).
3. The UGC dreamweavers have spoken, "The Foundry NEEDS SOME LOVE!" If you were in charge of an upcoming major Foundry update, in 5 sentences or less, please describe what new addition or changes you would make to increase the player community's interest in designing, and/or playing custom generated content in Neverwinter.
I don’t design Foundry content, and I usually don’t like it so much. I’m not the best for answer this question, sorry.
4. The Rotation. I've heard quite a few guild leaders' frustrations with the Rotation over the past year, most frequently the difficulty in scheduling weekly content for their guildies, and long deadzones of inaction in between delve slots. Has your guild managed to work around the rotation? What is your opinion (or you guild's opinion) of the rotation? Are you looking forward to the key system upcoming? In 5 sentences or less, please.
In pick up situation, rotation is good thing cause that make more player who look for a group at the same time. But on guild perspective, it’s not a good thing. The key system sounds cool, but the price of keys will be the key of the success. It's a very good thing to add that for give more possibilities to players.
5. Neverwinter is F2P. Cryptic makes a living off the cash shop. What items do you pay for in the cash shop? What items you absolutely will not pay for? What item(s), if lowered in price, would you potentially buy?
Actually, cash shop is often just giving a new currencies for Pay2Win players (enchanted keys, coalescent wards). I would pay for cosmetic items for support game developpement, or useful account stuff (character slot for exemple). I would even buy enchanted keys if price would be lower and stuff in chest was account bound.
6. Online Ranked Siren Backlash. Akar Kessell and Crenshinibon. The anagram sparked one of the most popular threads in recent Neverwinter forum history. What are the top 3 things you are looking forward to in the new Icewind Dale update? Any parts you don't care about?
I just like new content, and I like to play all things the game offer.
7. You have been hired once again by Cryptic to produce a mod, this time pegged to design two new classes by Q4 2014. What two classes would you suggest are added next, and what changes/additions would you make, if any, to any of the current classes?
Obviously, it’s pointless to add classes while desirability balance is still wrong. Rangers have been added, and in PvE almost no group want them.
Actually, GWF and CW desirability is just too high in PvE. Module 3 will hopefully change things for GWF. But CW changes will probably need some changes in epic dungeon design (almost always the same model : ton of mob everywhere, no need others things than heavy CC and AoE damage class). If all a class do, another class do it better, there is a problem.
Once all class are wanted, with a goal and job for them, i would see :
- A support class, not dps oriented, like a bard
- Another tank style, like a crusader or paladin
- Another heal, who heal differently
I know, that make 3 but for the last 2 i like the idea of differents groups setup and not just dps spots.
For current classes :
- GF : need more job for them in instances, they are the less wanted class. Give them things to tank
- GWF : Less tanking abilities, more aoe damage, less one target damage.
- TR : Their damages were nerf, they don’t do aoe much, they now do too less damage for being wanted vs GWF or CW. If other class are fixed, they will be ok like that.
- CW : CC part if ok, but with so many targets hits they do way too much damage. Should be a control class for the most part, not a control class and the best dps class in pve at the same time.
DC : Healing part should be necessary and not replaced by heavy CC/Lifedrain
HR : Melee/range was a good idea, but most people who play them only do range. They pull mass agro and just spread mobs everywhere. I think they could do the job like a rogue, but range would help with aoe. It’s mostly fights design who can give them a real goal.
8. You are asked to look at the XP Curve in relation to character level progression. Would increasing xp needed to level make your character's journey feel more fun? Would you be able to run more quests, such as Foundry missions, without skipping any of the storyline content?
I guess xp is good at this time, but if you do extra things other all quests, you gain too much xp (foundry, skirmish, …). Maybe a way to block xp would be cool for make all things without gaining too much xp and skip some parts of the game.
Have more maps would be ok too. For exemple, for levels 15-20 you will choose to do quests in map A or map B. Then, 2 characters will have different experiences in levelling, now if you level 3 characters, they do always the same quests (just 3-4 class quests are different), it’s not fun.
9. Neverwinter is Social fare. What's the most fun you had to date in Neverwinter?
I try to have fun everytime I play in group, I had fun during leveling (best part of game actuelly in my opinion).
10. In one sentence please name the #1 feature/concern that you dislike to the point of possibly walking away from Neverwinter? Or, name one feature that you love about the game enough, that you see yourself playing Neverwinter for many years to come.
Class desirability : Pointless to invest time in a character none want in group.
Bonus Question: Name ONE THING you'd love to see added or improved in Neverwinter before the end of 2014. Come on... just One Thing!!
Dual spec possibility, i hate change manually my PvE skills each time i go PvP.
Classes are wildly unbalanced in PvP, D&D really isn't designed for it. I do enjoy PvP, played thousands of hours of it in WoW in 2k+ rated arena. However, if you're on a team of CW, DC, and GF and see a team of GWF, TR, and HR, you might as well wait by the fire and do professions on your alt on the gateway. Don't have any guild mates interested in it, or I'd premade.
2. PvP Before and After. From your perspective, how much time do you spend PvPing now, compared to how much time you see yourself PvPing in the future, post PvP update? Will the update change your current habits and why?
I do the dailies only. Glory gain is so low it's really not worth my time. Once geared, I would certainly play more, but the grind is bad enough just on the dailies.
3. The UGC dreamweavers have spoken, "The Foundry NEEDS SOME LOVE!" If you were in charge of an upcoming major Foundry update, in 5 sentences or less, please describe what new addition or changes you would make to increase the player community's interest in designing, and/or playing custom generated content in Neverwinter.
The foundry desperately needs a DM mode, just like in Neverwinter Nights, with the ability to interact with players, control creatures and drop them on the fly,and teleport party to different areas. Queue system for DM'd modules with a rating system for DM's. This would increase foundry play more than anything, as a DM would only really need to design maps beforehand. Better rewards as well, though not controlled by the DM.
4. The Rotation. I've heard quite a few guild leaders' frustrations with the Rotation over the past year, most frequently the difficulty in scheduling weekly content for their guildies, and long deadzones of inaction in between delve slots. Has your guild managed to work around the rotation? What is your opinion (or you guild's opinion) of the rotation? Are you looking forward to the key system upcoming? In 5 sentences or less, please.
The rotation is interesting, but I see long stretches of time where nothing interests me. Yes, very interested in the key system.
5. Neverwinter is F2P. Cryptic makes a living off the cash shop. What items do you pay for in the cash shop? What items you absolutely will not pay for? What item(s), if lowered in price, would you potentially buy?
I have bought character slots, appearance changes, respec tokens, keys, and a few companions. I bought the guardian pack because the companion was account wide (in fact you could increase the price of companions and I would buy them if account wide). I will not buy a coal ward, because it's essentially pay to win. I'd rather lose than support a model where an enchant upgrade costs $250 in real money.
6. Online Ranked Siren Backlash. Akar Kessell and Crenshinibon. The anagram sparked one of the most popular threads in recent Neverwinter forum history. What are the top 3 things you are looking forward to in the new Icewind Dale update? Any parts you don't care about?
The scenery is gorgeous. Been on the preview shard and I love it. Did some world pvp and some of the encounters, and it's going to be great.
7. You have been hired once again by Cryptic to produce a mod, this time pegged to design two new classes by Q4 2014. What two classes would you suggest are added next, and what changes/additions would you make, if any, to any of the current classes?
Barbarian is a must. You're in the North. It's a staple of the region and you even have an entire zone devoted to them (Vellosk).
Druid would be my second choice, as Neverwinter is surrounded by woods.
You need to do something about GFs for PvE. Nigh worthless compared to running CW+GWF. You know what I mean.
8. You are asked to look at the XP Curve in relation to character level progression. Would increasing xp needed to level make your character's journey feel more fun? Would you be able to run more quests, such as Foundry missions, without skipping any of the storyline content?
It feels about right to me.
9. Neverwinter is Social fare. What's the most fun you had to date in Neverwinter?
Soloing the end boss of GWD from 25% to 0% on a GF.
10. In one sentence please name the #1 feature/concern that you dislike to the point of possibly walking away from Neverwinter? Or, name one feature that you love about the game enough, that you see yourself playing Neverwinter for many years to come.
I dislike the cost of coal wards. I love the FR setting, own all the source books.
Bonus Question: Name ONE THING you'd love to see added or improved in Neverwinter before the end of 2014. Come on...
How about a PvP outfit button, similar to the armor/fashion toggle but that actually equips the stat items? I'd pay you the bag space's worth in zen plus 500 zen for the convenience.
Penalties for leaving are good. Matching people via gearscore might be best.
2. PvP Before and After.
I don't PvP
3. The Foundry.
Better rewards for foundry so people will actually play them.
4. The Rotation.
Havn't had this issue
5. Neverwinter is F2P.
Happy to buy the occasional promo. Like the F2P system
6. Icewind Dale.
That I might be forced to PvP in Icewind dale for neccisary (boon) advancement, is a concern.
7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.
Monk and Paladin. Add features to each class that make it uniquely valuable in dungeons
8. Character Progression.
More xp to lvl would not make the game for fun to me, as an altaholic.
9. What's the most fun you had...
Questing with friends though storyline.
10. #1 feature.
Ability to use gateway via cell phone to craft is AWSOME.
Race change/stat roll reset in the zen store