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Hot Topics of Early 2014! Stand up. Make a Better Neverwinter.



  • sugarliessugarlies Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 99
    edited April 2014
    1. The "PvP Patch".

    No. My interest in pvp died down quite a while ago.

    2. PvP Before and After.

    Both before and after: d.

    3. The Foundry.

    Reward for time played in a foundry not number of dungeons. Proper choices.

    4. The Rotation.

    I don't know the thing by heart and having to work my day around a game is highly unlikely to ever happen for me. So mostly I only bother with invocations during a week since I don't have the time to spend the day waiting for events I am interested in.

    5. Neverwinter is F2P.

    Pay for: companions, keys, char slots
    Stuff I would never buy: rafinement stones and the like, other mounts than the one +3 I have across all chars, active companion slot, adventurer's helper pack
    Stuff that's too expensive: coalescent wards, bank slots (too little space at the same price of a 12 bag which offers more space), more bags, dyes, greater stone of health, scrolls of life and mass life

    I would buy if it would exist: reroll dice for char, race change

    6. Icewind Dale.

    PvE campaign (there's very little to do ingame pve-wise if you don't do dungeons and are done with the previous 2 campaigns), new artifacts, post-60 advancement.

    Not interested much in the pvp stuff.

    7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.

    Not interested much in classes. Rather a change to dungeons design to allow the existance of the GF class. It serves no real point atm and that's not really the class' fault, but mostly that the encounters are not designed tu support the role of a more durable lower dps.

    8. Character Progression.

    Don't change it. It's super fast which makes it actually be so enjoyable and so different from other mmo experinces.
    Also, if Foundry was needed to level because the game itself doesn't offer enough content, it would be ridiculous and the game would look like it's counting on player created content to pull it through. It's highly linear and you have to do every quest (including dungeons ones) to make it to 60 already, if you make the level experience take longer you need to add in more quests. Also, Foundry quests are not very gorup friendly, full of bugs and can't be finsihed - all the more frustrating if it would become mandatory.

    9. What's the most fun you had...

    I guess leveling (quests and low level dungeons). The end game content has very little to offer. Events are fun but they are really short and server has problems all the time when they start which makes it annoying.

    10. #1 feature.

    My role (tank) is useless. No one likes to level a class (which is more or less equivalent to role), invest in it and find out they are seen as a joke. I am very likely to leave over this if it becomes more and more of a struggle to do end game content.

    Bonus: ONE THING.
    Support for the tank role in dungeons. They are not support at the moment, they are required for random queueus only where dpses come in with the minimum required GS making the run a horrible struggle most often than not.
  • nekro10nekro10 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    1. The "PvP Patch".

    - Is quite interesting, but it can be improved.

    2. PvP Before and After.

    -I honestly like 60 percent of PvP, but I wish you could also add a 1v1 PvP and not only in the arenas, but everywhere. This would make the game very funny, or I guess that would be something different for members.

    3. The Foundry.

    -The Foundry is useful in some way. Expected to have very interesting things.

    4. The Rotation.

    - I'm not in a guild , But I'll make it, so my answer it's N/A

    5. Neverwinter is F2P.

    - I would like pay only for increase my items stats , not for pets/items/companions . That thing needs to be different in the future. I hope.

    6. Icewind Dale.

    - N/A

    7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.

    - Vampire Warrior and Warrior Beast (consists of choosing your character, you want to create the beast. Example: A wolf in armor warrior)

    8. Character Progression.

    - Add more levels for the Characters.

    9. What's the most fun you had...

    - The most fun which I had was in the Dungeons with some of my friends , in PvP Arena and in Skyrims

    10. #1 feature.

    - Ability to pay your zen via-phone will be interesting.

    Bonus: ONE THING.

    Add new outfits for the customization of the character| Add 1vs1 PvP system in every map | Add new differents Companions
  • abaddon523abaddon523 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    1. The "PvP Patch".

    Don't have a strong opinion on it, but as a mainly PvE player it is hard to get into it. I play as a CW and my control powers are now close to useless in PvP. Maybe there are some people who have figured out how to be effective in PvP as a CW even with tenacity but there's a steep learning curve. I'm supposed to be the one with control powers yet GWF's can control me by knocking me on my rear repeatedly while I can't control them well at all.

    2. PvP Before and After.

    I'm 90% PvE. Only do Gauntlgrym PvP to get the rewards. That's unlikely to change with any updates.

    3. The Foundry.

    I love the concept of the foundry, but don't play it a lot because there needs to be better rewards. I understand that if you give an inch people will try to exploit a mile. But there needs to be a balance. Right now you get 100% junk doing foundry missions and gain levels significantly slower than the main quest. When starting a second character I planned to do missions in the foundry instead of the storyline quest to get to 60, but it just went far too slowly with the experience gain rate cap and I bailed on that plan. My main suggestion would be to vet and reward good foundry maps. Ones that are judged to have appropriate difficulty and duration should have experience caps removed and should drop better loot up to and including epics. That would be a guaranteed way to have people teaming up to try new foundry map X to farm some gear instead of running Karrundax for the 200th time. Players would start playing foundry maps en masse if the rewards were equal to, or even a bit less lucrative, than current epic dungeons. Bonus thought: Give a reasonable chunk of experience (and maybe even AD) for the first time completing each vetted foundry map. That way there would be no abuse (people farming the same map over and over) and it would be worthwhile to start going through all of the currently ignored foundry content that's out there. If people are getting AD from completing the maps, then they'll be more willing to tip the mapmakers, which will make more people want to make maps, and on it goes. There's a truckload of untapped potential here.

    4. The Rotation.

    No major complaints. Would be nice to see GauntlGrym a bit more often.

    5. Neverwinter is F2P.

    I buy character slots, respec tokens, and that's about it. I like the challenge of acquiring my own gear, enchants, and items through grinding. If there were more customization options (sets of clothing, better dyes, etc.) I would probably get those.

    6. Icewind Dale.

    Don't know. I'll wait until I've played it to form an opinion.

    7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.

    Don't know about new classes. Some proposed changes to existing classes:

    Rogue - My first character was a rogue. Got up to level 60 and began playing endgame content. Then realized that TR's are the red-headed step-children of PvE. They do far less damage than GWF, CW, and HR and add nothing to the group like a GF or DC does. They may be awesome in PvP, and I get that you have to balance their abilities, but they're unwanted in PvE groups that are trying to move fast.

    CW - maybe less damage and better control? All of the things that I would want to control are immune to it, and all of the things I can control it would be faster to just kill them.

    GF - Personally, I love doing dungeons with a GF as I always seem to die less but the majority opinion is that they are a GWF tank minus the damage. Something should be done to separate them as the premier tanks. There should be situations where not having someone who can legitimately tank hurts you (i.e. make a boss that does huge damage AOE attacks to the whole group unless a GF is standing in front of him baiting him.)

    8. Character Progression.

    Foundry, Foundry and more foundry. Make the foundry a viable option to level your character from 4 to 60 in a reasonable amount of time. Have vetted maps reward good experience for completing them. People who have played through the game a few times do not want to play the story line again.

    9. What's the most fun you had...

    Carrying a terrible party full of under-geared inexperienced players through Frozen Heart. Very challenging and very satisfying to see that I outdamaged all of them put together.

    10. #1 feature.

    I could see myself playing NW for years to come if the Foundry quests were rewarded.

    Bonus: ONE THING.

    The foundry is my suggestion 1a. 1b is the following: please add elements of randomization. Change up where enemies are, how many, what kind. Change the locations of bosses, make us look in dark corners to find things we need to progress. Make scripted events where things jump out and attack you at random inopportune times. And if you can manage it, randomize parts of dungeons. You want to know why speed runs work? Predictability. I know where every mob, shortcut, turn, danger, and treasure is in every map. So does everyone I run with. We've figured out how to optimize runs. Run from Point A to point B, then turn around and nuke everything that followed you from A to B all at once. Repeat. Presto, every dungeon can be cleared in 15-20 minutes. Randomization wrecks that. If we all charge head-first into a den of four gelatinous cubes that wasn't there the last time we played the dungeon and have a mob of 50 enemies on our tail which wipes us out we might be forced to use caution going forward. Now? No caution needed. Just look at the Respen event. By randomly placing keys in rooms we have to explore the level and see what hides behind all of the doors. As is, I know that there is nothing, good, bad or interesting, hiding anywhere in any dungeon. So...just blow through it as fast as possible. Reward the adventurers--make a chest appear in a random spot in each dungeon that actually gives good stuff if you find it. Have random NPC's with worthwhile sidequests appear in dungeons.

    While I'm at it, please come up with more creative enemies that force teams to work together and protect each other. Have enemies that are immune to magic, or physical damage, or ranged attacks. Make enemies deal more or less damage to different classes (a mage killer, monsters that drop a GF's defenses, etc). Have bosses that change immunities mid-battle so all of the party members are needed to take him down. Enough of the "three CW's and a two GWF can crush EVERYTHING" model of dungeon building.
  • dranddrand Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    1. The "PvP Patch".
    I don't pvp much if at all. A large part of the reason I avoid pvp in Neverwinter is the imbalance. Maybe these changes will make pvp more apealing to others, for me pvp in mmorpg's is inherintly unbalanced due to gear/class/skills so this patch will likely have little impact on me personaly.

    2. PvP Before and After.
    a. 100% PvE

    3. The Foundry.
    I would like to see the ability to make maps similar to the Respen event dungeons. This event was the first time since neverwinter launched that I felt like I was playing D&D. Player made versions of this would be awsomesauce.

    4. The Rotation.
    The rotation is trash. Outside of specific delve timers the events aren't worth doing. This is a problem since as a player I should feel like I am able to do whatever I want whenever I want without being penalized. The keys are meh. True my guild will be able to do dungeons whenever we want but only 1 per day. This whole gating mechanic on gear aquisition needs to go. Always up delve chests (nerf astral dimonds from chests to compensate).

    5. Neverwinter is F2P.
    Companions need to be looked at. As of this moment only ioun stones are any good. I've bought an ioun stone for every one of my characters and while I would love to have more companions they just aren't worth my money. Either lower the cost of companions by a significant amount or make them good; Tanks actually absord/taunt a lot of damage, strikers actualy deal good damage, controllers do anything at all (control in this game is weak anyways pet control is a joke), Healers can take more than 1 hit before falling over into uselessness.

    I love the Fashion garb. Please add more of these.

    6. Icewind Dale.
    New zones are always a good thing. Looking forward to the pve even though I realize it will be another grind zone similar to sharandar or dread ring. Open world pvp... I can't overstate how much I HATE THIS. It's just so bad on so many levels. The best I can hope for at this point is that the pve grind for zone completion isn't tied to the pvp so I can ignore the pvp areas.

    7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.
    Druid as a healer class, Swordmage as a tank.
    The following changes for classes are pve directed with no consideration for impact on pvp.
    -Rogue at wills need to be buffed for an overall damage increase.
    -GWF can build real tanky but have no taunt, increase threat generation for sentinel spec.
    -GF need better tools to manage agro since they are supposed to be the tank, even more important the shield bar needs a huge buff so it actually mitigates a large amount of damage instead of breaking after a few hits and being useless. The GF is highly immobile and his kit should reflect the fact that he face tanks. The GF also needs a damage buff across the board.
    -HR encounter and daily powers do low damage. This was fine because split shot made up the diference but with the huge incoming nerf to it the rest of the HR kit needs a damage boost. Support skills need a large buff to make them desireable. Hybrid melee range builds need to be viable.

    8. Character Progression.
    Character progression is in a good spot atm. Maybe add a disable double exp toggle for when that event happens.

    9. What's the most fun you had...
    The Respen event is far and away the best content in the game thus far. My mind was blown by the quality of the event and I hope this level of brilliance is applied to future content updates for the game.

    10. #1 feature.
    The rotation of rewards for events is so bad and it taints all aspects of the game. The keys are a band-aid on the problem but untill these arbitrary timers are removed they will continue to garner ire from me.

    Bonus: ONE THING.
    I love the HR class; I wish it wasn't trash. Willing to buy some love for the Hunter Ranger.
  • aandrethegiantaandrethegiant Member Posts: 3,369 Arc User
    edited April 2014

    Holy cow! Gotta love all these great responses! Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on the game! This is what make communities great, good ideas and on topic!!

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  • alvadimarcoalvadimarco Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I wonder if the powers that be are reading and taking notes...
  • macabrivsmacabrivs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 417 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2014
    1. The "PvP Patch".
    I actually think pvp is more balance now with healing depression but im not sure if it was the best option.

    2. PvP Before and After.
    I just PvP because this game rly lack of PvE Content, thats actually the only reason i do PvP..... Actually atm i just do PvP because theres nothing else to do :/

    3. The Foundry.
    I dont play foundry because theres 0 reward doing it.

    4. The Rotation.
    Nothing to say

    5. Neverwinter is F2P.
    For PvE i think neverwinter is F2P, for PvP i think is a bit P2W

    6. Icewind Dale.
    Im actually only playing in preview server atm and i think is very good but again cryptic is making the same mistake every patch they release..... lack of PvE content (no, 1 epci skirmish is not enough to play till next module release)

    7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.
    I dont care for new classes, move all cryptic class designers staff to build more PvE content

    8. Character Progression.
    PvE content, PvE content and.... PvE content. Thats my character progression.

    9. What's the most fun you had...
    Probably the first time i killed dracolich and if im not mistaken was still in beta.... i rly miss some fun the last months

    10. #1 feature. ---> PVE CONTENT.... I know we cant compare but did u know that the newst release MMO out there came with 60 dungeon instances.... yes 60!!!!!
  • nirraddrappehsnirraddrappehs Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    1. The "PvP Patch". : Was a good effort, The healing depression helps but the match making is miss-matching.
    In a nut shell: OP premades vs the other guys who don't have top tier gear.

    2. PvP Before and After.:is still an improvement but still needs work:Ex: tenacity needs to help with the stun lock mobs 3 on 1 is the norm but having to be on the ground the whole time because every warrior runs with 2 somtimes 3 knockdown is cheep.

    3. The Foundry. : honestly i cant think of any improvement other than the small bugs the authors have to deal with.

    4. The Rotation. :I like the current rotation system

    5. Neverwinter is F2P. pve yes pvp is P2W and the pricing to do so is insane the costs for wards is outlandish.

    6. Icewind Dale. hope it comes with the Warlock class I been wanting since this game went live.

    7. 2 New Classes & Class Update. pls release the warlock asap we need a range striker that's not the ranger druid multiclass, Cw are controllers 1st striker 2nd it should stay that way.

    8. Character Progression.: keep it.

    9. What's the most fun you had... playing the new mini game the one where you play battle board pieces it makes me remember the old pen and paper d&d right down to running out of markers and using dice for more orc's and goblins. :)

    10. #1 feature.account wide mount unlocks a huge bonus love it makes the zen purchase well worth it.

    Bonus: ONE THING. Pls release the warlock next we dont need another healer we already have 2 tanks one that doubles as dps and with rangers pathfinder being party buffs the ranger just became a multiclass archer/druid/bard But we need a ranged dps debuffer to help balance the ranger and DC's buffage.
  • forever16bitsforever16bits Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    1. The "PvP Patch".

    I like it. Matches are much more balanced, going toe to toe with other team most of the times. Thanks to tenacity (meagre amounts that I actually care/remember slotting from time to time) individual fights seem little bit longer and my HR can even sometimes take down former untouchables (GWF if it's at half heart, and CW can't stun/prone me to death). When it comes to balance, I think that TRs have it too good with permastealth, but if it's reworked, they definitely should get buffs in some other areas. If those buffs benefited PvE as well...
    2. PvP Before and After.

    I farmed most of what I needed and I actually PvP less than I used to. I even let PvP dailies slide from one day to other from time to time. I finally got geared to tackle T2 dungeons so that's where I switched my focus for now. Not mentioning I was little tired of same two maps and one mode offered. Little variety (how hard two more maps can be? I bet some of the Foundry people would relish opportunity to make one, you'd just need to announce a competition or something) It's important, however, that I enjoy PvP much more than I did before. It stopped being a chore and became fun. I do even play couple games over daily quota from time to time, so there's that.

    I do like new PvP gear and I set my eyes on it, but now that I'm in purples, it's not pressing concern. I am looking forward towards Icewind Dale PvP zones and hope you'll find a way to disable companions while in-fight. Wish I could duel my guildmates or have other modes (1v1, 2v2, 3v3, deathmatch, free for all, sieges, x gs cap for a team, no enchant matches, etc.)

    Playtimes currently:
    d. PvE mostly, dabble in PvP

    3. The UGC dreamweavers have spoken, "The Foundry NEEDS SOME LOVE!"

    Let's start by saying, I really like foundry. Played some pen and paper and had my stint as WFRP DM for couple of years. Most of the quests I played so far were good/really good/some verging on great WITHIN FOUNDRY'S SEVERE LIMITATIONS. I read all of the lore and appreciate (tip) good quests, but with time even I found that I have to encourage myself to start Foundry mission. Rewards are lacking so severally, you really have to like RPGs to start playing Foundry campaign instead of 15 mins daily AD masher.

    Foundry needs:
    - Branching story lines/multipath maps
    - Conditional events
    - RNG events making new play troughs feasible
    - More challenging bosses
    - Puzzles, sub quests, riddles
    - Permanency (more achievements for Foundry, add lore from selected exquisite quests to lore book)
    - Better rewards (Celadeine can have 5+ skill nodes for 10 minutes without pots on good day, and apparently they're impossible in 30-40+ mins quests? and foundry unique rewards. Maybe some transmutes or seals like in other repeatable content. I want something solid if I'm going to plunge for 100+ quests in long-run
    4. The Rotation.

    Rotation has to go. I admit, it is nice rush when by luck everyone is on-line for Delves or Gauntlgrym, but people go to work, have families and Neverwinter should accommodate them with their schedule, not the other way around. Key system seems OK, as long as it would allow people to run dungeons with similar frequency as existing system. They definitely should be stackable and should unlock chest only. Queueing without key, should work as outside rotation dungeon run now.
    5. Neverwinter is F2P.

    I paid for bag, bank slots (on main only, most cost effective to unlock two characters, and they will make you ad from leadership too), respec tokens on promotion. Bought some dyes on sale as well. I will buy better mount at some point, but only account-wide. I might get companion, but it has to be good promotion.

    At present prices I wont buy no matter what: Coalescent wards (combined with 1% percent refining chance for weapon/armor enchantments, it comes across as gouging your customers), 50% mounts, Rubies, Adventure helper packs. non-account wide companions over 12000 zen, any fashion set over 500 zen.
    I wouldn't buy no matter price: weapons and armors

    What I would buy, given right price and chance: Transparent and single color dye packs (12 color crayon set would be enough), non-set fashion items for 100-250 zen apiece, change race/reroll stats tokens, mount stable slots like we have for companions, bind to account tokens (For items that were bound via BoE or BoP), tattoos, scaring, class profession packs (i.e. HR has higher chances of scoring leatherworking or weaponsmiting)
    6. Online Ranked Siren Backlash.

    Gave it a shot on preview, but HR nerfs discouraged me so far. If new build is out on preview, I'll let you know in feedback forums. I did like couple of heroic encounters I've been part of, disliked regular bear mob tearing me to pieces :) I hope encounters will be fun and varied for long, even within single zone, so I will find bandits or trolls in a cave on different days, instead of knowing at which exact point I should start shooting. I'd fancy myself artifact or two and couple rounds in open pvp from time to time.

    I really don't want to have pvp with companions included, nor map filled with same mobs in the same spots every day. And I really don't care for 3 of that or 10 of those quests. Hope you came up with something little more creative this time.
    7. (...)design two new classes by Q4 2014.

    Warlock, because you might have a riot if it's not released.

    Vampire, If only for teleportation and tranforming into swarm of bats.
    8. You are asked to look at the XP Curve in relation to character level progression. Would increasing xp needed to level make your character's journey feel more fun? Would you be able to run more quests, such as Foundry missions, without skipping any of the storyline content?

    I started doing all my dailies when I was told I can. In effect I skipped 2/3 of the Chasm as I outleveled zone. Happened to me in Helm's Hold and Pirate Skyhold as well. There should be less XP first time around, so people would be more encouraged to queue for skirmishes/dungeons/pvp more often. For alts however, either multipliers or invocation/professions available from the start.
    9. Neverwinter is Social fare. What's the most fun you had to date in Neverwinter?

    Taking on Dwarf King with motley crew of 3 HRs and a CW (GWF bailed after first run). During our final attempt at him, CW died pretty early in the fight and we carried Dwarf King to last sliver of live. That's when we finally got overrun by mobs. It was challenging, exhausting, we lost but had fun nevertheless.
    10. In one sentence please name the #1 feature/concern that you dislike to the point of possibly walking away from Neverwinter? Or, name one feature that you love about the game enough, that you see yourself playing Neverwinter for many years to come.

    GRIND! I really hope Respen was live trial for RNG event generation and not one off.
    Bonus Question: Name ONE THING you'd love to see added or improved in Neverwinter before the end of 2014. Come on... just One Thing!!

    FOUNDRY, there's loads of good writing there, and if you cater to them, they'll be able to carry Neverwinter for years. I chose Neverwinter because of Foundry, but due to limited options and laughable payouts I started loosing interest pretty quick. I enjoy storytelling alot, but some of my quildmates are looting couple tens of thousand AD in the same time.
  • lolssi83lolssi83 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 51
    edited April 2014
    1. The "PvP Patch".
    Not exited.

    2. PvP Before and After.
    D. I'll do the "mandatory" pvp quests that find their way into my journal. If I want pvp there are better games for that.
    3. The Foundry
    Show best rated not most played. And either remove daily bonus or rethink it. At the moment the actually good quests don't get any love and are really hard to find.

    4. The Rotation.
    No idea what you're talking about :P

    5. Neverwinter is F2P.
    Good game, would have subbed. Since there was not option for that and wanted to support developers I bought pack that was around the price for normal game (50€). Not fan of this payment model and not planning on spending money anymore.

    6. Icewind Dale
    Haven't looked into it. Still doing previous campaigns.

    7. 2 New Classes & Class Update.
    How about some actual D&D classes? I'm no expert but what I remember from older games are classes like ranger, barbarian, fighter, sorcerer, monk etc. Not hunter ranger, greatweapon fighter etc.

    8. Character Progression.
    Definately. Even though occasionally difficulty ramps up but then you could just run some foundry if needed.

    9. What's the most fun you had...
    When nobody bugs me and I can just relax and play at my own pace.

    10. #1 feature.
    -Nothing major really. Few things irk me (zenmarket prices, immersion breakers, incoming split shot nerf) but nothing I can't adapt to.

    Bonus: ONE THING.
    Phasing from wow. Meaning the feature where you can see the changes in areas after quests like bases get conquered and allies move in. I don't get it why more mmos don't use it. Adds lots of immersion.
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