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New Pathfinder info just posted in the Dev Forums



  • shadowwolf970shadowwolf970 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    well that changes are useless, they nerf the main damage in Dungeons by 45%
    Split Shot is afterall the only thing a ranger can mainly do in dungeons (nature rangers taken out but i wont play a treeloving druid when the class that has such skills is not a druid...)
    they have no control abilities and they also cant really tank leaves only the damage left which now gets nerfed while the GWF gets a refinement of his skills...

    and then they even ruin one of the most usefull powers for melee rangers in PVP
    fox shift was the only thing that did enough damage to kill something without that the enemy can run away, hindering does not prevent enemy from escaping they can still dodge away and only get drawn back really slowly and still can evade other heavy hit powers thx to them mostly being AOE and not targeted

    and last is the new class a few nice things in it but most reads like buff stuff and the encounter well good for ranged useless for melee
  • jokoooooojokoooooo Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    why DEVs want to make HR usless at all?
  • solidxgoldsolidxgold Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I could not have said it better myself. I'ts ****ing unbelievable, uncalled for, and totally unfair.

    Yeap have to agree, I only play a Hunter/Ranger, don't intent to play anything else.

    Probably the end of Neverwinter for me.

    I can never understand why so called developers want to nerf everything into the ground, it's not only happens in Neverwinter, but many other MMO's as well.

    And seems to happen mainly to Rangers, that was the reason I quit GW2, their Ranger was usless, but they still continued nerfing it to make it even more usless.

    As somebody said in an earlier post, "are they nuts a 45% NERF".

    Now I thought the plan might be to encourage people to play this game and spend money, but it seems they want to drive people away.
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Don't the devs know that HRs have a hard enough time joining endgame runs...?

    Buff their semi-useless support skills, but they didn't.
  • quitegonejinquitegonejin Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2014
    tinead51 wrote: »
    45% You're taking the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. Knee jerk reaction doesn't even come close ffs... :mad:

    Don't forget the 80% dmg nerf to Fox shift.
  • quitegonejinquitegonejin Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2014
    solidxgold wrote: »
    Yeap have to agree, I only play a Hunter/Ranger, don't intent to play anything else.

    Probably the end of Neverwinter for me.

    I can never understand why so called developers want to nerf everything into the ground, it's not only happens in Neverwinter, but many other MMO's as well.

    And seems to happen mainly to Rangers, that was the reason I quit GW2, their Ranger was usless, but they still continued nerfing it to make it even more usless.

    As somebody said in an earlier post, "are they nuts a 45% NERF".

    Now I thought the plan might be to encourage people to play this game and spend money, but it seems they want to drive people away.
    Pre ordered Wildstar thanks to these two over the top nerfs.
  • solidxgoldsolidxgold Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Pre ordered Wildstar thanks to these two over the top nerfs.

    Yeah same here, ordered EQN as well..................

    Rangers were pretty much excluded from dungeons and end game content in GW2, and the same will happen in Neverwinter, in fact it's already happening.

    It's a shame, I was really enjoying my Neverwinter Ranger, and just bought my first Zen, but never again, just thought I might get a few extra's for the game to make things more interesting for me, but if I'd have known about these massive uneccessary nerfs I wouldn't have bothered.
  • goldheartgoldheart Member Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Ammm yeah now is the time to try Electric Shot how much dmg less it will do as aoe splash. And ES will give me more mobility. I am ok with the class and changes but because I do not think to PVE more than needed in dailys. For PVP this class will be maybe better with the new path but we will see. Stun mine sound cool for me and big cry for GWF :D
    All around HR in this game is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. At moment blue items with power do better DPS in dungs than any T2.5 set at all, who need defense you just need good party.
    Now I just can said: Poor new HR's players who need to go in dungs for AD and Weapons.
  • quitegonejinquitegonejin Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2014
    Combat HR's, gutted, PVP HR's entirely, Gutted, Any type of raiding viable HR's (which were already weak) GUTTED. But don't worry, heres some more mediocre group buffs cause this class has none of those now.
  • quitegonejinquitegonejin Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2014
    I put up with it when they destroyed my GF for pvp, then when they blanket nerfed my TR3x I quite only to stupidly come back when I was told by friends the HR was fun, mobile, and middle of the road dps in pvp and pve. I thought, hey that sounds liek a blast, and since it's not OP like GWF's they will likely be left alone. Meanwhile GWFs top every type of gameplay this game has to offer and they are getting buffed. W.T.F.....
  • goldheartgoldheart Member Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    LoL I read the patch note, all here cry for something but better go and look what happen. Cryptic do really interesting work, they nerf and GWF so idk why you cry so much here.
  • quitegonejinquitegonejin Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2014
    A guildy put it best, "I mean I could swap to another class, move my enchants, spend tons of AD leveling up new artifacts and time getting boons and pvp gear again, but that is like rewarding an abusive spouse for beating me. 'You guys just don't know cryptic like I do, he really loves me, he just has a hard time of showing it.... oh, this black eye? I fell on a doorknob' ".
  • quitegonejinquitegonejin Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2014
    goldheart wrote: »
    LoL I read the patch note, all here cry for something but better go and look what happen. Cryptic do really interesting work, they nerf and GWF so idk why you cry so much here.
    They overnerf and have had that as their modus operandi for a while now. Also, you make no f'n sense. Worst grammar ever.
  • quitegonejinquitegonejin Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2014
    Also try investing time and ad (and for many, real money) into max boons/artifacts/t2.5 pvp gear only to have it ripped out from underneath you and you will understand. Until then.... move along. Nothing for you to comprehend here.
  • copycat818copycat818 Member Posts: 62
    edited March 2014
    dev = deaf because they dont hear player advice at all. all they care is how much money they can make..trust me after they earn enough money on the new paragon they will eventually nerf it as well, and buff up something else. is a rotation so yall will be playing and pumping lots of money on another buff up class. i myself in fact spent lot of money in this game..first tr, gwp,and hr..and after i see those patch that said going to nerf fox shift/cunning..i straight quit the game because i know whats going to happen next . im playing another mmo right now..is call vindictus, a really nice game, think i will spend some money on this new game..yall should try out..goodbye rubbish company
  • leillannaleillanna Member Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    We might be ok yet in pvp with bear trap/ambush and constricting for cc and getting off an aimed shot, thorn strike as an execute. Blade storm and new passive. Dailies forest meditiaon with they fistle boon and disriptive shot for another daze. We might have enough CC to whittle the enemy down for an execute. Maybe.....but for PVE.....LOL LOL LOL...NO!!! The class if it goes live as is will be an utter joke for any t2 dungeons. Hey guys I shot a supply pack off that enemy, PICK IT UP!!!! OH I also used my daily hit that guy for some yummy stamina!! I don't even.....Really?? stamina/guard meter....full AP cost....
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Eilistraee zhal zuch tlu wun ussta xukuth.
  • trueredemptiontrueredemption Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    a guildy put it best, "i mean i could swap to another class, move my enchants, spend tons of ad leveling up new artifacts and time getting boons and pvp gear again, but that is like rewarding an abusive spouse for beating me. 'you guys just don't know cryptic like i do, he really loves me, he just has a hard time of showing it.... Oh, this black eye? I fell on a doorknob' ".

    lmao!! So true.
  • spacejewspacejew Member Posts: 1,044 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    All I can say is 4x or 5x CW's only from here on out. Reroll lads.

    GWF is totally gutted, and on top of that it looks like my HR is about to be gutted as well. I am excited to play Pathfinder with the powers and at-will's we have now. But I do not see a single fix that makes Nature an appealing option. As a matter of fact, Split Shot was the only thing keeping Nature even kind of afloat (even if it was still garbage, at least it still had split shot.) With Boar's Hide still losing stacks to DoT's, Fox Shift being nerfed for Nature, and Split Shot doing 45% less damage Nature will be completely non-viable in 100% of content. That is not hyperbole, it's fact.

    Now, as for Combat it comes out of this smelling like a rose for the most part. Fox shift is toast, and that will hurt, but it's getting off the lightest considering you could already use Clear the Ground to do well as Combat before and didn't need Split Shot as it was.

    Archery, however, is completely %*@#ed given that Split Shot was their bread and butter. Sniper only add's a 20% boost, so they are still looking at a 25% nerf to their main DPS.
    Storm Warden

    Class Feature: Storm Step Action: Rank up benefit reduced to .5 seconds and now provides half its cooldown reduction if dallies are used within 10 seconds of each other.
    Split the Sky is now able to crit but damage has been reduced by 30%."

    The most recent Split the Sky 'nerf' lowed them by a lot and while letting it crit is good the damage debuff is not. Archery was top of the pile, now it's in the middle by a huge margin given that Split Shot is toast. There is no DPS AoE at-will that does decent damage outside of SS, and a 45% reduction is neutering.

    I'm not even totally sure Combat will still be T2+ viable after this change, and many would debate it wasn't even before the nerf hammer falls on Neverwinter.

    Well, except for my CW. I mean, I guess Cryptic just really doesn't want me to play any of my other 3 60's. I haven't touched my TR in almost a year because of what they've done to the class. It becomes more appealing every day to play it though, I mean it can't get any worse for them right?

    I mean, the Furious Immolation change only affects maybe .02% of the overall population given that virtually no one feats into that Daily and no one is going to change their mind from this patch. CW's must be working as intended folks.
    MoF/Thaum CW SS/Thaum CW IV/Protector GF SW/Combat HR SM/Destroyer GWF WK/Executioner TR DO/Faithful DC
  • rougedroguerougedrogue Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 25
    edited March 2014
    What is an HR's role? We are kind of a pseudo support, half-assed dps, non tanking class. Now we can fill stamina and guard meters? What in the deuce are we?
  • rougedroguerougedrogue Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 25
    edited March 2014
    Announcing a nerf like that is simply unprofessional. It should have been at least done in stages with buffs to our other skills in counterpoint. I've been spending too much money on this game as it is. Rogue out.
  • skalt112skalt112 Member Posts: 1,089 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    What is an HR's role? We are kind of a pseudo support, half-assed dps, non tanking class. Now we can fill stamina and guard meters? What in the deuce are we?
    your role is to stand by the bank and invoke 1 time a day, 2 or 3 times if you are feeling adventurous,
  • rougedroguerougedrogue Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 25
    edited March 2014
    Ah. Same as my GF. Understood.
  • goldheartgoldheart Member Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    They will change power so this 45% maybe are not so worst as you think, yes we can wait and we will see.
    GF set go from 60% >15% and all said ok, lets see what will happen, but all HR's here cry like a babys ooo my SS. ES do not so bad dmg at all it is a bit less and will not get so much agro as SS. SS do not get agro if you use full dmg bar but who do it ?
    Most of encounters, ES, RS get 1-5% from power and ONLY AS and SS get boost from power and they will CHANGE power - can you understand ? I think that AS will be boosted very much with new power and SS will do a bit less dmg to be comparable with ES.

    So much cry in old threat for any changes, and when this changes come all start to cry why you change something - wtf ???
  • iroas007iroas007 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    As it stands, I was so excited about the new expansion. I honestly thought they were going to balance the game, give us HR's a few more abilities to be truly suited to contribute to a solid group instead of siting on the sidelines waiting for friends and guildies to take pity on us pour HR's so that we can have the PRIVILAGE of running a fu ck in g run so we can get our pathetic mismatch dumb *** 4 pieces of **** armor that we had to use 2 different sets to get some reasonable stats rather than the glory of a full 4 / 4 set with cool features. I feel like this game is run by a bunch of inconsiderate, asinine, illiterate, unprofessional, uneducated in gaming, completely cruel and general A-HOLES. They see a game that has so much potential, raking in so much money and they let it go to their heads. They really don't give a flying ****, why should they!? Most people are playing CW/TR/GWF ... do you really really need anything else to take on any challenge in this game.

    The reality of the mechanics of this game have already been ripped apart, analyzed, mathematically deduced and in the end FAST TAKEDOWN > (anything else) .. hence tell me one situation where 2 CW, 3 GWF, or 4 CW/ 1 GWF, or 1 TR, 2 CW, 2 GWF or whatever mix you want to put the TR/CW/GWF in that can't be beat?

    It truly is a sad day as I hope people will stop putting money and supporting this really sadly run company. I have not seen this kind of nerfing since ..... well I really can't. Nobody in the history of gaming and i've been gaming for over 25 years have i ever seen a company destroy a class in less than 6 months.

    Congradulations Cryptic! You win the biggest loser of gaming companies. You will soon find out what it means to be abandoned and wondering why your player base is leaving for greener pastures..but don't worry, i promise you this: You will always have your CW to keep you warm at night!

    I was not even going to consider EOL but you have force my hand. I have spend about $300 RL money on this game, and the $15 a month other games charge is chump changed!

    JUST to put it into perspective, i have opened up over 300 LOCKBOXES and in those i have found 2 blue artifacts, one PHOERA (SP) Flying firebird and a bunch of useless Mulholand (spelling) weapons i sold in the auction for less thank 10k AD Each.

    The return for your money in this game has really really really taken a nosedive. I truly hope people wake up and smell the coffee and make a big enough stink to show these ******** that the people in charge should be FIRED! and replaced with gamers that know what true balance is!

    I was considering what legal options we the user base have as this is bait and switch. We buy into a product that promises this this and that...we put our hard earned money into it and slowly but surely the take this away and that away and eventually you are left with such a broken product that I have to ask myself if this was a car or a product it would be returned for a full refund!

    So why are software companies not accountable for such ridiculous and obscene alterations to a game that are so blatantly obvious that they are targeting and destroying a class for no reason whatsoever.

    Anyway, all in all I am truly sad about this. Sad that i won't be joining my friends in End Game content because i won't be the cause of a failed attempt over and over due to my inability to really help out. As a customer i would be asking for my money back and they can keep this piece of s h i t character an i'll take my life/time loss as a lesson not to buy into FREE games that pray on the gambling addiction crowd (lock boxes) and pay to win (minus the skill).

    I can't wait for EQ to be released and I will be giving EOL a try now that I have nothing left here to work with.
  • goldheartgoldheart Member Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited March 2014

    Before some time there is a threat (I just cannot find it at moment) where someone explain how buff and debuff work in this game and how you can have time to time 10x more dmg and all mobs just gone for a seconds. This you cannot do with only CW/GWF/TR. The fact that you and much more ppl do not know and do not care how this game work doesn't mean that someone is guilty for that.
  • skalt112skalt112 Member Posts: 1,089 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    goldheart wrote: »
    They will change power so this 45% maybe are not so worst as you think, yes we can wait and we will see.
    GF set go from 60% >15% and all said ok, lets see what will happen, but all HR's here cry like a babys ooo my SS. ES do not so bad dmg at all it is a bit less and will not get so much agro as SS. SS do not get agro if you use full dmg bar but who do it ?
    Most of encounters, ES, RS get 1-5% from power and ONLY AS and SS get boost from power and they will CHANGE power - can you understand ? I think that AS will be boosted very much with new power and SS will do a bit less dmg to be comparable with ES.

    So much cry in old threat for any changes, and when this changes come all start to cry why you change something - wtf ???

    If this were the case, why didn't the devs explain that to folks, post some calculations and show them it's not a 45% nerf? Why leave the explaination up to someone like you that really has no idea and is just guessing. You are just guessing right? i mean you don't have any numbers or calcs we can refer to?
  • alvadimarcoalvadimarco Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The replies in this thread make me well and truly ashamed to call myself a Hunter Ranger, knowing I have to share the title with the likes of you lot. Please, those of you who are so truly angry and feeling like you should take legal action or quit or make insulting, flaming or just generally profane posts about the matter, I implore you to quit playing your HRs or even quit the game altogether. Instead of acting like children and making the rest of us look the same way by being part of the same class group, vote with your gaming time and go play something else instead.

    Thank you.
  • solidxgoldsolidxgold Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Well I only have my Hunter/Ranger, I have played for months to level, complete the campaigns, get armour and weapons.

    Just bought some Zen for the first time to make the game "experience" better for me.

    And Cryptic come along and cut one of my skills by 45%

    Some peoples answer in this thread seems to be tough, just reroll or quit playing and go and play something else, I'm pretty sure that's not what Cryptic want us to do.

    I have no intention of rerolling, I may or may not quit, I WILL NEVER buy Zen again for Cryptic to come along and make such sweeping changes to my character, a character I played for so long to get how I wanted it.

    There will be a lot of competition this year in the MMO market place, and it might be time to move on, for some of us anyway.
  • goldheartgoldheart Member Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    skalt112 wrote: »
    If this were the case, why didn't the devs explain that to folks, post some calculations and show them it's not a 45% nerf? Why leave the explaination up to someone like you that really has no idea and is just guessing. You are just guessing right? i mean you don't have any numbers or calcs we can refer to?

    Calcs ? Numbers ? Try to read it again please:
    General Changes
    Power has been reworked. Power was very difficult for players to understand before, so we have made it more clear by having it give a damage multiplier based on your level.
    Players will now be able to more accurately gauge the value of Power on their equipment and how it impacts their performance for both damage and healing.

    As I read this we need just to wait and to see it. At moment if you play HR do you know that power apply on Aimed Shot and Split shot all other skills that I am test do not get more than 1-5% from Power. You can try it very easy when you want for around 500-1000 AD in game just go and buy BLUE items + Radiant and you will see your power to go 7-9k up from normal 4-5k and you will be really surprised from the difference...

    So when they change power I suppose better dmg on Aimed and near the same or less on Split. And this will move HR from AoE DPS to single target DPS which one it must be as in any other MMO.
    Look new path they give on HR to mark the target this suppose he to have better ways to kill the target and to support it group with heal/AP from the drop. They move HR to be more important for the group fight. But all around cry "oooh my SS" ok, you will have less AoE than before but the guilds will need you more than before and if you find good guild they will help you to get good stuff because they need you. Isn't this MMO future ? Sorry for that but L2P ?

    The patch not show enough in few lines.
  • caynspcaynsp Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I think the nerf is because of ss spam at dungeons. But the fact is SS is, in my opinion, bad constructed. There is no reason for charging ss shot. They shouldn't low ss damage, they only need to change initial damage and increase charged damaged. That's all. Then HR will have a rapid AoE At-Will with low damage (ES) and a powerful but slow AoE shot.
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