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  • trith1128trith1128 Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I cleared VT last night. I healed with my DC.. with 4 CW guild-mates..

    This game doesn't have balance.. Unfortunately. If it did, there would be no way of "easily" clearing VT with nothing more then 4 CW's.

    GF could disappear from the game entirely. It wouldn't affect progression. TR's could be removed. HR's could be removed. If the game consisted of DC / GWF / CW's... Everything currently in game, could still be completed.

    THATS pathetic.

    Dr.Real Good : Sun Elf-Annointed Champion :
    Trith : Fury Soulbinder :
  • goldheartgoldheart Member Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    trith1128 wrote: »
    I cleared VT last night. I healed with my DC.. with 4 CW guild-mates..

    This game doesn't have balance.. Unfortunately. If it did, there would be no way of "easily" clearing VT with nothing more then 4 CW's.

    GF could disappear from the game entirely. It wouldn't affect progression. TR's could be removed. HR's could be removed. If the game consisted of DC / GWF / CW's... Everything currently in game, could still be completed.

    THATS pathetic.


    Yes it is normal, I can show you few more MMOs where you can go with one class full party + healer and to have same result a bit faster cleaning on dung. And ?
    All is about the time for which you can do any dung with 4 CW some ppl said that is faster. Is this true is other story and depend from really much things - no?

    The other problem is that people (CW) that can do this that you describe are really little - no ?

    But in the end of your sad story is the follow - you cannot go DC+4CW in Domination and to win so you need to 'carry' other classes - so sad - no ?
  • trith1128trith1128 Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I'm not talking pvp. That's a whole different ballgame. You can go in with 4 DC's and a GWF and guess what. No one on your party will die.

    I'm old school. Everquest and Vanilla WoW.. Where you NEEDED group makeup to complete content.

    I also dislike how you can grind to Lv60 in a week in this game. It felt like more of an accomplishment taking 6 months+ to cap a character. Everyone wants easy mode these days.. and these games are catering to it.

    The squeakiest wheel gets the grease... and here is a prime example.
    Dr.Real Good : Sun Elf-Annointed Champion :
    Trith : Fury Soulbinder :
  • goldheartgoldheart Member Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    trith1128 wrote: »
    I'm not talking pvp. That's a whole different ballgame. You can go in with 4 DC's and a GWF and guess what. No one on your party will die.

    I'm old school. Everquest and Vanilla WoW.. Where you NEEDED group makeup to complete content.

    I also dislike how you can grind to Lv60 in a week in this game. It felt like more of an accomplishment taking 6 months+ to cap a character. Everyone wants easy mode these days.. and these games are catering to it.

    The squeakiest wheel gets the grease... and here is a prime example.

    But you play THIS game and not other so if you want to be 5 min faster (idk why you need it) go with 4CW - who stop you?
    But I can ask you how much often you do dung with 4 CW, how much time you need to wait for them to be online all with you ?

    I prefer to go with 1 or max 2 CW in dungs. But in my guild we help each other because we do PVP and we need each of us to be stronger.
    So at the end all is about our choice...
  • oicidrazoicidraz Member Posts: 627 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    WTF this, i've been working on my Hunter like 3 moths, and with a lot of work i've been able to build a nice DPS HR that could make some decent damage, i dont like to see GS as a parameter, but i'm 15.3K GS and normally i do what a 12k GS CW do (damage in Paingiver), and now all will think, HR doesn't DPS, doesn't tank, and doesn't control, why do we need them?, you can see here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pO7S1188Tb4 (2:15) if SS do 1.8k-3.5k to each foe, ES (7:00) do like 0.4k-0.9k, it's uselles, so how the hell are we going to kill something, i could accept a slightlty SS nerf, if you could increase the numbers of foes u can hit, cause SS wont hit more than idk 7 foes?, but they are only killing a class, this is not balancing, this is stupidity.
  • trith1128trith1128 Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Reply to Goldheart ***

    I have a 15k HR.

    I'm just showing you an example. The Hunter class is NOT unique. Your defending a pretend situation. Unless you are a dev and can make production changes in game.. your rebutle is pointless.

    I'm merely stating. The Hunter Class is NOT unique. The class doesn't bring ANYTHING to the table that another class can't already do BETTER. The ONE thing we had going for us was our AE dmg with Split shot and a solid PVP move FoxShift.. Both which are being beaten into the ground.

    My complaint is against the Devs. My MAIN character was my Hunter. I would like it to be.. but unfortunately. My DC is much more coveted.

    I'm in a big guild. We always have 15 -to- 20+ Lv60's online and willing to help each other 24/7. When I'm healing, I could careless what they bring. I'm just happy to be running something. I usually alternate healing with my mage buddy. So that way we can play our alts too.

    Not sure if you noticed, but they didnt make it an EASY class to play. AIM SHOT is NOT easy to get off. Most instances... mainly T2's+ have trash mobs that will randomly toss out dmg. All it takes it 1 dmg to interrupt your aim-shot. Sure it can crit for 50k+ when the BOSS is debuffed. But good luck getting it off.

    What I enjoyed about the class initially was the fact you could bounce back and forth from melee to range. FANTASTIC. Love it. So I figured, the difficulty involved to play it correctly would separate the face rollers looking for easy mode and the TRUE players that want to enjoy the class for what it is.

    NOW.. looking at all the upcoming changes. ANYTHING good about the class... is being beaten down into the ground. Awesome.
    Dr.Real Good : Sun Elf-Annointed Champion :
    Trith : Fury Soulbinder :
  • query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    goldheart wrote: »
    They will change power so this 45% maybe are not so worst as you think, yes we can wait and we will see.
    GF set go from 60% >15% and all said ok, lets see what will happen, but all HR's here cry like a babys ooo my SS. ES do not so bad dmg at all it is a bit less and will not get so much agro as SS. SS do not get agro if you use full dmg bar but who do it ?
    Most of encounters, ES, RS get 1-5% from power and ONLY AS and SS get boost from power and they will CHANGE power - can you understand ? I think that AS will be boosted very much with new power and SS will do a bit less dmg to be comparable with ES.

    So much cry in old threat for any changes, and when this changes come all start to cry why you change something - wtf ???

    Howevere they change p[ower it will effect all classes yes? So comparatively Hr will remain weaker than all classes since everyone gets power yes?
  • trith1128trith1128 Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    +1 yay you understand where Im coming from. Thank you
    Dr.Real Good : Sun Elf-Annointed Champion :
    Trith : Fury Soulbinder :
  • quitegonejinquitegonejin Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2014
    trith1128 wrote: »
    Reply to Goldheart ***

    I have a 15k HR.

    I'm just showing you an example. The Hunter class is NOT unique. Your defending a pretend situation. Unless you are a dev and can make production changes in game.. your rebutle is pointless.

    I'm merely stating. The Hunter Class is NOT unique. The class doesn't bring ANYTHING to the table that another class can't already do BETTER. The ONE thing we had going for us was our AE dmg with Split shot and a solid PVP move FoxShift.. Both which are being beaten into the ground.

    My complaint is against the Devs. My MAIN character was my Hunter. I would like it to be.. but unfortunately. My DC is much more coveted.

    I'm in a big guild. We always have 15 -to- 20+ Lv60's online and willing to help each other 24/7. When I'm healing, I could careless what they bring. I'm just happy to be running something. I usually alternate healing with my mage buddy. So that way we can play our alts too.

    Not sure if you noticed, but they didnt make it an EASY class to play. AIM SHOT is NOT easy to get off. Most instances... mainly T2's+ have trash mobs that will randomly toss out dmg. All it takes it 1 dmg to interrupt your aim-shot. Sure it can crit for 50k+ when the BOSS is debuffed. But good luck getting it off.

    What I enjoyed about the class initially was the fact you could bounce back and forth from melee to range. FANTASTIC. Love it. So I figured, the difficulty involved to play it correctly would separate the face rollers looking for easy mode and the TRUE players that want to enjoy the class for what it is.

    NOW.. looking at all the upcoming changes. ANYTHING good about the class... is being beaten down into the ground. Awesome.

    This is basically the gist of it. And why I have pre ordered WildStar. Fox shift nerf, StormStep Nerf, and Split shot nerf (this one I could swallow but not the other two) shows me that either Cryptic doesnt GAF about class balance, doesn't KNOW anything about it, or worse, maliciously changes things drastically to make people drop classes to spend more money on zen. All three of these are unacceptable and so I will play the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> out of my HR now while it is still enjoyable and while WS is still running their beta.

    Thankfully wildstar has a pay model that allows FTP ppl to play without buying a sub.
  • quitegonejinquitegonejin Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2014
    Actually, can't even get any enjoyment out of the game now, cause pvp queues have been broken for a few days and aren't going to be looked at for a week. Battlegrounds moving smooth in Wildstar beta though.
  • query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Huh. Trailer was funny....
  • iroas007iroas007 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Since the announcement of the split shot nerf i have truly lost interest. I was really excited about getting my gear up over 14k and really getting my dps within reasonable levels. I wanted to go to full perfect vorpal and lvl 8 enchants but i'm not gonna waste time or money anymore.

    People who defend this choice by Cryptic are either idiots or just simply prefer to take a stand against anyone with a real gripe. To also say that we are acting like children is a very limited argument from a truly small minded person who's opinion neither matters nor does it bring anything constructive to an extremely sensitive and profound situation.

    This is a class killer...do you understand..want me to talk slower...I won't. To even suggest defense of this **** company is ridiculous. You are entitled to an opinion. It is a right you have been given and certainly not earned. I have neither the time or the effort to explain to you what most of us are feeling.. by the trolls, go to a different form and pester some CW's or something.

    Clearly NONE of you are HR's so FU CK OFF with your defense strategy and completely ludicrous assumptions of anyone in here that is ranting for a **** good reason.

    Spend the kind of money I have spent and have your toon ****ed THEN come and chat... now go crawl under your rock and stop trying to tell us that these fu uck tar ds called DEV's (loosely) know what they are doing and justified in the nerfs they have inflicted on this game.

    BY the sounds of it it has been done before and will continue to do so. Had I known they were like this i would never have returned to this game.
  • goldheartgoldheart Member Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    First of all my main is HR, second of that I am not 'bound' as you to use only 2 skills and to cry why they change it. HR have few combination of skills that work pretty nice you just need to find them, but for that you need to change your thinking and play style - sorry if you cannot.

    My main skill for PVP is RoA, second is ME/MR third is Aimed. Fox Shift is an option and I use it because it is burst but I can use something other as before. All HR use 1vs1 skills in arena never mind how much targets they had. RoA is not good option for 1vs1 and the target that die few times from it learn to run but this can be bypassed. As I said I do not care that they will change something there is always ways. I prefer stun, it will stack much more with RoA.
    So much people said me that RoA suks for PVP - pfff best skill for me.

    About Split shot, it is good AoE skill and as HR I use it in PVP and PVE but it has a bit more DPS than ES so when Split get nerf ES will be next good option.

    But I do not know how much of you know that Split is bugged and it need fix which one come as I see. I often use full bar of Split and I know it's potential so on minimum bar sometime it do same dmg on random target as on full bar. Other thing which one less of you know is that Split do far less agro when you use it on full bar because bad programing of course but this is other story. With new changes they will force people that use Split to use it often on full bar which one will reflect to less agro for HR which one will be useful for hole party.

    So I am agree with changes because this will force true HR's to try other combination from skills because there is.

    About that do we (HR) will go up or down in DPS table I think that for this care only people with big e-ego. When I can I am first when I cannot - big deal.
  • skalt112skalt112 Member Posts: 1,089 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    goldheart wrote: »
    First of all my main is HR, second of that I am not 'bound' as you to use only 2 skills and to cry why they change it. HR have few combination of skills that work pretty nice you just need to find them, but for that you need to change your thinking and play style - sorry if you cannot.

    My main skill for PVP is RoA, second is ME/MR third is Aimed. Fox Shift is an option and I use it because it is burst but I can use something other as before. All HR use 1vs1 skills in arena never mind how much targets they had. RoA is not good option for 1vs1 and the target that die few times from it learn to run but this can be bypassed. As I said I do not care that they will change something there is always ways. I prefer stun, it will stack much more with RoA.
    So much people said me that RoA suks for PVP - pfff best skill for me.

    About Split shot, it is good AoE skill and as HR I use it in PVP and PVE but it has a bit more DPS than ES so when Split get nerf ES will be next good option.

    But I do not know how much of you know that Split is bugged and it need fix which one come as I see. I often use full bar of Split and I know it's potential so on minimum bar sometime it do same dmg on random target as on full bar. Other thing which one less of you know is that Split do far less agro when you use it on full bar because bad programing of course but this is other story. With new changes they will force people that use Split to use it often on full bar which one will reflect to less agro for HR which one will be useful for hole party.

    So I am agree with changes because this will force true HR's to try other combination from skills because there is.

    About that do we (HR) will go up or down in DPS table I think that for this care only people with big e-ego. When I can I am first when I cannot - big deal.

    It's not so much whether I care about being first or not. It's more about groups caring whether I can contribute at the same level as another class that is wanting my spot. Given the same skill level between the two players, there will be no contest. HR's can expect the mercy slot in thier guild runs at best after this.

    I don't care about pvp.
  • solidxgoldsolidxgold Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Quote........... goldheart..........
    "Split get nerf ES will be next good option.

    Your having a laugh, now I'm a casual PVE player, I'm not into the deep mechanics of slills etc, I just like to log on, enjoy the game (Edit: Oh yeah and have that thing called "FUN"), in other words I'm not hardcore or "leet" as some of you seem to think you are.

    However thought I'd try ES last night, to try and compensate for SS being totally trashed, ES does about 1/10 of the damage as SS, spent most of my time agroing mobs then just trying to get away as I had no chance of actually killing anything before it killed me................

    Now you may like to flame me or use the old L2P tack, but like I said, I'm a real casual, I don't care.

    Dungeons, skirmishes, parties, I come about average in all the stakes, sometimes I might be near the top, depends on the players in a party. (So maybe many other players are just "average" as well).

    This is a big change to me, on my only character, on a skill I rely on all the time, personally I can't see anything that's going to even come close to SS.

    So there might now even be a real "End Game" to Neverwinter.
  • goldheartgoldheart Member Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I do PVE too of course not so often but I know that for good PVE is needed good player not good DPSer. Whit of course the little exception where your party need to do enough DMG because wipe.
    I know that in moment HR can do more DPS than CW and Cryptic do not want this - I do not know why but next path show it.
    How ? ~45% base crit rate + p.vorpal + 10k power + good timing and right skills + good party.
  • goldheartgoldheart Member Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    solidxgold wrote: »
    Your having a laugh, now I'm a casual PVE player, I'm not into the deep mechanics of slills etc, I just like to log on, enjoy the game (Edit: Oh yeah and have that thing called "FUN"), in other words I'm not hardcore or "leet" as some of you seem to think you are.

    I do not want to said anything bad for you but your sentence said me: "I just log in to click on KBD, Mouse and to chat, I do not care for anything but I do not like the idea that talk me the numbers "45% less" idk why it is just bad" ...
  • solidxgoldsolidxgold Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    goldheart wrote: »
    I do not want to said anything bad for you but your sentence said me: "I just log in to click on KBD, Mouse and to chat, I do not care for anything but I do not like the idea that talk me the numbers "45% less" idk why it is just bad" ...

    Whatever that means, your way off the mark...............

    I do very little chatting. The only time I chat is if I'm looking for a party or in a party..

    In fact I have no idea how you came to that conclusion from my post. (Maybe the word "casual" confused you).

    Just because I said I'm a casual player, doesn't mean I don't take the game seriousely.

    No I'm definately not one to log in and chat at all..............
  • goldheartgoldheart Member Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The wrong words was this "I'm not into the deep mechanics of slills etc" but not "casual"

    When you play one game it is needed you to look as much as you can in mechanics if you want to be average or good player.
    Because mechanics normally are wrote from people that can do mistake and normally something illogical work better than something logical. So all is about theory-craft and going as much as is possible in to deep game mechanic. Of course for this the player need time.

    In my game experience I've noticed that people generally look at the numbers when it should not.
  • solidxgoldsolidxgold Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited March 2014

    I may class myself as a casual player, but in comparison to other players in PVE, dungeons, parties and open world PVE I am generally above average.

    I'm pretty sure Cryptic would want to attract all types of players for financial reasons, from "leet" to very casual, not everybody want's to number crunch, not everybody is capable of understanding the mechanics.

    As I said, I'm a casual, but that doesn't mean I don't take the game seriousely, and I know what works for me on my HR, the coming nerf seems a massive nerf to me.

    I can't see anything that's going to perform like SS as I'm generally a solo player in open PVE, I only use a party when it's required.

    Now I might be wrong, and I'm going to wait and see how this nerf affects us.

    But I don't like the sound of it, and many others don't like it in this thread and other threads on the subject.
  • silence1xsilence1x Member Posts: 1,503 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Will we at least get a free respec token for all of our pain? These changes are either ill-conceived or brutal for a reason. Those of us that actually play an HR do so for a reason. These changes will make that reason less viable. I suppose Cryptic wants everyone to play CW/DC/GWF. If that's the case, why give us two other classes? My main is HR and my alt is GF. I can't seem to pick a class that doesn't get nerfed. The dungeons are already too much for most mixed parties unless you have good teamwork, weapons are BoP instead of BoE, and HRs have a hard enough time NOW getting into parties.

    Nicely done Cryptic, nicely done.

    No more of my money wilt thou see. The new add-on to D III or ESO is looking better and better.
    I aim to misbehave
  • oicidrazoicidraz Member Posts: 627 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    goldheart wrote: »
    First of all my main is HR, second of that I am not 'bound' as you to use only 2 skills and to cry why they change it. HR have few combination of skills that work pretty nice you just need to find them, but for that you need to change your thinking and play style - sorry if you cannot.

    My main skill for PVP is RoA, second is ME/MR third is Aimed. Fox Shift is an option and I use it because it is burst but I can use something other as before. All HR use 1vs1 skills in arena never mind how much targets they had. RoA is not good option for 1vs1 and the target that die few times from it learn to run but this can be bypassed. As I said I do not care that they will change something there is always ways. I prefer stun, it will stack much more with RoA.
    So much people said me that RoA suks for PVP - pfff best skill for me.

    About Split shot, it is good AoE skill and as HR I use it in PVP and PVE but it has a bit more DPS than ES so when Split get nerf ES will be next good option.

    But I do not know how much of you know that Split is bugged and it need fix which one come as I see. I often use full bar of Split and I know it's potential so on minimum bar sometime it do same dmg on random target as on full bar. Other thing which one less of you know is that Split do far less agro when you use it on full bar because bad programing of course but this is other story. With new changes they will force people that use Split to use it often on full bar which one will reflect to less agro for HR which one will be useful for hole party.

    So I am agree with changes because this will force true HR's to try other combination from skills because there is.

    About that do we (HR) will go up or down in DPS table I think that for this care only people with big e-ego. When I can I am first when I cannot - big deal.

    1- Have you tried ES?, it doesn't do a bit less DPS, it makes like 1/3 or 1/4 of the damage you do with SS. Look at it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pO7S1188Tb4. So even with the nerf, SS will be better, and man... i was building a Full DPS HR (15.3K GS, Full Dex Wis, and choosed all Damage Boons, etc...), but in average, the damage i did in dungeons would be compared with a 12-13k CW, now what?, i would do what a 10K-11K CW do?... The life of a CW in this game is not simply easier, this falls into the stupidity, remember that a lot of classes had been nerfed, but HR was alredy accepted like in the charity slot, after this will be worse...
  • lymphanlymphan Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    silence1x wrote: »
    I suppose Cryptic wants everyone to play CW/DC/GWF. If that's the case, why give us two other classes?
    Go play cw/dc in pvp - do me a favour.

    Or do you think that dcs are so very useful in pve?
    And they said they are going to nerf cws.

    Can you stop screaming like little girls now?
  • goldheartgoldheart Member Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    solidxgold wrote: »

    I may class myself as a casual player, but in comparison to other players in PVE, dungeons, parties and open world PVE I am generally above average.

    I'm pretty sure Cryptic would want to attract all types of players for financial reasons, from "leet" to very casual, not everybody want's to number crunch, not everybody is capable of understanding the mechanics.

    As I said, I'm a casual, but that doesn't mean I don't take the game seriousely, and I know what works for me on my HR, the coming nerf seems a massive nerf to me.

    I can't see anything that's going to perform like SS as I'm generally a solo player in open PVE, I only use a party when it's required.

    Now I might be wrong, and I'm going to wait and see how this nerf affects us.

    But I don't like the sound of it, and many others don't like it in this thread and other threads on the subject.

    Yes I do not said anything different than, wait and look what Cryptic will do. It can be terrible but it can be and not so bad. All we know that HR need to be changed. :)
    oicidraz wrote: »
    1- Have you tried ES?, it doesn't do a bit less DPS, it makes like 1/3 or 1/4 of the damage you do with SS. Look at it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pO7S1188Tb4. So even with the nerf, SS will be better, and man... i was building a Full DPS HR (15.3K GS, Full Dex Wis, and choosed all Damage Boons, etc...), but in average, the damage i did in dungeons would be compared with a 12-13k CW, now what?, i would do what a 10K-11K CW do?... The life of a CW in this game is not simply easier, this falls into the stupidity, remember that a lot of classes had been nerfed, but HR was alredy accepted like in the charity slot, after this will be worse...

    I will look video later coz I can't at moment.

    About GS, I have ~14,5 GS but before some days I talk with other HR in game and I realize that if I want to do more dmg in dung I no need epic gear but .... blue.. so 80% from my gear go blue and yeah my GS fall but my DPS goes high ... AS and SS need power so sad...
  • goldheartgoldheart Member Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    oicidraz wrote: »

    OK, I look this video it show something but it show it bad.
    First because this man do not hold the button when he use ES or his PC is too slow I test before some time ES and it hit fast than this man show.

    Second, because I suppose that ES is similar as RS ( I haven't it in moment but I had it before last respect). So RS get really low % (1-3 maybe 5 max) from power. You can get nice boost for your AS and SS with high power but this do not care your RS it is near the static as most other encounters ( I test all that I have).

    But this man show me something interesting that I haven't test in this direction, Clear the Ground this skill have nice aoe range.
  • trueredemptiontrueredemption Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    goldheart wrote: »
    I do PVE too of course not so often but I know that for good PVE is needed good player not good DPSer. Whit of course the little exception where your party need to do enough DMG because wipe.
    I know that in moment HR can do more DPS than CW and Cryptic do not want this - I do not know why but next path show it.
    How ? ~45% base crit rate + p.vorpal + 10k power + good timing and right skills + good party.

    I'm really stating to think that you have never played and HR, seems to me like you have just read about them SS is the bread and butter of the HR class in pve/pvp AS takes so long to charge/fire, and ES are you ****ing kidding me fu ck in g really, and our main skill being taken away for some utter bull sh it. Many of us have spent endless time and money on our HRs to be half way ****ing competitive and with this change that means more money/time spent if we choose to continue playing to become half ***. I will admit that I have only been playing for about 2-3 months and have enjoyed it very much even with the short comings, but this is unreasonable, and for you to call people crybabies for voicing legitimate concerns about a decision that will truly **** the class only goes to show that you don't know what the hell you are talking about.
  • pappabare1pappabare1 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    What's up with the Nerf? Since when are we over power?
  • sleeezysleeezy Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    This is a shame. They should start fixing classes instead of permanently breaking them. I guess one cannot argue that they already reached the initial monetary influx and have reached the end of the class's life cycle. Instead of improving, which could potentially increase profits over a longer duration, they completely render the class even more useless than it was. Take the money and run Cryptic. You're welcome. :cool:
  • tmuneetmunee Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    This is an unbelievable nerf. Without Split Shot the HR will be a joke. Half our skills don't even work as intended, we are essentially a glass cannon build to be effective and then you give a 45% to your main DPS skill? Why? HR is arguably the weakest class in the game right now. I am so glad I read this. I was going to buy the hero of The north pack and spend some real money on this game. Not now. Not worth my time. I won't contribute to a game with devs so out of touch with the game they are developing that they would imagine this is a good idea.
  • jaotutjaotut Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 576 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I think they should be working on buffing other classes to balance them, instead on nerfing the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> outta each class one by one. What they're doing is making their potential customers unhappy. Nobody likes nerfs to their class.

    After the introduction of tenacity, all damage (except 1 daily) have been nerfed already. Matches are twice as long. I played a match the other day where we just called it after a little over 1hr into the match. If we played on, it would have been a 2 hr match. Now if they want to nerf the damage even more, setting aside 2-3 hrs where you can't take a break to finish off a single PvP match is ridiculous.
    Merlin - CW Merlyn - HR Psylocke - TR Black Widow - GWF

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