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The Iron Maiden: A Reflect-Based Protector Build for Swordmaster GF's.



  • masterjewstarmasterjewstar Member Posts: 563
    edited March 2014
    try using into the fray it makes you and your team faster than the mobs are thusly making it way easier to kite and tanking is there to make it so that dps dont have to kite its easier for them to kill the bosses because they dont have to worry about being swarmed thats the point of a tank and the 5 second immunity is up more often than not with this build my true iron maiden tank is able to get almost to full ap using just one bar of shield and i spend most of that 5 seconds of immunity using tide of iron to get back shield that also regenerates while immune.

    and when soloing I dont need to be an iron maiden so I use all attack abilities instead of defensive ones so it takes maybe 4-5 mins longer than with my conq which isnt very long.

    it should not take 3 hours to finish sp.

    tanking is way easier now that theres a perma mark also

    and the attitude that gf isnt as tanky as dc or gwf is all over these forums its nothing new and untrue you just have to move out of the way of any attacks like the nothic mindwarp which they do at melee range just walk to the side of em.

    the GWF is only "tanky" because of unstoppable which lasts 8 seconds DC are only tanky because of mitigation and defensive buffs. neither of them can be immune to damage for any real length of time but we can through use of shield which fuels ap and steel defense. even without the 2nd activation this build is still good for what it does.

    im also not arguing btw i have a problem where everyone misunderstands me and it starts fights.
  • greengoo16greengoo16 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    tonyswu wrote: »
    They fixed it this patch. This build, unfortunately, has been rendered useless.

    There is no indication this was a "fix" in the patch notes. It's not even mentioned in the bug fix section. Do we have developer confirmation that removing the second activation of SoS from Steel Defense was intentional?

    As for this build having trouble in SP, I find the anecdotal evidence unconvincing. The amount of time spent in that dungeon is almost always based on the quality of the dps, not the tank. At least at appropriate gear levels. Out gear scoring the 8.3k minimum by another 6 or 7k completely skews the results.

    I've run through SP in excess of 100 times counting all classes, and many many runs as an old pre-mod 2 conqueror build. Between 8 and 11k gs, the speed of the run is all about the dps classes. The tank has very little impact on how fast the mobs die as compared to the dps classes.

    And the final boss is absolute cake. I've seen DC's kite the adds and I've personally done it a quadrabillion times on my gf and gwf. You can literally kite the adds all day with either of the fighter classes without a DC helping. That leaves 4 players to kill the boss and not fall in. An hour and a half is unacceptably long by any group that is even middling competent. Not pro's, but are skilled enough to not stand in red areas and to maybe move if they are about to get pounded by a big windup attack (I've seen lots of players just take it in the face, so even that minimum level of skill is out of reach of some people). Again, if you kite successfully, it's up to the other 4 players to kill the boss. If they can't do that then...I don't know. It's about as easy a boss fight as it gets in T2.

    So. While I don't have an opinion on the overall effectiveness of this build, the recent anecdotal evidence did little to sway me in one direction or another.

    There is not doubt that the dps from this build will be tiny, even by gf standards. As long as they hold onto the tougher mobs and don't die, I'd consider the build adequate, if not the most efficient. The OP himself has admitted to it's cons in these areas, so that shouldn't be news to anyone.

    That said, the appeal of the build drops away heavily if we can't get a second Steel Defense proc out of SoS. That would be a sucky thing.
  • greengoo16greengoo16 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    And to agree with some of the negatives being mentioned: The lack of control powers is a bit frustrating. You basically spend all your time keeping things on you, but can do little else. No interrupts, no prones, nothing. The utility of this build is minimal, which is also why it's terrible in pvp. It's a gimmick build, and it looked like a fun one and it did what is was intended to do. But it is not a build that I could find myself using if I was only playing one character or it was my main. You just can't do enough outside of being a rock that is hard to crack.

    You do get 1 very good defensive buff for the party, which is when you use Knight's Valor and/or Knight's challenge while immune. Giving everyone 50-75% DR above and beyond their own stats is fairly huge. That's a big buff, and it is not area limited like the DC daily, so you can protect them wherever they are. And with the recovery of this build you can do it often.

    So besides being a completely unkillable rock, you bring that toughness to the group as well. A skilled gf can use this to great effect (as opposed to just casting it every time the cooldown is up. Timing is everything in this game).

    But yeah, it's not a good, general purpose build. It's a gimmick build, and a really cool one. While you can feel unkillable as a gwf with full unstoppable up, this build surpasses even that. It's almost completely unique in this game, since damage mitigation is almost always position based. No class (although gwf comes close) can approach this build's feeling of incredible toughness. A conqueror will melt in seconds when put in a similar situation whereas this build just smiles and looks around for more mobs to tank.
  • masterjewstarmasterjewstar Member Posts: 563
    edited March 2014
    greengoo16 wrote: »
    And to agree with some of the negatives being mentioned: The lack of control powers is a bit frustrating. You basically spend all your time keeping things on you, but can do little else. No interrupts, no prones, nothing. The utility of this build is minimal, which is also why it's terrible in pvp. It's a gimmick build, and it looked like a fun one and it did what is was intended to do. But it is not a build that I could find myself using if I was only playing one character or it was my main. You just can't do enough outside of being a rock that is hard to crack.

    You do get 1 very good defensive buff for the party, which is when you use Knight's Valor and/or Knight's challenge while immune. Giving everyone 50-75% DR above and beyond their own stats is fairly huge. That's a big buff, and it is not area limited like the DC daily, so you can protect them wherever they are. And with the recovery of this build you can do it often.

    So besides being a completely unkillable rock, you bring that toughness to the group as well. A skilled gf can use this to great effect (as opposed to just casting it every time the cooldown is up. Timing is everything in this game).

    But yeah, it's not a good, general purpose build. It's a gimmick build, and a really cool one. While you can feel unkillable as a gwf with full unstoppable up, this build surpasses even that. It's almost completely unique in this game, since damage mitigation is almost always position based. No class (although gwf comes close) can approach this build's feeling of incredible toughness. A conqueror will melt in seconds when put in a similar situation whereas this build just smiles and looks around for more mobs to tank.

    this is mostly all true; though i dont feel its a gimmick i think it was intended to run this way 5 seconds of immunity is still very nice and it opens up the ability to use other things then sos when tanking too like fighters recovery is nice when it crits and villains menace with steel defense allows damage and cc immunity along with increased damage for almost the same timeframe.

    of course it kind of sucks that there isnt a 10 sec immunity anymore but its still just as viable i find myself calling the enemy attacks cute and grinning when they try to hit me with this build because even when you block sos will hit back for same damage as if you did take it.

    as for kv you kinda have to watch the elite mobs and allies and foresee that they will be hit by a heavy attack and you can use kv to prevent most of it you cant just sit and fight you have to consider your allies and wether thier life has moved or is going to move so you can continue to prevent the damage that they suffer also you can use it to start a battle to add threat to yourself while moving to the enemy.

    You can also use your block to prevent thier damage from becoming yours by pointing the shield at the enemy trying to hit them.

    elite mobs are kind of the only things you need to really worry about when tanking the little ones dont do enough damage to severely hurt anyone and a cw, gwf, and ranger can usually smite those little ones pretty quickly.

    even a "rock" has its uses; after all how could we have learned to hunt if not for rocks lol :)
  • greengoo16greengoo16 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Yeah, I don't even bother to tank the little ones. If the dps can't kill little ones before they die then we're already in trouble.
  • masterjewstarmasterjewstar Member Posts: 563
    edited March 2014
    pretty much.
  • qutsemniequtsemnie Member Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    KV puts a buff graphic on companions, do you also intercept damage to companions if people have them out?
  • firstookamikazefirstookamikaze Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2014
    Hello world.

    We (GF) are currently facing epic issues with that iron maiden build :

    We are not able to maintain full duration of our knight valor without big stress.
    Also, the animation delay of SoS deny the real uptime of immunity and like always, sometime you are not really immune before the full end of animation (i have notice sometime 1 more sec taking dammages after end of animation) : we was able to manage that bug with 2x5 sec of immunity, but now it's becoming à bit more problematic :(

    I would not give up, because the spirit or iron maiden build (protecting party and doing dammages with our own tank style and not like common dammages dealer class) is why i have choose GF as my main class (and actually my only one)
    But i also must stay viable for elite groups who run dd.

    So, the only viable way i found at the moment is to stay sword master with conqueror spec and knight valor at rank 1, allowing you to outclass all iron vanguard conqueror ... But i don't enjoy that way.

    I will keep you inform about all i could find, but i have to make some AD now : these 6 respec post patch have hurt my wallet à lot, but thanks to the "3 respec for the price of 2" :p

    Be brave friendly GF, together we stay strong
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Let's wait for more updates from the devs. We'll try to find ways through this for sure. :)
  • masterjewstarmasterjewstar Member Posts: 563
    edited March 2014
    Let's wait for more updates from the devs. We'll try to find ways through this for sure. :)

    we absolutely will, and really i dont feel like we should have to pander to elites they are usually selfish anyway and get upset if they have to fight for more than 5 minutes.

    honestly if they have a problem with having a tank let em they likely wont change but we certainly will.

    for instance during an sp run at the very end of the dungeon me and my tank buddy got in and there was a cw 14k who said GF suck at this dungeon which is untrue and left even though she was stuck already dead sitting at the campfire and left before the other two a cw and dc beat the boss because she was impatient she lost out on loot. the other two were elites 16 and 17k and literally didnt care we were there or not.

    we ended up beating that dungeon 4 more times with very few complications those are the "elites" that actually matter in the grand scheme of things not the selfish ones who scream "useless" and leave.
  • greengoo16greengoo16 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Let's wait for more updates from the devs. We'll try to find ways through this for sure. :)

    Hey todesfaelle, did you ever decide on a favourite tree for this build? Do you prefer the protection or the tactician trees for this build?

    I'm at the point (actually past, just haven't allocated the points) where I need to decide, and I really don't have a strong feeling one way or the other.

    This build is really far down the dps charts even for GF's. Heh. It's not a good feeling, but I'm maintaining aggro and staying alive, so I guess it's doing it's job.

    So, Tactician or Protector?

    Anyone else have opinions?
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Hey, Green! I personally like Protector better because of the additional utility it is able to give to our skills. Tactician is useful for instances when you tend to get hit a lot by hordes of mobs without immunities so I'm guessing Tactician is currently the best choice for now, when Steel Defense is still buggy. Hopefully we can get a dev confirmation regarding this so keep your eyes peeled for more details. I'll do my best to get some answers.
  • greengoo16greengoo16 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Hmmm. I can't really decide. There are things I like in both trees. Lunging strike is a staple of most GF's skill bar and that boost in the tactician tree looks pretty sweet. The protector tree choices you've made are obviously thematic, and useful, but pretty boring. The capstone in Protector is better (imo) than the one in tactician, as I do not spend much time without a guard meter. If I'm at zero guard, I'm usually dead shortly after.

    Also, the 5 seconds of immunity from SoS/Steel Defense is pretty good, but I imagine the 10 seconds from SoS x2 would be great. Sadly I missed that time. It's nice being able to just sit in the middle of some big guy's red area and keep wailing away on him like a gwf in unstoppable, rather than turtling behind the shield (which usually melts anyway) or running away.

    I'm not finding the reflected damage to be particularly significant. While solo, SoS x2 can usually bring 1 health bar critters down to about 1/2. Maybe 1/4 with a crit or two (which are in low supply with this build).

    I'm sitting at 55 in Rothe Valley and I think I might put him on the shelf for a bit. I've run all the dungeons up until ToS (on normal, obviously) and not had too much trouble with aggro. One particularly geared HR gave me a hard time, and we'd ping pong the adds back and forth as I took and lost aggro and took it again. But for the most part, this build could keep adds glued to it. But honestly, any gf build with enhanced threat and Enforced threat can do that while leveling. Not to mention these dungeons on normal don't necessarily require a GF at all, although I like to think a good GF makes life a bit easier for everyone.

    So I can see the potential of this build, and have tried keeping aggro a bunch of different ways (such as running Iron Warrior, Knight's Valor and Knight's Challenge as an experiment, which was only sorta ok).

    I'm just not completely sold on it. Of course I have more levels and gear and boons to gather, but it's not as fun as I had hoped.
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I don't have any comments specifically on the Iron Maiden build, but my GF is a Tactician build and the capstone functions based on (tactically) not using guard, rather than having your guard broken. Since you can pick and choose which hits actually require blocking, you can really spam your dailies.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • loboguildloboguild Member Posts: 2,371 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The double proc off SoS is gone with the latest release.
  • greengoo16greengoo16 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I don't have any comments specifically on the Iron Maiden build, but my GF is a Tactician build and the capstone functions based on (tactically) not using guard, rather than having your guard broken. Since you can pick and choose which hits actually require blocking, you can really spam your dailies.

    Ok, thanks becky. That makes a big difference actually, even if the AP gain is small, which I hear it is.

    As for the second proc of SoS, we all know it's gone. The question is: Is it coming back?

    There has been no official word on this to the best of my knowledge.

    edit: For the record, I went Tactician.
  • firstookamikazefirstookamikaze Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2014
    Hello world,

    I'm really sorry guys... but after running all epic donjons and testing 7 build ... I must admit our Iron maiden playstyle is no longer viable :(
    The fact is you have absolutly no chance to be able to survive with knight valor up for 10 sec and that 4-5 sec immune uptime. I have try high blockmeter, High resist, high regen, high AP gain and some other thing : when your team is hitten by à red area it's over (and thanks for that useless soulforged enchant who never proc when you die from KV)

    But, we can all play conqueror style as mighty dev want, and if you don't enjoy playing dammage dealer (like me), drop one encounter power for RANK 1 KV : CONGRATULATION !!! You are now able to protect party during 6 sec without fearing death and you can still hope dev will not see you continue to tank à bit ("hey john ! How much conqueror spec rating today ? 98% ... Huuuum, looks like near perfect, that patch do the job")

    What about à code name for that Build ? Like MiniiM ? (mini Iron Maiden :p)

    I know one proverb saying : "in order to live happy, live hidden"
  • yyrkoonstyphoonyyrkoonstyphoon Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 231 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    So is the double proc of sos going to remain gone? now it makes sense why i am dieing more frequently and taking damage when i thought i was immune.
  • warrior8000warrior8000 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Guys, i have a question... the Pseudodragon active bonus, can procs with SoS?. any 1 can confirm this pls?.
  • sunriswlkrsunriswlkr Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I like this build! Will be using my respec soon. I did a build from another page and lost alot of my guard meter which makes the GF useless and I'm very unhappy with it. 1 question . Which would you really use. Protector or Tactitian?
  • firstookamikazefirstookamikaze Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2014

    maybe you didn't notice it, but the build is a bit broken at the moment (but still viable).

    I suggest you to wait before respec if you can't respec many time.

    Also, if you want try, i suggest you tactician way : you will enjoy more to got extra AP gain than -10% Dammage ... after 5 hit.

    Tactician is also better for PvP and give you extra team buff without losing dammage reduction from protector (+5% deflection and + 5 CA)

    have fun o/
  • guille23mxguille23mx Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Hi Todes... I actually read the whole thread.
    Im very interested to see you opinions on this Build for PVP...
    Let me tell u something...
    I used to run a Build from another guy... with these very same foundations...
    Tactician,LifeDrinker+Briart,Very High Recovery,Knights Valor,Fighters Recovery
    you can check here this Link from Jul 2013:
    The Point is I feel there is GREAT potential in ur build with the right tweaking.
    Let me tell u why:
    I went to Pvp with that Build back in the day (very similar to yours now)and
    funny thing was that Nobody from my Team died...
    I intercepted (50%) all their damage, buffed them with tactician and with Knight Captains
    and Into the Fray, heal myself back and because of my Crazy Recovery(I was like 40% irrc)
    when things went south I popped out SoS and the Enemy Team start falling like dead flys...
    So at the End of the PVP fight everyone was so freaked out cause no one on my team died...
    They didn't know I was a GF Tactician and was buffing em like crazy.

    So even With these Tenacity changes and stuff... idk why I can feel a lot of hidden potential for ur
    Build in PVP.......;)
    I mean... back in the day we didn't even had 5 seconds immunity lol ... like today ... see what im aiming at.?
    have you though maybe even a little ...which changes could you make so this Build... ur Build... get better
    at PVP?
    Maybe so we Scrubs - Tryouts can get something to experiment into PVP :cool:
  • guille23mxguille23mx Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited April 2014
  • kattefjaeskattefjaes Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,270 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2014
    guille23mx wrote: »
    I intercepted (50%) all their damage, buffed them with tactician and with Knight Captains
    and Into the Fray, heal myself back and because of my Crazy Recovery(I was like 40% irrc)
    when things went south I popped out SoS and the Enemy Team start falling like dead flys...

    Good luck with that. KC is about to be nerfed until it whimpers, and in any case, lacking a metric buttload of tenacity will put you at something of a disadvantage these days. Given that the PvP weapons are underwhelming, that just leaves you the accessories to get tenacity, if you're wearing KC, and that just isn't going to be enough.
  • edelweiss90edelweiss90 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Are you saying the canceled the second part of SoS?

    I hope I didn't unterstand well
  • edelweiss90edelweiss90 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Are you saying the canceled the second part of SoS?

    I hope I didn't unterstand well


    Is this build stil viable after mod 3??
  • ryugasiriusryugasirius Member Posts: 996 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Hey, did anyone else find that SoS +SD is bugged now? It seems that I often die within 5 seconds of activating a daily, and SD seems to never proc on the 2nd activation...
  • masterjewstarmasterjewstar Member Posts: 563
    edited May 2014
    yes its still viable not as amazing but it is still good. I can solo most of the first area of IWD and can still survive a bit against the remoraz always gets me though as it's not really meant to be solo'ed. No SD doesnt proc on 2nd activation anymore I think they fixed/broke that.
  • ryugasiriusryugasirius Member Posts: 996 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Is there an "official" note for that or did it just stop working? I'll run some tests and open a thread in the bugs forum as soon as I have some time...

    With a single activation, and some damage still going through that one, the whole build becomes subpar :(
  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited May 2014
    Wow, somebody else had finally found my "Ultimate Combo"
    Yeah I don't often look at this section of the forums but SoS and KV has been a staple of my GF basically from the start.

    I have no issue surviving with Knight's Valor but it does take a bit of strategy. It'd be impossible for me to explain but I run a build fairly similar to this but have never relied on SD.

    Whether or not SD and SoS is bugged or not, I can't tell you. I am not a Swordmaster. I can however tell you that with some consideration to positioning, a lifedrinker enchantment and some solid defense this strategy works excellently before and after M3.
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