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Steam / ARC Feedback



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    rhoricrhoric Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    There is nothing to prove that he was hacked cause of ARC. If it was the case then I would have been hacked, and everyone else who uses ARC would have been hacked. I have had ARC installed since day 1 last year and have never been hacked. You do realize ARC is still beta and it is not integrated to be a single launcher yet and that is why it looks like it installs a old version of the game. Other MMOs I have played never have an up to date game for download. Why they do that you might ask, is cause they are always putting out patches and would take more time away from what they are doing to fix up the game download each time a patch comes out.
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    dashamariedashamarie Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I don't mind the arc client, it keeps me logged in and I don't have to remember my password as often.
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    rhoricrhoric Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    @magenubbie ARC is STILL BETA. It is not to the point in it's development where it installs completely the game as the game still uses it's own launcher. And just for your information. I have downloaded other PWE games and all it did after installing the game was when I launched the game was it just patched up the game. CO was the only exception to this.

    Again how is it ARC's fault that someone got hacked when both games still use separate launchers. If ARC was to the point it was the only launcher and none of the games had their individual launchers anymore and someone got hacked. Then that would be different but that isn't the case here so leave ARC out of it just like the person who was hacked should have also.

    This topic is about ARC/Steam feedback so leave it at that.
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    melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    magenubbie wrote: »
    I see absolutely no use in ARC. None whats-however. Downloading a program to download a program? Not done. not in the 21st century anyway. And guess what? it only downloads the ancient version and you'll still have to wait until your game's patched before you can play. At least have the decency to patch the game as it's being downloaded.

    Then there's the advertisements of other games. I can only reply with: I have Ad block plus installed for a reason. If I want ads I'll ask for em. If I play Neverwinter I don't care what's going on in PWE's other games. All I want is a clean, quick launcher, maybe with news links that actually apply to the game I started.

    Then there's the security. Earlier someone on this forum reported getting hacked while playing through ARC (for the sake of the argument I won't call him a liar or stupid for giving out his pass). If a launcher for multiple games can't understand that 1 account cannot be logged on in 2 places at once, I don't want it.

    A "central system to manage your game wallet"? Oh please. First of all, don't assume I will put money in a f2p game. I make that decision. Don't tempt me with useless pretty pictures of various games and their offers. If I want to spend money on a game I'm PLAYING, I'll look at the in-game cash shop, pick whatever item I like, and THEN I"ll put zen on my wallet.

    once ARC is fully implemented, you will have a choice between ARC and steam. both clients will have exactly the same functionality: both clients will have game ads and both clients will handle patching/launching.

    as for the security issue, just because one person comes onto the forums and claims that ARC was the cause of a security breach doesn't mean that it was the cause. as i mentioned in that thread, the ARC client is currently only managing single sign-on between the client and the separate account servers at each game. just because i'm logged into STO doesn't mean that someone else couldn't access my NWO account if i didn't have all of the security checks in place (account guard). and whether or not this will change once ARC becomes the launcher/patcher for all PWE games, it has not been specified and it's possible that it won't be specified because it would be proprietary info and a potential security breach for them to identify. as the community manager stated, hacks are an issue to report to customer support since all that we have here in the forums is nothing but conjecture. only CS can identify and resolve those behind-the-curtain issues.

    you don't have to like or support ARC. currently, you have the option of running NWO without it and you have the option to run NWO on steam. and later you can opt to use steam. it's your choice.
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    melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    ARC, when it is fully implemented, will handle game loading and patching. this is described as "new tech" replacing their legacy systems. the beta period was implemented to give players the chance to test it out for themselves before it goes live since it is a major change in the way that PWE games currently function. but of course, ARC is much more than just a game loader/patcher. but at the core, that will be its function so it will, essentially, become part of the game.

    account guard is the feature that requires you to enter a temporary code the first time that you access the game or the forums or the gateway with your computer. if you access your account from a different computer, account guard will prompt you for the temporary code. this code will be sent to your email address associated with your account. some people find this to be a hindrance because sometimes it will randomly prompt you to enter a new code on a computer/browser you've already registered and they choose to disable it. personally, i would rather it make me enter the code every time i try to access my account than to have to go through the experience of getting hacked. you can find out more about it here: http://crypticstudios.com/accountguard

    as for my opinion of ARC, i do not feel that PWE is inconveniencing me by implementing a platform for their games. i can understand their reasons for it and it makes sense. i also have steam installed and have purchased a few games through steam. my system is a high end system and i'm not concerned about drive space, memory or processing power. but that's certainly not a requirement.

    here is a knowledge base link the ARC FAQ:
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    angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    magenubbie wrote: »
    Not much of a choice is it?

    You always have a choice. Or is your arm being twisted and a gun to your head to play a free-to-play game?

    The rhetoric about ARC, about Perfect World and Cryptic Studios sometimes seem to be shrill whining over nothing. As for account hacks the problem is with the player *computer*, not ARC or any other software, save for the OS or web browser (ARC uses the inbuilt web browser).

    As for whether you like ARC or not - if not then don't use it. If you are fearful that you'll not be able to play PWE games eventually because they will require ARC then then you are paranoid: that is a long way in the future. Why not simply wait to cross that bridge when we reach it? It amazes me how so many people can be so passionate about a future that is so far off.

    Do yourself and everyone else a favor: if you're going to worry about anything then worry about the here and now. If you're going to contribute anything about ARC then how about something actually constructive. The developers want to do whatever they can to make ARC *better*. Telling the world you hate the very idea is a waste of breath because the world does't care. Telling the developers that the only way to make ARC better is to abandon the whole idea doesn't help anyone.

    Now to be on-topic in this comment:
    @ARC Devs: the notice about cookies seems persistent. I should be able to permanently dismiss it. Also, I do not have Adobe Flash installed (and it's ironic people complaining about the very idea of ARC probably have Flash installed) - I prefer HTML5 Video. My Internet Explorer uses it but apparently ARC does not (or perhaps it's PWE/Cryptic needs to get on the ball and move away from Flash - I don't know).

    Also, the denominations of purchasable ZEN is in tens. If I were to purchase $50 in Zen (which I do occasionally) I don't want all 5000 Zen to go into a single game. I want WALLET to be one of the "game" choices and a Transfer function (from wallet to chosen game) available, in denominations to at least 100 to 500 Zen. As it is right now, I ill purchase 1000Z, then make a second purchase of 1000Z, then make a third purchase... you get the idea.

    Also, even though I log into my PC as administrator, open ARC always asks me if I will allow ARC Updater access - even though I've set it to open as Administrator. I am using Windows 7 SP1 with all current important updates, ARC is set to auto-login on Windows startup.

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    asmodeus451asmodeus451 Member Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    accessing Wallet through ARC would actually be kinda cool, if only because it would eliminate some steps.

    i play multiple Cryptic games (STO and NW). currently, if i want to purchase Zen for both games, i log onto perfectworld.com, hit charge Zen, purchase the Zen, then use the Wallet page to distribute it between the 2 games.

    if I could do that through ARC, it would at least give it some further functionality beyond simply being a launcher
    Tenebris lux mea est
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    angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    accessing Wallet through ARC would actually be kinda cool, if only because it would eliminate some steps.

    i play multiple Cryptic games (STO and NW). currently, if i want to purchase Zen for both games, i log onto perfectworld.com, hit charge Zen, purchase the Zen, then use the Wallet page to distribute it between the 2 games.

    if I could do that through ARC, it would at least give it some further functionality beyond simply being a launcher

    @Devs: THIS (points to the quoted text copy)

    You can purchase Zen inside ARC. However, to eliminate confusion for people purchasing Zen, you must select the game where that new shiny Zen will go when you purchase it; you select the game you are purchasing Zen for, upon purchase it is all (your entire purchase) transferred to *that* game. I *don't always want this*. I personally prefer the "wallet/transfer a-la-carte" method if I'm in the mood to make a large purchase (3000 Zen or more) and I am asking "transfer to Wallet" be an *option*.

    (By the way, I am describing the ARC Zen Purchase method for those who are not aware how it works) - I also believe the new ARCGames.com Zen Purchasing method works with the new paradigm also - though I *think* still has access to the PWE Wallet.

    @ARC Devs: the lack of a "Wallet/Transfer" option when purchasing Zen inside ARC is not a deal-breaker for me, but it's extremely high on my short list titled: "MALARKEY", which is a tactful way of saying BULLDUNG. LOL
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    rollingonitrollingonit Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    PWI vote on ARC - looks like they are allowed to discuss it a bit or were 26 pages of it

    This is why I don't trust anything but the .exe for the actual game.


    This is why I take the mods info with a grain a salt (they don't even tech. work for PW or Cryptic, but appreciate what you do)


    BS from all sides.

    If it goes smoother than this.. (type in PWE Pando, look at results) and it doesn't become some backdoor some hacker or some government can use, Im all for it; but I nor PWE could honestly guarantee it.

    The question I have for PWE is, since they used to require pando; since now it is known it can possibly used as a backdoor. Are you guys attempting to make sure any customer who previously was forced to download and install are you attempting to contact and inform of what pando is now? Or giving advice to remove. Are you taking accountability? If something happened to this ARC launcher would you take accountability?
    We can pretend.
    Fox Stevenson - Sandblast
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    Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
    - Dylan Thomas
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    angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    PWI vote on ARC - looks like they are allowed to discuss it a bit or were 26 pages of it

    This is why I don't trust anything but the .exe for the actual game.


    This is why I take the mods info with a grain a salt (they don't even tech. work for PW or Cryptic, but appreciate what you do)


    BS from all sides.

    If it goes smoother than this.. (type in PWE Pando, look at results) and it doesn't become some backdoor some hacker or some government can use, Im all for it; but I nor PWE could honestly guarantee it.

    The question I have for PWE is, since they used to require pando; since now it is known it can possibly used as a backdoor. Are you guys attempting to make sure any customer who previously was forced to download and install are you attempting to contact and inform of what pando is now? Or giving advice to remove. Are you taking accountability? If something happened to this ARC launcher would you take accountability?

    Fair point. Good or not is for the reader to decipher for themselves. However, please don't spread fear-mongering to other ARC threads when this commentary does not apply in those threads (example: a simple feature request). Just saying.

    As for anyone else: how you secure your computer is your charge, not Cryptic's or anyone else's. I agree and concur that it is up to Cryptic and Perfect World to ensure their software is as secure as it can be. However, in their defense I present you, dear reader, with two words:


    As for ARC and it's security: I haven't had any issue with it. And until someone else can show actual proof or genuine evidence of any reason to feel otherwise then I must say I treat all commentary about it in this context as simple fear-mongering, and I encourage you to also.

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    torskaldrtorskaldr Member Posts: 559 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Several companies had used PMB including Turbine (LotRO and DDO) and NCSoft (Aion, Lineage 2, etc). No one is using PMB anymore. It was bad and it died and so it's not relevant.

    Arc isn't really any different from the individual launchers except that it's unified.

    If you feel the launcher is a security or system risk then don't install it or run those games. Some people don't enable Javascript in their browsers, install/run a Java runtime, or use Flash. That's fine, but don't say that Arc is bad but the stand alone launchers are good. There is nothing Arc can do that the standalone launchers can't. It's ludicrous.
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    rhoricrhoric Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I am looking forward to the single launcher so I don't have all these game launchers on my desktop. There is no security issue otherwise there would have been issues from the start. Alot of the time when people have issues is because they don't have up to date version of software. And actually Pando is still around just under a new name.
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    melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    PWI vote on ARC - looks like they are allowed to discuss it a bit or were 26 pages of it

    This is why I don't trust anything but the .exe for the actual game.


    This is why I take the mods info with a grain a salt (they don't even tech. work for PW or Cryptic, but appreciate what you do)


    BS from all sides.

    If it goes smoother than this.. (type in PWE Pando, look at results) and it doesn't become some backdoor some hacker or some government can use, Im all for it; but I nor PWE could honestly guarantee it.

    The question I have for PWE is, since they used to require pando; since now it is known it can possibly used as a backdoor. Are you guys attempting to make sure any customer who previously was forced to download and install are you attempting to contact and inform of what pando is now? Or giving advice to remove. Are you taking accountability? If something happened to this ARC launcher would you take accountability?

    the ARC poll in that thread is actually full of misinformation. there's a lot of conjecture in it by putting it in the same category as pando and accusing it of bandwidth sucking by way of torrent type file distribution. as stated by angrysprite, it's fear mongering. change is inevitable and the company is going to do what is best for the longevity of the company.

    let's say you work for a company that's still running windows 95. of course, this company wants to improve the performance of their systems and functionality, but they can't upgrade the infrastructure until they upgrade all the computers to windows 7. well, your co-worker joe thinks the company should upgrade to a linux system because it's far more secure than any microsoft system and you other co-worker karen is an apple person and thinks the company would thrive so much more with apple products because she loves her iPad. guess what's going to happen? the company is going to do what's best for the company. the IT director will get together with their team to hash out what those solutions are based on company requirements.

    ARC is in beta. you currently can run neverwinter without running ARC. it is now required for downloading the game client, however. you may still be able to uninstall ARC after you install neverwinter, although i have not tested this.
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    chaoscourtesanchaoscourtesan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    They are perfectly ok with that. I understand how you feel though. I dislike Steam, I dislike Arc. I pretty much -hate- NetFlix, and want my DVD rental store back! But it's what they are going to do, and I'll go along till I decide I no longer want to go along. I installed it, got some fairly cool free stuff, used it a week or so and disabled it, because I like my desktop shortcut. Eventually I will have to re-enable it. I will be able to put up with it or I won't. But no one will know if I am unable to put up with it, because I won't say a word. How's it going to turn out? No idea. Do I care? Nope. Having fun right now. Later I will still be having fun. But I won't be worrying about whether I have to use Arc or not. While I don't think it was a good idea, and really dislike what it did to these forums which were pretty awesome before, it wasn't a problem at all for the brief time I used it.

    Edit: Wow. You can totally disregard this. It was in response to a post that magically disappeared while I was typing.
    Rhyon Cawdorian GWF | Opa Loka TR | Cormac Argentus III DC | Annika Thornblade GF | Aerys Skydark HR | Bartin Findlor TR | Aellia Baalthrall CW | Lucan Hawkmoon CW | Opa Brahk GWF | Korzbyrk DC | Den Kruk GWF | Jherek Skarsin CW |
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    isakongmingisakongming Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Oh so this is how it is now with ARC? Say you will never use it and that PWI is forcing me out as a customer if they try to make me use it and the post gets removed.

    Great community leaders...and all in a thread titled "ARC feedback" on top of it. THAT IS MY FEEDBACK. I refuse to use it so making it mandatory pushes me out the door. Note the title under my name? I am one of the biggest supporters of Neverwinter. Treat paying customers will a little more respect.
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    the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 1
    edited March 2014
    Oh so this is how it is now with ARC? Say you will never use it and that PWI is forcing me out as a customer if they try to make me use it and the post gets removed.

    Similar thing happened to me. I've been playing both STO/NWO through steam, STO for 4 years now. I play other titles as well. I scan and keep my computer clean as much as possible. I download ARC and within 4 days I get hacked on NWO. Now I've had people who work on computers check my system to make sure I didn't have keyloggers but that's irrelevant considering ARC is supposed to log you in without typing anything.

    Then to top it all off they don't have the simplest piece of security on being logged in on two games at the same time. I was actually playing STO when the hacker logged into NWO with no notifications and no booting me off of NWO. I find it odd that they would actually send me messages about logging into Gateway but not about logging into multiple games at once from the same game provider.

    So I won't be using ARC until these problems are addressed. Oh and I too was met with resistance when i mentioned these things they shutdown the thread before anyone could look at it.
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    angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Oh so this is how it is now with ARC? Say you will never use it and that PWI is forcing me out as a customer if they try to make me use it and the post gets removed.

    Great community leaders...and all in a thread titled "ARC feedback" on top of it. THAT IS MY FEEDBACK. I refuse to use it so making it mandatory pushes me out the door. Note the title under my name? I am one of the biggest supporters of Neverwinter. Treat paying customers will a little more respect.

    My only response to the above:
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    angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I download ARC and within 4 days I get hacked on NWO. Now I've had people who work on computers check my system to make sure I didn't have keyloggers but that's irrelevant considering ARC is supposed to log you in without typing anything.

    Fear mongering. Your issue is a computer system issue, not an ARC (or any other software) issue. If any hacker gains access to your game account then you're not as careful as you thought you were (this is true for any of us who ends-up in the same scenario). Your getting hacked has nothing to do with ARC specifically. It is because your login is used in multiple places through the Internet, your computer is not as secure as you thought (proper firewalls, etc.) or you are using a really simple-to-crack login credentials (like the Internet-favorite password: "Password123" or something.).

    But I suppose it is what it is: We all love to pass the buck, it's human nature to not want to take responsibility for ourselves.
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    isakongmingisakongming Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2014

    Your response goes against the response of a community leader that stated that it IS THE GOAL. Meaning ARC will become mandatory in the future.

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    angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Meaning ARC will become mandatory in the future.

    I point to the above, emphasis is mine.
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    shadowheraldshadowherald Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Havn't had any issues with ARC. Fast downloads/patching, into the game in 3 seconds as soon as I hit play. I guess I like to have all resources available in gaming.
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    melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    mod note: threats to quit and ultimatum type posts are against the forum rules of conduct and may be removed without notice.

    your opinions are important, however they must be presented in a respectful and constructive way. if you're not sure that the wording in your potential post falls under that requirement, feel free to contact any of the community moderators.

    do not respond or reply to this mod note. instead, send us a PM to discuss it.

    Rule 3.02 - No "I Quit" Threads or Posts
    . . . . We're sorry to see you go, but please keep your goodbyes to PMs or in game messages. These threads do not contribute to the community discussion and generally end in hate or flames. Threads and Posts that purvey one quitting or the threat of quitting are considered "I Quit" threads and posts.

    Rule 3.15 - No Petitions, Ultimatums or Hostile Demands
    . . . . Please keep feedback constructive and within a format for Community Discussion. Disallowed topics include things like, "Please Nerf This Class" and anything without the direction of a constructive Community Discussion.
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    rhoricrhoric Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Sigh. I have been using ARC since May 28th 2013. If ARC was such a big security issue I should have been hacked multiple times by now, why, cause I have had it running everyday. But as it stands, nope not a single hacked account in 14 years of MMO gaming.

    ARC is fast and efficient piece of software, needs a few more things added to it tho.
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