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Balancing and general tweaks to improve gameplay.

rewws85rewws85 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 21 Arc User
edited February 2014 in PvE Discussion
Hello Rewws here!

In this post I'll try to highlight some of the issues I feel needs to be adressed in the game as of now feb.2014 and this is my point of view ( that I know is also shared by ALOT of other players) with a tad bit of sarcasm.

Ok first off I would like to say that I love the game and especially the voice acting and graphics in this game and the game potential in general is awesome. BUT, there are a few mechanics and missing ingredients that is ruining the game for me and hundreds perhaps thousands of players right now. First off, you need to balance the usefulness of classes and rework certain talent trees and make tanking and healing / support roles more rewarding and functional.

Before I begin writing examples on what I've experienced I would like to ask people that are just coming to post "man you suck blablabla" to go somewhere else, I'm all for constructive criticism or on-topic comments but people that don't see flaws in atleast the majority of the things I will explain can't have tried the game to it's fullest and should rather refer from commenting.

First off gearscore: For all the dungeons on Epic difficulty the recommended gearscore only applies for a handful of boss fights and in some dungeons the endboss or certain bosses is completely ridiculous considering the amount of damage dealt, amount of adds, amount of healing you can provide in a party (INCLUDING POTIONS and health stones).

Classes: As of right now control wizard is by far the most useful and highly efficient class in the game the amount of damage and synergy abilities combined with useful CC and pauses it gives to the team it outshines all other classes in dungeons, sure keep it useful, but make other classes more useful too. Clerics should be able to do more direct healing frequently, during dungeons my fawn, potions and lifesteal covers around 80% with a good healer up to 99% with a bad healer of all the healing done to me, and about 50% of the healing done in the group total, even with clerics using heals and trying to be a supportive healing cleric. It's not fun to constantly spam potions ALL the time due to targetting and healing output being too low. As for Guardian Fighters they need twice the amount of threat they can do / have now, either a GF needs to sacrifice def to get more damage and thus becoming more squishy and that being said without Guard a GF isn't THAT much tougher then any other class with the same Gearscore or items, it's pretty frustrating that a wizard or a rogue with the same gearscore has only a few thousand HP less, some mobs in this game on epic difficulty has some ridiculous amount of damage and abilities, and rendering alot of CC abilities useless which in total multiplied with many of them at the same time and the average player skill a painful and extremely demotivating and frustrating experience. GWF's can do good single target damage and some decent aoe damage, but melee dodge is their bane, sure if you have a rock golem and spam potions you gain a tiny bit more damage and if you dodge the encounter stun abilities you can do decent dps, BUT when you dodge out of an ability you have to dodge 1-2seconds and BE OUTSIDE the ability for that amount of time to dodge it successfuly, I've not tried rogue yet but ALL other classes gain either "dodged" or "immunity" when dodging which if implemented to GWFs too would make the dodge system good enough. But if you accidently dodge/run with a GWF into another knockback or similar effect the timing is perfect every time and you get CC'd again, this can be extremely annoying since you already are melee and need to chase down certain mobs that can move up to 4 times faster then you or can't be CC'd you lose incredibly much dps to the targets and take even more damage yourself ( now the people I posted about earlier probably thinks I stink at playing but the fact is I play 20hours aday and I vary from different games leaving me in total with a larger gaming experience then anyone else I know of, + I have a disability giving me time to play every day and I can promise you I've always played high end content in ALl the games I play and know what I'm doing, I can dodge do top dps heal the most tank the most you name it but some things are just broken, ok?) I'm usually top dps or passing from 1st to 2nd many times if another dps plays well.

To further my reference to the game my main character is a GWF with full t2 gear epic gems perfect enchants 3 epic artifacts tons of epic companions, tons of hours of gametime and immesurable amount of gaming experience and I still find some fights close to pointless. Sure if could just queue and find others with my gaming experience and skill I could probably kill some of the harder ones more frequently but 95 out of a 100 Karrundax and karrundax first boss or High priestess of Lolth (just an example) it fails, and it fails so horribly that it's not even funny on top of that the recommended gearscore for it is 8300 which makes no sense at all even Lair of mad dragon (end boss only) is hard for a t2 group with full epics and YES we kill adds, and YES we avoid abilities. I've literally tried with some groups seemingly capable with full t2 or equivalent gear and the lack of skill usage and player skill makes it a nightmare beyond compare especially some T2 bosses which is really really frustrating, this leads me to my next subject the dungeon finder:

The dungeon finder works, but it has alot of bugs and it is quite slow + it needs a better AI, how many haven't tried queueing for Castle never epic only to join endless amounts of failruns or greed runs that stop at 2nd boss. Why can't we invite people to a dungeon to fill in blanks of people leaving or disconnecting? and why can't we kick people that disconnect by just closing the game? Sure you can kick sometimes but many times you can't. And what's the point of having guildies and friends if you can't invite them to your ongoing dungeon group.... Also if you're already a full group with all inteded roles it sometimes fails to create a dungeon invite when you queue. FIX IT!

Companions: So you've found companions that augments your class your build, your fantasy love or favorite animal / color etc etc, you've leved them up and spent all your 1.6mil hard earned weeks of hard gaming AD and lets make a new character, hmmm where is my companion? The one that I've spent all my ingame currency and most of my food money this month to buy? WHAT I CAN'T USE MY COMPANIONS ON OTHER CHARACTERS??? Are you kidding me? I understand that you want to make money cryptic I do, really I do, honestly I do, seriously I do understand, but the prices on Zen, some items ONLY being obtainable through lockboxes, the sheer amount of AD, Zen, refinement points, etc etc that people want need and should have to go off and die horribly in impossible bossfights should DEFINETLY be account shared! You're milking an increasingly angry cow, and it's going to kick your head off if you don't feed it some grain and give it some slack!

level 60 content:

So I've hit 60 and I prepare for all the delights of endgame content, ooooh shiney daiy quests! Did them in 15minutes. What now? Ooooh Shiney dungeons with gearscore I pass 3-4x the requirement should be a cakewa*** BAM YOU'RE DEAD! HAHAHAH YOU DIED SO HARD ON THAT 5700 or 6800 gs boss that you should be able to kill in blues and greens! That's how the game treats us right now, besides all these frustrating effects accumulate and amplify eachother here's an example:

1.You spend ALOT of time and money
2. You outgear the requirements by far and join a group full of hopes and potential
3. You don't have any more quests to do and the only epic or decen't drops comes from Lockboxes that you HAVE to pay for or grind for years to unlock enough of.
4. You finally got into a dungeon and mr-igiveupalot leaves and you're down to 4 and can't get a 5th, you can't invite someone you know, if they queue it either takes hours HOURS for them to PERHAPS join the group you're in or mr-I spam my one cool-looking ability that does nothing for the group ability or I dps instead of healing guy or I try to dps as tank ability guy girl member or even better don't know how to tank at ALL and with the lack of healing and cooldowns and being as squishy as everyone else makes me die if I taunt or don't know how to tank AT ALL guy!
5. You change to your alt to get a pause from the frustration only to find him / her unable to use AD or other currencies from your main characters AND none of the companions you've worked your butt off to level up, upgrade and get.
6. You want to increase the quality of one of your artifacts or enchants to compensate in difficult encounters, but hey! After you put your 751993 refinement objects into it we still give you a major chance to utterly fail to upgrade it, so give us more money and you can have this 1 coalescent ward, but only one at a time, because we don't want you to have fun in dungeons.

This list could probably be alot longer but I can feel myself putting more and more sarcasm and frustration into it then people perhaps will take seriously, but it's true, and I'm trying to put a slightly humoristic twist on this because it's so ridiculous with some of the mechanics right now.

And also the difference between higher level players and lower level players should be bigger, because going back to help guildies or friends do NORMAL mobs or in LOW LEVEL dungeons can sometimes be tough, even in full epic gear t2 and above, this makes you feel really weak or that some of your abilities are not good enough.

The awesome factor and the zones, monsters, graphics and details and voice-overs are epic, truly great work, but class balancing, useful currency flow and availability needs to be greatly increased, dungeon encounter mob speeds, some abilities, and damage output needs to be lowered or reworked. Either up the healing and tankyness and damage mitigation, or give us more reliable skills and abilities to help us counter this especially for GF and DC and dodge for GWF.

Last but not least, I feel that about all classes have too many abilities that are close to useless, either they do too little, have to narrow range or area of usage, or they take too long to cast mixed with the things stated above to be reliable and useful enough in the majority of situations, this includes so many skills and so many aspects of their usage that I'm just going to say FIX IT! REWORK IT!

I'm not saying the game sucks, I'm not saying change everything, or that everything is bad, this is a post full of criticism but part from the sarcasm it's constructive and these are issues that thousands of players are very frustrated about right now.

Please start making some changes to improve the flaws that people report or you will start losing dedicated players that WANTS to play this game PAYING costumers that wants to see the true potential of this game.

PS: I've chosen not to comment on PVP in this game yet, since I haven't done enough of it yet, but I have seen enough complaints about it to know that it also needs some improvements and probably balancing.

Kind Regards Rewws
Post edited by rewws85 on


  • veramis1veramis1 Banned Users Posts: 191 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    I agree with the general sentiment expressed by the original poster.
  • hhunneshhunnes Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I agree with the Original post, and i belive these are very central issues to adress.
    If the Dev's of this game can respond with actions to these problems, it would be a much better game in total.
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I think the OP has some good points, but as an altoholic who prefers playing GWFs, I have to say that I really don't think the GWF need any buffs right now. In fact, if anything, the Sentinel feat line needs some tweaking to reduce the effectiveness of those monsters in PvP.

    TRs, HR, DC and GFs do need some PvE buffs for sure. I don't think that, say, a 25% AOE damage buff would go amiss for starters, although there are class-specific fundamental issues that really need to be looked at it. As for CWs, well there are many reasons why 2, 3 or even more CWs in a party is considered the easy-mode option...

    One thing I do have to point out though, is that the style of the second post in this thread is oddly similar to the first, and that original and third posters have exactly one post each. A suspicious person might think that rewws85 and hhunnes were alt accounts of someone...
  • rewws85rewws85 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    mconosrep wrote: »
    One thing I do have to point out though, is that the style of the second post in this thread is oddly similar to the first, and that original and third posters have exactly one post each. A suspicious person might think that rewws85 and hhunnes were alt accounts of someone...

    Thanks for the comments and about this, I've never used these forums before but after getting to a point where I feel demotivated to play a game I just spent 2000$ on I wanted to say some things about what was making the game experience less enjoyable. I've asked people in my guild and in /zone to read and comment if they can so I have no idea who the other posters are.
  • morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    I...I..don't know where to start.

    Dear sweet jesus.

    Ok, first and foremost, you really shouldn't spend 2000 bucks on a game. Any game, ever. That's 13 years of WoW subs, more or less.

    Secondly, if you have a guild, why are you pugging?

    Thirdly, dude, seriously, GWFs are monsters. If you're as geared as you say you are (which, if the 2k figure is accurate, you may well be), you should be more or less capable of soloing epics, let alone doing them with a party (no matter how bad). Are you standing in astrals? That's quite a good plan. Have you stacked lifesteal? That's a VERY good plan. Are you popping unstoppable regularly? Because that solves an awful lot of redzone problems: yes, you get damaged, but you're immune to control effects so you're still there smashing away on dudes. Also, damage builds MOAR UNSTOP. And then comes lifesteal.
  • nameexpirednameexpired Member Posts: 1,282 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I'd add (at least) 2 more things that might love some improvement:

    1) Refinement Grinding: It spent hours feeding my R1-4 into various enchantments/artifacts. This might go much faster by just dumping a full stack into the target enchantment/artifact, not only 5 at a time, and then have to wait 2s for it to resolve. I am not complaining about costs/coal wards/potency stuff. All fine. But the useless, stupid grind (drag/drop/wait/repeat) that gives me pain in my fingers.

    2) transfer between characters: I also spend a lot of time mailing items forth and from on my toons, be it on 1 account or more accounts. As there was no way to transfer e.g. gold from toon A to toon D I made a second account, rather than buy another account upgrade. Everything about this mail transfer or having to use my wife's PC in another room to use my 2nd account is just TEDIOUS and not improving my gaming experience at all. Not at all.
    Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
  • morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    Those are good ideas. *nods sternly*
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I'd add (at least) 2 more things that might love some improvement:

    1) Refinement Grinding: It spent hours feeding my R1-4 into various enchantments/artifacts. This might go much faster by just dumping a full stack into the target enchantment/artifact, not only 5 at a time, and then have to wait 2s for it to resolve. I am not complaining about costs/coal wards/potency stuff. All fine. But the useless, stupid grind (drag/drop/wait/repeat) that gives me pain in my fingers.

    2) transfer between characters: I also spend a lot of time mailing items forth and from on my toons, be it on 1 account or more accounts. As there was no way to transfer e.g. gold from toon A to toon D I made a second account, rather than buy another account upgrade. Everything about this mail transfer or having to use my wife's PC in another room to use my 2nd account is just TEDIOUS and not improving my gaming experience at all. Not at all.

    Yes, these two are good additions.

    I have found exactly the same issues myself, and I imagine almost everyone is tired of 1) while a shared bank for items/AD/Gold would really help altoholics....
  • rewws85rewws85 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Agreed on the refinement comment that's a good idea, forgot about that one as for the poster zomfg'ing I have the best possible dps build and can almost keep unstoppable up all the time, I have perfect lifedrinker and lots of lifesteal, and unstoppable isn't unstoppable against all abilities ironically enough.
  • rewws85rewws85 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Oh and yes, I'm a gamer, my life sucks so I find joy in spending some money on games, that's my choice. And being in a guild doesn't mean you can ALWAYS get a group going, and it doesn't mean all in your guild are good players.
  • readytoredrumreadytoredrum Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Gotta agree. You are in a bad guild. When people say join a guild, they mean join a good guild that will interact and help you in your dungeon and pvp games.

    From the looks of things, your guild is terribly suited for you since you claim to "pug a lot". I know you won't understand it now, but just join a good guild and this game will improve a lot for you.
    Cafè CrêpeControl Wizard
  • adernathadernath Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Hi rewws85,

    honestly i find your OP quite one-sided and focused only on pve. As morsitans already pointed out, gwf's are already very strong (using unstoppable solves all red area problems, i play a gwf myself). If you would give them an additional dodge ability, then they would be horrible op in pvp (they are already too op imo). The same goes for clerics. If you give them more healing ability, then let this be at least only outgoing heals to other party members, not to themselves - they are enough tanky. I am against any further buffs of gwf's - they should be nerfed instead slightly.
    Suggestions to improve NW:
    - Dualspec
    - Better rewarding foundry and foundry pvp maps
    - Custom PvP leagues with leaderboards instead of the current 'matchmaking'.
    - Armory
    - make jumping cost stamina (to reduce hopping in pvp)
  • readytoredrumreadytoredrum Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    adernath wrote: »
    Hi rewws85,

    honestly i find your OP quite one-sided and focused only on pve. As morsitans already pointed out, gwf's are already very strong (using unstoppable solves all red area problems, i play a gwf myself). If you would give them an additional dodge ability, then they would be horrible op in pvp (they are already too op imo). The same goes for clerics. If you give them more healing ability, then let this be at least only outgoing heals to other party members, not to themselves - they are enough tanky. I am against any further buffs of gwf's - they should be nerfed instead slightly.

    I agree. I think GWFs are to PVP what CW are to PVE. Both classes are OP in their respective fields
    Cafè CrêpeControl Wizard
  • rewws85rewws85 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I've already said I use unstoppable pn every cooldown and this thread isn't about buffing GWF or giving them an ADDITIONAL dodge, just make the dodge/run like the other classes dodge so it actually works when you get outside of redzones in time, and not get hit anyway.

    And to adernath I specifically put a PS stating that I won't drag PVP into this thread.
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    rewws85 wrote: »
    I've already said I use unstoppable pn every cooldown

    Well, don't.

    Depending on what you're fighting, you might want to save popping unstoppable for when you actually need the resistance. Unstoppable and sprint together are the GWF's dodge, but you get immunities from the one and mobility from the other, instead of an immunity frame directly tied to movement over a fixed distance in a fixed direction. Sprint offers the GWF incredible mobility that no other class can match.

    Unstoppable is why players say adding immunity frames to sprint would be far too much for the GWF. Learning to time your unstoppable is like other classes learning to time their dodges, so as not to blow them when they aren't needed.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • syncmaster793dfsyncmaster793df Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I agree with the Original post, and i believe these are very central issues to address.
    If the Dev's of this game can respond with actions to these problems, it would be a much better game in total.
    i agree 100% this game lack so many balance.
    they are admit they are losing population in game.New player are leave the game i wonder how the game supposed to run if new player are quiting
    i wonder how many thread like this appear from day 1 until now and how many they actually really take serious.
    i wonder what beta player are testing this game eh? queue problem because no GF or DC play because what? unbalance weak who wan to play character like that? i have to be honest i really pity them at PVE dungeon.
  • adernathadernath Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    rewws85 wrote: »
    I've already said I use unstoppable pn every cooldown and this thread isn't about buffing GWF or giving them an ADDITIONAL dodge, just make the dodge/run like the other classes dodge so it actually works when you get outside of redzones in time, and not get hit anyway.

    And to adernath I specifically put a PS stating that I won't drag PVP into this thread.

    As beckylunatic said: sprint+unstoppable gives you very good survivability. By demanding a change in class abilities you automatically drag PVP into the thread. And i dont want to imagine a GWF who is completely immune to everything when sprinting and then pops unstoppable when he isnt... and by using unstoppable can break out of every cc anyways.
    Suggestions to improve NW:
    - Dualspec
    - Better rewarding foundry and foundry pvp maps
    - Custom PvP leagues with leaderboards instead of the current 'matchmaking'.
    - Armory
    - make jumping cost stamina (to reduce hopping in pvp)
  • hhunneshhunnes Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    PvP and PVE should be completly seperated, because it will never be right if you mix the two.

    as for PVP in Neverwinter i have no idea what the issues are, but for PVE i do belive a lot of what is required to be focused on is already highlighted here.

    And @ morsitans, you might aswell not post, if you think someone in T2 gear can solo epics.
    Go do ToS epic last boss, then explain to me how anyone can do that solo, with out cheating.
    Atleast TRY to "think" before you speak, if you even know how to do that.
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    hhunnes wrote: »
    if you think someone in T2 gear can solo epics.

    Actually with Tier 2 gear a perma-stealth TR could (or at least used to be able to) do several epics quite easily and a CW with the right enchants/artifacts/boons could probably solo Pirate King at least. Might be possible for a solo GWF to do Epic PK also, but probably not with just Tier 2 gear.
  • cmpinpointerrorcmpinpointerror Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users, Cryptic Developers, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Founder's Pack Users Posts: 646
    edited February 2014
    Thanks so much for posting this! I'll read over this thread and forward anything that we may be able to action on onto our devs.
  • willowcristwillowcrist Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I TOTALLY agree with what you're saying. I love the game so far. It's far from perfect, though. I'm an unexperienced CW lvl 47 (this is my first MMORPG) and know nothing about epics so I'm not going into that, but I'm mostly concerned about:
    1. ASTRAL DIAMONDS: I have a life and getting them is just too time consuming. I'm done with mostly everything (TWO FOUNDRIES, THREE SKIRMISHES AND PVP! Either I play the game or do the dailies!). I'm sticking with invoking and crafting.
    2. Power Trees are misleading. I'm buying a reset token ASAP.
    3. And yes, I may sound like a baby, but PvP is too hard.
    So I completely support what you're saying.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Mostly a L2P issue.

    Clerics can't heal? People I played with always congratulated me for heals even when i was only 11K. Most cleric players are just plainly incompetent to an extreme degree. Don't judge the class on poor players or players you think they are "good" even though they aren't. Clerics are currently extremely potent. Many people have expressed the same L2P issue about GWFs, I'm doing it with clerics.

    Failing at karrundax and temple of the spider makes me thing you're far from having an "incredible" experience. Your part about mad dragon being hard (while it's just paying attention to the ground/killing 3 maguses and 5 imps when they spawn, what a big deal) makes me think instead you're thinking your gear makes you a great player. But you're not. You're probably still an under average one because you know, T1 is T1, and no T1 is "hard" once you have a full T2 set and some experience. You need to play more and maybe think you have a lot of room for improvement before making yourself look bad posting that OP.

    Your biggest mistake is thinking your gear can carry you but it seems you've skipped all the valuable experience you get from playing T1 for a couple of weeks and PK for one month just to learn how to use your character. You know what? My CW doesn't even have the GS and probably the armor and weapon enchantment your GWF has, and I can SOLO adds before the boss in any dungeon and even some T2 bosses. That's what experience is. =)

    Your gear and money doesn't mean anything if you're not playing the game the way it has to be played.
  • hhunneshhunnes Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    diogene0 wrote: »
    Mostly a L2P issue.

    Clerics can't heal? People I played with always congratulated me for heals even when i was only 11K. Most cleric players are just plainly incompetent to an extreme degree. Don't judge the class on poor players or players you think they are "good" even though they aren't. Clerics are currently extremely potent. Many people have expressed the same L2P issue about GWFs, I'm doing it with clerics.

    Failing at karrundax and temple of the spider makes me thing you're far from having an "incredible" experience. Your part about mad dragon being hard (while it's just paying attention to the ground/killing 3 maguses and 5 imps when they spawn, what a big deal) makes me think instead you're thinking your gear makes you a great player. But you're not. You're probably still an under average one because you know, T1 is T1, and no T1 is "hard" once you have a full T2 set and some experience. You need to play more and maybe think you have a lot of room for improvement before making yourself look bad posting that OP.

    Your biggest mistake is thinking your gear can carry you but it seems you've skipped all the valuable experience you get from playing T1 for a couple of weeks and PK for one month just to learn how to use your character. You know what? My CW doesn't even have the GS and probably the armor and weapon enchantment your GWF has, and I can SOLO adds before the boss in any dungeon and even some T2 bosses. That's what experience is. =)

    Your gear and money doesn't mean anything if you're not playing the game the way it has to be played.

    I play with the one who posted this thread regularly and you're missing the point.
    He is a great player, but what he is refering to, is the things that are holding him back.
    Including the majority of pugs in random groups who are incompetent.
  • ianthewizard2012ianthewizard2012 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,142 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    My two cents on improving gameplay would be introducing more powers and more power slots.

    So far, I have a feeling, and I have heard other players have the same feeling, too, that 2 daily, 3 encounter, and 2 at-will powers slots are not enough, and is making power usage dull imho.

    In order to deal with various situations, and also to make using our powers more enjoyable, we need at least 3 daily, 6 encounter, and 3 at-will powers being slotted.

    So the suggestion is introducing more powers for each class, and add another 1 daily, 3 encounter, and 1 at-will power slots. And game contents would also need to be tweaked to accommodate to this change.
  • thestaggythestaggy Member Posts: 1,102 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    Basically, coal wards cost too much. The AH has seen Coal price inflation in the order of 40% over the last two weeks while a Coal ward from the Zen store will set you back a shuddering 383,000 AD at the best current AD-to-Zen rate on the exchange, meaning your Coal ward will be more expensive than your lesser enchantment. Also, the extreme price of Coals in the Zen store and the now non-existent drop (I haven't seen a single Coal since Mod 2 from invocation) only gives the speculators more room to drive the Coal price through the roof.

    I understand that high-end enchants should be a premium piece, but for goodness sake, 1000 Zen for a Coal!? 200 more Zen and I can purchase one of the best companions in the game (Stone of Allure) that is vastly superior to a lesser enchant.
    PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
  • starflingerstarflinger Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Thanks so much for posting this! I'll read over this thread and forward anything that we may be able to action on onto our devs.

    Oh god this is why NV is so terribly unbalanced. DEVs are terribly uninformed.
    My two cents on improving gameplay would be introducing more powers and more power slots.

    So far, I have a feeling, and I have heard other players have the same feeling, too, that 2 daily, 3 encounter, and 2 at-will powers slots are not enough, and is making power usage dull imho.

    In order to deal with various situations, and also to make using our powers more enjoyable, we need at least 3 daily, 6 encounter, and 3 at-will powers being slotted.

    So the suggestion is introducing more powers for each class, and add another 1 daily, 3 encounter, and 1 at-will power slots. And game contents would also need to be tweaked to accommodate to this change.

    It's called swapping out powers, at a campfire or otherwise. The powers are enough as it is to run every dungeon.
  • ianthewizard2012ianthewizard2012 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,142 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    It's called swapping out powers, at a campfire or otherwise. The powers are enough as it is to run every dungeon.
    Players have been asking for multiple presets of powers because swapping powers frequently is tiresome. And what I said is power slots aren't enough, not powers aren't enough.
  • pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    My two cents on improving gameplay would be introducing more powers and more power slots.

    So far, I have a feeling, and I have heard other players have the same feeling, too, that 2 daily, 3 encounter, and 2 at-will powers slots are not enough, and is making power usage dull imho.

    In order to deal with various situations, and also to make using our powers more enjoyable, we need at least 3 daily, 6 encounter, and 3 at-will powers being slotted.

    So the suggestion is introducing more powers for each class, and add another 1 daily, 3 encounter, and 1 at-will power slots. And game contents would also need to be tweaked to accommodate to this change.

    I like lots of powers available. Played with maybe 20-30 spells available to me at almost any time in WoW, sure you won't use more than 10 in most situations, but they were still there.

    This meant you would not use the same stuff against any mob, or player class in PvP.

    But here?

    What do we do if they extend the encounters to 6 for example? I could slot in 2 more debuffs for PvP, or more CC and nuking for PvE.

    The game would need a complete revamp of player HP/defenses and mob abilities/HP pool to accommodate this slight change of having just 2 more encounter slots available.

    It's not that I wouldn't like it, but I doubt anybody from Cryptic will lose time on this.
  • burkaancburkaanc Member Posts: 2,186 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    i guess i need to get some blue gear, rank5 enchants and run a few karundax. 1st boss might be tough, but the rest is easy, we blow it up in seconds
    Paladin Master Race
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Thanks so much for posting this! I'll read over this thread and forward anything that we may be able to action on onto our devs.

    Nice to see a Dev post, thanks! :):):)

    I personally feel that this post
    I'd add (at least) 2 more things that might love some improvement:

    1) Refinement Grinding: It spent hours feeding my R1-4 into various enchantments/artifacts. This might go much faster by just dumping a full stack into the target enchantment/artifact, not only 5 at a time, and then have to wait 2s for it to resolve. I am not complaining about costs/coal wards/potency stuff. All fine. But the useless, stupid grind (drag/drop/wait/repeat) that gives me pain in my fingers.

    2) transfer between characters: I also spend a lot of time mailing items forth and from on my toons, be it on 1 account or more accounts. As there was no way to transfer e.g. gold from toon A to toon D I made a second account, rather than buy another account upgrade. Everything about this mail transfer or having to use my wife's PC in another room to use my 2nd account is just TEDIOUS and not improving my gaming experience at all. Not at all.

    describes the least controversial and universally beneficial ideas in the thread. There are other good ideas of course, but they may require a lot more consideration of possible class balancing knock-on effects.
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