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Is this game just way too easy?



  • nameexpirednameexpired Member Posts: 1,282 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Is this game just way too easy?

    No, the game is not too easy.
    If you seek a challenge battle in greens. What is the lowest party gear score your team can finish VT with?

    you can always step down from your blue/purple rank 10 ladder to create a challenge if the game is too easy for you.

    If you have 15k+ GS, invested a lot of resources and brain into the game you should be doing fine, no?
    Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    No, the game is not too easy.
    If you seek a challenge battle in greens. What is the lowest party gear score your team can finish VT with?

    you can always step down from your blue/purple rank 10 ladder to create a challenge if the game is too easy for you.

    If you have 15k+ GS, invested a lot of resources and brain into the game you should be doing fine, no?

    More or less really. In (almost) any MMO once you have farmed out the new content for a while you will be over-geared to the extent that the game seems very easy.

    So if you want a challenge get your guildies and try to legitimately do dungeons at minimum GS. This might be doable but will take a lot of skill and min-maxing.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    No, the game is not too easy.
    If you seek a challenge battle in greens. What is the lowest party gear score your team can finish VT with?

    you can always step down from your blue/purple rank 10 ladder to create a challenge if the game is too easy for you.

    If you have 15k+ GS, invested a lot of resources and brain into the game you should be doing fine, no?

    I'm sick of reading that straw man argument. People with 15k+ GS got their gear because that's what the game is about, not to equip blue **** to make the content artificially "harder" (and trust me, cookie cutter builds matter more than gear score anyway). All we need is harder content making everyone work on their gear a bit before being able to queue. When i started playing, i've done T1s for two weeks and T2s for 3 weeks before being able to feel comfortable enough to queue for CN. That's normal and this is how the game work. You gear up to face greater challenges. If there's no incentive to get better gear, there's no point playing at all on the long run. Why would I farm or pay for a purple or orange artifact if i don't need it?

    Asking for harder content in an item based game is completely legitimate, and the dev better release really harder dungeons if they want the top 20-30% players to stay in game with all the power creep they introduced with shadowmantle.
  • nameexpirednameexpired Member Posts: 1,282 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    diogene0 wrote: »
    I'm sick of reading that straw man argument. People with 15k+ GS got their gear because that's what the game is about, not to equip blue **** to make the content artificially "harder" (and trust me, cookie cutter builds matter more than gear score anyway). All we need is harder content making everyone work on their gear a bit before being able to queue. When i started playing, i've done T1s for two weeks and T2s for 3 weeks before being able to feel comfortable enough to queue for CN. That's normal and this is how the game work. You gear up to face greater challenges. If there's no incentive to get better gear, there's no point playing at all on the long run. Why would I farm or pay for a purple or orange artifact if i don't need it?

    Asking for harder content in an item based game is completely legitimate, and the dev better release really harder dungeons if they want the top 20-30% players to stay in game with all the power creep they introduced with shadowmantle.
    Sorry, I did not want upset you.
    There was the question if the game is too easy and I gave as an answer my opinion. I do not think that it is 20-30% that want harder dungeons. It is a relatively small population that do 3+ VT runs within an hour, and they or you can do it due to their gear score and superb, probably hard earned, equipment. Leading to an even wider gap between many casual and very few hard core gamers.
    Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
  • morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    Yeah, I have to say that while my approach to "am I good enough for X" is very similar to Diogene0's (albeit substituting 'weeks' with 'months' in my case), gearing up to face harder challenges isn't the be-all and end-all for all people.

    Gearing up to make hard challenges easier? Also a thing.
    Gearing up to make easy challenges hilariously easier? Also a thing.
    Gearing up to make your arbitrary epeen meter marginally bigger? Definitely a thing.

    Bigger numbers are better, even in the complete absence of a need for those bigger numbers.

    "I can one-shot everything in sharandar....ooh, but if I upgrade this, and this and this....I can really one-shot everything in sharandar"

    A lot of people play these sorts of games because they produce measurable increases in ability/power in exhange for effort, something that quite frankly, the real world very rarely does.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Sorry, I did not want upset you.
    There was the question if the game is too easy and I gave as an answer my opinion. I do not think that it is 20-30% that want harder dungeons. It is a relatively small population that do 3+ VT runs within an hour, and they or you can do it due to their gear score and superb, probably hard earned, equipment. Leading to an even wider gap between many casual and very few hard core gamers.

    I'm not upset, it's just a game. =)

    There are basically two options: harder content or fixing what is currently allowing top geared players to kill the spider queen in under 2 minutes. Since the devs don't do anything about CW cookie cutter builds (stacking debuffs to insane levels and massive aoe damage), and take their time to fix the deep gash bug, the next logical step is harder content, if game balance has to remain the same. Gear score gaps is far less of an issue. It's really those crazy amounts of debuffs combined with unlimited targets aoes. But since it seems that the devs mostly ignore that issue, debuffs + high gear scores are really cheesing encounters to the point the endgame gaming skills requirements are just randomly smashing buttons, once you have the right feats and gear.

    Gearing up is the only goal we have in this game. There's no other objectives but getting a more powerful character. The game was fairly easy without artefacts. Now that it's in game, what are we supposed to do? Ungear and ignore any kind of character progression, or asking for harder content?

    If you don't believe me about that 20-30% amount of players, I suggest you inspect others in protector's enclave. Except low level chars, it's rare to see someone with less than 13k GS. And that's precisely the point from which the T2 game seems kinda boring and utterly easy.
  • morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    That is a little bit like cherrypicking your dataset, though. You hang out in PE when you're at that GS because that sort of GS is a fairly good indicator of "has done all content, is just mooching and waiting for the next DD"

    If you go to sharandar or dread ring there are a ton of peeps at lower GS because they're still doing stuff, rather than pootling around in PE.
  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Most 60 having more than 13kgs? Sorry but I strongly disagree. I got to pvp everyday, and I always check my members gs, and most of the time it's not over 13k.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    reiwulf wrote: »
    Most 60 having more than 13kgs? Sorry but I strongly disagree. I got to pvp everyday, and I always check my members gs, and most of the time it's not over 13k.

    That's why I said the 20-30% top players. This is a very conservative guess but it should be accurate. It's in no way a small margin of the playerbase, and these guys (myself included) are kinda expecting content in which having worked on (or paid for, who cares) all this nice gear makes a difference between fail and victory.
  • harkonentrooperharkonentrooper Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Yes the game is very easy.
  • dodgododgo Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 870 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    hows everyone goin with draco?
  • thestaggythestaggy Member Posts: 1,102 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    dodgo wrote: »
    hows everyone goin with draco?

    I'm getting stone-walled by him in parties that range in the 12 - 13k GS range.
    PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
  • nameexpirednameexpired Member Posts: 1,282 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    diogene0 wrote: »
    If you don't believe me about that 20-30% amount of players, I suggest you inspect others in protector's enclave. Except low level chars, it's rare to see someone with less than 13k GS. And that's precisely the point from which the T2 game seems kinda boring and utterly easy.

    If you have reached the 13k GS I expect you have already all T2 gear, and most likely some main and off hand with set bonus.
    So your hunting ground - especially with your 15k toons - should no longer be any T2 dungeon. Having T2.5 weapons you basically "beat the game". I never was in a group that killed the Spider Queen within 2 minutes. my toons that visited ToS have 13k GS, but it with all it was a long and hard battle.

    You might want to help others with less than 13k GS, but those are for some anyway quitters as they just reached level 60 and helping them is a waste of time. Something along this line is what somebody said in the holy legit channel yesterday.
    Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
  • frariifrarii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    You all are missing the point, is the game too easy? yes, all games are too easy since last decade, and mmos specially cuz they catter to a massive audience and profit>>>integrity.

    Are there ways to work arround it... well, it depends, right now for those of us who are here since last april, probably not, we are getting bored, for some players who are less experienced but still well geared, yeah probably... but i really hope the devs think a little on those upper ecchelon players cuz some of us have spent a bunch of money in the game.
  • nahkhiirmees2000nahkhiirmees2000 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Leveling huh?
    Only way to make it harded is to make it last longer.
    And since questing in every mmmorpg is just killing x number of mobs or collectin x number of items its good that they kept the leveling part fast.
    There are some unique features compared to other games when you hit 60 but dungeons get boring pretty fast. Bosses doesnt really require any genius tactics, watch out for the red circles while rogue tanks boss.. i mean the fight are just too simple, they are hard cause the bosses glitch, hit like a truck and have millions of hp.
  • pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    frarii wrote: »
    You all are missing the point, is the game too easy? yes, all games are too easy since last decade, and mmos specially cuz they catter to a massive audience and profit>>>integrity.

    Are there ways to work arround it... well, it depends, right now for those of us who are here since last april, probably not, we are getting bored, for some players who are less experienced but still well geared, yeah probably... but i really hope the devs think a little on those upper ecchelon players cuz some of us have spent a bunch of money in the game.

    In that other MMO I played, they offered a very difficult heroic raiding mode, which was basically reserved to the hardcore gamers, since even the normal raiding mode was quite challenging. It had better loot, special achievements, world firsts and so on.

    I worked quite nicely.
  • nameexpirednameexpired Member Posts: 1,282 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Adressing the OP, I think the question might be split into 3 ways:
    Is the leveling too fast?
    Is the leveling too easy?
    Is the endgame too easy?

    Is the leveling too fast?
    Leveling is very fast. In some stages you do not even have time to put an item on and you have already outgrown it. XP I think come mostly from quests, less from killing.
    Would I like more quests? Yes and no. I would like more quests in more areas, but not just double the quest "slay x there and y there". There should be more areas if quest would give less experience. I had to skip some content while leveling my last few characters as they outgrew their surounding very fast, and I even avoided foundry and PvP to get the least amount of XP possible. Still had to skip a lot of the 5 player dungeons, especially after level 45. Skirmishes rushed past me and I was unable to get into some as I out leveled them faster than a queue would accept me. Having played an HR as last toon the queues were very long indeed.

    Is the leveling too easy?
    I do not think so. I used up all my Healing packs and some. A lot of players are unable to kill the bosses of lairs solo (Rimewolf, Cathedral of Madness, Scalefather). So I think leveling is hard enough. It might be easy if you invest $$$ into buying purple leveling gear for your toon. IMHO if you do that, you cheat yourself. Might as well try IDDQD, IDKFA and IDSPISPOPD and if you like to beat the game easy. Cryptic might as well sell a T-Shirt with "I beat Neverwinter" so you can show you actually and officially won against the game. You might even want to hire someone to play for you, but I do not see the point in any of that.

    Is the endgame too easy?
    This depends on the point of view and might have been discussed above. I do not think so. If 20-30% of level 60 characters would be a god walking amongst men (and halflings, and half-orcs, and thieflings, ...) there would not be a constant question for DF, PF or DS parties in the Dread Ring area. All three dungeons can probalby be solo'ed faster than it takes to get 5 players into the same instance.
    Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
  • vortix44vortix44 Member Posts: 680 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    ... (Sorry cannot post anything, any sentence beyond the first gets eaten by the system)
    English is not my first language.
  • ulvielulviel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 741 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Oh c'mon, leveling IS way too easy. Some people still can't do this or that? Then they are doing it wrong. All until lvl 60 is perfectly doable in green gear, no artifacts, no companions, low level enchantments, any class.

    P.S. Of course solo content is 100% soloable. You need a party for dungeons and skirmishes.
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    ulviel wrote: »
    Oh c'mon, leveling IS way too easy. Some people still can't do this or that? Then they are doing it wrong. All until lvl 60 is perfectly doable in green gear, no artifacts, no companions, low level enchantments, any class.

    P.S. Of course solo content is 100% soloable. You need a party for dungeons and skirmishes.

    A DC doing the last boss in the final dungeon of Whispering caverns in just greens was (used to be?) a real challenge. Apart from that the rest is easily soloable.
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