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Is this game just way too easy?



  • pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    ohog wrote: »
    This game is too easy? oO
    Then I'm doing something wrong. I'm a CW lvl 54, and since the last 10 levels I die again and again. The bosses in the storyline are way too hard for me, I usually need 10 healing pots and 2-3 tries. My companion is a lvl 20 deer (healer). And no, this isn't my first mmo.

    I also play a CW, and yes I can empathize. For the final several adventure zones, starting from about Icespire Peak on, I just felt relieved to be done with it. Don't try to kill everything because you can't, you'll have to sneak around certain mobs so they don't BBQ you. Also pay attention to the feats you have chosen, and use the encounters/dailies/at-wills that synergize with those feats. Hope that helps.
  • alcibaides415bcalcibaides415bc Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    When playing my CW alt, i actually found leveling to be even easier once i hit the 45 level mark, and then even more stupidly easy when i got to level 50. This is due to two spells: Steal time and shard of the endless avalanche. Steal time is a lifesaver, think of it as a mini oppressive force, potent stun but smaller damage. Shard is what makes everything a cakewalk, learn how to use it and your life as a CW becomes infinitely easier. Shard and steal time becomes even more important in Epic dungeons, since these two spells are the best CC spells avaliable to the CW. You should take the time now to familiarize yourself with these two spells, because they will be your bread and butter come end game.
  • zargorius666zargorius666 Member Posts: 118 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    I have levelled 3 chars to 60 so far, a GWF, CW and DC. CW was the easiest of them all, massive control and AOE damage, just don't aggro everything and you're good. I didn't use any Mulhorands or Enchants btw.

    People probably need to have a look at their builds and rotations and read up a bit, I've seen some really weird "contraptions" running around.

    It feels like many aren't even bothered to read the tooltips for their Attributes/Feats/Powers and then come over to the forums complaining about this or that. Meh.
  • pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    ohog wrote: »
    This game is too easy? oO
    Then I'm doing something wrong. I'm a CW lvl 54, and since the last 10 levels I die again and again. The bosses in the storyline are way too hard for me, I usually need 10 healing pots and 2-3 tries. My companion is a lvl 20 deer (healer). And no, this isn't my first mmo.

    All you had to do was read a forum guide and understand how your abilities work. When started paying the game, I leveled my CW as my very first char. Before even choosing the class and stat rolls, I watched some Youtube videos and read some forum guides.

    The results?

    I only died once in my leveling, in some secret room with some nasty mobs I found. Rest was a walk in the park. And I didn't even put enchants in my green&blue gear until I was 60.

    When you are new to an MMO or complex games that have many mechanics, you gotta do homework before starting to play, or you will fail by yourself. When you start understanding the game, then you can customize the char to suit your playstyle.
  • ryugasiriusryugasirius Member Posts: 996 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    ohog wrote: »
    This game is too easy? oO
    Then I'm doing something wrong. I'm a CW lvl 54, and since the last 10 levels I die again and again. The bosses in the storyline are way too hard for me, I usually need 10 healing pots and 2-3 tries. My companion is a lvl 20 deer (healer). And no, this isn't my first mmo.

    Yep, it becomes a nightmare for a lone CW with mostly green equip in the last areas, after Rothe' Valley or so. Several mobs are not controllable (especially the fire mobs in mt. hotenow), lair bosses are very hard hitting, and your HP buffer is quite low. Once you hit lv60, get some initial blue/purple stuff cheap and start doing party content, things will go better.
  • morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    Persephone: That takes a lot of the fun out of it, though. And it's often very useful to try a lot of things so you know not only what works, but what doesn't, and why it doesn't.

    The problem with this game is that respecs are so prohibitively expensive for newer players (and a lot of more casual veteran players), so this sort of experimentation is unwise.
    "Get on a wiki, find a build and strategy that suits your playstyle, never do any thinking or theorycrafting for yourself" is really good, solid advice. It's just a bit disappointing that this is the case.

    Yes, there's always the test-shard, but seriously: how many people can be assed to install two copies of the same game just to test out minor build changes? (plus you still need one respec anyway)
  • pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    morsitans wrote: »
    Persephone: That takes a lot of the fun out of it, though. And it's often very useful to try a lot of things so you know not only what works, but what doesn't, and why it doesn't.

    The problem with this game is that respecs are so prohibitively expensive for newer players (and a lot of more casual veteran players), so this sort of experimentation is unwise.
    "Get on a wiki, find a build and strategy that suits your playstyle, never do any thinking or theorycrafting for yourself" is really good, solid advice. It's just a bit disappointing that this is the case.

    Yes, there's always the test-shard, but seriously: how many people can be assed to install two copies of the same game just to test out minor build changes? (plus you still need one respec anyway)

    I actually used to go in blindly in games and try stuff based on what I understood from ingame guides, or ability/feat tooltips etc.

    I completely stopped doing this after I played Path of Exile. My char failed SO HARD when I reached the last difficulty setting, it couldn't progress, so I had to painfully respec it, talent by talent (no full respecs), until I was able to go through the hard zones.

    So after that, I just stopped with the experimentation and started reading first, making chars later.

    These MMOs... they have many many mechanics. Many are hidden and not documented. So how is a new player supposed to know&build for endgame?

    So yeah, might be less fun to do it like I do, but you gonna have fun during your play time with an efficient char, instead of feeling underpowered and unable to progress.

    Also if you noticed, some guys complaining are CWs. This class is the ideal class by far for fast, smooth leveling. Imagine how broken their chars must be if they complain the game is hard. It's not even their fault, cause tooltips are misleading and there's no proper indepth documentation on the web about the game.

    Luckily, many experienced gamers have posted guides for their class in the forums. Follow one of those with positive feedback, and you are almost guaranteed a smooth, pleasurable experience :)
  • esteenaesteena Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1
    edited February 2014
    ohog wrote: »
    This game is too easy? oO
    Then I'm doing something wrong. I'm a CW lvl 54, and since the last 10 levels I die again and again. The bosses in the storyline are way too hard for me, I usually need 10 healing pots and 2-3 tries. My companion is a lvl 20 deer (healer). And no, this isn't my first mmo.

    Chill Strike on tab. Use singularity/ Oppressive force vs alot of mobs and ice knife vs 1 target.

    Push the wolf boss at icespire map off the cliff as he isn't CC immune.

    Dodge red circles from the boss at hotenow zone.

    You can skip magma brutes as they don't follow you if you run far enough.

    At whispering caverns, vs the spider prince w/e, make sure you always stand behind him to avoid his aimed-beam attack.

    You are welcome.
  • ohogohog Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Thanks for all the tips!
    I didn't want to watch videos and guides until I'm 60. In other games I used to have fun trying the different skills and figure out how to combine them. It doesn't seem to be completely wrong, when I do some daily quests I usually have a good damage output and use as many cc as I can to support the group. Even pvp runs pretty good; well, if you trust the final results shown ingame.
    But all of that becomes useless when I have solo boss-fights with a lot of adds. I simply can't stand more than 2-3 attackers. Steal time is a good skill, I should have used it earlier. I just started to use shard of the endless avalanche, which really is a big help!
    Anyway, when all control skills are on cooldown I just can hit and run.

    By the way, about "understanding the mechanics": I'm not sure how good the English spell descriptions are, but forget about the German translation! To be honest, I don't understand many of the feats. Either it's the translation or the overall description. I planned to reskill them at 60 anyway.
    But that makes skill trees pretty useless. If everbody has to use the same spells, feats and cast rotation, why giving him the opportunity to choose? I guess it will be the same problem with the gear later on.
  • pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    ohog wrote: »
    But that makes skill trees pretty useless. If everbody has to use the same spells, feats and cast rotation, why giving him the opportunity to choose? I guess it will be the same problem with the gear later on.

    You get to choose because you might want a different focus for your char, PvP or PvE, and because different situations might require different spells setup. So you just adapt as the situation demands.

    But yeah, in the end mostly everybody ends up doing approximatively similar stuff in approximatively similar gear, and when somebody finds something "better", most others will just start doing that as well :P

    As for your inability to survive more than 2-3 mobs with the spells on cooldown, try equipping regen/life steal gear. I really don't know what that is specifically for your level, but you can use the AH search. And keep moving/kiting, don't waste all teleports on small attacks, make sure you have enough stamina to dodge the big reds.
  • morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    ohog wrote: »
    I guess it will be the same problem with the gear later on.


    Yeah, itemisation in this game is not terribly well-developed. For almost every class there are one or maybe two armour sets that are just hands-down better than all the other armour sets, and often these are tier1 armour sets. It's a bit silly, but hey.

    On the bright side, the entire game is more or less "control wizard online", so you've picked the right class at least. :P
  • hercules125hercules125 Member Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    No, the game is not too easy. Regular play in zones is just about right.... with a few exceptions. However, soloing a DC is a friggin nightmare due to the low DPS and the close proximity of mob groups in many zones causes you to be zerged unless you are very careful or very lucky.

    The end-game is designed for already twinked out toons, not for gearing up as you go. I judge a game by how well a PUG can perform in the end-game dungeons. 5 reasonably competent players ( and no, by competent I dont mean perfect) who are not already twinked out (i.e. dont have their T2 gear) have zero chance of completing most of the T2 dungeons. Serious flaw in game design IMO.
  • esteenaesteena Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1
    edited February 2014
    However, soloing a DC is a friggin nightmare due to the low DPS and the close proximity of mob groups in many zones causes you to be zerged unless you are very careful or very lucky.

    Daunting Light, Sun burst/Astral shield, Chains of blazing light. Use astral seal on mobs before you attack them. You will never die that way and mobs will die way too quick.
    The end-game is designed for already twinked out toons, not for gearing up as you go. I judge a game by how well a PUG can perform in the end-game dungeons. 5 reasonably competent players ( and no, by competent I dont mean perfect) who are not already twinked out (i.e. dont have their T2 gear) have zero chance of completing most of the T2 dungeons. Serious flaw in game design IMO.

    Don't judge based on PuGs. Most of them are BiS 14k GS+ and have no idea how to dodge nor how to use rotation.

    Gear helps, but feats and ability's rotations are the main factor.
  • morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    DCs have amazing DPS if you actually slot damage encounters. Astral seal is more or less the only heal you need (or you could pop a pot every now and then), and the combination of chains, divine glow and daunting light will kill almost anything in one or two rotations.

    Edit, ninja'd! :P
  • frariifrarii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I really wish there was an option to eliminate red zones as there is to eliminate sparkly trail, i just leveled a CW to 60 in a weekend... died one and was because i was sloppy... CWs are just tooooooooooooooooo godly good.
  • zargorius666zargorius666 Member Posts: 118 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    morsitans wrote: »
    DCs have amazing DPS if you actually slot damage encounters. Astral seal is more or less the only heal you need (or you could pop a pot every now and then), and the combination of chains, divine glow and daunting light will kill almost anything in one or two rotations.

    Edit, ninja'd! :P

    This, I have a DC with maxed STR and CHA, this combo pretty much devastates everything, very good DPS for a healer class.
  • zargorius666zargorius666 Member Posts: 118 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    double post
  • elewyndylelewyndyl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    No, the game is not too easy. Regular play in zones is just about right.... with a few exceptions. However, soloing a DC is a friggin nightmare due to the low DPS and the close proximity of mob groups in many zones causes you to be zerged unless you are very careful or very lucky.

    The end-game is designed for already twinked out toons, not for gearing up as you go. I judge a game by how well a PUG can perform in the end-game dungeons. 5 reasonably competent players ( and no, by competent I dont mean perfect) who are not already twinked out (i.e. dont have their T2 gear) have zero chance of completing most of the T2 dungeons. Serious flaw in game design IMO.
    OMG seriously you lack skill in both how to effectively get better gs and how to play. I have 3 max level characters 2 Clerics 15,8k, 13,2k and 1 Rogue 13,9k. I also have one low level Ranger.
    I am 100% free player, but there is nothing wrong using credit card if you feel it helps and I respect also players that choose to use money.

    First of all levelling Cleric is EASY like all other classes. I actually like those places with hard challenge in this game!
    If we talk about hard challenge area in Open World during level up process then I would say that
    the Orc area gives you good challenge. I loved the Orc area and I had very fun when I leveled my second Cleric together with my real life friend that is a casual player with a Control Wizard. We were in level 8-12 range don't remember exact level but we got separated and when we joined forces we had like 40+ Orcs on us and had to retreat. By sheer amount of luck we managed to escape/flee to the NPC guards that time but yes we got killed also in the Orc area.

    Relatively hard challenge during the level up well 2 particular Dungeons:
    1. The one with the first BIG Dragon.
    2. The one with the Werewolf Boss.

    Those felt like harder challenge during levelup but I have done them successfully.

    Ok there are some questing areas and Skirmish in level 57-60 which maybe are slightly tough. That said you can always do Foundry during level up if you can't do the quests or dislike hard challenge.

    I like Castle Never and Valindras Tower. This game should have hard challenge.

    Generally PvE is how I want it not to hard or to easy. However levelling a Cleric is EASY enough said! My Rogue kills faster, but Cleric has still good survival.
  • pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    All of these comments about how easy it is to level a CW, I find fascinating. My main character is a CW and I love my CW, but I am currently leveling a GWF and now *that* is really easy to level. Just facetank everything.
  • elewyndylelewyndyl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    pointsman wrote: »
    All of these comments about how easy it is to level a CW, I find fascinating. My main character is a CW and I love my CW, but I am currently leveling a GWF and now *that* is really easy to level. Just facetank everything.
    GWF is currrently strongest class in Neverwinter MMO. GWF seriously needs a nerf on that I agree. Anybody telling a Rogue or Wizard is more powerful today then a GWF in PvP is a liar. GWF is not only good in PvP. GWF and even more those who prefer PvE builds are excellent in PvE. In fact many GF are annoyed that most people prefer a GWF as tank instead of GF.
  • nap1985nap1985 Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    In this game...it doesn't hurt to read guides up on class guides/strategies/builds....since it's so expensive to respec your character. Sure after awhile you'll likely have plenty of AD to burn, but those first couple toons can be rough if you've blindly allocated all your points.

    Also, the only area I've found very difficult so far on a CW and TR has been Hotenow (I think). The area with the imp contest, the lava, and the 'holy <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> I'm dying a lot'. Really felt to me like the first questing zone where you couldn't get away with standing in stupid. I do agree some of the dungeons don't seem incredibly balanced for the gear score of the players that would even bother with them. Try doing Mad Dragon with the whole party at 6800......Lol. That actually might be fun.....

    Are there any groups/guilds out there that run dungeons at the minimum gs requirement? That might be an interesting idea for a new event actually...challenge modes anyone? Perhaps some bonus reward for each player when the party clears the entire dungeon at the minimum required gear score!? Set it to some type of hardcore mode, and wont allow you to queue if anyone is above a certain gs, and wont allow you to change weapons/armor/enchants once inside! I think this would be popular.
  • thestaggythestaggy Member Posts: 1,102 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    No, the game is not too easy. Regular play in zones is just about right.... with a few exceptions. However, soloing a DC is a friggin nightmare due to the low DPS and the close proximity of mob groups in many zones causes you to be zerged unless you are very careful or very lucky.

    The end-game is designed for already twinked out toons, not for gearing up as you go. I judge a game by how well a PUG can perform in the end-game dungeons. 5 reasonably competent players ( and no, by competent I dont mean perfect) who are not already twinked out (i.e. dont have their T2 gear) have zero chance of completing most of the T2 dungeons. Serious flaw in game design IMO.

    I know that feel. Running through Ice Spire with my DC was a nightmare, especially the narrow section up the mountain. I had to play my DC like a ninja, hugging walls, hiding from giants behind ice formations. Many a time I triggered a whole mob trying to fight/escape from a giant. Wouldn't say it was difficult, just frustrating because my DPS was like slow burn.

    GF was much easier. I just used to stand and swing until about level 55, when suddenly my DPS vs their defense/HP tipped the balance in their favour, so I couldn't just eat red anymore.
    PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
  • ulvielulviel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 741 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    thestaggy wrote: »
    I know that feel. Running through Ice Spire with my DC was a nightmare, especially the narrow section up the mountain. I had to play my DC like a ninja, hugging walls, hiding from giants behind ice formations. Many a time I triggered a whole mob trying to fight/escape from a giant. Wouldn't say it was difficult, just frustrating because my DPS was like slow burn.

    GF was much easier. I just used to stand and swing until about level 55, when suddenly my DPS vs their defense/HP tipped the balance in their favour, so I couldn't just eat red anymore.

    What would I recommend? Get that Waters artifact for regen (the pvp one is even better), divine glow, daunting light and as your 3rd encounter chains of blazing light (or forgemaster's flame in divine mode if artifact is not enough to keep you healed) and you don't even need astral seal. In other words - concentrate more on dmg and less on healing since attack is the best defence. Yes I tried it on my undergeared alt.
  • thestaggythestaggy Member Posts: 1,102 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    ulviel wrote: »
    What would I recommend? Get that Waters artifact for regen (the pvp one is even better), divine glow, daunting light and as your 3rd encounter chains of blazing light (or forgemaster's flame in divine mode if artifact is not enough to keep you healed) and you don't even need astral seal. In other words - concentrate more on dmg and less on healing since attack is the best defence. Yes I tried it on my undergeared alt.

    This was before the artifacts came out and before I knew the class as well as I do now.
    PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
  • elewyndylelewyndyl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    ulviel wrote: »
    What would I recommend? Get that Waters artifact for regen (the pvp one is even better), divine glow, daunting light and as your 3rd encounter chains of blazing light (or forgemaster's flame in divine mode if artifact is not enough to keep you healed) and you don't even need astral seal. In other wors - concentrate more on dmg and less on healing since attack is the best defence. Yes I tried it on my undergeared alt.
    Highly subjective except I agree that Waters artifact is excellent. I never use the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> Chains of blazing light and Astral Shield is the King of healing spells(even more so if you have Feats buffing it) it even keeps your NPC companion alive many times. Granted the NPC companion does not do so much damage but if it keeps alive all the time then it is better then nothing.

    I said I am free player and no I don't have any purple companions. For Dungeons I use my level 15 NPC female Cleric. For single player say boon grinding quests I use the level 25 sword that you can earn with 24000 Glory. There are cheap enchants you can put on NPC companions to make them better.

    Since my gs is 15,8k Cleric, 13,2k Cleric and Rogue 13,9k yes 300 000 to upgrade companion does not sound insanely expensive, but I like PvP and give first priority to improve my characters.

    There are lots of people who say NPC companions are useless, but they are wrong. Granted it can be wise to unsummon them in some Dungeon runs, but I prefer a group that have companions summoned in boss fights.

    Finally I have seen many purple companions being very useful in some T2 Epic Dungeon boss fights and my Astral shields keep them also many times alive.
  • ulvielulviel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 741 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Ah yes, indeed. But I also lvl-ed my cleric before artifacts and as soon I could slot FF, I didn't use any other heals. And I didn't have any regen. Just saying, ppl who complain clerics are too hard proly just heal too much.
  • elewyndylelewyndyl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    ulviel wrote: »
    Ah yes, indeed. But I also lvl-ed my cleric before artifacts and as soon I could slot FF, I didn't use any other heals. And I didn't have any regen. Just saying, ppl who complain clerics are too hard proly just heal too much.
    Yes you are correct you should not have 3 healing encounter spells equipped.... depending on group challenge and your gear it can be different what is wise to use, but I almost never use 3 encounter healing slots.

    Finally seriously for doing boons or level up Terrifying Insight is much better then some Healers Lore lol. Boons and level up quests are easy so use offensive powers.
  • ulvielulviel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 741 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    elewyndyl wrote: »
    Highly subjective except I agree that Waters artifact is excellent. I never use the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> Chains of blazing light and Astral Shield is the King of healing spells(even more so if you have Feats buffing it) it even keeps your NPC companion alive many times. Granted the NPC companion does not do so much damage but if it keeps alive all the time then it is better then nothing.

    I said I am free player and no I don't have any purple companions. For Dungeons I use my level 15 NPC female Cleric. For single player say boon grinding quests I use the level 25 sword that you can earn with 24000 Glory. There are cheap enchants you can put on NPC companions to make them better.

    Since my gs is 15,8k Cleric, 13,2k Cleric and Rogue 13,9k yes 300 000 to upgrade companion does not sound insanely expensive, but I like PvP and give first priority to improve my characters.

    There are lots of people who say NPC companion are useless, but they are wrong. Granted it can be wise to unsummon them in some Dungeon runs but I prefer a group that have companions summoned in boss fights.

    AS is king in group content, but for soloing? The main problem with it is, you have to stay inside. The 2nd problem - it doesn't do any dmg. Therefore I choose FF that can heal me just as well (actually better in my case, but that depends on your stats I guess) AND damage enemy. And companions (my undergeared alt I was talking about has only white wizard btw)? Since I have them perma-dismissed (except for my main who has a stone, but let's not talk about 15k gs chars, they have it easy whatever they do) I can kill things more efficient. Seriously, what would I need a companion for? Its not that they could kill anything (ok, maybe purples can).

    P.S Even if chains are somewhat crappy, they are still better than sunburst (unless we are talking about low lvls).
  • morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    Chains is insanely good. I had no idea: used it once or twice in the level 35-40 zone where idris lives, never used it again. Tried it a week ago and HOLY <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. The area the root and damage actually applies to is waaaaay wider than the marker you place, so just stick that down in the middle of a pack so it pops immediately, and they're all held in place long enough for you to stick a DG and some seals on then, then by the time the root wears off and the survivors (if any) head your way...daunting liiiiiiight, thank you and goodnight.

    Use it, love it.
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    My DC is all about the chains. Divine chains with good crit will wipe out nearly everything in the campaigns, or hold it still long enough for you to smack it with something else. Awesome spell.
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