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List just One PVP related thing you would like in Mod 3

ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
edited January 2014 in PvE Discussion
In light of the news that Mod 3 would have "some pvp updates" I thought it MAY be of use if everyone just lists ONE (and ONLY ONE) thing they would like to see added to this game that revolves around PVP. This could be a new system (like a que system), new gametypes, ranking, maps, items etc!

If you could please not flame, and dont list of 10 things but just one it will keep this civil.

TO start,

I know someone else will have other suggestions so I will use my ONE as:

Enable the option to switch to a PVP instance of ALL the world instances in the game. To explain, when in "Helm's Hold" say instance #s 1-35 would be all PVE focused (like it is now) and #36-40 would be "PVP-enabled" meaning only the camps/towns are "safe zones" and its open world FFA after that. Enter at your own risk!
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    bananachefbananachef Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Artifact that summons a Test Dummy with your choice of Damage Resistance.
    2 GWFS, 3 TRs, 2 GFs, 1 HR, 1 CW
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    inquisitorrahlinquisitorrahl Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    A second page for Powers/Feats that can only be activated in PvP areas.

    I know they make money off respec coins though so probably unlikely but people still would pay to try things out and tweak builds even if we had 2 pages to work from.
    Father McGruder - Scrub geared DPS DC - I kick HAMSTER for the Lord!

    Explosivo - Scrub geared MoF CW - Climb upon my BIG ASSED steed....
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    cbrowne0329cbrowne0329 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ayroux wrote: »
    In light of the news that Mod 3 would have "some pvp updates" I thought it MAY be of use to the DEVs if everyone just lists ONE (and ONLY ONE) thing they would like to see added to this game that revolves around PVP. This could be a new system (like a que system), new gametypes, ranking, maps, items etc!

    If you could please not flame, and dont list of 10 things but just one it will keep this civil.

    TO start,

    I know someone else will have other suggestions so I will use my ONE as:

    Enable the option to switch to a PVP instance of ALL the world instances in the game. To explain, when in "Helm's Hold" say instance #s 1-35 would be all PVE focused (like it is now) and #36-40 would be "PVP-enabled" meaning only the camps/towns are "safe zones" and its open world FFA after that. Enter at your own risk!

    I would leave the game with this suggestion. The phrase "Never Again" comes to mind.

    Mode: Empty T2 PVP Gear - Choice of 1 Perfect Enchant / 1 Perfect Armor Enchant / 1 Perfect Weapon Enchant
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    blindnirvanablindnirvana Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    open world

    pvp que systems where you can choose your opponents and see whether they are premade or pugged.

    different types of pvp, most kills win, timed match etc.
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    reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Fot starters more pvp modes and maps. Catch the flag, arenas, or new modes that haven't been used before in other games too.
    New maps should be easy, but without new modes they would get boring pretty fast too.
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    dhuras1dhuras1 Member Posts: 166 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    More maps.
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    mehguy138mehguy138 Member Posts: 1,803 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Something guild specialized. Like guild versus guild event. Or fractional (Luskan vs. Delzoun) open PvP areas with bosses or farmable resources.
    M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
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    immahealyounowimmahealyounow Member Posts: 57
    edited December 2013
    Frankly, I'd be happy if they would just fix the Hunter Ranger bugs (powers ignoring CC immunity, cooldown reduction bug, etc).
    * Blessing - 60 DC * * Blessa - 60 GWF * * Blessed - 60 TR * * Bless - 60 GF * * Blessings - 50 CW * * BlessedArr0w - 30 HR *

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    inquisitorrahlinquisitorrahl Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I have another one:

    Threatening Rush is no longer an at will but is now an encounter with 2 charges with a 10 sec cd on charges.

    Give them something new and shiny for an at will.

    Stupid TR :P
    Father McGruder - Scrub geared DPS DC - I kick HAMSTER for the Lord!

    Explosivo - Scrub geared MoF CW - Climb upon my BIG ASSED steed....
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    dante123pldante123pl Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 282 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    buff GWF!
    /10 chars.
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    greekstudgreekstud Member Posts: 46
    edited December 2013
    more pvp modes like 2v2 and 1v1
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    inquisitorrahlinquisitorrahl Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I have no idea why people seem to want 1v1 so badly. It would probably just be a bunch of tank DC's trolling you for 20 minutes not dying and not really killing you either.

    It will probably just further exasperate everyone calling things OP because PvP is and never should be balanced around 1v1's.
    Father McGruder - Scrub geared DPS DC - I kick HAMSTER for the Lord!

    Explosivo - Scrub geared MoF CW - Climb upon my BIG ASSED steed....
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I have no idea why people seem to want 1v1 so badly. It would probably just be a bunch of tank DC's trolling you for 20 minutes not dying and not really killing you either.

    It will probably just further exasperate everyone calling things OP because PvP is and never should be balanced around 1v1's.

    Lets not get onto this subject as it seems to be a touchy one... I agree with you and why personally I wouldnt like to see less than 3v3.

    Maybe just a duel feature then for people who want to test things 1v1s, although no good really comes from 1v1s anyways besides just testing. My opinion.

    Back on point!! :)
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    mehguy138mehguy138 Member Posts: 1,803 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I have no idea why people seem to want 1v1 so badly. It would probably just be a bunch of tank DC's trolling you for 20 minutes not dying and not really killing you either.

    It will probably just further exasperate everyone calling things OP because PvP is and never should be balanced around 1v1's.

    Exactly this.
    M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
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    slushpsychoslushpsycho Member Posts: 657 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Class Balance plz.
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    prokadonprokadon Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    A way to report leavers and afkers .. That's the biggest problem I have in pvp .. I don't care that my team loses but I do care about people leaving after their first death!
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    tittlemcgrittletittlemcgrittle Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Frankly, I'd be happy if they would just fix the Hunter Ranger bugs (powers ignoring CC immunity, cooldown reduction bug, etc).

    To Further expand upon this. I'd like all abilities that currently go through CC immunity unintentionally to be fixed. Roar, Dazing, Roots, ect.
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    overddriveoverddrive Member Posts: 722 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    If ONE and only ONE (assuming more would come with later mods):

    A RANKING SYSTEM (player rank/premade team rank/guild rank). Simple and based purely on wins/losses. Wins = 2 points completed matches (even losses) count as 1 point, quitting the match counts as zero points. Ranked games could only be played when PVP is up (so consistently losers don't tank up just because they play pvp constantly).
    PanzerJäger HR Hybrid
    Jugger Conq GF
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    trapublicantrapublican Member Posts: 206 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    I have another one:

    Threatening Rush is no longer an at will but is now an encounter with 2 charges with a 10 sec cd on charges.

    Give them something new and shiny for an at will.

    Stupid TR :P

    I'd delete both my GFs the second such a godawful change went through.
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    ranncoreranncore Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2,508
    edited December 2013
    matchmaking system
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    rollingonitrollingonit Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Decent matchmaking, then you can add all the leaver penalties till no one can actually play the game you want.
    We can pretend.
    Fox Stevenson - Sandblast
    Oh Wonder - Without You

    Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
    - Dylan Thomas
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    keltz0rkeltz0r Member Posts: 85
    edited December 2013
    A ranking/matchmaking system, the idea about the brackets you can't fall out from ayroux posted sometime ago was the best idea ive seen so far.
    No longer playing NW
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    pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Proper matchmaking system, based on brackets and rankings, with awesome unique rewards for top PvPers, to help turn the game into a respected esport. PvP gear should be obtainable by PvP-only, one should NEVER-EVER have to PvE for PvP.

    DUAL SPEC. Every civilized game out there needs this. I should not be gimping my char with hybrid specs or gimping it even more in either PvE or PvP just because I like to do both.
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    jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I highly recommend a open pvp world in a different instance. We can kill, hide or escape in the map and earn some glory or get a new ranking system for open world pvp. The most important part is, Cryptic doesn't need to add maps etc, they can use all the maps we got now, and mayb the npc will give some daily quest according to our class like TR has to kill 10 person per day and DC has to assist or heal a decent amount per day. If we die in open pvp map then we should wait 5 minutes to respawn etc.
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    ifthirifthir Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 281 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Less infinite survivability builds i.e. 15k+ gs + artifacts + soulforge + insane regen etc.
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    ifthirifthir Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 281 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    PvP is and never should be balanced around 1v1's.

    I agree not sure the focus on 1v1.
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    nwknight5280nwknight5280 Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ranncore wrote: »
    matchmaking system

    a very big +1
    "We cannna bring a troll to fire, but we can bring fire to the troll" - old dwarvish proverb
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    koalazebra1koalazebra1 Member Posts: 1,173 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    the possiblity of not getting kicked when you crashed/disconnected from a match, also the availability to replace a missing spot in a match
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    intoxicatedknighintoxicatedknigh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 48
    edited December 2013
    ayroux wrote: »
    In light of the news that Mod 3 would have "some pvp updates" I thought it MAY be of use if everyone just lists ONE (and ONLY ONE) thing they would like to see added to this game that revolves around PVP. This could be a new system (like a que system), new gametypes, ranking, maps, items etc!

    If you could please not flame, and dont list of 10 things but just one it will keep this civil.

    TO start,

    I know someone else will have other suggestions so I will use my ONE as:

    Enable the option to switch to a PVP instance of ALL the world instances in the game. To explain, when in "Helm's Hold" say instance #s 1-35 would be all PVE focused (like it is now) and #36-40 would be "PVP-enabled" meaning only the camps/towns are "safe zones" and its open world FFA after that. Enter at your own risk!

    been there done that ,,,, you'll have high level just being pricks coming into map to make it unplayable for people leveling up ,,, trust me as I was a prick in the previous game. its not a good Idea , it wont happen because alot of people will quit and go to another mmo that doesn't have that nonsense going on.

    now lets say you do like another game or two and have a pvp only bard, That's more viable for your suggestion.
    ~Angus BullGod - Swordmaster GWF~
    ~Vladimar Zul - Fury build SW ~
    ~Takadump onzcrapper - Iron vangaurd GF~
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    keltz0r wrote: »
    A ranking/matchmaking system, the idea about the brackets you can't fall out from ayroux posted sometime ago was the best idea ive seen so far.

    You mean this? http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?549231-PvP-needs-you&p=6861291#post6861291

    I didnt come up with that as something like it was mentioned before, however I did modify and refine the idea. Overall I thought it was a very good idea...
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