New event and yet even more ROUGH astral Diamonds, seriously
I am still trying to refine the diamonds i recieved from the Tymora event and i now see rewards from the new event offering even more, the Treasure chest can reward 256.000 rough diamonds, lol seriously, that would take over 10 days refining just to clear those. i already hit the refine cap every day and still have over 1 milion rough diamonds to get through, but the amount does not drop each day but rises. What is the point ? when the daily refine limit is 24.000.
Rough astral diamonds are becoming one of the most useless things in the game. most T2 gear costs around 500k in the auction house plus and it takes 5 days to refine 100k, so thats 4 weeks refining every day to obtain 500k, no wonder the ecomomy is screwed up lately and no wonder i hear people who use the chinese gold sellers for in game curencys.
Players will loose interest very fast in these events all due to the rewards, the events are great and well thought of, but the rewards are to be honest pretty useless.
The last event was better, at least you could grind and obtain somthing usefull a companion or a mount.
You can always NOT play the event, and problem solved then.
Seriously, it's a free gift people, why are you even complaining?
There are lots of ways to get refined AD, if you have a million rough AD have you considered stop getting any more till it goes down a bit?
You can always NOT play the event, and problem solved then.
Seriously, it's a free gift people, why are you even complaining?
There are lots of ways to get refined AD, if you have a million rough AD have you considered stop getting any more till it goes down a bit?
Not play the event ? i just got over 200k worth from doing my normal Sharandar dailies lol, the bags drop everywere, it is not somthing you can 'avoid'. Yes agree it is a free gift, but it soon becomes a useless free gift, you get rough astral diamonds every were now, for dailies, the Lord of neverwinter daily, leadership,salvaging they are everywere, but you can not do anything with them at all, once you reach the measily 24k daily refine cap
That's an awesome amount of diamonds you get per day there! Thank you for playing and supporting the game so much!
As someone with less time to play, and who focuses mostly on the foundry aspect of the game, an event like this which rewards rough diamonds is a nice way for me to earn a bit more than I usually would, AND have a chance at a nice payday (even if it is spaced out over time so that the economy doesn't become unbalanced by a huge influx of diamonds all at once).
Sorry you feel inconvenienced by extra diamonds. You can always send me any of the BoE purples you don't want to salvage
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited October 2013
I don't *need* more rough ADs on any of my characters with maxed out Leadership. In fact, I don't need to play them at all if I don't want to. I've never finished a Lord Protector daily, except maybe PvP once? Don't need to.
But you know what? I don't begrudge this kind of opportunity for players who don't have my earning potential to make themselves a nice chunk of money.
If I end up with huge unrefined balances, I guess I'll take the opportunity to spend a few days or weeks grinding artificing or weaponsmithing. No biggie.
I've been saving up for two more character slots for a while, which is taking time because I cleared out my Zen savings to enjoy some nice dye packs while they were all on sale. More diamonds makes me happy. Once the exchange rate is sane again, I'll be able to get new character slots and have some AD left over for nice things.
I have no problem with this, because I got several characters to farm.
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
edited October 2013
It is there to stem the flow of ADs into the game. It may be annoying now, but in the long run it helps instances where ADs become devalued in the very short term.
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while it would be nice, it would change the game economy even if it was for one day. alternatives could be some kind of key or coin that could be won/found/bought that would allow an individual to reset the refine limit so you could refine 48k in a day. but that ability would be limited to once per day.
how it would affect the economy would depend on how available that item was.
To be honest i dont see how a slight increase in a daily limit would effect the game economy, from what i have seen over the past 6 months the only things that have realy effected the games economy are the exploits and more due to how they were handled or the time lapse in which they were fianlly addressed.
The Rough Diamonds are already in the game, they are in random drop bags, as well as the obvious leadership, salvaging and dailies, But my point is these event bags, Just because i am at a daily cap and can not refine any more, does not change the economy.The only thing which could possibly change the AD in the game is all down to who opens these bags, is it a player who can refine it or not.
What if i pass all my bags to players or alts who dont do dailies or quest and dont refine diamonds on a daily basis, and they open and refine them, the AD goes into the economy anyways , which defeats this so called 'daily cap' to not effect the economy in game.
Which to be honest is what i have started to do now, so even though i can not open bags and gain and refine AD on my mains i can still do it on other characters on the account, so my mains still end up with the AD's.
The point i was trying to get across, is we have, Lord Neverwinter dailies, the normal dailies, plus the recently introduced salvaging already in game all rewarding Rough Astral Diamonds, it is very very easy to reach the daily cap, which leaves you with a stock of un-refined AD and introducing events which offer even more increases this stock, eventualy most players will have a 'backlog' of unrefined AD, which technically is AD already in the game.
I do have a large stock of un-refined AD and even though i refine to cap every day the amount still rises each day from dailies etc etc, so this amount will never go down, and i know alot of other players who have the same problems , some as me, still refining AD from the Tymora event which was ages ago.
I have already seen in trade chat lots of players offering these event bags for sale for gold, as they are already at refine cap or have a huge backlog already of AD so the bags are of no real use to them, so these bags are being sold and players who can open them and refine the AD are doing so, so how does this refine cap stop a influx of AD in to the game, the fact is it does not, as those that dont bother to open them due to being at refine cap are just passing them on to other players who can refine the AD so the AD still ends up in the economy
Just a thought, but why not make potions and injury kits available with Rough AD, at least give the Rough AD some use and it does not bring it into the games overall economy or somthing along those lines, maybe items in the Wonderous Bazzar too
Spent about 3hrs farming purses and made 1mil RAD not to mention the other stuff. It's gonna' take a while to refine just the ones we will make on this event <.<
It's quite nice for people having a job and can only play in the evening. I rather ain't over my refine limit per day anyway. With the accumulation of rough ADs I can refine every day for quite some time in the next time the full limit. That's good. For all those hardcore gamers that already are capped every day - well just live with the fact that some events are not helping every player type the same way. For more casual players or those with less time it really isn't a big deal. It's quite good. It saves a constant stream of daily AD now.
Every hardcore player can just farm the unique items and forget about the AD. It's something for everyone. But obviously people can't get enough and want more, more and more. Even with the free AD they give us now this will most likely result in increases in prices because lots of people will soon have enough money to buy the expensive horses off the AH thus increasing the prices for the rest of the buyers.
When I used to play every day I used to get annoyed by the fact you can only refine a relatively small quantity of rough astral diamonds every day , I'd like them to add a NPC that you can go to , pay a fee to them and let them refine rough diamonds for you , maybe they could charge a third of the amount you want to refine so for every 10k rough diamonds you want to refine you get charged 3333 astral diamonds , that would solve the daily limit problem plus it would add a huge gold sink to the game.
kimonkaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited October 2013
For somebody who makes way under the AD rough limit for months, it is a really really nice event for at least meeting the limit and a chance to make the amount of AD that would take a long time to achieve. It isn't a ridiculously long event anyways :P.
You get refined AD for selling bags, no waiting, now, Now, NOW!
Yes , but why not just give refined AD from the getgo and cut all the BS out, one way or another the un-refined AD will be refined, so having a cap on refine limit , with the so we are told reason to stop any big changes in the economy is a total waste of time and only makes things alot more complicated and frustrating than what they should and could be.
Also now with the recent ninja changes in CN the huge cost increase of CN weapons is going to effect the economy more than anything else can and will at this moment in time.
Instead of giving our account information too you.
Could you just give us a tutorial on how too do it?
Roll some alts, send them the bags, open and refine, if on same acount use zen market to send between toons or convert to Zen, if on diferent accounts post things in AH at high prices on the main and buy it with the alt that as alot of AD
Roll some alts, send them the bags, open and refine, if on same acount use zen market to send between toons or convert to Zen, if on diferent accounts post things in AH at high prices on the main and buy it with the alt that as alot of AD
exactly hahaha
i don`t use multiple accounts for that, my opinion it`s the same as saying f you, against the limited chars that 1 account can have.
kind of weird i saw a mod admitting it having multiple accounts.
at least keep it a secret to be as rolemodel for the rest ;p
but, Lucky for me i`ve got 27 chars on one account ;p
saves a lot of work
kind of obvious.
i`d like to see that it would count as exploit and reason for ban.
it basicly is. nothing to discus about that from my side ;p
here a little example for the knowitbetters.
if it`s ok to have 6 accounts, what rule is there to make 25 accounts. pop 2 chars on each account to lvl 11 and collect 1 million ad a week.
Yes , but why not just give refined AD from the getgo and cut all the BS out, one way or another the un-refined AD will be refined, so having a cap on refine limit , with the so we are told reason to stop any big changes in the economy is a total waste of time and only makes things alot more complicated and frustrating than what they should and could be.
Also now with the recent ninja changes in CN the huge cost increase of CN weapons is going to effect the economy more than anything else can and will at this moment in time.
Because it's a F2P game and refining limits are a core element of the game economy. They will NOT remove this per character limit in any way. You can ask them all you want, spells to one-shot bosses, flowers in all instances, bananas on virtual trees, but not earning less money. This is something they won't do. And don't try to find a weird (and pointless) justification to more refining = more sales, this isn't true and they know it.
kind of obvious.
i`d like to see that it would count as exploit and reason for ban.
it basicly is. nothing to discus about that from my side ;p
here a little example for the knowitbetters.
if it`s ok to have 6 accounts, what rule is there to make 25 accounts. pop 2 chars on each account to lvl 11 and collect 1 million ad a week.
You are allowed to have 2 accounts only, but they let some people have more as long as it's not breaking economies, because it gives the illusion that they have more people playing the game. It's always good to impress shareholders and investors.
i would seriously have doubt that last line, but because i`ve seen the apple banner from some game on this site there`s possibilities that might have more truth ;p
but ok, it `s kind of vague. the line about some people are alowed to have more.
where can you read 2 accounts is allowed ?
Seriously, it's a free gift people, why are you even complaining?
There are lots of ways to get refined AD, if you have a million rough AD have you considered stop getting any more till it goes down a bit?
Not play the event ? i just got over 200k worth from doing my normal Sharandar dailies lol, the bags drop everywere, it is not somthing you can 'avoid'. Yes agree it is a free gift, but it soon becomes a useless free gift, you get rough astral diamonds every were now, for dailies, the Lord of neverwinter daily, leadership,salvaging they are everywere, but you can not do anything with them at all, once you reach the measily 24k daily refine cap
As someone with less time to play, and who focuses mostly on the foundry aspect of the game, an event like this which rewards rough diamonds is a nice way for me to earn a bit more than I usually would, AND have a chance at a nice payday (even if it is spaced out over time so that the economy doesn't become unbalanced by a huge influx of diamonds all at once).
Sorry you feel inconvenienced by extra diamonds. You can always send me any of the BoE purples you don't want to salvage
But you know what? I don't begrudge this kind of opportunity for players who don't have my earning potential to make themselves a nice chunk of money.
If I end up with huge unrefined balances, I guess I'll take the opportunity to spend a few days or weeks grinding artificing or weaponsmithing. No biggie.
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how it would affect the economy would depend on how available that item was.
The Rough Diamonds are already in the game, they are in random drop bags, as well as the obvious leadership, salvaging and dailies, But my point is these event bags, Just because i am at a daily cap and can not refine any more, does not change the economy.The only thing which could possibly change the AD in the game is all down to who opens these bags, is it a player who can refine it or not.
What if i pass all my bags to players or alts who dont do dailies or quest and dont refine diamonds on a daily basis, and they open and refine them, the AD goes into the economy anyways , which defeats this so called 'daily cap' to not effect the economy in game.
Which to be honest is what i have started to do now, so even though i can not open bags and gain and refine AD on my mains i can still do it on other characters on the account, so my mains still end up with the AD's.
The point i was trying to get across, is we have, Lord Neverwinter dailies, the normal dailies, plus the recently introduced salvaging already in game all rewarding Rough Astral Diamonds, it is very very easy to reach the daily cap, which leaves you with a stock of un-refined AD and introducing events which offer even more increases this stock, eventualy most players will have a 'backlog' of unrefined AD, which technically is AD already in the game.
I do have a large stock of un-refined AD and even though i refine to cap every day the amount still rises each day from dailies etc etc, so this amount will never go down, and i know alot of other players who have the same problems , some as me, still refining AD from the Tymora event which was ages ago.
I have already seen in trade chat lots of players offering these event bags for sale for gold, as they are already at refine cap or have a huge backlog already of AD so the bags are of no real use to them, so these bags are being sold and players who can open them and refine the AD are doing so, so how does this refine cap stop a influx of AD in to the game, the fact is it does not, as those that dont bother to open them due to being at refine cap are just passing them on to other players who can refine the AD so the AD still ends up in the economy
Just a thought, but why not make potions and injury kits available with Rough AD, at least give the Rough AD some use and it does not bring it into the games overall economy or somthing along those lines, maybe items in the Wonderous Bazzar too
Every hardcore player can just farm the unique items and forget about the AD. It's something for everyone. But obviously people can't get enough and want more, more and more. Even with the free AD they give us now this will most likely result in increases in prices because lots of people will soon have enough money to buy the expensive horses off the AH thus increasing the prices for the rest of the buyers.
Best advice in the thread right here.
You get refined AD for selling bags, no waiting, now, Now, NOW!
can refine 624.000 ad each day ;p
but currently my alts are stocking up rough ad`s themselves
Yes , but why not just give refined AD from the getgo and cut all the BS out, one way or another the un-refined AD will be refined, so having a cap on refine limit , with the so we are told reason to stop any big changes in the economy is a total waste of time and only makes things alot more complicated and frustrating than what they should and could be.
Also now with the recent ninja changes in CN the huge cost increase of CN weapons is going to effect the economy more than anything else can and will at this moment in time.
Instead of giving our account information too you.
Could you just give us a tutorial on how too do it?
Roll some alts, send them the bags, open and refine, if on same acount use zen market to send between toons or convert to Zen, if on diferent accounts post things in AH at high prices on the main and buy it with the alt that as alot of AD
i don`t use multiple accounts for that, my opinion it`s the same as saying f you, against the limited chars that 1 account can have.
kind of weird i saw a mod admitting it having multiple accounts.
at least keep it a secret to be as rolemodel for the rest ;p
but, Lucky for me i`ve got 27 chars on one account ;p
saves a lot of work
Mods are unpaid players who volunteer their time. Why shouldn't they speak freely? :P
i`d like to see that it would count as exploit and reason for ban.
it basicly is. nothing to discus about that from my side ;p
here a little example for the knowitbetters.
if it`s ok to have 6 accounts, what rule is there to make 25 accounts. pop 2 chars on each account to lvl 11 and collect 1 million ad a week.
Because it's a F2P game and refining limits are a core element of the game economy. They will NOT remove this per character limit in any way. You can ask them all you want, spells to one-shot bosses, flowers in all instances, bananas on virtual trees, but not earning less money. This is something they won't do. And don't try to find a weird (and pointless) justification to more refining = more sales, this isn't true and they know it.
You are allowed to have 2 accounts only, but they let some people have more as long as it's not breaking economies, because it gives the illusion that they have more people playing the game. It's always good to impress shareholders and investors.
but ok, it `s kind of vague. the line about some people are alowed to have more.
where can you read 2 accounts is allowed ?
Allows you to have any number of characters in an account. Say you have 10 characters. that is 240k AD per day.
Walks away at the supposed logic of the cap.