So you don't actually do any dungeons, but you know it's harder to gear up?
OK, the question was "Is it harder to gear up now?" not "Can you still make as much AD from DD now?". People that actually need the BoP items from the DD chest have nothing to complain about.
Obviously I did dungeons when the patch initially came out to test it, or else I wouldn't have posted at all.
There are far less people doing the dungeon delve event now, and as yerune stated, the groups that are doing dungeons are restricting to higher gear scores. Meaning the people that actually need the sets from the chest, won't get nearly as much of a chance.
Also, making AD from DD was the primary way of getting gear before the patch.
Think before you post.
Hyenas@zokir - Essence of Aggression
tang56Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited September 2013
Did FH on my CW today. Got a belt in the DD chest. It's very disheartening to get such a crappy "reward" after doing a dungeon, especially when the purple belts are for most builds, utter trash.
Yesterday I did Spell and Karru. Got T1 items from both. T2 dungeons should not, ever drop a T1 item from the boss or the chest. I wouldn't be doing a T2 if I needed a T1 item...I'd just do the corresponding(and much simpler and easier) T1 dungeon...
I dunno. If you don't have the time or the inclination to run dungeons, then while I don't object to people buying their gear, I don't see why they'd bother. Seems like they're looking at getting it just because they think it's the thing to have, when it looks to me like people are doing just fine as solo casual players in Feywild with their mix of blue and green drops, and maybe the campaign purples.
If you're not doing group content, you don't need that level of stuff to begin with.
Yes i agree for PvE Becky but problem is those same people (SOME, not all) who are doing just fine w/ their mix of blues come to pvp and stink up the joint. I just wish they'd buy, earn or steal gear lol. Just gear up and be a efficient level 60 character...
Did FH on my CW today. Got a belt in the DD chest. It's very disheartening to get such a crappy "reward" after doing a dungeon, especially when the purple belts are for most builds, utter trash.
Yesterday I did Spell and Karru. Got T1 items from both. T2 dungeons should not, ever drop a T1 item from the boss or the chest. I wouldn't be doing a T2 if I needed a T1 item...I'd just do the corresponding(and much simpler and easier) T1 dungeon...
They aren't going to give you 100% chance at T2, so they threw in T1 as an alternative. If you were a newer 60 that may have still been an upgrade.
I ran Karru 1 time - got my gloves, Spider 3 times - got my armor, FH 4 times - got my boots, Spell twice - still need helm. To farm all my T2 armor pre patch you could add exponents of 3-4 to each of these numbers... It's so much faster to get your gear now, and I've been making far more money than pre patch. I got timeless hero armor last night, should sell for 750k or more.
Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
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If a piece of T1 is an upgrade for you, you cannot complete T2's.
T1's dropping in T2's was a horrible idea to begin with, and they managed to make it even worse.
I did all those T2's I mentioned in full blue gear, only my weapon and offhand are epic and they were the cheapest possible on AH. I have 9.2k GS and completed all those T2's with ease. Also brought a friend along for a couple, 9.3k TR with a bunch of blue's as well. The dungeons are not even close to as hard as people make them out to be. They're only hard if you have people that don't know how to play the game, gear isn't that much of a factor.
Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
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you sure about this? personally i don't liek to stay inside a dungeon for 1 hour, so if i see someone whit blue gear i leave the party. Rare gear give more stat for pve, you did the dungeon because prob you are a TR, but if you whit a CW or a DC whit full blue gear you will notice how hard is. T1 and T2 are veary easy dungeon, if people learn how to kill the mob
you sure about this? personally i don't liek to stay inside a dungeon for 1 hour, so if i see someone whit blue gear i leave the party. Rare gear give more stat for pve, you did the dungeon because prob you are a TR, but if you whit a CW or a DC whit full blue gear you will notice how hard is. T1 and T2 are veary easy dungeon, if people learn how to kill the mob
I am a DC lol... Healing is soooooo easy it's not even funny. I have one of each class at 60, this is my last class hence why I'm still gearing him. Easiest to play (and most enjoyable b/c of this ease by a mile IMO. So with 9.2k DC in blue everything except weapon/offhand which were cheapest epics on AH, and with 9.3k TR in 3/4 blue's we completed Spider, Spell, and FH. I completed Karru earlier without the TR.
Last boss in spell is so easy now, the un cc'able mobs do literally 0 damage unless you stop moving for ~5 seconds, they are only there to obscure your vision. FH is absolute cake with a GF or GWF that knows how to kite mobs. Karru has always been easy.
Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
I am a DC lol... Healing is soooooo easy it's not even funny. I have one of each class at 60, this is my last class hence why I'm still gearing him. Easiest to play (and most enjoyable b/c of this ease by a mile IMO. So with 9.2k DC in blue everything except weapon/offhand which were cheapest epics on AH, and with 9.3k TR in 3/4 blue's we completed Spider, Spell, and FH. I completed Karru earlier without the TR.
Last boss in spell is so easy now, the un cc'able mobs do literally 0 damage unless you stop moving for ~5 seconds, they are only there to obscure your vision. FH is absolute cake with a GF or GWF that knows how to kite mobs. Karru has always been easy.
no exploit at ToS last boss?
cbrowne0329Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 293Arc User
Holy blind man Batman! Now it cost 500k AD for an item that cost pre patch 100k or less.I think it bull **** how you all just justified your greediness it not right that someone NEW has to work 5x harder to get same gear you and all big wigs have and had mush easier time to get. So it cheap big ****ing deal it just mean you can sell it faster.
Considering alot of us early adopters didn't buy our gear... your argument carries no weight. I earned all but 2 pieces of my T2 sets for 5 toons, and a 6th one coming, both pre AND post. Go earn your stuff, learn the dungeons in the process and stop being lazy, and then complainging others are greedy. If you are too lazy to run dungeons... then pay what they are asking for it.
cbrowne0329Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 293Arc User
So it is harder to gear up. Because besides your subjective interpretation and assumption of why people voted yes, it is actually harder to gear up now.
I am convinced people wearing the best gear in the game already are the only ones who think like you, to the point of voting 'no' when it CLEARLY is harder to gear up.
Want to gear up run PVP or GG to get your T1 sets... EVEN if you don't farm or exploit you can get at LEAST two runs in the GG T1... and you do not have to PVP to do it...
So two runs of Fardelver will get you between 6 and 12 coins AT LEAST... even if you lose in GG-PVP you get 3 coins... if you work outside because you don't like PVP you cab get glory to by a T1 PVP set.
Every T1 dungeon can drop any T-1 piece... and Pirate King is easy enough to get a tleast 2 runs in during a delve.
What used to take me 4-6 weeks to get my T2 sets now take between 5 and 14 days since the load... I don't buy gear... it's pointless... because you don't learn the dungeons and you are just another idiot running around looking pretty. Page 3 of this forum I clearly state my lifestyle... so IF you don't want to run a dungeon then save up and pay the ridiculous prices...
You know why there are more Yes's than No's in here.... because the whiners are here, and the players are too busy playing and earning their gear. I only ever come here when I'm at work... so yeah... don't go there.
yes farming your own gear is so easy now 1-3 runs?
for some lucky players it is
but for some that are not lucky with chest its not
Typical case. The RnG can allow you to have things very quick (luck, my case, 3xHV CW set in a day), and then your luck might dry up and you'll have to run a dungeon until you go insane. In my case it was like 30-35 SP runs for the last piece, which coincidentally was also 1.600K AD that time in the AH, which put me in a situation where it was either farm, or give up on the T2 set, since buying was not an option.
Typical case. The RnG can allow you to have things very quick (luck, my case, 3xHV CW set in a day), and then your luck might dry up and you'll have to run a dungeon until you go insane. In my case it was like 30-35 SP runs for the last piece, which coincidentally was also 1.600K AD that time in the AH, which put me in a situation where it was either farm, or give up on the T2 set, since buying was not an option.
Yep, I know this has been said over and over but I'm going to say it again, RNG is RNG. I ran Karru 1 time, FH 3 times, Spell 4 times, and Spider 4 times and I have my full T2 now on my cleric. Not to mention I also made over 1 mil AD from BoE drops along the way. IMO it's not only easier to gear up but also easier to make money...
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tang56Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Yep, I know this has been said over and over but I'm going to say it again, RNG is RNG. I ran Karru 1 time, FH 3 times, Spell 4 times, and Spider 4 times and I have my full T2 now on my cleric. Not to mention I also made over 1 mil AD from BoE drops along the way. IMO it's not only easier to gear up but also easier to make money...
Depends on your server. Very few people buy expensive gear items on Beholder. Still, with the GG T1 fix, running T2's is now the best way to gear up.
Depends on your server. Very few people buy expensive gear items on Beholder. Still, with the GG T1 fix, running T2's is now the best way to gear up.
I am on beholder lol, I have made over 500k in small stuff and have timeless armor on AH that will most definitely bring in more than 500k.
People just have this idea that you can't make money anymore so they don't even try. Go run a dungeon and you'll see all the stuff that used to be HAMSTER that's selling for 50k+ now. multiple DC offhands, Steel bulwark GF sword, slaver ring, pyro band, hrimnir ring many many more. those all sold for 50k or more, some 100k. Even non set DC boots sold for 10k each cause they have regen (I got a pair on every spell run lol, 40k)
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pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited September 2013
Expensive stuff is selling real hard on Mindflayer as well, with few exceptions. Fewer people with enough AD for it.
tang56Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I am on beholder lol, I have made over 500k in small stuff and have timeless armor on AH that will most definitely bring in more than 500k.
People just have this idea that you can't make money anymore so they don't even try. Go run a dungeon and you'll see all the stuff that used to be HAMSTER that's selling for 50k+ now. multiple DC offhands, Steel bulwark GF sword, slaver ring, pyro band, hrimnir ring many many more. those all sold for 50k or more, some 100k. Even non set DC boots sold for 10k each cause they have regen (I got a pair on every spell run lol, 40k)
You're clearly luckier on drops than me too. I'm usually lucky to get a shard each T2 run. On the other hand I don't need to buy anything or sell stuff. I'll get my drops eventually either through dungeons or when the prices drop. I'll keep my AD for enchants.
The annoying thing is that I can't do the dungeons on my geared up main and use the AD from the crops to buy the gear for my alts because BIS T2 is stupidly expensive now.
harder now bec they killed trading items the poll says it
the chance of getting the item you need is still too low
arms 1 (can choose now)
t2 necklace 6 classes (cant choose like set items)
t2 ring 6
t2 belt 6
other type of armor 6
t1 ring belt and neck 16
blue items not sure how many
Everyone is posting about how they increased AH prices...
The poll is asking if it's harder to gear up, not harder to click on AH button and purchase T2, obviously some people are just upset that now there is a small amount of effort involved.
The chance of getting what you need tripled if not more, we are comparing pre-patch to post-patch, the chance of actually getting T2 is the same as before, however I get the exact one I want every time. I might even go back and run the T2's again to try out shadow weaver in pvp, my CW has been "geared" for months, but with the ability to farm it so quickly I will probably go back into dungeons with him.
Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
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tang56Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited September 2013
Meh. It's easier to get into an MC farm group than it is to find a group for any of the other T2s.
Obviously I did dungeons when the patch initially came out to test it, or else I wouldn't have posted at all.
As for people that need gear, see here:
Also, making AD from DD was the primary way of getting gear before the patch.
Think before you post.
Hyenas@zokir - Essence of Aggression
Yesterday I did Spell and Karru. Got T1 items from both. T2 dungeons should not, ever drop a T1 item from the boss or the chest. I wouldn't be doing a T2 if I needed a T1 item...I'd just do the corresponding(and much simpler and easier) T1 dungeon...
Yes i agree for PvE Becky but problem is those same people (SOME, not all) who are doing just fine w/ their mix of blues come to pvp and stink up the joint. I just wish they'd buy, earn or steal gear lol. Just gear up and be a efficient level 60 character...
Play: PILLAGER* of the DEAD! By: Hempy NW-DNV3R9B4J
They aren't going to give you 100% chance at T2, so they threw in T1 as an alternative. If you were a newer 60 that may have still been an upgrade.
I ran Karru 1 time - got my gloves, Spider 3 times - got my armor, FH 4 times - got my boots, Spell twice - still need helm. To farm all my T2 armor pre patch you could add exponents of 3-4 to each of these numbers... It's so much faster to get your gear now, and I've been making far more money than pre patch. I got timeless hero armor last night, should sell for 750k or more.
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
If a piece of T1 is an upgrade for you, you cannot complete T2's.
T1's dropping in T2's was a horrible idea to begin with, and they managed to make it even worse.
I did all those T2's I mentioned in full blue gear, only my weapon and offhand are epic and they were the cheapest possible on AH. I have 9.2k GS and completed all those T2's with ease. Also brought a friend along for a couple, 9.3k TR with a bunch of blue's as well. The dungeons are not even close to as hard as people make them out to be. They're only hard if you have people that don't know how to play the game, gear isn't that much of a factor.
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
I am a DC lol... Healing is soooooo easy it's not even funny. I have one of each class at 60, this is my last class hence why I'm still gearing him. Easiest to play (and most enjoyable b/c of this ease
Last boss in spell is so easy now, the un cc'able mobs do literally 0 damage unless you stop moving for ~5 seconds, they are only there to obscure your vision. FH is absolute cake with a GF or GWF that knows how to kite mobs. Karru has always been easy.
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
no exploit at ToS last boss?
Considering alot of us early adopters didn't buy our gear... your argument carries no weight. I earned all but 2 pieces of my T2 sets for 5 toons, and a 6th one coming, both pre AND post. Go earn your stuff, learn the dungeons in the process and stop being lazy, and then complainging others are greedy. If you are too lazy to run dungeons... then pay what they are asking for it.
Want to gear up run PVP or GG to get your T1 sets... EVEN if you don't farm or exploit you can get at LEAST two runs in the GG T1... and you do not have to PVP to do it...
So two runs of Fardelver will get you between 6 and 12 coins AT LEAST... even if you lose in GG-PVP you get 3 coins... if you work outside because you don't like PVP you cab get glory to by a T1 PVP set.
Every T1 dungeon can drop any T-1 piece... and Pirate King is easy enough to get a tleast 2 runs in during a delve.
What used to take me 4-6 weeks to get my T2 sets now take between 5 and 14 days since the load... I don't buy gear... it's pointless... because you don't learn the dungeons and you are just another idiot running around looking pretty. Page 3 of this forum I clearly state my lifestyle... so IF you don't want to run a dungeon then save up and pay the ridiculous prices...
You know why there are more Yes's than No's in here.... because the whiners are here, and the players are too busy playing and earning their gear. I only ever come here when I'm at work... so yeah... don't go there.
yes farming your own gear is so easy now 1-3 runs?
for some lucky players it is
but for some that are not lucky with chest its not
Typical case. The RnG can allow you to have things very quick (luck, my case, 3xHV CW set in a day), and then your luck might dry up and you'll have to run a dungeon until you go insane. In my case it was like 30-35 SP runs for the last piece, which coincidentally was also 1.600K AD that time in the AH, which put me in a situation where it was either farm, or give up on the T2 set, since buying was not an option.
Yep, I know this has been said over and over but I'm going to say it again, RNG is RNG. I ran Karru 1 time, FH 3 times, Spell 4 times, and Spider 4 times and I have my full T2 now on my cleric. Not to mention I also made over 1 mil AD from BoE drops along the way. IMO it's not only easier to gear up but also easier to make money...
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
Depends on your server. Very few people buy expensive gear items on Beholder. Still, with the GG T1 fix, running T2's is now the best way to gear up.
I am on beholder lol, I have made over 500k in small stuff and have timeless armor on AH that will most definitely bring in more than 500k.
People just have this idea that you can't make money anymore so they don't even try. Go run a dungeon and you'll see all the stuff that used to be HAMSTER that's selling for 50k+ now. multiple DC offhands, Steel bulwark GF sword, slaver ring, pyro band, hrimnir ring many many more. those all sold for 50k or more, some 100k. Even non set DC boots sold for 10k each cause they have regen (I got a pair on every spell run lol, 40k)
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
You're clearly luckier on drops than me too. I'm usually lucky to get a shard each T2 run. On the other hand I don't need to buy anything or sell stuff. I'll get my drops eventually either through dungeons or when the prices drop. I'll keep my AD for enchants.
The annoying thing is that I can't do the dungeons on my geared up main and use the AD from the crops to buy the gear for my alts because BIS T2 is stupidly expensive now.
the chance of getting the item you need is still too low
arms 1 (can choose now)
t2 necklace 6 classes (cant choose like set items)
t2 ring 6
t2 belt 6
other type of armor 6
t1 ring belt and neck 16
blue items not sure how many
see it is still too low
The poll is asking if it's harder to gear up, not harder to click on AH button and purchase T2, obviously some people are just upset that now there is a small amount of effort involved.
The chance of getting what you need tripled if not more, we are comparing pre-patch to post-patch, the chance of actually getting T2 is the same as before, however I get the exact one I want every time. I might even go back and run the T2's again to try out shadow weaver in pvp, my CW has been "geared" for months, but with the ability to farm it so quickly I will probably go back into dungeons with him.
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.