I dont have any MC experience yet but I was wondering if you (or any of your TR friends) tried soloing some of it. Any result available?
p.s.: I should be quite a bit online this weekend and next weekend so if you want to try some shenanigans just give me a shout (even if I am on my DC).
It is possible to solo only first boss there, King Malabog can see invisible, and at Valindra dont bother to even try.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
I enjoyed playing a TR as a DPS but it is so much more fun playing with stealth. It is much more satisfying to kill something without them even knowing you are there as opposed to just bashing their brains in while they hit back.
I have been using the specs from page one but am having trouble with Twilight Adept. Actually not trouble with the feat just trouble doing a dodge roll. I have done them a couple of times accidentally but when I try to do them I just roll away and do not get the red “dodge” letters. Anyone have some advice for me about how to do these?
It is possible to solo only first boss there, King Malabog can see invisible, and at Valindra dont bother to even try.
Thank you very much Loodkoshiba. This is a very helpful tip!
dbb2003Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 5Arc User
edited August 2013
Hey does anyone know if there is a t2 dungeon you can solo as a stealth tr ? ( no boss who can see invisible etc ) or how many bosses are possible in the different t2 dungeons ( like in malabog only the first one etc )
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
I have done them a couple of times accidentally but when I try to do them I just roll away and do not get the red “dodge” letters. Anyone have some advice for me about how to do these?
I use double-tapping the movement keys to roll. The "dodge" displays only if you avoided damage. The stealth refill from using your dodge roll occurs even if you are not in combat.
People use their class's dodge (or sprint) to travel around maps (when they can't be mounted) all the time because they allow a faster movement rate at least until you run out of stamina.
No doubt that fight would have been easier with ITC slotted. I have points in it, but never think to use it. Maybe I should be extra proud for having got by without?
It's very likely you have seen SJ in Sharandar, as it's where I'm spending the majority of my gaming time of late unless soloing a dungeon or playing Foundry. If you spot me again, feel free to send a tell or a friend request. I'd be down for some stealthy group dungeon-running at some point. Though I think I'm liable to be obsessed with the Midsummer Festival for the next few weeks. Still, I love dungeons, and I really do want to tackle the Epic versions at some point, which I know many players are going off of because they don't see a point to doing them for fun (as opposed to profit).
You got it, man. If you also see Banelorne Fellbanner or Lorne Fellbane within the zone, send me an FR! Let's take you for a nice spin on a T2 dungeon. Pirate King would be a good start. We're steadily growing in number in Mindflayer so it'd be great if some more of us came out of the shadows and declare their interest in running dungeons with other people using the same build.
I made a chat channel specifically for stealth TR's from different guilds to be able to contact each other and setup parties for fun runs. I have no idea how to work it out or add people to it so far, though.
I dont have any MC experience yet but I was wondering if you (or any of your TR friends) tried soloing some of it. Any result available?
p.s.: I should be quite a bit online this weekend and next weekend so if you want to try some shenanigans just give me a shout (even if I am on my DC).
Fab, what's up, man? I haven't been able to catch you online recently. But yeah I'd definitely hit you up maybe after 2 days. I'll be going out of town for a while, but I hope I can catch you on so we can do some duos, or maybe even a 5-man. I've got a solid lineup of Stealth-based TR's who joined my guild recently and they've been itching for a 5-man run. We did a 3-man before, but 5 man runs haven't been a possibility due to time zone constraints.
But nonetheless, we'll be able to do it soon for sure bro. And I'll hit you up.
If you die or are incapped while in stealth, it happens every time. You have to switch instances or relog to fix it.
I died a while back in PVP but this did not happen to me for some reason. There might be other factors as to what may be causing this. Hopefully it gets resolved before we get to discover what those are, though.
I enjoyed playing a TR as a DPS but it is so much more fun playing with stealth. It is much more satisfying to kill something without them even knowing you are there as opposed to just bashing their brains in while they hit back.
I have been using the specs from page one but am having trouble with Twilight Adept. Actually not trouble with the feat just trouble doing a dodge roll. I have done them a couple of times accidentally but when I try to do them I just roll away and do not get the red
This looks like a ton of fun, and I'm definitely going to try it. But... I think I'll wait until the stealth meter bug is fixed.
If it's fun you're gunning for, I'm pretty sure you'll find it in this build. We kill things slow, but slow and steady tends to win the race because of our increased survival. Looking forward to hearing your experiences using this build, Calyxium.
It is possible to solo only first boss there, King Malabog can see invisible, and at Valindra dont bother to even try.
This is some good info right here. I just got my key on my 2nd character so I definitely will want to run this with other players as soon as I'm able to. Thanks for the heads up, Lood.
Hey does anyone know if there is a t2 dungeon you can solo as a stealth tr ? ( no boss who can see invisible etc ) or how many bosses are possible in the different t2 dungeons ( like in malabog only the first one etc )
If I were to list down all of the T2 dungeons with bosses we'll be able to solo, they'd be...
- Pirate King's Lair. All bosses except the final one as he tends to spam melee range AoE's when he cannot see his foes. Stand 3 seconds on his red zone and it's sure death so you'll want to play very carefully here and slot ITC and burn him down with DF. Bring a lot of pots as well. Sometimes he gets lucky hits on us.
- Temple of the Spider. All bosses including Syndrith. She spams auto-target encounters that aim for our position instead of aiming for us. She can't see us, but her encounters will home in on us.
- Spellplague Caverns. All bosses except the final one as it can see us in stealth. It's pretty easy to solo since it's attacks are really slow and the damage you get hit with can be easily healed with lifesteal and pots, but the problem are the adds per transition. If you're going to solo the boss room you have to have a lot of time.
Basically, a lot of the T2 dungeons with the exception of the Whispering Caverns is soloable at some degree. You'll be required to have a lot of time and patience, however.
"Thrill of the kill" ... 1% of your AP on kill (if AP is 1-100, that's only 1 AP/kill...). In all honesty we would be better off with "Devastating Shroud" for the 10% crit chance/severity after using Shocking Execution. Granted that will be of more use in PvP, but in PvE coupled with Lashing Blade, or Impact Shot... just my 2 copper.
If we gain 5-10% AP per kill on trash with Combat Advantage, we can assume a simple average of 7%. It would take roughly 14-15 kills to max our AP, add TotK's 1% brings us up to 8% per kill and only 12.5 kills to max. We're talking a difference of 2 kills at most... which dies in 1-2 hits each so a whooping 5 seconds...
Use what You feel is more beneficial to your build/play style. Personally 5 seconds isn't optimal.
I've been using this build for about 3 weeks now. I really like it in pvp. In PVE i got no real problem holding up the perma stealth in various dungeons. BUT i have some problems with the CN Endboss and Dwarf Crypt Boss. I guess they can see me although i'm invisible.
Did you kill those two bosses with the build ? Or didn't you bother to try since its impossible ?
Also, which Pet is better, Stone or Cat ?
Thanks for the awesome build and keep up the good work
Lood! I'm really sorry for being so busy back then and not being able to reply as often as I could. But either way I'd like to give you a HUGE thank you for the tip you gave me. I'll be doing em later with some guildies to see how it pans out for us but it sounds convincing.
Thanks for confirming how the Fabled Iliyanbruen Set for us TR's works. It's sad that it can only poison 1 target at a time. You've been a great help man and I hope that maybe one of these days, you can roll a TR in Mindflayer as well. I would love to be able to play with you guys sometime.
"Thrill of the kill" ... 1% of your AP on kill (if AP is 1-100, that's only 1 AP/kill...). In all honesty we would be better off with "Devastating Shroud" for the 10% crit chance/severity after using Shocking Execution. Granted that will be of more use in PvP, but in PvE coupled with Lashing Blade, or Impact Shot... just my 2 copper.
If we gain 5-10% AP per kill on trash with Combat Advantage, we can assume a simple average of 7%. It would take roughly 14-15 kills to max our AP, add TotK's 1% brings us up to 8% per kill and only 12.5 kills to max. We're talking a difference of 2 kills at most... which dies in 1-2 hits each so a whooping 5 seconds...
Use what You feel is more beneficial to your build/play style. Personally 5 seconds isn't optimal.
Hey, Mkjns! I just saw your PM. Really sorry that I haven't been able to reply to it sooner. I was actually on a trip these past few days and just came back yesterday (more like a hours back). But anyway, expect to read a reply on your inbox soon as you get to read this message.
And that's very true. Thrill of the Kill is just terrible in dungeon situations where most mobs are killed by CW's and GWF's. 1% AP isn't much as well, but it does get further boosted by Recovery bonus, Tactics, Cunning Stalker, Action Advantage, etc. But yeah, 1% just ain't gonna cut it if we're going to min/max. I personally like Devastating Shroud if played on PVP, but it's otherwise useless for PVE. If we choose Cruelty's Reward, however, it can be useful for PVE since mobs still react to Threat even when we're in stealth. But it's just nigh useless in PVP.
So the choices will end up with 2 very situational feats, TotK or DS. I'd lean towards DS, but I don't use Shocking Execution that much unless I'm up against a GF, DC or GWF in PVP. TotK however is helpful in solo instances like campaigns and foundry questing.
I've been using this build for about 3 weeks now. I really like it in pvp. In PVE i got no real problem holding up the perma stealth in various dungeons. BUT i have some problems with the CN Endboss and Dwarf Crypt Boss. I guess they can see me although i'm invisible.
Did you kill those two bosses with the build ? Or didn't you bother to try since its impossible ?
Also, which Pet is better, Stone or Cat ?
Thanks for the awesome build and keep up the good work
Hey, Meromaster! Thank you so much for the feedback and I'm glad to hear it's working great for you so far. For the CN endboss you will definitely play not as a stealth-based TR who spams Gloaming Cut for the uptime in stealth, but rather a cookie-cutter executioner who spams DF, increase uptime against boss via using ITC (preferably used while in Lurker's Assault to maximize the effects of being in LA + ITC. It'll be the same with the Dwarf King. There will be a lot of instances where you'll find yourself needing to not use GC but to be more offensive in using DF's. There are also plenty of bosses who are able to see/detect us in stealth. The saving grace about this is even if the boss can see us in stealth, most adds in dungeon rooms can't which gives you the leisure of doing 1 vs. 1's against the bosses. It requires time and a lot of dodging but it's definitely possible.
The new build I'll be releasing in a few more days has an increased room for error and is able to achieve a maximized uptime in stealth much better compared to the current build. Although it's a little less flexible and may hit less harder than the current build. The new build will not be changing anything in the current build, however. It's just a variation of it but some people may need to roll new TR's for it.
Please look forward to more updates in the future and I'm sincerely hoping you guys will like it!
Lood! I'm really sorry for being so busy back then and not being able to reply as often as I could. But either way I'd like to give you a HUGE thank you for the tip you gave me. I'll be doing em later with some guildies to see how it pans out for us but it sounds convincing.
plz share that tip
So the choices will end up with 2 very situational feats, TotK or DS. I'd lean towards DS, but I don't use Shocking Execution that much unless I'm up against a GF, DC or GWF in PVP. TotK however is helpful in solo instances like campaigns and foundry questing.
honestly that 1% sounds like HAMSTER when u can already practially fill ur ap with bns, it really is a must for me nowdays just for the super fast ap in dungeons. dwarfkings aoe would almost fill my ap in an instant for example, gives so much daily uptime that i find anymore ap upgrades besides saboteurs path 20% a waste. DS on the other hand is a huge buff after SE specially paired with invisible infiltrator... 6sec of 15%dmg and 10% crit and severity and on top a stealth refill.... can u really compare that to 1% ap per kill? I basically use SE on the beffier adds inbetween bosses to finish em off and get boosted on the next ones. LA for bosses.
btw im working my way to get a master duelist set to use with this build, Im thinking it could make the build more Flurry frienly thus dps friendly and using gc more as a finisher for the big refill. As with the 20% to stealth ur gaining like 1-1.5 sec of stealth (not counting on the gc refills which also benefit) so if each 4th at will strike removes 1 sec in all cds 1 flurry will remove 3 secs of cds.
With just the 20% stealth from feats u can fit in 1 flurry + 1 gc + stealth refill encounter. So if im thinking straight, 2 stealthbars (13 secs) + 6 sec cd reductions + bonus gc stealth refill would allow u to permastealth the same due to faster encounter availability (set also has recovery).... with a higher dps output coz ur mostly using flurry and better cooldowns on the third encounter.
This build has killed the joy of playing my other alts. I have so much fun playing the stealth TR that when I try playing my DC, CW or GF alts I find myself feeling like it is a grind and just want to get back to my TR! Thanks a lot!
honestly that 1% sounds like HAMSTER when u can already practially fill ur ap with bns, it really is a must for me nowdays just for the super fast ap in dungeons. dwarfkings aoe would almost fill my ap in an instant for example, gives so much daily uptime that i find anymore ap upgrades besides saboteurs path 20% a waste. DS on the other hand is a huge buff after SE specially paired with invisible infiltrator... 6sec of 15%dmg and 10% crit and severity and on top a stealth refill.... can u really compare that to 1% ap per kill? I basically use SE on the beffier adds inbetween bosses to finish em off and get boosted on the next ones. LA for bosses.
btw im working my way to get a master duelist set to use with this build, Im thinking it could make the build more Flurry frienly thus dps friendly and using gc more as a finisher for the big refill. As with the 20% to stealth ur gaining like 1-1.5 sec of stealth (not counting on the gc refills which also benefit) so if each 4th at will strike removes 1 sec in all cds 1 flurry will remove 3 secs of cds.
With just the 20% stealth from feats u can fit in 1 flurry + 1 gc + stealth refill encounter. So if im thinking straight, 2 stealthbars (13 secs) + 6 sec cd reductions + bonus gc stealth refill would allow u to permastealth the same due to faster encounter availability (set also has recovery).... with a higher dps output coz ur mostly using flurry and better cooldowns on the third encounter.
Haha! Who am I kidding, right? TotK definitely grows pale in comparison to DS or CR. TotK is just utter HAMSTER compared to the other 2, but I can't bring myself to replace it since I like AP a lot and don't use Shocking Execution in PVE. PVP it's nice though but I tend to not use Shocking Execution there since I feel like I cheated my way to a kill. I only use it against GF's and GWF's whom you know will be more trouble than they're worth if they live for a second longer. And I agree, SE's +10% Crit Severity and Invisible Infiltrator's +15% damage output in the first 6 seconds after using a Daily, that turns LB into even more of a beast. But then again it's highly situational. All 3 of them (TotK, DS, CR) are highly situational and are just terrible compared to the other Executioner Feats.
And wow, man. I definitely would like to hear how your Master Duelist variant goes! Last I heard, Master Duelist doesn't quite work with DF's third hit which sucks. But if this has changed then my friend I think Master Duelist would be really OP now. I'm looking forward to see how this variant works out. Just imagining an ITC and Shadow Strike with really low CD's is pretty exciting.
And tip, I think it'd be better if Lood shared it with the others. He actually already shared it, but he edited his post so you may have seen it already.
This build has killed the joy of playing my other alts. I have so much fun playing the stealth TR that when I try playing my DC, CW or GF alts I find myself feeling like it is a grind and just want to get back to my TR! Thanks a lot!
Makes one wonder if I should be glad or not that I killed the joy of your experience using the other alts, but nonetheless, in all honesty I'm thankful that you are having fun with the build, Marc!
Did my first solo dungeon tonight. So what if I am level 46 and it was only the Cloak Tower. I am loving GC, at least against lower level enemies.
Hehe that's a start right? I say congrats! You should work your way further to the other dungeons one step at a time to get a feel of how the build should be played against high HP mobs. It gets slower and slower to kill things as we progress to mobs with higher HP. What people can do to circumvent this however is to use Tenebrous Enchantments but not too many people have the Wards for these.
And wow, man. I definitely would like to hear how your Master Duelist variant goes! Last I heard, Master Duelist doesn't quite work with DF's third hit which sucks. But if this has changed then my friend I think Master Duelist would be really OP now. I'm looking forward to see how this variant works out. Just imagining an ITC and Shadow Strike with really low CD's is pretty exciting.
wow what a downer, didnt know the set bonus wasnt working with duelist flurrys 3rd attack! **** sounds silly that a set with the name of an at will and with a bonus practically made for it doesnt work with it.
Since im just the helm away from getting it ill probably go ahead and continue to try to get it and test it out, but today i failed at mad dragon with a very ****ty pug group... QQ. Hopefully i can get a decent group up and get lucky with the DD drop in the next days. Ill keep u informed.
But who knows, maybe the set has been fixed. I hope it yields good results, Ximae. I'm looking forward to hearing more!
meh... finally got the full set and duelist flurry 3rd attack is still broken, sometimes it seems to proc but its probably just dazzling proccing. sent a ticket we will see if they even reply at all. works well enough with sly flourish though.
. I managed a rotation which almost perma stealths with flury n gloaming, i flicker out of stealth as i hit with shadow strike hit the next 2 flurry hits while mob is dazed then stealth again to buy time for bns. it basically goes flurry, 2x gloaming, bns, flurry, 2x gloaming, shadow, flurry, stealth (b4 3rd hit) then gloaming till bns is ready... rinse n repeat.
thing is im a bit low on recovery just have 800 if i could reduce cds like 3 more secs i could remove that flikering, but i have no clue how much recovery id need for that and id also have to change my stats around which im pretty happy where they are at right now (4k pow 4k crit 2.3 arp)... where if i use more gloamings i can perma just fine, specially if im landing killing blows with it.
**** should they fix flurry with the set bonus and it would be really sweet.
Well at the very least we got pretty good results even with 800 recovery. I think I'll be testing this myself. I have 30% RSI on my new TR, and maybe we can see more prominent features of this new build with a couple more tests with a character that has at least 25% RSI. The biggest bonus I can imagine for this type of gear setup would be quicker access towards ITC. I would like to see how it would work with a Scoundrel Build as well. I may hit the test server sometime this week for this.
Cloud of Steel will be able to shave off 2 seconds with a full unloading of stacks, Sly Flourish is able to take off 1 sec in a full rotation which is around 2 or 3 seconds. And from my knowledge about this set, attacking the air can even reduce your CD's by 1 per every 4th hit. Needs some confirming though. Nonetheless, if the set can be fixed then we'll be getting a whole salvo of new builds coming just from this gear set alone.
And Cyix, I guess I have done enough tests using the new build and may as well release it once the weekend hits. It's a speedy one for sure. 3 of my guildies are using the same build now and we've been getting results much faster. You guys will definitely know once it's out!
removed sneaky stabber and the 20% stealth and specced more cuckie cutter executioner as with duelists set and decent recovery i have found a pretty neat rotation with slyflourish. i stealth drop 2 sly chains then shadow strike then another 2 chains then itc continue to slyflourish till itc is about to falls off and shadow strike is ready again. can even add bns for longer stealth and daily uptime or gloaming cut for the executions for more stealth duration. No need to sack dps for me anymore.
I'm currently wood elf going for 20DEX, 20STR and 20INT.... Prob end up with 17-18 in other stats too so should be good fun, just hope the build comes soon so I don't waste power points
Hey! Sorry guys. I've been particularly busy as of late due to real life and been spending my free time in the game to catch up. But the good news is that the draft is on the works at this moment. Not sure when I'll be able to finalize it since RL activities has been so taxing lately. What I can provide you guys is the screenie of my character sheet to give you guys a preview of what to expect.
So these are the finalized stats. All offense slots contain Rank 7 Silvery Enchants and would work better with higher-tiered silvers. The goal for Recharge Speed Increase is 25% for PVP. With at least 1.8k we get 15% RSI, with INT we get an added 10%. The Berserker Gear gives +133 to ArPen and Critical, and +110 to Recovery. I could have went for the epic rings that gave +154 to all 3 stats but unfortunately it has a defense slot.
I'll be explaining in detail about the reasoning behind the allocation of the current stats. Basically I was trying to create a balance between PVP and PVE. Get at least the right amount of ArPen and crit chance, and for PVE we'll have access to the Ioun Stone which further completes the stats we need to have in PVE such as added Critical Chance, 5% more recovery for 30% RSI (14 Second ITC, 12~ second Shadow Strike), Power and a tiny bit more ArPen to take it to 24%.
I'll explain the rest in the guide itself! Nothing has changed in terms of the encounters, class features, at-wills, dailies, and feats.
kingculexMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited September 2013
^Augmented PVE Stats & PVP NonAugmented Stats
PVE: I use the Stone of Might upgraded to lvl 25 with regen, recovery, power, and crit gear on it. I mainly use Shadow Strike, Bait&Switch, and Path of Blades as encounters to stay invisible when fighting. Dailies are Shocking Execution and Bloodbath. The at-wills I generally stay with are Gloaming Cut or Duelist fury and COS. It takes more timing and skill to be constantly stealthed without the gear that gives extra stealth.
PVP: I change my powers depending on what class or gear level I am facing. I usually start off with the encounters smoke bomb, path of blades, and impact shot. Path of blades is low continuous damage when it is active and leaves me open to attack or defend. I switch to dazing strike, lashing blade, and impact shot if I plan on taking out single targets or heavy geared opponents. It all depends on what I am facing in PVP. I am actually surprised how effective the powers smoke bomb and path of blades seem to be when I play as a team member instead solo killing. Smoke bomb stuns the opponents for my team members and path of blades weakens the opponents for my team members. Dailies used are Shocking Execution and Lurker's Assault. The at-wills I generally stay with are Gloaming Cut or Duelist fury and COS. Impact shot compensates for the nerf done to COS. I only use the permastealth powers if I want to annoy the other team. More players should change their powers depending on what they are facing PVP.
GEAR: I use a mix of the master assassin set and the sinister shade set. That is 450 bonus to power and 450 bonus to crit. I also use the ancient daggers set to add another 450 bonus to crit. My enchantments are also setup to add to power/crit as well. I may switch some out to decrease power a bit and raise armor penetration. In PVE I use an augment companion to boost my stats. Took awhile running the dungeons to get the gear.
Enchantments: Plague Fire (not lesser) Weapon enchantment and Lesser Briartwine Armor Enchantment with Rank 7 enchantments mixed in as well. The Savage Rank 7 or Rank 8 enchants are good because they boost two stats by at least 100 points each.
Result: Beast in PVE and Beast in PVP. I mainly have difficulty with sentinel GWFs and heavily skilled/geared GFs. Keeping the GFs stunned with smoke bomb and having path of blades helps kill them. I have received Crits up to 10k and 15k+ with non Crit attacks up to 9k by using just Gloaming Cut.
Goal: To make a TR that is heavily survivable in PVE and PVP. I think I achieved the goal. Thank you for making this thread because it helped me achieve my goal.
Every class has advantages and disadvantages. Learn the disadvantages of you class to overcome them. Learn the advantages of your class and the disadvatages of other classes to use them in pvp to win.
There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
5% more recovery for 30% RSI (14 Second ITC, 12~ second Shadow Strike)
imba rsi there, with that rsi u can drop either the 20% stealth feat or skulker. 6 sec inv x2 = 12 sec so thats the shadow strike cd, just need to gloaming cut a few times to prolong stealth for bns or have itc up again. id say get urself a swash for pve for the dps and even more recovery, and keep skulker for pvp for the added stealth duration so u have to rely less on getting close with gloaming.
I have to try that kind of rsi with the master duelist set, sounds so ridiculous. U could even drop all stealth bonuses and focus on dps feats as u can can get 8 slyflourish hits every 4 secs ( so thats 2 secs off all cds). so in 5 secs of steath and 5 secs of itc u can shave off 4 secs of cds... so 5+5+4 = 14 cds which is just ur itc cd... meaning u can rotate between stealth and invulnerabilty very safely without any fliquering in between.
It is possible to solo only first boss there, King Malabog can see invisible, and at Valindra dont bother to even try.
I've only been hit by this once, and that was on Mimic, not live. I know it happens, but how common is it?
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
If you die or are incapped while in stealth, it happens every time. You have to switch instances or relog to fix it.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
I have been using the specs from page one but am having trouble with Twilight Adept. Actually not trouble with the feat just trouble doing a dodge roll. I have done them a couple of times accidentally but when I try to do them I just roll away and do not get the red “dodge” letters. Anyone have some advice for me about how to do these?
Thank you very much Loodkoshiba. This is a very helpful tip!
I use double-tapping the movement keys to roll. The "dodge" displays only if you avoided damage. The stealth refill from using your dodge roll occurs even if you are not in combat.
People use their class's dodge (or sprint) to travel around maps (when they can't be mounted) all the time because they allow a faster movement rate at least until you run out of stamina.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
You got it, man. If you also see Banelorne Fellbanner or Lorne Fellbane within the zone, send me an FR! Let's take you for a nice spin on a T2 dungeon. Pirate King would be a good start. We're steadily growing in number in Mindflayer so it'd be great if some more of us came out of the shadows and declare their interest in running dungeons with other people using the same build.
I made a chat channel specifically for stealth TR's from different guilds to be able to contact each other and setup parties for fun runs. I have no idea how to work it out or add people to it so far, though.
Fab, what's up, man? I haven't been able to catch you online recently. But yeah I'd definitely hit you up maybe after 2 days. I'll be going out of town for a while, but I hope I can catch you on so we can do some duos, or maybe even a 5-man. I've got a solid lineup of Stealth-based TR's who joined my guild recently and they've been itching for a 5-man run. We did a 3-man before, but 5 man runs haven't been a possibility due to time zone constraints.
But nonetheless, we'll be able to do it soon for sure bro.
I died a while back in PVP but this did not happen to me for some reason. There might be other factors as to what may be causing this. Hopefully it gets resolved before we get to discover what those are, though.
If it's fun you're gunning for, I'm pretty sure you'll find it in this build. We kill things slow, but slow and steady tends to win the race because of our increased survival. Looking forward to hearing your experiences using this build, Calyxium.
This is some good info right here. I just got my key on my 2nd character so I definitely will want to run this with other players as soon as I'm able to. Thanks for the heads up, Lood.
If I were to list down all of the T2 dungeons with bosses we'll be able to solo, they'd be...
- Pirate King's Lair. All bosses except the final one as he tends to spam melee range AoE's when he cannot see his foes. Stand 3 seconds on his red zone and it's sure death so you'll want to play very carefully here and slot ITC and burn him down with DF. Bring a lot of pots as well. Sometimes he gets lucky hits on us.
- Temple of the Spider. All bosses including Syndrith. She spams auto-target encounters that aim for our position instead of aiming for us. She can't see us, but her encounters will home in on us.
- Spellplague Caverns. All bosses except the final one as it can see us in stealth. It's pretty easy to solo since it's attacks are really slow and the damage you get hit with can be easily healed with lifesteal and pots, but the problem are the adds per transition. If you're going to solo the boss room you have to have a lot of time.
Basically, a lot of the T2 dungeons with the exception of the Whispering Caverns is soloable at some degree. You'll be required to have a lot of time and patience, however.
If we gain 5-10% AP per kill on trash with Combat Advantage, we can assume a simple average of 7%. It would take roughly 14-15 kills to max our AP, add TotK's 1% brings us up to 8% per kill and only 12.5 kills to max. We're talking a difference of 2 kills at most... which dies in 1-2 hits each so a whooping 5 seconds...
Use what You feel is more beneficial to your build/play style. Personally 5 seconds isn't optimal.
I've been using this build for about 3 weeks now. I really like it in pvp. In PVE i got no real problem holding up the perma stealth in various dungeons. BUT i have some problems with the CN Endboss and Dwarf Crypt Boss. I guess they can see me although i'm invisible.
Did you kill those two bosses with the build ? Or didn't you bother to try since its impossible ?
Also, which Pet is better, Stone or Cat ?
Thanks for the awesome build and keep up the good work
Lood! I'm really sorry for being so busy back then and not being able to reply as often as I could. But either way I'd like to give you a HUGE thank you for the tip you gave me. I'll be doing em later with some guildies to see how it pans out for us but it sounds convincing.
Thanks for confirming how the Fabled Iliyanbruen Set for us TR's works. It's sad that it can only poison 1 target at a time. You've been a great help man and I hope that maybe one of these days, you can roll a TR in Mindflayer as well. I would love to be able to play with you guys sometime.
Hey, Mkjns! I just saw your PM. Really sorry that I haven't been able to reply to it sooner. I was actually on a trip these past few days and just came back yesterday (more like a hours back). But anyway, expect to read a reply on your inbox soon as you get to read this message.
And that's very true. Thrill of the Kill is just terrible in dungeon situations where most mobs are killed by CW's and GWF's. 1% AP isn't much as well, but it does get further boosted by Recovery bonus, Tactics, Cunning Stalker, Action Advantage, etc. But yeah, 1% just ain't gonna cut it if we're going to min/max. I personally like Devastating Shroud if played on PVP, but it's otherwise useless for PVE. If we choose Cruelty's Reward, however, it can be useful for PVE since mobs still react to Threat even when we're in stealth. But it's just nigh useless in PVP.
So the choices will end up with 2 very situational feats, TotK or DS. I'd lean towards DS, but I don't use Shocking Execution that much unless I'm up against a GF, DC or GWF in PVP. TotK however is helpful in solo instances like campaigns and foundry questing.
Hey, Meromaster! Thank you so much for the feedback and I'm glad to hear it's working great for you so far. For the CN endboss you will definitely play not as a stealth-based TR who spams Gloaming Cut for the uptime in stealth, but rather a cookie-cutter executioner who spams DF, increase uptime against boss via using ITC (preferably used while in Lurker's Assault to maximize the effects of being in LA + ITC. It'll be the same with the Dwarf King. There will be a lot of instances where you'll find yourself needing to not use GC but to be more offensive in using DF's. There are also plenty of bosses who are able to see/detect us in stealth. The saving grace about this is even if the boss can see us in stealth, most adds in dungeon rooms can't which gives you the leisure of doing 1 vs. 1's against the bosses. It requires time and a lot of dodging but it's definitely possible.
The new build I'll be releasing in a few more days has an increased room for error and is able to achieve a maximized uptime in stealth much better compared to the current build. Although it's a little less flexible and may hit less harder than the current build. The new build will not be changing anything in the current build, however. It's just a variation of it but some people may need to roll new TR's for it.
Please look forward to more updates in the future and I'm sincerely hoping you guys will like it!
plz share that tip
honestly that 1% sounds like HAMSTER when u can already practially fill ur ap with bns, it really is a must for me nowdays just for the super fast ap in dungeons. dwarfkings aoe would almost fill my ap in an instant for example, gives so much daily uptime that i find anymore ap upgrades besides saboteurs path 20% a waste. DS on the other hand is a huge buff after SE specially paired with invisible infiltrator... 6sec of 15%dmg and 10% crit and severity and on top a stealth refill.... can u really compare that to 1% ap per kill? I basically use SE on the beffier adds inbetween bosses to finish em off and get boosted on the next ones. LA for bosses.
btw im working my way to get a master duelist set to use with this build, Im thinking it could make the build more Flurry frienly thus dps friendly and using gc more as a finisher for the big refill. As with the 20% to stealth ur gaining like 1-1.5 sec of stealth (not counting on the gc refills which also benefit) so if each 4th at will strike removes 1 sec in all cds 1 flurry will remove 3 secs of cds.
With just the 20% stealth from feats u can fit in 1 flurry + 1 gc + stealth refill encounter. So if im thinking straight, 2 stealthbars (13 secs) + 6 sec cd reductions + bonus gc stealth refill would allow u to permastealth the same due to faster encounter availability (set also has recovery).... with a higher dps output coz ur mostly using flurry and better cooldowns on the third encounter.
Haha! Who am I kidding, right? TotK definitely grows pale in comparison to DS or CR. TotK is just utter HAMSTER compared to the other 2, but I can't bring myself to replace it since I like AP a lot and don't use Shocking Execution in PVE. PVP it's nice though but I tend to not use Shocking Execution there since I feel like I cheated my way to a kill. I only use it against GF's and GWF's whom you know will be more trouble than they're worth if they live for a second longer. And I agree, SE's +10% Crit Severity and Invisible Infiltrator's +15% damage output in the first 6 seconds after using a Daily, that turns LB into even more of a beast. But then again it's highly situational. All 3 of them (TotK, DS, CR) are highly situational and are just terrible compared to the other Executioner Feats.
And wow, man. I definitely would like to hear how your Master Duelist variant goes! Last I heard, Master Duelist doesn't quite work with DF's third hit which sucks. But if this has changed then my friend I think Master Duelist would be really OP now. I'm looking forward to see how this variant works out. Just imagining an ITC and Shadow Strike with really low CD's is pretty exciting.
And tip, I think it'd be better if Lood shared it with the others. He actually already shared it, but he edited his post so you may have seen it already.
Makes one wonder if I should be glad or not that I killed the joy of your experience using the other alts, but nonetheless, in all honesty I'm thankful that you are having fun with the build, Marc!
Hehe that's a start right? I say congrats! You should work your way further to the other dungeons one step at a time to get a feel of how the build should be played against high HP mobs. It gets slower and slower to kill things as we progress to mobs with higher HP. What people can do to circumvent this however is to use Tenebrous Enchantments but not too many people have the Wards for these.
wow what a downer, didnt know the set bonus wasnt working with duelist flurrys 3rd attack! **** sounds silly that a set with the name of an at will and with a bonus practically made for it doesnt work with it.
Since im just the helm away from getting it ill probably go ahead and continue to try to get it and test it out, but today i failed at mad dragon with a very ****ty pug group... QQ. Hopefully i can get a decent group up and get lucky with the DD drop in the next days. Ill keep u informed.
meh... finally got the full set and duelist flurry 3rd attack is still broken, sometimes it seems to proc but its probably just dazzling proccing. sent a ticket we will see if they even reply at all. works well enough with sly flourish though.
. I managed a rotation which almost perma stealths with flury n gloaming, i flicker out of stealth as i hit with shadow strike hit the next 2 flurry hits while mob is dazed then stealth again to buy time for bns. it basically goes flurry, 2x gloaming, bns, flurry, 2x gloaming, shadow, flurry, stealth (b4 3rd hit) then gloaming till bns is ready... rinse n repeat.
thing is im a bit low on recovery just have 800 if i could reduce cds like 3 more secs i could remove that flikering, but i have no clue how much recovery id need for that and id also have to change my stats around which im pretty happy where they are at right now (4k pow 4k crit 2.3 arp)... where if i use more gloamings i can perma just fine, specially if im landing killing blows with it.
**** should they fix flurry with the set bonus and it would be really sweet.
Cloud of Steel will be able to shave off 2 seconds with a full unloading of stacks, Sly Flourish is able to take off 1 sec in a full rotation which is around 2 or 3 seconds. And from my knowledge about this set, attacking the air can even reduce your CD's by 1 per every 4th hit. Needs some confirming though.
And Cyix, I guess I have done enough tests using the new build and may as well release it once the weekend hits. It's a speedy one for sure. 3 of my guildies are using the same build now and we've been getting results much faster. You guys will definitely know once it's out!
Hopefully we guessed right on stats so we don't have to re-roll our new characters...
removed sneaky stabber and the 20% stealth and specced more cuckie cutter executioner as with duelists set and decent recovery i have found a pretty neat rotation with slyflourish. i stealth drop 2 sly chains then shadow strike then another 2 chains then itc continue to slyflourish till itc is about to falls off and shadow strike is ready again. can even add bns for longer stealth and daily uptime or gloaming cut for the executions for more stealth duration. No need to sack dps for me anymore.
So these are the finalized stats. All offense slots contain Rank 7 Silvery Enchants and would work better with higher-tiered silvers. The goal for Recharge Speed Increase is 25% for PVP. With at least 1.8k we get 15% RSI, with INT we get an added 10%. The Berserker Gear gives +133 to ArPen and Critical, and +110 to Recovery. I could have went for the epic rings that gave +154 to all 3 stats but unfortunately it has a defense slot.
I'll be explaining in detail about the reasoning behind the allocation of the current stats. Basically I was trying to create a balance between PVP and PVE. Get at least the right amount of ArPen and crit chance, and for PVE we'll have access to the Ioun Stone which further completes the stats we need to have in PVE such as added Critical Chance, 5% more recovery for 30% RSI (14 Second ITC, 12~ second Shadow Strike), Power and a tiny bit more ArPen to take it to 24%.
I'll explain the rest in the guide itself! Nothing has changed in terms of the encounters, class features, at-wills, dailies, and feats.
^Augmented PVE Stats & PVP NonAugmented Stats
PVE: I use the Stone of Might upgraded to lvl 25 with regen, recovery, power, and crit gear on it. I mainly use Shadow Strike, Bait&Switch, and Path of Blades as encounters to stay invisible when fighting. Dailies are Shocking Execution and Bloodbath. The at-wills I generally stay with are Gloaming Cut or Duelist fury and COS. It takes more timing and skill to be constantly stealthed without the gear that gives extra stealth.
PVP: I change my powers depending on what class or gear level I am facing. I usually start off with the encounters smoke bomb, path of blades, and impact shot. Path of blades is low continuous damage when it is active and leaves me open to attack or defend. I switch to dazing strike, lashing blade, and impact shot if I plan on taking out single targets or heavy geared opponents. It all depends on what I am facing in PVP. I am actually surprised how effective the powers smoke bomb and path of blades seem to be when I play as a team member instead solo killing. Smoke bomb stuns the opponents for my team members and path of blades weakens the opponents for my team members. Dailies used are Shocking Execution and Lurker's Assault. The at-wills I generally stay with are Gloaming Cut or Duelist fury and COS. Impact shot compensates for the nerf done to COS. I only use the permastealth powers if I want to annoy the other team. More players should change their powers depending on what they are facing PVP.
GEAR: I use a mix of the master assassin set and the sinister shade set. That is 450 bonus to power and 450 bonus to crit. I also use the ancient daggers set to add another 450 bonus to crit. My enchantments are also setup to add to power/crit as well. I may switch some out to decrease power a bit and raise armor penetration. In PVE I use an augment companion to boost my stats. Took awhile running the dungeons to get the gear.
Enchantments: Plague Fire (not lesser) Weapon enchantment and Lesser Briartwine Armor Enchantment with Rank 7 enchantments mixed in as well. The Savage Rank 7 or Rank 8 enchants are good because they boost two stats by at least 100 points each.
Result: Beast in PVE and Beast in PVP. I mainly have difficulty with sentinel GWFs and heavily skilled/geared GFs. Keeping the GFs stunned with smoke bomb and having path of blades helps kill them. I have received Crits up to 10k and 15k+ with non Crit attacks up to 9k by using just Gloaming Cut.
Goal: To make a TR that is heavily survivable in PVE and PVP. I think I achieved the goal. Thank you for making this thread because it helped me achieve my goal.
There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
imba rsi there, with that rsi u can drop either the 20% stealth feat or skulker. 6 sec inv x2 = 12 sec so thats the shadow strike cd, just need to gloaming cut a few times to prolong stealth for bns or have itc up again. id say get urself a swash for pve for the dps and even more recovery, and keep skulker for pvp for the added stealth duration so u have to rely less on getting close with gloaming.
I have to try that kind of rsi with the master duelist set, sounds so ridiculous. U could even drop all stealth bonuses and focus on dps feats as u can can get 8 slyflourish hits every 4 secs ( so thats 2 secs off all cds). so in 5 secs of steath and 5 secs of itc u can shave off 4 secs of cds... so 5+5+4 = 14 cds which is just ur itc cd... meaning u can rotate between stealth and invulnerabilty very safely without any fliquering in between.