I personally don't use block expect to build fast AP to cast Menace or to block a heavy attack I can't run out of quickly. Movement and Positioning is a very important skill to learn as a tank. You want the elites & bosses to have their attacks way from your party and always giving yourself/party combat advantage. The damage bonus is huge and it's easy for a GF to move and attack because of Cleaves AoE range.
If you need to block make it quick and then move. If your guard meter is broken it takes much longer to rebuild than just refilling the meter.
Thanks a lot for answering my two questions. You have truly help me to understand it.
Let me suggest you to ask Community Moderator to incluide your guide in this index:
dkcandy, I'm a fresh 60 and still pretty fresh to the game in general. I can probably get away with buying the Knight Cap armor set but thats about it. Definitely can't afford the cat. Would this build still be effective with rank 4/5 enchants and other cheaper items?
I actually wasted a lot of AD buying the Valiant Warrior set not really knowing what I was doing.
I am not yet ready to give up my 5 points in "fight on". Tonight I will test if I can keep up the timeless set bonus without the feat. Having some 2500 recovery it might still be possible... will see. The timeless bonus of 1350 crt equals some 9 enchants for me (not having level 8 versions...:-)), so it is very important as I can skip using the CRT enchants and concentrate on others like ARP.
Having both Battle Trample and Crushing Pin would really be nice. If I have to choose between the Battle Trample and Crushing Pin... . Battle Trample adds extra threat and damage, Crushing Pin is damage for the whole party. I guess Crushing Pin is slightly the better choice because of the huge damage increase for the party and for a hybrid build, you can switch from Trample the Fallen to Ferocious Reaction in PVP withouth loosing a passive.
Edit: I tested my build without "fight on". the cd on lunging strike is 6.4 without, but 5.8 with fight on (and some 2700 recovery). To max usage of encounters and the timeless set, lunging strike needs to have a cd below 6s. So definitely I am using "fight on", Battle Trample has to stand in line...
Some thoughts on ability scores: I am currently using 24 STR/24 CON/14 DEX (excl campfire). As I have to respec anyway I was wondering if a 24 STR/22 CON/16 DEX for some added ARP would be more effective. But that means loosing health and action point gain. Alternatively, 22 STR/24 CON/16 DEX. loosing some damage but making up for it by increased ARP.
1)hows the dmg on the cheap version of your pvp set(cheap weapon option is lost somewhere in these 15 pages), i hope it doesnt feel like hitting ppl with wet noodle
It hits for 2-6K per Encounter (Bull Charge, Lunge, Frontline Surge). It's not a burst build but survival tank build.
2)what stats should be on el cheapo pet(stone/cat costs probably 7 times more than fesh lvl 60 has) to increase usefulness in dungeons for pvp regen/deflect set(playing tank), ofc when that pet isnt busy having very close relationship with the floor, and cleric pet isnt as bad, sometimes it even outheals pug DC's ^^
Pets can't be used in PvP. They are PvE Only and I stack CRT/ARP on my Pet. So what I recommend doing is first searching for: Piercing Berserker Neck/Ring/Belt for a CAT as that will give you 133 CRT/243 ARP. This way you can stack your ArP to cap first as ArP is most important for damage increase and then work on your CRT.
dkcandy, I'm a fresh 60 and still pretty fresh to the game in general. I can probably get away with buying the Knight Cap armor set but thats about it. Definitely can't afford the cat. Would this build still be effective with rank 4/5 enchants and other cheaper items?
I actually wasted a lot of AD buying the Valiant Warrior set not really knowing what I was doing.
You can use any set with my DPS hybrid build format. Valiant Warrior is fine also.
First work on getting your ArP to 24%.
Use the link on the first page for DEX + ArP to figure out how much Armor Pen #'s you need for 24%.
After you get your 24% ArP CAP for PvE work on adding CRT.
Really good CRT/ArP Neck, Rings, Belt are Blue Piercing Berserker 133 CRT / 243 ArP. If you run neck, rings, belt you should be pretty close to ArP cap, otherwise add dark 5 enchants till you reach cap. Then add rank 5 CRT till you reach 1650 CRT and then start saving for your pet. Once you have enough AD to buy a CAT buy one and then save up again to buy RANK 8 enchants.
It is a long process and will take several months unless you are going to spend real money. The easiest way to make AD in NW is to level up alts to level 11 and do leadership profession. I have 12 alts all farming leadership each day and make about 700-800K a week.
Some thoughts on ability scores: I am currently using 24 STR/24 CON/14 DEX (excl campfire). As I have to respec anyway I was wondering if a 24 STR/22 CON/16 DEX for some added ARP would be more effective. But that means loosing health and action point gain. Alternatively, 22 STR/24 CON/16 DEX. loosing some damage but making up for it by increased ARP.
What do you think?
If you are PvP & PvE player using a single character. I recommend staying STR/CON unless you want to be a glass cannon then STR/DEX.
kimonkaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2013
For the regen build, what is the recommended percentage of regeneration?. I currently tick for 1.5-1.6 near half of my health bar which isn't bad but I still feel is a bit slow or low in PVP (I'm sort of especially vulnerable to TRs, man are they nasty!)
For the regen build, what is the recommended percentage of regeneration?. I currently tick for 1.5-1.6 near half of my health bar which isn't bad but I still feel is a bit slow or low in PVP (I'm sort of especially vulnerable to TRs, man are they nasty!)
Also, thanks for answering all of our questions !
The Regen ticks will increase as you increase your maximum hit points. 1.6k is still good. My Halfling with 36k HP and 11%+ is getting about 2.1k Ticks.
indomitable warriors set is better than those blues ? probably will have a lot of glory to spend by the time i get to 60, or just sword and shield and rest for salvage ?
it lacks only regen, but that can be gotten from other stuff
talleydarkstar2Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 11Arc User
edited August 2013
I'm interested in trying the Knight Captain's set build, the question I have is Feats. Which Feat spec are you using for that build?
There was a thread post about this but off the top of my head:
Lunging Strike
Frontline Surge
Are 2 of the skills I use on my bar all the time that apply the debuff.
Other skills are:
Bull Charge
Knee Breaker
Any power (skill) that has a CC effect or prone.
My current FEAT build is:
Human PvE DPS Feats:
Strength Focus 3/3 (This is a straight damage increase and does not increase your strength as it describes.)
Toughness 3/3
Shielded Resurgence 3/3
Armor Specialization 3/3
Powerful Attack 5/5
Potent Challenge 3/3
Weapon Mastery 3/3
Im using combat superiority and trample the fallen, but i dont see any tooltips that indicate me they are affecting the enemy... are they bugged or something im missing?
tsutingtsao - For some reason not all buffs/debuffs have icons on self or creatures but the damage is there. If you get battle trample feat you will see a 2nd set of smaller damage pop up when the target has a CC on it such as Frost Stacks from a CW. This is an easy way to see trample the fallen in action otherwise trample itself is rolled into your normal damage #'s.
dkcandy or anyone Else who would like to give Advice.
I'm running almost the exact build of your Human DPS/Hyrbrid Tank. The old Rokuthy's Hybrid Tank Build
Starting Stats are HUMAN
STR 16 (22) 23 w/ Campfire
CON 18 (24) 25 w/ Campfire
DEX 12 (14)15 w/ Campfire
INT/WIS/CHA 10 (12) 13 w/Campfire
Character Stats w/ Stone
HP 27,323
Power 6810
Critical 1285
Armor Penetration 2415
Recovery 1749
Defense 3999
Deflect 998
Regeneration 745
I am curious when I look @ my character if it includes the 5% bonus to AP from Dex (only ask b/c of how u have it written on your guide). Would be more beneficial to Roll Dex over STR. As you stated before we almost never Block. STR sometimes seems like a bit of a waste.
I am only Running Rank 5 Enchantments atm. But have no troubles Tanking T2 Epic Dungeons. Just looking to maximize my build.
dkcandy or anyone Else who would like to give Advice.
I'm running almost the exact build of your Human DPS/Hyrbrid Tank. The old Rokuthy's Hybrid Tank Build
Starting Stats are HUMAN
STR 16 (22) 23 w/ Campfire
CON 18 (24) 25 w/ Campfire
DEX 12 (14)15 w/ Campfire
INT/WIS/CHA 10 (12) 13 w/Campfire
Character Stats w/ Stone
HP 27,323
Power 6810
Critical 1285
Armor Penetration 2415
Recovery 1749
Defense 3999
Deflect 998
Regeneration 745
I am curious when I look @ my character if it includes the 5% bonus to AP from Dex (only ask b/c of how u have it on your written on your guide). Also do you think it would be more beneficial to Roll Dex over STR.
What would you Suggest I replace my Arp Rating w/? Not sure what would benefit me the most, As I really have not had problems Tanking T2 Epics.
Most of it will be replaced on my Ioun Stone.
What would you Suggest I replace my Arp Rating w/? Not sure what would benefit me the most, As I really have not had problems Tanking T2 Epics.
Most of it will be replaced on my Ioun Stone.
Again Thanks so much for Guide and Advice
If you are saving up for a stone, just wait till you have it. Then you'll want the STONE to be your CRT/ARP stack and work on adding power to self. If you are using Conqueror feats then power on self is the way to increase damage after reaching 1650 CRT and 24% ArP.
If you are saving up for a stone, just wait till you have it. Then you'll want the STONE to be your CRT/ARP stack and work on adding power to self. If you are using Conqueror feats then power on self is the way to increase damage after reaching 1650 CRT and 24% ArP.
I already Have Stone. And it is STACKED w/ ARP/CRT. I am asking if I should Replace my overload of ARP w/ CRIT or Deflect. Which one would benefit me most. I am currently ( 1286 CRT).....( 998 Deflect).
All my Power is only my Equiped Gear as I do Run RECKLESS ATTACKER.
I already Have Stone. And it is STACKED w/ ARP/CRT. I am asking if I should Replace my overload of ARP w/ CRIT or Deflect. Which one would benefit me most. I am currently ( 1286 CRT).....( 998 Deflect).
All my Power is only my Equiped Gear as I do Run RECKLESS ATTACKER.
Yep sorry just saw you Said "1650 CRT"
Thanks again dkcandy
Yep so work on getting that 1650-1750 CRT. It's about 12.5 to 13% With the 3% Feat Bonus & 5% base that will give you 20-21%.
arcademasterMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2013
So dkcandy,
any first impressions on the new armor enchants yet?
any first impressions on the new armor enchants yet?
I have guildmates testing the new ones now working on making perfects for both Armor & Weapons. Is there any enchants you are specifically interested in?
Right now I'm using Thunderhead for PvE & Soul for PvP.
arcademasterMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2013
Nah, just your general impressions on their usefulness. So far I'm just collecting shards as they come for possible later use.
i have a question. I choose the following stat:
STR 16
CON 18
DEX 12
and maxed STR and CON having
STR 22 (guard meter +12%, damage bonus+12%, DoT dam res +12%)
CON 24
DEX 14 (resitance ignored -4%, AoE damage resist +4%, delfection chance +2%)
I should reroll but i don't want because my GF has leadership at level 20 and I don't want reroll (I hope that in the future we will have the chance to respec initial roll), but i'm thinking to respec to upgrade dex instead of str, so:
STR 18 (guard meter +8%, damage bonus+8%, DoT dam res +8%)
CON 24
DEX 18 (resitance ignored -8%, AoE damage resist +8%, delfection chance + 4%)
So I'd like to know what do you think about it. It's good?
I loose 4% damage bonus, but gain 4% resistence ignored... if i understood well, it means that my damage is the same (but i prefer to have more res ignored). I made some test on target dummy and my damage decrease noticeable but I think it is because target dummy don't have damage resistance...
Could you help me in this?
I loose 4% guard meter and 4% dot dam res, but gain 4% aoe dam res and 2% deflection chance. I think it is better because my experience is that block is less usefull than people think and because i think aoe dam res is better than dot dam res.
Could you tell me your opinion?
P.S. I'm working on a tank/regen build. I'd like to deal some usefull damage, but after stalwart destroy...
Thanks a lot for answering my two questions. You have truly help me to understand it.
Let me suggest you to ask Community Moderator to incluide your guide in this index:
Jo Khon El, Potionholic Cleric of Torm.
Odalas, Shield on the run.
I actually wasted a lot of AD buying the Valiant Warrior set not really knowing what I was doing.
Having both Battle Trample and Crushing Pin would really be nice. If I have to choose between the Battle Trample and Crushing Pin... . Battle Trample adds extra threat and damage, Crushing Pin is damage for the whole party. I guess Crushing Pin is slightly the better choice because of the huge damage increase for the party and for a hybrid build, you can switch from Trample the Fallen to Ferocious Reaction in PVP withouth loosing a passive.
Edit: I tested my build without "fight on". the cd on lunging strike is 6.4 without, but 5.8 with fight on (and some 2700 recovery). To max usage of encounters and the timeless set, lunging strike needs to have a cd below 6s. So definitely I am using "fight on", Battle Trample has to stand in line...
Some thoughts on ability scores: I am currently using 24 STR/24 CON/14 DEX (excl campfire). As I have to respec anyway I was wondering if a 24 STR/22 CON/16 DEX for some added ARP would be more effective. But that means loosing health and action point gain. Alternatively, 22 STR/24 CON/16 DEX. loosing some damage but making up for it by increased ARP.
What do you think?
It hits for 2-6K per Encounter (Bull Charge, Lunge, Frontline Surge). It's not a burst build but survival tank build.
Pets can't be used in PvP. They are PvE Only and I stack CRT/ARP on my Pet. So what I recommend doing is first searching for: Piercing Berserker Neck/Ring/Belt for a CAT as that will give you 133 CRT/243 ARP. This way you can stack your ArP to cap first as ArP is most important for damage increase and then work on your CRT.
Yes I put 3 points into Potent Challenge for PvE tanking.
Thanks for the recommendation.
You can use any set with my DPS hybrid build format. Valiant Warrior is fine also.
First work on getting your ArP to 24%.
Use the link on the first page for DEX + ArP to figure out how much Armor Pen #'s you need for 24%.
After you get your 24% ArP CAP for PvE work on adding CRT.
Really good CRT/ArP Neck, Rings, Belt are Blue Piercing Berserker 133 CRT / 243 ArP. If you run neck, rings, belt you should be pretty close to ArP cap, otherwise add dark 5 enchants till you reach cap. Then add rank 5 CRT till you reach 1650 CRT and then start saving for your pet. Once you have enough AD to buy a CAT buy one and then save up again to buy RANK 8 enchants.
It is a long process and will take several months unless you are going to spend real money. The easiest way to make AD in NW is to level up alts to level 11 and do leadership profession. I have 12 alts all farming leadership each day and make about 700-800K a week.
If you are PvP & PvE player using a single character. I recommend staying STR/CON unless you want to be a glass cannon then STR/DEX.
Also, thanks for answering all of our questions
The Regen ticks will increase as you increase your maximum hit points. 1.6k is still good. My Halfling with 36k HP and 11%+ is getting about 2.1k Ticks.
it lacks only regen, but that can be gotten from other stuff
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Have a look at this:
tsutingtsao - For some reason not all buffs/debuffs have icons on self or creatures but the damage is there. If you get battle trample feat you will see a 2nd set of smaller damage pop up when the target has a CC on it such as Frost Stacks from a CW. This is an easy way to see trample the fallen in action otherwise trample itself is rolled into your normal damage #'s.
Encounters: Frontline, Lunge, Anvil
Passive: Combat & Trample
Note: The reason I use Anvil as it's the highest single target damage attack. On trash with Wicked stacks I'm hitting nearly 80K CRTS.
D&D Home Page - What Class Are You? - Build A Character - D&D Compendium
You recommend STR/CON (Max STR 24), but have a +5 from Dex on AP.
beginning ability scores: 16 STR/16 CON/12 DEX
+ racial bonusses, eg. Dwarf: +2 STR/+2 CON
+ Campfire: +1 each
Final ability scores: 25 STR / 25 CON / 15 DEX (including Campfire).
15 Dex yields +5 on AP.
Thanks for answering their question.
I'm running almost the exact build of your Human DPS/Hyrbrid Tank. The old Rokuthy's Hybrid Tank Build
Starting Stats are HUMAN
STR 16 (22) 23 w/ Campfire
CON 18 (24) 25 w/ Campfire
DEX 12 (14)15 w/ Campfire
INT/WIS/CHA 10 (12) 13 w/Campfire
Character Stats w/ Stone
HP 27,323
Power 6810
Critical 1285
Armor Penetration 2415
Recovery 1749
Defense 3999
Deflect 998
Regeneration 745
I am curious when I look @ my character if it includes the 5% bonus to AP from Dex (only ask b/c of how u have it written on your guide). Would be more beneficial to Roll Dex over STR. As you stated before we almost never Block. STR sometimes seems like a bit of a waste.
I am only Running Rank 5 Enchantments atm. But have no troubles Tanking T2 Epic Dungeons. Just looking to maximize my build.
With 15 Dex you should only have 1854 ArP Rating. Your ArP rating is way to high unless you are doing PvP.
DPS builds you want STR as it gives a really good damage increase.
DEX/CON is only used for Regen/Deflect or Tanking builds that are not focused on damage.
Most of it will be replaced on my Ioun Stone.
Again Thanks so much for Guide and Advice
If you are saving up for a stone, just wait till you have it. Then you'll want the STONE to be your CRT/ARP stack and work on adding power to self. If you are using Conqueror feats then power on self is the way to increase damage after reaching 1650 CRT and 24% ArP.
I already Have Stone. And it is STACKED w/ ARP/CRT. I am asking if I should Replace my overload of ARP w/ CRIT or Deflect. Which one would benefit me most. I am currently ( 1286 CRT).....( 998 Deflect).
All my Power is only my Equiped Gear as I do Run RECKLESS ATTACKER.
Yep sorry just saw you Said "1650 CRT"
Thanks again dkcandy
Yep so work on getting that 1650-1750 CRT. It's about 12.5 to 13% With the 3% Feat Bonus & 5% base that will give you 20-21%.
any first impressions on the new armor enchants yet?
I have guildmates testing the new ones now working on making perfects for both Armor & Weapons. Is there any enchants you are specifically interested in?
Right now I'm using Thunderhead for PvE & Soul for PvP.
i have a question. I choose the following stat:
STR 16
CON 18
DEX 12
and maxed STR and CON having
STR 22 (guard meter +12%, damage bonus+12%, DoT dam res +12%)
CON 24
DEX 14 (resitance ignored -4%, AoE damage resist +4%, delfection chance +2%)
I should reroll but i don't want because my GF has leadership at level 20 and I don't want reroll (I hope that in the future we will have the chance to respec initial roll), but i'm thinking to respec to upgrade dex instead of str, so:
STR 18 (guard meter +8%, damage bonus+8%, DoT dam res +8%)
CON 24
DEX 18 (resitance ignored -8%, AoE damage resist +8%, delfection chance + 4%)
So I'd like to know what do you think about it. It's good?
I loose 4% damage bonus, but gain 4% resistence ignored... if i understood well, it means that my damage is the same (but i prefer to have more res ignored). I made some test on target dummy and my damage decrease noticeable but I think it is because target dummy don't have damage resistance...
Could you help me in this?
I loose 4% guard meter and 4% dot dam res, but gain 4% aoe dam res and 2% deflection chance. I think it is better because my experience is that block is less usefull than people think and because i think aoe dam res is better than dot dam res.
Could you tell me your opinion?
P.S. I'm working on a tank/regen build. I'd like to deal some usefull damage, but after stalwart destroy...