I am a gwf with 13.6k gs. After this freaking patch, I played PVP twice, and there's a 10k gs tr can totally two shot me when I was in unstoppable. Is Cryptic really hearing the feedback about GWF players about the nerf of unstoppable?
LOL, not bothering to try any epic dungeon in awhile, its frustrating you can't do whatever it is you were doing before, (Malabog is an exception). just play the new content where GWF excel in killing LOW ADDS in normal maps, and wait for 10years before the devs realize there is something wrong with the class.
This good man is right,C'MN CRYPTIC GIVE A SIGN THAT U CARE ABOUT US,NOT ONLY THE MONEY,u know how many mmo's had a tragic end because of stupid nerfs,if you continue ignoring us u'll have a dead comunity and a dead game,who is already down a lot because of all the bugs,errors, HAMSTER boss fights,and the forever que system,instead of fixing this things u begin ruining the classes,esp the GWF,what will be the future of this game my dear players,u already know it,PURE PVE FARMING LIKE BOTS,something not far from the chinese style games.
xmxaxnxgxoxMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 14Arc User
edited August 2013
man, NW is my first MMO game ever, and GWF is my first character in this game, I really love to tank for my team and do some dmg to adds in dungeon. I had some friends that also love their gwf and now they all decide to play CW instead. WHAT ELSE I CAN SAY? ALSO, if you nerf the debuff duration for WMS, why don't you just remove this at-will, it is totally useless now, I can use wicked strike instead of that 0.5s debuff and even do more dmg.
unstoppable isnt nerfed(by much) just the temp hp should go after it ends, problem is that now its bugged and unstoppable ends when temp hp are depleted(+ the old bug is still here), hopefully they will fix it in this patch, not add some rainbow elves and ponies and even more crashes like the last patch
You have to admit that unstoppable was to powerful before the patch.
Unstoppable before patch is OP for the Sent/Regen path, but remove it and the other path is like paperweight, i have to respec from Destroyer/Hybrid to pure Sent because by the time i get near other toons in PVP, my HP is down to less than half or 1/3 (then they tele). So yeah, the Unstopple before patch is useful for other paths, remove it and you have 3/4 of GWF either quitting or complaining in the forum, and the other 1/4 senti build is telling every GWF in the forum everything is fine and they should ltp. LOL.
Unstoppable before patch is OP for the Sent/Regen path, but remove it and the other path is like paperweight, i have to respec from Destroyer/Hybrid to pure Sent because by the time i get near other toons in PVP, my HP is down to less than half or 1/3 (then they tele). So yeah, the Unstopple before patch is useful for other paths, remove it and you have 3/4 of GWF either quitting or complaining in the forum, and the other 1/4 senti build is telling every GWF in the forum everything is fine and they should ltp. LOL.
Also no answer is an answer. Just ask the Guardian Fighters with the Stal rework. :P
until you answer what is viable set for gwf pvp,pve dont mention gwf ever again coz you have no idea what you talking about.just couldnt stand that yours silly little build gets owned as you admited in pvp lol
until you answer what is viable set for gwf pvp,pve dont mention gwf ever again coz you have no idea what you talking about.just couldnt stand that yours silly little build gets owned as you admited in pvp lol
My silly little build Deflect/Regen is still the strongest PvP build and why it's now being used by DC's too. So go l2p some more and you'll improve your DPS.
Our guilds 13k GS GWFs are doing just as much damage as 13k GS CW / TRs all specced for PvE DPS. As I said you need more game time.
My silly little build Deflect/Regen is still the strongest PvP build and why it's now being used by DC's too. So go l2p some more and you'll improve your DPS.
Our guilds 13k GS GWFs are doing just as much damage as 13k GS CW / TRs all specced for PvE DPS. As I said you need more game time.
FUNNY how you refuse to answer my question. your guilds 13gs can do pve fine lol but at the same time play in a little leage pvp with 9 gs tr.i know your build is viable for pvp tho.question:PLEASE GIVE ME VIABLE GWF BUILD THAT CAN TOP DAMAGE AND BE VIABLE IN PVP? coz putting randomly feats is better then 13gs pve build for pvp now.
FUNNY how you refuse to answer my question. your guilds 13gs can do pve fine lol but at the same time play in a little leage pvp with 9 gs tr.i know your build is viable for pvp tho.question:PLEASE GIVE ME VIABLE GWF BUILD THAT CAN TOP DAMAGE AND BE VIABLE IN PVP? coz putting randomly feats is better then 13gs pve build for pvp now.
now that is what i wanted to hear from you.all classes need one build that they can play and enjoy go to dungeon when ever they want but gwf needs 2 of them.but thats not all they need to be best equipt possible while....
"You do not need to use the high level enchantments for this build to work." High Health / Regeneration Tank (PvP & PvE Tank) by you.....
gf needs only one build that can earn ad do pvp in other words have fun.and that is good balance?
THIS IS WHAT I CALL checkmate my friend
he cant tank anything it create to low threat purpose of sentinel is only PvP atm
There are Sentinel GWF tanks running PvE just like there are Protection or Tactician GF's. The game allows you to run any build you want with any gear.
The game is currently very balanced at top end gear/enchants with synergy team comps. The QQ I see is almost always caused due to inexperienced, lack of class knowledge or game mechanics and unskilled players.
If players spent more time in-game farming AD and upgrading gear, joining guilds with experienced players and asking for advice on how to play their class. They would improve their skills and have less QQ on forums.
If that's the case then why are the #2 in DPS with only CW doing more damage in Malabog's Castle?
Sounds like the GWF is doing just fine.
I think some builds and gear can make it fine in a good team with good players. It's just that GWF's miss that special something, or at least that 'oomph' to that special something they are supposed to have.
Can anyone point me to a link to a good GWF PVE DPS build? We have 2 GWFs that just hit 60 and I am trying help them gear up and spec powers/feats/etc for Malabog and other dungeons.
I tried searching the forums but keep getting old posts so I don't know what is current for today's game patch levels...
Can anyone point me to a link to a good GWF PVE DPS build? We have 2 GWFs that just hit 60 and I am trying help them gear up and spec powers/feats/etc for Malabog and other dungeons.
I tried searching the forums but keep getting old posts so I don't know what is current for today's game patch levels...
Destroyer is the DPS tree.
seisem2Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Can anyone point me to a link to a good GWF PVE DPS build? We have 2 GWFs that just hit 60 and I am trying help them gear up and spec powers/feats/etc for Malabog and other dungeons.
I tried searching the forums but keep getting old posts so I don't know what is current for today's game patch levels...
Unstoppable before patch is OP for the Sent/Regen path, but remove it and the other path is like paperweight, i have to respec from Destroyer/Hybrid to pure Sent because by the time i get near other toons in PVP, my HP is down to less than half or 1/3 (then they tele). So yeah, the Unstopple before patch is useful for other paths, remove it and you have 3/4 of GWF either quitting or complaining in the forum, and the other 1/4 senti build is telling every GWF in the forum everything is fine and they should ltp. LOL.
no it was not...combination with potions was which is now solved . and only one build was op g tene regenetation.
hit it right there .. agree 100%
I miss my CM/WW wizard
Also no answer is an answer. Just ask the Guardian Fighters with the Stal rework. :P
until you answer what is viable set for gwf pvp,pve dont mention gwf ever again coz you have no idea what you talking about.just couldnt stand that yours silly little build gets owned as you admited in pvp lol
My silly little build Deflect/Regen is still the strongest PvP build and why it's now being used by DC's too. So go l2p some more and you'll improve your DPS.
Our guilds 13k GS GWFs are doing just as much damage as 13k GS CW / TRs all specced for PvE DPS. As I said you need more game time.
FUNNY how you refuse to answer my question. your guilds 13gs can do pve fine lol but at the same time play in a little leage pvp with 9 gs tr.i know your build is viable for pvp tho.question:PLEASE GIVE ME VIABLE GWF BUILD THAT CAN TOP DAMAGE AND BE VIABLE IN PVP? coz putting randomly feats is better then 13gs pve build for pvp now.
I just replied to your other thread request:
You need (2) GWF's 1 for PvP and 1 for PvE.
PvP - Sentinel GWF Deflect/Regen with G-Tene's
PvE - Destroyer stacking power.
now that is what i wanted to hear from you.all classes need one build that they can play and enjoy go to dungeon when ever they want but gwf needs 2 of them.but thats not all they need to be best equipt possible while....
"You do not need to use the high level enchantments for this build to work." High Health / Regeneration Tank (PvP & PvE Tank) by you.....
gf needs only one build that can earn ad do pvp in other words have fun.and that is good balance?
THIS IS WHAT I CALL checkmate my friend
You should always run (2) Characters just list most MMOs. 1 for PvP and 1 for PvE.
GF and GWF can both run Regen/Deflect builds for PvP and PvE but you would be a tank build and not DPS.
GF and GWF can also both run Glass Canon Builds for PvP and PvE but then you would die easily in PvP.
I don't understand your checkmate? I think you don't understand your class and just QQ for no reason.
Also DC should run (2) Characters . 1 for PvP and 1 for PvE.
now if you want to continue thats fine with me
"GF and GWF can both run Regen/Deflect builds for PvP and PvE"
now tell me who is looking for Regen/Deflect gwf for dungeon....carefull now
my point is all best pvp players can do dungeon except gwf so they need just one build
People that want a TANK GWF the purpose of the sentinel tree.
he cant tank anything it create to low threat purpose of sentinel is only PvP atm
There are Sentinel GWF tanks running PvE just like there are Protection or Tactician GF's. The game allows you to run any build you want with any gear.
The game is currently very balanced at top end gear/enchants with synergy team comps. The QQ I see is almost always caused due to inexperienced, lack of class knowledge or game mechanics and unskilled players.
If players spent more time in-game farming AD and upgrading gear, joining guilds with experienced players and asking for advice on how to play their class. They would improve their skills and have less QQ on forums.
funnyest thing i ever heard here lololol.people who want a tank take gwf lolololololol
If that's the case then why are the #2 in DPS with only CW doing more damage in Malabog's Castle?
Sounds like the GWF is doing just fine.
Run with a crew that min/maxs and get back to us in regards to being number 2.
I went from 1/2 to 3/4 in DPS. Mainly due to the instigator spec relies heavily on AP.
I think some builds and gear can make it fine in a good team with good players. It's just that GWF's miss that special something, or at least that 'oomph' to that special something they are supposed to have.
I tried searching the forums but keep getting old posts so I don't know what is current for today's game patch levels...
Destroyer is the DPS tree.
I just posted mine yesterday: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?488071-Seisem-s-PVE-DPS-GWF-Guide
Let me know if you have any questions with your new GWFs, I'll be glad to help.
Catalina Erantzo - GWF 13.9K GS
<Future> Guild on Dragon - Legit Non Exploit Guild (We are always recruiting great players)
Future Guild Recruitment Thread: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?475381-lt-Future-gt-Legit-Non-Exploit-Guild-Recruiting