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  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited August 2013
    You're failing to make the distinction between rough and refined AD

    It only raises the amount of rough AD put into the system, which is capped at 24k per day. That's an inherent limitation to player income that was not there when items could be sold on AH for refined AD. If the salvager paid in refined AD then you would perhaps be correct.

    Historically, i've been generating 1.5-2 million refined AD per week (all from DD (and no castle never weps)). There is no way i will even come close to that under the new system... so you see i will have far less AD, as will all level 60 players who ran DD for auction house sales.

    You have not been generating AD.
    You have been getting it transferred.

    The average players were not hitting the cap of 24K AD and high prices like that couldn't last without putting more AD into the system which, of course, means more players earning more rough Astral Diamonds.
    That's what the salvager will do: it will add AD into the system rather than transfer it.

    The economy, as it was, could never support the huge prices that drops should have been worth which is why the prices have dropped to a few hundred thousand even for the best gear. We will now see more people with the actual AD to spend on various purchases and that will effect cost of the drops which can be sold on the Auction House.
  • rollingonitrollingonit Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    We will now see more people with the actual AD to spend on various purchases and that will effect cost of the drops which can be sold on the Auction House.

    We will now see more people with more rough AD, that will have to be accumulated at a slower pace due to refinement, that will effect the cost...

    We can pretend.
    Fox Stevenson - Sandblast
    Oh Wonder - Without You

    Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
    - Dylan Thomas
  • rollingonitrollingonit Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    What all these changes amount to is, an attempt to get people to play longer.

    Which in turn, with a new sale each week and ever changing mounts/enchants etc etc, company hopes people will turn to CS items/Zen exchange to expedite the process or keep them ingame in attempt to get them purchase the never ending cycle of boxes/mounts.

    It's a business I understand. $$$ is bottom line, business decisions can be rough.

    Edit: Remember people though. When you open your wallet. It's your decision to, so not all can be placed on any company.
    We can pretend.
    Fox Stevenson - Sandblast
    Oh Wonder - Without You

    Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
    - Dylan Thomas
  • kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    What all these changes amount to is, an attempt to get people to play longer.

    Which is also a pretty standard technique for p2p MMOs - gotta keep them paying that monthly subscription, so of course there's a 1 week raid lockout. Or the best loot is on a world-spawn boss that randomly pops up every 4 days. Or a reputation grind that'll take 60 days minimum. Etc.
  • rollingonitrollingonit Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Exactly. Its just the weird mechanic/technique F2P uses. A lot of them seem to allow easy accumulation to their ingame currencies when released. But then they slowly cut if off.
    We can pretend.
    Fox Stevenson - Sandblast
    Oh Wonder - Without You

    Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
    - Dylan Thomas
  • jarlsburgjarlsburg Member Posts: 222 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    mconosrep wrote: »
    Would you mind giving a break-down of what tasks you use? Because 17K AD a day sounds a lot for level 15 Leadership.

    Today was a good day and all the rare recipes lined up. As I said in a previous post, all of my alts almost always get more than half of the cap just from leadership. 12 - 14k would be around the normal with this one because it is only lvl 15 leadership, but hitting high days like today is not that difficult. I did take a screenshot when I posted that info because I expected a post like yours. I am having trouble getting the pic uploaded so if you really need to see it you can PM me your email and I will send it to you.

    I had someone else ask me the same thing about my main because he said it was impossible and I did post a breakdown of what tasks I perform with my main and I showed the cap can easily be hit with just normal tasks and good assets, so I am not going to go through all the hassle of posting a breakdown again. I believe the thread is in the preview section (it might even be this thread, I have no idea). Basically I just pick whatever task will give the most AD when I have open slots and I keep tasks running as much as possible.
  • pfft2pfft2 Member Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    jarlsburg wrote: »
    I had someone else ask me the same thing about my main because he said it was impossible and I did post a breakdown of what tasks I perform with my main and I showed the cap can easily be hit with just normal tasks and good assets, so I am not going to go through all the hassle of posting a breakdown again. I believe the thread is in the preview section (it might even be this thread, I have no idea). Basically I just pick whatever task will give the most AD when I have open slots and I keep tasks running as much as possible.

    If you're referring to this, then allow to me to clarify one small point: I never said it was impossible that you were earning so much unrefined AD through Leadership alone. My aim was simply to establish what it requires, so that the reader could decide whether your standard for "easy" daily-refine capping applies to them or not.

    It clearly doesn't apply to me, by the way. Even if I had as many high-priced assets as you apparently have on your main character, I'd benefit very little from the corresponding speed bonuses, because I can't be bothered to refresh profession tasks more than twice a day (and sometimes just once).

    That said, I would never criticize your play style. If it works for you, then great. All I wanted was to have someone spell out exactly what he has to do to achieve the AD refine cap on a regular basis, because we were all talking past each other when we were limited to vague, subjective qualifiers like "easy" or "casual play." Our definition of those terms differs, and that's fine.

    I do appreciate your taking the time to spell it out, in any case.
  • jarlsburgjarlsburg Member Posts: 222 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    It was a poor word choice on my part. I apologize (not being sarcastic, it really was some sad paraphrasing).
  • brandyyyybrandyyyy Member Posts: 70
    edited August 2013
    so in short there will be more AD coming into the game and zen will cost more AD per on the market in the long run. The current max is set at 500. However the current avarage lingers around 365 (someone with zillions making a pun about dailies?) soooo you might have to increase this to accommodate.
  • kouroumbelokouroumbelo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    May not be typical. But it's easily accomplished, then time vs reward. 275k, Ill use his #, is less than 8 bucks for a week; when converted. Id hope a weeks worth of playing trying to gain some AD for whatever, would be worth at least that.

    And yah that time estimate is off. All those would take at least 2 hrs. Maybe 2 and 1/2 at least. 15min x 4 foundry. GG dailies. 30 Min each (but yes you could just afk, the PVE part after killing something). 4 dom varies on matches. So yah 2 hrs. Which makes the AD gain look even less.

    4 daily pvp matches can take from 9 mins-12 mins each~~~(very rare more unless they totally balanced matches etc)
    4 daily foundry arenas with full pt take 10-12 mins
    For GG join the pve session last minute u still get the daily
    Join the pvp at 15-16 mins
    and falderver crypt 1 run takes 3-5 mins?

    max should get u 1h 30 mins if u add que times i guess but 2hours ++ no,at least for me.

    Define typical player?Typical player is someone that doesnt do anything in game?

    Typical player doesnt do t2?doesnt do any domination matches at all?doesnt participate in GG at all?
    As new player it helped alot being able to sell all these extra and helped alot to get geared as well.

    Having only boss drops is a really big strike considering u might not get a raid boss drop for big number of raids.

    A typical player that cant farm all day raids wont have many options to sell in AH now and only gets around 7k rough AD extra(and again considering he do 0 leadership tasks)
    You imply all typical players dont participate in any of this game's content? i not get it.

    Also to cap ur refine using salvage u still need 3-4 purple drops(depending) thats quite alot of time for a typical player...and with feywild content requiring gold wont be so wise just mass salvage everything .....

    still anyone with a solid argument why ppl will make more AD??(and how much AD goes into the market has to do with amount of players playing the game mostly,if any new player plays for 2 months or so and sees he need to farm 1 year to get certain amount of gear etc,or the old players have no incentive or raiding anything else except CN/mc which can get quite boring we might loose some players compared to before just saying.)
  • avamaxxavamaxx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I am an OG = original gamer and I need content, new classes, camaraderie and basically in that order so I can stay a loyal fan forever!

    i agree. make the game more exciting. that will make your players stay for good.
  • kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    You imply all typical players dont participate in any of this game's content? i not get it.

    There's a difference between doing the content at all (maybe, does GG once on a weekend; or only playing one aspect of the game a lot because that's what they like, etc) and grinding it all out daily (and exploitively, given your description of joining GG at the last minute so you get the daily without actually participating/contributing; or doing foundry with a pre-made group and cheesing it out at under the 15 min average; etc).

    Think about it - you guys who think you're "normal" and "average" players base so much around selling your piles o' purples on the Auction to fund your game life. If everyone was doing it like you - there wouldn't be a steady supply of people to BUY that stuff. Because they'd have a pile o' purples too, from doing a dozen super-speed/skip everything T2 DD runs every day.

    Obsessive Super Efficiency Farmer Dude is not the "typical" player.
  • pfft2pfft2 Member Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    jarlsburg wrote: »
    It was a poor word choice on my part. I apologize (not being sarcastic, it really was some sad paraphrasing).

    Hey, no worries. You really did provide some interesting information. If I ever need info on the practical limits of Leadership, I know where to go now. :)

    My last post was just to clarify the terms of the discussion, if you will. And on that note:
    4 daily pvp matches can take from 9 mins-12 mins each~~~(very rare more unless they totally balanced matches etc)
    4 daily foundry arenas with full pt take 10-12 mins
    For GG join the pve session last minute u still get the daily
    Join the pvp at 15-16 mins
    and falderver crypt 1 run takes 3-5 mins?

    max should get u 1h 30 mins if u add que times i guess but 2hours ++ no,at least for me.

    Define typical player?Typical player is someone that doesnt do anything in game?

    Again, we're getting caught up in subjective terminology, which isn't constructive. In my view, the answer to your first question is as follows: a so-called typical player, as I'd define the term, doesn't run all of the dailies every day, even if that self-same typical player really can run them in 1.5 hours on a consistent basis. In my view, a so-called typical player doesn't run the Foundry daily in a group. In my view, the so-called typical player probably chooses not to sprint through the fastest available qualifying quests for the Foundry daily, either.

    But all of that is sorta beside the point. To answer your second (rhetorical) question: even if the so-called typical player does run all of the dailies as quickly as you've described, he surely doesn't also run more than one dungeon on top of the dailies. Most people, in my albeit inexact estimation, probably don't have more than about 2 hours, total, to play every day. And chances are, most people don't run like their hair's on fire for literally every second of that 2 hour period.

    So no, it isn't a question of players refusing to "do anything in game." It's a question of what you think the average or typical player can do given some arbitrary limit on his playtime and on his tolerance for repetition. If you and I differ with respect to what constitutes a reasonable standard for the so-called typical player, then that's an irreconcilable subjective disagreement. It's not a willful disregard for reason or logic on one side or the other. No biggie.

    That said, if you feel your particular playstyle preference is getting an undue penalty in the upcoming patch -- and hey, maybe your playstyle is more representative than mine -- then you're certainly entitled to voice your concern. I certainly can't tell you you're playing the game wrong, or that you should shut up about any potential problems that you foresee.

    All I can tell you is that in my experience as a fairly casual player (not casual vis-a-vis interest or build performance, but casual with respect to my playtime), I don't foresee losing much, if any, average earning potential. My prediction is based on what I've seen on the AH on the Beholder server: on average, the items I sell from (non-CN) T2 DD chests aren't worth any more than the Salvager will give me. The most valuable items I pick up on a regular basis are Enchantment shards, and as far as I know they won't be bound-on-pickup in Module One.
  • enchants11enchants11 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    This is great news with the unslotting fee reduction. So can I have the 600k+ ive spent in the past refunded to me ? :)
    My Class is Bard ... "The clash of blades, a note/A battle fought, a verse/The hero's war, a song."
  • kouroumbelokouroumbelo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    kiralyn wrote: »
    There's a difference between doing the content at all (maybe, does GG once on a weekend, only playing one aspect of the game a lot because that's what they like, etc) and grinding it all out daily (and exploitively, given your description of joining GG at the last minute so you get the daily without actually participating/contributing; or doing foundry with a pre-made group and cheesing it out at under the 15 min average; etc).

    Think about it - you guys who think you're "normal" and "average" players base so much around selling your piles o' purples on the Auction to fund your game life. If everyone was doing it like you - there wouldn't be a steady supply of people to BUY that stuff. Because they'd have a pile o' purples too, from doing a dozen super-speed/skip everything T2 DD runs every day.

    Obsessive Super Efficiency Farmer Dude is not the "typical" player.

    I not have game life to fund mate,i play games on my extra time for fun.
    I dont have pile o' purples to sell,coz i dont cant do many DD runs coz of time.But with DD box working as it does the few DDs i can make will make more AD than with new system.

    I like the silly pvp in this game,and if i have a choice to raid or do pvp i go for pvp.With new changes pvp wont give me any income whether it is t1 or t2.
    I join last minute of gg pve coz i do not enjoy its PVE session lol.
    Doing a foundry with a premade group? No i just shout in zone chat lf 4m for daily foundry arena.

    You not understand that same player doing same stuff before and after this patch will make less AD....

    ''Because they'd have a pile o' purples too, from doing a dozen super-speed/skip everything T2 DD runs every day.'' This does not change anything,the 52 DD runs everyday exploiters ppl will still have an obvious advantage over others ..

    Posted on other thread as well fix exploiting raids ''speed'' runs etc would make less purples on AH^^.

    I have 5 days per week which i can play,and the days i can play i can afford only 2h 15-30 mins~~ ,its mostly my dailies + 1 raid sometimes i not even get to do DD so i just pvp the rest of hour i got. But after update the content i enjoy will give 0 reward.

    So keep the ultra obsesive farmer stuff to urself.
  • kouroumbelokouroumbelo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    pfft2 wrote: »
    Hey, no worries. You really did provide some interesting information. If I ever need info on the practical limits of Leadership, I know where to go now. :)

    My last post was just to clarify the terms of the discussion, if you will. And on that note:

    Again, we're getting caught up in subjective terminology, which isn't constructive. In my view, the answer to your first question is as follows: a so-called typical player, as I'd define the term, doesn't run all of the dailies every day, even if that self-same typical player really can run them in 1.5 hours on a consistent basis. In my view, a so-called typical player doesn't run the Foundry daily in a group. In my view, the so-called typical player probably chooses not to sprint through the fastest available qualifying quests for the Foundry daily, either.

    But all of that is sorta beside the point. To answer your second (rhetorical) question: even if the so-called typical player does run all of the dailies as quickly as you've described, he surely doesn't also run more than one dungeon on top of the dailies. Most people, in my albeit inexact estimation, probably don't have more than about 2 hours, total, to play every day. And chances are, most people don't run like their hair's on fire for literally every second of that 2 hour period.

    So no, it isn't a question of players refusing to "do anything in game." It's a question of what you think the average or typical player can do given some arbitrary limit on his playtime and on his tolerance for repetition. If you and I differ with respect to what constitutes a reasonable standard for the so-called typical player, then that's an irreconcilable subjective disagreement. It's not a willful disregard for reason or logic on one side or the other. No biggie.

    That said, if you feel your particular playstyle preference is getting an undue penalty in the upcoming patch -- and hey, maybe your playstyle is more representative than mine -- then you're certainly entitled to voice your concern. I certainly can't tell you you're playing the game wrong, or that you should shut up about any potential problems that you foresee.

    All I can tell you is that in my experience as a fairly casual player (not casual vis-a-vis interest or build performance, but casual with respect to my playtime), I don't foresee losing much, if any, average earning potential. My prediction is based on what I've seen on the AH on the Beholder server: on average, the items I sell from (non-CN) T2 DD chests aren't worth any more than the Salvager will give me. The most valuable items I pick up on a regular basis are Enchantment shards, and as far as I know they won't be bound-on-pickup in Module One.

    I agree with you,i am not saying everyone plays game like me or with a certain way.
    But same goes to other people that replied.

    About foundries in group, i tend to disagree MMO games are multiplayer ppl play because they can pt with other players but nvm that.

    What i try to explain,is that with the changes you have less options to sell stuff.

    Same player before changes can potentially gain more AD, compared to after.

    You dont have to log in and do the dailies everyday.

    Here's a simplier example.

    Lets say during a month time you can log in 10 days and can only afford to do 1 raid per day and some days few pvp.

    The purple item from the DD will be most times sth <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> that u would make abit more from salvage,but if sth good drops u can sell it on AH and make AD more than what the salvage for the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> from all the raids u sold^^.
    Also from the pvp stuff and drake seal stuff u would have accumulated would be a nice extra income.

    what i try explain is that same player doing same stuff b4 and after will make more AD now than after...

    its not being about farmer or not it is about having extra options.
    It will take the average player (even someone that can only 1 raid per day) way much more time to gain AD,and if you not really into raids you practically wont make any AD...
  • guille23mxguille23mx Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    These changes are obviously for cryptic convenience....and cryptic....why instead of destroying the economy...why don't you adress the real problem that is the ridicuosly amount of adds in each and every boss fight?...[/b]
    wait...before you reply....it is because you need people to outgear themself 1st buying zen/ad through your cash shop and then ...and only then will be able to pug decently...
  • youswallowyouswallow Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    i dont get the it how is BoP and selecting ur choice of t1/t2 gonna drive the market ??? why would any1 buy anything if they can PICK wat they get from DD chest ,really why buy weaver or avatar from AH when all u have to do is pick it from the dd chest ?? where is the logic in this ??? well this will make or break the game we'll see in the next few weeks

    oh and i just wanted to say 2 million subbers huh......BS......how many gold spammers are created daily ??? u dont want to see my ignore list thx for reading
  • zalcszalcs Banned Users Posts: 345 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    If the DD chests will be bound, how are we gonna make money now...? (without buying it with real money of course......), 6k AD a day for doing Neverember's chore isn't really rewarding. Just can't shake off the feeling that this is just a plan to swindle us even more. Basically, you're turning this game into a chore for legit players who don't wanna spend real cash, and it's just frustrating cause i wanna like this game :/
  • kouroumbelokouroumbelo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    zalcs wrote: »
    If the DD chests will be bound, how are we gonna make money now...? (without buying it with real money of course......), 6k AD a day for doing Neverember's chore isn't really rewarding. Just can't shake off the feeling that this is just a plan to swindle us even more. Basically, you're turning this game into a chore for legit players who don't wanna spend real cash, and it's just frustrating cause i wanna like this game :/

    its ok man u can still sell some drake seal stuff for extra AD....oh wait you cant
    you can still sell some t1 pvp for some extra AD....oh wait you cant
    you can still sell GG stuff for some nice chunk of AD....oh wait you cant

    but its ok each trash item from DD box will now sell 2k more rough AD on salvage this will make up for the above and the BOP dd box items....oh wait mb it wont.

    So just buy more zen in the end ).
  • usernumber999usernumber999 Member Posts: 135 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    Don't worry guys, I'm sure someone will come along shortly and tell us once again how we will all be making more AD under the new system.

    played every day since open beta... usual profit per day before patch - 150k average (conservative)

    Today, ran DD... chest yield: 2 , 3k salvage belts.
    Did the new content... 15 mins.
    ran the new skirmish for an hour (zzzzzzz)
    clicked profession buttons.
    hit AD cap on toon,
    logged off, no point in playing longer

    profit for day: 24k....

    Today was the first time i have ever logged off before i had to... there was just no point in playing longer.
    Now, i am debating whether i will log in tomorrow.

    Very sad the direction this game has gone, really enjoyed playing it.
  • stevebobbstevebobb Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 47
    edited August 2013
    Today was the first time i have ever logged off before i had to... there was just no point in playing longer.
    Now, i am debating whether i will log in tomorrow.

    Very sad the direction this game has gone, really enjoyed playing it.


    downloaded DDO online free to play and am enjoying that, and from the little I've seen I'm seriously thinking of spending money on it. As opposed to this train wreck of a game which will never get a dime.
  • ranncoreranncore Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 2,508
    edited August 2013
    its ok man u can still sell some drake seal stuff for extra AD....oh wait you cant
    you can still sell some t1 pvp for some extra AD....oh wait you cant
    you can still sell GG stuff for some nice chunk of AD....oh wait you cant

    but its ok each trash item from DD box will now sell 2k more rough AD on salvage this will make up for the above and the BOP dd box items....oh wait mb it wont.

    So just buy more zen in the end ).

    oh wait you can... salvager pays far more than AH ever did.
    oh wait you can... salvager pays far more than AH ever did.
    oh wait, the only reason GG gear was so high is because no one bothers to do it.

    but it's okay each unbound version of the gear that drops from bosses, that you can get any time you run it, not just from DD chest, will skyrocket in price.

    there's a lot wrong with this game but this change is just not one of those things.
  • derpaderpistderpaderpist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I did the first FotF quest and ran around the town for 5 minutes yesterday and logged out , then I went to play Hearthstone .
    " We live in an age of the cheaply made, disposable, high priced junk. " - theunwarshed
  • frishterfrishter Member Posts: 3,522 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    ranncore wrote: »
    oh wait you can... salvager pays far more than AH ever did.
    oh wait you can... salvager pays far more than AH ever did.
    oh wait, the only reason GG gear was so high is because no one bothers to do it.

    but it's okay each unbound version of the gear that drops from bosses, that you can get any time you run it, not just from DD chest, will skyrocket in price.

    there's a lot wrong with this game but this change is just not one of those things.

    You're missing that you're given rough AD instead of refined. Personally I'm not against the changes so far. Disappointed at the gg gear being bound though. I might be able to get better sets now, or just try and get feywild sets. I'll need to weigh it all up on all of my characters. I currently have gg gear on 4 of my characters and t1 pvp gear for my gwf since i don't like the set bonus on the gg one, which was enough for me to do CN for my cleric before the nerf for my first time. We did have a good rogue and exploited our way though.
  • orlicelorlicel Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Today I run few Master of Hunt skirmishes (on a live shard) and I looted some new types of shards from reward chest, but there were bound. What is the point of bound shards? Please make it seleable.
  • warhorse1966warhorse1966 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I would love it so that we can salvage anything and get some of the original crafting components back instead of AD's
  • krisst0fkrisst0f Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I would love it so that we can salvage anything and get some of the original crafting components back instead of AD's

    Don't waste your time... any good suggestions on how to make the game better are dutifully ignored by all devs and Cryptic management...
  • dante123pldante123pl Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 282 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    krisst0f wrote: »
    Don't waste your time... any good suggestions on how to make the game better are dutifully ignored by all devs and Cryptic management...
    nuff said.
  • lordrelentlesslordrelentless Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 33
    edited September 2013
    Salvage a waste of time: The biggest problem with the salvage system is that it only allows you to salvage purple (super rare) epic level gear. Many blue items that state in the description "salvageable" aren't salvageable. Not only that but the salvage only offers 3000 or so astral diamonds for things that in game cost 4 times that to get from ingame sellers and 10 times that on the exchange. It is, by and large, a ripoff.
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