Agree with this. Grandfather the existing sets like you did with the "Antiquated Knight Captain's" set when it was broken. Either that or slightly debuff Stalwarts and make it the T2 and Grand Regents the T1.
They already did it with Stalwart Bulwark gear that was lvl38 and wouldnt match with the lvl60 version. So just replace the set altogether with a newly named set. Either dont change the existing Stalwart set and retire it OR reduce it to say 3 stacks. But DONT PI$$ around with what people have paid good time or money to invest in!!
If one class is based on one particular set, then you should know it would be nerfed to the grownd or reworked. Its the same as Shadow Weaver set in the past that gives way more crit severity than supposed to, which lead to abusive overpriced set pieced on AH and people getting tons of AD out of a broken set /yes the set is T2 but a price worth 10x more than the other T2 set is abusive/. When you see a T1 set with such a high value, you know something will be done to nerf it sooner or later. So that means you cant rely and build your char around 1 set. Cryptic did a good job of finally fixing this mistake. If people leave, then its their fault not cryptics.
I think the main point is getting overlooked. The set rework is moot. The truth is that anyone who used the armor now stands to lose alot of money and resources they have accumulated over time. The fact is, its not a nerf on a set of items, rather a brutal tax on a player pool who used it. Taking money, taking time. And giving nothing back except lame reasons and excuses. This targets players.... not the actual item. ... and that gentlemen is disgraceful in every way.
Forget the changes, this is OP that isnt... pfft.. irreverent.
Players are having alot, a whole of time and money taken away. Thats the issue, and its unacceptable.
ranncoreMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2,508
edited August 2013
I think the High General set has always been better anyways. It's highly underrated. If your GF can get to 20% crit chance it's easy to effectively maintain 100% combat uptime with High General bonus - which simply can't be done with Stalwart. Not to mention how insanely powerful Crit Severity is, especially with every other class critting on just about every other hit. The only thing Stalwart really ever had going for it over High General is that it makes you look better on the meter.
I think the High General set has always been better anyways. It's highly underrated. If your GF can get to 20% crit chance it's easy to effectively maintain 100% combat uptime with High General bonus - which simply can't be done with Stalwart. Not to mention how insanely powerful Crit Severity is, especially with every other class critting on just about every other hit. The only thing Stalwart really ever had going for it over High General is that it makes you look better on the meter.
timeless is the 2nd best set after stalwart, after the update it wll be the first and only option you can currently see that in the AH prizes they changed , a couple of days ago you would need only 700k to get a full timeless set, now is reaching almost 2M, high general is good, but you lose power and crit, also for all DPS builds timeless will be the option and most GF are DPS.
Everything works out in the end . If it hasn't worked out yet, it isn't the end...
sirjestoMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 176Bounty Hunter
timeless is the 2nd best set after stalwart, after the update it wll be the first and only option you can currently see that in the AH prizes they changed , a couple of days ago you would need only 700k to get a full timeless set, now is reaching almost 2M, high general is good, but you lose power and crit, also for all DPS builds timeless will be the option and most GF are DPS.
I'm not so sure about this.... I'm working on an alternate build. Will post in the future.
-The Dragon @ Mindflayer Server
kolbe11Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2013
They make some of these changes as stated, they are risking not only the loss of customers, but potential lawsuit.
This isn't a beta and many American states as well as EU members, there are laws to protect consumers against such things. This is, for all intensive purposes, changing the product in such a way that it is no longer what people paid for. Proving that people paid real money for these items in order to establish negligence is easily traceable and can constitute not only a chargeback (as described in Section 17. Fees of PWE's ToS), but as a potential lawsuit requesting a full refund.
They should be nerfing the effects, not trying to rewrite the damned thing.
"It is said that idle hands are the Devil's tools: Idle geek hands, however, came up with gunpowder, nuclear weapons, and toilet plungers." -Illiad
They make some of these changes as stated, they are risking not only the loss of customers, but potential lawsuit.
This isn't a beta and many American states as well as EU members, there are laws to protect consumers against such things. This is, for all intensive purposes, changing the product in such a way that it is no longer what people paid for. Proving that people paid real money for these items in order to establish negligence is easily traceable and can constitute not only a chargeback (as described in Section 17. Fees of PWE's ToS), but as a potential lawsuit requesting a full refund.
They should be nerfing the effects, not trying to rewrite the damned thing.
Finally someone whi actually knows whats in the TOS not just randomly saying "blah blah read the ToS"
They make some of these changes as stated, they are risking not only the loss of customers, but potential lawsuit.
This isn't a beta and many American states as well as EU members, there are laws to protect consumers against such things. This is, for all intensive purposes, changing the product in such a way that it is no longer what people paid for. Proving that people paid real money for these items in order to establish negligence is easily traceable and can constitute not only a chargeback (as described in Section 17. Fees of PWE's ToS), but as a potential lawsuit requesting a full refund.
They should be nerfing the effects, not trying to rewrite the damned thing.
Please let such posts. It's only stupid thing what you write. A software can change in any way from the developer if he decide it! You DON'T BUY a Software, you rent it by buying a license for it! So don't post any paragraph of law, because it doesn't matter. If you pay for something - you get it. No more or less. Do you pay real money for stalwart set? NO! You pay real money for enhancement? NO! You pay for a pack - hero of the north for example -, zen or other special things and you GET it! What you make with it doesn't interest, because PW do its part. So it doesn't interest if you trade your zen for ad to buy anything else. That's not part of the contract you make by buying a pack/zen.
for one its not op we doe aoe mass damage like a wizard second its mainly for health purposes too tank since we only do a max of like 400 more damage noit nothing compaired too other classes or what a gf should be in dungeons and dragons so get over it its called a negative return so u get nothing really after 3k and if they nerf it i will file a law suite against this company and refund my money and time invested into it. nerfing will crash this game this isnt beta now you got crying little kids who dont complain too win dungeons and lose in pvp not because op or hackers because they stink and anything they get done or buy they still will stink in the end
I think the High General set has always been better anyways. It's highly underrated. If your GF can get to 20% crit chance it's easy to effectively maintain 100% combat uptime with High General bonus - which simply can't be done with Stalwart. Not to mention how insanely powerful Crit Severity is, especially with every other class critting on just about every other hit. The only thing Stalwart really ever had going for it over High General is that it makes you look better on the meter.
That's the set i have on my GF. Thought i shouldn't care about my own dps and just buff others instead, but buffing others isn't good for many people's ego. They want to be the hero and be #1 damage.
Seems fair rework.
Instead of stacking with defensive stats (HP) they made the bonus flat. 9000 -> 5000 power isnt devastating change (200 damage*25) epecially when OFFENSIVE sets of other classes gives 1300 power top.
Please let such posts. It's only stupid thing what you write. A software can change in any way from the developer if he decide it! You DON'T BUY a Software, you rent it by buying a license for it! So don't post any paragraph of law, because it doesn't matter. If you pay for something - you get it. No more or less. Do you pay real money for stalwart set? NO! You pay real money for enhancement? NO! You pay for a pack - hero of the north for example -, zen or other special things and you GET it! What you make with it doesn't interest, because PW do its part. So it doesn't interest if you trade your zen for ad to buy anything else. That's not part of the contract you make by buying a pack/zen.
But he's right, most of the ToS are illegal in my country, and in Europe. Signing an illegal contract doesn't make it valid either. It's just that a lawyer is more expensive than an in-game item.
Honestly I think the Stalwart Bulwark Set was way overpowered and needed a hefty change.
You didn't nerf stalwart set, you created a totally different set with the same name. The mechanics by which the toon works with this new set are totally different and so my toon and play style are completely destroyed. Someone will change into timeless set build, but it is another thing, another mechanic.
Honestly, I think it is too late for doing this. I spent a lot of time and AD to build a tank around stalwart set. Now you destroy everything, after 3 months. It is unfair and unjust. I spent a lot of time to drop the first three pieces when I was just 60 and also t1 dungeons was difficult for me. I spent 1 month to drop the helm (I was very unlucky with drops, I gained dragon slayer title only killing mad dragon!!) and... that was the period when you changed the minimum required level for GF sets and my set was broken!! I waited a lot of time for a fix that never came and at the end i spent all my AD to buy the "new" set in AH. Now I finally completed all my gear and you change everything again!?
It is unjust! I spent time, AD, I sold everything to gain AD for enchants, also the other set, and now you nullify all my efforts.
What can i do now? I can't restart from zero, above all because you changed my set 2 times and i'm sure you will change it again. Now eveyone will change to timeless hero and you will say: "oh! everyone with timeless... let's change it!"
I feel like you stole my time, my money, betrayed my trust. A lot of time I thought: "I shouldn't play so much, I should do this, do that... but i like this game, it's funny and so on..." Ok, now I know I am a fool: I shouldn't play at all. It is my first f2p... now i know how they are: patch after patch I see you are implementing eat money mechanicals instead of trying to create a good game.
I was happy about incoming new campaign system, i think it is very good, but now I don't see a reason to play. We know that we can't decide a goal because you devps are always ready to destroy our intentions. I saw a lot of peole already at end game and i couldn't explain how they did, but i didn't care, I simply said to mayself to be patient, that step by step I will reach end game. So I made plans, I sold items I didn't need, play some dungeons instead of others and now everything is ruined. Why I should play more? Restart from zero!?
It's time to quit this game. I can play other games with other people more honest and less traitors. And, of course, I will discourage everyone I know to play any cryptic game, not for revenge or other or some other stupid reason, simply to give a good advice.
There are still three days to August 22, you can still stop this suicide.
Seems fair rework.
Instead of stacking with defensive stats (HP) they made the bonus flat. 9000 -> 5000 power isnt devastating change (200 damage*25) epecially when OFFENSIVE sets of other classes gives 1300 power top.
This is wrong. 10 stack!? Impossibile, shield is broken after 3-4 hits (2 in pvp). And your comparison fails: i have a rogue level 11 with some slot still empty and it deal more damage than my gf full stalwart 11.8k gear score.
I made some tests: with a single normal zombie that hit me 1 time every second or second and hald, i can stack max 7 before my shield is broken... so new stalwart is the worse trash ever seen. If i want my set works, to kill a zombie it take 10 seconds lol (half second for a rogue).
And with 7 stack i deal substantially the same damage. The difference is too low to be inexistent.
This is wrong. 10 stack!? Impossibile, shield is broken after 3-4 hits (2 in pvp). And your comparison fails: i have a rogue level 11 with some slot still empty and it deal more damage than my gf full stalwart 11.8k gear score.
Please don't write such lie again! The mechanic of block make it impossible to break under 5 incs. Doesn't matter how hard the impact is after hard cap. The attack can maximal consume 18% of block so it need ~5,5 attacks over hardcap that the shield break.
The shield benefit from mitigation so the hardcap is easier avoidable. If you don't trust, see a crit over 20k from TR income in your shield and it don't drain it over 18% of your guard.
Please don't write such lie again! The mechanic of block make it impossible to break under 5 incs. Doesn't matter how hard the impact is after hard cap. The attack can maximal consume 18% of block so it need ~5,5 attacks over hardcap that the shield break.
The shield benefit from mitigation so the hardcap is easier avoidable. If you don't trust, see a crit over 20k from TR income in your shield and it don't drain it over 18% of your guard.
Who the hell would use any encounters on blocking GF anyway?! At-wills are used to break the shield and you need well... about 10+ casts to break it. 6 is the worst possible scenario, and even if - the enemy wasted all his encouters and is completely defenceless.
again that will make in any case the reckless attacker feat useless. since you will be losing guard meter, so again the bonues becomes a joke, i am currently testing all sets and still i think timeless will continue to bring the most DPS but we will lose tankiness
Everything works out in the end . If it hasn't worked out yet, it isn't the end...
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
Seems fair rework.
Instead of stacking with defensive stats (HP) they made the bonus flat. 9000 -> 5000 power isnt devastating change (200 damage*25) epecially when OFFENSIVE sets of other classes gives 1300 power top.
The issue is that it only takes one swing to lose all of the stacks. It's actually a bit more damage if you get 10 stacks. Heck it might even be more if you get 6 stacks. Problem is if it all goes away in a single hit it's still not worth it.
That coupled with the fact Conquerors are rewarded for not using their shield (bonus power based on remaining block meter) would make this set which was mainly used by Conquerors trash to them.
You didn't nerf stalwart set, you created a totally different set with the same name.
I didn't do anything. I am a player who equally thinks this was an over-nerf. But I honestly don't believe there is a way to fully adapt the old set bonus, make it balanced and have Stalwart Bulwark users happy.
I put up a bunch of math here to show just how overpowered this set is even with a hefty nerf. To be honest the very best benefit the old set effect can do without being overpowered based on that data in my opinion is 7% and that's pushing it. It really might be better to change the bonus. Because that's the numbers we are dealing with.
This set was broken overpowered. And when you can easily reach 30K Hp without trying and players who stacked it like DKCandy reached 38K HP even small amounts such as 5% bonus can easily exceed the benefits from any other set effects.
in any case i think the overwork was to much, even if you mention 5% will be a lot of bonus, yes but to reach 38k hp you sacrifice a lot more and you will not see to much benefit with this set since 38k hp are tankers, dps reach exactly 30k or so following roku build, so the bonuw i fact generate a lot more power and dps than any of the t2 set available. however as you mention i think this need ot be reworked to be less powerfull than regent, regent is the t2 set that should replace stalwart based on defensive stats, however regent set bonus do not produce the amount of DPS that you can have with timeless on the same matter.
currently this is like stalwart >=timeless, after the patch will be timeless > regent, cause you lose 5% - 7% mitigation of using timeless vs regent and produce almost 10-15% more damage (pretty much similar to what you currently produce with stalwart)
again defense will at some point reach dimishing returns and basically you will have an extra stats that do nothing, yes you will increase your Power but again not enough to match the bonus from stalwart or the extra damage/power from timeless, again i am testing it currently as well and will see if it is a viable option for hybid builds changing a couple of details
Everything works out in the end . If it hasn't worked out yet, it isn't the end...
prophaelMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 8Arc User
Its the same as Shadow Weaver set in the past that gives way more crit severity than supposed to, which lead to abusive overpriced set pieced on AH and people getting tons of AD out of a broken set /yes the set is T2 but a price worth 10x more than the other T2 set is abusive/.
The difference is that this set is working as intended. There is no bug. There is no tool-tip problem. It does what is says it's supposed to do. Sure, it never should have been introduced and it certainly shouldn't have made it live, but here we are. It's not being nerfed; it's being totally changed. At LEAST grandfather the currently bound ones with at LEAST some of the current effect in tact. Otherwise, at LEAST automatically unbind all enchants for free. Still unworkable? how about making the newly introduced set from the new zone at least SOMEWHAT useful so we have a new carrot to chase.
sirjestoMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 176Bounty Hunter
The difference is that this set is working as intended. There is no bug. There is no tool-tip problem. It does what is says it's supposed to do. Sure, it never should have been introduced and it certainly shouldn't have made it live, but here we are. It's not being nerfed; it's being totally changed. At LEAST grandfather the currently bound ones with at LEAST some of the current effect in tact. Otherwise, at LEAST automatically unbind all enchants for free. Still unworkable? how about making the newly introduced set from the new zone at least SOMEWHAT useful so we have a new carrot to chase.
well, My GF will probably now be benched... like my GWF... all those PvP whiners have won again... and those TR's that cry that the Tank can dish out more damage then them in PvE, (and that's only because they're under geared/or dont know how to play them) this is a big disappointment. soon this game will only consist of two maybe three classes TR-CW-DC's. nothing else is needed anymore. and if it is, well, then it Must be nerfed. I might as well start a Rogue, LIKE EVERYONE ELSE... what's the ratio now anyway TR is the most heavily over played class in the game.
this is a really easy fix guys... dont F*** over the set by swinging the nerf bat till it breaks, reduce the set bonus power to 2% or 3%... is that so hard? I'm sure someone at the thinking table may have said it. So many GF's have invested money and AD into that set. this isnt something as easy to just let go as the Rogue daily changes... that only costs a respec token... this is a full set that many people have invested too much time and money into getting.
I am Protesting this remake! Nerf it, don't remake it! stop listening to all those crybabies who get owned in PvP, they wanted to play the Skwishy class, they wanted to shred people with there Perma stealth.
The other big problem with this, is KC... I mean come on, Knight's challenge for those of you who don't know, if your targeted by a small red laser, you've been KC'd that means YOU and Your opponent do 100% more damage to each other and half damage to everyone else. You should be changing KC not stalwart. the more damage a Tank does the more threat we generate, so PvE is massively going to be effected by this for people who are used to running with a tank who can hold all the aggro.
If this change goes through, I want my Money back from when I purchased this doomed set, and then I'll think twice about investing in ANYTHING to do with this game again... I'm glad I haven't purchased the FoF pack yet...
your taking the "clothes" of my GF's back... I'd at least like a card board box to keep him warm in while he collects dust.
in any case i think the overwork was to much, even if you mention 5% will be a lot of bonus, yes but to reach 38k hp you sacrifice a lot more
The point of OPness you had to sacrifice NO surviability to gain top-most damage. It should have been changed it to stack with current power in same manner.
dwaindiibleyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 15Arc User
The issue is that it only takes one swing to lose all of the stacks. It's actually a bit more damage if you get 10 stacks. Heck it might even be more if you get 6 stacks. Problem is if it all goes away in a single hit it's still not worth it.
That coupled with the fact Conquerors are rewarded for not using their shield (bonus power based on remaining block meter) would make this set which was mainly used by Conquerors trash to them.
I didn't do anything. I am a player who equally thinks this was an over-nerf. But I honestly don't believe there is a way to fully adapt the old set bonus, make it balanced and have Stalwart Bulwark users happy.
There is one way. As you say this set is used by many in the Conqueror build to try to achieve some damage which lets face it is sadly lacking in the GF without the Stalwart set.
SO one solution is give GF's a damage set. Keep the Stalwart bonus (or reduce it to say 3 stacks) but put a caveat on the bonus e.g. you have half the value of your guard meter (talking value not % to avoid losing the conqueror bonus) OR for every stack gained you lose 10% of your defence. So this way it offsets the tanking with damage. Rename the set Knight's Retribution or Vengeful Warrior.
the problem is that people will continue to be considered OP with timeless, i reached 9k power with timeless, have more regeneration and more crit yes i lose some defense and deflect but overall just lose 4% mitigation, so timeless will be the next OP set that will get a nerf probably since they are going to say that GF are op
once i create my reinforced gaulets plus enchant in armor i think i also will reach 16k GS. so another nerf will probably come for another set that has being around since beta with no change or message to change it whatsoever.
Everything works out in the end . If it hasn't worked out yet, it isn't the end...
Move Grand Regent Set to T1 and move Stalwart to T2 sets. Problem solved.
Oh wait concept sooo hard to understand!
Also, there are a lot of work arounds to this and it's still possible to reach the Stalwart 4 piece set bonus as a permanent stat. It just requires a lot more AD. What's the point of increasing other stats when you hit the softcap anyways.
kantazo1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2013
The devs already have shown they don't care about what we said, so save your breath, is not going to change unless people stop spending money and as long there are pink unicorns jumping around there are going to be players who will spend their money in buying that fluff.
Seek and ye shall find. Yeshua
greeniewolf0Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 83
But understand that is a Tier 1 Set which was without any shadow of a doubt better than the Tier 2 Sets. I bet if Grand Regent and Stalwart Bulwark were reversed from the start the change wouldn't have occurred to begin with but that fact that a Tier 1 item set was so much more visibly powerful than any other set by such a large gap can't be solved by simply increasing the other gear.
Tier 1 and Tier 2 have pretty strict definitions. Tier 1 have 4557 points to work with and Tier 2 have 5027 for Guardian Fighters.
If we pretend you have a really low HP Value of 20K, 5% of that is 1K. My Grand Regent only generates 800 Additional Power and a single swing from Stalwart Bulwark is better than the benefit from my Tier 2 set which is supposed to grant power. That can't be balanced by increasing the other sets. The set was just blatantly far too strong.
I'm with you guys that it's too weak now. Far, far too weak. But to pretend this nerf wasn't a long time coming is simply turning a blind eye to the reality of the Stalwart Bulwark set. It wasn't used by "90% of the Guardian Fighters" as the original poster stated because it was slightly better. It was used by 90% of the posters because it was blatantly better in every way.
So why not simply have redefined it as a t2 set and tweak the points to bring it in line with the others? would have seemed the more logical fix to me.
greeniewolf0Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 83
They already did it with Stalwart Bulwark gear that was lvl38 and wouldnt match with the lvl60 version. So just replace the set altogether with a newly named set. Either dont change the existing Stalwart set and retire it OR reduce it to say 3 stacks. But DONT PI$$ around with what people have paid good time or money to invest in!!
Deal with it and find another way around it.
Forget the changes, this is OP that isnt... pfft.. irreverent.
Players are having alot, a whole of time and money taken away. Thats the issue, and its unacceptable.
timeless is the 2nd best set after stalwart, after the update it wll be the first and only option you can currently see that in the AH prizes they changed , a couple of days ago you would need only 700k to get a full timeless set, now is reaching almost 2M, high general is good, but you lose power and crit, also for all DPS builds timeless will be the option and most GF are DPS.
I'm not so sure about this.... I'm working on an alternate build. Will post in the future.
-The Dragon @ Mindflayer Server
This isn't a beta and many American states as well as EU members, there are laws to protect consumers against such things. This is, for all intensive purposes, changing the product in such a way that it is no longer what people paid for. Proving that people paid real money for these items in order to establish negligence is easily traceable and can constitute not only a chargeback (as described in Section 17. Fees of PWE's ToS), but as a potential lawsuit requesting a full refund.
They should be nerfing the effects, not trying to rewrite the damned thing.
Please let such posts. It's only stupid thing what you write. A software can change in any way from the developer if he decide it! You DON'T BUY a Software, you rent it by buying a license for it! So don't post any paragraph of law, because it doesn't matter. If you pay for something - you get it. No more or less. Do you pay real money for stalwart set? NO! You pay real money for enhancement? NO! You pay for a pack - hero of the north for example -, zen or other special things and you GET it! What you make with it doesn't interest, because PW do its part. So it doesn't interest if you trade your zen for ad to buy anything else. That's not part of the contract you make by buying a pack/zen.
That's the set i have on my GF. Thought i shouldn't care about my own dps and just buff others instead, but buffing others isn't good for many people's ego. They want to be the hero and be #1 damage.
Instead of stacking with defensive stats (HP) they made the bonus flat.
9000 -> 5000 power isnt devastating change (200 damage*25) epecially when OFFENSIVE sets of other classes gives 1300 power top.
But he's right, most of the ToS are illegal in my country, and in Europe. Signing an illegal contract doesn't make it valid either. It's just that a lawyer is more expensive than an in-game item.
You didn't nerf stalwart set, you created a totally different set with the same name. The mechanics by which the toon works with this new set are totally different and so my toon and play style are completely destroyed. Someone will change into timeless set build, but it is another thing, another mechanic.
Honestly, I think it is too late for doing this. I spent a lot of time and AD to build a tank around stalwart set. Now you destroy everything, after 3 months. It is unfair and unjust. I spent a lot of time to drop the first three pieces when I was just 60 and also t1 dungeons was difficult for me. I spent 1 month to drop the helm (I was very unlucky with drops, I gained dragon slayer title only killing mad dragon!!) and... that was the period when you changed the minimum required level for GF sets and my set was broken!! I waited a lot of time for a fix that never came and at the end i spent all my AD to buy the "new" set in AH. Now I finally completed all my gear and you change everything again!?
It is unjust! I spent time, AD, I sold everything to gain AD for enchants, also the other set, and now you nullify all my efforts.
What can i do now? I can't restart from zero, above all because you changed my set 2 times and i'm sure you will change it again. Now eveyone will change to timeless hero and you will say: "oh! everyone with timeless... let's change it!"
I feel like you stole my time, my money, betrayed my trust. A lot of time I thought: "I shouldn't play so much, I should do this, do that... but i like this game, it's funny and so on..." Ok, now I know I am a fool: I shouldn't play at all. It is my first f2p... now i know how they are: patch after patch I see you are implementing eat money mechanicals instead of trying to create a good game.
I was happy about incoming new campaign system, i think it is very good, but now I don't see a reason to play. We know that we can't decide a goal because you devps are always ready to destroy our intentions. I saw a lot of peole already at end game and i couldn't explain how they did, but i didn't care, I simply said to mayself to be patient, that step by step I will reach end game. So I made plans, I sold items I didn't need, play some dungeons instead of others and now everything is ruined. Why I should play more? Restart from zero!?
It's time to quit this game. I can play other games with other people more honest and less traitors. And, of course, I will discourage everyone I know to play any cryptic game, not for revenge or other or some other stupid reason, simply to give a good advice.
There are still three days to August 22, you can still stop this suicide.
This is wrong. 10 stack!? Impossibile, shield is broken after 3-4 hits (2 in pvp). And your comparison fails: i have a rogue level 11 with some slot still empty and it deal more damage than my gf full stalwart 11.8k gear score.
I made some tests: with a single normal zombie that hit me 1 time every second or second and hald, i can stack max 7 before my shield is broken... so new stalwart is the worse trash ever seen. If i want my set works, to kill a zombie it take 10 seconds lol (half second for a rogue).
And with 7 stack i deal substantially the same damage. The difference is too low to be inexistent.
Please don't write such lie again! The mechanic of block make it impossible to break under 5 incs. Doesn't matter how hard the impact is after hard cap. The attack can maximal consume 18% of block so it need ~5,5 attacks over hardcap that the shield break.
The shield benefit from mitigation so the hardcap is easier avoidable. If you don't trust, see a crit over 20k from TR income in your shield and it don't drain it over 18% of your guard.
Who the hell would use any encounters on blocking GF anyway?!
The issue is that it only takes one swing to lose all of the stacks. It's actually a bit more damage if you get 10 stacks. Heck it might even be more if you get 6 stacks. Problem is if it all goes away in a single hit it's still not worth it.
That coupled with the fact Conquerors are rewarded for not using their shield (bonus power based on remaining block meter) would make this set which was mainly used by Conquerors trash to them.
I didn't do anything. I am a player who equally thinks this was an over-nerf. But I honestly don't believe there is a way to fully adapt the old set bonus, make it balanced and have Stalwart Bulwark users happy.
I put up a bunch of math here to show just how overpowered this set is even with a hefty nerf. To be honest the very best benefit the old set effect can do without being overpowered based on that data in my opinion is 7% and that's pushing it. It really might be better to change the bonus. Because that's the numbers we are dealing with.
This set was broken overpowered. And when you can easily reach 30K Hp without trying and players who stacked it like DKCandy reached 38K HP even small amounts such as 5% bonus can easily exceed the benefits from any other set effects.
currently this is like stalwart >=timeless, after the patch will be timeless > regent, cause you lose 5% - 7% mitigation of using timeless vs regent and produce almost 10-15% more damage (pretty much similar to what you currently produce with stalwart)
again defense will at some point reach dimishing returns and basically you will have an extra stats that do nothing, yes you will increase your Power but again not enough to match the bonus from stalwart or the extra damage/power from timeless, again i am testing it currently as well and will see if it is a viable option for hybid builds changing a couple of details
The difference is that this set is working as intended. There is no bug. There is no tool-tip problem. It does what is says it's supposed to do. Sure, it never should have been introduced and it certainly shouldn't have made it live, but here we are. It's not being nerfed; it's being totally changed. At LEAST grandfather the currently bound ones with at LEAST some of the current effect in tact. Otherwise, at LEAST automatically unbind all enchants for free. Still unworkable? how about making the newly introduced set from the new zone at least SOMEWHAT useful so we have a new carrot to chase.
Where can I find info on the new set BTW?
this is a really easy fix guys... dont F*** over the set by swinging the nerf bat till it breaks, reduce the set bonus power to 2% or 3%... is that so hard? I'm sure someone at the thinking table may have said it. So many GF's have invested money and AD into that set. this isnt something as easy to just let go as the Rogue daily changes... that only costs a respec token... this is a full set that many people have invested too much time and money into getting.
I am Protesting this remake! Nerf it, don't remake it! stop listening to all those crybabies who get owned in PvP, they wanted to play the Skwishy class, they wanted to shred people with there Perma stealth.
The other big problem with this, is KC... I mean come on, Knight's challenge for those of you who don't know, if your targeted by a small red laser, you've been KC'd that means YOU and Your opponent do 100% more damage to each other and half damage to everyone else. You should be changing KC not stalwart. the more damage a Tank does the more threat we generate, so PvE is massively going to be effected by this for people who are used to running with a tank who can hold all the aggro.
If this change goes through, I want my Money back from when I purchased this doomed set, and then I'll think twice about investing in ANYTHING to do with this game again... I'm glad I haven't purchased the FoF pack yet...
your taking the "clothes" of my GF's back... I'd at least like a card board box to keep him warm in while he collects dust.
The point of OPness you had to sacrifice NO surviability to gain top-most damage. It should have been changed it to stack with current power in same manner.
There is one way. As you say this set is used by many in the Conqueror build to try to achieve some damage which lets face it is sadly lacking in the GF without the Stalwart set.
SO one solution is give GF's a damage set. Keep the Stalwart bonus (or reduce it to say 3 stacks) but put a caveat on the bonus e.g. you have half the value of your guard meter (talking value not % to avoid losing the conqueror bonus) OR for every stack gained you lose 10% of your defence. So this way it offsets the tanking with damage. Rename the set Knight's Retribution or Vengeful Warrior.
once i create my reinforced gaulets plus enchant in armor i think i also will reach 16k GS. so another nerf will probably come for another set that has being around since beta with no change or message to change it whatsoever.
Oh wait concept sooo hard to understand!
Also, there are a lot of work arounds to this and it's still possible to reach the Stalwart 4 piece set bonus as a permanent stat. It just requires a lot more AD. What's the point of increasing other stats when you hit the softcap anyways.
So why not simply have redefined it as a t2 set and tweak the points to bring it in line with the others? would have seemed the more logical fix to me.