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[HD Video] Heimdall - Sentinel GWF 36k HP 1200 Regen 7 GTE



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    nightfer01nightfer01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 133 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    The bashing started after I expressed my oppenion on the video. If you cant take any criticism, dont post your self-made videos here. Not worth commenting the video in youtube. People enjoy watching real action not 3 people hitting someone and cant kill him for 2 mins.

    Lantis, its being said in multiple threads how much you and your guild exploited. No need to make yourself cool here. Move along. You are not interesting anymore.
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    llantissllantiss Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    nightfer01 wrote: »
    The bashing started after I expressed my oppenion on the video. If you cant take any criticism, dont post your self-made videos here. Not worth commenting the video in youtube. People enjoy watching real action not 3 people hitting someone and cant kill him for 2 mins.

    Lantis, its being said in multiple threads how much you and your guild exploited. No need to make yourself cool here. Move along. You are not interesting anymore.

    I'm sure anyone who posts a video expects some sort of criticism, but coming from a low skilled CW like yourself, I completely understand why he's refusing to accept it, you see, you are so confident you know everything there is to know about this game that you allow yourself to trash talk freely, when you dont even play the game. I unlike you, have proved my worth and took any challenge thrown my way, its all documented through streams, I've seen builds evolve and know that there is fair amount of balance involved when both sides are equally geared and equally skilled.

    and who are you? can't seem to remember you, I guess it's not even worth finding out, you're just another sheep who throws the word "exploit" to defend themselves.
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    nightfer01nightfer01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 133 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    It doesnt matter who I am. I played against you a few times and I can say you are nothing special like your friends from Lemonade Stand. So called No1 in dragon shard being beaten up by another group of people. Ok I get it :D Changeing the name of your guild multiple times just to hide yourselves. Funny. Not worth even answering you. Your ego is nothing when you use real money to get early advantage on other players.

    I guess I have nothing to do here anymore. Seems trolling overwhelms this thread too much. Cya ingame.
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    nightfer01 wrote: »
    Cya ingame.

    Does this mean challenge accepted? I have a feeling it doesnt....

    What if we raise the stakes then and loser DELETES their account? Best of 5?
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    smittyfrankosmittyfranko Member Posts: 86
    edited August 2013
    llantiss wrote: »
    and who are you? can't seem to remember you, I guess it's not even worth finding out, you're just another sheep who throws the word "exploit" to defend themselves.

    You know if you want to make claims that you don't or have never used any exploits, you might want to think about using a less conspicuous member name for a well known game exploiting website (which includes NW). Plus one of your guild leaders laudon, I'm sure never provided you with any exploits. You call us sheep. I call it intelligent enough to see through others BS.

    Claiming greatness or renown in such a low skill capped game is like winning the special olympics. You may have won, but you're still <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.
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    nightfer01nightfer01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 133 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    ayroux wrote: »
    Does this mean challenge accepted? I have a feeling it doesnt....

    What if we raise the stakes then and loser DELETES their account? Best of 5?
    Why should you delete your acc? I dont mind doing it cause it will take me like 2-3 days to gear up again :D And it means challange accepted when I feel like playing again. Just tell me how much money did you honestly put in the game.
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    nightfer01 wrote: »
    Why should you delete your acc? I dont mind doing it cause it will take me like 2-3 days to gear up again :D And it means challange accepted when I feel like playing again. Just tell me how much money did you honestly put in the game.

    Lol if you dont care and itll only take that long, why not accept the challenge... Obviously my gear is worth more so I have more to lose...

    Ill tell you, but I already know you wont believe me. I have donated over $100 to this game. and not a CENT has gone toward ANY of my tene enchants OR my two rank 8 Radiant enchants OR my greater plague OR my greater Soulforged.

    The ONLY money I ever contributed went towards
    - Epic Mount (right when I hit 60)
    - 2x Stone for each character (after I ran some T1s for a while)
    - Xmuting ALL the gear on both characters (after getting all my gear)
    - Dyeing EVERY piece of gear (3x for each piece, after getting all my gear)

    You can choose to believe that or not. How did I make AD then? When the game first came out, I ran T1s like everyone else and did get lucky with a few nice drops, sold those for about 250-400k AD each (same with T2 when progression happened). Once I had a base AD I started trying to play the AH. I first learned how to do this effectively because I had a Barbarian in D3 and I think ALOT of people know they were vastly underpowered and couldnt farm anything, my ONLY hope in getting gear was playing the AH. So I thought I could do this here as well...

    Sure enough, I found a HUGE price discrepancy in teneberous enchants. You could buy a lesser for 20-25k AD, and Greaters sold for 1 mil. I think it was because 1) people didint know the value and 2) People thought going from lesser - normal -Greater required coal wards. In reality lesser to normal is a 30% chance and normal to greater is 10% chance. Well it doesnt take a math genius to multiple those chances.

    25*4=100k AD+ about 12-15k for GREEN wards. so 115k (max) for a normal Tene enchant. 115x4= 460k AD + about 40k on average for GREEN wards = 500k MAX for a greater. Turn around sell it (undercut) the AH for 900k AD (hint: they would sell instantly) net out the AH cut and you have about 800k AD (making a MINIMUM of 300k ad each time).

    Other R-tards would also try and save AD by posting a 1 AD BID price. I work on a cimputer ALL day and would "snipe" these bids. I WON a 135k GREATER TENE enchant because of this. I also WON a GREATER plague fire from this. So I didnt have to pay full price for alot of things.

    I did this ontop of delves when most people couldnt run T2s and made BANK (admittedly and I have no shame in saying this, using campfire shortcuts) I never did boss glitches (actually my GROUP glitched spider once). Then when I had enough AD, I stopped selling those greaters. I made a greater about every 3 days ( had to wait for tene enchants to drop back to my "buy" range) and just kept looking on the AH for "deals".

    THAT is how I got my tene enchants and for the titan/scrappers... well that stuff is dirt cheap..

    Those same opportunities arent available anymore because people have wised up about the value of tene, and noone does "bid" prices anymore either, they actually put a true minimum.

    This is the ONLY time I have ever explained this out, and it will be the last time.

    almost any match I play in PVP I get a TON of flame and so I am used to it.

    BUt like Lantis said, you come onto my positive thread (where I even said I dont claim to be the best because I didnt want flame like this) and start bashing me. Then when I look to see who you even are, turns out its just a garbage kid whose mad because he doesnt have the gear and also quit the game two months ago.

    If you had continued to play the last two months what type of gear do you think you would have by now? I know players that have legit gotten all BiS gear + rank 9 enchants by just CN farming and never spent a cent into this game. If you had played another two months (like I have) You would probably have equal gear...

    Now why did I buy what I have? Well I make 150k a year and you get to a point where the convenience $20 offers to get something like an epic mount or a stone, its not something that "drops" or something you can "farm" and I also liek to contribute to the games I play.

    I played Path of Exile for a long time before this (in closed beta there until open beta) and contributed about the same amount of $ to that game as I did this game, all for cosmetic reasons (since thats really all you can even buy there) and still have one of the best Marauders in the game there too...

    So please dont come here and continue to flame, IF you want to prove your skill, go to the test shard and prove it by playing other people, your class or not, I dont care...

    Id love to 1v1 you ,not to claim whose better, but just for fun...

    But stop with the whining and complaining and calling people "exploiters" when 99.999% of EVERYONE who has played this game has exploited in some fashion... Pre clears, shortcuts, mob glitches, campfire glitches, terrain glitches, heck even dying your weapon is an "exploit/glitch" I do that... AM I an "exploiter" too?

    Just stop with the flame bro and grow up... Like others have mentioned this game doesnt have a high skill cap and anyone with a decent IQ whose spent time in this game is probably at that cap, the only difference then comes down to RNG and min/max which is negligible in the long run...

    lets move forward and keep this thread positive so it doesnt get booted. I am here to promote pvp and get people motivated to play and make their own movies. I am hoping with the new content, more people will get into this game and the DEVs will start looking at fixing pvp to make it more competitive, if not, I know ESO is coming soon and I will probably PAY to support that game as well.

    Call it "pay to win" call it whatever you want, frankly I dont care. I call it "pay for convenience" and "pay to support".

    I wont argue anymore man, there is no point.

    I wish you nothing but the best bro.
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    dkcandydkcandy Member Posts: 1,555 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    What I don't understand is if you QUIT NW, why do you still troll the forums? Sounds like a no-lifer to me.

    Step away from your PC and go outside. Also there is cream for your butt sores.
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    obskexobskex Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Nice video heimdall, almost as entertaining as this thread :)

    One thing to mention is that heimdall is a good team player in pvp matches even in pugs. Blah blah gear, blah blah imbalance, blah blah leet dudes..

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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    obskex wrote: »
    Nice video heimdall, almost as entertaining as this thread :)

    One thing to mention is that heimdall is a good team player in pvp matches even in pugs. Blah blah gear, blah blah imbalance, blah blah leet dudes..


    haha! Thanks for the laugh. Its not about epeen its just about having fun, which is why I made this, fun :)

    Thanks for the match last night Kexel, hopefully well play more in the future.
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    nightfer01nightfer01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 133 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    ayroux wrote: »
    ...WALL OF TEXT that I actually read...
    Didnt get your point. You started the flame after my comment that wasnt even concidered flame but AN OPPENION. I just pointed out the facts that I see. You didnt find this build by playing but from someone else am I right? I dont like people who use OP stuff of the month as a cheap excuse how pathetic their brains are. Im sure you thought like "hey look, this is a really OP build, why not go with it and pwn everything, make a vid, post it in youtube and make myself a star?" why not....
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    wondraswondras Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I think I v met you, its not in the video however (probably because we killed zou after long and fierce fight 3v1 with great aid of cleric)

    Btw, this is excatly why GWF is being still nerfed - HP+tene combo.
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    nightfer01 wrote: »
    Didnt get your point. You started the flame after my comment that wasnt even concidered flame but AN OPPENION. I just pointed out the facts that I see. You didnt find this build by playing but from someone else am I right? I dont like people who use OP stuff of the month as a cheap excuse how pathetic their brains are. Im sure you thought like "hey look, this is a really OP build, why not go with it and pwn everything, make a vid, post it in youtube and make myself a star?" why not....

    You may want to fact check,

    I didnt start the flame you posted your "opinion" (learn to spell?) and then got into it with another person and posted your own videos. Then I decided to respond to a FEW of your posts at once.

    This build evolved over time. I actually saw this build (without tene) when pvping on my GF and not exactly the same build... but he was unkillable... Since I already had 6 GTE at that point I wanted to test the build to see how it would work WITH tene... and thus rolled a GWF to learn them more (BTW this was BEFORE the GWF buff). Once they got buffed it was game on and I put all my efforts into my GWF and rolled alot of my gear over from my GF to my GWF to make him what he is today. Basically sucked my resources from GF to GWF. So yes and no to that question... It is then that I discovered the regen from the Titan gear and scrappers and how strong that was and then found surgeons bands with regen...

    So its both a yes and no to your question... I didnt roll a gwf from start and then forge this myself, but I did see a version of this, and learn the synergy for myself...

    I have also posted several "guides" on these forums in efforts to help other players and encourage thoughtful discussion (which is another reason I made this video...)

    GWF Guide:

    GF Guide:

    GF Guide to weapon enchants:

    How to play against GF:

    Fix for Tene enchant:

    Where are your guides? It seems like your so focused on trying to claim how "pro" you are by trying to bash one persons videos? Thats what makes no sense... I even tried to let everything lie in my last LONG post, but you still wouldnt let it go...

    I also linked a post to me claiming how OP tene were and all of those were written in June sometime... Well after I had been playing for months...

    Seriously did I pwn you in pvp or something to cause all this hate? cause move on kid, seriously...
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    wondras wrote: »
    I think I v met you, its not in the video however (probably because we killed zou after long and fierce fight 3v1 with great aid of cleric)

    Btw, this is excatly why GWF is being still nerfed - HP+tene combo.

    LOL maybe, I have a few memories like that :) Ya if RNG is kind to you with deflect and you not getting crits, this set up can take alot of damage... If your not geared, its a pretty tall order to beat it...

    If you can work with a GF though, they can CC you well enough so I cant go Unstoppable, and then its pretty easy to kill a GWF.
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    nightfer01nightfer01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 133 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    ayroux wrote: »
    Where are your guides? It seems like your so focused on trying to claim how "pro" you are by trying to bash one persons videos? Thats what makes no sense... I even tried to let everything lie in my last LONG post, but you still wouldnt let it go...
    My guides?? Why should I put a guild for something? Will it make me famous or something? Only people with no brain go and read guides for something they can actually discover by playing. I never read a guide in any game I played /actually once I read a guide a friend made in League of Legends but I already knew the build and gameplay so it doesnt count, I only tried to help and rate his guide/.
    Show me where I said I am pro? My proffesional esports career is none of your business and its not connected to any of this MMO industry. Watching others play, observing tactics and mostly PLAYING against all kinds of builds and stuff. You just said that you started as GF and switched to GWF after the huge buff they got. That shows how <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> you are to just switch from your main and abandon it due to OPness of one class and build. Ye why not we all reroll GWF and have sentinel/tene+regen build? What will happen then? Dont even wanna think about it.
    ayroux wrote: »
    Seriously did I pwn you in pvp or something to cause all this hate? cause move on kid, seriously...
    I dont even know where you play. I play on dragon shard /or used to play/. Its not hate, I dont care. I dont hate anyone for posting a video. I just expres my OPINION /sry my spellchecks on my PC are not on since Im not from an english-speaking country/ and some people started bashing on me. I just defended myself by posting 2 videos I made before I left to prove that I actually have videos of me PVPing. After that you started arguing about stuff completely not related to this and I only defended myself. No hate here, if I hated you, you wouldve know. Since I usually dont care who stands on the other side as long as hes not my friend, I do whatever I want and write whatever I want since we live in a free world. You dont like it? Ignore me or block me, problem solved.

    Anything else you need to know?

    PS: Do you even know the difference between PRO and a regular player? I used to be a PRO, now I am skilled and experienced regular player. Know the difference, know your place.
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    nightfer01 wrote: »
    You just said that you started as GF and switched to GWF after the huge buff they got. That shows how <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> you are to just switch from your main and abandon it due to OPness of one class and build.
    ayroux wrote: »
    and thus rolled a GWF to learn them more (BTW this was BEFORE the GWF buff).

    Fail... Just fail man....

    I also didnt "abandon" my GF I re-tooled him for PVE focus then use my GWF for PVP focus... Big difference...

    As proof...

    Here is my GWF: http://gateway.playneverwinter.com/#char(Heimdall@ayroux)/charactersheet

    And here is my GF: http://gateway.playneverwinter.com/#char(Heimdall@ayroux)/charactersheet

    You can see I have almost all rank 7+ (except utility) ancients weapons set, GREATER vorpal, regular soulforged... and full T1 which is BiS... YOull also notice the lvl requirement on Stalwarts is BELOW 60 meaning I had this before the patch that fixed this which was a long time ago as well...

    Just as proof I didnt "abandon" anyone LOL...
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    nightfer01nightfer01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 133 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    ayroux wrote: »
    the gear level has evolved so much and the player skill has evolved so much more.
    Just a quick going back in history of this thread. The gear level havent improved a bit from 2 months ago. Only thing that is improved is the rank of the enchants even thow back then, a month after the game starts some people already had rank 10 enchants and perfect weapon/armor enchants. I have a rank 7 enchant after 3 and a half weeks playing and I still have it in my stash.
    Skill level??? I cant call it skill at all that is right now. Its more like who found the most OP/imba build that devs provide after some major class/item buffs/nerfs. The only class that actually havent been touched since the start of open beta on 29th of april. Ask yourself WHY it wasnt touched. I am not gonna tell you why cause you dont deserve it clearly. The skill level right now is lower than the skill level from 2 months ago maybe cause I know some really good players left already.
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    nightfer01 wrote: »
    Just a quick going back in history of this thread. The gear level havent improved a bit from 2 months ago. Only thing that is improved is the rank of the enchants even thow back then, a month after the game starts some people already had rank 10 enchants and perfect weapon/armor enchants. I have a rank 7 enchant after 3 and a half weeks playing and I still have it in my stash.
    Skill level??? I cant call it skill at all that is right now. Its more like who found the most OP/imba build that devs provide after some major class/item buffs/nerfs. The only class that actually havent been touched since the start of open beta on 29th of april. Ask yourself WHY it wasnt touched. I am not gonna tell you why cause you dont deserve it clearly. The skill level right now is lower than the skill level from 2 months ago maybe cause I know some really good players left already.

    I see where your coming from and this is the perspective I had in mind when I wrote this:

    Players 2 months ago mostly had 1 maybe 2 characters. Now almost every good player has ATLEAST 2-3 geared characters or more. Most good players know exactly how to play against other classes now because they have played those classes. I know MANY people 2-3 months ago didnt have that knowledge, they might pretend they did...

    Enchants ARE the end game, the difference between a regular vorpal and even a greater is a pretty big difference, going from normal Tene enchants to greater is huge. The players that had R10/Perf enchants three weeks after the game came out exploited the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> out of it to get that and I dont think many true exploiters that did that still are in the game...

    back a few months ago not alot of people ran regen builds, so not only have the builds evolved like you said, the enchants play a big role with the synergy different builds create and because of that synergy, the playstyle has changed as well meaning how people pvped 2-3 months ago has changed some since then. (Sent GWF with GTE werent as common YET and neither was the "perma stealth" TR build... Those are the two most common builds that only a few players ran, then it became popular and now more and more people run them...

    Maybe average skill level is lower, and like we said earlier the cap isnt that high to begin with, but skill doesnt just mean how to play YOUR class but how to play against other classes, how to play WITH other classes, what strengths do your teammates have and how to play well with that... Who to send to what point at what time, if the other team counters, how to counter that counter etc...

    Im talking "team" skill not just 1v1 skill cause in all reality it doesnt show you much... it will highlight weaknesses in your play but it wont show skill... and I am definitely NOT talking about PUGing it here... Im talking about premade pvp... because thats almost exclusively all good players will run nowadays is premades...

    Like I said earlier, play someone who is good, test your skills and then you can brag... because all it LOOKS like to other people is a washed up washed out quitter who has nothing better to do with his time than to troll forums on a game he doesnt even play more...

    I post because I play, I will keep playing because its a fun/casual game that I can kill a few hours on when I want... You claim you dont play... So why are you even here?
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    nightfer01nightfer01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 133 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    ayroux wrote: »
    You claim you dont play... So why are you even here?
    Wat? I said I quitted the game -> meaning I went playing Aion again since its F2P now and its way more fun than Neverwinter, I never said I uninstalled the game and completely stopped playing the game. I actually stated that I come ingame from time to time to see how things are for a few PVP matches. When I completely stop playing a game, I usually sell my acc or delete it as I did with my League of Legends account cause after an year of playing it, it just started to feel boring. I quitted Neverwinter cause of the level of exploits/imbalance/not working/boring stuff there are ingame right now not cause I was weak or something. I was actually really good at the game and was competitive to some of the top players back then /one of my ex guildmates had a GF who after the big patch had over 13k GS and I almost won 1v1 against him and he had GPF, GSF and 7x GTE. If the **** bugged skill that heals him from 10 to 100% was fixed, it wouldve been my win.

    Problem here are people who use all sorts of OPness to win, not play to win. I knew about the sentinel GWF build from a guildmate and I played against such players 2 months ago without any problems /yes really hard to kill but not impossible to kill or solo...it requiers alot of timing and skill choices to go with I personally wouldnt go with my regular encounters/dailys against a sentinel but use something more reliable as stated it needs to be tested in battle/
    I agree to the part premade/teamplay is important and actually endgame contend. The problem is right now Neverwinter doesnt provide the tools to do it properly /no 1v1 arenas, no actual premade 5v5 arenas, GG is a complete joke since you cant actually go 20vs20 but more like 5+5+5+5v5+5+5+5 /you do the math and understand what I mean/ /. When this actually happens and all the tools are provided, I may give it another shot.

    Just a quick add about another game I think its the best MMO that ever existed - Aion Online. It was released with a lvl50 cap only with HUGE world maps, actual story and tons of things to do, individual duels, no actual 5v5/20v20 arenas cause devs actually know that it brings TONS of lag to the clients. The actual endgame content is fraction-based PVP. It was released with a total of 8 classes, alot of instances and stuff to do. Right now 4 years later they decided to add 2 more classes, raise the level cap to 65 due to new zones and instances and a perspective or continuing the storyline which is actually really great. Its not hard to level up from 1 to 65 /took me a month of playing almost 16h/day cause yes, I am a sworn gamer who plays all day for the sake of myself/ compared to 2 days from 1 to 60 in Neverwinter playing 18h/day /actually I got lvl60 around may 2nd since I started on april 29th/.

    I played only 1 class /CW/ and I can say I mastered it for my time playing. Its not needed to have all 6 classes at max gear and max level to know how to play against a specific class and build, you just need to know your own class capabilities and knowladge of the base game structure. I tried so many different builds on my CW that you are not familiar with /like a crit/arm pen, regen/HP, and so on but nothing is more powerful than what I actually decided to stuck with, but leaving your main class for something OP is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> as stated in my previous post /somewhat I was right you threw away your GF after the huge buff GWFs got, dont try to deny it, you wrote it yourself
    ayroux wrote: »
    Once they got buffed it was game on and I put all my efforts into my GWF and rolled alot of my gear over from my GF to my GWF to make him what he is today. Basically sucked my resources from GF to GWF.
    It doesnt matter when you geared up your GF again, it matters you REROLLED to GWF after the huge buff.

    My oppenion after I read all your comments is: you are just another tard who rolled the favorite class/build of the month to prove how strong he is. Take this comment as a flame or w/e I dont care cause truth hurts badly sometimes. Its not about how many chars you have /different people make them for different reasons ( AD farming from leadership, boredness, rerolling )/. This time I sound rude cause you obviously deserved it, I dont care.

    And Im gonna finish this long wall of text with a quote from someone earlier in the thread which comment is really true:
    silinthius wrote: »
    Seriously? What are you showing here? That you spent too much $$ on your GWF? With all your $$ enchants you can have the worst build ever and still melt faces. I see no skill what so ever.
    Enjoy and have a good night.
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    ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I didnt regear my GF, I only swapped over enchants (R7 from GWF to GF in trade for tene. G-vorp from GWF to Gf in trade for GPF (works best with tene) and my greater SF was on my GF swapped it to my GWF and put regular SF on GF) you can read into it whatever you want. I told you exactly what I did...

    If you think its pathetic good for you... I enjoyed my GF a ton, I started my GWF to learn the class because I had a hard time killing that 1 I ran into in PVP and the best way to learn hwo to beat someone is to play the class.

    I got my GWF geared and had ALOT fun playing at 60. THEN they buffed him...

    I rolled my GWF BEFORE they buffed the class... I wont say it again cause you read what you want to read and keep posting I rolled him after...

    I then said forget tene on my GF, they are stronger on my GWF and basically swapped enchants between my two characters. My GF build was very strong, but I had more fun on my GWF in pvp even without tene and since tene is stronger on GWF why the heck not...

    Cool story about Aion bro, maybe you should stick over there... Im not gonna argue with you anymore.

    Thanks for helping me kill time at work on this forum today, but Im not gonna check it anymore this weekend nor will I repost anymore to what you say.

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    gctrlgctrl Member Posts: 459 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Guild: Lemonade Stand | Server: Dragon (Original) | PvP Forever | 1og0s
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    godsdozergodsdozer Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Awesome builds available, spend hundreds to have them, enjoy for few months then have no one to play with, gg.
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    godsdozergodsdozer Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    im cashing out.
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    nightfer01nightfer01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 133 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    gctrl wrote: »
    Stopped watching at around 2min mark. Its an endless fight that will prob end when the servers go offline for a maintains :D
    What this GWF do: run in, proc tenes -> enemy at half health due to godmode tene procs -> run around the target doing ~0 dmg to it /cause I dont think 1-2k is a formidable dmg/ -> wait for tene procs again for a kill secure. In the mean time his enemy is a DC who can heal the dmg off in a few seconds. At one point between *** I thought he had him due to tene proced at the same time, but it didnt :D Thats all this build is about - tene procs. No other classs than TRs and CWs can burst a GWF down that fast inbetween tene procs to reduce the dmg. There is a way thow for a single CW/TR to do it, but that requiers a skill of timing you chain combos precisely and lowering your CD on skills to max.
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    gctrlgctrl Member Posts: 459 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    nightfer01 wrote: »
    Stopped watching at around 2min mark. Its an endless fight that will prob end when the servers go offline for a maintains :D
    What this GWF do: run in, proc tenes -> enemy at half health due to godmode tene procs -> run around the target doing ~0 dmg to it /cause I dont think 1-2k is a formidable dmg/ -> wait for tene procs again for a kill secure. In the mean time his enemy is a DC who can heal the dmg off in a few seconds. At one point between *** I thought he had him due to tene proced at the same time, but it didnt :D Thats all this build is about - tene procs. No other classs than TRs and CWs can burst a GWF down that fast inbetween tene procs to reduce the dmg. There is a way thow for a single CW/TR to do it, but that requiers a skill of timing you chain combos precisely and lowering your CD on skills to max.

    He's not doing any damage to me cause of my stats, that's the point of the video. The people I'm fighting against are the best GWFs on Dragon, but I'm so tanky they do no damage to me, even with 7 Gtenes. And no, a CW can't kill a GWF specced this way by themselves, only a BiS TR has a chance.
    Guild: Lemonade Stand | Server: Dragon (Original) | PvP Forever | 1og0s
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    nightfer01nightfer01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 133 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    gctrl wrote: »
    He's not doing any damage to me cause of my stats, that's the point of the video. The people I'm fighting against are the best GWFs on Dragon, but I'm so tanky they do no damage to me, even with 7 Gtenes. And no, a CW can't kill a GWF specced this way by themselves, only a BiS TR has a chance.

    It is possible but it requiers some luck and a different build and enchants compared to standart builds. As I said multiple times, everything is possible with the right tools and there is no unkillable champ.

    1. You were standing on top of AS, thats 60% dmg reduction (if Im wrong Im sorry in advance), without the AS, he took over 50% of your HP with 1 blow.
    2. When you were in the AS window, you just toss them away from you till it recharges. "The best GWFs on dragon" will time the duration of AS to its window of 5 second and pop unstoppable at the right time before you try to toss him dont you think? I actually took the time to watch the whole video and see how people react in different situations and I just say its pathetic in the matter of timing spells from the oponents.
    3. Your tankiness wount work against me since I have HV set that takes 45% (somewhere around this value with the fully stacked buff from the set bonus) of your armor and gives it to me, my combo is based on cooldown reduction and timing of my spells to take maximum efficiency from every single spell. A combo that takes 4 seconds to finish and 8 seconds of CD inbetween them.More than enough time to the blasts to unload the full potential of the combo on your head during the AS window. Nearly 45% armor reduction and more than 30% armor migitation will be more enough to nearly 1-shoot you with an ice knife if I get lucky and timed right.
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    llantissllantiss Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    You know if you want to make claims that you don't or have never used any exploits, you might want to think about using a less conspicuous member name for a well known game exploiting website (which includes NW). Plus one of your guild leaders laudon, I'm sure never provided you with any exploits. You call us sheep. I call it intelligent enough to see through others BS.

    Claiming greatness or renown in such a low skill capped game is like winning the special olympics. You may have won, but you're still <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.

    Assuming stuff is even more <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, in fact, its the mother of retardation. You won that one hands down.
    And claiming greatness? show me where? oh you mean my response defending myself, yeah you got me there buddy.
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    ifthirifthir Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 281 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    gctrl wrote: »
    He's not doing any damage to me cause of my stats, that's the point of the video. The people I'm fighting against are the best GWFs on Dragon, but I'm so tanky they do no damage to me, even with 7 Gtenes. And no, a CW can't kill a GWF specced this way by themselves, only a BiS TR has a chance.

    I am running a BiS TR that is full burst-DPS build. I have rank 9's in every offensive slot except the ones where I have 10's. Even still, there are some builds that I literally have to have my daily for to be able to burst down.

    The GWF build with all defense/deflect that runs away when he is low health for a pot is almost unkillable solo.
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    pando83pando83 Member Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'd like to switch the discussion to another aspect of the sentinel build, apart from tenebrous: the sinergy between such high HP and regen+ unstoppable.

    Now, ustoppable works this way (for the ones who do not know the class):

    When you take damage (mainly) and, with some feats or passive powers, dealing damage/ fighting (little portion of the determination meter), you fill your determination meter. It's made of one first half, and a second half.
    Depending on how much determination you have, unstoppable, on top of increasing your attack speed, makes you:

    - reduce the damage taken by 25% (half det meter) or 50% (full det meter)
    - heal with temporary hp for 10% (half det meter) or 20% (full det meter) of your total hp.

    Now, let's take Heimdall as an example: he has 36l hp. Regeneration, at its best, heals around 10% of the HP you lost, and is capped at 50% of your total hp (which means, if you lose more than 50% of your hp, you still heal for 10% of 50% of your hp). To put it simply, the best you can get is 5% of your total hp per tick (every 3 secs). For him, it results in around 1,8k hp per tick when he's at 50% of his hp or lower. When he uses unstoppable with half det meter filled, he also gets 10% of his hp back (3,6k hp). 15% with unstoppable recovery (around 5k hp). Which means that when at 50% of his hp, he consistently heals himself for almost 7k hp every time he pops unstoppable. On top of the 25% damage reduction. If he's at full det meter... you get the idea.
    On normal builds, unstoppable results in better survivability to tank all the damage you've to eat. On a sentinel with such high hp it results in a build that is very, very difficult to bring down under 50% of their hp.
    You have to outdamage not just his regeneration, but the massive hp healing coming from unstoppable.

    Now, you would say, with no tenebrous, his damage would suck and it would be balanced. Not really, imho.
    Damage scales much better for them, compared to how much more powerful unstoppable gets with such high hp. Most of the damage of a gwf comes from the weapon and from powers.
    But the real problem could be the fact that they can tank damage better than a gf. I mean, even with their healing feat, gfs can't heal 7k hp instantly. They have the blocking ability, but in 1v2 fights they're easily surrounded, and their block is 180 degrees only.

    So in the end, nerfing unstoppable would force the "normal builds" to go high hp to compensate the loss in terms of survivability. Would we end up with 100% sentinels, and long, boring 1v1 fights where people can't kill each Others?
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    smittyfrankosmittyfranko Member Posts: 86
    edited August 2013
    llantiss wrote: »
    Assuming stuff is even more <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, in fact, its the mother of retardation. You won that one hands down.
    And claiming greatness? show me where? oh you mean my response defending myself, yeah you got me there buddy.

    Touched a nerve, huh? And I wasn't assuming anything the evidence is there plain as day. You can continue to deny it til your face turns blue if you want. Won't change the obvious.
    Claiming greatness or renown in such a low skill capped game is like winning the special olympics. You may have won, but you're still <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.

    Definition of RENOWN
    : a state of being widely acclaimed and highly honored : fame
    llantiss wrote: »
    I unlike you, have proved my worth and took any challenge thrown my way, its all documented through streams, I've seen builds evolve and know that there is fair amount of balance involved when both sides are equally geared and equally skilled.

    and who are you? can't seem to remember you, I guess it's not even worth finding out, you're just another sheep who throws the word "exploit" to defend themselves.

    Saying, "I am a somebody people know me! Who are you? You're a nobody!" Falls into the category I described, buddy.
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