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Banelorne's Stealth-Based Executioner Builds: Maximize Your TR's Solo Capabilities.



  • maidenstarzmaidenstarz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Epic Pirate King obviously showed the strength of your new build for survivability and maintaining stealth.
    You were awesome to watch :)
    I've never seen sooo many adds before, and didn't know there were "endless respawns" in dungeons before now. Once dead they've usually stayed dead lol
    Great learning experience to say the least :D
    Always a seeker..of quests and adventure, of mysteries and treasures of imaginary worlds, of lore, of love, of life.
  • fabfestafabfesta Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Hi, yesterday I dusted off my TR and oh boy I was rusty...... anyway I was helping some guildies doing SP and everything was going pretty ok. Unfortunately just after 2nd boss the tank Dced and the group started disbanding (ahhh cryptic plz allow us to add people midrun!!!). So i said to myself , why not lets see if I can finish it alone! So the trash up to the last boss is no prob at all. Nothing sees through stealth. I killed probably too many mobs, so it was a bit slow. Then I got to the boss. No joy for me. The adds dont seem to be a problem, but positioning is a huge issue. First his abilities need to target something, so they will target you even in stealth. Second, I havent seen a way to go "behind" the boss. Therefore you get hit by his frontal cone attacks. So unless it is possible to position yourself in a way to avoid those, I dont want to say that it is impossible to solo, but it will be incredibly hard.

    Still the soloing capabilities of this built are enormous!!

  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Fab! Sup, man. I've been too busy as of late. Haven't been able to drop by the guide. And I also think the SP's final boss can be soloed, provided that player slots Sneak Attack and Skillful Infiltrator in order to get added mobility. Some of its skills can be escaped with mobility since they have quite a long charge up time. And I agree, the skills of this boss is a whole load troublesome. It can't see through stealth but it has skills that is practically auto-target. One hit and you're practically out without ITC.

    I haven't done it yet solo in Epic, but I personally would probably spam Duelist's Fury against it as much as possible while under Lurker's Assault. If it starts charging its frontal cone AoE ability while I'm still in LA, I'll pop Impossible to Catch so I can get an increased uptime against the boss and eat its AoE. Carefully whittle down the boss's HP via Gloaming Cut to maintain stealth and make him attack the BaS dummy for more Lurker's and the usual careful playstyle would probably down the boss in about 30 mins (LOL).

    Now I'm curious. Let's try it out sometime, Fab.
    - - - - - - - - cut here - - - - - - - - -

    I'm pretty sure some of you have seen the recent changes to the TR class in the release notes section of the test forum. The Gloaming Cut change is particularly awesome. I'm excited to test it out in the Preview Shard! However the rest (Duelist's Fury, Sly Flourish, Cloud of Steel) changes are a downer. I probably will respect and put much less points to SF and CoS and make more room for encounters.

    Gloaming Cut: This power works best as an execute, but lacked the damage to fill that role. To help it better serve its function, it now deals up to 50% more damage (at max rank) based on the target's missing health. In addition, rank 3 of the power now provides more Stealth on kill, and rank 1 provides slightly less.

    So I'm thinking 20% Stealth Granted on Rank 1, 25% on Rank 2, and 30% on rank 3. I'm still patching my PTS so I've yet to see how this will directly improve our play style. But the best of all is the 50% max increase in damage based on the target's missing health. This makes Gloaming Cut, even without Sneaky Stabber, a desirable finisher at-will. Sneaky Stabber makes it even better, however. Nonetheless this buff towards our main at-will will be a huge boost for the build. Hopefully we can explore a bit more about this soon. If anyone wants to join me in testing these new changes in the preview shard, just tell me.
  • kantazo1kantazo1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Todesfaelle, can you really look into your guide to see with these new changes what can be done to rework this guide and post pic of what you have on you Ui bar as well?
    Seek and ye shall find. Yeshua
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    kantazo1 wrote: »
    Todesfaelle, can you really look into your guide to see with these new changes what can be done to rework this guide and post pic of what you have on you Ui bar as well?

    Hi. The new changes actually will not be affecting the build that much. In actuality it will give us a huge boost since Gloaming Cut is our main at-will. Although yes, I think it's a good suggestion to add pics of what I have on my UI skill bar. Thank you, I shall work on it one of these days for sure. The Lurker's Assault nerf hurts bad, but the best thing about LA in my opinion is its utility purpose which is to refill stealth very quickly for 10 seconds. The build will definitely survive even without it albeit the heavy loss in DPS.

    I'm currently testing if having Duelist's Fury slotted in place of Cloud of Steel for PVP is a more viable option than using an 8 charge at-will that takes 24 seconds to completely unload. The damage it does will be a paltry sum, and Gloaming Cut is pretty much ranged for PVP. We have a lot of means to increase and close ranges depending on what we need. And based on my findings it still depends on the encounter. Matches with lots of GF's/GWF's on the opposing side gives Duelist's Fury a good chance to shine. But for matches rich with classes that are mobile such as CW's and TR's, Cloud of Steel is a much better choice. It'll be hard to land a DF rotation on a class that is able to dodge. Using Shadow Strike's Daze effect helps prevent classes from dodging your DF rotation while in Stealth. Popping ITC after which will allow you to continue this barrage of DF's without fearing being damaged to much in the process. This works very well against GWF's and GF's as ITC used from Stealth tends to make them waste their encounters, preventing them from using it when they need it most.
  • kantazo1kantazo1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Thanks you for your quick response.
    Seek and ye shall find. Yeshua
  • kingculexkingculex Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I gotta admit this build is good with the new changes on the Preview shard. My original build was a Crit TR that was setup to do mainly damage with 4k power and 3k Crit. I decided to respec and make it into a stealth/Crit. I made some minor changes like I filled blades of steel and skipped smoke bomb. I did this because you can cast blades of steel, go stealth, walk into a mob, and lay into them with both blades of steel and gloaming cut. I was using a regular Plague Fire enchantment, a lesser Briartwine, and a single lesser tenebrous enchantment. My GS was not hurt by making this combo crit/stealth build and remained at 12.2k. I tested this at the prison pits in whispering caverns. I was using CoS, Gloaming cut, shadow strike, bait&switch, lurker's assault, and shocking execution.

    The result was simply amazing. A stealthed crit build that would remain stealthed for about 80%-90% of the time that would do 4k-8k of damage with each regular using gloaming cut and up to 20k of damage with criticals. I am normally against perma stealth builds but all the cries for nerfs to TRs and the latest nerfs made me want to test this out. I can see tons of people hating me in PVP if I make this on the live server. Lets make them cry more:) mwahaha
    Every class has advantages and disadvantages. Learn the disadvantages of you class to overcome them. Learn the advantages of your class and the disadvatages of other classes to use them in pvp to win.

    There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Hey, Kingculex! I'm glad you've taken a liking to this humble build of ours here. It actually is much more effective in PVE than in PVP. We eat mobs in PVE. It takes time but we're safe as long as there aren't any mobs who cast AoE spells when they detect that we are in melee range. You can achieve 100% permastealth in PVE as long as you time your dodges and manage your Gloaming Cut strikes until CD's on BaS and Shadow Strike wear off.

    And yes, PVP is a pain. That's where all the hate against our PVE build comes from. We may be in stealth for prolonged periods of time, but it's not as if we're permastealth in PVP. We'll need to go out of the shadows at some point and it comes once every 30 seconds or so. If by any chance you start spec-ing to this build in the live server as well, feel free to share your experiences! I definitely love hearing the stories of the people who use this build and the things they discovered that haven't been included to the guide yet.

    Looking forward to hearing more from you, Kingculex!
  • kingculexkingculex Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Hey, Kingculex! I'm glad you've taken a liking to this humble build of ours here. It actually is much more effective in PVE than in PVP. We eat mobs in PVE. It takes time but we're safe as long as there aren't any mobs who cast AoE spells when they detect that we are in melee range. You can achieve 100% permastealth in PVE as long as you time your dodges and manage your Gloaming Cut strikes until CD's on BaS and Shadow Strike wear off.

    And yes, PVP is a pain. That's where all the hate against our PVE build comes from. We may be in stealth for prolonged periods of time, but it's not as if we're permastealth in PVP. We'll need to go out of the shadows at some point and it comes once every 30 seconds or so. If by any chance you start spec-ing to this build in the live server as well, feel free to share your experiences! I definitely love hearing the stories of the people who use this build and the things they discovered that haven't been included to the guide yet.

    Looking forward to hearing more from you, Kingculex!

    The sweet thing about my crit/stealth build is that it uses the same attributes (strength/dexterity), the same gear, most of the same powers, and most of the same heroic feats as the original crit build used by me. The different powers are Bait& Switch, Shadow Strike, and Gloaming Cut. The different Heroic feats are Twilight Adept and Improved Cunning Sneak. The original custom crit build used the Scoundrel Paragon path. The Stealth/Crit build uses the Saboteur and the Executioner paragon paths. Both builds using almost the same powers and the same build makes it easy to switch in between the two builds. I could go full crit by using Dazing Strike, Path of Blades and Lashing Blade. I could go stealth crit by using Shadow Strike, Bait&Switch, and Path of Blades. The Crit build was good for PVP and ok with PVE but did not give any bonuses to stealth or used the powers to refill stealth.

    In my opinion this make my LVL 60 TR more versatile. I already get people crying to nerf TRs by just pounding them with my Crit build. I will now make them cry more by doing it in stealth. i will make this build on the live shard when the changes go live and the new module is released.
    Every class has advantages and disadvantages. Learn the disadvantages of you class to overcome them. Learn the advantages of your class and the disadvatages of other classes to use them in pvp to win.

    There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
  • grimslawgrimslaw Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 43
    edited August 2013
    so thoughts on the new races for this build?
    Sun Elves:

    Inner Calm - Racial
    Your inner peace and serenity cause you to focus more clearly on the task at hand. +2% Action Point gain.

    Sun Elf Grace Racial
    Your bottomless grace increases your resistance to Crowd Control effects by 10%.

    Ability Score choices
    +2 Intelligence
    +2 Dexterity OR Charisma

    Moon Elves

    Wanderlust - Racial
    You cannot stay in one place long and are always roaming and seeking new oddities. +1% Action Point gain and +1% Stamina Regen.

    Moon Elf Resilience Racial
    Your elven resilience increases your resistance to Crowd Control effects by 10%.

    Ability Score choices
    +2 Intelligence
    +2 Dexterity OR Charisma

    I bought the knight pack, but dunno if the new races add anything important that needs to be considered. Thoughts?
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I personally like their racial features, specially for Sun Elves. +2% AP is nice, but the best part is that they reduce CC duration and effects by 10%. While that doesn't seem much at first, there will be times where that 10% reduction can save your life. These new races are awesome, in my opinion.

    These new races will also prove to be effective for the new variation of this build which combines elements of the PVP Permastealth and this PVE Stealth-Based build. I'm almost done testing and have reached a finalized build in which I think is fit to be released.
  • alassaelalassael Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Maybe I'm doing something wrong. I just hit level 40 last night, so I now have 3/3 gloaming cut and 5/5 sneaky stabber. I switched over to Gloaming Cut (GC) from Sly Flourish (SF). I keep Duelist's Flurry (DF) on my right-click. I felt like I was leveling very quickly but suddenly everything feels very slow with GC. On the upside, I can stay in stealth almost indefinitely on regular mobs and can take down most elites without any trouble whatsoever. But it feels really slow. I really hope the patch improves my TR with the buff to Gloaming Cut because it feels like I'm swimming in molasses.
    Tip of the Day: The forums are not for guides or tips or learning how to play. They are here for people to whine until something gets nerfed or buffed.
  • laghartolagharto Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Just leveled my first char (DC) to 60 yesterday and started a TR today, following your build, but I have some doubts:

    a) Rolled a human with scores 16, 14, 14, 11, 10, 10 (75 points), adding +2 to Cha (Dex 16, Str 14, Cha 16). There's a post in 2nd page of this guide where you says that your char started with 18-13-13 / 18-13-15(Cha +2). "As for the stat boosts on level ups, I mainly prioritize CHA and DEX", you said. Later in the Topic, you changed to Dex+Str. What should I do: Dex+Cha or Dex+Str?

    b) To use or not to use a companion?

    c) Should I wait for the updated build after the big update?

    As f2p player, is really hard to choose a good class/build combo to play with only 2 slots available.

    (Sorry about my english; it is not my native language)
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    alassael wrote: »
    Maybe I'm doing something wrong. I just hit level 40 last night, so I now have 3/3 gloaming cut and 5/5 sneaky stabber. I switched over to Gloaming Cut (GC) from Sly Flourish (SF). I keep Duelist's Flurry (DF) on my right-click. I felt like I was leveling very quickly but suddenly everything feels very slow with GC. On the upside, I can stay in stealth almost indefinitely on regular mobs and can take down most elites without any trouble whatsoever. But it feels really slow. I really hope the patch improves my TR with the buff to Gloaming Cut because it feels like I'm swimming in molasses.

    Hello, Alassael! The buff to Gloaming Cut will be awesome indeed. Check this out.


    It dishes out double the damage of Sly Flourish, and it gets better when the foe is damaged. Not to mention the +5% Stealth Meter refilled from the original 25% adds quite some time to your time in stealth. Your damage and killing potential will get better once you hit 60 because that's when you get to complete your gear. Gloaming Cut may be slow but it makes sure that we survive dangerous encounters we most probably could not do when solo as this is mainly a solo PVE build. And once we have Lurker's Assault ready, we use Duelist's Fury to dish out tons of damage.
    lagharto wrote: »
    Just leveled my first char (DC) to 60 yesterday and started a TR today, following your build, but I have some doubts:

    a) Rolled a human with scores 16, 14, 14, 11, 10, 10 (75 points), adding +2 to Cha (Dex 16, Str 14, Cha 16). There's a post in 2nd page of this guide where you says that your char started with 18-13-13 / 18-13-15(Cha +2). "As for the stat boosts on level ups, I mainly prioritize CHA and DEX", you said. Later in the Topic, you changed to Dex+Str. What should I do: Dex+Cha or Dex+Str?

    b) To use or not to use a companion?

    c) Should I wait for the updated build after the big update?

    As f2p player, is really hard to choose a good class/build combo to play with only 2 slots available.

    (Sorry about my english; it is not my native language)

    Hey, Lagharto! Thank you for your interest in using this build of ours. I assure you that the experience will be fun even for an F2P player. I myself am one and this build doesn't consume much AD's and is usable even with low-end gear.

    As for your questions...

    A. You made the right choice of rolling a human. I actually rolled a Tiefling with high Dex + Cha at first in order to get the high inherent boost to Deflect. Cha gives 1 per point above 10, Dex gives 0.5 per point above 10 which is useful in severely reducing the amount of damage we receive from attacks as our class has a 75% deflection severity. That's huge. I would tell you to go for Dex + Str since Str grants us a passive Stamina Regen. But this build is highly flexible and not really that much of a min-max type of build. Dex + Cha will work as well since we are always dishing out Combat Advantage damage. So you will always benefit from the damage bonus you get from Cha while still being able to benefit from the Deflect it gives us.

    B. To NOT use a Companion. Unless you are in Epic Dungeons that is. But on the leveling process it's best to drop your companions because the game currently has a bug where Gloaming Cut will not give us the bonus stealth we get on kills, and this happens whenever we have a companion summoned. In Epic Dungeons, the only companions that are passable to use are Ioun Stones or Cats, because those companions directly boost our stats and those bonuses far outweigh the bonuses we get from getting an extra +25% stealth on kills.

    C. It's not really an update or anything, since nothing with the original build will change. What will happen is I'll be posting a variation of this current build and make a sort of new mini-guide within this current one. There's nothing much different about the current build and the variation build, but this new build I've got in store offers more surviviability albeit it being less flexible and dealing less damage in the long run. It's highly specific compared to this current one that is flexible.

    But if you're interested in the new build, I recommend rolling a Wood Elf TR with the 15 STR, 17 DEX, 14 INT. Those stats are important because we'll be making them 20/20/20. CHA will not be of much importance for the build and will sit at 13 at creation. I'll be posting the details as soon as I'm able to. I just need to do a bit more testing before I get to release it in order to make sure that everything is in order and nothing else will be needed to change in the middle of it all.
  • alassaelalassael Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Ah crud, I knew I should have chosen a higher Intellect.
    Tip of the Day: The forums are not for guides or tips or learning how to play. They are here for people to whine until something gets nerfed or buffed.
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Oh no, I assure you that nothing from this current build will be changing. The new one is simply a variation which has more survivability and faster access to Lurker's Assault in order to make up for the lack of DPS. The current one will still work after the patch and will only get better with the buff to Gloaming Cut. :)
  • laghartolagharto Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    About stats and versatility, if I build to make Dex 20, Str 20, Cha 20, instead of focus in just 2, would this build work better?
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Hey, Lagharto. Unfortunately the 20 INT will be important to the new build variation. It concentrates on high Recharge Speed Increase in order to increase the flexibility in play, survivability, and room for error most specially in boss fights were we won't be able to get the convenience of spamming Gloaming Cut on them in order to maintain our stealth uptime. Not to mention with the new 20 INT build, we can actually rely only on Shadow Strike and Gloaming Cut for maintaining Stealth. We can effectively remove Bait and Switch from our encounter bar and make room for another encounter of our choice which will be discussed in detail as soon as I finish a few more tests!
  • laghartolagharto Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I was thinking about the current build.
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I see. Well if it's the current one, I assure you that this one is more flexible. There is no solid min-max stat setup for it as it does not have strict stat requirements. It may work better due to having better flat damage, however what I can tell you is that you'll definitely want to have as much Critical% as you can, because the Overrun Critical procs much more often with higher crit chance, which leads to higher DPS overall. Thix means higher DEX is more often than not more preferred than having 3 of the main stats at 20. But if you're going for 20 STR/DEX/CHA, one of the nice perks you'll get from it is the natural +15% deflect chance you'll get from it. I personally am a big fan of Deflect.
  • laghartolagharto Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Thanks for the answer.

    I'll follow your first suggestion about Dex+Str and I'll check my performance using this build with my high ping (230-250ms average).
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    No problem and I hope you enjoy your experience with the build! Drop by whenever you have something to share or if you are in need of assistance! We have expert TR's lurking around from time to time who may be inclined to help a fellow rogue in need. :)
  • kcrampkcramp Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Just wanted to pop in and say I have been using this in PvP and have been having a great time -- I can't always kill anything, but I can definitely cap and distract people for minutes!

    I also cant keep perma-stealth, need 1 more second of stealth to get that bait & switch..

    I also haven't done a single dungeon yet, so I haven't tried out PvE. I just wish I did a little more damage.
  • enderlin50enderlin50 Member Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Trying this spec out today and its a lot of fun.
  • vayranovayrano Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Decided to give your build a try and I have enjoyed it a lot. I appreciate the time you took to fully explaining how this build works! =]

    On that note, I do want to ask in regards to the boons in the upcoming sharandar campaign system. Which ones would you pick that would work well with this build?

    Link to the boons: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?436421-New-Enchantments-%28Feywild%29&p=5645681&viewfull=1#post5645681
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    kcramp wrote: »
    Just wanted to pop in and say I have been using this in PvP and have been having a great time -- I can't always kill anything, but I can definitely cap and distract people for minutes!

    I also cant keep perma-stealth, need 1 more second of stealth to get that bait & switch..

    I also haven't done a single dungeon yet, so I haven't tried out PvE. I just wish I did a little more damage.

    Hello and thank you so much for your feedback, kcramp! It can be hard to maintain permastealth using this build in PVP. I tried myself and I rarely succeed although it's possible.

    For dungeons, you should try it out one of these days just for the experience. If you play on Mindflayer, join us sometime in our dungeon runs. We welcome people who simply wish to experience how a dungeon works, people who are using builds that are "special" and most usually not accepted by the majority, basically anyone who just wants to have a good time without stressing the small stuff.

    Feel free to contact me in-game if you are in Mindflayer. Dungeons can be a whole load of fun as a Stealth-Based TR.
    enderlin50 wrote: »
    Trying this spec out today and its a lot of fun.

    Enderlin! I'm glad to hear you're having fun with this build of ours. Thank you for trying out the build, and I hope the experience of playing as a Stealth-based TR proves rewarding for you! If you discover anything or wish to share your experiences, please feel free to use this thread in order to report progress, discoveries, or if you simply wish to help other people using this build who are in need of assistance. :)
    vayrano wrote: »
    Decided to give your build a try and I have enjoyed it a lot. I appreciate the time you took to fully explaining how this build works! =]

    On that note, I do want to ask in regards to the boons in the upcoming sharandar campaign system. Which ones would you pick that would work well with this build?

    Link to the boons: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?436421-New-Enchantments-%28Feywild%29&p=5645681&viewfull=1#post5645681

    Hey, Vayrano. Thank you so much for the feedback, and to have been able to share this play style with other people has been my pleasure! Hearing everyone's experiences with this build is worth all the time I spent on this build.

    As for your questions, I actually have been thinking of this myself for quite sometime now after seeing the new Boons in the PTS.

    I would definitely choose the following.
    - 250 Crit.
    - 250 Power.
    - 2% AP Gain
    - Chance to Heal yourself for 400 when struck.
    - Deal 400 damage to the attacker when we deflect their attacks.

    250 Crit will definitely help bring us closer to 50% Crit which is pretty much every goal of a TR. 250 Power adds a little damage to our attacks. Small, but we lack DPS and we tend to attack a lot in stealth. 2% AP Gain may not seem much at first, but this brings us closer to Lurker's Assault much faster which is pretty much a huge boost in our DPS.

    And lastly, the final 2 boons, Elven Tranquility and Fey Thistle. These two boons work hand in hand with Impossible to Catch. ITC gives us 100% deflect for 5 seconds. This means whatever attack our opponents deal to us within these 5 seconds they will get a guaranteed 400 points deflected back at them for each attack dealt. And while they are striking us, we also get the chance to heal back some of the damage they dealt to us making this combo a little safer to use.

    I personally like Fey Thistle. GF's and GWF's will make use of this boon very well.
  • aselia669aselia669 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I would definitely choose the following.
    - 250 Crit.
    - 250 Power.
    - 2% AP Gain
    - Chance to Heal yourself for 400 when struck.
    - Deal 400 damage to the attacker when we deflect their attacks.

    250 Crit will definitely help bring us closer to 50% Crit which is pretty much every goal of a TR. 250 Power adds a little damage to our attacks. Small, but we lack DPS and we tend to attack a lot in stealth. 2% AP Gain may not seem much at first, but this brings us closer to Lurker's Assault much faster which is pretty much a huge boost in our DPS.

    And lastly, the final 2 boons, Elven Tranquility and Fey Thistle. These two boons work hand in hand with Impossible to Catch. ITC gives us 100% deflect for 5 seconds. This means whatever attack our opponents deal to us within these 5 seconds they will get a guaranteed 400 points deflected back at them for each attack dealt. And while they are striking us, we also get the chance to heal back some of the damage they dealt to us making this combo a little safer to use.

    I personally like Fey Thistle. GF's and GWF's will make use of this boon very well.

    Wouldn't it better if you choose

    Elven Resolve - Your Stamina or Guard Meter regenerate 10% faster in Combat

    than Fey Thistle, I mean why use ITC to deflect when you can use it in Stealth to be immune to damage. Furthermore I think Elven Resolve works well with our feat Twilight Adept, more dodge+Stealth uptime. Just my opinion :)
  • todesfaelletodesfaelle Member Posts: 1,370 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    aselia669 wrote: »
    Wouldn't it better if you choose

    Elven Resolve - Your Stamina or Guard Meter regenerate 10% faster in Combat

    than Fey Thistle, I mean why use ITC to deflect when you can use it in Stealth to be immune to damage. Furthermore I think Elven Resolve works well with our feat Twilight Adept, more dodge+Stealth uptime. Just my opinion :)

    That's true. I actually considered Elven Resolve as well, and will definitely use it for the 2nd build variation. The 2nd build will have 30% increased stamina regen with that Boon. Though to answer your question honestly, I want Fey Thistle + Elven Tranquility together just because it sounds so cool and fun to have an ITC that reflects damage and can heal you as well. :p I tend to go for things that seem fun to use and synergistic.

    But what you say is correct. If we're going for further maximized Stealth, Elven Resolve is the way. With 20 STR (10% Stam. Regen), Swift Footwork and Elven Resolve, 30% Stamina Regen will be pretty useful in getting extra dodges in. If a Stealth-based TR is also going for Saboteur and decides to forgo Executioner for its Capstone Feat, he can also take Nimble Dodge. We might even be able to see a TR that is able to dodge 3 times like a CW with these much Stamina buffs.
  • kisssslivekisssslive Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    hi im making a new TR with your build i just started today and just wonder is your build still usefull after nerf ? and can we use all at wills power in stealth ? i mean they cant see me when i attacking they in pvp ? And sorry for my bad english
  • melanie2781melanie2781 Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Was just coming to ask the same thing.. I have a halfling rogue who's a damage heavy rogue, but with the release of the drow I decided to roll a new one and try your build. Has the nerf affected it much?
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