I have the same thing. After seeing how big of a fail GauntleGrym was me and 10 others in my guild just instantly quit. I remember we did not even finish the event, it was just too boring.
I have a full shadow weaver CW with 6 mil AD. I am thinking of gambling those AD's and uninstalling. I have been waiting for 2 months now for improvements, but Cryptic is not showing any signs. Even the new module looks boring.
martinxyz999Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3Arc User
edited July 2013
I'm kind of getting bored myself with my 60 GWF. I tried some dungeons but the bosses at the end are really though because of all the adds that keeps respawning again and again. Plus I can't fight from afar so I die frequently. I don't understand why we can't re-enter the fight immediatly. It really kills the fun. And after 2 or 3 try I'm sorry but I get exausted. I tried the Never Dungeon but was amazed that they put 65 spiders??? I'll wait for the extension. I like the PVP 5-5 a lot but the 20-20 is too chaotic from me. I have to add that I don't enjoy MMO too much. Too much angry people kills the fun. I miss the old Neverwinter solo campaigns.
jihancritiasMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
you dont see posts like this on many other REAL MMO forums. Thats because it takes more then 1 week in 90% of MMOs to get to end game, then another couple of months(if your lucky enough on drops) to get BiS gear. By the time you do that the next expansion is out and you start doing that.
Endgame content in other MMOs has never been interesting.
Sure, in other MMOs there were hell levels where it took forever to wade through content.
And the worlds were bigger, so much more room for exploration. I could be stuck on two levels for weeks at at time.
The endgame wasn't compelling. Leveling alts was compelling.
And, we'd have to wait at least a year for an expansion.
With Neverwinter, we're getting to mini-expansions in 2 months.
While, in Neverwinter anyway, it takes less then a week to get to 60 and about another week to get your BiS gear. On top of that there is no talk of upgraded content or actual expansions with lvl cap increases or anything, in fact they have allready stated in interviews that there is currently absolutely no raid content even in development at all.
New story and areas to explore is better than upgrading.
That makes for a very stale game after just a few weeks of playtime. Yeah, theres foundry quests but what is the reward for doing them? You get at best a green item to merchant for a gold or 2. Again, it has nothing to do with playing the game over and over again thats making people bored, its the complete lack of content that this game offers.
It's the relatively pointless upgrading that makes for a stale game. IMO.
jihancritiasMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
People will kill me for this - play TSW. :P
Make us an exciting foundry quest so we all flock to the foundry server and overload it
Wait August 22 for some content. Mostly daily quests, daily solo missions and a whole (ofc very memorable) new dungeon.
Look at the market and find some other game to play with. Just to compare, you know.
Maybe you will like it more there.
P.S. All MMOs end-up gear grinds. Some MMOs have more end-game, some less.
WoW now has 4 difficulties of raiding, changes to PVP (again)
Rift is F2P and have those beautiful dynamice events I adore.
Just browse and see for yourself.
The Secret World?
Great customer service. It rarely takes much time to get help, in-game.
Insanely awesome story, and the dungeons are fun, not add-fests. The only problem is that the content ran out.
3 days for level 12-14 seems possible on a character with 6 slots unlocked if you buy the white rank 3 or green/blue/purple workers. It took me a week and a half to get Platesmithing to 20, and the only AD I spent was on workers.
And how did you start with 6 slots?
At level 60 (and assuming the player has not done any crafting at all until then), 3 slots will be opened. 1 by default, 2 by reaching character levels.
The 4th slot is easy enough, just get the profession to level 3. The 5th slot opens up once that profession gets to 10. The 6th slot opens up once the profession is level 20. The 7th slot is when 3 professions reach level 20. And the last 2 are incredibly difficult to unlock as they require premium assets to do so...not something that is focused on or obtained while leveling the professions to levels 14-16.
I didn't - I managed it on a new character I just started leveling so it should be even easier on a character sitting at 60 especially if they have another profession.
Also note I said I bought workers - running the level 1 mass-XXXXX job with 4 blue workers opens up another slot straight away....
Thanks for all the replies. Essentially this has become about managing expectations. As I said I haven't had a lot to do with MMORPGs (and the definition of what is or isn't one is open to argument), so perhaps I just expected too much. The D&D aspect sucked me in - Temple of Elemental Evil implemented the v3.5 rules so well. I've moved on from that
Comments on the ease of leveling professions aren't helping.
I enjoyed a run through an epic dungeon today, but an hour was enough. I can't see me playing much this weekend - the weather is too nice and maybe a break will help.
Tele Savalas, Dwarf Thaumaturge CW
Putting the Buff into Debuff since 2013 \o/ (Does that even make sense)?
What happens at end game , in any title, is when you make it to the end, you work on your character to make it the best you can be, and then you wait for what comes next. The trick to making a good mmo is to make it so that the wait does not end when another title comes out, or a different game leads the player away. The wait must be either very fun, or very short.
Tell it to fanboys here. They all like it how it is. This only encourages game companies and developers do it more and more in this same way: no new ideas, no improvements, nothing like old games was way back, when any other of them was something new, fresh and exciting.
I always wonder lately how low has fallen standards for games today and how gladly people chew it up. Just do big hype and you can even sell half backed product!
And when I think about it, I found that it is only thanx to us, gamers, that things with games are what they are now, because we allow it to happen with our purses and acceptance.
I honestly dont get this "good ol'days" mentality. I remember nes and snes days clearly, and what i remember the most is how every game was the same. Every platformer was basically super mario, every rpg waszelda or final fantasy, etc. Just like now the differences were mainly cosmetic with a single gimmick mechanic providing the only marginal difference.
Not to say there wasnt innovation. Just that it came in waves, over the course of years. The time in between was full of mediocre copycat games.
I feel that is where we are now- in dolldurums of mediocrity. Even with the rich lore d&d has as a base, the devs of this game didnt really break the mmo mold wow has set. Its basically wow with a new gimmicky combat system (which i enjoy, btw).
My point is the past only appears rosey because you, naturally, filtered out all the worthless games you had to sort through to find the great ones you seem to remember so fondly. Game devs are just as unoriginal now as they were then.
Thanks for all the replies. Essentially this has become about managing expectations. As I said I haven't had a lot to do with MMORPGs (and the definition of what is or isn't one is open to argument), so perhaps I just expected too much. The D&D aspect sucked me in - Temple of Elemental Evil implemented the v3.5 rules so well. I've moved on from that
Comments on the ease of leveling professions aren't helping.
I enjoyed a run through an epic dungeon today, but an hour was enough. I can't see me playing much this weekend - the weather is too nice and maybe a break will help.
The thing is that an MMORPG is about repetition leading to character power progression.
The "leveling" aspect is mostly an extended tutorial, and most of the time playing the typical MMORPG is spent once your level is capped, repeating content in order to secure incremental power advancement for your character(s). That's what it is. It isn't a RPG in the true sense of the word, it's an MMORPG, and that is something all its own. Most MMO veterans live for the level cap incremental advancement grind, to compete with other players in terms of advancement, and performance relative to other players in PvE and PvP. They are social in the sense that you are collaborating and competing, but the "epeen" is the main motivator of many players. In that sense, they are not "nice" games, but they can be very fun games if that is what you like.
I get the sense you don't like that format, which is fine. It's a specific taste, and quite a few gamers do not like MMORPGs and how they work (and that is quite aside from whether this is an effective MMORPG or not). I have played ~15 MMORPGs in the last 10 years and so I am comfortable with the format, have my own way of playing them (which isn't the well trodden path way, but is fun for me and accommodated by most MMORPGs these days) and I enjoy them. But they are certainly not for everyone. It must always be remembered in particular that the setting/IP/background of any MMORPG is secondary -- the mainstay is the system of incremental advancement and the quality of the gameplay involved in doing the incremental advancement once you have finished the preliminary leveling aspect of the game.
I didn't - I managed it on a new character I just started leveling so it should be even easier on a character sitting at 60 especially if they have another profession.
Then you could not have reached 13-15 in just 2-3 days and having 6 slots...like you originally said...has absolutely nothing to do with it. You just admitted to not having them...previously you said as long as you DID have them. You aren't making any sense here.
Then you could not have reached 13-15 in just 2-3 days and having 6 slots...like you originally said...has absolutely nothing to do with it. You just admitted to not having them...previously you said as long as you DID have them. You aren't making any sense here.
I said I know it can be done in that time using 6 slots, and buying workers. In fact I did it starting with a new character and so started with FEWER than 6 slots.
Not sure what you are having trouble comprehending.....
I said I know it can be done in that time using 6 slots, and buying workers. In fact I did it starting with a new character and so started with FEWER than 6 slots.
Not sure what you are having trouble comprehending.....
There is nothing to "comprehend." You continue to contradict yourself, make statements irrelevant to the post you first responded to, and make false statements.
In other words..."useless post is useless."
Saying it can be done by using 6 slots is like saying it can be done with 100 slots and 50 magiks. It's completely irrelevant to the REALITY of the game itself. It makes no sense to suggest that it can be done by means of that which is impossible to do. As explained previously....the 6th slot requires already having a profession at level 20.
So all you've said here is "I can reach level 15 [profession] with that which does not unlock until said profession is level 20." A logically incoherent position to say the least.
Lastly, it's a GIVEN that you had to start with fewer with 6 slots because it is impossible to start with 6 slots. Your posts are just weird man.
You didn't think before you posted. And that was the reason for my objection.
You fail at comprehension again. If I did it starting with a new character with less slots then it is certainly possible starting with more.
And some people will have more because they will be using a high level character with another profession leveled already.
What is so hard to understand?
You tell me. You continue to lob out red herrings. The issue was not whether or not it is possible to do once higher crafting levels are unlocked, premiums bought, etc... The issue was that of the time length of the FIRST professions.
The op complained of 2 specific professions, and they were his first. No slots have been unlocked past level 5, and one of the professions he was referring to was Leadership, perhaps the lengthiest profession to level out of them all.
Another poster said it would just take a couple days. I objected to that because there is no way that Leadership + 1 other profession could be leveled to 13-14 in just a couple days AS THE FIRST PROFESSIONS.
OF COURSE it is much easier to do once an additional slot is unlocked...or once premium assets are obtained. But that isn't what the op is arguing. It's like saying "A working car will get you there in 10 minutes" as a response to someone who said "It is taking forever to get to point A because building that car from scratch is taking a long time." You may have just suggested that he wear his magic cape and fly to point A...it has just as much legitimacy and relevancy.
The op isn't saying that it is IMPOSSIBLE to gain profession levels quickly, the context is that when starting out (and in particular, when using Leadership), getting to 20 (the point which will allow quicker leveling in other professions) is taking forever. And he's right. You, like the person I responded to, are completely ignoring that context and replacing with an irrelevant universe of discourse.
Furthermore, there is NO WAY you got to level 13-14 Leadership in just a few days. That's 100% bs. The time requirements for the quests disallow that.
Two people in this thread have already said this can be done.
By buying workers, especially getting 4 blue or higher you can unlock another profession slot straight away. You hit level 3 in profession and you get another slot. You hit level 10 for profession and 30 for character level and you get another.
If you level and micromanage very well, then 3 days to get level 12-14 is possible for Platesmithing as I said. Not easy, in fact pretty hard, but possible, especially if you buy blue/purple workers as I did since they reduce the time needed for profession tasks.
I just realised what you had had failed to comprehend - it was the word Platesmithing in my original post. All the other professions are much MUCH faster than Leadership, which is a special case.
I am guessing the issue is that many people who have done several professions know this and take it for granted, so they don't bother to explicitly point it out, which might prove confusing.
**blah blah
I don't pay attention
**blah blah
I was not talking about anything the op was talking about
**blah blah
Well...now we know why you were confused. Suggesting someone to "Just take a car to the store" as a response to them saying it is taking a long time to build a car in order to get the store is void of any reasoning...in this case apparently, by way of not paying attention to what was being said by those you responded to.
OR...to simplify it for you:
OP: The game is discouraging because it's taking me hellalong to level my Leadership. You: It takes only a few days to level Platesmithing to 13-14. Logic: wtf?
Universe of Discourse...never venture outside of it.
The OP talked about Tailoring and Leadership. I said Platesmithing could be leveled up quickly.
Anyone who has done professions would have realised that this also meant it should be possible for Tailoring, but obviously not Leadership which I assumed (wrongly as you proved ) everyone knows is much slower...
I guess that is what confused you about jawarisin post as well - he simply took it for granted that everyone (well not quite everyone as you proved ) would understand he was referring to all the non-Leadership professions...
The OP talked about Tailoring and Leadership. I said Platesmithing could be leveled up quickly.
Anyone who has done several professions would have realised that this also meant it should be possible for Tailoring, but OBVIOUSLY not Leadership which I assumed (wrongly as you proved ) everyone knows is much slower...
Leadership is the qualifier here. Ignoring it doesn't help your case...it merely exposes you ignoring it. Again, UOD man...UOD.
And now you are even backtracking on what you originally said. When someone said that it was possible to level those professions (mentioned in the op) in a few days, I objected. Why? Because he is including Leadership. You then, objected to my post saying that it IS possible...you were OBJECTING to me disagreeing with the idea that Leadership could be leveled up that high in just a few days.
And now...you say you were NOT doing that and were just referring to Platesmithing...well...because you disagreed with me...and if you are consistent with your "I'm sticking with Platesmithing" bit...then you believed somehow, that I was referring to Platesmithing (or ONLY the normal crafting profs)...yet...I wasn't...why would I considering the OP wasn't? That would be ignoring the context. So once again, you are proving you just aren't paying attention (or just unfamiliar with fundamental reasoning...I'll let you decide which as you know you best).
In other words, you are creating a NEW context...not addressing the one first created by the op.
Have you stopped to wonder why you were the only one calling BS and getting your panties in a twist about my and jawarisin's posts?
Because everyone else fell into two categories:
(i) Those that don't know much about professions, and were wise enough not to comment.
(ii) Those that do know a lot about professions and realised jawarisin and I were referring to any profession except leadership which happens to be a special case by itself.
There is a phrase about a little knowledge and danger which is quite appropriate for the third category which you alone seem to fall headlong into.
Have you stopped to wonder why you were the only one calling BS and getting your panties in a twist about my and jawarisin's posts?
Because everyone else fell into two categories:
(i) Those that don't know much about professions, and were wise enough not to comment.
(ii) Those that do know a lot about professions and realised jawarisin and I were referring to any profession except leadership which happens to be a special case by itself.
There is a phrase about a little knowledge and danger which is quite appropriate for the third category which you alone seem to fall headlong into.
Ad hominem, ad populem. Yet more fallacies. Keep 'em coming! You are doing great!
/grabs popcorn, eagerly awaiting what new and fascinating ways mconossrep will abuse reason.
That one has much or little knowledge of professions in no way absolves one of bad reasoning. If you ignore the context of what is said, you will end up speaking about something which is irrelevant to that context...hence...the actual need to stay in context.
I haven't played STO in 2 years, but it used to have a couple of big continuously running PvEs that kept me coming back night after night. One was called Deep Space 9 I think. No queue wait of significance. They would reset when completed. They were ring shaped maps so that late comers could catch up with others easily. More powerful players would protect the weaker ones.
Something like that would keep me coming back. Otherwise, like many of you, I don't see much of a point.
Well, I agree with the OP. I quit playing this game about 2 months ago. I never had a level 60 character, i made it to 43 and could tell by then It was going to be boring.
Should have expected this much, considering Cryptic is the developer. May have had more of a chance if another developer got ahold of this IP.
Ill keep watching the forums, but from the looks of it, alot of players have left NWO and will most likely never return. Its quite sad.
Yeah I've played a week now and gotten to level 39 and everything feels like rinse and repeat as well. I don't even bother reading quests anymore - it's the same thing every time: '[x] person/monster is bad and making bad. Kill it!'
No open world is really killing it for me. The only time I'm fine with a fairly strict zone-to-zone RPG progression is if the story is the focus (as is the case in many JRPG's), but this is just a bunch of small stepping stone zones one after another.
My other gripe is that I don't particularly care for the power upgrade / feat system, or the very strictly limited action bars. Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking to have to bind my entire keyboard but essentially all I'm doing is hitting my three measly encounter powers when they come off cooldown and then holding down my left mouse button. Whatever.
Oh, and combat is mostly 'smack things and jump out of fire (or in this case, red circles)'. That kind of tactic has long since gotten old.
Oh well, I don't exactly expect an MMO (and a free one at that) to offer much in the way of innovative game play.
Nevertheless, considering I haven't dropped a penny on this game it's been worth it to at least look into it. But if things don't change drastically soon I can't say I'm going to ever plan on spending any money at all on this game. *Maybe* dragonborn when (if) they are released, just because I'd like to play a dragonborn cleric (or paladin when or if that gets released).
I do appreciate the fact that there is no auto-attacking and combat feels visceral though.
Well...now we know why you were confused. Suggesting someone to "Just take a car to the store" as a response to them saying it is taking a long time to build a car in order to get the store is void of any reasoning...in this case apparently, by way of not paying attention to what was being said by those you responded to.
OR...to simplify it for you:
OP: The game is discouraging because it's taking me hellalong to level my Leadership. You: It takes only a few days to level Platesmithing to 13-14. Logic: wtf?
Universe of Discourse...never venture outside of it.
You never played other games then?
In Dragon Saga you need to grind your brains out in order to level something for some measly rewards with RNG slapped on it.
Believe me, you need to grind 5-6 months everyday in order to the highest level.
But it is not required to do professions. And tbh these profession are something to return for some illusion of progression here.
I have a full shadow weaver CW with 6 mil AD. I am thinking of gambling those AD's and uninstalling. I have been waiting for 2 months now for improvements, but Cryptic is not showing any signs. Even the new module looks boring.
I hope so. That or this person doesn't get out much.
Many, many games have a ton more to do after level 60. Look around. And, pnp D&D was limited only by your imagination.
Sure, in other MMOs there were hell levels where it took forever to wade through content.
And the worlds were bigger, so much more room for exploration. I could be stuck on two levels for weeks at at time.
The endgame wasn't compelling. Leveling alts was compelling.
And, we'd have to wait at least a year for an expansion.
With Neverwinter, we're getting to mini-expansions in 2 months.
New story and areas to explore is better than upgrading.
It's the relatively pointless upgrading that makes for a stale game. IMO.
The Secret World?
Great customer service. It rarely takes much time to get help, in-game.
Insanely awesome story, and the dungeons are fun, not add-fests. The only problem is that the content ran out.
At level 60 (and assuming the player has not done any crafting at all until then), 3 slots will be opened. 1 by default, 2 by reaching character levels.
The 4th slot is easy enough, just get the profession to level 3. The 5th slot opens up once that profession gets to 10. The 6th slot opens up once the profession is level 20. The 7th slot is when 3 professions reach level 20. And the last 2 are incredibly difficult to unlock as they require premium assets to do so...not something that is focused on or obtained while leveling the professions to levels 14-16.
I didn't - I managed it on a new character I just started leveling so it should be even easier on a character sitting at 60 especially if they have another profession.
Also note I said I bought workers - running the level 1 mass-XXXXX job with 4 blue workers opens up another slot straight away....
Comments on the ease of leveling professions aren't helping.
I enjoyed a run through an epic dungeon today, but an hour was enough. I can't see me playing much this weekend - the weather is too nice and maybe a break will help.
Neverwinter misses the mark on both. IMO.
I honestly dont get this "good ol'days" mentality. I remember nes and snes days clearly, and what i remember the most is how every game was the same. Every platformer was basically super mario, every rpg waszelda or final fantasy, etc. Just like now the differences were mainly cosmetic with a single gimmick mechanic providing the only marginal difference.
Not to say there wasnt innovation. Just that it came in waves, over the course of years. The time in between was full of mediocre copycat games.
I feel that is where we are now- in dolldurums of mediocrity. Even with the rich lore d&d has as a base, the devs of this game didnt really break the mmo mold wow has set. Its basically wow with a new gimmicky combat system (which i enjoy, btw).
My point is the past only appears rosey because you, naturally, filtered out all the worthless games you had to sort through to find the great ones you seem to remember so fondly. Game devs are just as unoriginal now as they were then.
The problem with this advise is, when people leave a game there is a good chance they won't come back.
The thing is that an MMORPG is about repetition leading to character power progression.
The "leveling" aspect is mostly an extended tutorial, and most of the time playing the typical MMORPG is spent once your level is capped, repeating content in order to secure incremental power advancement for your character(s). That's what it is. It isn't a RPG in the true sense of the word, it's an MMORPG, and that is something all its own. Most MMO veterans live for the level cap incremental advancement grind, to compete with other players in terms of advancement, and performance relative to other players in PvE and PvP. They are social in the sense that you are collaborating and competing, but the "epeen" is the main motivator of many players. In that sense, they are not "nice" games, but they can be very fun games if that is what you like.
I get the sense you don't like that format, which is fine. It's a specific taste, and quite a few gamers do not like MMORPGs and how they work (and that is quite aside from whether this is an effective MMORPG or not). I have played ~15 MMORPGs in the last 10 years and so I am comfortable with the format, have my own way of playing them (which isn't the well trodden path way, but is fun for me and accommodated by most MMORPGs these days) and I enjoy them. But they are certainly not for everyone. It must always be remembered in particular that the setting/IP/background of any MMORPG is secondary -- the mainstay is the system of incremental advancement and the quality of the gameplay involved in doing the incremental advancement once you have finished the preliminary leveling aspect of the game.
I said I know it can be done in that time using 6 slots, and buying workers. In fact I did it starting with a new character and so started with FEWER than 6 slots.
Not sure what you are having trouble comprehending.....
In other words..."useless post is useless."
Saying it can be done by using 6 slots is like saying it can be done with 100 slots and 50 magiks. It's completely irrelevant to the REALITY of the game itself. It makes no sense to suggest that it can be done by means of that which is impossible to do. As explained previously....the 6th slot requires already having a profession at level 20.
So all you've said here is "I can reach level 15 [profession] with that which does not unlock until said profession is level 20." A logically incoherent position to say the least.
Lastly, it's a GIVEN that you had to start with fewer with 6 slots because it is impossible to start with 6 slots. Your posts are just weird man.
You didn't think before you posted. And that was the reason for my objection.
You fail at comprehension again. If I did it starting with a new character with less slots then it is certainly possible starting with more.
And some people will have more because they will be using a high level character with another profession leveled already.
What is so hard to understand?
The op complained of 2 specific professions, and they were his first. No slots have been unlocked past level 5, and one of the professions he was referring to was Leadership, perhaps the lengthiest profession to level out of them all.
Another poster said it would just take a couple days. I objected to that because there is no way that Leadership + 1 other profession could be leveled to 13-14 in just a couple days AS THE FIRST PROFESSIONS.
OF COURSE it is much easier to do once an additional slot is unlocked...or once premium assets are obtained. But that isn't what the op is arguing. It's like saying "A working car will get you there in 10 minutes" as a response to someone who said "It is taking forever to get to point A because building that car from scratch is taking a long time." You may have just suggested that he wear his magic cape and fly to point A...it has just as much legitimacy and relevancy.
The op isn't saying that it is IMPOSSIBLE to gain profession levels quickly, the context is that when starting out (and in particular, when using Leadership), getting to 20 (the point which will allow quicker leveling in other professions) is taking forever. And he's right. You, like the person I responded to, are completely ignoring that context and replacing with an irrelevant universe of discourse.
Furthermore, there is NO WAY you got to level 13-14 Leadership in just a few days. That's 100% bs. The time requirements for the quests disallow that.
Two people in this thread have already said this can be done.
By buying workers, especially getting 4 blue or higher you can unlock another profession slot straight away. You hit level 3 in profession and you get another slot. You hit level 10 for profession and 30 for character level and you get another.
If you level and micromanage very well, then 3 days to get level 12-14 is possible for Platesmithing as I said. Not easy, in fact pretty hard, but possible, especially if you buy blue/purple workers as I did since they reduce the time needed for profession tasks.
I just realised what you had had failed to comprehend - it was the word Platesmithing in my original post. All the other professions are much MUCH faster than Leadership, which is a special case.
I am guessing the issue is that many people who have done several professions know this and take it for granted, so they don't bother to explicitly point it out, which might prove confusing.
OR...to simplify it for you:
OP: The game is discouraging because it's taking me hellalong to level my Leadership.
You: It takes only a few days to level Platesmithing to 13-14.
Logic: wtf?
Universe of Discourse...never venture outside of it.
Yes, I guess you are.
The OP talked about Tailoring and Leadership. I said Platesmithing could be leveled up quickly.
Anyone who has done professions would have realised that this also meant it should be possible for Tailoring, but obviously not Leadership which I assumed (wrongly as you proved
I guess that is what confused you about jawarisin post as well - he simply took it for granted that everyone (well not quite everyone as you proved
Leadership is the qualifier here. Ignoring it doesn't help your case...it merely exposes you ignoring it. Again, UOD man...UOD.
And now you are even backtracking on what you originally said. When someone said that it was possible to level those professions (mentioned in the op) in a few days, I objected. Why? Because he is including Leadership. You then, objected to my post saying that it IS possible...you were OBJECTING to me disagreeing with the idea that Leadership could be leveled up that high in just a few days.
And now...you say you were NOT doing that and were just referring to Platesmithing...well...because you disagreed with me...and if you are consistent with your "I'm sticking with Platesmithing" bit...then you believed somehow, that I was referring to Platesmithing (or ONLY the normal crafting profs)...yet...I wasn't...why would I considering the OP wasn't? That would be ignoring the context. So once again, you are proving you just aren't paying attention (or just unfamiliar with fundamental reasoning...I'll let you decide which as you know you best).
In other words, you are creating a NEW context...not addressing the one first created by the op.
Have you stopped to wonder why you were the only one calling BS and getting your panties in a twist about my and jawarisin's posts?
Because everyone else fell into two categories:
(i) Those that don't know much about professions, and were wise enough not to comment.
(ii) Those that do know a lot about professions and realised jawarisin and I were referring to any profession except leadership which happens to be a special case by itself.
There is a phrase about a little knowledge and danger which is quite appropriate for the third category which you alone seem to fall headlong into.
/grabs popcorn, eagerly awaiting what new and fascinating ways mconossrep will abuse reason.
That one has much or little knowledge of professions in no way absolves one of bad reasoning. If you ignore the context of what is said, you will end up speaking about something which is irrelevant to that context...hence...the actual need to stay in context.
Something like that would keep me coming back. Otherwise, like many of you, I don't see much of a point.
Should have expected this much, considering Cryptic is the developer. May have had more of a chance if another developer got ahold of this IP.
Ill keep watching the forums, but from the looks of it, alot of players have left NWO and will most likely never return. Its quite sad.
No open world is really killing it for me. The only time I'm fine with a fairly strict zone-to-zone RPG progression is if the story is the focus (as is the case in many JRPG's), but this is just a bunch of small stepping stone zones one after another.
My other gripe is that I don't particularly care for the power upgrade / feat system, or the very strictly limited action bars. Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking to have to bind my entire keyboard but essentially all I'm doing is hitting my three measly encounter powers when they come off cooldown and then holding down my left mouse button. Whatever.
Oh, and combat is mostly 'smack things and jump out of fire (or in this case, red circles)'. That kind of tactic has long since gotten old.
Oh well, I don't exactly expect an MMO (and a free one at that) to offer much in the way of innovative game play.
Nevertheless, considering I haven't dropped a penny on this game it's been worth it to at least look into it. But if things don't change drastically soon I can't say I'm going to ever plan on spending any money at all on this game. *Maybe* dragonborn when (if) they are released, just because I'd like to play a dragonborn cleric (or paladin when or if that gets released).
I do appreciate the fact that there is no auto-attacking and combat feels visceral though.
You won;t believe me but they are into their 7th issue. So content adds up.
You never played other games then?
In Dragon Saga you need to grind your brains out in order to level something for some measly rewards with RNG slapped on it.
Believe me, you need to grind 5-6 months everyday in order to the highest level.
But it is not required to do professions. And tbh these profession are something to return for some illusion of progression here.