Yeah I ran into this same problem in my Crypt "part of my Heroic Quest" it didn't seem to matter how I moved them, they still moved to a V formation "but this was one of the Guard Encounters, so maybe its different for other encounters"
(A Time Long Forgotten)Whispers in the Forest -@Yipykaye
Thanks very much for the review. I was blown away by the length and detail that you invested. Cudos to you.
This was my very first attempt with the foundry and I admit you can tell. You gave a lot of quality comments and reflections and investigated parts of the maps that I hadn't even been. We will have different creative views as do most players but everything is just feedback and I appreciate that.
Details were definetly lacking in some of the areas and that was purely down to lack of plays and reviews happening. The slow uptake with people checking it out stopped me from even working on the levels for a couple weeks. I have plenty to spare so getting feedback that it is well written and enjoyable to play has made me excited to polish it off even more.
Some of the items or paths that you spoke about were actually there it's just the way that you played the level they slightly missed.
Eg. Sound effects when the witch appeared and the lord were missed because of the small sound nodes available and you happened to play the fights in a slightly different position to what i expected. I would love the foundry to be more editable but we work with what we have.
Things like the overworld map selection for Miller's Scrub covering the Gauntgrym map well that's changed due to the release of the game. Was working perfectly until that now shows but an easy fix.
Loved that you found the roof out of place on the house. I didn't even know that happened. With play testing myself I forget to run around everything.
The exit from the cave is actually there but you were looking on the wrong mountain. Easy to get confused and turned around.
Also with some of the story line that you felt was missed it's important to remember that it is a campaign not a single quest so things tie in over the course. The map finishes poorly because you are suppoed to travel back to Protector's Enclave and hide the Orb but due to the bugs wiping the questline I had to delete for now. Yep House and stone entrance are alittle wack but it was a here's a map here's a house now write a story. All adlib, no story boards just as I felt it while I played.
Overall I am stoked by the review and will be polishing the quest even more. You challanged my thinking in parts without being negative which was really important as a solid review. Thanks again
"A Time Long Forgotten" Whispers in the ForestNW-DPJGEXZJ8- Daily A Salty Sailor's Brew NW-DMOZP625S- Daily Bonds of a Brother NW-DCP9XPZHI - Daily
The slow uptake with people checking it out stopped me from even working on the levels for a couple weeks.
I completely understand I have the same problem "It's like no matter what I do, others just don't think/ approach things the same way that I do" so constantly tweaking things to work for others is exhausting, that's when you need to take a break and do something fun.
"All adlib, no story boards just as I felt it while I played."yeah, That's how I do my [UGC] too.
"You challanged my thinking in parts without being negative"I'm pleased, I try not to be insulting and just give my "Honest" Opinion 'If I don't like something I'm going to say so, but hopefully in a respectful and constructive way'
Reviewed. I felt it was a good adventure overall with very detailed environments but,
some minor issues:
1. (early in quest) near the chest in the wagon there's a tree in a small hole, intended as a trap?
2. Excessive backtracking. example: NPC scribe laying on ground right in front of me, but i have to run way over to far off point examine something and return back to scribe to continue.
3. Some quests could be more descriptive with what you expect the player to do, example: near the end there's a quest stating something to the effect of a spirits power fluctuating, and no way point. so the player runs around until they accidentally hit the "trigger" to advance to the next objective.
2. Excessive backtracking. example: NPC scribe laying on ground right in front of me, but i have to run way over to far off point examine something and return back to scribe to continue.
yeah I guess one of these days I'll have to go back and rework this "some gamers proceed before continuing the quest" if you just interact with the backpack then go look for the scribe, like the quest tells you 'this wont happen'
3. Some quests could be more descriptive with what you expect the player to do, example: near the end there's a quest stating something to the effect of a spirits power fluctuating, and no way point. so the player runs around until they accidentally hit the "trigger" to advance to the next objective.
It tells you to 'Clear the Camp of Undead' but I guess this is difficult for people to understand. I'm not sure what to do "instead of just saying 'you now have to walk back to the camp, which is located on the east side of the map, it is marked by tents and a campfire" which I don't like, it's basic -_-
Yeah, Your anvilbreakers map is stunning...felt like i was in skyrim or somewhere in lord of the rings. Really nice job. I think you can skip the first "talk to the messenger boy" thing, it breaks the immersion, and I am pretty sure most players understand the dialogue mechanics. I think just having the quest accept/first objective from the job board to be "go to Anvilbreaker's Valley" would be fine, and more immersive.
Other than that, nice job. I wish i could make maps like that. alas, my strength is writing/story.
Leader of Conviction: find me in game if you're looking for a friendly guild!
Looking for reviews (will trade)! Arachnophobia Code: NW-DMRQYIZQT
For all the spider-haters out there
I tried your Anvilbreaker Forgeworks quest. It's a nicely thought out quest with some interesting touches. I particularly liked the invisible interactions where you survey your surroundings (I might steal that idea for future quests of mine). I did notice something a bit out of place though. During the quest "Patrol for wandering wolf packs", 2 of the groups were goblins, not wolves. My only other gripe would be that the map feels a bit empty. Maybe add in some details or wandering NPCs. It would be nice to see how you continue this story.
I'll try your other quest tomorrow as I don't have enough time today to play a 1 hour+ foundry.
I would love it if you could review mine NW-DIG3FBD2Q. It's my first attempt at a foundry and I used all pre-made maps (1 of which I may later change out for a custom map depending on time/motivation). But unless you're a highly skilled soloer or low level I'd recommend bringing 1 other person.
Campaign: NWS-DE986PLQS - Zombie Infestation
NW-DIG3FBD2Q - Part 1 - Initial Attack - (Eligible for daily) Click here to see Video review by @Visigoth18
NW-DNG6BTL9C - Part 2 - Retaliation - (Now daily eligible - thanks for the support everyone)
It tells you to 'Clear the Camp of Undead' but I guess this is difficult for people to understand. I'm not sure what to do "instead of just saying 'you now have to walk back to the camp, which is located on the east side of the map, it is marked by tents and a campfire" which I don't like, it's basic -_-
Thanks for the Review and Feedback tho
Yes it did, but i was referring to objective right before that.
I think you can skip the first "talk to the messenger boy" thing, it breaks the immersion, and I am pretty sure most players understand the dialogue mechanics. I think just having the quest accept/first objective from the job board to be "go to Anvilbreaker's Valley" would be fine, and more immersive.
I completely agree, and at the same time when I didn't have it in place I was always getting comments about my Dialogue formatting. so its kinda a hassle but I think I'm going to leave it in for the majority of 'gamers' that have difficulty following along.
My only other gripe would be that the map feels a bit empty. Maybe add in some details or wandering NPCs.
lol, as I have told others 'I would love to add more' but I ran out of details and NPCs..."I would have to remove details to be able to add some" which I'm not sure I want to do that...
@deimoses & sarkany69... I'll give your quests a try "But, I am but one"
A tip for mine, the mobs don't get all their powers until higher level, I believe lvl 15ish so it is quite possible to solo it at a lower level. I'm not sure if that's the case for all foundry maps, might want to ask @deimoses for their map, but that's how I managed to solo mine.
Also, one question. With the length of some of the reviews, how do you have time to do all of these video reviews?
Campaign: NWS-DE986PLQS - Zombie Infestation
NW-DIG3FBD2Q - Part 1 - Initial Attack - (Eligible for daily) Click here to see Video review by @Visigoth18
NW-DNG6BTL9C - Part 2 - Retaliation - (Now daily eligible - thanks for the support everyone)
I have watched a couple of your video reviews, and enjoyed them. I'd like to hear your thoughts on part one of my campaign.
I have made no other foundry quests, this is my first and as such it was as much me learning the foundry as anything else.. No 'excuses' just saying :P
I will run your quests, and I will video review them myself (if I can get everything working... I 'had' a full version of fraps a while back.. hopefully I should still have that ability.)
I also need to apologize... I didn't know about the disappearing quest bug until my friends started playing this quest. I have posted for solutions, and possible ways to change this. As of now though, I'm afraid at 2 points you will almost certainly have to Re-log (possibly twice or more times) to clear the bug... I am so sorry for this, but it's out of my control.
There is no rush... I know you have several to do.
Also, one question. With the length of some of the reviews, how do you have time to do all of these video reviews?
I work at home in a shop in the back yard, so while I'm waiting on things I just come inside and take a little break ;] "like today I'm normalizing a batch of blades in the oven" so I'll pretty much only have to go check on them every few hours to make sure everything's cool.
I will run your quests, and I will video review them myself (if I can get everything working... I 'had' a full version of fraps a while back.. hopefully I should still have that ability.)
^_^ cool, videos are awesome tools! It will be fun if you get yours working. "I had trouble with the audio on my first vids, Fraps is weird. if you run into any problems feel free to drop me a line. I might be able to help/ answer some questions"
I didn't know about the disappearing quest bug until my friends started playing this quest, but it's out of my control.
Yeah, I had the same trouble the first time I mad my first quest, But it is in your control it's just a need to remake the quest and cut out the [Cryptic] maps.
There is no rush... I know you have several to do.
:] when I see a review pop up with your name I'll add you to the list "if someone else reviews before you, they will be ahead of you on the list. that's how it works"
and it would be a great help if you could organize your "Quest" like it says in the OP @AccountName - Shortcode - (Campaign Name, if applicable) Quest Name
it will make it easier on me, 'trying to keep track of you guys'.
I attempted Heroic Adventures -Ch 1.) The Headless Hero.
I had seen a video play through of an earlier incarnation to this quest and was pleasantly surprised by the depth and growth that your quest had undergone. Some of the points that stood out for me were:
1. Once inside the Crypt, Acolyte Kerstin doesn't disappear once she heads to the door "going to get reinforcements". Though I understand that the limitations of the Foundry might cause your NPC to not despawn if she's also pathing. I do not know if this is the case or not.
2. While trying to read the text from Squiggles, I found it annoying to be attacked multiple times by spiders after I had cleared out a fair number already. I don't mind fighting and I don't mind reading. I do, however, mind being attacked while I'm reading and having to back out of the text each time to defend myself.
3. I thoroughly enjoyed the detail that went into the spider cave of the underdark and the troll section was nice. Especially the part allowing the player the choice for combat or not.
4. I really, really wasn't fond of the multiple encounters on top of the campfire in the arena. What bothered me most was that I was led to believe that I could utilize that campfire to heal up, and ended up dying twice once I reached it. Now the fact that I went into this quest with no heal potions meant that I could test the power of my skills against the difficulty of the encounters. Granted I died eight times through the course of the adventure, the first of those was purely due to me not paying attention. But had I known that spawns would surprise me before I could heal up at the campfire after being instructed by the DM notes (or perhaps it was the Headless Hero himself), then I would have chosen a different tactic.
5. The Dr. Who reference appeared more like an inside joke than part of the quest, only for the fact that it didn't fit within the overall theme. And the hobbit who leads you to the exit might work best if she was interactable, rather than running off while the player is reading the text and inspecting the rewards of the final chest. Though again, perhaps this is a limitation of the Foundry and couldn't be worked around.
I gave you the full quotient of stars for the level of detail, depth of story, the side quests (though the Red Wizard of Thay I ran into first by mistake due to exploring rather than following the quest lead), and for the obvious growth in your quest since the video I had seen. Thank you for the fun, and I hope you will take the time to video review my own quest.
NW-DF66TLIAM = MOB for a day
NW-DFOEHE955 = Woeful Cave (in production but testable)
Nah, it was mainly the server booting me and other HAMSTER :] not a big deal.
Op updated with "A Salty Sailor's Brew -@Yipykaye"
remorselordMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 102Arc User
edited July 2013
@ visigoth18 Thanks for doing video reviews for our quests, it's definitely something that I've been looking forward to. I would also like to do a review trade with you and would hope you do the same. I am going to play your quest tomorrow and leave feedback. As far as my quest it is in my signature and would be best played with two people or possibly solo depending on your character. If you do a video review of my quest, I would recommend more than one person in general. I know you got quite a few requests already, but if you could get to my quest at some point that would be great. Thanks.
@remorselord - NW-DR7WBOLM6 - The Crucible Challenge
after I finsh the list on the OP I'll be taking a little break for a few days/ a week or so, so I can spend my free time trying to fix/Update my quests. "Thanks too all the glorious feedback I have received from this amazing community"
Nah, it was mainly the server booting me and other HAMSTER :] not a big deal.
Op updated with "A Salty Sailor's Brew -@Yipykaye"
Thanks again for another video review really appreciate your time making them.
I watched your full review and I can see why you got frustrated by the end.
Something I would like to mention though. The quest is designed and plays out in 25 mins. Combined with "whispers in the forest" you can have both done and have time for lunch inside an hour of normal gameplay.
Having to restart 3-4 times, hour long text message breaks, disconnects etc... That alone is enough for someone to give any quest 2 stars. I appreciate your opinion but there were outside things that affected your mood toward the quest line. The quest itself never broke, you just seemed to be cursed with bad luck trying to complete it. Im amazed after hearing everything, that you bothered to ccomplete it and "Thank You" for having the balls to finish. It seemed fitting that you closed the review without rating just to rub salt in the wounds. Lol
It feels like all the info is at the end of 4 days but really you would have seen that under 30 mins. Things like the orb etc aren't explained because I had to delete the end of whispers in the forest with the Neverwinter bug. If people cant finish your quest It doesn't rate either. I have had to alter so much because of cryptic problems. Eg telling you to look in the cellar for contact, cannot for the life of me get quest tracking to work with him. The annoying voice over comes with the default map. Hopefully Things like that get better.
I did like the idea of making this a sub quest. So I might be able to twist it like this is how you met Tobias (back in the day). And you ask him about his ring and then you get the explanation. The third part is awesome and really explains more about the whole thing. so it could be optional to play the whole background story or skip from 1 to 3.
Been working on part 1 giving more detail and I think you will love it. I'm going to get me that 5 stars ;-)
Thanks again man.
Really sorry about the troubles you had but a review is just "feedback" so any comments can be viewed in a positive way.
"A Time Long Forgotten" Whispers in the ForestNW-DPJGEXZJ8- Daily A Salty Sailor's Brew NW-DMOZP625S- Daily Bonds of a Brother NW-DCP9XPZHI - Daily
Thanks again for another video review really appreciate your time making them. I watched your full review and I can see why you got frustrated by the end.
anytime, and I really tried to not let all the stuff affect my opinion. >.<
The quest is designed and plays out in 25 mins. Combined with "whispers in the forest" you can have both done and have time for lunch inside an hour of normal gameplay.
Yeah, it's totally a valid opinion "It just didn't seem to flow, it honestly felt like the example I gave of DBZ" even if a quest is designed to be played back to back "what happens if you don't or cant?" that's in your control as the author. "I'm guilty of the same thing, 'it falls on us' I just wanted to make sure I gave my impressions" :]
Having to restart 3-4 times, hour long text message breaks, disconnects etc... That alone is enough for someone to give any quest 2 stars. I appreciate your opinion but there were outside things that affected your mood toward the quest line.
I seriously put effort into not letting those things affect my opinion, that's why I stopped and came back after chilling out
Things like the orb etc aren't explained because I had to delete the end of whispers in the forest with the Neverwinter bug.
I completely understand "I had the same problem" and not to sound condescending "But that's our responsibility as the authors. we have to make it work, or it will show in the quality of our quest. "When I was playing and not getting that information, it completely affected my entire experience with the story" "It would be like taking the scene where Dorthy kills the witch with her house, out of the Wizard of Oz" the following/ rest of the story would always be slightly confusing...
I have had to alter so much because of cryptic problems.
I completely feel your pain, that's why I try to be supportive and "Constructive" I really do want other Authors to make great content and get recognized for it. it adds to all our experiences!
The annoying voice over comes with the default map.
I'm not saying this is definitely the "Word of God" or anything, But I'm pretty sure if you want to change that. all you need to do is pick a different Background audio for all the rooms...
Been working on part 1 giving more detail and I think you will love it. I'm going to get me that 5 stars ;-)
I really liked the "foundation" of your story "I think it could be a lot of fun" >D
>D good luck, and stay strong "the Foundry is a daunting mistress" I hope you stay energized and keep having fun!
remorselordMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 102Arc User
edited July 2013
@visigoth18 I reviewed both of your quests (Heroic Adventures and Anvilbreaker Forgeworks) with ingame feedback. I also updated my previous post with the information that you requested. Thanks.
Just a suggestion, but you should make a (C) for your quest-chain "The Book of the Dead, The Army of the Dead"
Cindy Jones and the Holy Stein - @mee2002
(A Time Long Forgotten) Whispers in the Forest - @Yipykaye
Thanks very much for the review. I was blown away by the length and detail that you invested. Cudos to you.
This was my very first attempt with the foundry and I admit you can tell. You gave a lot of quality comments and reflections and investigated parts of the maps that I hadn't even been. We will have different creative views as do most players but everything is just feedback and I appreciate that.
Details were definetly lacking in some of the areas and that was purely down to lack of plays and reviews happening. The slow uptake with people checking it out stopped me from even working on the levels for a couple weeks. I have plenty to spare so getting feedback that it is well written and enjoyable to play has made me excited to polish it off even more.
Some of the items or paths that you spoke about were actually there it's just the way that you played the level they slightly missed.
Eg. Sound effects when the witch appeared and the lord were missed because of the small sound nodes available and you happened to play the fights in a slightly different position to what i expected. I would love the foundry to be more editable but we work with what we have.
Things like the overworld map selection for Miller's Scrub covering the Gauntgrym map well that's changed due to the release of the game. Was working perfectly until that now shows but an easy fix.
Loved that you found the roof out of place on the house. I didn't even know that happened. With play testing myself I forget to run around everything.
The exit from the cave is actually there but you were looking on the wrong mountain. Easy to get confused and turned around.
Also with some of the story line that you felt was missed it's important to remember that it is a campaign not a single quest so things tie in over the course. The map finishes poorly because you are suppoed to travel back to Protector's Enclave and hide the Orb but due to the bugs wiping the questline I had to delete for now. Yep House and stone entrance are alittle wack but it was a here's a map here's a house now write a story. All adlib, no story boards just as I felt it while I played.
Overall I am stoked by the review and will be polishing the quest even more. You challanged my thinking in parts without being negative which was really important as a solid review. Thanks again
Whispers in the Forest NW-DPJGEXZJ8 - Daily
A Salty Sailor's Brew NW-DMOZP625S - Daily
Bonds of a Brother NW-DCP9XPZHI - Daily
I completely understand I have the same problem "It's like no matter what I do, others just don't think/ approach things the same way that I do" so constantly tweaking things to work for others is exhausting, that's when you need to take a break and do something fun.
"All adlib, no story boards just as I felt it while I played." yeah, That's how I do my [UGC] too.
"You challanged my thinking in parts without being negative" I'm pleased, I try not to be insulting and just give my "Honest" Opinion 'If I don't like something I'm going to say so, but hopefully in a respectful and constructive way'
some minor issues:
1. (early in quest) near the chest in the wagon there's a tree in a small hole, intended as a trap?
2. Excessive backtracking. example: NPC scribe laying on ground right in front of me, but i have to run way over to far off point examine something and return back to scribe to continue.
3. Some quests could be more descriptive with what you expect the player to do, example: near the end there's a quest stating something to the effect of a spirits power fluctuating, and no way point. so the player runs around until they accidentally hit the "trigger" to advance to the next objective.
It tells you to 'Clear the Camp of Undead' but I guess this is difficult for people to understand. I'm not sure what to do "instead of just saying 'you now have to walk back to the camp, which is located on the east side of the map, it is marked by tents and a campfire" which I don't like, it's basic -_-
Thanks for the Review and Feedback tho
Looking for reviews (will trade)!
For all the spider-haters out there
I hope you enjoy it.
And Sacred Heart Short Code: NW-DECMTQMEA
A video Review from visigoth18 you can watch it HERE Of Pt1: The Wishing Ceremony.
Pt1: The Wishing Ceremony is eligible for the Daily Foundry, Avg 27 mins.
Sacred Heart is eligible for the Daily Foundry, Avg 16mins.
Other than that, nice job. I wish i could make maps like that. alas, my strength is writing/story.
Looking for reviews (will trade)!
For all the spider-haters out there
I'll try your other quest tomorrow as I don't have enough time today to play a 1 hour+ foundry.
I would love it if you could review mine NW-DIG3FBD2Q. It's my first attempt at a foundry and I used all pre-made maps (1 of which I may later change out for a custom map depending on time/motivation). But unless you're a highly skilled soloer or low level I'd recommend bringing 1 other person.
NW-DIG3FBD2Q - Part 1 - Initial Attack - (Eligible for daily) Click here to see Video review by @Visigoth18
NW-DNG6BTL9C - Part 2 - Retaliation - (Now daily eligible - thanks for the support everyone)
Yes it did, but i was referring to objective right before that.
I completely agree, and at the same time when I didn't have it in place I was always getting comments about my Dialogue formatting. so its kinda a hassle but I think I'm going to leave it in for the majority of 'gamers' that have difficulty following along.
lol, and others commented on how I needed to add goblins...I guess I'll have to revisit this.
lol, as I have told others 'I would love to add more' but I ran out of details and NPCs..."I would have to remove details to be able to add some" which I'm not sure I want to do that...
lol...It's only me, So I'll see how that gos. I'll run it with my main...
Then I'll definitely go back and take a look at this.
-Thank you
@deimoses & sarkany69... I'll give your quests a try "But, I am but one"
A tip for mine, the mobs don't get all their powers until higher level, I believe lvl 15ish so it is quite possible to solo it at a lower level. I'm not sure if that's the case for all foundry maps, might want to ask @deimoses for their map, but that's how I managed to solo mine.
Also, one question. With the length of some of the reviews, how do you have time to do all of these video reviews?
NW-DIG3FBD2Q - Part 1 - Initial Attack - (Eligible for daily) Click here to see Video review by @Visigoth18
NW-DNG6BTL9C - Part 2 - Retaliation - (Now daily eligible - thanks for the support everyone)
I have watched a couple of your video reviews, and enjoyed them. I'd like to hear your thoughts on part one of my campaign.
I have made no other foundry quests, this is my first and as such it was as much me learning the foundry as anything else.. No 'excuses' just saying :P
I will run your quests, and I will video review them myself (if I can get everything working... I 'had' a full version of fraps a while back.. hopefully I should still have that ability.)
I also need to apologize... I didn't know about the disappearing quest bug until my friends started playing this quest. I have posted for solutions, and possible ways to change this. As of now though, I'm afraid at 2 points you will almost certainly have to Re-log (possibly twice or more times) to clear the bug... I am so sorry for this, but it's out of my control.
There is no rush... I know you have several to do.
Thanks, appreciated
Part 1: A Mysterious Portal: - NW-DIKGSOTWT
Part 2: Into the forest: Out now - NW DAVOJC8N7
Part 3: Through the portal: 50% Finished!
Part 4: Lvl 113
Does YOUR FOUNDRY need more plays? Try this thread: Click here
I work at home in a shop in the back yard, so while I'm waiting on things I just come inside and take a little break ;] "like today I'm normalizing a batch of blades in the oven" so I'll pretty much only have to go check on them every few hours to make sure everything's cool.
Hey thanks :] I'm glad others besides just the author watch them.
^_^ cool, videos are awesome tools! It will be fun if you get yours working. "I had trouble with the audio on my first vids, Fraps is weird. if you run into any problems feel free to drop me a line. I might be able to help/ answer some questions"
Yeah, I had the same trouble the first time I mad my first quest, But it is in your control
:] when I see a review pop up with your name I'll add you to the list "if someone else reviews before you, they will be ahead of you on the list. that's how it works"
and it would be a great help if you could organize your "Quest" like it says in the OP
@AccountName - Shortcode - (Campaign Name, if applicable) Quest Name
it will make it easier on me, 'trying to keep track of you guys'.
I attempted Heroic Adventures -Ch 1.) The Headless Hero.
I had seen a video play through of an earlier incarnation to this quest and was pleasantly surprised by the depth and growth that your quest had undergone. Some of the points that stood out for me were:
1. Once inside the Crypt, Acolyte Kerstin doesn't disappear once she heads to the door "going to get reinforcements". Though I understand that the limitations of the Foundry might cause your NPC to not despawn if she's also pathing. I do not know if this is the case or not.
2. While trying to read the text from Squiggles, I found it annoying to be attacked multiple times by spiders after I had cleared out a fair number already. I don't mind fighting and I don't mind reading. I do, however, mind being attacked while I'm reading and having to back out of the text each time to defend myself.
3. I thoroughly enjoyed the detail that went into the spider cave of the underdark and the troll section was nice. Especially the part allowing the player the choice for combat or not.
4. I really, really wasn't fond of the multiple encounters on top of the campfire in the arena. What bothered me most was that I was led to believe that I could utilize that campfire to heal up, and ended up dying twice once I reached it. Now the fact that I went into this quest with no heal potions meant that I could test the power of my skills against the difficulty of the encounters. Granted I died eight times through the course of the adventure, the first of those was purely due to me not paying attention. But had I known that spawns would surprise me before I could heal up at the campfire after being instructed by the DM notes (or perhaps it was the Headless Hero himself), then I would have chosen a different tactic.
5. The Dr. Who reference appeared more like an inside joke than part of the quest, only for the fact that it didn't fit within the overall theme. And the hobbit who leads you to the exit might work best if she was interactable, rather than running off while the player is reading the text and inspecting the rewards of the final chest. Though again, perhaps this is a limitation of the Foundry and couldn't be worked around.
I gave you the full quotient of stars for the level of detail, depth of story, the side quests (though the Red Wizard of Thay I ran into first by mistake due to exploring rather than following the quest lead), and for the obvious growth in your quest since the video I had seen. Thank you for the fun, and I hope you will take the time to video review my own quest.
NW-DFOEHE955 = Woeful Cave (in production but testable)
but maybe tomorrow I'll get some videos cranked out.
oh and p.s. Thanks for that!
Ok that doesn't sound good. Is it broken? I haven't play tested it recently
Whispers in the Forest NW-DPJGEXZJ8 - Daily
A Salty Sailor's Brew NW-DMOZP625S - Daily
Bonds of a Brother NW-DCP9XPZHI - Daily
Op updated with "A Salty Sailor's Brew - @Yipykaye"
@remorselord - NW-DR7WBOLM6 - The Crucible Challenge
game character: Rampage
Please checkout this thread before reviewing:
Video Review:
"Thanks too all the glorious feedback I have received from this amazing community"
Thanks again for another video review really appreciate your time making them.
I watched your full review and I can see why you got frustrated by the end.
Something I would like to mention though. The quest is designed and plays out in 25 mins. Combined with "whispers in the forest" you can have both done and have time for lunch inside an hour of normal gameplay.
Having to restart 3-4 times, hour long text message breaks, disconnects etc... That alone is enough for someone to give any quest 2 stars. I appreciate your opinion but there were outside things that affected your mood toward the quest line. The quest itself never broke, you just seemed to be cursed with bad luck trying to complete it. Im amazed after hearing everything, that you bothered to ccomplete it and "Thank You" for having the balls to finish. It seemed fitting that you closed the review without rating just to rub salt in the wounds. Lol
It feels like all the info is at the end of 4 days but really you would have seen that under 30 mins. Things like the orb etc aren't explained because I had to delete the end of whispers in the forest with the Neverwinter bug. If people cant finish your quest It doesn't rate either. I have had to alter so much because of cryptic problems. Eg telling you to look in the cellar for contact, cannot for the life of me get quest tracking to work with him. The annoying voice over comes with the default map. Hopefully Things like that get better.
I did like the idea of making this a sub quest. So I might be able to twist it like this is how you met Tobias (back in the day). And you ask him about his ring and then you get the explanation. The third part is awesome and really explains more about the whole thing. so it could be optional to play the whole background story or skip from 1 to 3.
Been working on part 1 giving more detail and I think you will love it. I'm going to get me that 5 stars ;-)
Thanks again man.
Really sorry about the troubles you had but a review is just "feedback" so any comments can be viewed in a positive way.
Whispers in the Forest NW-DPJGEXZJ8 - Daily
A Salty Sailor's Brew NW-DMOZP625S - Daily
Bonds of a Brother NW-DCP9XPZHI - Daily
Yeah, it's totally a valid opinion "It just didn't seem to flow, it honestly felt like the example I gave of DBZ" even if a quest is designed to be played back to back "what happens if you don't or cant?" that's in your control as the author. "I'm guilty of the same thing, 'it falls on us' I just wanted to make sure I gave my impressions" :]
I seriously put effort into not letting those things affect my opinion, that's why I stopped and came back after chilling out
True, but there were still all the things I tried to point out, those are the things I base my Opinion on :]
My word only has worth if I make it so
lol, I still cant <Censored> believe I did that ~_~
I completely understand "I had the same problem" and not to sound condescending "But that's our responsibility as the authors. we have to make it work, or it will show in the quality of our quest. "When I was playing and not getting that information, it completely affected my entire experience with the story" "It would be like taking the scene where Dorthy kills the witch with her house, out of the Wizard of Oz" the following/ rest of the story would always be slightly confusing...
I completely feel your pain, that's why I try to be supportive and "Constructive" I really do want other Authors to make great content and get recognized for it. it adds to all our experiences!
I'm not saying this is definitely the "Word of God" or anything, But I'm pretty sure if you want to change that. all you need to do is pick a different Background audio for all the rooms...
>D good luck, and stay strong "the Foundry is a daunting mistress" I hope you stay energized and keep having fun!
Video Review:
OP "to-do" list updated, and added
Dagger of Silence - @deimoses
The Wishing Ceremony - @visualkeiuk