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Guardian Fighters in Pvp using Conq spec are out of control

rondoo1876rondoo1876 Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 8 Arc User
edited July 2013 in PvE Discussion
Seriously? I normally feel no class is OP so I don't like using the term... being said that particular paragon for GF is WAYYYYYYY OP there a **** superman. I honestly see no way of defeating one 1 v1 its insane.

1) They have a greater burst damage then rogues
2) They have the best movement with a at will basically leap
3) They can pump out massive damage in little under 3 secs
4) they have a At will stun... with a difference there stuns send opponents prone for 3 seconds
5) heavy armor class which means hard to damage
6) large health pool
7) a shield that can block nearly all stuns and attacks

Please Gf's especially the FOTM don't even try to deny the spec is out of control for pvp a 3 year old can do good in pvp with it and dominate groups.

Every class is pretty well balanced but the GF for pvp the damage dealers and cc artists cw's tr's gwf's etc give up defense and have to dodge evade pray swear etc. to survive to get there burst damage

Healers lose there massive healing if they dps spec so they become damage dealers with not a lot of defense.

um what weakness exactly does the conq gf have? you cant kite them cause they leap to you you cant stun them they block it. and if you survive long enough to pull those skills off be prepared to be chain stunned with 10k crits lol.

Yes im raging! Ive been mmo playing and pvping for over a decade and ive never seen a class this insane in any game worse ive never seen a class close to being this insane that didn't get fixed promptly! what are you dev's doing? people literally leave pvp matches now when 2 or more gf conq's are on the same team!
Post edited by rondoo1876 on


  • nightgameznightgamez Member Posts: 85
    edited June 2013
    yeah they are a little op :)
    This game is designed to make as much money as possible on a day to day basis. It is not designed to be a great long term game.
  • laudon1laudon1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    everyone is op if build right. except wizards.
    Lemonade Stand.
    Dragon Guild
  • rondoo1876rondoo1876 Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Not true if you build you have to use skill to make that build work... being said theres always a major weakness
    Example execution rogue massive burst but no defense get on them quick they drop like flies. Theres a ying to the yang with every class but not with gf's in that build for pvp they give up no defense and get rogue trumping damage with better cc then a cw and better movement then a gwf that's why the class is OP there is no weakness to the spec in pvp.

    Another one CW renegade great for pvp massive boosts for close quarter dog fighting.. but you better be good at dodging and quick reflexes because you have to let your opponent get close to get those things.

    Cleric can Go dps loses healing if they go healing there only able to really run around and heal while tring to survive

    Gwf can go sentinel loses damage output for burst but gains great defense. Can go destroyer gains burst but loses defense so much easier to kill a destroyer then a sentinel

    Gf Conqu build can well do it all!

    In other words Superman
  • destinyknightdestinyknight Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I dont see this as much of a problem. For any kind of pvp at 60 is just a few shot fests for all classes except clerics.
  • nightgameznightgamez Member Posts: 85
    edited June 2013
    laudon1 wrote: »
    everyone is op if build right. except wizards.

    Agree. Ez fix for wizards would be to lower all encounter times. But mainly chill strike. Chill Strike should come with a 6 or 7 second cooldown.
    This game is designed to make as much money as possible on a day to day basis. It is not designed to be a great long term game.
  • modimormodimor Member Posts: 198 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    I dont see this as much of a problem. For any kind of pvp at 60 is just a few shot fests for all classes except clerics.

    No, Clerics can do that aswell. It just doesn't show up in big numbers like that. Brand of the Sun, Forgemaster's Flame and Break the Spirit all 3 dots ticking while Channeling Divinity do about 20k dmg, and then ends with a big 10k crit of Prophecy of Doom.
  • fusedmassfusedmass Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 252 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    I'd say this is the many, many threads. I read with the exact same message. That the class is over powered. That ruins the fun for the rest of us, because when a single class is able to carry the weight of two people it makes things unbalanced. They barely have do anything but absorb, then charge strike and the person is down for the count.

    The only people will deny this simple logic, a re those that play Guardian. This is at least the 5th thread I read on this topic. Without people actually admitting they are over powered. They are and something seriously needs to be looked at, before everyone rolls this class to be a flavor of the month.
  • jackmeister6969jackmeister6969 Member Posts: 51
    edited June 2013
    ROFL! Some say TRs are OP. Some say GWFs are OP. Some say GFs are OP. Some say CWs are OP. That should mean to say that this is a balance game then. Problem with the people here is that if they get owned, they cant just accept the fact that they suck. Read the other threads. A lot of people crying here in the forums about TRs,GWFs,GFs and CWs being OP! If one class kills you, then you immediately cry out in the forums that the class is OP! WTF! Grow up kids!
  • yushirokaneyushirokane Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ROFL! Some say TRs are OP. Some say GWFs are OP. Some say GFs are OP. Some say CWs are OP. That should mean to say that this is a balance game then. Problem with the people here is that if they get owned, they cant just accept the fact that they suck. Read the other threads. A lot of people crying here in the forums about TRs,GWFs,GFs and CWs being OP! If one class kills you, then you immediately cry out in the forums that the class is OP! WTF! Grow up kids!


    Sadly developers usually hear cry babies...
    Every class in this game well played is op, even clerics.And of course any tenebrous build around class is more op than op lol (being GF the top of the chain in the tene builds due to high hp, thats why so many noobs cry, they cant realize its the enchant not the class)
    Even the TR permastealth build can be countered, haven't find yet a gamebreaking class in this game after the balance patch (and no,rogues were not op even before patch,they were predictable as hell but most ppl is not even capable of read toon animations and predict the skills....
  • wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I'd like to see at least one of the following concerning GFs in PvP:
    1. Loss of frontal shield immunity (I kind of like that they have such a thing to contend against)
    2. Loss of frontal shield immunity to all area of effect attacks (I could live with that)
    3. Loss of ability to knock down and stun (I'd give them the knock down but take away the stun)
    4. You don't drain your daily power on their blocks/immunities (not a direct nerf to them)
  • tang56tang56 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I've played the major "NERF IT TO THE DEPTHS OF THE UNDERDARK" classes. They are balanced. Every class strat has a counter strat, which you can find by searching the multitude of nerf threads here. If you're getting constantly butt-banged by any particular class, chances are they have much better gear than you or you're lagging.
    RIP Neverwinter 26/06/2014
  • mhblis1mhblis1 Member Posts: 167 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    How are you getting knocked down and stunned in the same power?

    As for losing immunity to frontal AOEs. We have to have the center of the AOE infront of us. Just be clever and put it behind us BAM and you've ignored our defence. With a little bit of tactical play you've eliminated two of your complaints in one foul swoop.

    PVP has to proble of uneven gear scores. I'm middle of the range and right now some people drop dead if I look at them and others evaporate my health even if I do block.

    To be honest if anything I would love to see all PVP damage toned down and the DC brought up. Though I have only ever seen a single PVP specced DC and his damage was brutal.
  • destinyknightdestinyknight Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Lol im getting tired of these people complaining about pvp.

    The classes are more balanced now than they've ever been.

    As for GF. I see nothing wrong with them. Fighting a GF is all about positioning and anticipating. What this game needs and what I continue to say constantly is the pvp damage at 60+ toned down across the board.
  • nightfer01nightfer01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 133 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Classes wount be balanced for at least 2-3 months more. HF playing.
  • rapticorrapticor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,078 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If GF gets nerfed I hope you guys form your own group because I'm just going to join matches and sit at spawn. That's right.. GF protest! Good luck winning with only 4 people teehee.

    And seriously.. Classes should be nerfed based on the number of complaint threads? Pardon me I got to go complain about lame rogue permastealth as there aren't nearly enough of those threads around.
  • countdarkulacountdarkula Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ROFL! Some say TRs are OP. Some say GWFs are OP. Some say GFs are OP. Some say CWs are OP. That should mean to say that this is a balance game then. Problem with the people here is that if they get owned, they cant just accept the fact that they suck. Read the other threads. A lot of people crying here in the forums about TRs,GWFs,GFs and CWs being OP! If one class kills you, then you immediately cry out in the forums that the class is OP! WTF! Grow up kids!

    I would completely agree with this post 100% if people complained about Clerics as much as the other classes, so no the game is not balanced.
  • etherealjetherealj Member Posts: 1,091 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    nightfer01 wrote: »
    Classes wount be balanced for at least 2-3 months more. HF playing.

    Just in time for a new and completely unbalanced class to be added!
    Use the <removed exploit lead-in> to interact with the auction vendor.
  • valetudo78valetudo78 Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The only class I feel is unbalanced is the cleric. You can still do things with the cleric but it just feels like anything he can do other classes do better. When I pvp with my cleric The only heals I use are the atwill and sunburst with ff in divinty mode.
  • capgarnascapgarnas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 500 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    rondoo1876 wrote: »
    Another one CW renegade great for pvp massive boosts for close quarter dog fighting.. but you better be good at dodging and quick reflexes because you have to let your opponent get close to get those things.

    I don't know why people speak for the class and they don't even play. It you did you would realise Renegade spec is broken. If you don't play don't make **** up because you end up looking stupid.


    - Nightmare Wizardry: CONSTANTLY procs on the user, granting all enemies Combat Advantage damage from all angles. Looks like it can proc even by building Arcane Mastery stacks or set bonus buffs. To clarify, Nightmare Wizardry is supposed to show up as a debuff on your targets' status bar, not on yours. When it's on YOUR bar, it means you are taking 360 degree Combat Advantage damage.


    There is a reason why people who actually play the class and actually play PVP rank CW's second last. They nerfed us. They broke our feats and gear sets.
  • whyismyplantdyinwhyismyplantdyin Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    You can whine all you want about classes being OP, but it's completely useless to try to balance them when you have some horribly broken like tenebrous around. Clerics don't get whined about because they generally focus on healing and damage mitigation, which is worthless with tenebrous.
  • healhamstahealhamsta Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 572 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    modimor wrote: »
    No, Clerics can do that aswell. It just doesn't show up in big numbers like that. Brand of the Sun, Forgemaster's Flame and Break the Spirit all 3 dots ticking while Channeling Divinity do about 20k dmg, and then ends with a big 10k crit of Prophecy of Doom.

    Hammer of Justice is stronger than Shocking Execution & DCs generate AP much, much faster.
    Delve loot murdered my TR, DC, & GWF. Nerf Plox:
    I know that it sucks to no longer get gear to sell from the Dungeon Delve chest but it was truly overpowered.
  • nightfer01nightfer01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 133 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    etherealj wrote: »
    Just in time for a new and completely unbalanced class to be added!
    If I remember correctly from the 4.0 DnD rules, the ranger class that everyone want so badly is the most unbalanced one. It took 4 years for NCSoft to impliment another class into Aion. I think Cryptic will need at least 10 years to do so with so many unbalanced and broken things in Neverwinter. Its better to focus on the current issues with not working skills/feats/mechanics than trying to impliment something that is even more broken than the existing problems.
  • warfluxwarflux Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I will say cryptic seems to be doing a great job of ignoring these idiotic posts.
  • abombination247abombination247 Member Posts: 1,279 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    rondoo1876 wrote: »
    Seriously? I normally feel no class is OP so I don't like using the term... being said that particular paragon for GF is WAYYYYYYY OP there a **** superman. I honestly see no way of defeating one 1 v1 its insane.

    1) They have a greater burst damage then rogues
    2) They have the best movement with a at will basically leap
    3) They can pump out massive damage in little under 3 secs
    4) they have a At will stun... with a difference there stuns send opponents prone for 3 seconds
    5) heavy armor class which means hard to damage
    6) large health pool
    7) a shield that can block nearly all stuns and attacks

    Please Gf's especially the FOTM don't even try to deny the spec is out of control for pvp a 3 year old can do good in pvp with it and dominate groups.

    Every class is pretty well balanced but the GF for pvp the damage dealers and cc artists cw's tr's gwf's etc give up defense and have to dodge evade pray swear etc. to survive to get there burst damage

    Healers lose there massive healing if they dps spec so they become damage dealers with not a lot of defense.

    um what weakness exactly does the conq gf have? you cant kite them cause they leap to you you cant stun them they block it. and if you survive long enough to pull those skills off be prepared to be chain stunned with 10k crits lol.

    Yes im raging! Ive been mmo playing and pvping for over a decade and ive never seen a class this insane in any game worse ive never seen a class close to being this insane that didn't get fixed promptly! what are you dev's doing? people literally leave pvp matches now when 2 or more gf conq's are on the same team!

    LOL greater burst then rogues? Not even close. Rogues hit the hardest in game by far. 40k + 1 shots. wrong there.

    Large health pool ? meh. All the health pools are pretty consistent a GWF can get higher. Honestly a GF health pool should be buffed over 40k.

    You speak of hard to 1v1 a GF. Correct me if I am wrong here but you shouldn't be 1v1 with a GF. Its a tank class you should see a GF guarding a base and say ok I need help. I just don't think a GF by design should ever lose in a 1v1 unless its to another GF. You should have to 2v1 them. They are tanks.

    I also guess you never fought a really geared GWF that can tank 1v3 forever immune to everything killing players while taking no damage.

    Each class has its abilities but by no means is a GF anywhere close to being OP above what the other classes can do.
  • adozuadozu Member Posts: 477 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    no class should be able to win all 1v1, that would be just idiotic design. a tank should be able to STALL all 1v1, not WIN.

    otherwise, let's assume your logic was correct, what is the counter to a 5 GF team if every single one of them requires 2 of you? answers like "you have your own GF" and "you have to outplay them" won't do. if the only way to beat a class is have more of the class then clearly it means it is OP, and if you HAVE to outplay them because equal skill level = your loss then they are also OP.
  • wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    LOL greater burst then rogues? Not even close. Rogues hit the hardest in game by far. 40k + 1 shots. wrong there.

    Large health pool ? meh. All the health pools are pretty consistent a GWF can get higher. Honestly a GF health pool should be buffed over 40k.

    You speak of hard to 1v1 a GF. Correct me if I am wrong here but you shouldn't be 1v1 with a GF. Its a tank class you should see a GF guarding a base and say ok I need help. I just don't think a GF by design should ever lose in a 1v1 unless its to another GF. You should have to 2v1 them. They are tanks.

    I also guess you never fought a really geared GWF that can tank 1v3 forever immune to everything killing players while taking no damage.

    Each class has its abilities but by no means is a GF anywhere close to being OP above what the other classes can do.

    try playing a cleric and then tell me that BS about what other classes can do
  • nightfer01nightfer01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 133 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Correct me if I am wrong but are tanks supposed to 2-shoot you? If so, there is something very wrong with those games. Its a tank class after all, not a DPS class right? Fixing it would be easy: reduce the dmg their spells do by 50% and increase GFs HP and bllock by 50%. Will that work? In this noted, tene enchants will be even more OP n GFs, in this case, make them weapon enchants with a reduced ICD to around 10 seconds. Will that work for you? I dont defend GFs and Im deffenately not playing one. I have only 1 char and that is CW created 10 minutes after the servers went live on 29th of april.

    Honestly, the things that needed to be done in this so called balancing patch was to nerf enfeeble, nerf AS to the point 2 *** dont stack and leave GWF and GF intact, only fixing the problem with the thread generation.
  • adozuadozu Member Posts: 477 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    thread generation is still bugged, stupid ones spawn constantly!
  • nightfer01nightfer01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 133 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Yes I agree, when I cast a spell, all mobs go after me ignoring the tank and everyone ( I am a CW ). GFs cant tank properly cause they die too easily if 4-5 mobs are on their head in PVE. Reduce the dmg by 50% and boost HP and block by 50%. Done deal! No more 2-shooting, more tanking as intended.
  • capgarnascapgarnas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 500 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    nightfer01 wrote: »
    Yes I agree, when I cast a spell, all mobs go after me ignoring the tank and everyone ( I am a CW ). GFs cant tank properly cause they die too easily if 4-5 mobs are on their head in PVE. Reduce the dmg by 50% and boost HP and block by 50%. Done deal! No more 2-shooting, more tanking as intended.

    I knew when they "fixed" the DC aggro the CW's would be the new magnet. The tanks ive seen are dps based and dont hold much. Ive added severe reaction feat which is handy in PVP as well. That and the soulforged keep my on my feet more when the AS goes down.

    Severe reaction in PVP is funny as you can see melee when repelled pause to go what happened.
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