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Why did you choose Neverwinter to play?

crystal7jcrystal7j Member Posts: 13 Arc User
edited June 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Myself, I don't have the funds now to spend on a p2p so that leaves f2p. I might have picked RIFT over Neverwinter but I already played back when it first came out. I played the f2p DDO and loved it to death so I wanted to try Neverwinter.

Why are you here?
Post edited by crystal7j on


  • mrspumamrspuma Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Bunch of acquaintances I know were all trying it and talking about it, which made me curious. I'm not generally a fan of/interested in MMO's, since I'm not actually into MP (I know, I know, why am I here then :P ) but I wanted to know what it was they were all talking about. I didn't expect to like it very much, but since this MMO lets me solo, I got sucked into it. The professions appealed to my OCD-task nature and I like the quickness of being able to just jump in and do a quest or two and feel like I'm achieving something without requiring long periods of sustained time commitment.

    I don't actually play too much at the moment, but I do still use the Gateway a whole lot. I'd guess that's where most of hours have been spent. Heh.

    Also...I've been waiting for an alpha update on a Kickstarter game I backed and this seemed like a decent game to while away some time on.
  • timmbeertimmbeer Member Posts: 268 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Trying to milk the game as much Zen as possible without spending a single cent! Oh wait...
    "Lucky" is the new FOTM.
  • johneco1johneco1 Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Sad to say but it's mainly because ESO is now on the backburner, EQ Next probably not till next year and I don't think there will be any other titles this year.
  • antovarasantovaras Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Because I enjoy the game and D&D...simple really
    A world to defend
    A city to protect
    innocents to save
    "Why?" They ask "they hate you"
    We're heroes it's what we do.
    *patiently waiting on Paragon City*
  • skalt112skalt112 Member Posts: 1,089 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The combat is what keeps me here, and the people I play with. Now the people are trickling away and there are soon to be released games that offer much more content with the same or very similar combat mechanics. It will become increasingly hard for me to stay here soon.

    As to why I chose to play?

    1. It was free to check out, so I had nothing to lose.
    2. I am a longtime fan of forgotten realms, although this game is disappointing in that regard, as I can't go most anywhere in the forgotten realms I remember from adventures past.

    Basically that is it. I am a D&D fan, but lost contact with it at around the 3.5 era. This game is so far from that era of D&D that it does not feel like the same game. I would be much more interested in the game if the setting was before the cataclysm, as destroyed worlds being rebuilt has been done to death in games.

    I remember thinking when the game first started....I remember this place....it's.....Hyborea!....(looks for naked chick in bondage scene up on beach)

    It would have been cool if each race had a different starting area in order to assist in building your character's story. I would have much preferred the first 20 levels or so being taken up by my trip to Neverwinter, and the reasons behind taking the journey.(maybe traveling to Neverwinter to find help for a family member who is spell scarred) It would have been nice if my character had a reason to go to Neverwinter, and not just have been shipwrecked close to it and automatically start being a hero, with absolutely no reason to have any investment in preserving Neverwinter.

    But the game is what it is.
  • mavalonmavalon Member Posts: 88
    edited June 2013
    crystal7j wrote: »
    Myself, I don't have the funds now to spend on a p2p so that leaves f2p. I might have picked RIFT over Neverwinter but I already played back when it first came out. I played the f2p DDO and loved it to death so I wanted to try Neverwinter.

    Why are you here?

    I am here because off Baldurs gate and Icewind dale.
    The first d&d games i played.
    They had deep customisation an immersive world and you couldnt stop playing because you always wanted to know the next part off the story.

    I didnt expect an immersive world here since i knew about the instanced zones.
    I didnt expect much off a story either since its a mmo.
    But what i did expect was the deep character customisation.
    And that just isnt here (yet). Still hoping for it.
  • marcovanweeghelmarcovanweeghel Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Friend of mine said to try it, as he plays and enjoys it.

    I've played other MMOs in the past (WoW mainly) and wanted to give this a shot.
    I think it has high potential, however it is lacking a refined feel.
    Wish the professions had a better system rather than just send "hired" servants out to collect/make stuff.

    I've started with a CW and am enjoying it so far. Don't have a huge amount of time to play it to really give it a serious go, hoping for a good chunk of time this weekend :)
  • pilf3rpilf3r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Because it was suppose to be based DnD.........unfortunately it's in the same ballpark as Daggerdale IMO.
    Neverwinter Thieves Guild
  • runebanerunebane Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    crystal7j wrote: »
    Why are you here?

    I'm here because I love the Forgotten Realms setting and DnD in general. I like Neverwinter's more action-ish combat more than what most other MMORPGs have. And an MMORPG with the ability to make your own stuff (Foundry) is a dream come true. I think Neverwinter has what it takes to last.

    I also like that its ftp, but not because its free. I like ftp because they tend to have more customization in the long run. Even if you have to pay for it. This game is just starting, but I fully expect they will have all kinds of things added later.
    Halgarth's Legacy - NWS-DSTGFZHFR
  • bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I started playing City of Heroes back in 2004, then went to Champions Online around 2009. I liked those games, and so when I saw Cryptic was making another game, I decided to try it out. It was F2P after all, so my only expense was my time. I actually didn't like it that much when I was playing the early Beta, but decided to keep at it and the game just grew on me. I've actually taken to playing NW more than CO now, though CO will always have a special place in my heart.
    <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::>
    "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
    Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
  • sominatorsominator Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I too am a huge fan of the Forgotten Realms setting and D&D/PnP in general. I ran a 4th Edition campaign awhile ago, and always thought that its themes and mechanics could inspire some awesome MMO gameplay. That's what first drew me to the game, and the combat, questing, and Foundry are what hooked me from there!
    Proud member of Team Fencebane, official guild of the unofficial Neverwinter Adventure Hour!
  • xkillerknightxkillerknight Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    was bored, just downloaded it.
    And got hooked to it :D
  • kenjioyamakenjioyama Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I played Dungeons & Dragons when I was a kid. And then the Gold Box PC Dungeons & Dragons games like Curse of the Azure Bonds and Secret of the Silver Blades. And I've been buying and playing these D&D games ever since.

    Neverwinter has been loads of fun!
  • rodostorodosto Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Here is the reasons why im playing the game (once).

    1. Bears D&D title.
    2. Wizards of the Coast and Hasbro is in the game.
    3. I like Forgotten Realms setup.
    4. Want to try 4e setup.
    5. They promised not making pay to win.

    Instead of those i found these reasons to quit.

    1. Bugs, bugs and bugs. Alot of bugs and exploits. Uncompleted game and still in Alpha state.
    2. There isnt any D&D. Except the places, names, classes, races.
    3. Content is TOO boring. There is nothing to do at the endgame.
    4. AH became the endgame.
    5. Game still selling stupid founder packs and other ****.
    6. Customer service is WORST.
    7. Too few classes. You cant do anything about your character.
    8. Very straigthforward, simple and out of lore questing. For instance, i killed a Dragon then im still gathering mushrooms at the next area. LOL. Also every map are same.
    9. Developers are really bunch of amateurs.
    10. Every patch is fail and brings alot of anger.
    11. PvP is really broken as PvE.
    12. Too few classes for a D&D game.
    13. VERY very few paragon paths and limits players... THIS IS D&D AFTER ALL !
    14. Buggy and not working feats, encounters, features etc.
    15. Add more 500.
  • derpaderpistderpaderpist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The combat looked good and fluid so I decided to give it a shot + all the other games available atm I have already played for months or years and they got boring .

    On a side note still waiting for the official NA / EU release of Blade and Soul , never cared about Wildstar or ESO .
    " We live in an age of the cheaply made, disposable, high priced junk. " - theunwarshed
  • psupiratepsupirate Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I tried it because I enjoyed City of Heroes and Star Trek Online, it was free to try out, I really enjoyed Neverwinter Nights, the Foundry sounds like fun, and I've always liked the D&D setting (though I always preferred Dragonlance to Forgotten Realms).

    To be honest I'm still up in the air whether or not I'm going to be spending much time or money on this game. On one hand, I like a lot of stuff about it. I like the crafting, I like the general 'feel' of the combat, I like the animations and effects, and so far I've enjoyed a lot of the quests and maps. On the other, I dislike the very limited classes, the tiny uninteresting world, the ridiculousness of some cash shop items (the bags and bank slots are just absurd), the many limitations on the foundry, and the notoriously awful PWE customer service.
  • osadamaskosadamask Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    skalt112 wrote: »
    The combat is what keeps me here, and the people I play with. Now the people are trickling away and there are soon to be released games that offer much more content with the same or very similar combat mechanics. It will become increasingly hard for me to stay here soon.

    As to why I chose to play?

    1. It was free to check out, so I had nothing to lose.
    2. I am a longtime fan of forgotten realms, although this game is disappointing in that regard, as I can't go most anywhere in the forgotten realms I remember from adventures past.

    Basically that is it. I am a D&D fan, but lost contact with it at around the 3.5 era. This game is so far from that era of D&D that it does not feel like the same game. I would be much more interested in the game if the setting was before the cataclysm, as destroyed worlds being rebuilt has been done to death in games.

    I remember thinking when the game first started....I remember this place....it's.....Hyborea!....(looks for naked chick in bondage scene up on beach)

    It would have been cool if each race had a different starting area in order to assist in building your character's story. I would have much preferred the first 20 levels or so being taken up by my trip to Neverwinter, and the reasons behind taking the journey.(maybe traveling to Neverwinter to find help for a family member who is spell scarred) It would have been nice if my character had a reason to go to Neverwinter, and not just have been shipwrecked close to it and automatically start being a hero, with absolutely no reason to have any investment in preserving Neverwinter.

    But the game is what it is.

    When I was making my third character, that is when it started it annoy me that we all have the exact same freaking path to protectors enclave. Boring.


    Most of the story choices we made when designing our character were ignored for this **** beach scene. Why on earth would a noble go through the same shipwreck, and treatment afterwards, as a street urchin?
  • johnj9000johnj9000 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 39
    edited June 2013
    Only because WOT has gotten so bad. Plus I have always liked games like EQ and WOW so I thought I would give it a try.
  • rodostorodosto Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    I never touch any game made by either PWE or Cryptic anymore. I'm playing the game for fun... not getting mad and so much anger.

    Change the game title into Nevercare.
  • xellizxelliz Member Posts: 955 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I heard about it a long time ago and was very interested in another D&D based game. Got in the beta and I'm having fun playing the game.
    Foundry - Fight Club? (nw-dluqbofu7)
    - JailBreak (in development)
  • knightfalzknightfalz Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I started playing because of the D&D setting and because of Foundry.

    I was pleased to find that this game harkened back in many ways to earlier editions of D&D, while having some features similar to newer editions while avoiding the needless bloat of character options that the newer editions suffer from.
  • shortwave2112shortwave2112 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I gave Neverwinter a try because of a friend recommendation... I stayed because of the combat. I feel that the Devs got the PVE combat right. As a Control Wizard I must target, cast, teleport, and heal (potions as needed)... If I just stand there, the mobs flank and kill me. I also enjoy the fact that I am more effective in groups if I change my skills to accomidate the group. Ray of Enfeeblement does not give me max damage, but it does allow the group to do more damage to the boss. Very enjoyable. Tab targetting pale in comparrison.

    I am looking forward to new Paragon Paths. I like the idea of having options when selecting a path for your character. (example: One storm based paragon, One water based paragon, & One fire based)
  • musashinokamimusashinokami Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 127 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    I can't remember why, considering all the failings of this game I feel like a headache's coming... thus I hardly play it for now... I think this game was made to be played like this, like a second hand in case your main game is under maintenance, or for people whom has really no time to play a game or something like that.

    This is probably why you're leveling so freaking fast (with so many silly xp gains like PvP, though it's obviously not a PvP focused game, and even more ridiculous like praying : ctrl+I you get half a level, yeah boy you rox XD) to allow casual/lazy/impatient players to feel like being rewarded though not doing much. This free players from spending too much time on leveling whereas there is barely an end game... this part is rather... well, surprising if not irrelevant...

    Actually I have absolutely no clue of what's the concept of this game, nor why it's been made like this : looks like a bunch of 12 yo kids took powers in Cryptic to make a game in which they could put everything they could think about in it. Like you know : I WANT ME CLASS TO BE OP, NOOOO : I WANT ME CLASS TO BE OP, I DON'T LIKE THIS CLASS IT'S GONNA BE USELESS CAUSE IT'S YOUR IDEA AND YOU STINCK, NO YOU STINCK, NO YOU... I WANT BOSSES WHICH CAN INVOKE TONS OF ADDS AND I WANT TO BE ABLE TO BE HL IN 3 HOURS, SO FREAKING GOOD !!! WE ARE SO FREAKING AWESOME !!!11 WE TEH WOW KILLAHS !!!!!!11111111oneone

    You know like when you let a kid making a cake and let using everything he/she wants : it's always disgusting aftermaths, whatsoever XD
  • roguish98roguish98 Member Posts: 78
    edited June 2013
    I was drawn to Neverwinter because of the Forgotten Realms setting. I stay because of the Foundry!
  • jaymadiv#8056 jaymadiv Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    i was told that NW would have TPS-style, manual aim combat similar to TERA.

    i wasnt disappointed. NW is by far the most fun combat i have ever seen in a non-shooter MMO, in almost 20 years of MMO playing. (i started at age 14 with Everquest)

    tried to go back and play GW2 again last night. cant get over the combat. if GW2 had NWs combat scheme, i would not play anything else.
  • cipher9nemocipher9nemo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    To create and play UGC. That's really the primary interest for me in Neverwinter. The secondary interest was because my gaming group started a big guild there (we have guilds in several MMOs).
    Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
  • tang56tang56 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Because I played BG, BG2, Icewind Dale, NWN, NWN2 and all associated expansions and was hoping for more of the same, but prettier. Didn't quite get what I was hoping for, but it was quite fun. Too buggy though.
    RIP Neverwinter 26/06/2014
  • chaelkchaelk Member Posts: 5,727 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Morbid curiosity. I play Champions, I wanted to see if the cash shop is worse than ours. IT is, we can buy bags in game.
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • cipher9nemocipher9nemo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    chaelk wrote: »
    Morbid curiosity. I play Champions, I wanted to see if the cash shop is worse than ours. IT is, we can buy bags in game.

    Yes the cash shop is horrid. The cash grab is pathetic. The game however is fun provided you 1.) don't care about end-game zerg fests and 2.) enjoy UGC. For the latter, that's the real appeal of Neverwinter for me.
    Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
  • psupiratepsupirate Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Yes the cash shop is horrid. The cash grab is pathetic. The game however is fun provided you 1.) don't care about end-game zerg fests and 2.) enjoy UGC. For the latter, that's the real appeal of Neverwinter for me.

    I agree, the cash shop is way out of wack. Certain things are fine (vanity mounts and such never really bothered me) but some things are absurd (bags and bank slots in particular).
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