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Why did you choose Neverwinter to play?



  • kattefjaeskattefjaes Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,270 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    The foundry. A colleague mentioned in passing that he'd been playing NW, and that it allowed a certain level of user-generated content. The idea of being allowed to roll your own in a shiny modern MMO appealed to me.
  • nanomorphnanomorph Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Because Star Trek Online has gotten dull and boring, and (figuring out) Cryptic's games make for good timesinks.
  • ageia417ageia417 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I chose to play because my hubby and I both grew up with the Neverwinter Nights titles and loved them. It seemed only natural to come out and give the MMO a go. Now, we have a daughter who also loved the "retro" (as she calls them) titles NWN and NWN2 and she describes the Neverwinter mmo as, "If Elder Scrolls and NWN had a baby, it'd be this game."
  • stormdrag0nstormdrag0n Member Posts: 3,222 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ageia417 wrote: »
    I chose to play because my hubby and I both grew up with the Neverwinter Nights titles and loved them. It seemed only natural to come out and give the MMO a go. Now, we have a daughter who also loved the "retro" (as she calls them) titles NWN and NWN2 and she describes the Neverwinter mmo as, "If Elder Scrolls and NWN had a baby, it'd be this game."


    Nice. ;)
    Always Looking for mature laidback players/rpers for Dungeon Delves!
  • teufeldritchteufeldritch Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    In order of most importance..

    1) Because I'm always looking for something new to play.
    2) Because it's F2P.
    3) Because it's the Forgotten Realms/D&D universe. I was a fan of NWN1, so I thought I would give NW a go.
    4) Because some friends play.
  • silvergryphsilvergryph Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    One: Dungeons and Dragons
    Two: Experience with Cryptic via Champions Online
    Three: Free to Play business model applied to a truly AAA MMO
    Four: The Foundry

    I have not been disappointed.
  • stormdrag0nstormdrag0n Member Posts: 3,222 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    One: Dungeons and Dragons
    Two: Experience with Cryptic via Champions Online
    Three: Free to Play business model applied to a truly AAA MMO
    Four: The Foundry

    I have not been disappointed.

    Well said...Also love the sig ;)

    The thing that boggles my mind is why all of this: "Your opinion is invalid" and I'm talking about both sides of the coin here guys. Neverwinter is like any other MMO...some folks love it others hate it.

    Also I just don't get (and I'm not talking about those who very passionately give feedback, those opinions are valuable) the doom cryers. If you think Cryptic is evil and the game will close in four months why bother at all with it, I mean besides getting off on pissing off other forum goers off?

    I said it before Cryptic usually puts out a base game and then starts listening to what folks want and or complaining about and they go from there, there isn't anything wrong with that, I could barely play STO when it launched, now it's my number two MMO that playability came from listening to folks.

    It's not exactly what I wanted every time (let me decide when to go to red Alert **** it! :mad:) but all in all it's greatly improved, Neverwinter will go through the same growing pains.
    Always Looking for mature laidback players/rpers for Dungeon Delves!
  • llfritzllllfritzll Member Posts: 215 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    i liked the game because it was ad&d, has fast paced combat, and good graphics / animations.

    i havent been playing because the game gets boring and has fundamental issues. after ~30 levels or so you begin to realize that you only have a few active skills and that is all you will ever use repeatedly forever and it just becomes redundant. The only real tactic to combat is dodge the red circles on the ground and keep mashing your 4 buttons. The only boss mechanic in the game is waves of adds with more waves of adds. ...and of course dodge the red circles and keep mashing those 4 buttons. The game doesnt function properly as far as the holy trinity goes, tanks cant tank well, healers cant heal well, and the only fun to play class are dps.

    the negatives highly outweigh the positives at this point.

    perhaps given another year they will develop the game to a point its enjoyable, but right now its more monotonous than an asian grind-fest game and it has fundamental issues with group play.

    edit - p.s. the game should have been called "Super-Heroes of Neverwinter" because with the waves of enemies on boss fights plus the amount of trash you wade through, your little group is literally beating down armies of enemies by themselves.
  • chrysachrysa Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The Foundry. Back in the day, ages ago when Mammoths walked the earth, and Neverwinter Nights 1 came out, it was the years worth of player mods that kept me going back to that game time and time and time again. The gameplay is alright, and I like some of the things they do here with resource nodes and interactive objects, but that's all secondary to the mod community that makes a game like this fantastic. I probably never would have given it a chance if it hadn't been f2p - since I have GW2 - but I'm glad it was, and I did. I predict a long relationship with this game over the coming years.
  • crystal7jcrystal7j Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Well said...Also love the sig ;)

    The thing that boggles my mind is why all of this: "Your opinion is invalid" and I'm talking about both sides of the coin here guys. Neverwinter is like any other MMO...some folks love it others hate it.

    Also I just don't get (and I'm not talking about those who very passionately give feedback, those opinions are valuable) the doom cryers. If you think Cryptic is evil and the game will close in four months why bother at all with it, I mean besides getting off on pissing off other forum goers off?

    I said it before Cryptic usually puts out a base game and then starts listening to what folks want and or complaining about and they go from there, there isn't anything wrong with that, I could barely play STO when it launched, now it's my number two MMO that playability came from listening to folks.

    It's not exactly what I wanted every time (let me decide when to go to red Alert **** it! :mad:) but all in all it's greatly improved, Neverwinter will go through the same growing pains.

    I think people are angry because they've been gaming all their lives and the sparkle of honeymoon is over. Then they yell at everyone who doesn't lite them up with passion. My suggestion - learn how to build games yourselves. It will give you a new vantage point. No, I don't know where you would start. My own path was meshing but I lean toward art.
  • azlanfoxazlanfox Member Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    For me its the setting. The Forgotten Realms has always been my choice of worlds.
    The fox said, "lock and load"

    glassdoor.com - Cryptic Studios Review
  • llfritzllllfritzll Member Posts: 215 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    crystal7j wrote: »
    I think people are angry because they've been gaming all their lives and the sparkle of honeymoon is over. Then they yell at everyone who doesn't lite them up with passion. My suggestion - learn how to build games yourselves. It will give you a new vantage point. No, I don't know where you would start. My own path was meshing but I lean toward art.

    you are certainly entitled to your opinion, but i would not agree with it. everything is not a simple emotional response.

    i currently enjoy playing rift more than i do neverwinter. rift has worse graphics and animations and a much slower leveling process. however it has much better combat mechanics as far as tanks who tank and healers who heal. there is more to boss fights than dodge the red circle and kill a hundred adds. there is great class diversity and choices are actually meaningful. i have cooldowns and varied abilities to use in combat much more than a 4 button mash-fest. so on, and so on.

    neverwinter has great graphics and animations. the combat feels visceral. i like these things.
    however it is also a very simplistic game designed for a very low skill threshold with almost zero variation in combat mechanics from level 15 on.
  • flatfootsamflatfootsam Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I took a break from DDO after 4 years. The population was dwindling. Guild had vanished and it was becoming more of a single player game do to power creep and balancing issues.. Did not want to jump into a setting i was not familiar with do to being a old school pnp fan. So the game kinda stood out as one i wanted to try.

    That is my story.
    The lost Halflings~Code:NW-DC5DGPFJR
  • clcmercyclcmercy Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 308 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    It's free. Because of current budget restrictions, I'm forced to limit myself to games that are F2P.

    I played for a while and found the combat to be fun.....but that is the only good thing about this game in my opinion.

    It's just rehashed graphics, sounds(including music) and emotes from Star Trek Online.

    Not to mention the fact that in order to get anything worthwhile in the game you either have to whip out the credit card or grind endless hours as if you're working another full time job to acquire the AD to get what you need/want.

    Oh, and let's not forget all the bugs and exploits that were ignored from CLOSED BETA TESTING that are still in the game.

    It's a wonder that this is the company that produced such a shining jewel of a game that was City of Heroes and has fallen this far to produce a pile of dung like this. I log in every now and again to see what's going on, and I frequent the forums in the hope that some improvements will be made.......but it's Cryptic. I highly doubt they'll do anything. This is what I've learned from their previous two titles, Champions Online and Star Trek online.

    Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
  • baronvonboombaronvonboom Member Posts: 536 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Old AD&D player so would be rude not to have a look..

    I did type a whole lot more but in the quick reply and i messed it up..DOH...lol

    Long story short, played AOC before this, then POE..

    I like this game despite its problems, but that can only last so long.. right...
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