Hey everyone! Some of you asked for another, some flamed, either way an awesome video this time around! All since the "balance" patch! Here it is! Watch in HD - Enjoy & thank you for the support as always.
http://www.youtube.com/markmapa/ http://www.sinisterswarm.com/
Hopefully soon.
My fault, yeah, there isn't really much to choose from right now. I understand your view.
http://www.youtube.com/markmapa/ http://www.sinisterswarm.com/
Soulforge/greater plague/greater tenebrous.
http://www.youtube.com/markmapa/ http://www.sinisterswarm.com/
But really, I haven't payed to win and yet just with lesser's which I have got the AD for through pvp I can still do 1v2 easily.
Oh by the way krewcify, I've found a really good blue belt for GWF that gives twice the health of any other belt and is offense slot. I don't know if you know if it but it seems like it would be pretty good for you to get as it would probably give 550 more hp.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <- No violence or dark humor here, move on.
I.M.P.@drimp in Champions (Careful that you don't get hit by falling bombs when dueling)
Dr Imp@drimp in Neverwinter (Apparently I use hax and exploits, also I apparently payed to win)
Pm me the belt :P I'd really like to see what you have. I currently use Valiant belt of vitality.
http://www.youtube.com/markmapa/ http://www.sinisterswarm.com/
Anyways good job. Good to see someone playing the spec right, run into so many lately that are bad evven with tenebrous. Curious to what server you play on? Haven't ran into you yet so guessing its not mindflayer.
Enjoy the hell outta tene while it lasts. Then go crit arp and continue to own :-D
Yeah, they already did a minor ninja nerf to 20 seconds. I ran Crit AP in my first two videos. It was fun, just hated any damage that came my way. =/
Hahahaha, +1 to you sir!
http://www.youtube.com/markmapa/ http://www.sinisterswarm.com/
As for the damage I've been using titan chest and gloves to help mitigate damage, I am using lesser tenebrous atm cause I'm broke, sorta regretting it now that the con fix went in since I am hitting way harder on my non tenebrous hits. You do have to back out much earlier using the crit arp gear thogu. Still, can take quite a bit as long as I don't come across someone packing greater tenes, but at that point no amount of armor saves your ***.
Curious, do you run with the feat that gives 25% defense when slam is up? I've found it to be a life saver when I'm getting FF'd.
You chose that over Master at arms? Master at arms increases your deflect chance by 15% while you keep up the stacks by attacking and also gives a constant 5 AC. Or did you pick the 5 points for it off the instigator tree?
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <- No violence or dark humor here, move on.
I.M.P.@drimp in Champions (Careful that you don't get hit by falling bombs when dueling)
Dr Imp@drimp in Neverwinter (Apparently I use hax and exploits, also I apparently payed to win)
I'm running my own build, 0/5/25 atm. Is it the best, I don't know, but it works for me. I may still tweak it more but I'm happy atm. But I do have the weapon mastery feat. I run weapon mastery and bravery. Basically trying to strike a balance between offense and defense. Cresendo is my "its been fun, cya" move, slam is my "Oh ****! Where's my team!" Move :-D
I liked the video.
GWF see many talking about this build, Sentinel. From what you say she is using.
Could you describe a little about your build? Show us how it is?
It could also tell us the status primaries that used and type of set?
Thank you.
The rogue is a guildy and close friend of mine, its a joke between us. He thought it was hilarious and so did the rest of my guild
http://www.youtube.com/markmapa/ http://www.sinisterswarm.com/
I use an AXE not a sword
http://www.youtube.com/markmapa/ http://www.sinisterswarm.com/
iono ill change the looks see if it changes
No, what is a kill steal is those dirty little rogues that sit in the back stealthing till someones near death and throw knives at that target only, to many of those worthless dredges lately.
However I love when the skilled rogues take advantage of me taking FF, and clean up on them.
You can tell the diff between a kill stealer and someone who is actually helping the team.
Haha thanks!
http://www.youtube.com/markmapa/ http://www.sinisterswarm.com/
Yeah, it is!
http://www.youtube.com/markmapa/ http://www.sinisterswarm.com/
Except you're still sub par.