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Update to Proposed End Game Loot Changes



  • rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Here is the solution:

    Need = Bind on Pickup and 0 gold worth item.

    Thanks for listening to the feedback by the way, you guys dodged a bullet with that one.
  • s3pts3pt Member Posts: 177 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    This is an interesting point from my perspective. Whilst I have no interest in purchasing gear via the AH, I would like other options in order to earn it more directly. Can the foundry not be used to deliver "end-game" content provided the foundry missions meet certain (strict) criteria? The other options that people have mentioned are crafting or utilising seals, is there any reason these couldn't be used?

    I can only speak for myself as someone that is not a particularly serious player. I suspect my areas of interest within the game are quite different to many others here.

    Indeed, the foundry is really the key to this game. It needs work, and it also needs to be made rewarding. The seal system I suggested earlier would work well with this and a robust and rewarding foundry would help solve one of themepark type MMOs biggest issues: developers not being able to make content as fast as players can devour it.
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    s3pt wrote: »
    Indeed, the foundry is really the key to this game. It needs work, and it also needs to be made rewarding. The seal system I suggested earlier would work well with this and a robust and rewarding foundry would help solve one of themepark type MMOs biggest issues: developers not being able to make content as fast as players can devour it.

    That actually is a great suggestion. A token system with the ability to earn some tokens from, perhaps, highly rated foundry missions. Would be a huge boon for foundry content. And give people an viable alternative to dungeon runs for gear.
  • jaymadiv#8056 jaymadiv Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    bsq2 wrote: »
    The response to companion items is just make all seal items available to all classes, and also all BoP.


    does anyone even use Seal items? by the time you have enough seals to use them, you have much, much better equipment. they'd at least be marginally useful for Companions.
  • berinimaberinima Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    There are some suggestions in here that I kinda like. But you must simply not forget that we have to adress two seperate but still very connected problems.

    First the issue that people running dungeons need to be rewarded. Right now it is next to impossible completing your set within a reasonable amount of time if you are not very lucky. So adjustments to seal vendors could be made in various ways. BUT we also have the problem that people need a valid way to accumulate AD. Right now running dungeons and selling the gear is this valid option. You won't care very much about the set you could buy from vendors if you can't afford the AD for the enchantments. So another fix can be made. You could salvage the items or even buy idols, coffer of astral diamonds or dragon eggs for your seals. But there is another problem here. By either salvaging or trading items at a vendor for AD, rough or refined, currency is CREATED. Whereas right now, currency is only EXCHANGED. In the long term this means inflation.

    The issue remains. You can't simply fix this because the whole system is designed around AD and trading. Even if you leave things as they are with the existing gear and add new BoP sets you only shift the problem to another point in the progress. Do you honestly think anyone would spend a serious amount of AD or even Zen/$ for an item that is not BiS? People will take what they can get, maybe buy an item or two if it's really cheap and then move on to the content where they can get the best items. And there goes your way of earning ADs again.

    The problem is in fact more complex than some people might realise. Because the whole system with all the AD sinks is DESIGNED to work like that. If you try to fix it, it breaks. The only solution to finally have BoP is to redesign it from sketch. With seal vendors that sell viable gear, crafting professions that don't rely on the fact that sooner or later somebody buys a booster pack, coalescent wards that can't mainly be obtained with Zen, enchantments that are not so horribly hard to get to a decent point that you will burn several of these wards for them, adjusting all the AD sinks like respeccing, pulling out enchantments, etc.

    I really love Cryptic for listening to their players and not just ninja-fix a system that is not that broken in the first place. But many solutions that were proposed here don't solve anything in the long run. The only good quick fix would be Need = BoP. That's it. More than that and the mechanic breaks.
  • rangurenranguren Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2013
    Need = BoP
    Greed = BoE

    Problems fixed.

    for BoP system I agreed. BUT, personally I always prefer D3 style personal loot. with this people will encourage to trade one to another or they could sell it, means good for AH and good for community. and, without feeding what items that player get in the chatbox, other players wouldn't get jealousy, beside players still can announced the item they got personally if the want to trade with other. so not just common stuff that personal loot but all to epic items goes personal, this can be done not just for epic drop but in the entire game. give players more options like this I believe can be a good fix for the loot systems.

    for other problem, please, very please, fix the Dungeon Delves and all kind bonus hours. look, not all players in the game can play 24/7. with current system only a bunch of players can do things on those times. at least change it to more like daily praying Celestial Coin, I mean Dungeon Delves earn Daily instead of hourly. this I believe can encourage more players to play even they only have less time for playing than the others
  • cinj216cinj216 Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    sockmunkey wrote: »
    That actually is a great suggestion. A token system with the ability to earn some tokens from, perhaps, highly rated foundry missions. Would be a huge boon for foundry content. And give people an viable alternative to dungeon runs for gear.

    To me, the biggest problem with foundry missions is there's no incentive to run anything longer than the ones closest to the magic 15 minute mark (for dailies). If I felt like my time was better rewarded for spending 30 minutes to an hour on a single quest, then I'd be more willing to partake in them.

    Maybe a tier system where for each 15 minutes of average time the rewards increase. Perhaps let (lvl 60) players do a single 60 minute foundry for their daily instead of four 15 minute ones (or two 30 minute ones, etc.) Add bonuses for doing featured quests or some such.
  • trefiliotrefilio Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    You can't teach the community to roll on stuff when they don't give a ****, and loots are yes very random, considering the way the DGs are structured unless you have a solid group that get together at preset times specifically for DGing you will hardly complete a DG with random queues. So unfortunately making the T2 items sellable is necessary to this point.

    What could be done though in case items would no longer be sellable is making them accessible by seals, and boosting up the seal gaining rate would help people gear up, so you can at least have the feeling that even if you don't get that great group to finish a T2 DG, if you play long enough you still have a chance of improving through seals.
    As I said, you can't simply teach the community how to play, or roll, or follow instructions and most of the mechanics available right now are merely gear contest, specially considering you hardly see boss fights with actual strategies like Spellplague, or Dread Vault, most of them are based on having a group geared enough to get rid/kite of mobs while DPS brings boss down, in other words, gear contest.

    I think the main problem is not focused on the loot issues but the community issues and the implication of these issues on the group play, as most recent MMOs you can solo play it from lvl 1 to cap, so the players (guilty as charged) focus on solo builds which imply in terrible group builds.

    Basically you don't have structured groups fulfilling different roles, you see different solo classes playing together, very lamely for a fact. In a game solo driven from the start you can't really expect players to roll as a group considering they don't play as such. So the only solution I can think of is rewarding the perseverance of players that keep on trying in spite of the lousy groups they come across on random queues. Whatever the changes are on the loot system, the seal system should be improved to a level players can really feel rewarded for at least trying.

    Another way is eliminating the total RANDOM loots. Scripts like if TR=1, then TR_loot=1 else TR_loot=0. So a group with no rogues wouldn't even be able to roll on rogue gear, they wouldn't have to. Also limiting the rolls themselves so you could only roll on loot usable for your class, and don't even start on the companion cheap talk because the companion system itself is a problem and should be rethought in whole, maybe in further (really further for this is not even close to a priority) remapping the comp system with comp only items roll aside from main rolls.

    If a smart queueing system was implemented with cross server capabilities, and role orientation as mandatory for a group even sarting, put together with the earlier suggestions this would cover good part of the end game gearing issues. You can only run DG's with solid structured groups, and fighting mechanics depending more on how competent you are into building a Guardian/Leader/Striker/Controller team, each one fulfilling this role effectively, with strategies that focus on performing tasks on battles that would be impossible without one of the roles, it would force players to think as a group and thus behave as a group.

    As I said, a community that has the whole gameplay and rewarding system solo-driven until very late in the game can't be expected to roll as group when the time comes.

    Theses changes can't be done in 1 night before the official release, but they should be taken into consideration at some point nonetheless. NW is a game with too much potential to be a stillborn with people abandoning it even before launch. When you design something, as a former "pencil and paper" DM, you expect your players to see the importance of each of them and act together, but there comes a time you have to drive them into doing so, simply counting on the fact they will by their own is naive to say the least. Same goes for game designing, if you want players to interact as a group, make them, and by that I mean make each of them to feel essential for the group on it's own way, make them feel that if ONE cog is out of place the whole thing will fall apart. Once the players get used to this idea they will stop rolling on stuff they don't need, because they need to have everyone on they group properly geared for things to work out.

    No I'm not communist.
  • bleys988bleys988 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    In the interest of the long-term value of this game (for players and designers) every "set" piece NEEDS to be BOP. Period. Otherwise, what's to stop people from greeding and the set pieces still show up on the auction house? Those people in small guilds or non-farm-mode, will end up buying the gear, not seeing the harder boss fights, and then leaving the game altogether.

    I've already seen this time and again. I mean, how often do you even see people EVER looking to go on a T1 instance at all? Maybe, once in a blue moon, just to get the achievement.

    Simple solution:

    Loot in epics that aren't part of a set - BOE.
    Loot in epics that ARE part of a set - BOP.

    Keep the need/greed rules as they currently since the "Big Patch."
  • athanatoss9athanatoss9 Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Make a new level cap every 2 months and a better tier o fcourse :) That will solve many "problems"...Also make epic companions tradable between alts!
  • jimjimjimjim Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    roguish98 wrote: »
    I am curious about the definition of "endgame." Is endgame to be composed of only a dungeon or pvp grind? The foundry is this game's shining jewel in my opinion and I had planned to progress my character at endgame by running foundry missions and using my proceeds to purchase neat end game gear for my character from the AH. Making dungeon and or pvp gear bind on pick up would restrict those who enjoy the foundry from advancing their characters beyond level 60. It is also very important that my companion be well geared as I rely on that companion as opposed to other players for support. I ask that this please be considered in any decision making.

    Kind regards,

    This this this and more this. The number one reason I lose interest in mmos is getting sick of grinding the same endgame content over and over. If you give seals for vetted Foundry missions, this problem goes away and is a major game changer.
  • xhritxhrit Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Make all dungeon sets bop, but give crafted items a set bonus to put them on par with dungeon sets, to make crafting actually worth something.
  • nwroguenwrogue Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    God forbid something be 'bought' in the auction house. So we're supposed to hit level 60, then AH is a unusable feature? I don't get this fear that having the best items available in a player ran auction house is pay2win and must be stopped! Seriously. Don't kill the economy and replay value of dungeons because you don't want to be labeled a pay2win game. Everygame technically someone can buy a ready made account. Having the best stuff doesn't mean you 'win' an MMO. Get over it people.
    Milla Jovovich(Rogue)/Tilda Swinton(Cleric) - Guild Leader of CatAssTrophy on Beholder
  • rraglerragle Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Well either way, when you have raids you are going to have to make that gear BOP.
    No other mmo lets people just buy gear you can only get from 12/24 man content off the AH.
    So as long as the next tier of gear is BOP and you can add other BOP gear to the game, I wouldn't have an issue if you left the current tier of gear BOE.
    Just please add some gear that is unique and BOP, because its good for those to actually get rewarded who spend the time and not just purchase off the AH.
  • kevinf08kevinf08 Member Posts: 432 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    I"m fairly impressed that you guys backed off on the idea of making loot BoP.

    I've seen many times in MMO's where changes hit the test server and regardless of any negative feedback the changes go live.

    Good on you, Cryptic.
  • ceryndrionceryndrion Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I must say, I was rather hoping to see the salvage station implemented onto the main shards, this was potentially a really good idea, and I've got a good few bits of stuff to salvage.

    I hope we get to see it sooner rather than later.
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  • devlinnedevlinne Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    solidtx wrote: »
    Prestige doesn't come easy. Make the tier loot sets BOP. I have a large guild that wants to move on to another game (like Wildstar coming soon) where progression means progression. It shouldn't be easy and not everyone deserves tier gear. Make the gear BOP or risk more people leaving because today END GAME MEANS NOTHING.

    And i have a LARGE GUILD that would have left had these changes gone through....so......who's more important?

    BEFORE u whip it out and start comparing.....there is no answer to who's more important......Simply that the backlash was from the MAJORITY and the MAJORITY didn't want this change.

    To the DEVs you showed through this that you INDEED read and listen.
    Renewed my faith. Thanks:)
    PITY,REGRET, AND MERCY are just EXCUSES for the strong not to kill the weak!
  • rictor77rictor77 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I love the idea of adding some type of reward for foundry missions. A lot of these missions are awesome and have taken the authors quite some time. As someone else pointed out, 15min for the daily is plenty for most.

    Myself, I would do more longer missions of 1.5 hours and more. Endless end-game content with like rewards. Can't go wrong.
    "You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him."
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    "Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught."
    "Life is too important to be taken seriously.":)
  • lichlamentlichlament Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    iraetfuria wrote: »
    You should just fix the dungeons, prevent ppl from rushing/exploiting them. That would prevent the loot inflation and would make the market and economy better. So go fix the reason that this problem is happening, not the cause.

    This is the clear answer.

    The speed some dungeons are being exploited is why there is a glut of end game items on the AH.

    Dungeon walls need to be fixed to prevent exploiting.... Also speed running through dungeons to campfire hop should be addressed as well.
  • shamurai7shamurai7 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 99
    edited June 2013
    I like the Idea of combining epic loot with crafting professions.

    Make them drop 'Ancient equipment fragment'. Similar to enchantment shards.
    Then with a level 20 crafting skill you can assemble so many of these pieces with a chance of failure.
    This will give incentive to use crafting. Currently crafting professions are worthless except to make shirts and pants. This will reduce the amount of rare gear in the game and make professions no longer worthless.
    2 birds with 1 stone.

    and none of the dragon egg junk for them either... make it expend something players can actually attain in game without spending zen. perhaps expending 20 residuum or something.
  • mordikaymordikay Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Thank something holy, the game is saved.
  • givearandomnamegivearandomname Member Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    my personl opinion dungen loot is used to gear for raids. therefore dungen loot should always remain tradeable. the best endgame gear should be raid gear and I would have no problem with raid gear ie gantlgryme gear being bop.

    then you could still run dungens for gear to sell and to gear up for raids

    so the two systems I could fully support are

    1 dungen loot stays as is. Raid loot is bop.
    2. you roll need item is bop roll greed its boe. <but this should not just be limited to gear enchantments and rune stones as well bop need boe greed>
    Namin Soulburner
    NW-DHNVMMGVJ Dragons horde part one.
  • phaazenphaazen Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Thanks Zeke!

    Greats to see that you're listening.

    Personally I do like the idea of Need = Bound to Character even if need remained class specific. This would encourage more people to use greed even in the late game while properly punishing players for needing when they don't truly need the items.

    But, please please please implement the salvage system as you had it right now!

    I really hate throwing away my outdated epic gear for a pittance of gold. On top of that some of the items are truly worth less than they should be on the auction house. The salvage system as it is could establish a base line AD value for many of the lesser desired items.

    EDIT - On the note of seals: They truly become worthless after you start getting good gear. Even the low level ones aren't worth using since you outlevel the gear that you would purchase faster than you obtain seals.
    Seals need to get some alternate use. Perhaps as item upgrades or a means to purchase rare profession resources such as Dragon Eggs?

    I like this
  • shadewarp2shadewarp2 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 7
    edited June 2013
    Need = BoP
    Greed = BoE

    Problems fixed.

    This - since you fixed the need button for pieces that are ment for a certain class, it would work. Making everything BoP won't solve the problem, it will just make my experience less fun... It could kill the game for me, if I knew that I had to run many many many T2 dungeons to get that piece of equipment...

    Otherwise you need to add tokens instead, so that a token drops from the boss that you can buy gear with. That gear will then be BoP - this ensures that everyone gets a crack at an item, and are not left to a random chance of luck.
  • ailythicaailythica Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I'd like to see a token loot system maybe. Or more items available to buy with the seals such as crafting items. Also i'd hate to see super BOP everything, diamonds are an extreme source right now of surviving. I'd hate to lose ways to still make a good bit of it utilizing the auction house, especially considering the economy.. although it would currently kill the economy which I don't really see you all wanting to do that. It was also nice to be able to offer to swap pieces to finish off a set when needed.
  • hippomousehippomouse Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 61
    edited June 2013
    You need to put more chests in with actually decent gear for epics. I know there are hidden chests but the loot in them often isn't worth it. The number of purple items that drop in any one quest are so poor that it is only worth doing dungeons when a delve is on and as these are at random times, people can't even organise guild events in advance. Since "rebalancing" the classes but not the mobs all epics are harder so the gear in the auction house is astronomically high anyway and the amount of loot you get compared to resources spent on potions and kits doesn't even come close to what you have spent.

    In my opinion there should be a chest after every mini boss with a chance (albeit small) of getting an item and then another after the main boss. When a delve is on put 2 chests for the main boss. Having no chest is a bit of a joke.

    I don't understand why you don't have what DDO has where you open a chest and is loot for that character but say you are playing a cleric and you get a rogue item, you can give it to the rogue in the chest and it is bind on pick up or equip.

    You also need to re-look at the need/greed system. I recently did Spellplague Caverns and we asked people not to pick up things mid combat as it just fills your screen. However, as the fight took ages as you just love those add ons by the time we finished a few minutes later all the loot had disappeared so from then on people were picking things up mid combat and it was a pain.

    Finally, please remove who has won what from the main screen. It is pointless, it says it in the chat anyway just leave it there if people want to check what people rolled. It stays on the screen for so long if there are 4 items it takes up most of the screen!!
  • bowmore18bowmore18 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Why not making it so that set items only unlock their setbonuses and all other items only getting an upgraded GS-score after doing a certain run of dungeons? This way you have to earn your right to enter in dungeons and the economy is still thriving.
  • ganjaman1ganjaman1 Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The need - bop
    greed - boe

    is sort of a gamble , if you need the item - 100% sure that you'll get some AD via salvaging but if you greed it you'll probably will be able to sell it for much more .

    In such case me personally will always need the set items for my class or the jewelry for that matter , you guys think that this method will fix something . It won't fix anything at all , it'll slow people's progress & will hurt the PuG groups directly .

    So basicly if you make these changes you can pretty much say goodbye to PuGs because people from this point on will only run dungeons with other people that they know so they can share the loot and the profits via greed rolls . The casual players will get the thick end of the stick .

    Considering that your ingame population biggest % is indeed casual players , this change will make them quit if they haven't already done that after the Ad AH exploit / gear exploit / dungeon exploit fiasco combo .

    Do you people from PWE / Cryptic check the servers traffic lately ? If you do you know exactly what I am talking about here .
  • controlwizard18controlwizard18 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Please fix the dungeon loot table first. Having to run the same instance for more than 100 times during DD to get a piece you want is just nuts. Implement tokens/seals to get Tier set pieces for those unlucky with the RNG. You can always charge sky high for the Tier set pieces but at least it gives people a chance to farm for the loot they want.

    Permanent DD is a good suggestion as 1 drop per boss is unfair to the other 40% of the 'team' that you adventure with. Drake seals can't be traded for anything worthwhile.

    With the loot table/drop rate changes, ninjas would be less of a problem and pug groups should be able to flourish. Items can all remain BoE and no one would care because they can work for it on their own terms be it time or to spend real cash on them.

    My 2 cents.

    P/S: For anyone that says this will turn the game into P2W, Neverwinter Online wouldn't be able to survive as a F2P without at least SOME paying customers. Cryptic made a product and should be allowed to financially profit from it. Those of you with loads of time on your hand can still get the best gear and enjoy all the game has to offer, for FREE.
  • yliana1yliana1 Member Posts: 38
    edited June 2013
    Needing becoming Bind on Pickup is a great start but overall I think it's time that drops aren't guaranteed every run.
    But overall there's just too much loot being dropped in the end.

    Right,so the people who cant farm the DD events all day will have it even harder to get gear? That sure is the way to go and will make people want to run Dungeons even less outside of the DD events...

    Maybe others consider getting lucky with drops/grinding Dungeons all day beeing something they earned or deserve..
    I dont see the challenge or achievement in completing those Dungeons,other then woah! i spent so and so much time to run them 100 times to get 1 piece i can finally wear! (if you run them outside DD event chances are the 100 is actually a fitting number lol.. so yeah,i dont think too much loot is dropping,unless you are one of the people that can farm dungeons/DD events all day ofc..)
This discussion has been closed.