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My Cleric Build.



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    fefeenahfefeenah Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    quoisky wrote: »
    The build is good... but,
    Replacing Astral seal with Brand of the Sun, was the best move I could make. I don't find Astral does it for me at all. But when a foe DOESN'T expect the cleric to turn around and become all dps on him...hehehe! Brand of the sun has help me take out ALOT of enemies (Especially in pvp) I laugh as you see them running for that potion, and brand of the sun keeps hitting them in a distance, then poof, dead! -.o
    I don't understand why you NEVER even put a point on it, you have no idea how much fun that one can be obviously.
    Of course, to each their own I guess...

    I'm fairly certain that this is a PvE guide/build, so I'm sure the OP didn't take any PvP points too seriously. But honestly, it really seems as though in PvE that Astral Seal is mandatory... why would you replace Astral SEAL with Brand? What is your other at-will and what could you be using that could possibly be better than Astral Seal? Why not use Astral Seal and Brand of the Sun?
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    mallonslefrmallonslefr Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Mewbrew any news about when you are going to update your guide to 1.04?
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    mewbreymewbrey Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 517 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Mewbrew any news about when you are going to update your guide to 1.04?

    I'm so sorry for the delays, due to hick ups with party forming, I've not been able to test as much data as I'd like so far, I only have about 30 dungeons worth of date to pull from at the moment via ACT and want to get up to about 50-100.

    I don't want to put an exact date on it right now, as I've failed to deliver so far on my previous expectation of getting the guide done. I hope to have it done within the next few days 19th at the latest.

    difficulty's aside from previously stated, we need to test gear of the appropriate level range too currently have 13k GS tested and 9.4k GS tested for Tier 2's want to go over Tier 1's in about 5500 GS but it is important to know that it is working across level ranges so I can better help people if they become stuck while using the current builds.

    Again, I am so sorry for the delays and any frustrations it may cause!
    ~*~ Foundry missions: Stronghold Branax : Goblin menace : Forwyn crypts ~*~
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    leovinous01leovinous01 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    can you recommend a starter companion, I don't have the diamonds to get a cat right now so I wanted to find out. thanks
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    mewbreymewbrey Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 517 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    can you recommend a starter companion, I don't have the diamonds to get a cat right now so I wanted to find out. thanks

    Sell-sword is fairly good make sure you give her a mix of defensive and offensive items however or she will die to fast.
    ~*~ Foundry missions: Stronghold Branax : Goblin menace : Forwyn crypts ~*~
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    mallonslefrmallonslefr Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    mewbrey wrote: »
    I'm so sorry for the delays, due to hick ups with party forming, I've not been able to test as much data as I'd like so far, I only have about 30 dungeons worth of date to pull from at the moment via ACT and want to get up to about 50-100.

    I don't want to put an exact date on it right now, as I've failed to deliver so far on my previous expectation of getting the guide done. I hope to have it done within the next few days 19th at the latest.

    difficulty's aside from previously stated, we need to test gear of the appropriate level range too currently have 13k GS tested and 9.4k GS tested for Tier 2's want to go over Tier 1's in about 5500 GS but it is important to know that it is working across level ranges so I can better help people if they become stuck while using the current builds.

    Again, I am so sorry for the delays and any frustrations it may cause!

    Oh no don't think that way, better you take your time to do something as good as you did, even better.
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    mewbreymewbrey Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 517 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Build should be updated, I hope you enjoy it and if you have any questions as always please feel free to ask! Thanks again for being patient while I worked on it a little more, and thanks for taking the time to read it.

    I hope it helps!
    ~*~ Foundry missions: Stronghold Branax : Goblin menace : Forwyn crypts ~*~
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    iceloudiceloud Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Whats your Defense Rating and have a 6300 Power is that to more ? and can u link ur Equipments ?
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    daervondaervon Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Quick question, Mewbrey...

    Do you think that those 3 points in Astral Seal are worth it or did you just put them there because you didn't really have anywhere else to put them? :)

    The reason I ask is this: I agree that Astral Seal is, in 99% of cases in PvE, the right-click choice for our At-Will selection, however it's not a power that we'll be spamming at any given time, whether to do damage or build Divinity. It'll be used whenever it goes down and then we'll go back to using Sacred Flame or encounter powers. Since this is the case, putting 3 points in it only means that we'll need to refresh it once every 10 seconds instead of once every 8, which really doesn't make much of a difference in the long run. Its damage is negligible anyway so improving it by 20%, especially given the fact that we don't use it as a main damage output, will also make little difference. And Divinity gain is on a per-cast basis, not on a damage-done basis.

    On the other hand, leaving it with only 1 point means that we'll have 2 extra points to spend on other powers that may benefit more from them (in your build, for example, could put them to max out Searing Light). Not that, given the latest patch we have a lot of options to go with in dungeons as we're forced into a cookie-cutter recipe, however when soloing or PvPing (if any clerics are left PvPing these days) it might give us another option or two.

    Thoughts? :)
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    mewbreymewbrey Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 517 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    daervon wrote: »
    Quick question, Mewbrey...

    Do you think that those 3 points in Astral Seal are worth it or did you just put them there because you didn't really have anywhere else to put them? :)

    Thoughts? :)

    The main reason is simply, that I use it in most encounters, the build you see for both solo and grouping while other encounters that are not maxed out I do not use that often, searing light is a useful tool but I find more of a leveling tool until daunting light.

    but by all means, having it at 1/3 will not hurt you if you favor such skills and want to max them out. :)
    ~*~ Foundry missions: Stronghold Branax : Goblin menace : Forwyn crypts ~*~
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    chitsuphrenechitsuphrene Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Linked Spirit works with every Heal ?
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    mewbreymewbrey Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 517 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Linked Spirit works with every Heal ?

    Only divined heals, I suggest only using it with bastion of health to get more links, you can use it with sun burst, but the knockback will frustrate most people.

    It use to work with astral shield until the latest patch, it no longer works with astral shield. It used to proc on the first tick from astral shields healing via divine mode. It now only works with Bastion of health, Healing word and sun burst.
    ~*~ Foundry missions: Stronghold Branax : Goblin menace : Forwyn crypts ~*~
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    yuinojiyuinoji Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    mewbrey wrote: »
    Only divined heals, I suggest only using it with bastion of health to get more links, you can use it with sun burst, but the knockback will frustrate most people.

    It use to work with astral shield until the latest patch, it no longer works with astral shield. It used to proc on the first tick from astral shields healing via divine mode. It now only works with Bastion of health, Healing word and sun burst.

    how to activated LS with SB without knocking back the enemy:

    When in the middle of SB's casting animation, press "tab" so you switch to Divinity mode. It's counted as Divinity SB
    So, you will activate LS and at the same time, you gain AP and DP . .
    well, bug or not . . but It's works
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    ricofricof Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2013
    does that mean they really did fix the agro thing and we we don't need to worry about sooth anymore?
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    mewbreymewbrey Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 517 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    ricof wrote: »
    does that mean they really did fix the agro thing and we we don't need to worry about sooth anymore?

    Agro is rather solid now if you have a semi-able guardian. However if you have a poor guardian you can always slot in sooth. But in general yes, sooth is no longer needed as threat is now at a much more enjoyable level.
    ~*~ Foundry missions: Stronghold Branax : Goblin menace : Forwyn crypts ~*~
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    morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    If you have a GF and he's good: GF gets the aggro.
    As far as I can tell (based mostly on a hilarious, albeit ultimately disastrous pug), if you have a GF and he's not any good, he still gets most of the aggro. If you don't have a GF (coz he left) but do have a GWF, then they'll get most of the aggro.
    Basically fighters in general score much higher on the aggro meter, now.

    If you don't have a GF or a GWF (coz they both left), then it seems to be CWs next, then DCs.
    I'm not too sure about this one, I suspect it's actually closer to a 50:50 distribution of aggro between CW and DC, but DCs are accustomed to getting aggro anyway so don't go squish quite so fast.

    TRs seem to remain basically invisible to monsters, even when they're not stealthed. They may well be asking WTF GUYS when you get killed. Again.
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    mallonslefrmallonslefr Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    mewbrey wrote: »
    Only divined heals, I suggest only using it with bastion of health to get more links, you can use it with sun burst, but the knockback will frustrate most people.

    It use to work with astral shield until the latest patch, it no longer works with astral shield. It used to proc on the first tick from astral shields healing via divine mode. It now only works with Bastion of health, Healing word and sun burst.

    for some reason the heals from astral seal activate Linked Spirit
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    blitzliteblitzlite Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Is there a maximum amount of power we should aim for? Or should be just keep on going?

    Also, I have my critical and recovery both at 3000 at the moment and still can have my power between the 5000 & 6000 you stated. In your opinion, would I benefit more dropping the critical down and increasing my power?
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    scozzersscozzers Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 180 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    for some reason the heals from astral seal activate Linked Spirit

    Astral Seal seems to proc a lot of things it isn't supposed to .. but in this case it could be because you've switched to divine mode after those heals are coming in? A bit like the Sun Burst trick maybe.
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    mewbreymewbrey Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 517 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    blitzlite wrote: »
    Is there a maximum amount of power we should aim for? Or should be just keep on going?

    Also, I have my critical and recovery both at 3000 at the moment and still can have my power between the 5000 & 6000 you stated. In your opinion, would I benefit more dropping the critical down and increasing my power?

    honestly you wont be able to help having more than 3000 in both while maintaining high power, no real limit to power as it scales pretty straight, don't worry about going high in critical and recovery it just happens keep using power enchantments however and if you gain more critical or recovery while it will be at a much slower rate it will still improve your healing.

    You could get some defense if you find tanks are not holding threat well, but I find that the general coverage of defense from gear is enough 2000-2200 defense is a fairly solid platform to work towards but I don't prioritize it since the changes to threat.
    ~*~ Foundry missions: Stronghold Branax : Goblin menace : Forwyn crypts ~*~
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    duthgar1976duthgar1976 Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    healing word really??? i havent used it in forever and im soloing to 60 why use it now?
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    blitzliteblitzlite Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    mewbrey wrote: »
    honestly you wont be able to help having more than 3000 in both while maintaining high power, no real limit to power as it scales pretty straight, don't worry about going high in critical and recovery it just happens keep using power enchantments however and if you gain more critical or recovery while it will be at a much slower rate it will still improve your healing.

    You could get some defense if you find tanks are not holding threat well, but I find that the general coverage of defense from gear is enough 2000-2200 defense is a fairly solid platform to work towards but I don't prioritize it since the changes to threat.

    Okay, nice. Thanks for your hard work :)
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    healsareophealsareop Member Posts: 155 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    I seriously hope all devoted cleric are running foresight and healer's lore, sacred flame and astral seal, and AS, FF, Sunburst/DG/HW as the encounters. BoH is garbage and your divinity gain should be enough to not use divine fortune. Sunburst is essential for getting AP up to save the party!
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    swoomustdienowswoomustdienow Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 136 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    healing word really??? i havent used it in forever and im soloing to 60 why use it now?

    He has built to capitalize on the pure Healing skills along with Linked Spirit and the Divine Fortune utility, so a Healing Word/Bastion set-up gets the most from his selections. Also, from the looks of it he is not a Divine heavy caster. Divine astral shield, and then you really only cast Bast in divinity if you have spare pips, instead of someone like me who casts practically every heal that's not an at-will in Divinity.

    The feat selection of this build I just kind of have a disconnect with. I understand that it may just not be for my playstyle, but the last time I tried to capitalize on THP healing it failed (hard) versus capitalizing on critical healing. Does anyone know the actual numbers you gain from THP with Power of Life? Invigorating Healing just is such a larger part of my healing output I can't see PoL being a better selection, unless the THP is gained at a much larger chunk thanks to that power. Numbers would help me in debating between them and also Deepstone Blessings effectiveness, as I'm not sure how active I can keep the daily power up vs how long I can currently keep my daily HG. 20% THP vs 25% actual healing seems like a push, but having the damage bonus with HG just leans me back towards Moon Touched since they both give the same DR IIRC.
    healsareop wrote: »
    I seriously hope all devoted cleric are running foresight and healer's lore, sacred flame and astral seal, and AS, FF, Sunburst/DG/HW as the encounters. BoH is garbage and your divinity gain should be enough to not use divine fortune. Sunburst is essential for getting AP up to save the party!

    Bastion is for linked spirit without using the Sunburst juking technique. I've never ran without Sunburst, so I'm not even sure how I would adapt without it. I do see what he's doing here though, and it could work. He's also not Divine dependent (I believe) so that may be why he doesn't run with Sunburst. But man, no SB, that's a scary world for me. I also run with talented foresight, but I can see why he dropped it as he's exchanging a damage reduction for two-to-three times the per heal increase. If I knew I could get that heal increase reliably, I'd do the same.
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    scozzersscozzers Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 180 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    I'd just like to point out that both Bastion of Health and Healing Word proc Divine Advantage. While Healing Word doesn't proc Invigorated Healing and Astral Shield only procs Invigorated Healing on the initial cast.
    With that in mind and the nature of Bastion of Health's usage, those 5 points in Invigorated Healing might be better placed in Divine Advantage. Just something to think about. Cheers.
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    jeanpapijeanpapi Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Is this build capable of solo healing CN? I have 10.5k GS using the Critical Cleric build and I'm barely able to solo heal it.
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    fefeenahfefeenah Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I tried this build out last night, and like everyone else, I was concerned about dropping both sunburst and forgemaster's flame. It's also been forever and a day since I've used healing word. BUT it saved a few people's bacon last night and so far, I feel much more in control of what I'm doing. I also felt very comfortable using bastion - I was able to heal at ranged! I like it! I'll keep using it :) Thanks Mew!
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    mewbreymewbrey Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 517 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    jeanpapi wrote: »
    Is this build capable of solo healing CN? I have 10.5k GS using the Critical Cleric build and I'm barely able to solo heal it.

    It can solo heal castle never yes. :)
    Since the change it can be difficult to heal it, but I've always solo healed castle never and still am with the new build.

    fefeenah wrote: »
    I tried this build out last night, and like everyone else, I was concerned about dropping both sunburst and forgemaster's flame. It's also been forever and a day since I've used healing word. BUT it saved a few people's bacon last night and so far, I feel much more in control of what I'm doing. I also felt very comfortable using bastion - I was able to heal at ranged! I like it! I'll keep using it :) Thanks Mew!

    Thanks for the kind reply, I can understand the worry of change as it is fairly drastic. But the game has changed and with threat being much more solid you can now heal from ranged as long as you don't get yourself isolated and in trouble. Have to make sure you can keep the tank ticking the hots over and you'll be fine in general, some times you get terrible players that stand in to many red circles and seriously hurt your cycling of heals as they need more attention... but such is life ^^.
    ~*~ Foundry missions: Stronghold Branax : Goblin menace : Forwyn crypts ~*~
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    fefeenahfefeenah Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    mewbrey wrote: »
    Thanks for the kind reply, I can understand the worry of change as it is fairly drastic. But the game has changed and with threat being much more solid you can now heal from ranged as long as you don't get yourself isolated and in trouble. Have to make sure you can keep the tank ticking the hots over and you'll be fine in general, some times you get terrible players that stand in to many red circles and seriously hurt your cycling of heals as they need more attention... but such is life ^^.

    Yes, I've definitely been in situations where I've had to use everything at once to keep people alive when they didn't get out of the red circles, etc, but that's when I found healing word so darned handy - throw it out on the tank and a rogue or whoever is needing a little help, a few sacred flames, and before you know it you're all set with plenty of divinity to get back on track with your "rotation." I'm really enjoying it!

    Will you be posting more videos? I found those videos very helpful pre-patch and I'm interested in seeing your strats with the new build. Thanks again for all your hard work!!
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    mewbreymewbrey Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 517 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    fefeenah wrote: »
    Yes, I've definitely been in situations where I've had to use everything at once to keep people alive when they didn't get out of the red circles, etc, but that's when I found healing word so darned handy - throw it out on the tank and a rogue or whoever is needing a little help, a few sacred flames, and before you know it you're all set with plenty of divinity to get back on track with your "rotation." I'm really enjoying it!

    Will you be posting more videos? I found those videos very helpful pre-patch and I'm interested in seeing your strats with the new build. Thanks again for all your hard work!!

    I hope to be getting new videos up in the near future, but can't put any times on them at the moment. :)
    ~*~ Foundry missions: Stronghold Branax : Goblin menace : Forwyn crypts ~*~
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