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PvP has become a joke. Fix your game devs.

healsareophealsareop Member Posts: 155 Bounty Hunter
edited June 2014 in PvE Discussion
Why are GF (aka tanks) hitting 15-20k per hit in PvP and regaining their entire hp bar back in a second randomly? Why are DC complete trash after shield is off? Where are the other heals? And is astral shield the only heal they have as a healing based class that has no dps and naturally low defense without shield? Healing word is trash, sunburst is only there for AP, divinity healing with right click is a joke, bastion of health is trash. CW are buffing other people with combat advantage, still bugged. This isn't even PvP, this is a bugged, spammy, nerf fest.

My main concern is devoted cleric. Why do they have no other heals and why does righteousness exist... 40% really? Is that the only heal skill devoted cleric have? Also GF knocking you back, then dashing towards you instantly and hitting a 16k crit, sometimes 20k is ridiculous. And if you're still alive after that, they will kick you up and finish you that way or just normal attack to death. Tanks are hitting too high, the stunlock/bind is still messed up with more than one CW, 2 CW and 1 TR = infinite stun lock for example.

DC are trash. Tanks are the new DPS. GWF still useless. Yes I said it, DC are trash in PvP. 0 heals other than astral shield rofl, just one hit them all day now.
Post edited by healsareop on


  • wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    and they plan to take this game out of beta in 4 day's time... if this game is out of beta with all of these issues its going to be a dead game and it isn't like the players aren't bringing up what has to be brought up and fixed
  • chabowbieschabowbies Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    healsareop wrote: »
    Why are GF (aka tanks) hitting 15-20k per hit in PvP and regaining their entire hp bar back in a second randomly? Why are DC complete trash after shield is off? Where are the other heals? And is astral shield the only heal they have as a healing based class that has no dps and naturally low defense without shield? Healing word is trash, sunburst is only there for AP, divinity healing with right click is a joke, bastion of health is trash. CW are buffing other people with combat advantage, still bugged. This isn't even PvP, this is a bugged, spammy, nerf fest.

    My main concern is devoted cleric. Why do they have no other heals and why does righteousness exist... 40% really? Is that the only heal skill devoted cleric have? Also GF knocking you back, then dashing towards you instantly and hitting a 16k crit, sometimes 20k is ridiculous. And if you're still alive after that, they will kick you up and finish you that way or just normal attack to death. Tanks are hitting too high, the stunlock/bind is still messed up with more than one CW, 2 CW and 1 TR = infinite stun lock for example.

    DC are trash. Tanks are the new DPS. GWF still useless. Yes I said it, DC are trash in PvP. 0 heals other than astral shield rofl, just one hit them all day now.

    My gwf smashed everything in pvp pre patch. Smashes even harder post patch. My friends dc is the reason we win every pvp match. GFs have a non tanking tree. And use of a certain daily in succession w all encounters can regain a large portion of HP. Please learn the classes better before whining up the forums.
    INB4, INB4
  • yfz450xyfz450x Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Not sure what its like at 60 yet. But I'm already stopping this game till CW are fixed. from the 39 bracket down they just need 3 buttons. repel, the choke thing, and the arcane missile at-will...no melee can even get to them. once you do they have unlimited blinks and dodge all your abilities. Nerf the CC that is being done in pvp. The ability to push an entire team off of a point and then CC them off the point, and use your at-will to destroy them while your cc is killing them, and when you finally get to them, they blink away repel/choke and start the routine all over again. Also if there is more than one CW in the opposing group, theres just no winning. They will run to each point, CC the 1-2 players there, kill the player(s) and take the point. CW take the least amount of skill to play, and easily pump out the most dmg. As a TR yes I can hit them pretty hard...if I can even get a hit in, they dodge 50% of the attacks I try to get in, and usually its one of my biggest hits. PVE I've never been below top on dmg..so TR are great for dps...but are terrible in pvp. Cant get to a CW, and a skilled GF wont take any dmg. Honestly GWF and TR need buffed for PVP, or the other classes need a nerf. CW by far needs the biggest nerf. I've played each class into the 30's and as a DC I can kite 3-4 people around easily, CW I can CC/kite 2-3 players fairly easily, and as a GF I can heal through 2 maybe 3 players dmg. GWF I can barely 1v1, and TR I can take 2 at a time unless one of them is a CW/DC. These are things I've noticed through low-mid lvls. Till pvp is fixed I either wont play or will only PVE if buddies hop on.
  • zingarbagezingarbage Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Righteousness was put in so clerics would have to use as many potions as the other classes. Clerics are currently using more potions. It does need to be removed.
  • lerdocixlerdocix Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    and they plan to take this game out of beta in 4 day's time... if this game is out of beta with all of these issues its going to be a dead game and it isn't like the players aren't bringing up what has to be brought up and fixed
    Balance doesn't have much to do with releases. Some MMOs are over a decade on the market and they still have OP and UP classes and balance patch every now and then.
    MMOs are impossible to balance, but balance patches will happen.
  • karsuskkarsusk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    yfz450x wrote: »
    Not sure what its like at 60 yet. But I'm already stopping this game till CW are fixed. from the 39 bracket down they just need 3 buttons. repel, the choke thing, and the arcane missile at-will...no melee can even get to them. once you do they have unlimited blinks and dodge all your abilities. Nerf the CC that is being done in pvp. The ability to push an entire team off of a point and then CC them off the point, and use your at-will to destroy them while your cc is killing them, and when you finally get to them, they blink away repel/choke and start the routine all over again. Also if there is more than one CW in the opposing group, theres just no winning. They will run to each point, CC the 1-2 players there, kill the player(s) and take the point. CW take the least amount of skill to play, and easily pump out the most dmg. As a TR yes I can hit them pretty hard...if I can even get a hit in, they dodge 50% of the attacks I try to get in, and usually its one of my biggest hits. PVE I've never been below top on dmg..so TR are great for dps...but are terrible in pvp. Cant get to a CW, and a skilled GF wont take any dmg. Honestly GWF and TR need buffed for PVP, or the other classes need a nerf. CW by far needs the biggest nerf. I've played each class into the 30's and as a DC I can kite 3-4 people around easily, CW I can CC/kite 2-3 players fairly easily, and as a GF I can heal through 2 maybe 3 players dmg. GWF I can barely 1v1, and TR I can take 2 at a time unless one of them is a CW/DC. These are things I've noticed through low-mid lvls. Till pvp is fixed I either wont play or will only PVE if buddies hop on.

    at 60, if you lose to a CW without a good fight as a TR you suck. most of the time I pull down their pants and do unspeakable things. lookup a stealth build, its the only playable pvp TR and you will change your stars. I honestly think your problem is a l2p issue.
  • pickygamerpickygamer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    karsusk wrote: »
    at 60, if you lose to a CW without a good fight as a TR you suck. most of the time I pull down their pants and do unspeakable things. lookup a stealth build, its the only playable pvp TR and you will change your stars. I honestly think your problem is a l2p issue.

    I have to agree with this. Im a cw, and even after patch I still do very well in pvp.....unless of course my team sucks. We (imo) are only as good as our team.

    Most of the time I am stalked during the entire match by TR's. I kill off their cw's or work on a cleric and POW, they come out of no where and eat me in 3 hits or less (20 k hp only). The bad TR's are the predictable ones and I REALLY enjoy eating them to pay back for all my 100's of deaths by TR's.

    OP: Please play a cw at 60 and tell me how well you do with the "easy button". I got a few TR's in my guild that would love to show you other wise.
  • daethxdaethx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Throwing my 2cp in. Clerics are bad now. Yes double stacking AS needed to be nerfed, but then they kept going. Righteousness does not need to exist anymore. AS is the only decent heal, and any GF or CW can deny the DC that area, resulting in a quick burn. Most clerics stopped bothering with PvP after the patch.

    GWF were already borderline OP before the patch, now they are definitely OP.

    CW and TRs, not much has changed.

    GF are still pains to single players with constant knockdowns, but seem fairly balanced in group fights.

    So yeah, GWF needs to be toned back down (for PvP anyway, and in PvE the issue was never about their damage anyway, I would still rather take two wizards than a GWF due to the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> way that encounters are designed). And cleric needs a significant boost, mostly remove the righteousness, and make them more than a one trick pony for healing.
  • yushirokaneyushirokane Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    healsareop wrote: »
    Why are GF (aka tanks) hitting 15-20k per hit in PvP and regaining their entire hp bar back in a second randomly? Why are DC complete trash after shield is off? Where are the other heals? And is astral shield the only heal they have as a healing based class that has no dps and naturally low defense without shield? Healing word is trash, sunburst is only there for AP, divinity healing with right click is a joke, bastion of health is trash. CW are buffing other people with combat advantage, still bugged. This isn't even PvP, this is a bugged, spammy, nerf fest.

    My main concern is devoted cleric. Why do they have no other heals and why does righteousness exist... 40% really? Is that the only heal skill devoted cleric have? Also GF knocking you back, then dashing towards you instantly and hitting a 16k crit, sometimes 20k is ridiculous. And if you're still alive after that, they will kick you up and finish you that way or just normal attack to death. Tanks are hitting too high, the stunlock/bind is still messed up with more than one CW, 2 CW and 1 TR = infinite stun lock for example.

    DC are trash. Tanks are the new DPS. GWF still useless. Yes I said it, DC are trash in PvP. 0 heals other than astral shield rofl, just one hit them all day now.

    Because GF have a dps tree for pvp, and EVERYONE can stack tenebrous, regaining his hp bar is daily which sux in pvp. PVP isnot balanced becauseppl is oneshooted, GF is no exception,you want the tanks to do no damage even with dps spec, then they should last at least 10-12 encounters alive but they die from a rogue full tenebrous throwing knives in 3 seconds too :P (and im not saying ner roges)

    The realproblem is the pvp balance per level, pvp lvl 10-59 is awesome, but it gets totally screwed up at 60, CHaracters have too high dps and defence in this game is terrible stat, theres somany things thatnegate it..
  • prometheusenprometheusen Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    zingarbage wrote: »
    Righteousness was put in so clerics would have to use as many potions as the other classes. Clerics are currently using more potions. It does need to be removed.

    Didn't Clerics always have righteousness in Neverwinter? I agree it is pretty lame... but then again, I really wish Clerics were mace & shield (heard the present model of Clerics only became what it is in Neverwinter with fourth edition), then maybe with a little bit of AC/def love, righteousness wouldn't be so bad.

    From the D&D perspective, wouldn't something like righteousness be alignment or roleplaying based? Or is that another "gem" of fourth edition?
  • prometheusenprometheusen Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    healsareop wrote: »
    ....the stunlock/bind is still messed up with more than one CW, 2 CW and 1 TR = infinite stun lock for example.

    This is really the only part that I fully agree on. I have a GWF, TR, DC, and a GF. Of the 4 characters I have GF is my least favorite to play in PvP. From the way you make it sound, you make it sound as though GFs have a win-wand that just give a flick and you're dead. Rhythmically speaking, GFs are pretty clunky and at times hard to pace. For every advantage that a GF has they have a disadvantage... from the sounds of it, it appears that the strengths of a GF unfortunately are tailored to the exploitation of your weaknesses. We all have our own unique play styles, and because of how we play, certain classes will have inherent advantages over us unless we "think outside the box" and approach PvP differently. For me, Control Wizards tap into my weaknesses better than any other class. I could rant on about all the reasons why Control Wizards are unreasonable, but I realize that it's not that they're unreasonable, it's that the way I play, plays well into the hand of a Control Wizard. All other classes, including Guardian Fighters, have a terrible time with me--even if I'm playing my devoted cleric.

    On that note, I do believe the way crowd control works in PvP or just on players in general is ridiculous. Diminishing returns or temporary immunity would really liven up PvP and demand diversity in how people are playing it.
  • healsareophealsareop Member Posts: 155 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    chabowbies wrote: »
    My gwf smashed everything in pvp pre patch. Smashes even harder post patch. My friends dc is the reason we win every pvp match. GFs have a non tanking tree. And use of a certain daily in succession w all encounters can regain a large portion of HP. Please learn the classes better before whining up the forums.
    Smashed everything? Come 1v1 me, I guarantee you won't be able to kill me for the entire match on my DC and that's sad because any other class can now. So your DC friend helps you guys, does that mean we are op? Nope, still trash. You don't understand my point. DC have zero other proper heals, what's the point of playing a healer class when they can't even heal properly, nor tank and what's the point of clicking 1,2,3 all day, most boring class ever. Drop a shield, use a boring aoe move to gain AP (sunburst) then click FF - the auto attack skill that is barely seen. Seriously the class is booooring and has no tanking ability with heals like other cleric mmo which seem like gods. I know GF have a non tanking tree, but does that mean they have to hit higher than DPS with knockbacks and knockdowns?

    The HP regain I was talking about makes them instantly regain all their HP from 10% or less even if their knocked down. Not sure if its a glitch, or a bug, etc but it needs to be fixed asap. I'm not even whining, its people like you who accept anything thrown at them that ruin the game. I'll give them time, but can we at least have notifications, comments, etc that tell us that their working on it? I doubt they are anyway. My main point is, DC are horrible, tanks are hitting slightly too high, gwf is fine but still useless to a party in pve, cw are currently broken, and tr are fine now but they could have made those nerfs PvP only.
  • domushdomush Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    daethx wrote: »
    Throwing my 2cp in. Clerics are bad now. Yes double stacking AS needed to be nerfed, but then they kept going. Righteousness does not need to exist anymore. AS is the only decent heal, and any GF or CW can deny the DC that area, resulting in a quick burn. Most clerics stopped bothering with PvP after the patch.

    GWF were already borderline OP before the patch, now they are definitely OP.

    CW and TRs, not much has changed.

    GF are still pains to single players with constant knockdowns, but seem fairly balanced in group fights.

    So yeah, GWF needs to be toned back down (for PvP anyway, and in PvE the issue was never about their damage anyway, I would still rather take two wizards than a GWF due to the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> way that encounters are designed). And cleric needs a significant boost, mostly remove the righteousness, and make them more than a one trick pony for healing.

    IMO, this is the most accurate summary of class issues.
  • wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    healsareop wrote: »
    Smashed everything? Come 1v1 me, I guarantee you won't be able to kill me for the entire match on my DC and that's sad because any other class can now. So your DC friend helps you guys, does that mean we are op? Nope, still trash. You don't understand my point. DC have zero other proper heals, what's the point of playing a healer class when they can't even heal properly, nor tank and what's the point of clicking 1,2,3 all day, most boring class ever. Drop a shield, use a boring aoe move to gain AP (sunburst) then click FF - the auto attack skill that is barely seen. Seriously the class is booooring and has no tanking ability with heals like other cleric mmo which seem like gods. I know GF have a non tanking tree, but does that mean they have to hit higher than DPS with knockbacks and knockdowns?

    The HP regain I was talking about makes them instantly regain all their HP from 10% or less even if their knocked down. Not sure if its a glitch, or a bug, etc but it needs to be fixed asap. I'm not even whining, its people like you who accept anything thrown at them that ruin the game. I'll give them time, but can we at least have notifications, comments, etc that tell us that their working on it? I doubt they are anyway. My main point is, DC are horrible, tanks are hitting slightly too high, gwf is fine but still useless to a party in pve, cw are currently broken, and tr are fine now but they could have made those nerfs PvP only.

    In the patch notes, they did at least mention that the point system for clerics in the arena will be addressed sometime after the patch, but the point system doesn't fix the extremely out of place and broken cleric class that seems anything but like a cleric.
  • healsareophealsareop Member Posts: 155 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    In the patch notes, they did at least mention that the point system for clerics in the arena will be addressed sometime after the patch, but the point system doesn't fix the extremely out of place and broken cleric class that seems anything but like a cleric.
    Yeah I read that, but that does not prove anything, like you said. They'll probably just find a way to make points easier to get as a cleric, like healing someone at least once fighting another person, etc. All I ask for is a righteousness nerf or complete take off and sunburst or boh, or healing word, hell even ff to be buffed. Maybe sunburst could give a massive aoe heal of 6k +, healing word would heal better to keep up with constant damage and massive threat in PvP (yes, everyone goes for cleric first, as priority) for a good regen type ability, for FF they could increase the range so you don't have to be rhaping the person to get the heal effect, which only ticks like 2 times I think. And lastly, boh (bastion of health) is a mess, its just not a good group heal, the only other group heal we got and it sucks. They need to make it stay on the field for 3 seconds ticking maybe 4k hp every second, just make it useful its not hard, and make the AP build up easier for other skills, sunburst is all we got!
  • jaeldynjaeldyn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The Guardian fighter obviously procced his daily Fighter Recovery that allows him to have indecent amounts of lifesteal, and maybe also the Knight Challenge which double the damage he and his target does to each others, but reduce by half the damage to anyone else during the duration of the encounter (something like 7 seconds or so)
  • daggerintheheartdaggerintheheart Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Umh, are you seriously looking at this game as a pvp game? Give me a break. lol
  • zingarbagezingarbage Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Didn't Clerics always have righteousness in Neverwinter? I agree it is pretty lame... but then again, I really wish Clerics were mace & shield (heard the present model of Clerics only became what it is in Neverwinter with fourth edition), then maybe with a little bit of AC/def love, righteousness wouldn't be so bad.

    From the D&D perspective, wouldn't something like righteousness be alignment or roleplaying based? Or is that another "gem" of fourth edition?

    It was introduced during one of the closed beta weekends. It was specifically put in place because clerics were not using as many potions as the other classes when leveling up and they did not want clerics to have a gold accumulation advantage.

    That philosophy has become outdated and needs to be fixed.
  • munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Not sure what planet the OP is on. My 2cents

    Stacking shields I was always against it. Nerfing the CD on it, I'm ok with it. Righteousness however is the only thing I agree with the OP on, its total <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.

    Far as PvP, I still am near unstoppable as my cleric. Not sure why you think Healing Word is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, cuz I crit in Divinity for upwards of 10k with it. Its my go to button when I'm being focused. Sunburst for me is also amazing heals. On my hot bar for a cleric in PvP, its Astral Shield(I rarely waste my divinity for it now, just normal to negate dmg), sunburst, healing word. Daily is still Hollowed Ground and the Hammer thing i been playin with. Sacred Flame, and Astreal Seal. Its disgusting the amount of heals I can put out with my cleric, even being focused. I think you need to spend some time in your cleric tree learning what your stuff actually does. I used to use Deistiks(with some variances) build before patch, now I changed it up to my own playstyle, and I heal better then I ever did.

    The only thing this patch did, is made me a better healer. Still need to get rid of Righteousness though.

    My only actual complaint in PvP so far is the GF's shield bash. Not sure what the skill is called, thats besides the point. Its a Shield...BASH. In my mind, that means you actually have to make contact with your shield, and your opponent. But I am getting hit by this so called Shield Bash a mile away, its never actually hitting me. So I think its cheating =) Thats not a skill, thats a dumb button that does a terrible amount of dmg, and any <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> slobbering on his keyboard can hit you with it. They need to fix the range on it, so its actually melee range.

    They also need Diminishing Returns, anyone who plays PvP will agree with that, not even going to get into further.
  • munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    healsareop wrote: »
    Yeah I read that, but that does not prove anything, like you said. They'll probably just find a way to make points easier to get as a cleric, like healing someone at least once fighting another person, etc. All I ask for is a righteousness nerf or complete take off and sunburst or boh, or healing word, hell even ff to be buffed. Maybe sunburst could give a massive aoe heal of 6k +, healing word would heal better to keep up with constant damage and massive threat in PvP (yes, everyone goes for cleric first, as priority) for a good regen type ability, for FF they could increase the range so you don't have to be rhaping the person to get the heal effect, which only ticks like 2 times I think. And lastly, boh (bastion of health) is a mess, its just not a good group heal, the only other group heal we got and it sucks. They need to make it stay on the field for 3 seconds ticking maybe 4k hp every second, just make it useful its not hard, and make the AP build up easier for other skills, sunburst is all we got!

    My sunburst does give 5k+ crit heals(sometimes), Bastion of Health has its place, and I've crit 10K+ heals with it in Divinity. I love Healing Word, my normal heals with it are from 5-7k, upwards of 10K+ in Divinity. I think you also need to take a look at your feats, nothing you are saying is true my friend.
  • osadamaskosadamask Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    when we are discussing pvp, I really feel like we need to mention what gear is being worn(gearscore) and who you were against(gearscore) and was it a pug or premade. Because when I do premade v premade I have loads of fun, I cant take down GF or GWF solo. But we communicate who we are focusing first, then move on to the next.
  • bongstickbongstick Member Posts: 83
    edited June 2013
    This entire game has become a joke.
  • healsareophealsareop Member Posts: 155 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    jaeldyn wrote: »
    The Guardian fighter obviously procced his daily Fighter Recovery that allows him to have indecent amounts of lifesteal, and maybe also the Knight Challenge which double the damage he and his target does to each others, but reduce by half the damage to anyone else during the duration of the encounter (something like 7 seconds or so)
    No and no. His gear was not even that good and he had maybe a 10.2k GS at the most and a lesser plaguefire enchant. It wasn't recovery or regen it was an instant full hp gain.
    Umh, are you seriously looking at this game as a pvp game? Give me a break. lol
    No I'm not, but does that mean you can kill a class in PvP? People still want to play it dude.
    munkey81 wrote: »
    Not sure what planet the OP is on. My 2cents

    Stacking shields I was always against it. Nerfing the CD on it, I'm ok with it. Righteousness however is the only thing I agree with the OP on, its total <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.

    Far as PvP, I still am near unstoppable as my cleric. Not sure why you think Healing Word is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, cuz I crit in Divinity for upwards of 10k with it. Its my go to button when I'm being focused. Sunburst for me is also amazing heals. On my hot bar for a cleric in PvP, its Astral Shield(I rarely waste my divinity for it now, just normal to negate dmg), sunburst, healing word. Daily is still Hollowed Ground and the Hammer thing i been playin with. Sacred Flame, and Astreal Seal. Its disgusting the amount of heals I can put out with my cleric, even being focused. I think you need to spend some time in your cleric tree learning what your stuff actually does. I used to use Deistiks(with some variances) build before patch, now I changed it up to my own playstyle, and I heal better then I ever did.

    The only thing this patch did, is made me a better healer. Still need to get rid of Righteousness though.

    My only actual complaint in PvP so far is the GF's shield bash. Not sure what the skill is called, thats besides the point. Its a Shield...BASH. In my mind, that means you actually have to make contact with your shield, and your opponent. But I am getting hit by this so called Shield Bash a mile away, its never actually hitting me. So I think its cheating =) Thats not a skill, thats a dumb button that does a terrible amount of dmg, and any <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> slobbering on his keyboard can hit you with it. They need to fix the range on it, so its actually melee range.

    They also need Diminishing Returns, anyone who plays PvP will agree with that, not even going to get into further.
    Yeah the shield bash range is stupid, but the rush move after that is what hits the most. I have a 13k GS and I am one of the best DC out there. I'm pretty much at 2.8k defense in PvE with max stats on recov and crit (till it diminishes) without my stone summoned and my power is over 5.6k. My heals are fine but only when they crit, and yes I can sometimes take on 3 or more people and heal an insane amount. But eventually, when shield is off, or if you get pushed away or knocked away or even knocked down after shield is off, bind/stunned, etc you will die pretty dam-n fast, why? Simply because Healing Word, BoH being useless, and Sunburst have no healing abilities to save you. Like I said, in PvE its meh, still righteousness needs to be taken off. But PvP on the other hand, is just messed up. I've had a team of 2 CW + a GF outbeat my pug team and it was sad because even though it was a pug, it was 3v5 and my team got demolished. The CW would push and stun lock people, and debuff them while the GF would just tank everything, shield push, and rush and it would take 2-3 hits of that GF to kill someone and his GS was like 12K ish. DC are trash in PvP, they have those OP heals still, but with the current situation of class balance in PvP, we can still get killed with a good team all aiming at you, in a second even with shield up.
    munkey81 wrote: »
    My sunburst does give 5k+ crit heals(sometimes), Bastion of Health has its place, and I've crit 10K+ heals with it in Divinity. I love Healing Word, my normal heals with it are from 5-7k, upwards of 10K+ in Divinity. I think you also need to take a look at your feats, nothing you are saying is true my friend.
    That's not very good, and no my feats are perfect. What am I saying that isn't true, you're in denial. Come meet me in game and I'll show you how a DC really plays.
  • munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    healsareop wrote: »
    No and no. His gear was not even that good and he had maybe a 10.2k GS at the most and a lesser plaguefire enchant. It wasn't recovery or regen it was an instant full hp gain.

    No I'm not, but does that mean you can kill a class in PvP? People still want to play it dude.

    Yeah the shield bash range is stupid, but the rush move after that is what hits the most. I have a 13k GS and I am one of the best DC out there. I'm pretty much at 2.8k defense in PvE with max stats on recov and crit (till it diminishes) without my stone summoned and my power is over 5.6k. My heals are fine but only when they crit, and yes I can sometimes take on 3 or more people and heal an insane amount. But eventually, when shield is off, or if you get pushed away or knocked away or even knocked down after shield is off, bind/stunned, etc you will die pretty dam-n fast, why? Simply because Healing Word, BoH being useless, and Sunburst have no healing abilities to save you. Like I said, in PvE its meh, still righteousness needs to be taken off. But PvP on the other hand, is just messed up. I've had a team of 2 CW + a GF outbeat my pug team and it was sad because even though it was a pug, it was 3v5 and my team got demolished. The CW would push and stun lock people, and debuff them while the GF would just tank everything, shield push, and rush and it would take 2-3 hits of that GF to kill someone and his GS was like 12K ish. DC are trash in PvP, they have those OP heals still, but with the current situation of class balance in PvP, we can still get killed with a good team all aiming at you, in a second even with shield up.

    That's not very good, and no my feats are perfect. What am I saying that isn't true, you're in denial. Come meet me in game and I'll show you how a DC really plays.

    You sound like a tool, cool story though bro =)

    Barabus the Gray

    Playing right now slapnutz, come teach me something =/
  • prometheusenprometheusen Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    zingarbage wrote: »
    It was introduced during one of the closed beta weekends. It was specifically put in place because clerics were not using as many potions as the other classes when leveling up and they did not want clerics to have a gold accumulation advantage.

    That philosophy has become outdated and needs to be fixed.

    Ah, I see. Cleric is one of the more recent classes I've played, any changes made to them feel as though they've always been there. That's sort of funny though. Concerned about gold accumulation? Why? Gold is the tin foil of Neverwinter...
  • healsareophealsareop Member Posts: 155 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    munkey81 wrote: »
    You sound like a tool, cool story though bro =)

    Barabus the Gray

    Playing right now slapnutz, come teach me something =/
    Don't play on lame servers, you're lucky. A tool you say? Is that the best comeback you got? Haha nice one nub.
  • munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    healsareop wrote: »
    Don't play on lame servers, you're lucky. A tool you say? Is that the best comeback you got? Haha nice one nub.

    You've ruined your own thread and discredited yourself by saying, "I'm the best DC" <---lol@this

    Your cup is too full grasshopper.

    Healing Word, Sunburst, Bastion of Health, Sacred Flame/Seal when specc'd right produce insane heals.

    If you cant survive without Astral Shield you are doing something wrong. I dont even have it slotted solo healing in T2's anymore.

    Yes,..you sound like a Tool, saying you are the best DC ever omg omg,......You are the brunt of your own joke and we are all laughing at you =)
  • munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hmm..I was going to post my build, give you something differant to try out. Then I looked at all your previous posts. Every single one of them, crying about clerics in some way, even before the patch. For the "best dc ever"(lol), you sure seem to be having alot of problems. I'm sorry for you that 2 DC teams are no longer viable, I'm sorry your precious shield is baddie hats now. /snicker

    Clerics are not broken.

    I suggest you stick to playing your GF, and leave the healing to someone else.
  • therouterninjatherouterninja Member Posts: 114 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Beholder MOPP4

    60 GF(14.5GS) Cersei
    60 CW(12.4GS) Shadis
    60 TR(12.2GS) Dijkstra
    60 GWF(12.2GS) Winnowill
    45 DC(WIP) Daenerys
  • chabowbieschabowbies Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    munkey81 wrote: »
    Not sure what planet the OP is on. My 2cents

    Stacking shields I was always against it. Nerfing the CD on it, I'm ok with it. Righteousness however is the only thing I agree with the OP on, its total <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.

    Far as PvP, I still am near unstoppable as my cleric. Not sure why you think Healing Word is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, cuz I crit in Divinity for upwards of 10k with it. Its my go to button when I'm being focused. Sunburst for me is also amazing heals. On my hot bar for a cleric in PvP, its Astral Shield(I rarely waste my divinity for it now, just normal to negate dmg), sunburst, healing word. Daily is still Hollowed Ground and the Hammer thing i been playin with. Sacred Flame, and Astreal Seal. Its disgusting the amount of heals I can put out with my cleric, even being focused. I think you need to spend some time in your cleric tree learning what your stuff actually does. I used to use Deistiks(with some variances) build before patch, now I changed it up to my own playstyle, and I heal better then I ever did.

    The only thing this patch did, is made me a better healer. Still need to get rid of Righteousness though.

    My only actual complaint in PvP so far is the GF's shield bash. Not sure what the skill is called, thats besides the point. Its a Shield...BASH. In my mind, that means you actually have to make contact with your shield, and your opponent. But I am getting hit by this so called Shield Bash a mile away, its never actually hitting me. So I think its cheating =) Thats not a skill, thats a dumb button that does a terrible amount of dmg, and any <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> slobbering on his keyboard can hit you with it. They need to fix the range on it, so its actually melee range.

    They also need Diminishing Returns, anyone who plays PvP will agree with that, not even going to get into further.

    The GF encounter you are refering to is frontline surge. It's an aoe knockdown w like 10 meters range. Working as intended.
    INB4, INB4
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