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PvP has become a joke. Fix your game devs.



  • wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    healsareop wrote: »
    They need to fix devoted cleric and control wizard in the next patch, devoted cleric skills that are not affected by recovery need to be fixed and righteousness needs to be taken off, the absolute perfect fix for devoted cleric that's all everyone is asking for. I hope they make defense a bit more useful too.

    clerics need to be able to heal and to not take damage, every other class seems to have high defense coupled with dodge, clerics don't get dodge but are in dire need of an advanced reflection that not only reflects back damage onto those attacking them but also reduces the damage upon the cleric by the reflected amount... there is no way in hell that clerics should ever be one and two hit or even stun and power locked killed
  • chabowbieschabowbies Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    clerics need to be able to heal and to not take damage, every other class seems to have high defense coupled with dodge, clerics don't get dodge but are in dire need of an advanced reflection that not only reflects back damage onto those attacking them but also reduces the damage upon the cleric by the reflected amount... there is no way in hell that clerics should ever be one and two hit or even stun and power locked killed

    Heal and not take dmg or get locked down. Be invincible? Wut?
    INB4, INB4
  • wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    chabowbies wrote: »
    Heal and not take dmg or get locked down. Be invincible? Wut?

    clerics are far from invincible, if you think they can heal you have never played as one cause they need healing potions in PvP just to be able to get their health back up, they are one and two hit killed even when trying to max out their defenses, they are constantly singled out as easy kills and gone after, they move slow and have no real way to do anything but die, invincible (that's a joke)... when you see players gulping down healing potions that can be used in PvP and there is no way that clerics can self heal or heal others to come close to matching such potions and crafting is coming out with Alchemy which will make that matter even worse then the cleric needs a whole lot of love, or get rid of the class altogether, just drop it from the game cause its obsolete
  • chabowbieschabowbies Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    clerics are far from invincible, if you think they can heal you have never played as one cause they need healing potions in PvP just to be able to get their health back up, they are one and two hit killed even when trying to max out their defenses, they are constantly singled out as easy kills and gone after, they move slow and have no real way to do anything but die, invincible (that's a joke)... when you see players gulping down healing potions that can be used in PvP and there is no way that clerics can self heal or heal others to come close to matching such potions and crafting is coming out with Alchemy which will make that matter even worse then the cleric needs a whole lot of love, or get rid of the class altogether, just drop it from the game cause its obsolete

    Healers are SUPPOSED to be focused....

    And my friend mains a dc. Most I've ever seen him die a match is 3-5 times.

    People are just not good at their class. Hate to burst the QQ bubble.
    INB4, INB4
  • wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    chabowbies wrote: »
    Healers are SUPPOSED to be focused....

    And my friend mains a dc. Most I've ever seen him die a match is 3-5 times.

    People are just not good at their class. Hate to burst the QQ bubble.

    I don't believe you have a friend, I can make up fictitious friends as well.
  • ganjaman1ganjaman1 Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    healsareop wrote: »
    Why are GF (aka tanks) hitting 15-20k per hit in PvP and regaining their entire hp bar back in a second randomly? Why are DC complete trash after shield is off? Where are the other heals? And is astral shield the only heal they have as a healing based class that has no dps and naturally low defense without shield? Healing word is trash, sunburst is only there for AP, divinity healing with right click is a joke, bastion of health is trash. CW are buffing other people with combat advantage, still bugged. This isn't even PvP, this is a bugged, spammy, nerf fest.

    My main concern is devoted cleric. Why do they have no other heals and why does righteousness exist... 40% really? Is that the only heal skill devoted cleric have? Also GF knocking you back, then dashing towards you instantly and hitting a 16k crit, sometimes 20k is ridiculous. And if you're still alive after that, they will kick you up and finish you that way or just normal attack to death. Tanks are hitting too high, the stunlock/bind is still messed up with more than one CW, 2 CW and 1 TR = infinite stun lock for example.

    DC are trash. Tanks are the new DPS. GWF still useless. Yes I said it, DC are trash in PvP. 0 heals other than astral shield rofl, just one hit them all day now.

    DCs are not trash you should learn to play them as they were supposed to be played , smart and from range - they have a pretty good set of ranged spells - use this in your advantage and enjoy it if you can , not going to post pvp screenshots to brag with my bumass 9k cleric . You do that instead when you manage to adapt to the changes .
  • chabowbieschabowbies Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I don't believe you have a friend, I can make up fictitious friends as well.

    Naturally you will believe what you want to believe. I'm sorry the opposition to your opinion has you so upset. Fact still stands. Plenty of ppl doing fine with their clerics.
    INB4, INB4
  • insomeatinsomeat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Uhm you shouldn't speak for Clerics if you haven't played one. I have a CW and Cleric at level 60 and the difference is day and night.

    I'm glad some people have this insane gear where our worthless heals become less worthless and healing word can crit for like 9-10k but now look at the damage you took especially if the opponent is as geared out as you and has those certain enchants, now notice how healing word doesn't get affected by recovery and one of your main stats is wasted. Now remember that you just wasted a divinity pip and while trying to build another one for your amazing 9k crit you just took like 10 times that damage (keeping a similar geared opponent in mind). Lastly consider an average person like me who has 10k gearscore and once the astral shield is done there is absolutely NOTHING that I can do to survive until it's back up again (no I probably won't even have the divinity for a HW or a FF and that will just slightly delay the inevitable). Yes nothing works in absolutes like my above examples but it pretty much sums up the Cleric experience.

    I do not claim to be some super skilled player but I have always done pretty well in all of the MMOs I've played as I am dedicated and I do my research. I usually top the charts or get the most kills on my CW then when I play my Cleric I am just a free kill that is naturally focus fired and I feel so helpless it's pathetic (I can kill anything and I can't survive anything once AS is down). I only do the PvP daily on my Cleric as a result and hope to get a good team of any of the other 4 classes more than capable of owning and carrying me.
  • ganjaman1ganjaman1 Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    clerics have nothing that can heal like that, clerics suck at healing

    So the support class is not actually a real healer , what else is new ?
  • yaminaboyaminabo Member, Banned Users Posts: 1
    edited June 2013
    Hehehe, oh well, after reading ur butthurt post i come to this: Go play your warlock on wow.


    PD: Not Only Ornated Beerbottles
  • kr0owekr0owe Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 104 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    healsareop wrote: »
    Learn grammar then come back please. I don't care about the recovery daily or ferocious trash passive or any of the feats, all I know is regaining 100% hp back from around 5-10% in an instant is currently ridiculous.

    Lol, you seem mad? A good GF can tank more than 3 people on them while 2-3 hitting people, knocking them away, and knocking them down, while at the same time doing regen and the insta-full-hp garbage every once in a while. GWF are not more tanky, they can barely damage me in a 1v1 with shield/ff up. They are tanky, but a TR + CW can take one down very fast. BTW, their daily doesn't make them regen all their HP back in a second.

    This. Proves my point, a good GF will not go down to 1 or 2 people. They can pretty much sit at a base and protect it and stall out people trying to kill them, especially one person, good luck killing one or even dealing 5% off their HP as a DC.

    Lol, seriously? How many times do I have to say multiple people are doing this, regaining ALL their HP back in a second, I'd see if a cleric heals them to full, I'm not blind, and like I said, in less than a second and it didn't seem like he got much hits on the CW/TR because they were stun locking him from far and TR smoking from close and completely destroying the guy. Gear does matter actually, especially as a DC or a GF. Get your facts straight. Anyway, my main point in this thread is, DC are terrible in PvP and tanks should be more tanky instead of hitting higher than DPS and healing more than a cleric sometimes? Lol.. and I have a 13k GS DC, also a 12k GS CW don't think I'm some inexperienced kid talking.

  • healsareophealsareop Member Posts: 155 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    chabowbies wrote: »
    OP is obv just ignorant when it comes to classes besides his own. Useless arguing with a butthurt child.
    Lol? All I ask for is righteousness to be toned down, for some healing skills to be affected by recovery, and for a 1-2 second duration increase for shield! Seems like you're the butthurt one.
    chabowbies wrote: »
    Heal and not take dmg or get locked down. Be invincible? Wut?
    We're clerics, we are meant to be almost invincible, have you played any other action mmo? Our crappy damage, slow and boring gameplay and lack of soloing dungeons are our cons.
    ganjaman1 wrote: »
    DCs are not trash you should learn to play them as they were supposed to be played , smart and from range - they have a pretty good set of ranged spells - use this in your advantage and enjoy it if you can , not going to post pvp screenshots to brag with my bumass 9k cleric . You do that instead when you manage to adapt to the changes .
    Lol? Adapt? You sheep will adapt to anything thrown at you. Like I said, I'm one of the best DC out there, 13K GS and all that. Some of the guides in here made gave me a better healer than what I was to start. All I know is you'll get destroyed from far range, you really think you can stay far back and just be invincible? What about PvP? TR, GWF, and CW will demolish you from far, GWF/TR from dashing towards you or invisible. Either way, DC is pretty bad right now, in PvP mostly.
  • macerukmaceruk Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I agree with the OP PvP as a cleric is absolutely pointless. No good heals except shield, which in PVP due to the amount of damage isn't really helpful as you get knocked out of it pushed etc, we do no damage, can't take any damage we are a joke.

    The class is a mess plain and simple and its about time Cryptic/PWE actually go played one in PvP then come on this thread and tell us they had fun spawning over and over again always bottom of the table as you do nothing of any use.

    I feel bad for my team as I contribute very little but need the 3 PvP matches for the daily!
  • healsareophealsareop Member Posts: 155 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    maceruk wrote: »
    I agree with the OP PvP as a cleric is absolutely pointless. No good heals except shield, which in PVP due to the amount of damage isn't really helpful as you get knocked out of it pushed etc, we do no damage, can't take any damage we are a joke.

    The class is a mess plain and simple and its about time Cryptic/PWE actually go played one in PvP then come on this thread and tell us they had fun spawning over and over again always bottom of the table as you do nothing of any use.

    I feel bad for my team as I contribute very little but need the 3 PvP matches for the daily!
    Lmao, that's my point exactly, no point taking a DC in PvP. Might as well go for the 2GF 2CW 1TR overpowered team, GF sit at base all day 3 hitting people and pushing, etc, nobody can 1v1 a tank and win. DC is a joke, and certainly not needed in PvP!
  • wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ganjaman1 wrote: »
    DCs are not trash you should learn to play them as they were supposed to be played , smart and from range - they have a pretty good set of ranged spells - use this in your advantage and enjoy it if you can , not going to post pvp screenshots to brag with my bumass 9k cleric . You do that instead when you manage to adapt to the changes .

    clerics have less range than mages and their attacks that are typically used for good reason include sunburst that have knockback but you need to be fairly close to use it, guess you don't understand what you don't play as but dominate over just by being anything else
  • wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    chabowbies wrote: »
    Naturally you will believe what you want to believe. I'm sorry the opposition to your opinion has you so upset. Fact still stands. Plenty of ppl doing fine with their clerics.

    I play PvP quite a lot, and it is rare that other clerics in the same match do better than I do. Perhaps 10 to 20% of the time there might be one higher rated or one that gets more kills than I do. That is a good 80 to 90% of clerics who are fairing just as bad and worse than I am, and I can assure you that I don't place well at all.
  • wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    insomeat wrote: »
    Uhm you shouldn't speak for Clerics if you haven't played one. I have a CW and Cleric at level 60 and the difference is day and night.

    I'm glad some people have this insane gear where our worthless heals become less worthless and healing word can crit for like 9-10k but now look at the damage you took especially if the opponent is as geared out as you and has those certain enchants, now notice how healing word doesn't get affected by recovery and one of your main stats is wasted. Now remember that you just wasted a divinity pip and while trying to build another one for your amazing 9k crit you just took like 10 times that damage (keeping a similar geared opponent in mind). Lastly consider an average person like me who has 10k gearscore and once the astral shield is done there is absolutely NOTHING that I can do to survive until it's back up again (no I probably won't even have the divinity for a HW or a FF and that will just slightly delay the inevitable). Yes nothing works in absolutes like my above examples but it pretty much sums up the Cleric experience.

    I do not claim to be some super skilled player but I have always done pretty well in all of the MMOs I've played as I am dedicated and I do my research. I usually top the charts or get the most kills on my CW then when I play my Cleric I am just a free kill that is naturally focus fired and I feel so helpless it's pathetic (I can kill anything and I can't survive anything once AS is down). I only do the PvP daily on my Cleric as a result and hope to get a good team of any of the other 4 classes more than capable of owning and carrying me.

    this is more typical, and at over 10K gear score its likely most clerics will have less than that as 10K is typically all purple with enchants of likely level 5's and greater embedded

    I've also noticed in PvP when my cleric casts AS, all the higher defense classes don't even bother going into it. The mages will move into it, and perhaps the rogue, the others don't tend to need or care about it. Nor do they care about you healing them or not, they typically will run off to find a potion or simply use a PvP allowed healing potion.
  • stylepilestylepile Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    So here's my two cents. I have a 12K cleric and i get a different satisfaction from playing PvP.

    I AM NOT THERE TO KILL. I stay as far away from the fight as possible and buff my team and debuff the enemy. If a player comes after me... good. I'll run away and take you out of the fight for as long as possible. I can slow you, reduce your damage and increase the damage you take. I can tank a point for a very long time and if I'm there long enough i can use a my daily on you and usually take you down to 25% health which usually throws people off. I just like to be an annoyance and my guild loves to have me around. That's where i get my satisfaction. You may not be a difference maker in a match but it can still be a lot of fun if you play smart and try to help your team rather than rush in and hope to kill.

    While i agree that it would be nice to have maybe a 50% damage buff to clerics (which would still be not a lot of damage), I don't want other classes to be nerfed at all.

    I also have an 11K rogue who i keep around just to play a killer in PvP when I'm tired of supporting.
  • yeruneyerune Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I get some of the notion that DC's feel weak; they hardly kill anything. But try kicking one out of your spot....that'll take a l-o-n-g while. And if he has a partner... you'd better bring a lot of company.
  • healsareophealsareop Member Posts: 155 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    stylepile wrote: »
    So here's my two cents. I have a 12K cleric and i get a different satisfaction from playing PvP.

    I AM NOT THERE TO KILL. I stay as far away from the fight as possible and buff my team and debuff the enemy. If a player comes after me... good. I'll run away and take you out of the fight for as long as possible. I can slow you, reduce your damage and increase the damage you take. I can tank a point for a very long time and if I'm there long enough i can use a my daily on you and usually take you down to 25% health which usually throws people off. I just like to be an annoyance and my guild loves to have me around. That's where i get my satisfaction. You may not be a difference maker in a match but it can still be a lot of fun if you play smart and try to help your team rather than rush in and hope to kill.

    While i agree that it would be nice to have maybe a 50% damage buff to clerics (which would still be not a lot of damage), I don't want other classes to be nerfed at all.

    I also have an 11K rogue who i keep around just to play a killer in PvP when I'm tired of supporting.
    Well if you're using an FF/AS - anything encounter setup then you need to be close to actually heal yourself up with FF or shield, people WILL snipe you down. You may be able to slow someone down but that's not a problem for a pro CW. Debuff and buff, well you can put divine glow or something but that would only reduce your ability to stay alive, which your team needs. All they need to do is tone righteousness down to 20% maybe and make heals affected by the recovery stat, simple fix. And maybe they could fix the miracle healer set bonus for 5 because it is currently bugged. Honestly, cleric aren't that good in PvP unless you have some really good team mates, aka CW/GF to take people off of ya, even the TR/GWF can take people off you or stun/knockdown. But self heals, righteousness needs to be toned down by 10-20% for sure, all people are asking for.
  • healsareophealsareop Member Posts: 155 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Still waiting on that righteousness removal.
  • ganjaman1ganjaman1 Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    jnaathra wrote: »
    No one in their right mind can say this game has any real 1v1 or teamvteam balance right now. It is trash and I expect it will stay that way.

    So you're mad at the game , take a break ?
  • sominatorsominator Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hey all, thanks for your feedback on this! We're always working to make PvP feel more balanced and your thoughts help us to do just that. Keep 'em coming! :)
    Proud member of Team Fencebane, official guild of the unofficial Neverwinter Adventure Hour!
  • degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    sominator wrote: »
    Hey all, thanks for your feedback on this! We're always working to make PvP feel more balanced and your thoughts help us to do just that. Keep 'em coming! :)

    I'd say the major, major imbalance is Tenebrous and Greater Tenebrous. Either do something with the stacking or frequency because dying in 1.5 seconds or less is really lame.
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
  • healsareophealsareop Member Posts: 155 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    sominator wrote: »
    Hey all, thanks for your feedback on this! We're always working to make PvP feel more balanced and your thoughts help us to do just that. Keep 'em coming! :)
    Thank you for the reply, took forever! Just wanted to know if you guys knew cleric's need a bit of fixing, and of course control wizard also with their broken feats, powers, and set bonuses still some not working.
  • effexkillereffexkiller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    sominator wrote: »
    Hey all, thanks for your feedback on this! We're always working to make PvP feel more balanced and your thoughts help us to do just that. Keep 'em coming! :)

    5 Big things that would help pvp IMMENSELY

    1) diminishing returns on CC
    2) Clerics not receiving PvP healing penalties-there is no reason for this
    3)If everyone had 2-3x the HP they do now. no one would get one shot.
    4) Tanks should not hit as hard as pure dps classes. period.
    5) A capture the flag map !!!!

    These suggestions are based on the literally 30+ MMOs I have played. Thanks for posting to let us know our thoughts are being heard.
  • kr0owekr0owe Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 104 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    5 Big things that would help pvp IMMENSELY

    1) diminishing returns on CC
    2) Clerics not receiving PvP healing penalties-there is no reason for this
    3)If everyone had 2-3x the HP they do now. no one would get one shot.
    4) Tanks should not hit as hard as pure dps classes. period.
    5) A capture the flag map !!!!

    These suggestions are based on the literally 30+ MMOs I have played. Thanks for posting to let us know our thoughts are being heard.

    3: You dont get one shotted if you hit your dodge button...
    4: "Tanks" that hit you that hard are not even close to a pure tank and... 60-90k Hp? Maybe we should have a "god mode" to?

    EDIT: I dont think DC's are supposed to be in the middle of the fight as i see most DC's does and yes DC's are top priority to kill or you wont kill the enemys fast enough to cap the flag.

    Also you shouldnt fight ouside of flag, If you do you will for the moste of the time not cap it, I as a GF never leave flag except for when its capped, thats when i start my fight or if enemys enter and i cant knock them all out of "cirkle" and have to terminate them instead.
  • arcmoon99arcmoon99 Member Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I play DC and I do fine PVE, but when I join PVP I'm no match for anyone :(

    The class is suppose to be a healing based class and I can't heal well no matter where I'm playing. People need to face it that DCs surprisingly are better off using combat than healing. Which isn't good at all, because we can't fight well either. The healing needs to be brought up significantly.
    Arc, proud officer of Novus Ordo
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  • dcoy1dcoy1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Umh, are you seriously looking at this game as a pvp game? Give me a break. lol

    You must have missed the part where PVP is a large part of the end game content being released today. So not only is the horrible, one shot PVP getting a bigger role. But its now mixed with PVE in a game with no dual-spec and unrealistic costs to manually respec for the PVE/PVP phases. GG Cryptic.
  • yliana1yliana1 Member Posts: 38
    edited June 2013
    dcoy1 wrote: »
    You must have missed the part where PVP is a large part of the end game content being released today. So not only is the horrible, one shot PVP getting a bigger role. But its now mixed with PVE in a game with no dual-spec and unrealistic costs to manually respec for the PVE/PVP phases. GG Cryptic.

    This is indeed getting annoying.. You either spec for pve or pvp,or hybrid (wich for some classes isnt really good) .. Onehit pvp and 0 gearcheck in matchmaking will result in onesideed matches,and as before gear > win in most cases unless the geared people are braindead or bots.. aka they get the good dungeon,better loot,get stronger,while the losing team gets nothing to ever catch up.
    gg cryptic ^^ And i say that from both sides of the coin,i dont like losing like that,neither do i enjoy steamrolling undergeared opponents in 2s or less. 0 challenge 0 fun for me atleast. But taste is different...
This discussion has been closed.