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not EVEN CLOSE to fun now



  • lieolieo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 58
    edited June 2013
    I was smart of them too change up the classes powers, people will need moar!! respect tokens +$$ gota love it
  • chrono0812chrono0812 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 501 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    grifting3 wrote: »
    No my point is that the DC will have the weight of the team on their shoulders. Even a very competant DC will not be able to carry a bad group. My point is that DC is now by far the most important aspect of any run. Before you could overcome a lacking DC to some extent, but i fear now that even w/a good team if the DC isnt up to par you wont be able to make it, and from my experience their are plenty of just plain old bads in game. DCs in general were usually hardest to find for runs in general anyways, now they will be even harder to find and finding one that can solo heal will be harder still.

    That's plain garbage man, it's not the players fault Cryptic failed to give a healing class (Better Healing Abilities). Instead we're stuck with what we have right now, **** heals from a supposed (healing class). No, what we got was a company (Cryptic) that wanted to go the route of the (Holy Trinity) approach, and then decided (Meh, lets not use that) instead.

    We got a tank class that can Half *** tank, a healer class that can half *** heal, three dps classes, whom seem to be up in the air regarding what the hell they want those classes to do. Lets make one a single target striker with great damage, lets make one a spell caster type with control powers/ to throw mobs off cliffs to totally bypass the use of dungeon mechanics and make speed racing to the boss that much quicker, and lets make one a two handed fighter who does what again? Oh yeah thats right get yo *** in there and aoe and do meh single target damage.

    Thats what we got, a Half assed approach by a company that somehow decided "Why bother trying, lets see what kind of money we can get right now and hope we scrounge up a few hundred players in the process.

    Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.
    ~Sholom Aleichem
  • grifting3grifting3 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    chrono0812 wrote: »
    That's plain garbage man, it's not the players fault Cryptic failed to give a healing class (Better Healing Abilities). Instead we're stuck with what we have right now, **** heals from a supposed (healing class). No, what we got was a company (Cryptic) that wanted to go the route of the (Holy Trinity) approach, and then decided (Meh, lets not use that) instead.

    We got a tank class that can Half *** tank, a healer class that can half *** heal, three dps classes, whom seem to be up in the air regarding what the hell they want those classes to do. Lets make one a single target striker with great damage, lets make one a spell caster type with control powers/ to throw mobs off cliffs to totally bypass the use of dungeon mechanics and make speed racing to the boss that much quicker, and lets make one a two handed fighter who does what again? Oh yeah thats right get yo *** in there and aoe and do meh single target damage.

    Thats what we got, a Half assed approach by a company that somehow decided "Why bother trying, lets see what kind of money we can get right now and hope we scrounge up a few hundred players in the process.

    Lol i totally agree with you but i think you somehow think im bashing DCs and im blaming them. Im the exact opposite, i think they screwed DCs over by gutting AS w/o giving the other skills a buff. Thats my whole point. I have a 60 DC as well so im well aware of how inadequate the other SUPPOSED heals are.
  • zellexzellex Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    banecrushr wrote: »
    I would have to say, evey MMO I've played that attempted to settle the score and "fix" (nerf) the game to suit one set of players... well let me just say there all sitting on a dusty shelf wishing anyone would install them and play again. You cannot duo PVP with PVE, it never works, you adjust to make one side happy, you burn the other, and it goes back and forth until my statement above...
    I just used there respec, and now hope I am able to continue PVE, wont play PVp EVER so I am glad some are happy about the others taking a hit... hope that works out for them when theres none to PVP with.

    You said it right here... it's all you needed to say.... "You cannot duo PVP with PVE." I am believing that what you meant by this was that devs cannot make adjustments to skills and expect them to suit both pvp and pve. If so I agree 100% I have NEVER seen it work right in any game and I don't expect to. It seems to me too that the crying always comes from the pvp players that gets these sort of changes to be made.... we want balance!!! waaaaaa! yep seen it a million times and always ends up a big fat fail in the end.

    Also about TR and it's new found nerf.... 60% I read that and was like wtf and started laughing wondering who really in the dev department thought that was that over powered.... if at all! Now I will say too I've solo played my TR to 60 and I have never grouped I wouldn't mind it I guess if I found a casual guild with people I liked.... but to be honest with all this drama about tanks and clerics... why bother? I'm getting a bit bored for sure now and I can't see spending anymore than the $40 I already dumped into this game.... D&D pvp? meh doesn't sound like all that much fun to me either... at least with the skill set available to the classes in this game... DDO was sort of fun to go smash people around a bit in one of the taverns years back... that was a much different game though...dodge dodge dodge vorpal vorpal dead...lol Ah anyway, this game has given me a bit of entertainment.... nothing to do now at 60 except group I suppose and chase gear....guess I could make some foundry quests but that isn't like actual playing... uh yeah sorry for going on and on..
  • maiku217maiku217 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Like always.. it's not the game, it's the players. The game isn't built on double stacked AS, easy-mode players built their game around it and people followed because it's 'easy'. I don't see how it's fun to pull 3-5 rooms and just stand in 2 AS and not even take damage. All the CW I've pugged with post patch DO LITERALLY NOTHING BUT DPS. Neverwinter is intended to be very role specific.. I can tank alright.. no worries.. BUT DO YOUR ****ING ROLES TOO!
  • grifting3grifting3 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    maiku217 wrote: »
    Like always.. it's not the game, it's the players. The game isn't built on double stacked AS, easy-mode players built their game around it and people followed because it's 'easy'. I don't see how it's fun to pull 3-5 rooms and just stand in 2 AS and not even take damage. All the CW I've pugged with post patch DO LITERALLY NOTHING BUT DPS. Neverwinter is intended to be very role specific.. I can tank alright.. no worries.. BUT DO YOUR ****ING ROLES TOO!

    the change to AS not stacking would have been plenty sufficient. they didn't need to change/fix the duration, that's the main problem because that's like one of the only 2 decent heals DC had. not to mention the dmg reduction it provided which cant be up all the time now.
  • xaciusxacius Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 50
    edited June 2013
    They built the entire game around Bosses with 3 abilities, massive hps, massive amounts of dmg inc, and adds. Not sure what people expected or how they didn't see something like this coming. Everyone knew the healing nerf was inc because of all the *****ing about it...and now everyone gets to see just how subpar healing actually is for the DC and how subpar in the fun dept holding block and flipping your fingers back and forth between taunt and pot....but WAIT...they'll add a DC "path" in there for healing...oh in a few months right after 10 more mounts on the Zen store.
  • grifting3grifting3 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
  • lerdocixlerdocix Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I think you're over exaggerating. I mean, as long as you have 2 DC and everyone in your group has a GS 12k+, everything is still fine!

    1 DC with a clue is enough.
    But since AS was nerfed suddenly most pro clerics became utter noobs and only a handful of them now can heal.
    If you had aggro, there is no reason why cleric wouldn't heal you unless you had crappy defense/deflection.
    And this is coming from a cleric.
  • datemperdatemper Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 210 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    grifting3 wrote: »
    well just finally got to run Epic Spellplague for first time after the patch. Tried it on my 11k tank specced GF thinking it would be

    fun to get agro and hold for group (DC/CW/GWF/TR). WRONG, I get agro alright but w/o sufficient heals you just cant survive.. and yes I was blocking and popping pots like crazy. drop block to do anything and boom dead or close to it.

    Party had multiple wipes before the first boss. of course people finally got sick of it and just quit..

    thought ok maybe was just a bad group although people seemed to be moving and not standing in stupid as much as possible.

    soo I get on my 11k CW to give it a try. pretty much same thing multiple wipes until party quits.

    its sad that the game was basically built around ONE SKILL, Divine Astral Shield but sadly that's the case and they nerfed it too hard, and gave DC's nothing in return to help.

    and before all the elitist come saying l2p, you suck, adapt, etc.. I play games to have fun, I put up w/the multiple bugs, exploits, non existent customer support but this is just sad.

    if im not having fun then there is no point, and im not alone. the game has ALOT more casual and semi hardcore players than top end elitist 40+hour a week players that might enjoy the new challenge.

    I hope something is done but I seriously doubt it. if not ill just move along to something else no biggie, but I had high hopes for this game and its potential. sadly its just shaping up to be a quick money grab by a company that doesn't care what their players think...........

    but if you enjoy the new changes then have fun in a game that's gonna be dead before its even had its SUPPOSED official launch

    Have you tried Path of Exile yet ?

    It's F2P
  • ordensmarschallordensmarschall Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,060 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    deacon777 wrote: »
    If the other 4 members of my team suck then well, I cant help them. My job is to heal, not coach randoms to play better.

    The "fix" isnt to make healers more of a mindless healbot, the fix is to get other players to know how to play.
    So your not going to teach them how to play better, but then you say we need to get the other players how to play. If your not teaching them then how exactly do you expect the improvement to occur? By osmosis? Most players do not go through endless runs in order to learn the proper combination, they quit after a few attempts. It is either stumbled on by sheer luck or somebody teaches them.
  • rangurenranguren Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2013
    "raising threat 65%" vs "threat spread between enemies"? well, cleric still won the day. try took of the Sooth, you'll find out nicely
  • vrtesseractvrtesseract Member Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Since this game has started the DC has been nerfed then buffed then exploited the nerfed . The "Nerf" was specifically done so that the clerics wouldn't be run based on button mashing one power. complaining that you can no longer trounce a T2 with no casualties and minimal dodging due to 3 clerics with stacking AS is kinda like complaining spider queen is to hard cause you cant push her into a pit.

    While some aspects of DC were nerfed other were slightly buffed some HOT effects seem to go a bit longer now and there seems to be some Hots now applying to things that previously were just bursts. Healing now is going to be harsh for clerics that have trained themselves to rapid fire the AS key UNTIL they add a hot or 2 into their rotation that were probably dismissed as being weak before. once people get used to the NEW builds and get their points all reset you might actually notice an INCREASE in healing potential.

    Since I typically duo with hubby and not raid my build was not actually AS based. when I went into a skirmish yesterday I actually noticed a severe INCREASE in healing. My action points were maxing much faster, and the angel fall power was MUCH more effective. I have AS but I mix it in with lots of other things. All in all I think my healing was near double that of 3 days ago and I hadn't been playing her that much this week. I kept my entire team and myself alive and we were a guy short. heck I even kept my wayward wizard alive that I was trying to level from 1.

    My point (yes I have one) is They didn't ruin DC they ruined the DC build everyone used. We need to find a new build that will make up for the changes. also ive no doubt they will keep tinkering with DC balance up and down maybe turning AS back up a bit even but if we have improved our builds to make up for AS decreases, That will be simply a bonus.
  • serialmomserialmom Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    no man all the people complaining are just carebears who don't really know how to play. L2p, respec, adapt, gear up!



    edit: bite me to whomever thought it was a great idea to nerf caps on a full word ... the carebear countdown is nothing without a full on carebare stare
  • ganjaman1ganjaman1 Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    grifting3 wrote: »
    well just finally got to run Epic Spellplague for first time after the patch. Tried it on my 11k tank specced GF thinking it would be

    fun to get agro and hold for group (DC/CW/GWF/TR). WRONG, I get agro alright but w/o sufficient heals you just cant survive.. and yes I was blocking and popping pots like crazy. drop block to do anything and boom dead or close to it.

    Party had multiple wipes before the first boss. of course people finally got sick of it and just quit..

    thought ok maybe was just a bad group although people seemed to be moving and not standing in stupid as much as possible.

    soo I get on my 11k CW to give it a try. pretty much same thing multiple wipes until party quits.

    its sad that the game was basically built around ONE SKILL, Divine Astral Shield but sadly that's the case and they nerfed it too hard, and gave DC's nothing in return to help.

    and before all the elitist come saying l2p, you suck, adapt, etc.. I play games to have fun, I put up w/the multiple bugs, exploits, non existent customer support but this is just sad.

    if im not having fun then there is no point, and im not alone. the game has ALOT more casual and semi hardcore players than top end elitist 40+hour a week players that might enjoy the new challenge.

    I hope something is done but I seriously doubt it. if not ill just move along to something else no biggie, but I had high hopes for this game and its potential. sadly its just shaping up to be a quick money grab by a company that doesn't care what their players think...........

    but if you enjoy the new changes then have fun in a game that's gonna be dead before its even had its SUPPOSED official launch

    Did Spellplague yesterday on my GF and got 2 T2 helmets , just start using Fighter's Recovery and you can't even get close to getting owned as you described .

    Our group consisted of GF , DC , TR , CW and GWF .
  • warsirenwarsiren Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    grifting3 wrote: »
    well just finally got to run Epic Spellplague for first time after the patch. Tried it on my 11k tank specced GF thinking it would be

    fun to get agro and hold for group (DC/CW/GWF/TR). WRONG, I get agro alright but w/o sufficient heals you just cant survive.. and yes I was blocking and popping pots like crazy. drop block to do anything and boom dead or close to it.

    Party had multiple wipes before the first boss. of course people finally got sick of it and just quit..

    thought ok maybe was just a bad group although people seemed to be moving and not standing in stupid as much as possible.

    soo I get on my 11k CW to give it a try. pretty much same thing multiple wipes until party quits.

    its sad that the game was basically built around ONE SKILL, Divine Astral Shield but sadly that's the case and they nerfed it too hard, and gave DC's nothing in return to help.

    and before all the elitist come saying l2p, you suck, adapt, etc.. I play games to have fun, I put up w/the multiple bugs, exploits, non existent customer support but this is just sad.

    if im not having fun then there is no point, and im not alone. the game has ALOT more casual and semi hardcore players than top end elitist 40+hour a week players that might enjoy the new challenge.

    I hope something is done but I seriously doubt it. if not ill just move along to something else no biggie, but I had high hopes for this game and its potential. sadly its just shaping up to be a quick money grab by a company that doesn't care what their players think...........

    but if you enjoy the new changes then have fun in a game that's gonna be dead before its even had its SUPPOSED official launch

    Your issue was pretty much your Clerics havn't adapted yet. Divine FF is pretty much mandatory as soon as AS falls off to keep people up. "If" your cleric was doing that you should have succeeded no problem.

    Sadly not a lot of Clerics have figured this out yet.

    A Good GF, and a Good Cleric are lynchpins to a successful party now.
  • ravendireravendire Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I love how this is open beta and your complaining about them trying to find balance in dungeons. Do you understand that your supposed to be testing the game? That's the point of beta. Sorry if it's getting in the way of your fun, but it's not complete yet and play any other MMO that is actually finished/officially released and they still have major bugs on release day of patches even though they have been tested in test realms for months beforehand.
  • carrotpakcarrotpak Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Since this game has started the DC has been nerfed then buffed then exploited the nerfed . The "Nerf" was specifically done so that the clerics wouldn't be run based on button mashing one power. complaining that you can no longer trounce a T2 with no casualties and minimal dodging due to 3 clerics with stacking AS is kinda like complaining spider queen is to hard cause you cant push her into a pit.

    While some aspects of DC were nerfed other were slightly buffed some HOT effects seem to go a bit longer now and there seems to be some Hots now applying to things that previously were just bursts. Healing now is going to be harsh for clerics that have trained themselves to rapid fire the AS key UNTIL they add a hot or 2 into their rotation that were probably dismissed as being weak before. once people get used to the NEW builds and get their points all reset you might actually notice an INCREASE in healing potential.

    Since I typically duo with hubby and not raid my build was not actually AS based. when I went into a skirmish yesterday I actually noticed a severe INCREASE in healing. My action points were maxing much faster, and the angel fall power was MUCH more effective. I have AS but I mix it in with lots of other things. All in all I think my healing was near double that of 3 days ago and I hadn't been playing her that much this week. I kept my entire team and myself alive and we were a guy short. heck I even kept my wayward wizard alive that I was trying to level from 1.

    My point (yes I have one) is They didn't ruin DC they ruined the DC build everyone used. We need to find a new build that will make up for the changes. also ive no doubt they will keep tinkering with DC balance up and down maybe turning AS back up a bit even but if we have improved our builds to make up for AS decreases, That will be simply a bonus.

    ohhhh.. you are soooo goooodddd... you best in this game....
  • grifting3grifting3 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ravendire wrote: »
    I love how this is open beta and your complaining about them trying to find balance in dungeons. Do you understand that your supposed to be testing the game? That's the point of beta. Sorry if it's getting in the way of your fun, but it's not complete yet and play any other MMO that is actually finished/officially released and they still have major bugs on release day of patches even though they have been tested in test realms for months beforehand.

    LMAO you have got to be kidding me w/this typical fanboi defense? Its still beta huh? I don't care what you call it, when you have a cash shop and WONT wipe due to MAJOR exploits that existed from day one its not a beta.

    Also countless bugs were/have been reported even before open beta started. Thye chose to do nothing until it started cutting into the zen shops profit and the whole game was aware of them and used them causing an economic catastrophe.
  • carrotpakcarrotpak Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ravendire wrote: »
    I love how this is open beta and your complaining about them trying to find balance in dungeons. Do you understand that your supposed to be testing the game? That's the point of beta. Sorry if it's getting in the way of your fun, but it's not complete yet and play any other MMO that is actually finished/officially released and they still have major bugs on release day of patches even though they have been tested in test realms for months beforehand.

    yea man.. wake up fanboi... stop living in delusion
  • zaarel2zaarel2 Member Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    No man all the people complaining are just carebears who don't really know how to play. L2P, respec, adapt, gear up!

    Yes of course everyone complaining and offering legitimate feedback on bugs and new bugs post patch are wrong and you are right. It couldn't possible be they have legitimate points could it??
  • borgtonaborgtona Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    While I do agree that, as a DC, I need to rethink how I heal. The AS cool-down no longer appears to be effected by recovery/recharge speed so I have not been able close the 5-6 second gap. Bastion of Health, my goto before AS will most likely come back into play. In my opinion, when they do a major "balancing" they should provide a FEW respec tokens per toon not one per account. As with everything else it will take a few trials and errors to see how each power and feat is working now.

    This game, like other good MMO's, does appear to look at and react to what is occurring with the game and players. Some dungeons were rated 6800 but were harder than 8300. I still haven't found a group to kill the final boss in wolf den, but have completed pirate king and others without a single wipe. They adjusted that. Major adjustments (balancing) historically have swung the pendulum too far, destroying one class while OPing another. I think they have different groups working on different classes and they don't talk to each other. But they all do it. I hope going forward, especially after the 20th, they will focus on minor tweaks, and do 1 or 2 at a time instead of all at once.
  • zzzzzdankzzzzzdank Member Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    borgtona wrote: »
    While I do agree that, as a DC, I need to rethink how I heal. The AS cool-down no longer appears to be effected by recovery/recharge speed so I have not been able close the 5-6 second gap. Bastion of Health, my goto before AS will most likely come back into play. In my opinion, when they do a major "balancing" they should provide a FEW respec tokens per toon not one per account. As with everything else it will take a few trials and errors to see how each power and feat is working now.

    It's one per character not per account. And you can copy your character with the token over to the preview server as many times as you want to keep trying out things.
  • ashnapashnap Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Game is only a few weeks type of game. Really it doesn't have much to it. Play get bored move on.

    Maybe it will be more likeable when a private server comes out. Private servers usually are run much better.
  • renegademarshalrenegademarshal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 83
    edited June 2013
    Did Epic Spellplague with 1 of each class, 2 people at about 9k (DC,TR) and 3 at 10k (GF, GWF, CW). Wiped once because someone still had revive sickness from something and had to run back after getting crit by a maw. The cleric had absolutely no issues healing at all.

    The run was somewhat challenging. When AS went down, the GWF and GF had to reposition so that only a few mobs were attacking and not getting combat advantage on him. We did it in 50 minutes.

    This has been said time and time again, but learn to play. Just because you're a tank doesn't mean you can afk with 20 mobs hitting you. Just because you pulled entire rooms pre-patch doesn't mean you should pull more than one pack at a time now. Just because you neglected things like enemy combat advantage and your immediate surroundings doesn't mean you can fight in the middle of the enemy in a narrow hall. The do's and don't's have changed. Learn what they are.
  • iuseforumiuseforum Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Unpatch game now unpatch unpatch the game sucks now. Gwf still useless diffeernce is all the other classes are worse. Unpatch the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U-n-p-a-t-c-h. Unnerfffffffffffff
  • macabrivsmacabrivs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 417 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    grifting3 wrote: »
    well just finally got to run Epic Spellplague for first time after the patch. Tried it on my 11k tank specced GF thinking it would be

    fun to get agro and hold for group (DC/CW/GWF/TR). WRONG, I get agro alright but w/o sufficient heals you just cant survive.. and yes I was blocking and popping pots like crazy. drop block to do anything and boom dead or close to it.

    Party had multiple wipes before the first boss. of course people finally got sick of it and just quit..

    thought ok maybe was just a bad group although people seemed to be moving and not standing in stupid as much as possible.

    soo I get on my 11k CW to give it a try. pretty much same thing multiple wipes until party quits.

    its sad that the game was basically built around ONE SKILL, Divine Astral Shield but sadly that's the case and they nerfed it too hard, and gave DC's nothing in return to help.

    and before all the elitist come saying l2p, you suck, adapt, etc.. I play games to have fun, I put up w/the multiple bugs, exploits, non existent customer support but this is just sad.

    if im not having fun then there is no point, and im not alone. the game has ALOT more casual and semi hardcore players than top end elitist 40+hour a week players that might enjoy the new challenge.

    I hope something is done but I seriously doubt it. if not ill just move along to something else no biggie, but I had high hopes for this game and its potential. sadly its just shaping up to be a quick money grab by a company that doesn't care what their players think...........

    but if you enjoy the new changes then have fun in a game that's gonna be dead before its even had its SUPPOSED official launch

    Send me a whisper and i will solo healing Epic spellplague for u :D

    Geez, people cry a lot....
  • zaarel2zaarel2 Member Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Did Epic Spellplague with 1 of each class, 2 people at about 9k (DC,TR) and 3 at 10k (GF, GWF, CW). Wiped once because someone still had revive sickness from something and had to run back after getting crit by a maw. The cleric had absolutely no issues healing at all.

    The run was somewhat challenging. When AS went down, the GWF and GF had to reposition so that only a few mobs were attacking and not getting combat advantage on him. We did it in 50 minutes.

    This has been said time and time again, but learn to play. Just because you're a tank doesn't mean you can afk with 20 mobs hitting you. Just because you pulled entire rooms pre-patch doesn't mean you should pull more than one pack at a time now. Just because you neglected things like enemy combat advantage and your immediate surroundings doesn't mean you can fight in the middle of the enemy in a narrow hall. The do's and don't's have changed. Learn what they are.

    You make valid points. You don't however counterbalance your statements factoring in peoples time. I am a busy professional that enjoys a game like this for stress relief. My free time is at a minimum and I have spent quite a bit of it it learning and enjoying this game. Having said that I do not have the time nor the desire to re-theorycraft and respec my CW. Even if I did I dont have the time to test as is needed to documented the host of new bugs cranked out in the latest patch.

    MMO customers are the strangest customers of all. Such a high percentage defend poor business to the death. They make excuses for one bad business decision after another. Many of you act like the game owes you nothing! Well it does. Many of you are patrons. For those of you coming on board for F2P you will soon find that like all F2P endgame = higher $ spent than monthly subs would be.

    The industry has figured out that average players will spend = to or > $ in an F2P model with a cash shop full of powerups, exp boosters, etc. etc. Often when its all said and done F2P often sadly becomes P2W.
  • pilf3rpilf3r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Heh I knew there was a reason to only log in to pray last few days :/
    Neverwinter Thieves Guild
  • omnibotzomnibotz Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    grifting3 wrote: »
    soo I get on my 11k CW to give it a try. pretty much same thing multiple wipes until party quits.

    Screenshots or Never happened! :)
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