zbluggMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 22Arc User
edited June 2013
The Town Cryer has cheered up. He is now the Town Crier. - I lolled.
Other than that, all I can say is WOW (the exclamation, not the competitor). Awesome effort to further the game's balance, stability and overall state! I can't wait to try it out tonight!
another one of those update that is worthless, u've been making the trickster rouge more powerful than before.. when the other class are getting weaker even more... a BIAS update.... hate this! @#$%
As a new player the improvement I like best is items that cannot be need-ed by non-class specific players. I noticed a lot of greed and it seems fair players are few, and this really demoralised me to a) join parties, and b) raid dungeons or participate in skirmishes.
This is indeed full of awesomeness. I'm often the only fighter in a group, and yet I sometimes don,t get the class-specific items because other classes "need" them, too. Melikes.
It only applied to one of the skills the TR have not most/every skill of DPS characters
Dude you are seriously obsessed with this matter such as a few other players. Unless you don't know how to read or are clearly a troll, rogues had their dmg reduced by a certain amount.
You seriously can't expect a "DPS" class or (damage per second) to be completly nerfed down to a potato. What would be the point of playing a "rogue" then.
*sigh* what is the size of this patch? Usually most patches are like 100-200mb. Last night before i went to bed I decided to patch for 'the big day' it was about a 1.5gig patch.
I started it, I turned off monitor I went to bed!!!!
I didnt come down to my PC til about 8am PST; meaning maintenance had already started at 7am. I noticed my Client was no longer working....not sure if it was because it crashed un expectedly or if after 7am it closed automatically.
But I decided to launch the client again....type in my password and its downloading 1.7gigs of information !! ! ! ! !
The 'Powers' respec, will likely be the same as the zen bought powers respec, in that its button is on the powers screen, but allows you to reset, your ability bonuses, powers, AND feats.
Otherwise, its kinda pointless
Apparently, we don't "deserve" ability respecs. Or something. One of the moderators was making some truly baffling statements about this.
A rich rogue nowadays is fit company for any gentleman; and the world, my dear, hath not such a contempt for roguery as you imagine. - John HAMSTER
silinthiusMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 5Arc User
edited June 2013
Greatly enhanced the GWF (needed) = good thing
Killed the 2 Cleric Unkillable Trick = good thing
Killed ray of enfeeblement for CW's = meh useless for PVP now
-60% Rogues Execution = WTF ?
Still no fix for PVP Bots ? Less glory for losing? Not a fix .. just a punishment for being bad@PVP or having terrible team. Oh and unable to kick "known" accounts who bot ? Seriously? No kick voting system? No captcha for bot checking? Something?
But in all respect seeing "all" the changes .. they are listening to us. Good job with all the changes. Bad or good. Least yall are doing something.
chaclonMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 13Arc User
There better be a free skill reset. Several wiz skills i used points one become waste now.
like enfeebelment (i guess its another PVP nerf HAMSTER pve) - less bonus from rankign and debuff decreased - it barely had any impact in pve.
Alot of skills are DOT - by DND rules each dot tick would have separate damage calculation (so overall less damage - less crits) -_-
Steal time buff wont stack - so overall useless now if u got any potion or such already buffing.
Storm pillar damage reduced - wtf, it was one of the weakest damage spells iv ever used.
+ more stuff.
Bet other classes got similar issues.
Why dont the companies learn and NOT nerf stuff only based off PVP.
So feat/skill nerf for free is needed.. better not be a rumor. There is now 3 skills that are useless for me - and i wanna get rid of + 2 feats.
All characters now have a free respec. This respec can be used in the Powers screen, via a button in the lower left. This respec will not stack with future free respecs granted in this way."
neodarkaxeMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 13Arc User
edited June 2013
I wish they would fix the download speed of the patch server, have a 100mg download and game is downloading at 1.0K and less
cbrowne0329Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 293Arc User
It only applied to one of the skills the TR have not most/every skill of DPS characters
Yeah but reducing the base damage of the highest level tier power move by 60% is going to make it useless... when it doesn't crit it only hits for 2000 when it does crit it hits from 20K to 50+K for me. Whiners complained about it because of PVP... but they forget that attack was also designed for Dungeon Delves now making it a useless power for end bosses. When the same bosses take a lot longer to kill because of this TRs will become a useless class for Delves. May as well have GFs and GWFs instead.
Now I built a scoundrel class I use for PVP and like it more than the executioner class so crits are not important to me anyway, as it's my base damage that matters.... but he's not goign to be as effective on end bosses as an executioner TR used to be.
I never used my free Guardian respec on one of my chars... the one provided today stacks with that I hope.
From a dev post not really clear about that i would say it stacks with bought and Guardian respecs.
It won't stack with future free respecs though.
mackehMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
I'm looking forward to these changes for both my level 60 CW and GF .. a lot of the changes address misgivings I've had since I started playing properly on the 27th of April. I hope you guys continue to listen to the community to address issues, including those that are still unresolved for some (relating to support). Now, time to fix some food, and wait for the servers to go up.
i started patching now, i just want some confirmation, this patch is 1618mb?
juravianMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 63
edited June 2013
I'm really looking forward to this patch. so many fixes that have been needed for a long time. I'm a TR, but am still looking forward to it. Honestly, Shocking Execution was way OP. Doing 35-50K damage was mind boggling. The DPS of the TR is already huge, but putting that single strike damage on top of it seemed pretty cheap.
I especially look forward to the Foundry fixes. It'll be nice to have sounds in outdoor Foundry quests now. The dead silence was so annoying.
arkhan26Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited June 2013
just wow impressive list of debuging, gg Cryptic, and thx for the free respec
It only applied to one of the skills the TR have not most/every skill of DPS characters
man lol really the DPS class should always have some powerfull attacks so the point to be crying over the class is lame XD however that skil in particular was the one that in fact Execute in one go even if you have a lot of hp, when you have more HP you is going to hurt continue hurt you but will not be intant kill like before, problem is that if will also affect on killings mosters XD so probably the new DPS class is going to be a GF or a GWF XD with that change we will see after the update how it goes or probably it will be on the same lv for those TR that are really good but to the point that is the skill that makes them more powerfull than other clases the rest as some might say are more balanced
Everything works out in the end . If it hasn't worked out yet, it isn't the end...
Other than that, all I can say is WOW (the exclamation, not the competitor). Awesome effort to further the game's balance, stability and overall state! I can't wait to try it out tonight!
Keep up the good work, guys!
trollololo.. or fail.
This is indeed full of awesomeness. I'm often the only fighter in a group, and yet I sometimes don,t get the class-specific items because other classes "need" them, too. Melikes.
and i just recently bought a respec, too...
Launcher says 7.00-8.30 am PDT.
9:00 am PDT is the ETA
Guess there'll be a new ETA?
Dude you are seriously obsessed with this matter such as a few other players. Unless you don't know how to read or are clearly a troll, rogues had their dmg reduced by a certain amount.
You seriously can't expect a "DPS" class or (damage per second) to be completly nerfed down to a potato. What would be the point of playing a "rogue" then.
Because it was what everyone was whining about.
I started it, I turned off monitor I went to bed!!!!
I didnt come down to my PC til about 8am PST; meaning maintenance had already started at 7am. I noticed my Client was no longer working....not sure if it was because it crashed un expectedly or if after 7am it closed automatically.
But I decided to launch the client again....type in my password and its downloading 1.7gigs of information
Apparently, we don't "deserve" ability respecs. Or something. One of the moderators was making some truly baffling statements about this.
Killed the 2 Cleric Unkillable Trick = good thing
Killed ray of enfeeblement for CW's = meh useless for PVP now
-60% Rogues Execution = WTF ?
Still no fix for PVP Bots ? Less glory for losing? Not a fix .. just a punishment for being bad@PVP or having terrible team. Oh and unable to kick "known" accounts who bot ? Seriously? No kick voting system? No captcha for bot checking? Something?
But in all respect seeing "all" the changes .. they are listening to us. Good job with all the changes. Bad or good. Least yall are doing something.
What is your source on this? Is there official confirmation?
like enfeebelment (i guess its another PVP nerf HAMSTER pve) - less bonus from rankign and debuff decreased - it barely had any impact in pve.
Alot of skills are DOT - by DND rules each dot tick would have separate damage calculation (so overall less damage - less crits) -_-
Steal time buff wont stack - so overall useless now if u got any potion or such already buffing.
Storm pillar damage reduced - wtf, it was one of the weakest damage spells iv ever used.
+ more stuff.
Bet other classes got similar issues.
Why dont the companies learn and NOT nerf stuff only based off PVP.
So feat/skill nerf for free is needed.. better not be a rumor. There is now 3 skills that are useless for me - and i wanna get rid of + 2 feats.
I think -60% to base damage. Not the portion you get from missing HP. They want it to be used for execution and nothing else i think.
There was a dev post for the respec. You get a free respec token. Like that one you buy for Zen.
Yeah but reducing the base damage of the highest level tier power move by 60% is going to make it useless... when it doesn't crit it only hits for 2000 when it does crit it hits from 20K to 50+K for me. Whiners complained about it because of PVP... but they forget that attack was also designed for Dungeon Delves now making it a useless power for end bosses. When the same bosses take a lot longer to kill because of this TRs will become a useless class for Delves. May as well have GFs and GWFs instead.
Now I built a scoundrel class I use for PVP and like it more than the executioner class so crits are not important to me anyway, as it's my base damage that matters.... but he's not goign to be as effective on end bosses as an executioner TR used to be.
restart you launcher. i always get full speed at the start and some minutes after it drops like hell.
From a dev post not really clear about that i would say it stacks with bought and Guardian respecs.
It won't stack with future free respecs though.
Blue Harvest
I especially look forward to the Foundry fixes. It'll be nice to have sounds in outdoor Foundry quests now. The dead silence was so annoying.
man lol really the DPS class should always have some powerfull attacks so the point to be crying over the class is lame XD however that skil in particular was the one that in fact Execute in one go even if you have a lot of hp, when you have more HP you is going to hurt continue hurt you but will not be intant kill like before, problem is that if will also affect on killings mosters XD so probably the new DPS class is going to be a GF or a GWF XD with that change we will see after the update how it goes or probably it will be on the same lv for those TR that are really good but to the point that is the skill that makes them more powerfull than other clases the rest as some might say are more balanced