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Great Game but Could I Please Have My Cursor Back?



  • sanmercisanmerci Member Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    oroness wrote: »
    not just probably, it will never happen. It's a core feature of action mmos.
    the moment this dude saw this was an action mmo he knew how the controls would be like so he made the choice to play it anyway. Now wanting to change the game from action mmo to traditional mmo is being way too much full of one-self. Just sayin'. It's like demandinf FPSs to be turn based. LOL, not making sense at all.

    Review the format of the original post, bud- it's an interrogative (asking a question) and not an imperative (stating a demand). There's no harm in asking for a change, and often good things result when people make their desires known. Also, requesting a change is about as humble as a person can be; calling them out and insulting them, on the other hand, seems pretty obnoxious.
  • sanmercisanmerci Member Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I was never here to argue for or against the topic, but to add my opinion, and question the OP why they would take off the mouse button hotkeys. I thought that's what open forums were for, opinions :P

    Fair enough. We've now heard your opinion. I have nothing against your opinion, although I hope that you are wrong. That's my opinion.
  • oronessoroness Member Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    sanmerci wrote: »
    Review the format of the original post, bud- it's an interrogative (asking a question) and not an imperative (stating a demand). There's no harm in asking for a change, and often good things result when people make their desires known. Also, requesting a change is about as humble as a person can be; calling them out and insulting them, on the other hand, seems pretty obnoxious.

    I may have been harsh, I admit that... but you insisting on asking a change on the controls is not only infrutuous, but also nonsensical.
    Understand that this is an action mmo (i'm not gonna get tired of repeating this to you as you seem to not understand it) and the WOWish controls won't work here, not in the slightest of ways.
    The combat system is already lacking action to be a hardcore action mmo since your dodges don't work half of the time so you must rely on fast reaction movement and if you take away the mobility the mouse gives you, you will end up facetanking the entire game due the lack of mobility and at this time you should already know that you can't succeed by doing so. It's easily noticeable past the lv 30 barrier.
    The mouse controls offer you fast reaction times that are vital in order to dodge red circles or obvious giant hammer swings that may result on you losing 50% of your HP bar while flying backwards. If you lose that you're dead.

    The targeting system of action MMOs is reticle-based or focus-based, meaning that you cannot "lock" your target by tabbing or pressing a specific key or clicking his healthbar or that you cannot atack the target if you're not facing it. It works as if you were holding a real wepon, you gotta aim. The wepon will not magically hit your target if you don't aim properly as it happens in many mmos. The entire game revolves around this mechanic and if you expect to be able to properly target stuff by using a different method I can tell you you're wasting your time.

    Now don't get me wrong, you can have your prefferences and your opinions, but expecting the world to keep using the old methods just because you don't want to advance accordingly is as you can imagine, quite ridiculous.
    Why do I need a phone when i can just send a telegram?
    I want this class in NW. :o
  • sanmercisanmerci Member Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If the game lacks action to be a hardcore action MMO, why do you insist it is one? Clearly not everyone agrees with you and, it seems fairly obvious, there is no reason why everyone should.

    If the game penalizes using an older, time-tested and efficient playstyle, then people who enjoy that playstyle will, eventually, switch to the newer model- but simply removing the older model does not encourage people to enjoy the switch; it encourages them to feel as if they've been spat upon.

    I would also point out that the reality of having an effective fast-twitch MMO from this particular developer seems pretty laughable based on their previous efforts- too much server-side latency makes the fastest hands about as useful as handfuls of soggy manure.

    Also, no one- not one single person since this thread began- has been asking for tabbed targetting. That is an interpretation you are bringing to the table and seems to be fallacious (if the OP was asking for that, specifically, I hope he will clarify). Again- changing the mouse from a passive look tool to an active look tool does not, in fact, significantly change the mechanics of the targeting system. It does, however, significantly increase the accessibility of UI features, and that is not a bad thing.
  • gosugoosegosugoose Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Sanmerci, please die off. People like you are obstacles that hinder change because you are not flexible. Be it stupidity or simple ineptitude.

    There is NO reason to go back to the old way of controls and tab-targetting. (We say "tab-targetting" BECAUSE if you use your mouse for the interface you can't use it for aiming. Derp. I thought you would of grasped that.)
    Every interface action can be performed with a keystroke. So you don't NEED your mouse at all. This is what's called being EFFICIENT. Okay?
    Learning how to aim your spells and attacks adds a deeper layer to combat that is much more immersive and exciting. You will eventually have to get use to it as almost every MMO that is coming out has switched to this formula.
  • quorforgedquorforged Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    sanmerci wrote: »
    giving us control might also, for example, make the chat window less of a nightmare for people who like to both game and chat simultaneously...

    How is it a "nightmare"? Hit Enter, type your message, hit Enter again. Simple. The autocomplete is sometimes a pain, but that's a separate issue.

    What game allows you to "game and chat simultaneously"? Every MMO I've ever played doesn't allow you to control your character while typing a chat message.
  • bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I can see both sides to this argument. Those who want more traditional MMOs want to be able to play without having to worry that they aren't pointing exactly at the enemy in order to hit, while those on the other side feel that this makes it a more interactive experience.

    Those that like the older style controls, at least IMO, tend to prefer a more methodical approach, where builds and energy/health/resource management are more important than twitch-reflex ability.

    I can also say that trying to reach for tab, shift, and not being able to use q and e for strafing can be annoying at times. Constantly pressing both the left and right mouse buttons to attack, I feel, also puts a lot of strain on my hand and the mouse itself, while the number keys are a more comfortable layout for some people.

    I don't think that asking people who prefer a different control scheme to "die off" is an appropriate response.

    I will say that the game doesn't seem to actually support any sort of target lock mechanic, however, so even if you mapped the keys elsewhere, you'd still have to physically aim at your target.
    <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::>
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  • ali495ali495 Member Posts: 43
    edited June 2013
    This is what's wrong with neverwinter.


    To anybody who claims, that the "action fps control scheme" was created for Neverwinter and is an essential "core feature" of the game, clearly doesn't know what they are talking about. We had the scheme for several years already in Champions online and guess what, nobody used it, because it is too unresponsive/clumsy and yes, you can not target - lock mobs and/or strafe / paddle backwards. In fact, Neverwinter would work 100% better without the so flawed "fps controls". For some peoples interest, fps controls usually imply being able to "strafe" this is not even a real fps scheme at all.

    Let's hope cryptic gives us the needed options, for fixing the gameplay on our own.


    I have no issues and I don't consider it clunky. Nor did your post seem to get attention at the time it was originally posted, so I'd assume it's not a top issue in many people's minds.

    Really, if people want a traditional MMO they should play a traditional MMO. This game is entirely designed around this combat system.
    When the cold of winter comes starless night will cover day,
    In the veiling of the sun we will walk in bitter rain.
    But in dreams I can hear your name,
    And in dreams we will meet again.

  • quorforgedquorforged Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    To anybody who claims, that the "action fps control scheme" was created for Neverwinter and is an essential "core feature" of the game, clearly doesn't know what they are talking about. We had the scheme for several years already in Champions online and guess what, nobody used it, because it is too unresponsive/clumsy and yes, you can not target - lock mobs and/or strafe / paddle backwards. In fact, Neverwinter would work 100% better without the so flawed "fps controls".

    Sounds like they fixed it in Neverwinter then, as the controls are neither unresponsive nor clumsy. They're the best of any MMO I've played.
    For some peoples interest, fps controls usually imply being able to "strafe" this is not even a real fps scheme at all.

    True, but since we can't attack while moving, there's no meaningful difference between how it works currently and strafing.
  • joewoodcutter1joewoodcutter1 Member Posts: 100
    edited June 2013
    Tab targetting was invented to make stuff easier (too easy imo) so your mother could play an mmo too once in a while.
    Im glad to see that theres an mmo willing to steer away from tabtargetting fluff.
  • sanmercisanmerci Member Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    gosugoose wrote: »
    Sanmerci, please die off. People like you are obstacles that hinder change because you are not flexible. Be it stupidity or simple ineptitude.

    There is NO reason to go back to the old way of controls and tab-targetting. (We say "tab-targetting" BECAUSE if you use your mouse for the interface you can't use it for aiming. Derp. I thought you would of grasped that.)
    Every interface action can be performed with a keystroke. So you don't NEED your mouse at all. This is what's called being EFFICIENT. Okay?
    Learning how to aim your spells and attacks adds a deeper layer to combat that is much more immersive and exciting. You will eventually have to get use to it as almost every MMO that is coming out has switched to this formula.

    Gee, because you asked so nicely, let me just go do that.
    Oh, wait. No. For the record- and, yes, I feel like a broken record having to say this again- I'm not asking them to take away your fun. No one is saying that they should pee in your sandbox so that I can make a mud fort or anything like that. Apart from one- count 'em- slightly snarky post, I have been very deliberately non-rude and inoffensive.

    I'm not even asking to go back to tab targetting, nor, from what I saw, did the OP. I'm not asking for an auto-lock; I'm asking for the functionality of my mouse to be restored to me. Sometimes change is good- I get that- but not ALL change is good, and often having options side-by-side is better.
  • quorforgedquorforged Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    sanmerci wrote: »
    I'm not even asking to go back to tab targetting, nor, from what I saw, did the OP. I'm not asking for an auto-lock; I'm asking for the functionality of my mouse to be restored to me. Sometimes change is good- I get that- but not ALL change is good, and often having options side-by-side is better.

    I don't understand how you imagine playing the game with neither reticule targeting, nor a lock on system. Can you explain exactly how you want Neverwinter to be able to play?
  • sanmercisanmerci Member Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    quorforged wrote: »
    I don't understand how you imagine playing the game with neither reticule targeting, nor a lock on system. Can you explain exactly how you want Neverwinter to be able to play?

    I actually WANT reticle targeting- just I want to be able to turn it on when I choose (by pressing the right-mouse button, for example) as opposed to having it always on, and thus preventing me from using the mouse for other things in the UI unless I press Alt or some other keyboard command. What's the problem there?
  • quorforgedquorforged Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    sanmerci wrote: »
    I actually WANT reticle targeting- just I want to be able to turn it on when I choose (by pressing the right-mouse button, for example) as opposed to having it always on, and thus preventing me from using the mouse for other things in the UI unless I press Alt or some other keyboard command. What's the problem there?

    So you don't want to actually be able to play the game (i.e., fight) while not in reticule mode, just to be able to run around while clicking UI stuff?
  • sanmercisanmerci Member Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I see no reason why I shouldn't still be able to activate AoE powers or powers that don't require a target as well. But, essentially, yes- I want to reverse the way it's currently set as the default, and nothing that's been stated in this thread so far has given me any reason to think that my desires are unreasonable or unjustified.
  • perfectindigoperfectindigo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Why are people so religious about control schemes? If someone changes the key bindings, do you personally feel it and does it personally offend you?

    Naming control schemes "old" and "new" shows that you don't understand that some control schemes are better at different things. Free cursor is better at interacting with UI elements, while fixed cursor is better when the UI is informative rather than interactive. Since Neverwinter combines traditional MMO elements with action game elements, it uses both control schemes. However, it currently prefers the action controls. Some people would prefer it the other way.

    No one is going to change how the game is played or how the game is designed. Telling people they should die off because they're impeding "progress" is like saying that because airplanes were invented, no one should drive a car. They both get you places but serve different roles. Pick the right tool for the job, instead of thinking that one is better or more "progressive" than the other.

    Being close-minded is the attitude that should die off. See things from different perspectives and try to see the value that someone else sees that isn't obvious to you.
  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited June 2013
    Without a locking mechanism being implemented (I can pretty much promise it won't be) the ability to remove the reticule is not feasible.

    The game was purposely designed to not include an auto-target. That's a core feature.
    The typical tab-target MMO controls would truly oust any feasibility in using the current control scheme so it's beyond unlikely that it will ever be implemented. You can change the combat attacks to be numbers if you wish but it's unlikely to be very comfortable with the more viable movement options.

    Options are nice but you can't add in a targeting system to the game as designed any more than you could add it to a first person shooter.

    However I'd love to see a drive camera mode for out of combat as well as the ability to leave the UI's up while movement is still allowed.
  • chuckwolfchuckwolf Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Oddly enough I found a solution to some of these issues by using a controller and xpadder to map the controls so left/right camera view is controlled by the same joystick as the forward/back movement, So my character actually turns as he's moving and doesn't strafe. I still put left/right strafe on the other stick along with camera up/down but rarely use that stick so it avoids any unintended looking up at the sky that can happen with trying to turn with the mouse.

    I personally prefer the reticule type targeting over other methods, and by being able to rotate camera view, along with upping camera look speed to 3.5 I can spin around to any target in range. Makes for really smooth movement.
    @Powerblast in game
  • chuckwolfchuckwolf Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    There is no such thing as strafing in Neverwinter, no clue wth you tested there.

    OK I used the term "strafing" to refer to the normal left/right movement that pressing the A and D keys does. I know it's not technically "strafing" because it isn't a sideways shuffle. But it's also not turning in that direction with the camera behind you, which is my preferred movement method it just seems odd to me to see the character face one way without my own view changing also. Having your character turn left or right while you're looking forward just seems strange to me, as you're supposed to be your character albeit from a 3rd person view.
    @Powerblast in game
  • pinkfontpinkfont Member Posts: 563 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    I was literally baffled by it at first, but I'm used to it now.
    A rich rogue nowadays is fit company for any gentleman; and the world, my dear, hath not such a contempt for roguery as you imagine. - John HAMSTER
  • chuckwolfchuckwolf Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Without a locking mechanism being implemented (I can pretty much promise it won't be) the ability to remove the reticule is not feasible.

    The game was purposely designed to not include an auto-target. That's a core feature.
    The typical tab-target MMO controls would truly oust any feasibility in using the current control scheme so it's beyond unlikely that it will ever be implemented. You can change the combat attacks to be numbers if you wish but it's unlikely to be very comfortable with the more viable movement options.

    Options are nice but you can't add in a targeting system to the game as designed any more than you could add it to a first person shooter.

    However I'd love to see a drive camera mode for out of combat as well as the ability to leave the UI's up while movement is still allowed.

    About Camera Drive mode, it's very possible especially if they implement controller support back in as the settings and keybinds for it in the Cryptic engine already supports this, just by swapping a couple settings.


    It works wonderfully for both movement and combat despite the fact you can't map key combos with xpadder.
    However if using a controller you can easily simulate it. as shown in my own xpadder controller profile.
    @Powerblast in game
  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited June 2013

    If only I didn't have a apthalogical hatred for dual joysticks. ;)

    The coding is indeed in the background though. This is the same engine that runs STO and CO so standard MMO mechanics were actually there during early development but they felt that it was nowhere near as enjoyable as the action combat set-up so they removed the support for it.

    I agree with that decision fullheartedly but it would still be nice to run around protector's enclave with only one hand every once in a while.
  • oronessoroness Member Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    If only I didn't have a apthalogical hatred for dual joysticks. ;)

    The coding is indeed in the background though. This is the same engine that runs STO and CO so standard MMO mechanics were actually there during early development but they felt that it was nowhere near as enjoyable as the action combat set-up so they removed the support for it.

    I agree with that decision fullheartedly but it would still be nice to run around protector's enclave with only one hand every once in a while.

    1.- Press "T" (only once)
    2.- Move your mouse to the right to turn right.
    3.- Move your mouse to the left to turn left.
    5.- Profit.
    I want this class in NW. :o
  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited June 2013
    oroness wrote: »
    1.- Press "T" (only once)
    2.- Move your mouse to the right to turn right.
    3.- Move your mouse to the left to turn left.
    5.- Profit.

    Works except then I can't chooser when to stop and go. Press and hold suits me better.

    Options aren't bad. If you don't like it don't enable it. ;)
  • deistikdeistik Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 658 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    travail01 wrote: »
    I'm a fan of the action controls, but I would like to see one change; and additional option.

    Currently, if you bring up a menu in Neverwinter, that menu disappears as soon as you hit a movement key, and snaps you back into action control mode. In TERA, you could check a box in the settings that disabled the auto-exit from menus. This means that your menu would stay open, and your cursor would remain available to you, even if you hit your movement keys. I really want this option in Neverwinter, since I like to bring up the full-size map, as well as look through my bags and switch up my powers, while on the run.


    If you have auto run on, you can actually run and look at windows. Not optimal, but better than nothing!
  • pwestolemynamepwestolemyname Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    oroness wrote: »
    What's this? I don't even...

    Those controls have been part of MMORPGs for like... a decade or so.
    What happened to you guys? were you locked in a cabin on the most isolated forest in the world? I don't get it
    I play Champions Online, a current game, also owned (though not originally developed) by this company, and it offers a variety of control options. I think that you, and the other "berators" are insulting the developers of this game by assuming they cannot do the same.
    - - - - -
    Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
  • pwestolemynamepwestolemyname Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Why? Because it's part of the game, a core mechanic that is good enough to be called a feature. It's almost like asking them to revert the game to 3rd edition because you hate 4th.

    I'm sorry, but calling it a "core mechanic" is ridiculous. It's no core mechanic, it's just a control style. I'm not asking to change the combat engine, or the mapping algorithm or anything key to the actual game. How would offering people another option so negatively impact your playing that it ruins some "core mechanic" of the game?
    - - - - -
    Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
  • pwestolemynamepwestolemyname Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    It's a feature because the combat is meant to be action/strategy, not the tired old click targeting system that "traditional" MMOs use.

    Last time I checked, I could still move my mouse to access everything I could need to click, while having a streamlined combat system that feels more intuitive than mashing 1-5 and tab targeting/clicking to look at someone.

    And nobody is asking you to change, don't worry. I know you are panicking, but it'll be okay if other people get to play the way they like, too. It won't kill you or destroy your game enjoyment, I promise!
    - - - - -
    Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
  • huckasexhuckasex Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 145 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    sanmerci wrote: »
    Why not allow me to, for example, deactivate my mouse by right-clicking and holding, and move the right-click at-will to a keybind? It's only one solution, but it seems like it would be pretty workable.

    thats already possible, just rebind your keys
  • pwestolemynamepwestolemyname Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I was never here to argue for or against the topic, but to add my opinion, and question the OP why they would take off the mouse button hotkeys. I thought that's what open forums were for, opinions :P
    Because I don't like mouse-button hotkeys. I'm not playing XBox. If I wanted to play XBox, I would. If you like them, great, I am glad they have that option for you, and unlike you, I would never request they keep that option from you.
    - - - - -
    Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
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