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What's allowed and what's not? What is considered exploitation?



  • nullwolf1nullwolf1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    xen1912 wrote: »
    I tried using it to see what it was about. it doesn't require your info as it required you to open the gateway yourself and you login via your browser. but yeah they cant do anything about that.

    Meh. Basically just scripting it then. I don't think there's anything really wrong with that. I'd be tempted to, but then what do I have to do to break up the boredom of work? (Also still wouldn't use someone else's program to do it...)
    noroblad wrote: »
    This is followed by "I got hacked" posts :P
    That's what I originally thought too.
  • syberghostsyberghost Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,474
    edited May 2013
    noyouwont wrote: »
    I require some clarification on some subjects.

    Am I allowed to climb typically out-of-bounds areas?

    I'm not a PWE employee, but from my extensive experience with their games and forums, I'll take a shot at answering these.

    Yes to that one. About the only thing they'll complain about regarding maps is if you plant something that physically prevents people from getting through to somewhere with no convenient way around. Explore away; if they don't like it they'll put in an invisible wall.

    What you can't do is use geometry to create a situation where you're shooting through walls so that enemies can't fight back. That'd be the grey area where they might or might not take action. They'd base that decision in part on the severity of the economic impact, I.E. if the mob dropped epics or something, or you were able to farm nodes with impunity.
    Node-farming instanced areas?

    Yep. If they don't like it they'll just nerf the nodes in that area. They did this recently to an instance. Nobody was punished for farming nodes in it, they just fixed it.

    Using map NPCs to fight enemies?

    Just fine. Happens all the time; usually pisses people off if those NPCs are in an area they expect to be out of combat in, but if you don't care if people think you're a jerk, go for it. :)

    Third-party apps?
    --Where do you draw the line on Macros? Loops? Honestly, my keyboard software can play this game by itself. I don't go that far, obviously, but how much automation is good? How much is bad? As a TR, I find that my sweet spot is usually a rotation that I have to do over and over and over. I would rather not have to press the same keys so redundantly, so I will probably be using keyboard macros. This will be done using the software that was provided with my keyboard. In addition to this, I've seen an app in the Rogue forums that keeps track of my bleed stacks. I would like to use this as well. Is it allowed?

    As long as each iteration of the sequence requires a keystroke, they're fine with it. If you can start it up and leave while the game plays itself, they're not.

    Playing the market?
    --Am I allowed to flip items in the AH for profit? Am I allowed to flip Zen for profit?


    If I put my time and effort into your game, I would like to know what I am allowed to do in the first place, because it seems to me (according to Reddit and other sites online) that you guys are pretty much dishing out punishment to your players without clearly defining what is considered exploitive and what is not.

    Complete rubbish. The folks getting slammed for exploitation knew exactly what they were doing, and are just being internet martyrs now for their own further enjoyment and to troll PWE. What they post to Reddit about their actions and PWE's responses is heavily edited in their own favor, if not (and frequently is) completely made up.

    Every single one of those people knew they were exploiting, and knew they'd get banned for it; saying otherwise on Reddit is just more exploitation, this time of human minds.
  • rangurenranguren Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2013
    noyouwont wrote: »
    1. Am I allowed to climb typically out-of-bounds areas?
    --I've been playing MMO's for a while. I'm a big fan of using the terrain and the map as an additional dynamic to the fights I take part in. I like pushing myself into harder situations, kiting enormous packs of enemies over cliff faces and around the nooks and crannies. Utilizing line-of-sight and avoiding the AI is a big part of my game.
    --I like to explore! I am a rooftop ninja!

    2. Node-farming instanced areas?
    --In World of Warcraft I was the 6th player in the US to get the gold cap (not an easily accomplished feat). I have 1700 hours on my Diablo 3 Wizard. I just don't play games. I tear them apart. In a game economy such as the one in Neverwinter, it is more profitable for me to solo farm the most resource rich areas than it is for me to run in parties. I cannot rely on other players to be as efficient as me. What am I going to do then? I usually find the most profitable area that requires the least amount of my brain to farm and play it like a time trial on Mario Kart. I usually have a movie or another video game going on when I do this (because 1000+ hours in any game is hard to keep your mind on the target).
    --Why instanced areas? Simply because I do not have to contend with the rest of the playing population. Again, you guys just slow me down.

    3. Using map NPCs to fight enemies?
    --I can pull 150 mobs and let the guards tank them while I spank them. You guys have a problem with this? I once pulled a raid boss for 45 minutes into a major city to watch the havok. I've never been happier.

    4. Third-party apps?
    --Where do you draw the line on Macros? Loops? Honestly, my keyboard software can play this game by itself. I don't go that far, obviously, but how much automation is good? How much is bad? As a TR, I find that my sweet spot is usually a rotation that I have to do over and over and over. I would rather not have to press the same keys so redundantly, so I will probably be using keyboard macros. This will be done using the software that was provided with my keyboard. In addition to this, I've seen an app in the Rogue forums that keeps track of my bleed stacks. I would like to use this as well. Is it allowed?

    5. Playing the market?
    --Am I allowed to flip items in the AH for profit? Am I allowed to flip Zen for profit?

    1. I don't see why not? terrain, trap is basis D&D working

    2. I can see this game actual story is solo-able so, again, why not?

    3. it react to enemy so I think it is allowed, well, if NPC got kill you got nothing

    4. anything outside the game is a no go. it always consider cheats

    5. well, I see in many MMO that player store or AH sometime is just buy from another and sell it again with higher price, so take profit from AH or exchanger I think is not something unusual in MMO world
  • noyouwontnoyouwont Member Posts: 56
    edited May 2013
    noroblad wrote: »
    Finding an exploit is not a problem. Reporting one is great.
    Doing the exploit 1000000000000000000000000000000000000 times in a row is another story. That is exploiting. Doing it 3 or 4 times to be sure you can repeat it and describe it is also probably OK.

    I'm just saying, a lot of players were punished who were legitimately farming nodes/enemies/chests in the first few areas of instances because on paper it probably looked exactly people who were just login farming the chests (albeit not 5 pages of 99 stacks of rank 4's). There's a big difference between the guy who farmed out the enemies and other resource locations and the people who strictly farmed the chest via login exploit. Even the players who were leaving the instance and rejoining the instance and killing the enemies and looting the chest into infinity are legitimate. If anything, it was the dev's fault for putting the **** thing in such an easy to reach spot. I'm the kind of player when I see something easy to do while I'm leveling, I'll grind at it for a while to get all my gear for the current level I'm at, then go on. However, this spot was end game. Seriously. You could make more from this spot than you could in groups. I think it all evens out. Some people don't want to do that, but they instead would like to do parties. These people farm the gear for the farmers that don't want to do groups. And, in turn, the grouped farmers get gear for node-farmers. One hand feeds the other hand.

    Best part about node farming, is how casual it can be. I can make progress if I hop on for 10 minutes or 3 hours. I'm not stuck in line for a group. I'm not spamming zone chat for a group. I'm not having to dedicate over an hour of my time to it.

    I like it. It appeals to me. So, if, in my travels, I find a spot that is incredibly good, then I am going to take full advantage of it. I just don't want to be risking a ban from the people who run the game for doing so. Is that too much to ask?
  • kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This is not the other game, that every 12 year old with an IQ of 56 plays. They allowed addons because their community is far beyond <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> and most of them are noobs who can not play any game legitimately for #!$%.

    Blatant ignorance & knee-jerk WoW bashing. (Which could, of course, be taken as an indication of IQ)

    There were/are a vast array & range of mods for that game. Sure, there were various raid-assist mods, but that's not all there were, not by a long shot. I used several that were all of the informational variant - they did things like give me a searchable database of all the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> I had stored in the banks & bags of all my alts (which stretched into thousands of items). Or displayed the map coordinates on-screen (which made giving directions and keeping notes of locations easier). Or kept a record of the myriad of places I'd found crafting resources (along with calculated percentages of how often various rare drops occurred from those nodes).

    Basically, they took the place of me wasting several notebooks worth of paper keeping track of minutia..... the kind of "productivity improvement" that computers have always been meant to provide.

    But, hey, whatever - keep wallowing in your "derp, it's so hip to bash WoW, derp!"
  • pharoah4187pharoah4187 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    senseijohn wrote: »
    Consider yourself corrected.

    Botting, throughout the years, have referred to the complete humanless interaction of an account with the game. Basically login (some bots will even do this), activate the bot and leave.... some bots will even run multiple instances of the game in seperate windows/VM.

    Using macro's isn't botting.... it's macro'ing. Which is... sorta like saying... it's a cyborg. Not all human, but not all machine.

    I'm not sure how I'm corrected?

    "I've always defined "Bots" as being completely automated."

    "Botting, throughout the years, have referred to the complete humanless interaction of an account with the game."

    Is it just me, or do those two sentences looks strikingly similar in definition?

    We've also got a mod ruling on the issue, which kind of renders either one of our definitions moot anyway (regardless of how they differ).
  • swamprobswamprob Member Posts: 107 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Regarding farming nodes: I don't think PWE would have any issues with you running around an area farming your heart out. But you when you farm part of an instance, reset, and repeat, you should be able to clearly see that that's not intended behaviour.

    Regarding macros, just my opinion, but I think that anything more than 1 key = 1 action is cheating.

    The rest I think would be fine.
  • xen1912xen1912 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    noyouwont wrote: »
    I'm just saying, a lot of players were punished who were legitimately farming nodes/enemies/chests in the first few areas of instances because on paper it probably looked exactly people who were just login farming the chests (albeit not 5 pages of 99 stacks of rank 4's). There's a big difference between the guy who farmed out the enemies and other resource locations and the people who strictly farmed the chest via login exploit. Even the players who were leaving the instance and rejoining the instance and killing the enemies and looting the chest into infinity are legitimate. If anything, it was the dev's fault for putting the **** thing in such an easy to reach spot. I'm the kind of player when I see something easy to do while I'm leveling, I'll grind at it for a while to get all my gear for the current level I'm at, then go on. However, this spot was end game. Seriously. You could make more from this spot than you could in groups. I think it all evens out. Some people don't want to do that, but they instead would like to do parties. These people farm the gear for the farmers that don't want to do groups. And, in turn, the grouped farmers get gear for node-farmers. One hand feeds the other hand.

    Best part about node farming, is how casual it can be. I can make progress if I hop on for 10 minutes or 3 hours. I'm not stuck in line for a group. I'm not spamming zone chat for a group. I'm not having to dedicate over an hour of my time to it.

    I like it. It appeals to me. So, if, in my travels, I find a spot that is incredibly good, then I am going to take full advantage of it. I just don't want to be risking a ban from the people who run the game for doing so. Is that too much to ask?

    Yes its too much to ask. because people are pathetic and took it too far.

  • afrojimboafrojimbo Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I've multi-boxed many games (including 5-boxing wow) and the general rule of thumb for macros and what is allowed is this: One key press = one action. You can NOT create a keyboard macro that performs more than one button-press-action. One key, one in game action.

    If you're able to create macro hotkeys in game, you're obviously allowed to assign that to a keyboard key. However, you can't create a keyboard macro (even if it is with the software included with your keyboard) that will say, cast spell 1, wait 2 seconds, cast spell 2.

    Again, this has been the stance from other game developers and it's a good guideline on what is and is not allowed in most games.
  • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In both STO and CO, Cryptic's other MMOs, you can keybind multiple commands to one key and have it perform each command sequentially with each press. So long as one key-press performs one action, you should be fine.

    Note that I haven't tested this in Neverwinter yet, but it seems like everything aside from targeting is the same as the other Cryptic games (in terms of the commands).

    If the functionality is still there, it'd be better to do it via multiple-command-keybinds than an external program.
    calamintha wrote: »
    Also in most MMOs you can't knock enemies off cliffs for cheap kills.
    People who mention knocking enemies off cliffs in the context of exploits clearly demonstrate they have no idea what the associated exploit was. Knocking enemies off cliffs is not an exploit.

    The exploit was with the Foundry, where they put a group of 50 ogres next to a cliff so players can kill them all with a single key press. Anyone who claims that doesn't "feel like cheating" is a liar.
    hank41 wrote: »
    This is the only MMO that they call that an exploit and have pretty much WIPED them out.
    Blizzard did the same in WoW. It's ripe for bot abuse.
    noroblad wrote: »
    WOW addons had AI and scripts and more.
    Which are explicitly a part of the game, given that Blizzard provided the code structure for them to be built on. That is starkly different from most other MMOs, and definitely not the case here.

    Note that combat logging is a part of Neverwinter, and Cryptic had never said anything against it when we used parsers (even real time ones) in CO or STO. In fact there were complaints about a lack of detail in the log, and one of the devs commented that they'll work on improving what the log shows.
  • chuamishaelchuamishael Member Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    those loot don't spawn as fast as you think. so that's really okay, if Im bored fighting mobs, I also do some loot runs. besides. I lost a lot of keys along the way.

    its not like everytime you do it , it will be successful. and many of those nods have <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> inside. killing mobs sometimes drops you better loot. :p
  • calaminthacalamintha Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    darkjeff wrote: »
    People who mention knocking enemies off cliffs in the context of exploits clearly demonstrate they have no idea what the associated exploit was. Knocking enemies off cliffs is not an exploit.

    You missed my point. Neither of those on their own should be considered exploits. Both are simply using the terrain to your advantage.
  • theshadowlivestheshadowlives Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Third-party apps?
    Terms of Service

    Common sense rules this one. If it gives you an unfair advantage it's not permitted. Without contacting the CM's the general rule on most MMO's is one key = one action. I would say no you are not permitted to use any macro's which automatically press keys or combos for you and chances are any app which shows bleed stacks within the game violates the Terms of Service.

    What if the potential player is handicapped and the only way they can play is with macro'ed keys? I vaguely recall this issue on Star Trek Online or DC Online. Sorry can't remember which.
  • aandrethegiantaandrethegiant Member Posts: 3,369 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Threads like this thoroughly amuse me. If exploiters and cheaters spoke I think most of em would say something along the lines of: "Lets see how much we can talk the honest players into thinking we aren't cheating." and "Lets see if the developers think this is cheating." and of course " No it isnt cheating, because the ToS doesnt mention me by my first, middle, and last names and doesnt know my Uncle Louie so those long paragraphs can't be talkin' about me!!"

    Disclaimer: Now I am all for supporting our our returning military and others who need/could heavily benefit from devices designed for enhanced accessibility to make it possible or easier to play for those who need it.


    TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
    No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
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  • gorgothusgorgothus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 46
    edited May 2013
    Threads like this thoroughly amuse me. "Lets see how much we can talk the honest players into thinking we aren't cheating." and "Lets see if the developers think this is cheating." and of course " No it isnt cheating, because the ToS doesnt mention me by my first, middle, and last names and doesnt know my Uncle Louie so those long paragraphs can't be talkin' about me!!"

    Pretty much this ^

    We tackled this question in my psych class long ago,
    "the thought process of the cheaters mind"
    ~FOUNDRY MISSION~ The Village on Ebon Lake ~Check it out!~
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  • theshadowlivestheshadowlives Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Threads like this thoroughly amuse me. "Lets see how much we can talk the honest players into thinking we aren't cheating." and "Lets see if the developers think this is cheating." and of course " No it isnt cheating, because the ToS doesnt mention me by my first, middle, and last names and doesnt know my Uncle Louie so those long paragraphs can't be talkin' about me!!"

    You referring to my inquiry about potential handicap players? It was an honest question. I play regular key for key. The High and Mighty can check my player records. Don't assume to much. If handicapped are not considered, then that is sad and they would have a valid case to complain.
  • xen1912xen1912 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 309 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You referring to my inquiry about potential handicap players? It was an honest question. I play regular key for key. The High and Mighty can check my player records. Don't assume to much. If handicapped are not considered, then that is sad and they would have a valid case to complain.

    no I highly doubt that. this thread and many others have been filled with people checking how much they can cheat without it being called cheating. there are better alternatives for handicapped players than macros btw.

  • theshadowlivestheshadowlives Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    xen1912 wrote: »
    no I highly doubt that. this thread and many others have been filled with people checking how much they can cheat without it being called cheating. there are better alternatives for handicapped players than macros btw.

    Totally understood. Not knowing the mechanics, I had to ask. I coached lacrosse with some handicapped players, so it was the first thing that jumped out at me. Thanks :)
  • walk2kwalk2k Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    if you are using in-game mechanics it's not cheating.
    it may be bad programming/level design, but it's not cheating. those are up to PW to fix.

    if you are using 3rd-party cheat/trainer program then obviously it is.

    3rd-party macro/automation is a grey area, it depends what you are a talking about. if the software can completely automate things so no operator at the keyboard is required, it's probably not allowed, but this is up to PW. if it's just something like a macro that does 2+ things for the press of 1 key, but the player is still required to be there and push the key, it's probably not.

    Completely incorrect. Bugs are unintended or unexpected errors in the programming and using them to gain an unfair advantage is very much against the rules of every MMO. Please do not spread false information.

    10. User Conduct

    You must observe these Terms, all Rules of Conduct, all applicable laws and all basic rules of etiquette and common courtesy when using the Website and the Service. Any conduct that violates the law in an offline, real world community is also a violation of these terms. PWE will not tolerate any illegal or offensive conduct.
    Without limiting the foregoing, in addition to the User Content rules set forth in Section 10 above, you agree not to take any of the following actions:

    (k) Cheat or utilize unauthorized exploits in connection with the Games or the Service;
    (l) Using or exploiting any bugs, errors, or design flaws to obtain unauthorized access to the Service or to gain an unfair advantage over other players,

    PWE may take any actions and impose any penalties we deem necessary to discourage and punish any violation of these terms or any other illegal or inappropriate conduct, all without prior notice or warning. The determination as to whether a violation has occurred and who is responsible for such act is solely within PWE's discretion, and is based on what we deem best for the community and the Website. By using the Website, you agree you will be bound by PWE's determination as to whether a violation has occurred and any penalty we choose to implement.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Nothing here is exploiting, you may farm nodes all day long if you want, that's why they are here. You can also use map design, just don't do it in dungeons, it's quite frustrating for others.

    The only issue may be macros, they are forbidden in the TOS but clearly accepted by the devs of another cryptic game I play (STO), so i don't know... This game has far less stuff to click, and it's possible to use keybinds (which is an in-game feature). As long as it's like a keybind to play pvp for instance it should be ok, but if you want to use it to farm chests or nodes, it may be an exploit.
  • mithrosnomoremithrosnomore Member Posts: 693 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    noyouwont wrote: »
    The gameplay in any game after so long becomes so monotonous to me that the only draw to a game is possession or domination of content. Both of these things require efficiency, and humans are not as efficient as machines, which is why we create them in the first place. One could argue the case that programs written by individuals are just extensions of their will.

    If you want to "push yourself" then push yourself.
    Using macros isn't pushing yourself. It isn't a test of your skills or abilities.

    Programs written by individuals are not an "extension of their will", they are programs.

    If you want to test your programming ability then do that, but that means, at best, that you would write a macro, test it a couple of times, and then not use it any more as you began trying to develop a better macro.

    I would think that making macros for a game is a rather weak way to test your programming skills, though.

    This advise is not correct.
    Games are presented as is and are not intended to be macroed. Some companies will allow simple key stroke macros which are generally available on any middle ranged gaming keyboard/mouse let alone built into the depths of the Windows Operating System but programming any automated service is not going to be tolerated here or anywhere else!

    I don't like to edit individual posts but this one is important enough to clarify the company view(s) on macroes rather than an individual's. Posting an opinion isn't bad but this one is very misleading with information that is just outright unfounded.
  • alignmentsalignments Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    Am I allowed to climb typically out-of-bounds areas?
    You are allowed to but if you do so in order to bypass large portions of dungeons then it very well could be exploiting. If you feel an area is intended to be out-of-bounds and it allows you to bypass large parts of the dungeon faster chances are it's an exploit.

    OMG I cant wait to make my "Secrets of Protectors Enclave" video!
  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 7,415 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    alignments wrote: »
    OMG I cant wait to make my "Secrets of Protectors Enclave" video!

    Bear in mind that the choice of words are "very well could be" and "chances are". Mods generally don't make hard and fast decisions about what constitutes an exploit since they are not PWE staff.

    Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?

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  • kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    walk2k wrote: »
    if you are using in-game mechanics it's not cheating.
    it may be bad programming/level design, but it's not cheating. those are up to PW to fix.

    Bull. If you find some bug that allows you to do something clearly wrong/overpowered/etc (like, say, instakill bosses. or generate millions in fake AD on the auction house), and then instead of reporting it and trying to avoid doing it you just flog the hell out of it over and over and over to get the maximum benefit? You're exploiting.
  • kiraliakiralia Member Posts: 383 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    borrowed from a gm on another game but fits.
  • illemortemillemortem Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    And that pic pretty well sums it up. :)
  • aandrethegiantaandrethegiant Member Posts: 3,369 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You referring to my inquiry about potential handicap players? It was an honest question. I play regular key for key. The High and Mighty can check my player records. Don't assume to much. If handicapped are not considered, then that is sad and they would have a valid case to complain.

    Ahh glad you brought that up. I'll gladly clarify for you. My comment was simply making light of those who are cheating, playing the game in a way it wasnt intended, in order to gain an unfair advantage vs. player or machine. It was in no way referring to our handicapped playerbase, which is probably larger than in most MMO games. In fact, as can be researched on these very forums, I've been advocating for certain devices and software to be coded into Neverwinter so those with a multitude of challenges can play Neverwinter. Few game publishers/developers have taken the challenge up, and I'm still hopeful PW/Cryptic can make inroads on this.

    Here's a post back in March I made on your very topic.

    So for you theshadowlives, and anyone else who may of misconstrued the meaning behind my words, I'll very willingly apologize.

    TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
    No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
    Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
  • theshadowlivestheshadowlives Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ahh glad you brought that up. I'll gladly clarify for you. My comment was simply making light of those who are cheating, playing the game in a way it wasnt intended, in order to gain an unfair advantage vs. player or machine. It was in no way referring to our handicapped playerbase, which is probably larger than in most MMO games. In fact, as can be researched on these very forums, I've been advocating for certain devices and software to be coded into Neverwinter so those with a multitude of challenges can play Neverwinter. Few game publishers/developers have taken the challenge up, and I'm still hopeful PW/Cryptic can make inroads on this.

    Here's a post back in March I made on your very topic.

    So for you theshadowlives, and anyone else who may of misconstrued the meaning behind my words, I'll very willingly apologize.

    Thanks :) I read the posting and you sir, have gained my respect. :)
  • terradraconisterradraconis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If it seems like something is to easy and you have to do something odd to make it work. That is an exploit.

    Simple example the boxes in 1 area are 3 times better than other boxes above or below it in level.

    If you jump up and down and turn left 3 times the box magically refills.

    You all leave the party and rejoin to respawn the boss.

    Oh I don't know anyone with an ounce of common sense would ask WTF are we doing it this way?

    All of that is an exploit. Clear now?

  • terradraconisterradraconis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    xen1912 wrote: »
    there are by the way, a program that does your professions for you. using the gateway. more like a hack really as making a program do the tasks for you for days to get to 20 isn't even being lazy.

    And do you trust that the program isn't stealing your login information and sending it elsewhere? Always be paranoid when you hand your login to anything important to a third party app.

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